The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 08, 1911, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Personal, Politic!, Foreign and Other
Intelligence Interesting to tho
General Reader.
The rules committee of the house,
as a result of the investigation de
mantled by Representative Hitchcock
of Nebraska, has not been able to
find out what happened to delay the
Ballinger-Pinchot investigation report-In
spite of a strong rally in tho last
six days of the month the treasury
closed January with a deficit of 207,
000 in the ordinary expenditure? and
a total deficit of nearly ? 1.000.000 of
which fully $3,000,000 represents
Panama canal payments.
A determined protest by the federal
government was presented to the su
preme court of the Unted States
against the proposed review by that
tribunal of the conviction of officials
of the American Naval Stores com
pany, sometimes referred to as the
turpentine trust, of having violated
The Sherman anti-trust law.
The government of Ecuador has
asked the United States, Argentina
nnd Brazil, the mediating jiowers in
the boundary dispute between Ecua
dor and Peru, to exert their good of
fices in connection with the rei-eut
disturbances along the frontier. This
trouble was merely an incident to
the larger dispute concerning the
Senator Brown, of Nebraska, will
make a speech in the senate next
Wednesday which is being looked for
ward to with considerable interest As
one of the organizers of the national
republican progressive league the sen
ator's remarks 'are certain to attract
wide attention, especially in view of
the fact that he will discuss much of
the progressive legislation for which
tLe league stands.
Revolutionists are masters of the
situation in parts of Mexico.
Nebraska stands to lose a congress
man under the reapportioment.
A. B. Funke announces that he Is
out of the Iowa senatorial race.
Republican sentiment in the na
tional house is against any increase
in representation.
A threatened Mexican insurrectn at
tack on Ciudad Jauarez has caused an
e.oilus of the population.
Tho senate passed the ship subsidy
bill, the vote of the vice president be
ing necessary to break a tie.
The editor of the Paris Liberator
calls the sentence of Edward Mylins
a white-wash of King George.
Senator Norris Brown, in a sting
ing indictment of Lorimer of Illinois,
demanded that he be expelled.
Retail merchants of most of the
southern stutes are protesting against
passage of the parcels post bill.
In the murder of Count do Lossy at
St. Petersburg, his accomplice, a dec
tor, confessed poisoning many pa
tients. A resolution was introduced in the
house opposing the proposed reciproc
ity treaty with Canada. The constitu
tional convention, after a long debate
was finally indefinitely postponed in
the senate.
Tne annual Chicago automobile
show opened with every inch of space
,in the Coliseum and the First regi
ment armory occupied.
The proposed charter for the city of
St. Louis was defeated at a special
election by a majority of 40,155. The
total vote was S9.fl.17 of which 24.S91
were for the charter and G5.048
Wholesale murder of Chinese labor
ers by Mexicans in connection with
the smuggling of contraband celesti
als across the border is indicted by
the story of a wounded Chinese found
In an isolated mountain localit3' near
Nogales, Arizona.
At St. Joseph. Mo.. Lela Cooper
and .Stanley Clark were killed and
four companions were injured, three
probably fatally, when a Chicago
Great Western motor car ran down
an automobile in which the six young
people were riding.
The Indiana Republican Editorial
association, which, at its convention
a year ago. refused to endorse the
Taft administration, faced about and
adopted resolutions endorsing, unre
servedly, President Taft, pledging
him the support of the republican
press of the state and appealing to
the voters to rally to him.
The Spanish minister of the inte
rior has issued an edict prohibiting
women from taking part in bull fights.
By abandoning his southern trip
the president has caused speculation
as to the possibility of an etra ses
sion. Count Josef Gisycka of Blansko.
Moravia. Austria-Hungary was sued
for divorce by his wife. Countess Gis
ycko. in the circuit court at Chicago.
Colonel Edward II. R. Green, son of
the richest woman in the world, has
arrived in New York to become the
active manager of his mother's vast
Lieutenant Colonel Goethels, chief
engineer of the Panama canal, sailed
from Colon for the United States.
It is said that if E. H. Harriman
had lived he would have had a rail
road around the world. This was one
of his great ambitions.
