- "; "T . . "lllrK- i J PLUMBING is more seasonable now than at any other time in the year. If you have plumbing that should be done for the betterment of sanitary con ditions, you ought to eend for us at once. WE WONT OVERCHARGE but we will guarantee to do your work as well, if not better, than you could have it done elsewhere. 411-413 W 13th St. Golumbus. Neb. ST. KIIWAKII 1'Vomtho AdvittK''. Miss Bell Newman, teacher in the Ml. l'leasant district, was u guest at her Columbus home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. IJnrnicu returned home laBt Saturday from Columbus where they had been visiting Mies Min nie Harnica who is a patient at St. Mary's hospital. Mrs. Marie Lareen died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F.C. Harris, at Newman Grove, at the age of f.0 years. Interment was made Thursday at a cem etery near Fullerton where her husband waB buried nine years ago. MllKI.KY. From the Sun. The farmers' dance in Shelby Tuesday veiling was undoubtedly a record break er for the town in point of attendance, 110 tickets being sold. The participants certainly enjoyed themselves as the dance did not breakup until five o'clock the next morning. .lameH From is takiug a forced vaca tion from work in order to give nature a ihaneo to patch up :i couple of broken ribB which he fractured last Friday in rather a peculiar ninnner. lie went to tun his automobile out or the barn by hand and placing his breast against one or the wheels and taking hold of the spoked with his hands, the machine not btarting to move as easily as expected, he exerted all his strength on the wheel with the result as stated above. ttvtTOIA. From the Ktvonl. Miss Jeannette Itarnea visited in Col umbus the last of the week, the guest of Miss Louise Taylor and Miss Florence Branigan. Mrs. Mary Schmoker or ColumbuB and Mrs. Lydia Coffey spent the latter part or the week at Win. Houser's assist ing in caring for the sick. There were four deaths at Stromsburg Sunday, as follows: John Holmquiet aged fi5, Mrs. Margaret Samuelson aged SI, Mrs. JohanaTroil agedW aud Albert Olson aged IS. The funeral of each was at Stromsburg, except that of Allert Olson whose remains were taken to Saronville for interment. Duncan Hansel has been carrying his arm in a sling as the result of a rather peculiar accident, lie went to Platte Center a couple of weeks ago to visit his brother, who greeted him with a vigor ous hand shake, and there-by dislocat ing his shoulder. A doctor was called, and had to administer an anesthectic be fore the fracture could be reduced. ALBION. From the News. Ling Williamson was exhibiting a novelty in the shape of fruit which had been sent him by Doo Gates from St. Augustine, Florida, They were kum quals, or oranges about the size of an ordinary plum. They were not especial ly fine to eat, but they were surely a nov elty. Ma. Rebecca Dresser passed away at her home in this city last Thursday I ITEMS OF INTEREST FRISCHHOLZ BROS. shoes clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, A. Dussell l Son ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES morning. She had been ill for several weeks and the end came not unexpect edly. She was HI years of age and this was against her recovery. Their early life was spent in Wisconsin and Iowa, but in 1871 they moved to Itoone 0011013', Nebraska, and settled on n claim just north of Albion . They were among the earliest pioneers of the county. In a history of the Albion Methodist church is found this statement: "In the month of April, A. I). 1871, the first white set tlers crossed the Pawnee lleservation and settled on what is now known as Boone county." Mr. Dresser came in the spring of that year and Mrs. Dresser and the girls came in September. i.Eion. From the World. Otto Nelson left Wednesday morning for a two weeks visit with relatives and friends at Newman Grove and Oolnm bns. Mr. and Mrs. Ediv Fritzpatrick drove over to Columbus Saturday evening, for n visit with relatives. Mr. Fritzpatrick returned home Monday accompanied by his brother and Mrs. Fitzpatrick visited in Columbus until Tuesday. Last Friday evening at ten o'clock p. m., the spirit of Misb Olga Kiuntke took its (light. leaving the bod) cold and still in death, complications following the operation for appendicitis a few days he fore being the cause. She was n strong healthy looking young lady almost eigh teen years old and acted as maid of all work at Adolph Glugges. She came over from Germany with her folks a year ago and was just getting used to the ways of our country. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. We have a safe, dependable and alto gether ideal remedy that is particularly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak constitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are bo certain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfaction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guar antee that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing, heal ing, strengthening, tonic and regulative action upon the bowels. They remove all irritation, dryness, soreness and weakness. They restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time without inconvenience, do not cause any griping, nausea, diurrhoea, excessive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c and 10c. Sold only at our store the Rexall store. Pollock fc Co., corner 13th and North streets. Rays and Raise. "Everybody emits rays. An angry man emits violet rays; a contented person emits pinkish rays." "Sounds Interesting. I wonder If my boss would ralt e ten dollar raise of salary!" Louisville Courier-Journal. Columbus. " MOKKOK. from the Bapablicaa. H. J: HOI and Mr. and Mm. Ed Farm er were at the county seat Wednesday of this week. Mm.Cbaa Kelley and Mm. H. L. Smith and daughter Lok vara among the Oolumbsa visitors Thuraday. Bert Bryan left the first of tha for Emporia, Kaa, where hie parents re side, and may remain during the sum mer. The dance given by the Monroe dan cing club Monday evening was well at tended. Musie was furnished by the Oolumbns orchestra, and all report a fine time. J. Will Campbell, who attended the first annual meeting of the yard mana gers of the Walrath & Sherwood Lum ber Co., in Omaha this week, returned home Wednesday evening. Word received by relatives from Har lan Morrow says that he is slowly im proving, and that he had been very sick, the malady being typhoid pnenmonia. Should he continue to mend it is only a question of time until he will have re covered entirely. J. D. Stirea or Columbus, who owns the place occupied by Bert Beckwith last year, is having a new residence built on it . At the time the house burn ed last year the place was rented to Dave Williams, and as he will farm it this year the house had to be ready by spring. Warm weather or the last week is melting the snow and also the ice in the river. At present the ice in the river is from ten to twelve inches thick, and is still strong. The Union Pacific railroad are watching their bridges, both at Ful lerton and Ooluinbue, and making pre parations in event of the ice starting to move. This week A. C. Loucks closed the deal for the Sacrider residence property now occupied by J. C. Read. Mr. Loucks iB at present occnying the W. W. Frank residence, bnt this was sold a short time ago. and the new owner, Mr. Boker, expects to move into it soon, so Mr. taucks bought a property for himself. President Campbell of the Commercial Club will call a meeting of the directors Tor Thursday evening, February lfi. At that time the reports or the two com mittees, the one regarding the bridge and the membership committee, will be heard. There will be other important matters before the board and all mem bers should attend. List Saturday the Platte County Tea chers' meeting was held at Humphrey, and an interesting program was given. Prof. John Engleman, and the Misses Elsie Adams, Anna Potter and Susie Smith were in attendance, making the trip in an auto. Prof. Engleman and Miss Adams took quite an active part in the meeting. The next meeting of the association will be held in Columbus in April, and Prof. Engleman is on the pro gram for a paper. HUMPHREY. From the Duorrat Mr. and aire. Sidney Smith took their seven year old boy down to Columbus Tuesday for an operation for appendici tis, but owing to their inability to get a place in the hospital, they came home and wt-nt down again Wednesday. Just a few weeks ago one of their other chil dren was operated on for appendicitis. W. H. Eimers of Los Angeles, Cali fornia, arrived in town Tuesday morning on business connected with the vacation of the Eimers store building which is taking place this week. Mr. Eimers is trying to interest somebody in putting in a new stock and occupying his build ing, and if he fails in this, he eayp he will return to Humphrey and open up the store himself. There are many who would be pleased to see Mr. Eimers return to Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bender of Oornlea, were in town yesterday on their way to Columbus with' their little daughter who will submit to an operation for appendi citis. The little girl had been in a seri ous condition for some time and it waa thought best to have an operation im mediately for fear the trouble might ap pear again. Mrs. John Ratterman who was at Cornlea assisting in the care of the little girl, returned to her home in company with Mr. and Mrs. Bender. 2ln eastern editor says that a man got into trouble by marrying two wives. A western editor aays that many of them have done the same thing by marrying one. A northern editor aaya that a number of his friends found trouble by merely promising to marry without go ing any farther. A southern editor saya a friend of Ma waa bothered enough when simply found in the company of another man's wife. Which looka very much like it's as much as a man's life is worth to go near a woman, married or single. Mr. and Mrs. John Hallatz, srM cele brated the fiftieth' anniversary of their marriage at the home of their boys, John and Joe east of town last Sunday, and the day was an event long to be re membered by those present. The im mediate relatives and the close neighbors were the only invited guests. Mr. Hall atz is 84 years old and Mia. Hallatz will be 70 years old her next birthday which will be in a short time. An elaborate dinner waa served and the afternoon was most en joyably spent in cards, musie and other enjoyable amusements. Mr. and Mrs. Hallatz have been residents of Platte county for a great many years and they have a host of friends who hope they will be able to live many more years and enjoy good health and happi ness. Nice Selection. She Now that you have looked over my music, what would you like to have me play? He Whist or demlnos.