t?j-QfrJ2.J" - OWES HER GIRL 4r y r y .f m u.i.f F SYNOPSIS. At the expense of a sollpfl hat Herbert Orme saves from arrest a cirl in a black touring car who has caused a traffic jam or St.ite strevt. He buys n now hat and Is Kivon a hve dollar bill with: "Remem ber the person you T-ay this to," written on It. A second time he luljts the plrl In the Hark ear and learns that in Tom and Bessie WallinRham they have mutual friends, but Kets no further hint of her Jdentitv. I It- discovers another inscrip tion on the mark-d bill, which in a futile attempt to decipher It. he copies and places the ropy in a drawer In his apart ment. Senor Poritcl. South American, calls and claims the marked bill. Orme refuses, and a flsht ensues in which I'ori tol is overcome. He calls in Senor Al catrante. minister from his country, to vouch for him. Orme still iefuse. to fdve up the bill. Ho learns that a Jap has called for him. Orme rocs for a walk and sees two Japs attack Al-itrante. He rescues him. The minister tri-s diplo nacv. but fa'ls to Ret th- marked 1)511. Iiettirninp to his rooms Orme is attacked bv txvo Japs who effect a forcible ex change of the mark.l bill for another. Orme linds the rfrl of the black car wait inn for him. She .il?o wants the bill. Orme tells his ftory. Sii" recinizH one of the Jnpa as her father's butler. Maku. CHAPTER IV. Continued. The girl laughed. "It was really ridiculous. He over-speeded and was caught by one of those roadside motor car traps, 10 or 12 miles out in the country. They timed him, and stopped him by a bar across the road. From what the detective says. I judge ho -was frightened almost to speechless ness. Ho may have thought that he was being arrested for stealing t'ao car. When they dragged him before the country justice, who was sitting under a tree near by. ho was white tnd trembling. "They fined him $10. lie had In his pocket only $1 1.(53. and the marked bill was nearly half the sum. He "begged them to let him go offered them his watch, his ring, his scarf pin but the justice insisted on cash. Then he told them that the bill had a formula on It that was valuable to him and no one else. "The Justice was obdurate, and Mr. Toritol finally hit on the device which you havo seen. It fitted in well with his sense of the theatrical; and the .detective says that thcro was not a fcrap of paper at hand. The point wa3 that Mr. Poritol was more afraid Dt delay than anything else. He knew that I would put some one on his rack." "When did all this happen?" asked Orme. "Yesterday afternoon. Mr. Poritol came back to Chicago by trolley and got some money. He went back to the country Justice and discovered that the marked bill had been paid out. He has followed it through several persons to you, just as Maku did, and as I have done. But I heard nothing of the Japanese." "You shouldn't have attempted this clone," said Orme, solicitously. She smiled faintly. "I dared not let nnyono Into the secret. 1 was afraid that a detective might learn too much." She sighed wearily. "I have been on tho trail since morning." "And how did you finally get my ad dress?" "Tho man who paid the bill in at the hat shop lives In Hyde Park. I did not get to him until this evening, while he was at dinner. He directed me to tho hat shop, which, of course, was closed. I found the address of the owner of the shop in the directory and went to his house. He remem l)ered the bill, and gave mo the ad dresses ol his two clerks. The second clerk I saw proved to be the one who bad paid tho bill to you. Luckily he remembered your address. Orme Btirred himself. -"Then the Japanese have the directions for find ing the papers." "My predicament." said the girl. "Is complicated by tho question whether the bill does actually carry definite directions." "It carries something a set of ab breviations," said Orme, "But I could not make them out. Let us hope that the Japanese can't. The best course lor us to take is to go at once to see "Walsh, the burglar." He assumed that she would accept liis aid. "That is good of you," she said. "But it seems a little hopeless, doesn't It?" "Why? What else can we do? I suppose you saw to it that no one else should have access to Walsh." "Yes, father arranged that by tele phone. The man is In solitary con finement. Several persons tried to see him today, on tho plea of being rela tives. Xone of them was admitted." " What money king was this girl's lather, that ho could thus regulate the treatment of prisoners? "So there were abbreviations on tho bill?" she asked. "Yes. They weren't very elaborate, and 1 puzzled over them for some time. TJie curious fact is that, for all my study of them, I can't remem ber much of anything about them. "What I have since been through, ap parently, has driven the letters out of my head." "Oh, do try to remember," she Im plored. "Even if you recall only one or two bits of it, they may help me." "There was something about a man named Evans." he began. "S. R. Evans, it was." "Evans? That Is strange. I can't think how any one of that name could ho involved-" The Vitality It Clings to a Rsce with as Much Tenacity as Does Its Na tive Color. Nothing clings to a race more tena ciously than its native tongue, unless it be its native color. After SO years of effort to