The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 08, 1911, Image 1
5 --,ijl' r&st&Q&f?? -oA-' j, c. - v - - U f SV --T? i -1 5 5 FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 45. OOLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1911. WHOLE NUMBER 2,047. j "" ." (fiflkmte Inv. a kY $2,600 Is Very Reasonable for a new Dwell ing, Barn and two lots. East 14th Street BECHER, HQCKENBER6ER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MARKETS. Kyt y GO Oats & Wheat 77 WhitoCorn 31 Vellow Corn :12J IG.OOto $G.7G MANY YEARS AGO Kilea of the Journal February 15, 1878. The man who will steal lumber from a public bridge must be a pretty mean rascal, and yet there are several such in Nebraska. A bridge plank gets broken or loose and away it is "yanked." Per haps, after all the intent is to make sure that the supervisor will see the bridge. For those who have to move west in wagons we believe it is u good plan to build u little, movable house on the wa tfnn. We hit ve .seen such with "ledgea" putting out over the wheels, and having in it a door, windowx, stove, etc., and looking oomfortable and cosy. When a settlement is made on the claim, the house can be need temporarily for oc cupancy by the family, instead of camp ing out, and when the dwell ing is erected run lie put to very good use on the farm. There is nothing like consulting health and economy in Httch matters. On last Sunday Mr. Able, who resides west of the Loup river, hnd a very nar row escape from drowning. After cross ing to the east end of the bridge while on bis way to church in Columbus, his hat blew off into the river. He left his team in the care of his daughter, while lie advanced on the ice toward the open channel to recover his hat, but the ice gave way, precipitating Mr. Alite into the water six feet deep, and would have drowned had not a couple of Polanders, who were also wending their way to church, came to his relief and rescued him from a watery grave, ilatless, wet and fearfully chilled with cold, Mr. Able soon arrived at David Anderson's bouse, where he was furnished with dry cloth ing and stimulants, but was so long de layed that he failed to reach the Monas tery for devotional services. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in tbe post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing February 8. 1911: Letters Mies Minnie Barmea, Miss Hannah limns, P. F. Banks, Lather Dillard, ilarry Hams worth, Olaud Pierce, J. O. Parsons, M. C. Smith, Pat Sulli van, Mies Pearl Sbanogfelt. JakeTur niok, J. G. Widhelm Cards J. A. Fisher, Miss Elna Loseke, M. C Smith, Logan Vannoosen, Chris tian W. Volk. Parties calling for any of the above will please say, "advertised." W.A. McAllirtku P. M. Patronize home and come to the Valentine danct given by the Band Tuesday February 14, 11)11. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAUGH At the meeting of the Council laat Fri day evening tbe report of tbe fire de partment on tbe election of chief end aa eistant chief, wae read and the election of Bert J. Galley and Emil Kumpf as sistant chief wae confirmed by that body. The library board presented tbe name of Dr. N. Matzen to fill tbe vacancy caused by the resignation of I. H. Britell, and the council made the appointment. The annual report of the chief of the Fire Department, Bert J. Galley, was read and placed on file. It told in de tail what apparatus the department had on hand, and what wae needed for the coming year. . T. Barnum of De troit. Mich., presented a bill for $187 for the new cells at the city jail, and the committee reported the work completed and satisfactory, and the bill waa allow ed. R. O. Boyd and A. L. Bollin were served with notices to remove obstruc tions from the streets, the former having a barn projecting into Monroe street, and the latter fences across Lincoln street. The committee on fire, to whom the petitions for tbe purchase of a $5,000 chemical auto truck was referred, re ported that CM) names were attached to the petition, andthat being; a majority of the voters of the city of Columbus, the proposition was carried. The coun cil then adopted tbe report and passed a resolution looking toward tbe purchase of the track, which will be done as soon as the report of the judiciary committee to whom it was referred, reports, which will be at the next meeting. Tbe coun cil are taking their time in tbe matter, and want to be sun- of their ground, so that there will be no question regarding tbe legality of tbe proceeding. About twenty residents of Columbus and Columbus township, interested in the petition and remonstrance, were before the board regarding the divid ing of district No. 1. The petitions for division contained forty-eight names, thirty-four from the township and four teen from tbe city, and remonstrance contained 638 names, all from tbe city. Several who signed the