--Boston Traa-script IN OUR NEW HOME Imtkc You will find us better equipped that ever to attend to your wants in Electric Lighting and Electric Irons Let us wire your house Columbus Light, Heat tfc Power Co. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who deeire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S. E. MARTY & CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neb. A Ulsguissa 1 oast. At one time the officers under Lord Howe refused to drink his health at their mess, for, though n splendid ad miral, he was not popular in the navy on account of a certain shyness and want of tact with those about him. The chaplain, who was a protege of his lordship, was mortified at this and determined that the officers should drink to Lord Howe. When called upon for a toast one day he said, "Well, gentlemen, I can think of nothing bet ter at this moment than to ask you to drink the first two words of the Third Psalm, for a Scriptural toast for once may be taken from one of my cloth." The toast was drunk. Not one of the officers Indicated by word or look that he was Ignorant of the words alluded to. On referring to the Bible it was founds that the Third Psalm begins, "Lord, how are they Increased?" Worth Her Weight In Buttar. Curious customs still prevail with regard to marlrage. In some parts of Uganda the custom is to offer sis needles and a pack of India rubber for a wife. Some of the Kaffirs sacrifice oxen. The Tartars of Turkestan give the weight of the prospective wife in butter. In Kamchatka the price va ries from one to ten reindeer. Some savages require a certain amount of labor. Among the aborigines it Is said the current rate for a wife is a box of matches, which prompted a Paris contemporary to speculate whether one of the French government boxes would be accepted. Light an a Dark Subject. Caller There's one question I should like to have answered. When a thought flashes across the intellect does It 'ef fect any molecular changes in the cel lular or muscular tissues composing the material substance of the cerebral mass, or does it operate merely in the realm of the spiritual ego, thereby leaving no trace subject to detection or classification in the domain of sub stantiality? Information Editor (turn ing again to his desk) There is no pre mlum on the coin. Chicago Tribune. Somewhat Different. This question whether a word should have its adverbial or its ad jective form seems to me to have little to do with the sense. Now, what ii the difference between talking loud and talking loudly?" "No difference," replied the pedagog ical friend. "But look here. For a large fee you give legal advice freely, but you dou't give it free. I think that will retain you for awhile." DO YOU WANT TO BUY The bait irrigated land, with the beat water rights, which has produced iom- nor rmn lor me mat u ytr. hit ui. r - - M. k IUU su year. -MaoBibie. 'lenna very mi. rur ir- M.UI..M. nTArma yafv "rr "Z. - - - mr Ucnlara write Iaaac Conner, Omaha, NVU. UNION PACIFIC TMETMLE WBST BOCSD. No. 11 856 am Ho. I 1028am No.il 11:25 am No. 17 3:05 pm No. 15 SSpm No. 3 J."pm No.5 fl:4Gptu No. 21 1140am No. 19 1120am No.2J 838 pm No. 7 25 pm EAST BOUXD. No. 4 ........ No. 12 W U D No 1'..,, ... No. 10.... ... No. 19 No. 22 , No. 20 4:21am 5:21am 2:46 pm 2:16 p ra 3:05 pm 5:57 pm 8pm 120pm 30 pm No.21 12 am No. 8 6:16 pm BBASCBES. HOBFOLK. HPALDIXO A ALBIOX. Xo.77msd. d 720am No.29paa ..d 7:00 pm No.aOpaa ..a 1:10 pm No. 78 mxd..a6:l0 pm No.79mxd..d 6:00 am No.Slpaa ..d 1:30 pm Ne.32pM ..al2J0pm No.0mxd..a7:00im Daily except Sunday. s rot: No. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains. No. 4. 5. U and 14 are local pamengwa. No. 58 and Mar local freight. No. aad IS are mail traiaa onlr. No. 14 das in Omaha 4:45 p. m. Mo. Sao in Omaha 5:00 p.m. C. I. t . Tim Tails Na.S2.Paat. (daily ex. Saaday) laTe....725s m No. 3S, Pit. & Ac (d'jr ex. Satarday ) lv.5ee p m No. 21. Paaa. (daily ex. Sanaa) arriTa..fc20 p m No. It, Frt. & Ae. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..6:15 a m SOWKLIS From the Joaraal. Geo. Palaseteer, a former business man of this place, waa greeting some of his HowaUs frieade laat Saturday, having stopped off oa hie way from bis present hoaaa at.Texko. New Mexico, enroute to hia old hoaae at Oreetoo. He tells us that the dry weather ruined most of tbe crops in New Mexico, as well as in parts of Texaa last year, and that as a result there haa been quite a fall in real estate values. Rudolph AUey, a pioneer settler of Maple Creek precinct, departed this life at Schuyler on Tuesday. For a number of'yeara the deceased has been making hia home in that city with one of hia daughters, Mn. M. Becker. For a year paat hia health has been gradually fail-. isg, and tbe grim messenger came not unexpected. Rudolph Abley was a na tive of Germany, in which country be waa born nearly eighty years ago. When a young man he came to America settling in the far south, and for years worked on the boats that plied up and down tbe lower Miviesippi. From there he came to Colfax county in 1870, or ror ty-one years ago, which means that a little more tbandf of bis life was spent within the bordffs or this county. It waa only a few years after he took up hia residence here that his wire was call ed to the better world, and then came the hard years that all tbe old-timers experienced. Through it all he wan both father and mother to his children, a helpful, tender, christian parent to whom no sacrifice was too great if made for the welfare or his loved ones. He was among one or the first men we learn ed to know ae a boy, 'and throughout all the intervening years we have honored and respected him. It haa been said thai an honeat man is tbe noblest work of the Creator such a man was Rudolph Abley. Ue did hia full share in the upbuilding of our commonwealth, waa a good citizen each and every day he lived in it, was a good neighbor, a most steadfast friend, and a model parent. PLATTK CKNTBB From the Sisnal. , Mrs Max Bruckner entered tbe Col umbus hospital Wednesday and expects to submit to an operation in a few days for an ailment which has caused her much trouble for some time. We made mention h few weeks' ago or the critical illness or Mrs. P. F. Doo.ly at her borne in Cheyenne. Word haa sinced reached us that Mrs. Doody's condition is somewhat improved, but that she is not entirely out or danger, and that Mr. Doody is a patient in a sanitarium at that place, suffering from a serious attack of liver trouble and other complications. We sympathize with the good family in there misfor tunes. Surrounded by five or their sons and one daughter, twenty-nine grand child ren and one great grand child, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Handing celebrated their golden wedding at their home near Oreston last Monday. The wedding vowa were renewed at St. Mary's church during tbe High Nuptial Mass, at 10 o'clock. A large number of people were in attendance at the church during the ceremony. After the services tbe couple repaired to their home for the great cele brationofthe day. All of their rela tives and most intimate friends were present. For some time it had been talked around town that A. G. Parker, tbeU. P. agent here, would quit tbe job unless tbe company would furnish a helper. Monday evening Mr. B. M. Buskirk, from Miller, Neb., arrived and Tuesday morning the business waa turned over to him, Mr. Parker retiring. There is no question about there being more work at tbe Platte Center depot than one man can do and do it right. Mr. Parker has been here over seven years, and has been a faithful servant for the company and haa given satisfaction to tbe public, and they regret that be is compelled to quit. FOR BALD HEADS. A Treatment That Costs Nothing if it 'Fails. We want you to try three large bottles of Rexall iH Hair Tonic on our per sonal guarantee thai the trial will not cost you a penny it it does not give you absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we Bay that Rexall "93" Hair Tonio will grow hair on bahl heads, except where bald ness haa been of such long duration that tbe roots of the hair are entirely dead, the follicles closed and grown over, and the scalp is glazed. Remember, we are basing our state ments upon what has already been accomplished by tbe use of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, and we have the right to assume that what it has done for thous ands of others it will do for yon. In any event you cannot lose anything by giv ing it a trial on our liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50c and 9100. Remember, you can obtain Kexall Remedies in tbia community only at our store the Rexall atore. Pollock & Oo.. corner 13tb and North streets. Saving. Saving produces a peace of mind un known to him who in time of misfor tune must depend on the bounty of bis friends. Determine to save, for will power Is tbe prime essential. Deposit regularly. Lay aside some portion of each week's or month's income. De posit extra and unexpected receipts. Werse Than Hard Word. "Why did you Idll your parrot? The poor bird meant nothing by its pro fanity." "I could stand Its profanity, but it learned to Imitate the lawn mower last summer." Washington Herald. Prayer carries us halfway to God, fasting brings us to the door of his palace, and almsgiving procures us ad Bslsslon. Koran. ROYAL BAKHM C MAKES HOME BBBWBK"-"SBBBBb RuKSH RtBvemaK-pBc. ayB BBvBSBk!?v3-9COb1 BuMMmI and wholesome than the ready made f oaad at the shop or grocery. v ROYAL BAKIMO POWDER CO., NEW