spread the English lan guage, the home tongue of the full blooded Hawaiian is his aboriginal jar gon. Exclusive of the half-whites in "Then S. It. Evans is not your fa ther?" ho ventured. "Oh, no." She laughed a light little laugh. "My father is but are you sure that the name was Evans?" "Quite sure. Then there was the abbreviation 'Chi.' which I took to mean 'Chicago." "Yes?" she breathed. "And there were numerals a num ber, then the letter N.;' another num ber, followed by the letter 'E..' So far north, so far east, I read it though I couldn't make out whether tho numbers stood for feet or paces or miles." "Yes, yes," she -whispered. Her eyes wero intent on his. They seemed to wili him to remember. "What else was there?" "Odd letters, which meant nothing to me. It's annoying, but I simply can't recall them. Believe me, I should like to." "Perhaps you will a little later," she said. "I'm sorry to be such a bother to you." "Bother!" "But it does mean eo much, tho tracing of this bill." "Shall we go to see Walsh?" he asked. "I suppose so." Sho sighed. Ap parently she was discouraged. "But even if he gives the information, it may be too late. The Japanese have the directions." "But perhaps they will not be able to make them out," he suggested. She smiled. "You don't know the Japanese," she said. "They are abominably clever at such things. I will venture that they are already on their way to the hiding-place." "But even if the papers are in the pocket of one of them, it may be pos sible to steal them back." "Hardly." She arose. "I fear that the one chance is tho mere possibil ity that Maku couldn't read the direc tions. Then, if Walsh will speak out" "Now, let me say something," he said. "My name is Robert Orme. Apparently we have common friends in the Walllnghams. When I first saw j-ou this afternoon, I felt that I might have a right to your acquaint ance a social right, if you like; a sympathetic right, I trust" He held out his hand. She took it frankly, and the friendly pressure of her fine, firm palm sent the blood tingling through him. "I am sorry," she said, "that I can't give you my name. It would be un fair Just now unfair to others; for if you knew who I am, it might give you a clue to the secret I guard." "Some day, I hope, I may know," he said gravely. "But your present wish Is my law. It is good of you to let me try to help you." At the same instant they became conscious that their hands were still clasped. The girl blushed, and gently drew hers away. "I shall call you Girl," Orme added. "A name I like," she said. "My fa ther uses It Oh, If I only knew what that burglar wrote on the bill!" Orme started. What a fool he had been! Here he was, trying to help tho girl, forcing her to the long, tired recital of her story, when all the time he held her secret in the table in his sitting-room. For there was still the paper on which he had copied the abbreviated directions. "Wait here," he said sharply, and without answering the look of sur prise on her face, hurried from the room and to the elevator. A few moments later he was back, the sheet of paper in his hand. "I can't forgive my own stupidity." he said. "While I was puzzling over the bill this evening I copied the secret on a sheet of paper. When Poritol came I put it away in a drawer and forgot all about it But here it is." He laid the paper on the little, useless onyx table that stood beside her chair. She snatched it quickly and began to examine it closely. "Perhaps you can imagine how those letters puzzled me," he volun teered. "Hush!" she exclaimed; and then: "Oh, this is plain. You wouldn't know, of course, but I see It clearly. There is no time to lose." "You are going to follow this clue now tonight?" "Maku will read it on the bill, and oh, these Japanese! If you have one in your kitchen, you never know whether he's a jinrlksha man, a col lego student, or a vIce-admlraL" "You will let me go with you?" Orme was trembling for the answer. He was still in the dark, and did not know how far she would feel that she could accept his aid. "I may need you, Mr. Orme," she said simply. It pleased him that she brought up no question of possible inconvenience to him. With her, he realized, only direct relations were possible. "How much of a journey is lt?"he ventured to. ask. "Not very long. I intend to be mysterious about it" She smiled brightly. Her face had lighted up wonderrully since he gave her the paper that contained tho secret of the bill. But he knew that she must be tired; so he said: "Can't you send me of Language these islands there is but one family that talks the English language in Its home. All the rest are as true to their inherited tongue as they are to their racial hue. For a hundred years the Creoles of Louisiana have been subject to Amer ican influences, yet the ratio of those who talk English at all is disappoint ing. French is their habitual language A Figure Swung From the Lower alone on this errand? It may be late before It Is done, and " "And 1 will not sit and rest while you do all the work. Besides, I can not forego the excitement of tho chase " He was selfishly glad In her answer. "Do we walk?" he asked. "We will go In the motor," she said. "Where is It?" "I left It around tho corner. The thought came to me