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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1911)
-i w. 2." "CS- X S3 (fohtmlms FOKTY-FHtST YEAR. NUMBER 46. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1911. WHOLE NUMBER 2,048. (UliriXwK: J $2,600 Is Very Reasonable for a new Dwell ing, Barn and two lots. East 14th Street BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MARKET8. Rye M OtitB 23 Wheat 7C White Corn "-0 Yellow Corn W Hogs, top $0.00 to $0.70 MANY YEARS AGO Files of the Journal February 20, 1878. A judge recently decided that in order to he bo drunk that it tnan would not be responsible for murder committed, it must be to such a degree that he would not know how to Are a pistol. (;. W. Fulton's arithmetic does not let him out. lie received a pair of pigs some time since, express charges $2.(10. lie received another pair last week, from the mi me place, over the same lines, the charges being $:.!I5. He is inclined to think the railroad company has gone to multiplying instead of adding. Charles Smith, u half breed from the Spotted Tail agency, accompanied by several Indians, crossed over into Nebr-" uaka the other, day und stole seven horses, with which they returned to the Indian agency. .Smith has been arrest ed, and after being placed in the guard house, shot himself through the body. Uis wound will not prove fatal. Captain I). D. Wadsworth has been assured by his attorneys in Washingion that his wind mill is patentable, and he has prepared here a very neat little model, showing the engine entire. Chaa. Schroeder of the foundry, did the iron work, Mr. Olson the carpenter work, Mr. Albrecht the painting, and it is certainly a model of good workmanship in every particular. The captain has bestowed a rood deal of thought upon this mill, and Huems to have provided for every emer gency of the winds. We hope that it may prove in his bauds a grand success und give the fanners of the prairies a cheap, good mill. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing February 15, 1911: tatters -F. E. Anderson, James M. Hums. Frank Galler. Marie Hanecar, II. J. Holoiub, Miss Grace llolton, A. E Tinnier. C. CI. Walters. Cards- James M. Burns, Mrs. Ida Fainter,.!. C Heitz, Edward Shaffer, Mre. 1). W. West. Parties calling for any of the above will plenee say, "advertised." W. A. McAllister, l M. Route No. 4. Mrs. A. Miksch is reported very sick. John Dodds returned last Saturday from Cambridge, Neb. Ducks are quite plentiful and the hunters are beginning to get busy. Mr. and Mrs. Pius Poeffel are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl at their home on February S. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specialty D. G. KAVANAUGH Los Angeles trains No. 7 and 8, which were discontinued about a week ago, are again in service, the damage on the Salt Lake road having been repaired. The night train for the improvement of the mail servioe, has not materialized. The proposition to have the Grand Island local leave Omaha about midnight met with strenuous opposition from the peo ple of Pspillion and other towns on the old main line, and they took the matter up with the railway commission, and the hearing was held Monday of this week, and by making a few changes the schednle submitted by the Union PaciGo was accepted by the commission. The changes, which will probably go into ef fect next Sunday, changes the leaving time of the Grand Island local from Omaha from 5:30 p. m., to about 11:0 p. in., and in place of this one of the fast trains, probably No. 5, will run via the old main line to lane and make all the local stops between Omaha and Grand Island. Nos. '21 and 22 will only ran to Grand Island, but their present time will not be changed. West of Grand Island anew train will be put on each way. These trains will leave both North Platte and Grand Island early in the morning, doing the local work and will be known as Nos. 25 and 2f. The new arrangement should prove satisfactory as it will give the same mail service that was in effect before Nos. 13 and 14 were taken off, and also provide accomoda tions for those who wish to loave Omaha for the west on a late train. After an illness of over a year, Mrs. Mary Jane Jones, mother of C. E. Jones, died at the home of her son last Friday, death being due to old age. Mrs. Jones was born in Pennsylvania Ootober 2, 1833. On April 3, 1855 she was married to Edward Jones, who died November 17, 1881, at Bryan, Ohio, since which time she has made her home with her son, C. E. Jones. She is survived by six chil dren, Frank Jones, and Mrs. J. L. Lowe of Bryan, Ohio, Mrs. E. W. McOonnely of Grand Rapids. Mich., Geo. W. Jones of Krebs, Okla., Hirandia M. Jones of Concord. Mont., and Chas E. Jones of this city. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the home of her son at 1410 Olive street, and were con ducted by Hey. O. W. Ray, pastor of the Methodist churoh . A. R. Foster, a resident of this city for a number of years, died Snnday at the home of his son, J. M. Foster, in Perry, la Mr. Foster came to this city with his wife from South Omaha, and bnilt a residence in the northwest part of the city. Here he resided for a number of years and at one time was an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island. Returning to this city he and his wife occupied their home until the death of Mrs. Foster, who is buried here. After the death of his wife he went to Perry, la., where he has since made his home. Mr. Foster was a veteran of the civil war, but during his stay here was not a member of Baker Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Tuesday afternoon Union Pacific fast mail No. 20 struck and instantly killed James Stingley, who was crossing the tracks between Silver Creek and Gard ner. The accident occurred about 2:30 and Mr. Stingley was on his way to Sil ver Greek in a single buggy and was at the crossing near the Wooster farm . The horse was killed and the buggy de molished, and Mr. Stingley was thrown seventy feet, striking the rail of the oppo site track, killing him instantly. The deceased was eighty years of age and bad been a resident of that locality for twenty years, and wbb a veteran of the civil war and a member of the Grand Army post. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, February 21 and 22, the state encamp ment of the Nebraska division, Sons of Veterans, will he held in this city, the sessions being called in Grand Army hall on Eleventh street. H. B. Reed of this city is division commander and a num ber of the other officers are residents of this city. Representatives from the different camps in the state will be pres ent and besides other business, division officers for the coming year will be elect ed. During the encampment the dele gates and visitors will be given a recep tion by the local camp of Sons of Vet erans and the Ladies' Auxiliary. Walter William Houser, eighteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Houser of Clear Creek precinct, Polk county, died lest Friday morning of pneumonia. He was taken sick with the grippe on Feb ruary 1, and had recovered sufficiently to be np and around, when he took a re lapse, and pneumonia developed. Wal ter was born June 2, 1892, and was eigh teen years, eight months and eight days old at the time of bis death. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church in this city and were conducted by the pastor. Rev. C. W. Ray, and burial was in the Columbus cemetery. E. J. Lafferty, conductor on the Nor folk freight, was called to Pueblo. Colo rado, last Thursday on account of the serious illness of his father. Daniel Laf ferty, who was sick with pneumonia. He had been in a vacant house for fonr days when discovered and died Snnday as a result of the disease and exposure. He was at one time a Union Pacific engi neer between Omaha and Grand Island. illr. Lafferty took the body to Omaha for burial. Dr. Neumann. Dentist 18th St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueechsa buildiag. Baled hay for sale. Ernst & Brock. Red Oxide the best barn paint on earth, at Leavy's. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, in new State Bank building. Shoes repaired while you wait. S. Hurwitz, 321 West 11th. Dr. L. P. Carstenaon, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and Hummer Sta. A Gne line of shot guns at bargain prices. W. E. Robricb, Olive street. Miss Minnie Gaetb of Schuyler is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drake this week. U. B. Reed and A. O. Boone were in Fremont Snnday attending Lincoln Day services. G. Frischhol. has been conGned to his home the last week with a severe attack of the grippe. Loaf A small lap dog, red in color. Tax tag No. 113. Reward for his deliv ery to J. C. Tschndy. Miss Emma Symers of Monroe arrived Monday ,and has accepted a position with the Independent Telephone company. Mrs. O. D. Evans returned Tuesday from Dennison, Iowa, after a few days visit with her daughter, Mia. McUenry. For Sale Improved 80 aores, joining good small town in Platte county. F. K. Strother, Room 15, German National Bank building, Columbus. Look out for Jack Corbett and his Columbus bunch this year. He has a team there that looks pretty strong just at this time. Grand Island Free Press. Monday, besides being the thirteenth day of the month, was a good day for marriage licenses, fonr being issued by County Judge Rat term an on that day. Mrs. O.C. Shannon left Wednesday eve ning for Trinidad, Colo . called there by a message telling her of the serious ill ness of her daughter, Mm. W. B. Kenney. Clyde Woosley is again at the Union Pacific depot, having resigned his posi tion with the T. B. Uord Grain Ob. and taken bis old position in the Iiaggage room. Mrs.O. H. Washburn, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. G. Becher, return