Count von Rex. formerly German
minister to China, has been nominat
ed as ambassador to Tokio to succeed
Baron Mumm von Schwartzenstein.
Montana's vote was cast in favor
of the income tax amendment to the
constitution of the United States.
The senate concurred in a house re
solution ratifying the amendment.
Democrats are holding tip Taft's
hands for the Canadian treaty.
Roosevelt says be is a progressive
and could not be anything else.
President Taft expects to visit Kan
sas the week of September 24 to 30
The senate confirmed the presi
dent's nominees for the court of com
merce. Money appropriated to raise the
Maine has run out and work has been
New York and Iowa legislatures
show no signs of agreeing on senator
ial choice.
Twenty deaths from the plague
have occurred in the Chinese hospi
tal at Tien.
A movement is under way to form
state branches of the national repub
lican progressive league.
American Ambassador Leishman.
who has had a holidy in America, re
turned to his post in Rome.
The Harriman lines are to do much
double tracking. Pullman berth rate
reductions are now in effect
Athletic Manager Eager says it Is
not certain Michigan and Nebraska
will clash on the football field.
Congress is showing conisderable
anxiety over the embarrassment caus
ed by the proposed reciprocity pro
gram. Speaker Kuhl of the Nebraska
house was presented with a new gavel
made of the old Hag pole of old Fort
The California state senate passed
a bill providing for the initiative and
referendum and the recall for muni
cipalities of California.
President Taft has accepted the
resignation from the army of Captain
Peter C. Hains, Jr., coast artillery
corps, effective January 28.
The committee on foreign affairs
of the Austrian delegation adopted a
resolution in favor of President
Taft's disarmament proposition.
As president of the national conser
vation association, Gioffrd Pinchot is
sued a statement commending Presi
dent Taft's water power policy.
J. C. Suaimy of Waterloo, la., who
claims to be an athlete of Ames col
lege, was taken into custody at Chi
cago pending examination as to his
mental condition.
Captain Bellanger of the aviation
corps of the French army, began a
notable cross country flight in a
monoplane from Taris to Pau, a dis
tance of about 500 miles.
A man giving the name of Charles
Smith was arrested in Oklahoma City,
charged with implication-in the blow
ing up of the Los Angeles Times.
Smith is from Joplin, Mo.
It is reported that Geo. J. Gould,
the president of the Missouri Pacific
railway company, the only one of the
great Gould system of railroads in
which he is still dominant will retire
President Taft has decided to ap
point Judge Martin, of the court of
common pleas of Lancaster, O., to the
United States court of customs ap
peals, to succeed Judge William H.
Juan Sanchez Azcona, whom the
Mexican government sought to extra
dite for trial on the charge of obtain
ing money under false pretenses, was
set free by the supreme court of the
District of Columbia.
Chancellor Allison decided at Nash
ville, Tenn., against the negro
Knights or Pythias, holding that they
have no right to the name, regalia,
badges, etc. This case will be ap
pealed to the supreme court
Thirty-two individual defendants In
the so-called bathtub trust criminal
cases filed a general demurrer in the
federal court in Detroit Monday af
ternoon. It was expected the case
would come up for trial in March.
Mrs. Mary Cella jumped to her
deatli and her two daughters were
probably fatilly burned in a spec
tacular fire which destroyed a four
story tenement building at Thirty
seventh street and Sixth avenue. New
Sheriff R. E. Martin of Hansford
county. Texas, was shot and killed by
a man named Fifer. Sheriff Martin
and a United States marshal went to
arrest Fifer for unlawfully holding
state land twenty miles northwest of
here. The men entered Fifer's barn
and struck a match.. Fifer fired and
A caucus of the supporters of La
fayette Young for United States sen
ator was held at Des Moines. When
the caucus adjourned it was an
nounced that every man present had
pledged himself to vote for Young
until the end of the session, unless
a special primary bill shall pass in
the meantime.
House democrats may caucus on
Canadian reciprocity.
Ira C. Stone, aged 100 years and
five months, died recently at Bloom
ington. 111.