petition spoke in itsfavor, and Judge Poet, who represent ed the petitioners, also spoke in favor of it. Several talks were made by mem bers of the board, and after both sides had been heard action was deferred on both the petition and remonstrance. Miss Sheehan, primary teacher in the High school building, presented her re signation, to take effect at once, as she has apoflition in the.Liccole city schools. The resignation was accepted, and pend ing the election of her successor Miss Clara Weaver is acting as a temporary substitute. Superintendent Campbell was granted a leave of absence to at tend the National meetings of school superintendents, which is held at Mobile, Ala., February 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. At this meeting tbe board elected Superin tendent Campbell for a term of three years, tbe salary for the first two being $1,650 per year, and for the third year $1,700. Spring vacation this year will begin March 111 and continue for one week, until April 10. Chancellor Avery of the state university has been invited to deliver an address at tbe annual com mencement to be held on June 1, a mo tion extending the invitation having been passed by the board. After a week's illness with pneumonia, An ten Joseph Rothleitner. son of Joseph ltothleitner, died last Thursday morning at St. Mary's hospital. For a day or two prior to bis death, his condition while considered serious, did not pre clude hopes of his recovery. His broth er Max, who was at tbe hospital that morning to see him, was with bim when he died. "Tony" Rothleitner, as be was familiarly known around town, was born on tbe old homestead in Grand Prairie township January 20, 1886, and this was his home until he came to this city ten years ago, when tbe hardware firm of Rothleitner v Co., was organized, and since that time bad been associated with bis father and brother in tbe business. For a number of years be was a promin ent member of tbe tire department, be ing foreman of floss Company No. 2 for some time. Besides bis father, Joseph Rothleitner, three brothers and two sis ters, Max Rothleitner of this city, Frank Rothleitner of Kilgore, Neb., Albert Rothleitner of Ewing, Neb., Mrs. Hattie Dall and Miss Mary Rothleitner, survive him. Funeral services were held Sun day at 2 p. m from St. Bonaventure's church, and were conducted by Father Marcellinns. The fire department, and the order of Ragles of which tbe deceas ed was a member, attended tbe funeral in a body. Mrs. Adam Saner, a former resident of this city, was brought here from Chi cago, where she died following an opera tion, and funeral services were held at St. Bonaventure's church Saturday morning, and she was buried in the fam ily lot in the parish cemetery. Mrs. Saner came to Columbus in 1885 with her family, her husband being employed as a coat maker by Carl Kramer. Her husband died a number of years ago and was buried here, and two of her sons, Adolph and Will, are also buried in tbe cemeteries here. For tbe last num ber of years she has been residing in Chicago with her son Max, who is an engineer for one of tbe large firms of that city. Her remains were accompanied here by her son Max and his wife. Max Rothleitner, who has bees quite isick and confined to his room for tbe laat few days, is again able to be around. Dr. Naumaaa. Deatisfc 18th St Dr. Morrow, omce Lasschea baildiag. Baled hay for sale. Ernst k Brock. Red Oxide the best barn paint on earth, at Leavy's. t Dr. a A. Alleabarger, csaee im m Bute Bank building. Shoes repaired while you wait 8. Hurwitz. 31 West 11th. Born, Thursday, Feb. 2d, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betz, a son. Dr. L. P. Carstenaon, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and Rummer Sts. Miss Lizzie Green of Genoa was a Col umbus visitor from Saturday until Mon day. Closing out the balance of our cloth ing stock at one-half the regular price at Galley's. Miss Rosa Leavy came up from Fre mont Saturday to spend Sanday with her parents. Mia Mathilda Stenger who is attend ing school at Lincoln spent several days with home folks last week. Public dance Tuesday, February 14, 1911, given by Columbus City Band. Musioby a 10-piece orchestra. Miss Anna Both returned Sunday from Grand Island where sbe has bsea visiting friends for several days. Miss Mazie Magill returned Saturday evening after a ten days visit with rela tives and friends in Monroe and Genoa. The trial or Mia. Dora E. Doxey, obarged with bigamy, which was act Cor this month. Jus again been postponed to Msy 21st. Mrs. J. G. Beober and daughter, Mrs. a H. Washburn, left Monday for Kan sas City for a weeks' visit with Mr. Washburn's relatives. Mrs. John Brshnan of Tyadall, & D. who baa been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. G. Strotber. for the last three weeks; left Monday for her borne. For Sale Improved 80 