that Mr. Poritol might be here, and I didn't wish him to recognize it" Orme thought of the hard quest the girl had followed that day bat tling for her father's Interests. What kind of a man could that father be to let his daughter thus go into diffi culties alone? But she bad said that her father was unable to leave the house. Probably he did not know how serious the adventure might be. Or was the loss of the papers so desper ate that even a daughter must run risks? Together they went out to the street Orrne caught a dubious glance from the cleric, as they passed through the lobby, and he resented it Surely anyone could Bee The girl led the way around the corner into a side street There stood the car. He helped her In and with out a word saw that she was restfully and comfortably placed In the seat next to the chauffeur's. She did not resist the implication of his mastery. He cranked up, leaped to the seat beside her, and took the levers. "Which way. Girl?" he asked. "North," she answered. The big car swung out In the Lake Shore Drive and turned in the direc tion of Lincoln park. CHAPTER V. "Evans, S. R." Tho car ran silently through the park and out on the broad Sheridan road. Orme put on as much speed as was safe in a district where there were so many police. From time to time the girl indicated the direction with a word or two. She seemed to be using the opportunity to rest, for her attitude was relaxed. The hour was about eleven, and the streets were as yet by no means de serted. As they swung along Orme was pleased by the transition from the ugliness of central Chicago to the beauty of suburbs doubly beauti ful by night The great highway fol lowed the lake, and occasionally, above the muffled hum of tho motor, Orme could hear the lapping of the wavelets on the beach. The girl roused herself. Her bear ing was again confident and un tired. "Have you been up this way before?" she asked. "No. GirL" "This is Buena park we are passing now. We shall soon reach the city limits." Clouds had been gathering, and suddenly raindrops began to strike their faces. The girl drew her cloak most closely about her. Orme looked to see that she was protected, and she smiled back with a brave attempt j at home and their customary language abroad. The French Canadian wants to remain French and usually succeeds. He speaks the Gallic tongue in the privacy of his domicile, he keeps books, preaches, traffics and swears in French. Yet he has been under the English flag and English laws for m6re than a century and a half. The Spanish tongue has shown great staying powers in New Mexico and is yet the dominating language in the plateau section of the territory. After 51 years of territorial organization. Branch Apparently Without Haste. at cheerful comradeship. "Don't worry about me," sho said. "I'm quite dry." With that she leaned back and drew from the tonneau a light robe, which she threw about his shoulders. The act was an act of partnership merely, but Orme let himself Imagine an evidence of solicitude In her thoughtfulness. And then he demand ed of himself almost angrily: "What right have I to think such thoughts? She has known me only an hour." But to him that hour was as a year, so rich was Its experience. He found himself recalling her every change of expression, her every char acteristic gesture. "She has accepted mo as a friend," he thought, warmly. But tho joy of the thought was modi fied by the unwelcome reflection that the girl had had no choice. Still, he knew that at least she trusted him, or she would never have let him ac company her, even though she seri ously needed protection. They were passing, a great ceme tery. The shower had quickly ended. The white stones and monuments fled by the car like dim and frightened ghosts. And now the car swung along with fine houses, sot back in roomy grounds, at the left the lake at the right "Do you know this city?" tho girl asked. "I think not Have wo passed the Chicago limits?" "Yes. We are In Evanston." "Evanston!" Orme had a glimmer. The girl turned and smiled at him. "Evanston Sheridan oad." "Evans S. R.!" exclaimed Orme. She laughed a low laugh. "Ah, Monsieur Dupin!" she said. Speeding along the lake front, the rend turned suddenly to the left and west, skirting a large grove of trees which hugged the shore. Just at the turn was a low brick building on the beach. "The life-saving station." ex plained the girl; "and these are the grounds of the university. The road goes around the campus, and strikes the lake again a mile or more farther north." Large buildings were at their right after they turned. Orme noted that they were scattered among the trees some near the street, some at a dis tance back. Then the road again turned to the north, at a point where less imposing streets broke in from the west and south. "Stop at this corner," said the girt. Orme threw on the brakes. "We are in Evanston, on the Sheri dan road," she said, "and this street cutting in from the south Is Chicago avenue." " 'Chi. A.!"' exclaimed Orme. She had taken the paper from the pocket of her coat, and was scan ning it closely. "One hundred paces north and two hundred and ten east 'T.' must mean 'tree.'" Orme jumped to the ground. He noticed that the university grounds were cut off from the