General Lee Christmas is on his
way to take possession of Puerto Cor
tez. Honduras.
Two new senators. Gronna of North
Dakota and Watson of West Virginia,
took their seats.
Joseph Hunter, a pioneer of Iowa
City, has been found murdered in
Idaho City, Idaho.
There are no signs of peace in the
New York senatorial struggle.
A Colorado member of the legisla
ture voted for a woman for senator.
Elizabeth Stewart Phelp3 Ward,
author and lecturer, died at her home
in Newton Center. Mass.
The Iowa senate passed the Sam
mig bill increasing the salaries of
Iowa legislators from $550 to $1,200
per session.
It was learned at London that An
drew Carnegie has donated an addi
tional 1.250.000 in furtherance of his
philanthropies ' at his birth place,
Dunfermline, Scotland.
Senator Brown is to make a speech
in the senate outlining the aims of the
progressive league.
Suit has been instituted against the
executors of Henry O. Havemeyer for
the return of a block of sugar stock.
Five wealthy southern lumbermen
entered the federal prison at Atlanta
to serve sentences for peonage.
Mrs. Potter Palmer, who was the
guest of friends in Washington, is
now at a winter resort in Florida.
In view of plague epidemic in the
far east the tour of Crown Prince
Frederick William will be terminated
at Calcutta.
Business Men of the Southwest Part
of the State Want an Appro
priation for an Agri
cultural College.
Lincoln The chance Tor the Ne
braska legislature to show how it
stands on the question of tariff re
vision when it strikes directly at a
Nebraska industry was offered in the
house Monday by Cclton of York when
he presented a resolution in the form
of a memorial to the Nebraska con
gressmen to vote against the proposed
reciprocity treaty with Canada on the
ground that it provides for abolishing
the tariff of twenty-five cents a bushel
on wheat, thus placing the wheat from
the cheap lands of Canada directly in
competition with the Nebraska pro
duct tending to cheapen the market
The author of the resolution has been
a miller most of his life.
Boost for Eastman Bill.
Headed by ex-Governor Shallenher
ger. thirty business men. styled the
"Southwestern Nebraska Boosters,"
attended the meeting of the finance,
ways and means committee, held at
the capitol Monday night
The 4ill for which the westerners
are working is known as house roll
No. 3. by Eastman of Franklin, a
measure calling for an appropriation
of $100,000 for the establishment of an
agricultural school in southwestern
Ex-Governor Shallenberger opened
for the visitors with a short talk in
which he laid particular emphasis on
the needs of his part of the state for
such an institution "as is asked for in
the Eastman bill.
Are After the Governor.
Governor Aldrich's message charg
ing thousands of election frauds in
Omaha and recommending that the
governor be given the exclusive privi
lege of managing elections, held in the
metropolis, will continue to be a sub
ject of interest in the legislature for
some time to come. The point of In
terest, however, is shifted now to the
special committee on investigation
named by Speaker Kuhl of the house.
This committee consists of B. S.
Harrington of Brown county, chair
man; H. C. Matran of Madison, An
ton Sagle of Saline, W. A. Prince of
Hall and Dennis H. Cronin of Holt.
Harrington. Matrau and Sagi are dem
ocrats and Prince and Cronin are re
publicans. Under the power conferred upon it
by an additional resolution, submitted
by Evans of Adams, this committee is
authorized to "send for persons and
papers, administer oaths, compel the
attendance of witnesses, hold sessions
in Omaha, if necessary, and to do any
and all things necessary to reveal the
facts in the case."
Initiative and Referendum.
If. R. No. 1. the initiative and ref
erendum bill, as drawn by the Ne
braska direct legislation league, was
reported from the house committee
fcr passage. It is now on general file.
The report was favored by nine of the
eleven members. Grossman of Doug
las, democrat, and Sagl of Saline, dem
ocrat, serving notice that they would
insist on an amendment when the bill
comes up in committee of the whole
where it is made special order for
February I. It is understood that both
favor an increased petition from that
called for in the bill anil wanted it to
read 25 per cent both for initiating and
for referring measures. The bill as
recommended calls for a 10 per cent
initiation and a 5 per cent referendum
petition. So far as is now known no
effort will be made to require a ma
jority of all votes cast at the election
shall be required for passing any such
The measure was made a special or
der of the day for Wednesday, Febru
ary 1, at the afternoon session.