YOB. ALL OF ONE NAME. 80 Thsy Had to Tag Each ef tha Many Tom Hazards. Perhaps no community more care fully and frequently set forth Its er ratic fancy than did tbe early settlers of Xarragausett, IL I., of whom W. B. Weeden tells In "Early Ithode Island." Thefe were so many of one name that the bearer must have a descriptive prefix lest he be lost In a concordant multitude. Mr. Updike cites thirty two Tom Hazards living at one time and thus Illustrates a few: College Tom, because be had been at college. Bedford Tom was bis son and lived at Xew Bedford. Barley Tom, because be boasted how much liarley he raised from an acre; Virginia Tom, because he married a wife there; Lit tle Xeck Tom, from the farm of that name; Nailer Tom. tbe blacksmith; Fiddle Head Tom, an obvious resem blance; Pistol Tom, wounded by an explosion of that arm; Young Pistol Tom. his son; Short Stephen's Tom, the father low, against Loug Stephen's Tom, the father tall; Tailor Tom needs no explanation. The Georges were not so numerous, but they were distinguished as Beach Bird George, of little leys; Shoestring George, an opponent of buckles; Wig George, Dr. George and Governor George. Circulating Libraries. Long before the devolution a young printer in PhilauVlpliiu when In bad taken off bis working apron at uight used to sit poring over his dozen of old volumes by firelight. He soon knew them by heart and hungered for more. But books were costly, and he bad but little money. He had eight or ten oroides, young mun who. like himself, were eager for knowledge; Ranging bis books on a shelf, he invited his friends to do tbe same, that earn of them might have the benefit of them nil. Ben Franklin thus laid the foun dation of the first circulating library In this country. On Pa. "My son." said Harker as In pointed to the Ivy in front of the co;ta-. "al ways lie like th( vine cilmli." The little boy was thoughtful. "1 don't think I'd want to be like that vine," he responded seriously. "And why not. Tommy':" '"Cause If 1 was I'd Ijj a imreb climber." Chicago News. The Only Time. Thomas Dad. when is the freedom of the city given to a man? Dad When his wife goes to the country for the summer. Harper's Bazar. Every age has Its problem, by solv ing which humanity is belficd forward. Helmlch Heine. $2 5 To California and the Pacific Northwest Low One Way Coloniat Rates March 10. to April 10, 1911 VIA-- UNION PACIFIC Standard Road of the Wert ELECTRIC BLOCK SIGNALS DUSTLESS, PERFECT TRACK EXCELLENT DINING CARS For literature and information relative to fare?, routes, etc , call on or address ELLIS G. BROWN, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA POWDER BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts wOL fhe loo Is Haer, more tasty; clesjaly A LIFE FOR A LIFE. Cheerful New Guinea Custem Whieh CauMs Fraqusnt Murders. Everywhere In New Guinea the traveler is continually brought face to face with death, and the natives are devoid of the slightest pity or respect for the dead or dying, although after a death they will often wall aad mourn for a considerable time Murder is an everyday occurrence, and nothing could be worse than the morals of the natives. In fact, they have none. They thieve and lie with a persistence and cunning which are surprising. The Papuans have a cheerful cus tom which demands a life for a life. Should nny one die at the first oppor tunity they kill some one they are not very particular whom to make up for It "While we were at Humbokl bay," says Professor Pratt In the Wide World Magazine, "a Malay died of dropsy. He was the first Malay who had ever come to that part, and the Papuans greatly respected him. "'Very well,' they said, we mast shoot n Malay with our bows aad ar rows to pay for his death.' And soon er or later some innocent person would be killed to square the account, when everybody except, presumably; the victim's friends would be satiafled." Hazing Him. "Mr. Chairman." said the new ber of the literary dub, "I move ye. sir" "I rise to a point of order. Mr. C lalr man." interrupted ono of the other members. "State your point of order." "Tbe gentleman says 'I move you.' It is not only out of order but utterly absurd, for aman of 114 pounds to talk of moving a chairman who weighs 300." "The point is well takenl" roared the presiding oflicer. bringing his gravel down with a resounding thud. "The gentleman will merely movtf or take his seat!" Chicago Tribune. A Cant. A cent Is a little thing, but In the ag gregate it Is mighty. Welpeak of tha "copper cent." but it is not eatlrely copper. Its composition is 95 per cent ropner. 3 per cent tin and 2 per ceHt ziuc. That alloy Is In reality bronze, and the official name of tbe cent Is "bronze." There used to be a copper cent, but an act discontinuing Its coin age was passed In 1857. For seven years (1857-G1) we had a nickel cent and up to 1857 a copper half cent. Tha Joke en Her. "I suppose being the wife of a hu morist Is a continuous joke." said hex former schoolmate. "Yes." she sadly sighed. looking at ber faded and old fashioned gowB, "aud It's on me." Exchange.