acres, joining good small town in Platte county. F. K. Strotber, Rooofl 15, German National Bank building, Columbus. Jake Wagner and daughter. Louise, left Tuesday morning for Denver and other points in Colorado, where they will remain for four or five weeks. Miss Bertha Oluraad Giedoa Braaa who are teaching school in the Gruetli neighborhood, attended the teachers meeting which waa held at Humphrey last Saturday. John B. Itatte appears in Columbus fdr tbe second time next Friday night at the Y. M. IX, A. This may be your last opportunity to bear this great impersona tor. Tickets are 35c Beginning with Friday of last week it wes Postmaster McAllister, his commis sion having arrived and he was checked in that day. Miss Florence Kramer al so took her position as deputy. Fire last Saturday morning destroyed a barn belonging to J. F. Magill, is tbe northeast part of tbe city . Sparks from a pipe caused tbe blaze, and besides the building, the loss estimated is about $100. Great interest is being shown in the entertainment promised by John B. Ratte Friday night at the Y. M. C. A. His plessing performance assures him a full house on this occasion. Tickets 36c. Mrs. D. M. Sullivan and obildren who have been visiting at the home of Mia Sullivan's parents. Mr. and Mrs.Theo. Moersen, for tbe past two months, re turned to their home at Pond Creek, Oklahoma, today. O. A. Finecy, who has bad a position with tbe Valparaiso Visitor for more than a year, arrived in tbe city Saturday evening, and remained over Sunday vis iting tbe home folks . He went to Kear ney Monday to take a position on the Hub. E. P. Dussell went to Omaha Tuesday of this week to attend tbe annual meet ings of the state and national Plumbers' associations whioh are bald in that oity this week. Mr. Dussell "is one of the officers of the state association, being a member of tbe board of directors. Mrs. J. J. Dodds and children of Cambridge. Neb., returned to their home Isst Friday, after an extended stay in this locality. They were accompani ed by Miss Anna Dodds and John Dodds tbe latter expecting to remain there a couple of weeks, while Mies Dodds will stay there indefinitely. Frank, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Allison of south Columbus, died Wedaesdsy evening, after a abort illness with polio myelitis. The little fellow waa stricken with a general par alysis that morning, and coatiaaed to grow worse until bis death, about 10 p. m. Funeral services were Friday after noon from tbe Catholic church, and bur ial was in the pariah cemetery. Beginning with Saturday of last week. No's. 7 and 8. the Los Angeles trains on the Union Pacific, were discon tinued, owing to high water on tbe Salt Lake road. These trains are solid Pall man trains and do not carry local pas sengers, so tbe change does not affect the service in this city. No's. 1, 2. 3 and 10 will carry the equipment of these traias until the service on the west and is re-esUblished. Last Saturday the second annual meeting of the Platte County Teacbera' association waa held at Humphrey. Teachers from all parts of the country were present, a majority of the teachers of tbe county beiag present. The pro gram waa an excellent one, and the mae io was furnished by the pupils of the Humphrey schools. "Higher Educa tion" was the first paper, and was by Prof. Good of the Greatoa schools. Prof. Good is a new man in tbe county and hie first appearance before the as sociation wss well received. "Work in Spelling" by Lola Knight of Oreaton brought many points regarding the pre sent methods used. "School Boom Hy giene,"' by Pearl Elley of Humphrey, took up tbe new system of heating school rooms, and also the proper ventila tion, and also care of the eyes of the pu pil, which has much to do with their progress in school work. Tbe system of medical examination was also dealt with, and tbe feasibility of such examinations in country schools discussed. "Reading in tbe Lower Grades" by Alice Davies of Creston. wsa one of the interesting pa pars of the session. The last number was "Temperance Work in tbe Schoole" by Milton Tranche!, and when this wss completed the arrival of tbe southbound freight required an adjournment with out transacting tbe regular business ses sion. The next meeting, which will be the last one until fall, will be held in this city sometime in April. Louis Henry Hoppe, brother-in-law of Chas. Segelke of this city, disd Tuesday at his home at Benton, aged sixty-nine years, one month and twenty-four daya. Mr. Hoppe was born in Hildershetm, Hanover, Germany, and resided in his native country until he grew to man hood. While in hie native land he waa a soldier in the German army, and fou ght in the German-Austrian war of 1866 and also the Franco-German war of 1870- 71 . On April 7, 18TC, he was married to Doretta begelke, at Dowerden, Hanover, Germany, and the same year with his