To Create a Market
The Potts hill for the investment of
the permanent school funds of the
state was recommended for passage
with some amendments. This bill has
for its purpose the furnishing of a
local market for the bonds of the
cities, towns and school districts.
Many of these cannot now sell their
bonds in the open market without pay
ing more interest than the bonds call
for. Hence they are a drug on the
Lincoln. Neb.. Jan. 2C. Governor
Aldrich's charges against the conduct
of the last election in Omaha, as con
tained in his sensational message of
Wednesday, created a storm in the
senate Friday morning.
Governor Aldrich has exercised his
power under the guaranty of deposit
law in making appointments of em
ployes of the state banking board.
The guaranty law permits the gover
nor to make all appointments for the
state banking board of which he is
one member. His appointments are
to take effect whenever the mandate
of the United States supreme court
upholding the Nebraska law is re
ceived by the district court of the
United States. The governor desired
to make the appointments in advance
of the arrival of the mandate in order
to get rid of applicants for position.
In his fourth special message to the
present legislature Governor Aldrich
criticises Omaha. City Clerk Dan But-
ler and the election officials of the
He also makes a recommendation
which, if adopted, would give the gov
ernor absolute control of all the elec
tion machinery of the city.
The message is a lengthy affair. It
requires about 1,800 words for the
executive to call attention to what he
declares Is an evil situation in the city
rff Omaha.
Lincoln. The dignity of the senate
received a rude jolt at the afternoon
session of the legislature Friday when
State Auditor Barton sent a communi
cation to its members pleasantly in
forming them that while he would be
delighted to oblige them he really
could not place himself in the attitude
of violating a law of the state, and
suggested that if they wanted to be
good to the employes of the senate
they might change the law relating to
the compensation thereof. As it was,
he felt that he would have to refuse
to issue warrants for all wages of
employes in excess of the legal rate.
Friday was payday, the first of the
session, because the appropriation
bills had not been passed, and the re
sult of the auditor's action was some
thing of a surprise.
A few days ago, in a burst of gener-
csity, the senate voted to increase the
pay of the pages to ?3 a day. This
raised something of a storm among
the other employes, including the
stenographers. Hence the good-natured
upper house raised the wages of
these employes to $4 a day. The
vouchers for pay under this resolu
i tion were made out for the first time
j and sent to the auditor on Thursday.
Ollis of Valley, one of the "insur
gent" members of the majority side
of the legislature, introduced a bill
for the regulation of stock yards and
presented the first county option bill
offered in either house. The county
option bill introduced by him follows
the general plan ot the county option
conference held by county option re
publicans and democrats recently,
with the possible exception that it
provides for submitting the question
of county option at a general election
instead of at a special election. The
friends of the bill became convinced
that submission at a special election
would add to the expense to be paid
by tax-payers and that it would be bet
ter to submit the question at a gener
al election.
The Ollis county option bill is sen
ate file IIS. It provides that 20 per
cent of the voters is sufficient to sub
mit the question and that submission
shall not be had oftener than once in
three years, each time at a general
election. Petitions must be filed for
submission not more than sixty days
nor less than thirty days before elec
tion. A majority of those voting on
the question shall control. The bill
, simply seeks to suspend the present
license law as it applies to city, vil
lage and county boards when county
option carries.
No Constitutional Convention.
Tho senate spent some time in a
discussion in committee of the whole
of the bill calling for the submission
J to the voters of the state of the ques
tion of calling a constitutional con
vention. It was the first real show at
loratorr In which the senate has in
dulged. Several members took two
whacks at it each and more than an
linur nnd n half were consumed in
I arguing the merits of the proposition,
j In the end the committee recommend
ed the killing of the bill and on a test
vote stood IS to 14 in favor of it.
Campers Bill.