street by an iron fence. There was a gate at the corner by which they had stopped. The gate was net closed. If It were customary to shut it at night, there had been some neglect on this partic ular evening. with English-speaking common schools and courts, New Mexico is only able to report a slight leavening of the Spanish speech among the people of Latin blood who live in the lowland country. We are now teaching Eng lish in the Philippines, but it is a safe prediction that after a hundred years of assiduous work we will find that the Filipino still cherishes his native tongue. Buenos Aires is called the town of many languages. There are few cities in the world having more newspapers IttNNMTERtiEHMN conraroHT 1909 gy vodd,viwd 3 cornAxrar "You'd better go In through ths gate," 6aid the girl, "and follow the west fence northward for 100 paces. Then turn east, at right angles and go 210 paces I suppose it must be paces, no feet" "Yes, ' said Orme. "That would be the natural way for a burglar in a hurry to-measure." "I will move the car north on Sheri dan road a little way," she went on, "so as not to be In the glare of this street light" This was the first evidence she had shown of nervousness, and Orme sud denly realized that enemies might be lurking among the trees. "It might be well for you to take the electric hand-lamp," she added. It's in tho kit-box. I think." He looked in the kit-box, but the lamp was not there. He told her so. "Maku may have stolen It," she said. Orme slipped a heavy wrench into his pocket and closed the kit-box. With the girl, he avoided any refer ence to the possible presence of the Japanese among the trees, but know ing that he was no match for them unarmed, with their skill in jiu-jitsu, he resolved to be in some measure prepared. He walked through the gate and began to pace northward, keeping close to the fence and counting his steps. Meantime the car followed his course, moving along the side of the road just west of the fence. Orme counted his hundred paces north, then turned cast He saw that the 210 paces which he now had to take would carry him well over toward the lake. The girl evidently had not realized how great the distance would be. She would be nearer him, if she turned back to the corner and followed the Sheridan road eastward toward the life-saving station, but Orme did not suggest this to her, though the car was within twenty feet of him, the other side of the fence. If there should be a strug gle, it would please him just as well that she should be out of hearing, for her anxiety, he knew, was al ready great, though she kept It close ly under control. Eastward he went through the trees. When he had covered about half the distance he found himself approaching the side of a large build ing. There must be some mistake. Had he deviated so widely, from tho course? In leaving the fence he had taken sights as carefully as ho could. Then the explanation struck him. Wal3h, the burglar, had probably paced in eastward from the fence and come to the building just as he had. There was no good hiding-place ap parent near at hand, and Walsh would hardly have retraced his steps. What, then, would he have done? Orme asked himself. Why, he would have turned north or south. Orme looked In both directions. North and south of the building were open drivewr.ys. Walsh must have gone around the building, then con tinued eastward. This is what Ormo now proceeded to do. Remembering tho number of paces to the side ox the building, he chose the northwa:d course, because there was less light north of the building. He hugged the side of the building, counting his steps, and, after reaching the corner, turned eastward. He now counted his paces along the northern side of the building. When he reached the corner of the eastern side of the building, he paced as far southward on the east ern side as he had gone northward on the western side, and on reaching a point due east of the place at which he had origirally come to the build ing, he added the number of paces from the fence to the building to the number of paces he had taken along the northern side of the building, and continued eastward toward the lake. At the two hundredth pace he stopped to rcconnoiter. Not more than two hundred feet ahead of him he could see dimly, through the tree trunks, the expanse of the' lake. There was no sound, no evidence that any other person was near. He proceeded cautiously for ten paces. Many trees were near him. He would have to examine all of them, for it was hardly possible that he had followed Walsh's course with unerring exactness. If the tree was within twenty feet of him north or south, that was as much as he could expect One thing was clear to him. Walsh had probably chosen a tree that could easily be distinguished from the others, either by its size or by some peculiarity of form. Also, the tree must have a hollow place in which the envelope could be con cealed. Orme now decided that Walsh must have found bis tree first and then paced westward to the fence. The even number, 100 paces north from the gate, could be only a coinci dence. A little to his left Orme discovered a trunk much larger than its neigh bors. It ran up smoothly about eight feet to the first limb. An agile man could easily