ed Monday from Kansas City, where they were visiting with Mr. Washburn's parents. David Thomas left last Thursday on an extended trip throngh the west and the Pacific cost and after a visit with bis son. T. D. ThomaB. at Salt Lake, will go to Los Angeles. E P. Dussell of this city, who attend ed the state meeting of the Plumbers' association in Omaha last week, was re elected a member of the board of direc tors of that organization. W. F. Sink of Ames and Miss Ella H. Fowler of North Bend were married by Rev. C. W. Ray at the Methodist par sonage last Wednesday .evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sink will reside at Ames, where the groom has a farm. Next Wednesday evening, February 22, the thirty-seventh annual ball of the Pioneer Hook nnd Ladder Go. No. 1 will be held in the Orpheus hall. This is one of the big events of the year, and the hoys are making preparations for a good time. Tuesday evening the third of the ser ies of dances given by the Columbus City Hand was given at the Orpheus hall, and the attendance was larger than at the two previous ones. These dances have tiecome quite popular and are help ing the band boys ont in a financial way for the coming year. Lincoln's birthday was Gttingly ob served by the Sons of Veterans, Grand Army of the Republic. 8panish War Veterans and Ladies' Auxiliary at the Grand Army hall Saturday evening last. About eighty were in attendance and enjoyed the program, after which a lunch was served by the ladies. G.A. Schroeder, D.D.Bray, Joe Gutz mer and Lester Gates left Monday for Kansas City, Mo., where they will attend the Sixth Annnal Interstate shoot. This is one of the big events of the mid-west and Messrs. Schroeder and Bray have attended each year. While there they will decided whether or not a shoot will be held in Columbus this year. J. M Curtis arrived in the city Friday evening from his home at Moose Lake, Minnesota, enroute to Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, called there by the serious illness of his nephew, Guy Beaty. Mr. Curtis returned to this city Tuesday evening, and after greeting many of his old-time friends, started on his home ward journey Wednesday afternoon. Two teams of Columbus bowlers went to Fremont last Saturday, and the boys team won, while the regular team lost. The lineup of the boys team was Galley, Baker, Wbaley, O. Hagel and Hocken berger. and they defeated the Fremont boys by a total score of 3232 to 3211. The regular team,which was composed of Nichols, Novell, Sawyer, Porter, and Ed Branigan, lost to the Fremont team by a score of 2385 to 2201. The Fremont team was scheduled for a return game Satur day of last week, but it was impossible for them to be here, an the game has been postponed nntil later. Business in Police Judge O'Brisn's court has been quite brisk daring the last week. On last Thursday B. W. Byrne filed a complaint against Mary Jane Griffin, charging her with disturb ing the peace, and the case was heard that day. The judge, after the evidence was in, dismissed the complaint. Ob Monday of this week JohnChiok ceased the arrest of Joseph Govern, Charles Govern and Mary Govern, for disturbing the peace, and at the hearing the same day the judge found them guilty, and assessed a fine of S3 each and costs. The parties all reside in the bottom ia the south part of town. As a result of some trouble in the neighborhood of the electric light plant, Gerina Williams filed a complaint in police court charg ing Emma Leffingwell with disturbing the peace, and the hearing was hsld Tuesday when the judge assessed the defendant $5 and costs. On Tuesday Charles and Joseph Govern were again up in police court, this time accompan ied by John Govern, and the complaint was filed by Frank Morz. The charge was fighting and disturbing the peace, and Joseph was the only one who drew a fine, which amounted to $5 and costs. The other two, Charles and John Govern, were discharged. At St. Mary's hospital in this city there have been a number of patients both from this city and the locality, who have undergone operations. Mrs Fiala of Schuyler, who was operated on ia get ting along nicely and will soon be taken to her home. Pauline Groteleuschen of this locality is among the convalescents and the Misses Martha Schreiber and Irene Kaoda are also getting along nice ly. Hedwig Doll, who has been at the hospital for about three weeks, is in a serious condition, and Jamea Kent is do ing well. James Smith and little son and Mike Fisher of Humphrey, are con valescing, and Mrs. Max Bruckner of Platte Center ia improving. Other out of town patients are Mrs. M. Remake! and Mrs. Augusta Birkel of David City. Chas. flapke and Matthew Zazek of Clarks, Adolph Young of Benson. IIL. and William Groteleuschen of north of the city. Since Snnday the Union Pacific rail road company and residents of Duncan have been blasting the ise. the company having