The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 01, 1911, Image 1

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- i . - i'
Is Very Reasonable
for a new Dwell
. ing, Barn and two
East 14th Street
Wheat.. '"
White Corn
Yellow Corn 3:5
Hogs, top 16.60 to $6.80
Files of the Journal February 6, 1878.
An ordinance to establish a public
library room was passed by the city
oounoil by a unanimous vote.
We don't know whether ground hog
day ia applicable to Nebraska or not,
unless we ohall admit the badger at all
events neither could hare seen their
shadows at sunrise and according to the
rule we have an early and pleasant
The snow ot last Tuesday has not yet
disappeared, although we bad a good
many hours of warm sunshine since
then. All the Nebraska sleds and sleigh
have been put into requisition, and the
youngsters have been having some
"good times."
The weather report for the month of
January, 1878, shows a maximum tern
perature of 54 degrees above zero, and
the minimum temperature six below
zero, the cold weather being during the
first part of the month. 5.50 inches of
snow fell and .55 inches of rain and melt
ed snow.
Citizens of Boone county, who seem
to know whereof they affirm, say that
the proposed road and bridge bonds will
not carry. Boone county's prospect for
a railroad this season, in time to move
the crops next fall, seems to be good,
and, knowing this, ii is doubtful if her
voters would feel inclined to donate
largely to any other project, at present.
Methodist Church Notice.
Next Sunday will be a helpful day for
it is our regular communion service; the
Rev. Q. H. Main the District Superin
tendent will preach and administer the
sacrament ot the Lord's Supper. Mem
bers and adherents of church are urged
to be present. Sunday school at noon.
Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. The pas
tor will apeak at 7:30 p. m., on the
theme, "The Unfolding of Christian
Character." Special music
Ciias. Wayne Ray, Pastor.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ng February 1, 1911:
Letters Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowers.
Cards F. O. Anderson, Mrs. Anna
Oyrek; Miss May Delaney, Maurice Mas
son, Mrs. Dell Miers, Lucy Snyder, Miss
Katharine E. Stello.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say, "advertised."
Carl Kramer, P. M.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sip WriUag a Ssscislly
President Friscbbolz of the Commer
cial Club, who was the official representa
tive of this city at the Land ahow in
Omaha last week, says that portion ot
the show which impressed the most was
the Minnesota road exhibit, which was
given under the direction of the road
commission ot that state. The exhibit
demonstrated the manner of construct
ing their dirt and gumbo roads and also
improved methods of bridge building.
As the Minnesota method of construct
ing roads had attracted considerable at
tention over the country, Mr. Frisohholz
who is much interested in this work, in
quired as to the method used in construc
ting them. In speaking of the material
used the expert in charge stated that on
account of their not having gravel to use
it makes the .construction more difficult
and the gumbo roads had to be con
structed so they would shed the water
in rainy weather, and deep ditobee were
required on each side of the roadway
Their roads must be dragged after each
heavy rain, otherwise they become stioky
and full of holes. When Mr. Frisohholz
told the expert what material could
easily be had in this section, and speci
ally on the proposed road between the
two rivers, the Minnesota man told him
that if they had a good supply of sand
and gravel, the same as here, they oould
build the beet dirt roads in the world.
A special meeting of the board of
education was held last Thursday even
ing to consider the plans submitted for
the proposed additional third story of
the High school building. The building
committee, which had the matter in
charge, presented their report, which
was in favor of the plans submitted by
architect Wurdeman, and also recom
mended that he be instructed to prepare
more detailed plana and specifications,
and have them ready to present to the
board about March 15. This report waa
adopted by the board after they had
carefully examined all the plans. The
proposed additional story to the High
school building, which will provide sev
en additional rooms, will cost not to ex
ceed $14,000, and this amount includes
some changes that will have to be made
to strengthen the building. Besides
taking action regarding the building,
the board passed a resolution requiring
all high school pupils to take physical
training, unless there is some good rea
son why the pupil should be excused.
F. W. Morrissey arrived in Lincoln
yesterday from Columbus, Neb., where
the funeral of his brother, Harry J. )
Morrissey was held Friday. Mr. Mor
rissey's father has lived in Lincoln for a
number of years. He is at present in a
hospital where recently he underwent an
operation. "F. W. Morrissey visited his
father at the hospital yesterday. He
will remain in Lincoln for sometime un
til his father is better. At the time of
the death of Harry J. Morrissey, the
family was unable to locate their father
at once, as it happened that Mr. Morris
sey had gone to a hospital in Lincoln
without notifying the landlord of the
rooming house in which he had been
staying. He had gone to the office of a
physician who had him taken to the
hospital at once. When the family
found that their father was no longer at
his former address in Lincoln they wired
the chief of police, of Lincoln asking as
sistance in locating him. It was soon
found that he was at the hospital. Lin
coln Journal.
