The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 08, 1911, Image 5

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T '1 X a ( -
ia more seasonable now than at any other time in ihe year. If yon have
plumbing that should be done for the betterment of .sanitary cnn
. diticns, you ought to eend for ub at unci.
but we will guarantee to do your work us well, if not better, than you
could have it dono elsewhere.
411-413 W 13th St.
Columbus. Neb.
From the News.
Barry Briggs, after an absence of
twenty-seven years, is visiting in Albion
this week. lie finds only a few of the
old boys and girls of his youth still here.
It will be remembered he married Miss
Etta Dresser, and they have been locat
ed on a fruit farm in Montana since leav
ing here.
Mm K. O. Anderson, one of the pion
eers of Boone county, died at her home
on Shell creek, Sunday, Jan 14th. The
funeral was held at the South Branch
church and was very largely attended.
Rev. Xuvier officiated All the children
eight in number were at the funeral
This is the first death in the family, with
the exception of a small infant more
than forty years ago.
From tho World.
"Grandmother" Harstick, undoubted
ly the oldeat woman in Nebraska, died
Monday at the home of her son in St.
Charles township just across the Colfax
county line in Cuming county, in her
102d year. Her physical faculties re
mained unimpaired up to her death, the
only visible sign of her great age being a
alight dimnesa of vision. She leaves 102
children, grandchildren and great grand
children. Last Saturday while returning from
Stanton county, where he had been do
ing some carpenter work, Oard Ander
son of Clarkson whs the victim of a run
away accident of a serious nature. lie
was thrown from the rig in which he
was riding and was trampled upon by
the horses, having a deep gash cut in his
head besides receiving oher mjuries.
He was brought to town and his wounds
given needed attention by Dr. Allen,
and has since been confined to hid room.
From the Democrat
Lewis Herden, 2H years of age, com
mitted suicide in Madison Sunday night
by shooting himself through the head
with a Colt revolver. The young roan
had disposed of some mortgaged pro
perty and was about to be compelled to
put up the amount of the mortgage on
the property or suffer the consequences
of the law. Seeing his inability to raise
the money and fearing a term in the
penitentiary, he undoubtedly concluded
that the best way out was to kill him
self. He leaves a widowed mother, four
brothers and two sisters.
Herman Katzlaff who has been a resi
dent of Humphrey for the past twelve
or fifteen year?, was taken to the hospital
at Columbus Tuesday by Supervisor
Schure and Peter Bodewig, critically ill
with what wc understand was pneum
onia, and on Wednesday afternoon word
came from his bedside that he was dead.
When first coming to Humphrey the de
ceased was in the saloon business in
partnership with a fellow by the name
of Eggers, he ran the place now occupi
ed by Aug. Peterson, but only continu
ed for a year or so. His wife got a div
orce from him a number of years age,
bis children all left and since that time
he has lived a sort of shiftless life, doing
odd jobs here and there for a living.
Gents9 Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street,
A. Dussell SL Son
For the past few months he has been liv
ing with Geo. Eddington in the north
part of town. The deceased was buried
in Columbus Thursday morning at the
county'sexpense. An effort was made to
find some of Mr. Ratzlaff's relatives, but
up to the time of going to press, none of
them had been found.
From the San.
Mayor Zeulow is in receipt of a letter
from Gen . Mgr. Mohler of the Union
Pacific, in which he states he is positive
a new depot will be erected here before
next fall.
On Saturday evening January 28th the
patrons of the Richland school met at
the school house and decided by vote to
erect a new building. There will be an
other meeting held on Friday evening
February 10th to which all patronB of
school districts number 23 and f are in
vited to attend and discuss the proposi
tion of consolidation.
Word was received here from Alberta,
Canada, that Joseph Edminson died at
his home Dec. '.Q, 11)10, after a week of
severe illness. He was an old settler
of Schuyler coming here in 1ST0. 'He
moved with his family to-Alberta, Cana
da, in 181K1. He was 72 years of age.
He was a brother of Mrs. E. D. Balston
and Mrs. H. Ohronistor of this city.