a force of men at the Loup river bridge, and the Duncan people breaking up the ice to protect their bridge across the Platte. For the past several weeks the railroadcompany has been watching the Cedar river from Spalding to Fuller ton, and especially at Fullerton. where they have men stationed to report the condition of both the Cedar and the Loup. The ice in the Loup this year is not as heavy as usual, and the water from the melting snow baa been running over it in places. The Platte east of this city is reported dear of ice. District court is in session this week, with Judge Thomas on the bench. So far hut one case has been tried, Clayton W. DeLamatre vs. Gertrude U.McGahey et al. This was a suit for attorney fees, and the jury brought in a verdict Wed nesday morning for the plaintiff in the sunt of $1,078. Several other civil cases have been settled out of court. At this term there are no criminal cases, and the docket is light. The jury eases will probably be finished by the end of the present week. T. T. Drees of Woodville township was in the city Wednesday enroute to Kearney, where he is looking for a loca tion. Mr. Dress recently disposed of his personal property at public sale and is looking for a location further west. He has not disposed of his farm, however, as he says be may not find a place that suits him as well as Platte county, and should this be the case he wants to have his farm to move hack on. No clue as to who entered Dr E. H. Naumann's dental office last Tuesday evening, has been discovered. The fact that none of the other offices in that locality were entered leads to the belief that whoever it was did not belong to the professional clas9 ami had sized up the surroundings before making the haul. Supervisor Schwarz. who has been confined to his home for several weeks with a threatened attack of pneumonia, is able to be around again. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points In the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER t SON HARNESS AND COAL TaHalamBiaiaiamLaamlflL. 3M& LwffS Doat forget the maecjuerade ball to be gives by the HookW joext Wednesday evening, February 32. ' MyroaGray and Win. Krumland at tended the annual meeting of the hard ware dealers in Omaha last week. Mr. aad Mm W. H. Randall, who were critically ill for several days the past weak, are reported convalescent and on the road to recovery. . Miss Mauds Woosley left last Friday for Wayne, Neb., to visit with her sister Miss Violet, who is private secretary to President Conn of the Wayne Normal. Morris Fontein, who was a member of the Fontein Bros. Piano On , ia now employed by the Scbmoller 4 Mueller Piano Co., and left Iaat week for Mitch ell, S. D. W. A. Green, who has been confined to bis home for the past ten daya as the result of a severe kick from a horse, is still unable to be out, and it will be ten daya before be will be able to resume bis work again. Four year ago the first of the week the memorable flood occurred in which three people lost their lives west of the Union Pacific round house Since that time there has been no trouble with the river, and it looks as though this spring the ice would not mske any trouble. Last Monday evening the Columbus Maennerchor celebrated the thirty-four th anniversary of the organization in this city. Music, dancing and refresh ments furnished entertainment for the evening, those present being the mem bers of the organization and their fami lies. 3 While cutting meat last Wednesdsy, Otto H. Msrz met with an accident that will prevent him from working for a couple of weeks. He had been cutting meat and atarted to pick up a knife held by his hrother. when it slipped and almost severed the thumb of his right hand. He was given medical attention at once and the flow of blood stopped. President Bratt aad manager Dannals of the Monroe Independent Telephone company were in the oity last week on business connected with the company. They are planning on getting into Battle Creek, Madison county, and Humphrey, this eoanty in fact, they have a line into Humphrey, but no exchange. They are also getting a foothold at Silver Greek aad hope to in time have a strong exchange ia that village! H. A. Elliott, president of the Lees- burg Mining company, left last Friday forLsesburg, Idaho, where be expects to remain for about thirty days, or un til the mine shall have made its first "cleanup." There are quite a number of the stockholders of this mine in Col umbus, and the ahowing made by the mine has caused the stock to advance until it baa reached a good price, and the stockholders are not anxious to part with it. Local base ball fans are circulating petitions in this city addressed to Gov ernor Aldricb, Senator Albert and Re presentatives Sohuetb and Began, asking that they favor the bill making Sunday base ball optional with the different towns of the state. The fans here feel that it waa