The Leidigh camping bill which pro
hibits cross-country travelers from
stopping longer than twenty hours on
the highways of the state, brought out
some brief but rather spirited debate.
Gandy of Custer, who was not clear on
some ioints of the proposed measure,
rose and inquired if the purpose of the
bill was to keep travelers on the con
stant move from end to end of the
state. "Shall they go to heaven, or
where, to camp, "or shall they keep
going?" asked the Custer county repre
sentative. Vill Accept Lincoln Monument.
The members of the committee ap
pointed to assist the state officers who
constitute the Abraham Lincoln monu
ment association gathered at the art
gallery of the state university Monday
afternoon and within forty minutes
sent out a notification that they had
agreed to accept the design for a Lin
coln monument submitted by Daniel
Chester French of New York City.
Capital Removal Bill.
A poll of the senate Indicates that
a proposition to submit to the people
of the state the question of relocating
the capital may pass, but that the bill
as introduced in the house is certain
to be defeated.
Dan Geilus, state game warden un
der the administration of Governor
Shallenberger, has secured the intro
duction of bills embodying the recom
mendations made in his biennial re
port Most of these are changes in
the game laws which have already re
ceived hearty indorsement from tho
sporting fraternity.
One provision is for a universal
sportsman's license of $1.10. the 10
cents to be retained by county clerks.
Tho proposed law provides that all
Iersons must have such a license to
hunt anywhere In the state except
upon their own land.
House pages have developed into a
bodv of aggressive and rersistent Ioh-
byists. They are after a raise in pay
I . . . ... j i i. : .nt .
i ana. u iney uo uui get u, i nut
be because of any lack of juvenile ar
gument used upon members. House
..n- i,n,-n linon ropoivinr fnr vpjirs
' 31.50 a day. but the senate Is more
generous this year and has allowed its
pages $3 a day. The youngsters In
the house think they are entitled to
' the same amount and have secured
Jthe promise of Representative Fries
to introduce a resolution for them al
lowing the amounr.
Hatfield of Lancaster has introduced
a bill which provides for regulation of
the liquor traffic along the line first
adopted by the city of Lincoln. He
would have restrictive legislation take
the form of limiting the number of
saloons. He provides in his bill for
only one saloon In each city of 1.500
population or less, and one additional
saloon for each additional 1,000 popu
lation. Under this bill Grand Island
would be entitled to ten saloons, Ne
braska City to five, most of the cities
of the second class in the state from
oiu to two.
Rottenness Shown by Testimony Suf
ficient to Invalidate the Election
of Lorimer.
Washington Senator Root of New
York on Friday leaped suddenly to a
position of leadership among the anti
Lorimer forces in the senate, and
caused the case temporarily to be
lifted above the attacks upon the in
dividual so as to bare the blotch upon
the name of Illinois.
When Mr. Root concluded. Senator
Hale, the veteran republican leader,
pleaded with'' tremulous voice for
some friend of the state, and he sug
gested Senator -Cullom, to make a re
ply to Mr. Root's speech which would
exonerate not Loriaicr, but Illinois,
v "I refuse to believe that so great a
people are rotten to the core." said
Senator Bailey of Texas. "If we are
to try senators on the general miscon
duct of legislators, then the senators
whose right is challenged now is not
the only one who must yield his seat.
"His colleague, Mr. Cullom, was
elected by one of those legislatures
and no man here believes he was a
party to any of these evil practices;
but still the case of Lorimer is the
case of Cullom."
Senator Lorimer had numerous de
fenders who replied to the attack
upon him and the method of his elec
tion made br Mr. Root Chief among
them was Senator Reyburn of Idaho,
a member of the Lorimer investigat
ing committee, who charged that
some persons had entered Into the at
tack upon Lorimer in the spirit of a
man hunt
The rottenness shown by the testi
mony, contended Mr. Root, was suffi
cient to invalidate the election of
Lorimer. and he asserted that all of
the following of 1-ew O'Xeil Browne,
Uie democratic leader In the Illinois
assembly was corrupt and the votes
of that following should have been
"It is fair to inrer," he said, "that
the committee was of the opinion
that corrupt methods and practices
were resorted to, but that-their le
gal effect was not such as to invali
date Mr. Lorimer's election.