Monday morning of this week John
Doyle an old resident of this county was
brought before the board of insanity on
complaint filed by his brother from Ill
inois. The board found upon examina
tion that he needed treatment so sent
him to the Norfolk asylutnn. Two of
his brothers came from Illinois at the re
quest of friends and wanted him to go
home with them but he refused to do so
Of late his mind has been weak but it is
thought with care he will soon recover.
From the Sun.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kropatch and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Fillinger, in the former's
car, and Mr. John Kropatch accompanied
by his sister Ida went to Columbus Sun
day and the roads being nice and smooth
they tried running a race. Mr. Kro
patch won the race while John Kropatoh
waited on the way to remove two bursted
tires from his car.
While working on the Somraerstedt
garage building, Monday, Levi Cun
ningham fell from a scaffold, eight or
ten feet high, and sustained a badly
sprained wrist. Jie bad started to take
down the scaffold and in throwing down
a plank did not notice a spike which was
driven in the end of the plank and which
caught in his glove and jerked him off
the platform. Below him was a pile of
cement blocks, but as he started to fall
he made a jump and cleared the pile of
blocks, lighting on bis side on the
ground. He had a narrow escape from
what might have been a very serious
injury. Mr. Cunningham says he holds
the record among the carpenters here of
falling the farthest and bounding the
highest and still keeping on top of the
From the Republican.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker of Route 3
left Tuesday for Howard county for a
visit with their daughter, Mrs. J. H.
Hollingahead and family.
James Tbomazin and Chris Martin
shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha
Monday that were eleven months old
and lipped the beam at an average of
317 poundB.
W. E. Huffer and two sons, George
and Charles, left Thursday for Flatts
montb, Xeb., to attend the funeral of J.
W.Adams, who owned the place occupi
ed by Mr. Huffer until a year ago.
A letter from Dr. and Mrs. W. W.
Frank says they are leaving Hayden,
Colo , and are going to Wyoming for a
visit with the doctor's brother. They
have not as yet decided on a permanent
While working around the corn shelter
at the Chas. Lightner place Thursday,
Fred Goke had his hand caught in the
machinery and two of his fingers crush
ed. He was moving the self feeder and
in reacning below in Borne of the mach
inery caught his hand, drawing it in.
Lester Kelley, who has been at the
hospital in Columbus for the last ten
days, where he was operated on for ap
pendicitis, returned home Thursday.
While he is still very weak, his condition
was snch that he was permitted tore
turn home after being ont of lied for two
Mrs. Ren Nelson left for Cedar Rapids
Monday morning, called there by the
serious illness of Guy Beaty, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Beaty, who formerly lived
in the Wattsvillle neighborhood. It is
hoped by their many friends in this lo
cality that he will soon be on the road to
recovery as be is their only child.
Thursday evening of last week the an
nual election of officers of the Monroe
Commercial Club was held in the town
hall and resulted as follows: J. Will
Campbell, president; C W. Talbitzer,
first vice president; Wm. Sigea, second
vice president; fl. J. Hill, secretary; Wm
Webster, treasurer. Board of directors,
L. Franklin, .1. T. Smith, Jacob Schmid,
A. C. Loncks, A C. McDonald, C. F.
Ewert and John Gibbon. The new
board of directors will be called together
about the middle of February, and list
en to the reports of the committees ap
pointed to measure the river and also on
membership. At this time it will pro
bably be decided as to whether an annu
al banquet will be held, as there are
many who nro in favor of having one.
There are several matters of importance
to Monroe that the committee will look
nfter and later report to the entire club.
Sarah Ann Chapman was born in Ur
bana, Staubon county. New York. Sept
ember 20, l&'iS. Died in Monroe, Nebr.,
February 1,11)11, aged 72 years, 4 months
and 11 days. Was married to Robert B.
Sutton December 4, 185'J, by Rev. Roy ce,
they lived together over 50 years. To
this union was born one son, William M.
Sutton, who passed away at the age of
32 years, July 20, 1892. The husband
passed away January S, 1910, leaving the
wife and mother alone for one year and
23 days. An adopted daughter, Mrs.
May Terry, and three grand-children,
Robt. B. Sutton, of David City, Mrs.
Jesse Hensicker of Colorado and Wm.