wife came to America and located .in Omaha. Here they resided but a abort time, moving to Holt county the next year. This wss their home for nine years, and they then moved to Platte county, and three years later they took up their residence in Colfax county, which has since been their home. Mr. Hoppe was one of tbe prominent resi dents of tbe western part of Colfax coun ty, and since leaving tbe fararasided in the village of Beaton. Besides' his wife he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Win. Good ring, and two sons, Fred and Henry at home. Funeral eervioes will be held Thursday at ISO from the home, and burial will be in the Kenton cemetery. Improved mail service for this locality will soon be a reality should tbe change forecasted by the Union Pacific offioials be put into effect. Tbe proposed change would make the Grand Island local, No. 23 leave Omaha at 11:30 p. m., the form er time of No. :(. This would bring the morning dailies here at tbe usual time, and also gave the branches the same service. People from Fremont and intermediate towns could attend the theatre in Omaha and return home the same night. No. 5, at present a fast train, would do tbe local work between Omaha and Grand Island. This arrange ment would be temporary, for as soon aa the Denver business picks up. No's. 13 and 14 would again be placed in service. When the new Union Pacific depot was built a pipe was laid under the tracks so tbe telegraph wires would be underground. But when tbe cable ar rived it was found to be too large for the pipe and was sent hack. Severs! cables were sent out here, but esch proved too large until the one received last week, and this wss placed in tbe pipe, and the work of connecting it up with the switchboard has been in progress during tbe last week. When the present over heat! cable is removed, it will improve the appearance of the front of the depot. Peter Ernst filed a complaint in Jus tice O'Brien's court charging' J. E. Madre with embezzlement, tbe amount beiag $38. For some time he was selling fire extinguishers for Ernst, but failed to turn in the money above tbe amount allowed for a commission, and a warrant will be issued for his arrest. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business ia Cotmabua for many years aad have learned by experience many poiate ia the coal trade which makes It possible for us to serve you better cheaper aad snore satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEIVEI i SM. HARNESS AND COAL TaCmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn'hv QmmTmmmmmma1 ammmf "22' "mmamw-"" tmV,mmY of the rails caused tbe de railment of the Union Pacific switch en giae early Taesdsy evening, and it took aatil Wedaesdsy noon to put it back on the traek. Aa a result of the accideat the branch aad main liae freights that are made up here were late Wednesday moraiag. Edmuad Tworek, infant son of Mr. and Mia. Frank Tworek, living south of Duncan oo the Island, died Tuesdsy, aged two months and twenty-nine days, death being caused from pneumonia. Mm. Tworek, mother of the child, is a daughter of Victor Terasinaki of this city. FuBsrsl services will be held Thursday at the Duncan Catholic church and burial will be in the pariah ceme tery. President Friscbholz of the Commer cial club received a letter from Loretto, Neb., atating that the writer would like to start a washing maobmo factory in this city. He asked for a bonus and also a town site. In reply to bis letter Mr. Friscbholz said he thought bis requeete were excessive, aad suggested that be come to this city and interview some of the citizens who might 1 interested in the project. Woodville township baa a case of small pox, according to the St. Edward Sun. The home of Will Finch waa placed under quarantine last week, but none of the caaes are serious. Their daughter, Mrs. James Weldon, was vis iting at Strang, and tbe depot agent came down with the disease the same day, according to reports from there, aad thia is where they suppose they con tracted the disease. Tbe disease is in a very mild form, and it was some time before it waa foand to be small pox. Oa December 20. Hugh Ward, who waa doing business in this city, present ed a check for $72 at tbe First National Bank, signed by himself, and he made rspreasatatioee that be was a member of a firm aad authorized to draw checks. The Dslton 8tate Bank, upon which tbe check waa drawn, refused to honor it aad returned it to the First National Bank. So on laat Friday cashier Miller filed a complaint in Police Judge O'Brien's court, chargiag Ward with embezzlement, aad a warrant baa been issued for bis arrest. Route No. 4. John Willa returned last week from a three weeks' stay at Cedar Rapids. Charles Galley was sewing wood for the McComba', using his traction engine. Cbss Bolt, and Mrs. J. P. Smith, Joe Poeffel and Mrs. A. Mikscb are on tbe