"This view is sustained by the tes
timony before us, and I regret to
say that after an examination of this
testimony I am constrained to disa
gree with the members of the com
United Ststcs Will .Have Men on
Washington. The acute revolution
ary situation in northern Mexico on
Friday moved the America govern
ment to hurry twelve additional
troops of cavalry to the frontier to
preserve the neutrality of the United
States. The American military forces
will prevent not only the movement
3f revolutionary Bands from this
country into Mexico, but also will pro
hibit defeated rebels with arms from
seeking refuge in the United States.
The Connecticut Gentleman Spent
Nearly Fifteen Thousand.
Hartford, Conn. It cost United
States Senator-elect George McLean
$14.541.:1 to be elected to the sen
ate by the general assembly on Janu
ary IS. according to a statement filed
with the secretary of state as a re
quired by the election laws. Automo
bile hire, newspaper advertisements,
printing and traveling are the chief
items of expense which arc enumer
ated in the statement put on file.
Philadelphia Postmaster Drowned.
Atlantic City, N. J. Richard L.
Ashhurst postmaster of Philadelphia,
mysteriously disappeared from the
Marlborough-Bleheim hotel last Sun
day and no trace of him has since
been found. He is supposed to have
fallen from the million dollar pier the
night ho disappeared.
A Sailor is Not a Laborer.
New York On the ground that
l sailor is not a laborer, Judge Hand
in the United States circuit court
luashcd an indictment against Cap
tain Robert Jamieson, a steamship
master, charged with having allowed
a Chinese member of his crew to land
In violation of a federal statute.
Ninety-four Above in Oklahoma.
Guthrie. Ofcla. All high tempera
ture records of February were broken
here on Friday. At 1 o'clock the ther
mometer registered 94 degrees.
Dead Men on the Pay Roll.
Hammond. Ind. Charges that
'dead men" were being carried on
Ihe payrolls of the United States
Steel corporation and the arrest of
Charles Bloomfield, John Caldwell
and Walter Thomas, timekeepers,
are being investigated by the supe
rior court grand jury here. The
amount of the alleged peculations, it
is said, will probably exceed $10,000.
According to a Gary undertaker.
Rade Zegario was dead and buried
many months before his name was
stricken from the payroll.
Funeral of Admiral Sperry.
Washington. Rear Admiral Chas.
5. Sperry. retired, who died at the
naval hospital here on Wednesday,
was buried in Arlington cemetery
Friday. President Taft and Secre
tary of the Navy Meyer, as well as
army and naval officers, attended the
church services. The casket was cov
ered with the United States flag, on
which were the admiral's sword, belt,
epaulet and chapeau. The casket was
taken to the cemetery on an artillery
caisson, escorted by a batalllon of
sailors and marines.
Horse Killed by Steer.
Burt County. As William Johnson,
living in the Argo neighborhood,
southwest of Craig, was driving some
cattle to market a steer turned on
him and gored the horse he was rid
ing so severely that it died.
Probable Fatal Fall.
Richardson County. Mrs. Davy N.
Jones, aged ninety years, sustained a
fall and received a broken hip. Her
old age and frail health precludes a
setting of the Injured member and it
is feared recovery is impossible.
Credit Association.
Jefferson County. Fairbury busi
ness men have organized the Mer
chants' Credit association, which is
under the jurisdiction of the state
and national association. ' The object
of the association is to eliminate the
"dead beat"
Physicians Indicted.
Lancaster County. Two Lincoln
physicians, Dr. Walter R. Townsend
and Dr. William J. Adamson. were
indicted by the grand jury en a charge
of performing criminal operations and
bound over to the next term of the
district court.
Kills Himself in Street
Madison County. Louis Herdes.
aged 23 years, a carpenter well
known in that vicinity ended his life
at Madison by firing a bullet from a
32-calibre Colt's revolver into his
right temple. He was despondent
over financial matters.
An Attempt at Suicide.