M. Sutton, of Monroe, and a large circle
of friend are left to mourn, but not as
those who haye no hope. She was con
verted and joined the Baptist church in
childhood and continued a life long
member of the same. She was a lover
of music, and was often beard to sing
tho sweet songs of Zion. Her sickness
was of short duration, but her suffering
was intense, but she never complained.
Shfl said nothing of dying but said wh6n
she was well that she believed in being
ready when the Lord called her. She
was also a member of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, had been
a member for over 15 years. We shall
miss her in our union, her sweet words
of council and her admonition. Though
she was deprived of the privilege of at
tending very often she was ever ready
with a smile to greet us. She with her
husband came to Nebraska in January
1879, and has lived in and near Monroe
32 years. 8be was a kind friend and a
loving mother, and will be greatly miss
ed in the home. Funeral services we're
held in the M. E. church at 1:30 this af
ternoon, conducted by Rev. Alderman,
Baptist minister of Columbus.
From the Nonpareil.
Col. W. C. Shelton marketed three
bogs the other day that netted him the
neat sum of $134.40. or an average price
of 344 SO per head. The three porkers
tipped the beam at 1,800 pounds.
As we are about to go to press a tele
phone dispatch from Grand Island ad
vises us that Chris Hostetter, formerly a
well known business man of this city,
bad died there. Wednesday evening he
was suddenly stricken with paralysis at
bis home and failed to rally from the
effects. Death relieved the sufferer
Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock.
Friends in this city will be pleased to
learn that Dr. and Mrs. Fred Fouts, who
have been doing missionary work in
China for a number of years, embarked
for America Tuesday. They are sched
uled to reach San Francisco by Febru
ary 24th, and will spend some time on
the coast in the interest of Mrs. Fouts
health before coming to Nebraska.
Their friends will extend them a glad
Tuesday evening a gentleman whose
name was not learned stepped from one
of the Union Pacific trains and placed
two grips in the baggage room of the
depot and immediately disappeared. It
was afterwards learned that he bad a
vety good reason for disappearing as
officers were on tho watch for hlmend
later confiscated the two suit cases
which were found to contain about
eleven quarts of whiskey besides, other
alcoholic liquors. As yet John Doe has
not been found.
Absolutely Pure
aaawa' aSSSSxaBsaj MRMP
fennaw JtWafAnvw
From tlin Time.
Application has been made for the ap
pointment of a guardian to take charge
of the business affairs of Mrs. Lewie
Smith, of Prairie Creek. It is alleged
that this step was made necessary on ac
count of Mrs. Smith's mental condition.
April 30 has been set aside thisjyear as
"Tuberculosis Day," and it will be ob
served in 200,000 churches throughout
the land in a manner similar to that of
"Tuberculosis Sunday" in 191o. when
over 40,000sermons were preached on the
prevention of consumption. In the first
official announcement of the occasion
made by the National Association for
the 8tudy and Prevention of Tuberonloe, the leaders of the movement
state that they hope to enlist all of 33,
000,000 church members in the country.
Chee Look, a Chinaman, employed by
E. L. Bnrk received a package from
Chicago on which the express charge was
$t 20. He mailed the package here to a
friend in China and marked it "parcels
poet." The postage cost him 42 cents.
In countries having the parcels post,
people living in the United States have
the right, under existing treaties, to send
packages abroad under the provisions of
the parcels post law of the country to
which the package is addressed. In this
country the people pay tribute to the ex
press companies that contribute to the
campaign funds of the two old parties.
People usually get what they rote for.
They have voted with and for the express
companies in the past nnd ought not to
kick about express rates or find fault
with the government for allowing them
selves to be held up
She Won.
lie was a philosopher and a talker.
She was a woman of notion. 'Ihey
stood together on the bridge mid
watched u tug that was hauling a long
line of barges up the riv.-r.
"Look there, my dc-ir." said be.
"Such is lifo. The tug is like the man.
working and toiling, while the barges,
like the women, a ref
ills wife gave him no time to finish
the sentence. "I know." she said.
"The tug does nil the blowing and the
barges bear all the burden."
Not So Bad.
"What's the worst you can sav about
"He hasn't an honest hair In bis
"Well, that's bad enough."
"Oh, not so bad as yon think. 1
menu he wears a wig." Birmingham
are all fitted with
The Free Engine Iuteh
without extra charge
Holds all World's Records
Get the 1911 Catalogue
F. R. GOOmVIX, Agt.
Genoa, Neb.