get up to this limb and pull himself into the branches. A cavity such as are so common in oaks, would furnish a good place for hiding the envelope away. and of such varied tongues than the capital of the Argentine Republic Al together the number of dailies, week lies, monthlies, and irregulars pub lished aggregates ISO. Besides, of course, the "national language," with 'its wide divergencies from Spanish, there are papers published in Catalan, in Italian. French, German and Eng lish, in Basque, in Norwegian and in Danish, in Arabic, Syrian, Hebraic, Servian, and in several dialects, while in the Chubut territory a Welsh organ has considerable sale and influence. He looked up. Suddenly a light ap peared among the branches. It was a short ray, striking against the trunk. Before Orme could realize what was happening a band appeared in the little bar of radiance and was la sorted apparently into the trunk of the tree. A moment later it was withdrawn. It held an oblong of white. Involuntarily Orme took a step for ward. A twig cracked under his foot. Instantly the light went out Orme drew tho wrench from his pocket and stood tense. There was no other tree quite close enough for the man above him to spring to Its branches. He would have to drop near Orme. Standing there, the wrench In his hand, Orme felt that the advantage was hi3. He heard rustlings in the branches above his head and kept himself alert to guard against the man dropping on his shoulders. To strike the Japanese down as he dropped from the tree, that was his plan. But meantime, where was the other Japanese? Was he among the near shadows? If so, he might evea now be creeping stealthily toward Orme. The likelihood of such an at tack was disconcerting to think of. But as Ofme was wondering about it, it occurred to him 'that the man in tho tree would not have gone on guard so quickly, if his confederate were near at hand. It was natural that be should have put the light out, but would he not immediately after ward have given some slenal to the friend below? And would he not take it for granted that, were a stranger near, his watcher would have man aged to give warning? No, the other Japaneso could not be on guard. Perhaps, thought Orme, only one of them had come on this quest He hoped that this might be the case. He could deal with one. The man in the tree was taking his own time to descend. Doubtless he would await a favorable moment, then alighting on the ground as far from Orme as possible, make off at top speed. But now, to Orme's surprise, a flgj ure swung from the lower branch ap parently without haste. Once on the ground, however, the stranger leaped toward Orme. An intuition led Orme to thrust out his left arm. It was quickly seized, but before the assailant couM twist it, Orme struck out with the wrench,' which was In his right hand. Swift though the motion was, his opponent threw up his free arm and partly broke tho force of the blow. But the wrench reached his forehead never theless, and with a little moan, he dropped to tho ground in a heap. As Orme knelt to search the man, another figure swung from the tree and darted northward, disappearing in the darkness. Orme did not pursue it was useless but a sickening in tuition told him that the man who had escaped was the man who had the envelope. He struck a match. The man on the ground was moving uneasily and moaning. There was a scar on his forehead. It was Maku. Ho went through the unconscious man's pockets. There was no enve lope such as he was looking for, but he did find a folded slip of paper which he thrust into his own pocket A discovery that interested him, though it was not now important, he made by the light of a second match. It was the marked five-dollar bilL He would have liked to take it as a souvenir. If for no other reason, but time was short and Maku, who evi dently was not seriously hurt, showed signs of returning consciousnes. Another occurrence also hastened him. A man was strolling along the lake short, not far away. Orme had not Been his approach, though he was distinctly outlined against the open background of lake and sky. The stranger stopped. The striking of the two matches had attracted his attention. "Havo you lost something?" he called. "No," Orme replied. The man started toward Orme, aa If to investigate, and then Orme no ticed that outlined on his head was a policeman's helmet To be found going through the pockets of an unconscious man was not to Orme's liking. It might be possible to explain the situation well enough to satisfy the local authori ties, but that would involve delays fatal to any further effort to catch the man with the envelope. (TO BE CONTINUED.) India's National Dish. Rice and curry is the national dish in India. Just barely enough curry to flavor, and each grain when cooked is puffed up all by itself of snowy lightness. Small quantities of meat, or dried fish, are served with the cur ry sauce, freshly made of cocoanut water, peppers, tumeric, etc The West African and West Indian do not use curry, but season by boiling it with a piece of salt fish, salt pork or chicken. Polished rice Is a cheat, and eaten exclusively Is deadly, so should by right and law be kept out of New York. That Ancient Judge. The ancients certainly were great, as we can learn by reading. Thse was a Roman magistrate who fined himself for speeding. He gave him self a dressing down, evincing due re pentance; acquired a lot of cheap re sown and then suspended sentence. The Popular M. D. Flint Have you any divine dealers out your way. old man? Flyrte Have we? Say, there's a young woman doctor next hot- that' a peacherino. HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound Scottvilte, Mich. "I want to tell you how much good LydiaE.PInkham'a vegetable com pound and SanauTS Wash have done msv I live on a farm ana have worked verj hard. I am forty five vears old. ana i: am the mother of ? thirteen children. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and tho care of mv fam. ily, but I tell them of my good friend, ?our Vegetable Compound, and that here will be no backache and bearing' down pains for them if they will take it as I havo. I am scarcely ever with, out it in the house. "I will say also that I think there il so better medicine to be found' fot ?oung girls to build them up and make hem strong and well. My eldest daughter has taken Lydia . Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound for pain? ful periods and irregularity, and it has always helped her. "I am always ready and willing to epcak a good word for tho Lydia E. Pinkham s Remedies. I tell every one I meet that I owe my health and hap piness to these wonderful medicines Mrs. J.G. Jonxsox,Scottville,MIch mD. 3. Lydia E.Flnkham'8 Vegetable Com. Txiund, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm, ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures Of terrain diseases. Harvest Time in Florida For tho farmers oi tho Pcnsacola Dis trict. Seventeen cents a day will let you In on a flvo acre truck farm. Wrlta to us today for our booklet describing how we help our farmers make good. Our ol! expert and demonstration farm maka mistakes impossible. PEUSACOLA REALTY COMPANY, Pentacela. Karl SENT HAIL TO THE MOON Embryo Man-of-war's Man at Last Convinced Officer He Was At tending to His Duty. This is the story of one of the mem bers of the Massachusetts Naval Re serves. On the second night of the cruise of the San Francisco one of the amateur tars was on watch. The night was clear, and myriads of stars twinkled in the sky, hut there was no moon. Suddenly the reserve sang out. "Light aboy!" "Where away?" asked the officer of the deck. "Far, far away," replied the would-be man-of-war's man. When the officer had re covered from the shock occasioned by this unseamanlike answer he looked over tho rail in the direction indi cated by the reserve's finger, and then he had another fit. "What's the matter with you?" growled the officer. "Can't you recognize the rising moon when you see it?" "Moon! moon!" stammered the embryo sea dog. "I beg your pardon, sir! Then he shouted, as if making amends for bit error, "Moon ahoy!" As It Appeared in Print. Senator Newlands of Nevada war oaring in debate one day. soaring K; high he "bit the ceiling." He realize, he was getting a trifle flowery and to excuse himself said: "Indeed. Mr. President, perfervld oratory may bo pardoned, for this subject furnishes all the food eloquence needs." That sounded pretty good to Mr. Newlands, but he was a bit abashed when he read In the Congressional Record next day that he asserted his topic "furnished all the food elephants need." Disapproving Constituents. "How Is your member of congress spending the holidays?" "Doin nothln at home Instead of la Washington." A woman's Idea of a great financier Is a man who can straighten out her expense account. When the millennium comes there will be schools to which Janitors and railway porters 'will be sent to learn something about ventilation. Even a stingy man loosens up when asked for advice. RESULTS OF FOOD. Health and Natural Conditions Come From Right Feeding. Man, physically, should be like a perfectly regulated machine, each part working easily In its appropri ate place. A slight derangement causc3 undue friction and wear, and frequently ruins the entiro system. A well-known educator of Boston found a way to keep tho brain and the body In that harmonious co-operation which makes a Joy of living. "Two years ago," sho writes, "being In a condition of nervous exhaustion, I resigned my position as teacher, which I had held for over 40 years. Sinco then the entire rest has, of course, been a benefit, but the use of Grape-Nuts has removed cne great cause of illness in the past, namely, constipation, and its attendant evils. "I generally make my entiro break fast en a raw egg beaten into four spoonfuls of Grape-Nuts, with a little hot milk or hot water added. I like It extremely, my food assimilates, and my bowels take caro of themselves. I find my brain power and physical endurance much greater and I know that the use of tho Grape-Nuts has ccntributed largely to this result "It is with feelings of gratitude that I write this testimonial, and trust it may be the means of aiding others In their search for health." Name given by Postuxn Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Rea son." Kver reed the aliOTe. letter? A cue appnrn frem ttate to tine. They r t Rrvniae, trae, aad fall f hasaaa intercut. fm!Tm'mm!mw7!Fi Me f9S?: tv .wv-.-v.wi !"! ti