Richardson County. J. W. Wisdom,
a farmer about 30 years old, living
three miles southwest of Salem, at
tempted to kill himself by cutting his
throat. He severed the trachea and
just missed the jugular vein. He had
been despondent for several days.
Bondsman Pays Coin.
Johnson County. Franklin A. Tay
lor of Tecumseh, has just made the
first payment to the county of John
son upon the judgment' secured
against him in the matter of the
county's loss in the Chamberlain
banking house of Tecumseh. When
the bank laided the county had a
depesit there amounting to $C,70S.S0.
Farmers Organize Grain Company.
Howard County. The farmers in
the vicinity of Dannesbrog met and
organized a co-operative grain and
supply company. They were ad
dressed by F. E. Pope of St Paul on
the subject of co-operation. After
due deliberation the farmers decided
to incorporate as a company and will
file articles of incorporation at once.
A Musical Nebraskan.
Johnson County. Prof. Joseph Cht
arini. band master of the Tecumseh
Military band, has just completed
writing a "Musical Poem." arranged
for orchestra. The orchestra score
includes the writing of i:U pages of
music, and offers an opportunity for a
great selection of instruments. There
are solos for the French horn, for vio
lin, duct for violins, solo and duet for
cellos, duct for Mute and clarinet, a
trio for violin, flute and clarinet, and
.an abundance of other arrangements.
, After the Bootleggers.
Merrick County. Merrick county
has no .saloons within its borders
but the bootleggers have been unusu
ally busy, and prosecutions have been
startec by CountyjVttorney W. H. C.
Rice. .Among the" first was Charles
Clark, who was brought up from
Clarks on a bootlegging charge. He
waived preliminary examination in
the co-in'.y court, and the district
court being in session he was taken
before Judge Thomas and pleaded
guilty, and this being his firtst of
fense (afore the district court he was
given a line of $100 and costs.
Humphrey Files Complaint.
Platti: County The Humphrey Com
mercial club has filed a complaint
with the Nebraska state railway com
mission against the Northwestern
railroad because of its refusal to car
ry passengers on train "G.". a freight
going west at 5 p. m., and for not fur
nishing waiting room facilities at its
depot in Humphrey.
Doctor Charged With Assault.
Webster County. Dr. Bartholomew
of Blue Hill is under, arrest in Hast
ings charged with being the man who
attempted an assault upon Miss Elaine
Hyatt of that city, when the latter
was returning to her home from her
day's work in the Globe dry goods
According to the girl's story a man
rode up in the darkness and, jumping
from the car. attempted to drag her in
to the vehicle and to stifle her
screams by stuffing a cloth into her
mouth. Two men came to her rescue.
howccr. and the auto driver jumped
into the car and sped away, but not
before one of the men had read the
number of the car. The girl has iden
tified her assailant.
Dcxey Bigamy Case.
Piatt. County. St Louis papers
state that Mrs. Dora Doxey. formerly
of Cclumlius. will be tried for big
amy Feb. 6. On two previous occas
ions the case has been continued,
owing .o Mrs. Doxey's illness.
Divorces for a Month.
Cass County. Of the It. divorce pe
titions filed from Feb. 1. 1910. to Feb.
1. 1911, 12 have been filed by the wife.
The causes are as loTlows: For de
sertion. 5; for cruelty, 5; one pleads
extreme cruelty; drunkenness, 5.
A Dastardly Attempt.
Nemaha County. What is consider
ed the most dastardly attempt to In
jure innocent persons in Howe was
accidentally discovered by Cecil, the
8-year-old foster son of Mr. and Mrs.
Loren Rounds. Boy-like, the little
fellow was chopping, at the wood pile,
when he split open a chunk of fire
wood that contained two No. 10 load
ed shotgun shells. Two three-quarter
Inch holes had been bored into the
side of the stick and the shells drop
npd in. then a plug tightly driven in
and sawed off flush with the outside. J
AS Reftared by Lydia E Piflk
barn's Vegetable Compound.