No. 4 4:21 am
No. 12 5:21am
So.rt 2:Wpm
No. Id 2:16 pm
No. 10
No. 11 HW a m
No.l 10:2s am
.. 11:2.1 am
No. 17
No. 15
No. 3
No. 5 . . . . .
No. 21
... 3D. p :u
,.. AcZl ii m
.. rtiiT. Ill
... :11 1 m
...11:U nia
No. 18
, ssn p m
S;i0 p m
1:20 pm
7:12 a m
rt:lfi p m
No. 2 .v....
. w.
No. 20
No. 19
..1120 am
No.SJ !;Mini
no. .
. 2:3.1 1 ra
No. 77 mx J. d 7:20 a 31
No. 29 pas ..(17.O0pm
No. 30 pas ..a 1:10 p m
No. 78 mx'L.a 0:10 p m
No. 79 mxd..d 6:00 am
No. 31pa9 ..d 1:30 pm
No. 32 pa'iJOpm
No. SO aixilC. a 7:00 pm
Daily except Sunday.
Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains.
Nos. 4. 5, 13 and 11 are local passengers.
Nos. 58 and 59 are local freights.
Nos. 9 and IS are mail trains only.
No-14 doe in Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. 6 dae in Omaha 5:00 p. m.
C. I. I Q.
Tina Tall
No. 22, Pass, (daily ex. Sunday) leave.. ..7:23 a m
No. 32, Frt. & Ac. d'y ex. Saturday) 1t.5jOO p m
No. 21, Pass, (daily ex. Sunday) amve..9:20 p m
No. 31. Fit. & Ac (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..005 a m
Whjleshelliag corn Tuesday for Ohas.
Bailey, Henry Whitney in some manner
made a misstep on bis engin, fell and
broke two of his ribs. Dr. Fleddermnn
administered to the broken ribs and
Heary is getting aloog as well as cn be
expeoted; but he will have to be careful
of himself for a few days.
Man is like nature; be blows hot and
cold. One day he is etortuiog,around
and foil of bluster Can't get a civil
word out of him . But for the most part
he is good-natured, and when well fed
and clothed, you can notice the Chinook
winds blowing, the sun shining and no
clouds in sight. Are jou a tempest or
a gentle southern breeze. Are yon mad
and ready to scrap, like a blizzard, or
make a noise like a beautiful May day?
Friday forenoon Rev. Jackson, pastor
of the Bellwood Methodist church went
out to the Bell orchard northwest of
town to amuse himself chopping wood.
While he was busy chopping under a
tree close to the Bell burying place his
axe must have got caught on a limb, and
glancing to the right side of his bead
made a large incision over the temple.
Mr. Jackson fell to the ground and lay
in an unconscious condition for some
time. On becoming conscious, in bis
weak condition, called for help, but no
one heard him. As blood was flowing
from thewonnd in a copious manner the
next best thing he thought of doing was
to stop himself from bleeding to death
by pressing his pocket handkerchief
tight on the cut. In a bewildered con
dition he reached home covered with
blood. Dr. Fledderman was suddenly
summoned, who put several stitches in
the wound and otherwise dressed it.
He also had considerable trouble in
keeping the flow of blood b&ck.
From the Sand.
Miss Eileen Kavanaugh of Columbus
spent a couple of days here last week
with friends.
Mr. Arthur Kngel and Miss Anna Horn
of Duncan were married February 1, at
the Duncan church. Both of the young
people are well and favorably known.
At Columbus, Tuesday last, William
Wilcox and Laura Wisely were married.
Both of the young people are well known
to everybody aronnd here and Sand con
gratulates them on their good luck. We
wish the bride and groom many happy
Word was received here this week that
Mrs. Eliza Rich bad died January 27 at
Hornell, New York. Mrs. Rich was 90
years and 1 day old at the time of her
death, and had spent many years of her
life in this vicinity. She was the mother
of Mrs. Emily O. Bennett, who died here
June 2fi. 1!K)7.
Harm Shank of Osceola brought a
bunch of people over to the Firemen's
ball last Friday night and a Mr. John
son who was with him started back after
another load. While near Olint Moore's
the car caught fire, presumably in the
carburetor and. was totally destroyed.