demonstrated here last year that Sunday ball could lie played as it should be, and believe that the present law, which is practically a dead letter, should be repealed and the one before the legislature passed and signed by the governor. Route No. 3. Mrs. Cornelius Knsant of Columbus is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. John Brunken. Dnring the last week the roads have been very muddy and the carrier ia using a team instead of the automobile. Gas Behlen, who has been at the home of Wm. Albers in Columbus, under the dootor'e care with a broken leg, waa removed to his home, eleven miles north of Columbus, Wednesdsy of this week. Wm. Behlen and family, who moved to Benton Harbor, Michigan, a few years sgo, returned to Nebraska Iaat Saturday, and will make their home here perman ently. They will occupy the old Fred Mindrnp place, west 'of the Baptist church. On Saturday evening, February 25, a basket social and entertainment will be given in District 35. The popular play, "The Old Dairy Homestead," will be given by the young people. Come and enjoy a good laugh. Don't forget the date. An admission fee will be charged Methodist Church Notice. Our morning and evening services are for all the people and we extend to you a hearty welcome to worship with us. Then oar choir always render good mus ic. Subject of morning sermon : "Isaac Blessing His Sons." Evening topic. " What means the Scripture.Let the Dead Bury Their Dead.'' Sunday school at noon. Epworth League st 6:30 p.m. The Liymeo's Missionary convention will meet in the church February 33 and 23. Chas. Waykb Rat, Fastor. Card of Thanks. We wish to thsnk the friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy during the last sickness and death of our beloved mother, and also for the beautiful floral offerings. C. E. Jokes and Familt. Coagregsttoaal Church. Separation for growth has ever bssa the gospel plan. Whan God would form a nsw nation the call came to Abram "Get thee oat from thy coaatry. and from thy kiadred." This wsa separation for the development of thoes graces that found fruitage ia Jesus. The studeat of evolution of society be holds in the ssparatiea of Abram from old systems aad customs the developing plan of great moral leaders. The mon astery and cloister have had a large place in the lives of men who afterwards blazed on society as great lights. Great rugged characters have often come from the out-of-way nooks aad often without the polish and fitting of schools have become leaders of men. This does not argue that men are not to give them selves the but possible training for their life's work, but rather that in close touch with nature and God there is something that equips one for great usefulness. We cannot have bodily separation to day. This is an age of intermingling. One ear is hooked to society by the tele phone and the other by the telegraph; we are only a night's ride from the great centers and their doing is graphically pictured to ua in the morning press. But if man ia to develops in christian graces there must be a separation. The christian man must stand aloof from the questionable things of society as much as if he were a thousand miles removed in person. The christian woman must be as far removed in thought and habit, yes, in the sweetness of her own soul culture from that whioh retards chris tian growth. Paula was in her oloister at Bethlehem. What God's church needa are mors separated men and wo men. The pastor of the Congregational church will apeak next Sabbath morning from the subject: Confidence in God'a Goodness. . Of the evening from the subjeot: The Tremendous Forces Working for Righteousness. This is the Iaat sermon of this series. A crowded house listened to lest Sundsy evening's sermon. You can not afford to miss this one. We ii.vite you. William L. Dibblb. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Rev. A. L. Alderman of Albion, who spends every other Sunday ia the Bap tist church of Columbus will address the Men's meeting aext Sunday at 3:30 o'clock. Will the men or Columbus show their interest in the religious work of the association or ahall we conclude that there is no interest and drop the ef fort to create the necessary interest? The regular monthly meeting of the Business Men's club will occur on the 21st and Mr. Bniley will be pres ent to take part in the program. He will speak of the work of the associa tions over the state and his address will be very instructive as well ss interesting and no one will be held up for a subscrip tion, so come ont and enjoy the meeting. Next Wednesdsy being the anniversary of the birth of the Father of our Country a gymnastic program will be given by the various classes of the association, at 3:30 o'clock p. m. The boys will furnish a program to which the parenta are especially invited. Those who have had the privilege uf attending several of thee open houee evouta will In pleased to