sick list. Wm. Trumbull of Syracuse, Nebraska, arrived last Saturday for a visit at the home of Lyman Bray. Word received from Cbss Msyberger, who has been working in Council Bluffs, says be will retnra borne Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nauenherg of Cedar Rapids arrived last Fridsy for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wills. J. F. Belford recently bought tbeGer rard buildings in Oconee, and baa just finished moving them to his 210 sere fsrm esst of that village. When tbe carrier arrived in Shell Creek township after tbe snow be found that some of tbe enterprising young men of the neighborhood had manufactered a snow plow and cleared seven miles of the road on the route. This example should be followed by others, as it would materially assist tbe carrier in making his route promptly after a storm. Those who cleared a part of tbe route are as sured that their work was appreciated, by tbe carrier. Lincoln's Birthday Anniversary Saturday evening of this week, Union Camp No. 134, Sons of Veterans, Baker Post No. U, Grand Army of the Republic, the Ladies' Auxiliary and the local camp of tbe Spaniah-American war vet erans will observe Lincoln's birthday, which is also known as Union Defend er's Dsy, at their hall on Eleventh street. This is the important event of the year for these orders and always fit tingly observed by them. After tbe fol lowing program is given tbe Ladies' Auxiliary will serve refreshments: Gall to order. . .Camp Com. G E. Devlin Address of welcome, . . . W. A. McAllister 8olo. MissOrnbb Recitation. "Gettysburg Address" Vernetta Devlin Duet Misers Mae and Kate Reed Violin solo Helen McAllister Address August Wagner Piano solo Mrs.W. A. McAllister Remarks J. H. Galley America.... Audience Methodist Church Notice. Our services are for all the people and the 8aaday morning sermon will be on the topic "Power and Results of Pray er " Sunday scnooi is fteui at coon. Epworth League at (5:30 p. m. Tbe sub ject of tbeeveaiag sermon is "Social and Religious Transformations." Join with us on Thursday evening in our study of the Sunday school lesson. Special mus ic rendered by the choir. Chas. Watne Rat, Pastor. Marriage Licenses. William E. Wilcox, Silver Creek ... . 27 Laura E. Wisely, Silver Creek 24 Glen L. Hashes. Daveaport, Neb. . . . 25 Aliee E. Wagner, Fallerton 19 I sometimes thiak that as the maa who ie aotaehriatiaa looks into the chureh he must feel we are mskiag a great ads about nothing. Unless there is a greater need of a personal application of the gospel to individual life than ia generally accepted, evea by ohristisa people, the preacher ie several kiadaof afoel. We have reached aa ace whea it w consid ered a virtue to be at peace ia Zioa. When men will mt for twaaty years ia a church pew aader several pastorates without showiag the least sign of a change of life aad the demand ia not to dieturb them in their indifferent woi snip. Without reference aa to what we be lieve today aa tbe need of Jesus in tbe soul there waa a time when the church believed that one without Chriet i lost, and under the spell of that belief men became tremendous preachers. Under tbe spell of tbst belief Jesus wept over the city and said "ye would not come noto me that you might have life." Peter preached tbe sermon on Pentecost and Paul cried, "Lay bold oa eternal life." According to New Testa ment teaching letting a man drown that we might save is nothing in comparison to letting a man go to hell we might save for heaven. The gosple of Jesus is not simply another power of evolution: not simply another power working for social cul ture: not simply another religion; it ie man's only hope of immortality. The ohurch throws open its doors of a Sunday not as another plaee'of eater tainment but a place where the gospel, the power of God and the will of God, ia preached to bring aalvation to dyiag souls. Tbe Congregational people invite you to share tbe blessing of their church with them. Tbe sermon aaSject for next Sundsy morning will be The Con tention of Conscience. Of the evening another sermon of tbe aeries Modern Application of Scriptural Problems A Business Man's Proposition to God. William L. Dibblk. Route No. 3. Koch ia in Beatrice this week. Rev. Chas Snyder is confined to his borne with a severe cold. Born, on Thursday Februury 3, to Mr. and Mrs. George Sohwank a daughter. Dick Menke ie looking after tbe farm work for Que Behbn,wbil he ia laid, nrj with a broken leg. Miss Pearl Freeman, teachrr in the Adamy district, closed her school Thurs day of last week eo she could go to Oma ha. Henry Goede ku. who has been visit ing bin parents for the last ten day, re turned Monday to Republican City, Neb. John Witt, jr., of Scribner visited from Saturday until Monday at tbe borne of his wife'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brunken. The evening of