The driver escaped uninjured.
John Kava and Tilda Lis were married
at the Catholic church in Silver Creek,
Feb. 1. They went immediately to the
home, three miles east of town, where
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lis, parents of the
bride, served a splendid dinner to the
invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Kay a will
live on a farm three miles south of the
Cracow church.
From the Signal.
While butoberiog a hog last Thursday
H. Q. Gehring, through the slipping of
a butcher knife, cut a nasty gash in one
of his hands which required the Bervice
of a physician in dressing.
Ed Perkinson left for the south on
Monday noon's train. He will stop at
Kansas City a few days, where he will
determine whether he will visit Excel
sior Springs, Missouri, or Hot Springe,
Arkansas. He expects to be absent un
til spring.
Last Wednesday death came at the
old age of 82 years, to Mrs. Joseph Han
zel, of Schuyler. She was grand moth
er of Mrs. G. A. Otrodovec, of this
place, who together with Mr. Otrodovec,
attended the funeral which was held last
Friday at Schuyler.
John and Charley Coupons loaded a
car with stock and household goods last
Thursday and with their families left on
the evening train for the ranch purchas
ed last summer near Alliance. We un
derstand they do not intend to farm but
will turn their attention to stock raising.
Gerhard Gronenthal is carrying bis
left hand well bandaged because of an
accident which happened to it last Fri
day. He was digging the putty from a
window sash preparatory to placing a
new pane of glass, using a sharp pocket
knife. The knife slipped and the blade
entered the left hand at the base of the
thumb on the inside, cutting an artery
from which blood Howed very freely. In
fact it was not stopped until he came to
town and had the wound dressed by a
physician. Several stitches were re
quired in the dressing.
An Extreme Case.
"What was the trouble between
Swinton and his wife? Was It his
fault or hers that they -were unable to
get along together?"
"It's rather hard to decide. It ap
pears that whenever one of them had
an irresistible impulse the other bad
an unalterable objection." Chicago
Hew He Get Her.
"The- psychological moment counts
for much in a love affair."
"That Is true. Ferdinand, for In
stance, asked father for my hand the
afternoon my dressmaker's bill came
In." Washington Herald.
A wise man should hase, money in
his head, but not In bis heart Dean
Dustiess, Perfect Track and New Steel
Passenger Equipment, which is the finest
, that money can buy, are afforded to pa
trons of the
Standard Roid aff tho West
For literature and information, call on or address
ELLIS 6. BROWN, Agent,
This Offer Should Gain the Confi
dence of the Most Skeptical.
We pay for all the medicine used dur
ing the trial, if our remedy fails to com
pletely relieve you of constipation . We
take all the risk . You are not obligated
to us in any way whatever, if yon accept
our offer. Thai's a mighty broad state
ment, bnt we mean every word of it
Gould anything be more fair for you?
A most scientific, common-sense treat
ment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten
like candy. Their active principle is a
recent scientific discovery that is odor
less, colorless and tasteless; very pro
nounced, gentle and pleasant in action,
and particularly agreeable in every way.
This ingredient does not cause diarrhoea,
nausea, tlatulenoe, griping nr any incon
venience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are
particularly good for children, aged and
delicate persona.
If you suffer from chronic or habitual
constipation, or the associate or depend
ent chronic ailments, we urge you to try
Rexall Orderlies at our risk . Remember
yon can get them in Columbus only at
our store. 12 tablets 10 cents; 36 tab
lets 25 cents. The Rexall store. Pol
lock & Co., corner 13th and North streets.
He Didn't Knew Them.
The late Rev. Horatio Stebbins of
San Francisco was a man of large
mind and noble powers, but more fa
miliar with the world of intellectual
and scholastic Interests than with triv
ial and timely things. His household
was blessed with a cbarmlug daughter
who grew up tall and lieautiful. com
manding the admiration of nil who saw
One day n visitor said to the good
doctor: "Doctor, your daughter grows
more charming day by day. Why.
she's a regular Gibson girl."