notice the advancement the boy a have made during the winter months of this year. This ia your association and the more interest you show in it the greater will be the interest of your boys and the amount of interest determines th amount of work that can be dor.o. ' ha evening program begins at 7:30 am! will be furnished by the classes of the senior division. A group of fellows are prepar ing for the state athletic and gymnastic meet and will lie able to furnish some first class work in addition to the regular exhibition work of their classes Route No. 1. Hermsn Loseke. sr , marketed a car of fat cattle Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Loeeke. jr., are rejoicing over the arrival of a ten pound boy at their home Saturday. Anton Henggler and family returned last Saturday from Walbaob, Neb., where they bad been visiting for the last week. On a portion of the route the-roads have been bad the last few days, the frost coming out of the ground making them soft. Where the roads have been worked the spring weather does aot af fect them to any great extent, bat where they have not bad a shovelful of dirt turned on them during the nine years the carrier has been on the route, they are anything but good. Marriage Licenses. Ctrl Edward Kluck. Schuyler 25 Katharine Yasger, Sohayler 18 Nicholas E. Schroeder. Gojumbaa.. . 25 Mary A. Oroneathal. Platte Center. . 23 Wilbur F. Sink. Amss 28 Ella A. Fowler. North Bend 21 Mara us F. Ghristenaen, St. Edward. 21 Minnie K. Christensen, Lincoln 22 Thomas P. Thomeaen. 8t. Edward.. 33 Margaret K. Peterson. St. Edward.. 22 Standley Starzly, Tarnov 25 Mary Jarwz. Tarnov 19 Otto J. Lollerachelt, Humphrey 23 OatLerine Nicholas, Humphrey 19 Advancing Their Interests We endeavor to the business interests of custosaers ia every legJtK sate way. Ia so doiaff, oar motives may be i tinctured with aeMlahi for, upon the prosperity of itspatroae hinges the suc cess of every bank. CiImIis State Bilk Capital awrplma. 9ift.000.0O Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Dr. Vallier, Ostaeaath. Barber bleak. Dr. Malzsn, dentist, over Niewohaer'e.. Sea our new line of wall paper. Leavy Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist; aad aurist, 1215 Olive street. Dr. W. R. Nenmarkar, oflee with Dr O. D. Evans, west side ol Park. Stoves, furniture aad household arti cles at a bargain. Muat vacate oar building by March 1. W. E. Rohrich, Olive street. Otto Walters came np from Lincofa Tuesday evening to play piaao ia the orchestra for the band boya' dance. Ha returned Wednesdsy morning. Wm. Beecroft and Miss EmmaKipp, both of this city, were married at Sohay- ler on February 4. They will make their home in this city, where the groom has employment as a paiater. . W. H. McCord has moved into his residence, st the corner of Sixteeath and Rickley streets. Siace peresssisg the plaee Mr. McCord has moved the house to face on Rickley street, aad has remodelled it, making it modern. Architect Wardamaa is bow srepariaff complete plana for the remodelliag of the present High school buildiag. These pleas will not be ready, however. until about the middle of March, whea the board will hold a special meetiag and consider them. One of the important, if sot the moat important esse scheduled for this term of district court. Is the Daltoa-Mylst damage case. This grew oat of the shooting of young Daltoa last.fall at the time the Mylets aad Daltoas had trouble over the division of the rent of the land owned by the Mylets. Winslow & Holden, real estate agsats, brought an action against Julias Nichols in Justice O'Brien's court for commission on a property sold for Mr. Niobols by the real estate firm. A jury wm empan eled and the case tried Wedaesday af ternoon. Niobols was represented by J. O. Reeder and Winslow & Hnldsn by O. .1. Gsrlow. One of the enjoyable events of the month was the annnal reunion aad smoker of Engine Company No. 1, held at the Maeanercbor hall last Saturday evening. Besides the active members of the company, there present asiavitad guests, the Chief of the departmeat, Oity council and all honorary members of the engine company. Wm. Ragatz, junior member of the firm of Boyd & Ragatz, left last Wed nesday for Los Angeles, California, where be goes to visit bis mother, Via. Henry Ragatz, -who has been in poor health since leaving this city. This is bis first vacation in nine years, during which time he was employed ia the Ragatz & Co. grocery end later with the present firm of Boyd & Ragatz. Underwear UNION SUITS Ws have the agency for the famous MansiBg TJaderwser, the beet popular priced Uaion Salts on the market. Prices in men's from 11.60 to $4.50. Prices ia boys' from 50c, 75o, 11 aad fl.33. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garmeata we have a spleuaid line ready for yoar ia spection and ranging in pries from60cto2.60agarmeat. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S