Sikeston.Mo. "For seven jean 1
Buffered everything. I was in bea
;or zour or nve aayi
at a time everj
month, and so weal
I could hardly walk;
I cramned and bad
backache and head
ache, and was ao
nervous and weak
that I dreaded to
. sco anyone or hav
anyono move in um
room. The doctors
gave me medicine to
ease me at those
times, and said that 1 ought to have an
operation. I would not listen to thafc
nnd when a friend of my husband told
him about Lydia E. Knkham's Vege
table Compound and what it had done
for his wife, I was willing to take it,
Now I look tho picture of health and
feel like it, too. I can do my own house,
work, hoo my garden, and milk a cow.
I can entertain company and enjoy
them. I can visit when 1 choose, all
walk as far as any ordinary woman,
any d-iy in tho month. I wish I could
Mrs. Deha BETnuJTB, Sikeston, Ma
The most successful remedy in this
country for the cure of all forms of
female complaints is Lydia E. fink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
It is more widely and successfully
used than any other remedy. It hai
cured thousands of women who havi
been troubled with displacements, in
flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing down feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, af terall othel
means had failed. Why don't you try it?
Difficulty in Europe Successfully Over
com by the Exercise of Some
In the early days of the reign of the
late Kins Leopold of Belgium a sev
enth son was born to a Brussels wom
an, and -hen the king heard of it and
was told '.hat the boy was the seventh
successive one, and that no girl had
come to the family, he asked to be the
baby's godfather. Ever since then
every seventh son born in Brussels
has had the same honor, and the moth
ers have received gifts in keeping
with their station in life. King Al
bert, In carrying out the old adage a
short time ago had somo difficulty
"because the seventh son was twins,"
according to the Frankfurter Zeitung.
He could not stand for both boys, be
cause that would give the family two
Alberts. The remedy was found by
Queen Elizabeth, who suggested that
ber little son. the duke of Brabant,
bo the godfather of the eighth boy,
who consequently received the nam
of Leopold.
To Arrange Flowers.
Here are five golden rules which
should be observed by those who often
arrange flowers. Use plenty of foliage.
Put your flowers In very lightly. Use
artistic glasses. Do not put more than
two, or, at the most, three different
kinds of flowers in one decoration.
Arrange your colors to form a bold
contrast or. better still, a soft har
mony. The aim of the decorator should
be to show off the flowers not the
vases that contnln them; therefore the
Bimpler ones are far preferable to
even the most elaborate. Glasses for
a dinner table should be either white.
& delicate shado of green, or rose col
or, according to tho flowers arranged
(n them.
Warm Spot.
Adirondack Guide What Is youi
climato In New York?
New Yorker Well, occasionally It
gets down to zero.
Adirondack Guide M-m-in! Don't
you ever have any cold weather."--
Nothing Much.
"I don't know whether I ought to
recognize him here in the city or not.
Our acquaintance at the seashore
was very slight."
"You promised to marry him, didn't
"Yes. but that was all."
Twenty-Five Years of It.
"Why do people have, silver we
dings, pa?"
"Just to show to the world what
their powers of endurance have been."
Judge's Library.
When Coffee Is Doing Harm.
A lady writes from tho land of cofc
ion of the results of a four years' use
of the food beverage hot Postum.
"Ever since I can remember we had
used coffee three times a day. It had
a more or less injurious effect upon
us all, and I myself suffered almos
death from indigestion and nervous
ness caused by it.
"I know it was that, because when
I would leave it off for a few days I
would feel better. But It was hard to
give it up, even though I realized how
harmful It was to me.
'At last I found a perfectly easy
way to make the change. Four years
ego T abandoned the coffee habit and
began to drink Postum, and I also In
fluenced the rest of the family to do
the same. Even the children are al
lowed to drink it freely as they do
water. And it has done us all great
"I no longer suffer from indigestion,
and my nerves are in admirable tone
since I began to use Postum. We
never use the old coffee any more.
"We appreciatae Postum as a de
lightful and healthful beverage, which
not only Invigorates but supplies the
best of nourishment as well." Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Read "The Road to Wellville," lx
pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Ever rend the above letter? A
one appears from tine to tlate. The?
are crauinc, true, aad fall af tommam
exrj ....'.' ' .'V-'L-&
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