"Ah, thank ymi. thank you." replied
the doctor iu his best manner. When
the visitor had gone, turning to his
wife the doctor asked. "My dear, who
are the Gibsons?" Snn Francisco Ar
gonaut A Change For the Better
The nine-year-old boy of a Baltimore
family who Is compelled by his par
ents to practice dally upon the piano
may not be a clever performer, but he
has a pretty shrewd notion of the
worth of an instrument, as well as a
rather mature wit, as is evidenced by
an incident in the household not long
His father upon returning home
from a week's absence heard Ihe lad
plugging away at the piano.
"When did you learn that new piece,
son?" nsked the parent.
"It Isn't a new piece, dad." answer
ed the boy. "The piano has 'been
tuned." Lipplncott's.
Good Reason.
"I wouldn't be In Brown's shoes just
"Why not?"
"He left them in the cellar, and they
dumped four tons of coal on them
before Brown was up.
A Long Swallow.
"And you give the giraffe only one
lump of sugar?" asked the little boy
at the zoo.
"Oh. yes!" replied the keeper. "One
lump goes a long way with him."
Yonkers Statesman.
Loft When Sho Learned.
"I have been spending the week
training a waitress."
"What for?"
"For the family she Is now working
for." Life.
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in seat on.
Telephone No. 1. - Colambus.Nsb.
The bMt irriiratad toad, witfc the beat
water right. Which heapradaoed ham
per crop for the paat SB joara. Price
reasonable. Tense vary air. For par
ticolan write Isaac Coaaor, Osaka, Neb.
His Thunderbolt Delivery Terror lead
the Batters.
A veteran ball player who has bat
ted against nearly all of the aeted
pitchers in the last twenty yean nam
ed Amos Rusie as the universal stand
ard of speed in shooting the ball across
the rubber.
"There have been many fast pitch
ers In baseball, and all of them la their
tine when they cut loose for fair have
baffled the best of hitters with their
speed, but you will notice that when
fast pitchers are spoken of the one
remark Is always made, 'Has be the
speed that Amos Rusie had? And.
I think, It will be that way forever.
As long as great names are remember
ed or baseball Is the nation's gams
Rusie will remain the champion speed
merchant, the one pitcher who coald
eend In the ball faster than any oas
else that ever lived. When you say
'fast as Rusie' you don't mess It.
either; you only wish to show that
your favorite pitcher Is a very speedy
"Words fairreally to describe the
speed with which Rusie sent the balL
He was a man of great width, great
strength and the ability to put every
ounce of his weight into the pitch.
Coupled with this be bad a set of daz
sllng curves which were manufactured
with the same effort required to pro
duce the speed. Some men can throw
a straight ball with great force, but
have to slow up In order to develop
curves, but Rusk? drove In a curved
ball with all of his tremendous power.
"Facing Rusie to a timid man was
like going Into battle must be to an
inexperienced soldier. The distance
was shorter then. Rusie had the
whole box to move around in Instead
of being chained to a slab, and he
simply drove the boll at you with the
force of a cannon. I have stood up
to all the great pitchers of nearly
twenty years, I have seen scores of
them come and go, and none of them
inspired the terror in a batsman's
heart that was put there by the
mighty Rusie. The ball was like a
white streak tearing past you without
time to balance yourself, figure the
course of the ball or take aim at It.
The fellows with the wide curve might
fool you into reaching out and missing
them, but you weren't reaching oat at
Rusie you simply swung st a white
streak as it burled past, and if yoa
took a full arm swing the ball was
gone and in the catcher's hands before
you had half finished the swinging
"The convincing proof of Rusle's tsr-.
rible speed was this: If any other
pitcher hit a man the maa swore,
limped a moment and went to first.
If Rusie hit a man the man retired
from the game and sometimes want
to the hospital. To be bit by Basle
was worse than to have aa nnHaarj,
man smash you with a rode" New
York World.
A Student of tho Drama
It was at :i performance of "Mac
beth." aud the three weird sisters had
just made their first appearance aad
chanted their uncanny Incantations
when u handsomely dressed, intelli
gent looking woman In the third row
turned to her escort and Inquired.
"What's the Idea in having those
witches?" New York Press.
Deserved to Got It.
"1 want jo ask you for a bit of ad
vice," said the insinuating man.
"What is It?"
"I want you to put yourself In my
place and me in yours and tell ass
how you would go about It if you
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