Ground Hog's dsy, February 2, tbe young and old folks of the neighborhood gathered at the home of Ferdinand Seefeld to help him cele brate bis fifty-sixth birthday. The event was properly observed and Mr.1 Seefeld wss tbe recipient of a number of gifts, including a fine fur ront. While assisting in loading hoga laet Saturday Gua Beblen hail bis leg broken in a peculiar nnoner. One of tbe ani mals they were trying to load ran against Mr. Behleo, striking bim on the leg and breaking it helow th knee. After tin accident he was brought- to the hom f Wm. Albere, in Columbus, when lit. is at present. Tbe carrier is very well pleased over the way tbe farmers opened the road af ter the recent snow. Out of the twenty eight miles of tbe route twenty miles hsd been cleared and was in fine condi tion. Some of the patrons, besides clearing in from of their places, opened a stretch of road six or seven miles long. It is work like this that makes tbe carri er feel grateful and helps him make bis route on time after a storm. Route No. 1. Carl Korte marketed a car Tuesdsy, bresking tbe roads of bogs in good shspe for the carrier. Chris Ohristensen, a traveling salesman from Council Bluffs, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his cousin, Mrs. Gre gory Bernt. Miss Mathilda Lstz, teacher in tbe Loseke Creek district, spent Sanday at home, and also attended the teachers' meeting at Humphrey Saturday. Alfred Losche, who baa been st St. Msry's hospital for an operation for ap pendicitis, waa taken home Monday by his father. Wm. Luesche. He is getting along nicely and recovering from the ef fects of the operation. Card of Thanks. We take this mesne of tbsnkingonr msny friends, neighbors. Columbus Fire Department, Sobs of Herman, Order of Eagles, Ilaennerchor and Orpheus socie ties for their many nets of kindness, and help tendered, and the beautiful fioral offerings given which waa indicative of the true sympathy so deeply appreciated by us in our recent eickness and bereave ment of our most beloved eon and brother. .Joseph Rothi.kitmkk, Mb. and Mrs. M. M. Rothlkitnr. Ia every of banking, the Columbus State Bank Li to serve you in a tiefactory Cilniis Start Ink Capital Saralas, fl .000.00 Dr. W. 3. Evans, Union Block. Dr. VaHisr, Catssaajh. Berber bleak. Dr. Mat xee, dentist, over Niewohaer'a. See our new line of wall paper. "Leavy. Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist: sad aurkrt, 1215 Olive street. Dr. W. R. Neamarker. oases with Dr 0. O. Evans, west side of Park. Miss Anna Theiaa of Chleago ia guest of Mrs. F. J. Gerharz fora short time. A 10 piece orchestra will furnish music for tbe Bsad dance Taesdsy. February 14, 1911. Miss Emma Smyers of Moaroa waa a gaeat at the home of Mies Made Magill Monday and Tuesday. Floyd Snyder entered St. Mary's hos pital the first of the week aa 'a patient, where he will undergo aa operation for rapture. Couaty Assessor Shell CHark will be come a rssideat of Colambas oa March 1, providing he caa buy or lease a suita ble residence. Mr. sad Mm. Jalius Nichols returned Wedaeaday from a three weeks' t at Mr. Nichols old home near Mil- ford, Michigan. District court convene Monday with Judge Thomas on the beach. Thia term will be occupied mostly with civil cases, the criminal docket beiag tight. Jack Oorbett, manager of the Colum bus base ball team, ia bow a Colnmbaa business man, baviag purchased a half interest in tbe Royal pool hall of Mike Gold. Tuesday of thia week Couaty Jadge Ratterman performed the marriage cere mony for Glen L. Hughes of Davenport, Nebraska, and Alice E Wagaer of Fal lerton. John Janicek, living southeast of city, has purchased tbe KsufTs dence on Sixteenth street, aad will occupy it soon after he has his pabllo salt at his farm. Kight iBcbes of snowfall was tbe amount recorded by A. L. Rash, who baa charge of the govermeat weather station at this place. This amouat of enow equals more then a half iach of rain. E. C. Bergman, proprietor of the Col umbus Marble works, haa purchased the William TerrU residence property at the corner of Seventeenth aad Quiaey aad will move into it during the present month. Hundreds of snow birds were hilled during tbe enow storm of Saturday night and Sanday, either by starvation or beiag chilled to death. Many of them were noticed flying aroaad the electric lights, aad they were found dead oa-tha sidewalks near where i were located. Underwear UNION SUITS We have tbe ageaoy for the famoaa Manning Underwear, the beet popular priced Union Saita on the market. Pricea ia men'a from II. GO to $4.50. Pricea ia boya from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.35. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garmeata we have a splennid line ready for your in spection and ranging in pries from 50c to $2 60 a garment. Bay early while the eizee are complete. GRAY'S - s. I -i-.l M M ri? ; e j- ' -