Lumber already prepared for the erec
tion of an up-to-date hunting lodge, was
shipped to Gardner last week, and on
Sunday morning Harry Lohr, Will
Kauffman, Joe Mimic, Ed. Kavanaugb,
Joe Gutzmer and Charley Nelson drove
un to the Tom Connor farm to erect
the building. This is an ideal place,
being handy t both good hunting and
fishing grounds, and the builders and
owners or mis camp ail oeing reai
"sports," will doubtless entertain their
friends in royal style. Pete MoCaffrey
has been asked to give the new lodge an
appropriate name, and without question
he will hand the boys something that
will be entirely satisfactory.'
Hilton B. White and Mias May B.
Ratterman, daughter of County Judge
Ratterman, surprised their many friends
in this city by being quietly married in
Omaha last Thursday, the ceremony
being performed by Rev Harrington.
Miss Ratterman had been visiting t
the home of her sister, Mrs. George Ben
der, in Cornlea, and from there she
accompanied Mr. White to Omaha. Mr.
and Mrs. White remained , in Omaha
until Saturday, when they left over the
Burlington for Denver, Salt Lake and
San Francisco, and from there they go
by boat to San Diego, which will be
their future home.
Herman Batxlaff, a county charge
brought here from Humphrey Tuesday
by Supervisor Schure, died at the hospi
tal Wednesday morning of pneumonia.
The deceased wss fifty-six years otage
and was born in Germany. When brou
ght to the hospital he was suffering from
the malady which canted his death.
Funeral arrangements are in charge of
Undertaker Gass. but have not yet been
Pollock & Co are making some ex
tensive changes in the interior of their
drug store which it will take the work
men several days to complete. Glass
enclosed shelving reaching to the ceiling
is being placed in the front part of the
J store and the prescription case is also be
ing remodelled.
Dr. Neumann. Dentist 18th 8c
Dr. Morrow, office Lueacham bailding.
Baled hay for sale. Ernst Brock.
Will Heuer spent Sunday in Fremont.
Dr. C.A. Allefiburger, omee in new
SUte Bask building.
Shoes repaired while you wait. 8.
Hurwitz. 391 West 11th.
Valentine dance, Tuesday, Feb. 14,.
1911, given by the City Band.
Dr. L P. Osrstenaon, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and Kramer Sta.
Miss Catheline Ryan is visiting with
relatives in Grand Island this week.
Andrew Kinder came up from Omaha
Friday to apend a few days with his
Closing oat the balanee of onr cloth
ing stock at one-half the regular price
at Galley's.
Don't forget the Valentine danoe,
given by the City Band, Tuesday even
ing, Feb. 14.
Misses Mathilda Schneider and Minnie
Glur spent Sunday at the home of Ed
Ernst west of Columbus.
Onoe again the people ot Columbus are
to have the privilege ot hearing John B.
Ratte, Feb. 10 at the Y. M. O. A , price
Henry Plumb ot Franklin, Nebraska,
last week paid a short yisit to his brother
and sisters, living five miles east of the
Edward Zybaoh and G. Braunot Dun
can, have been granted a patent for
power transmission attachment for auto
mobiles. For 8ale Improved 80 acres, joining
good small town in Platte county. F.
K. Strother, Room 15. German National
Bank building,.Oolumbus.
Miss Alta Anson arrived from Creston
Monday evening and waa a guest at the
home of J. F. Magill, she being enroate
to Omaha, and left Tuesday morning.
Mrs. E. H. Nanman returned last Sat
nrday from an extended visit at Pierre,
8. D. She was accompanied by her fath
er J. H. Martin, who will make his home
with her in this city for the present.
Tony Bothleitner is at St. Mary's hos
pital very aick with pneumonia. He
was taken sick Isat Thursday, and two
days later taken to the hospital, and his
condition is such that he needs constant
Those who heard John B. Ratte last
summer will be glad to have that privi
lege again on Feb. 10 at the T. M. C
A . This is not on the regular entertain
ment course and tickets can be secured
at the building at 35c.
Monday last Fred Wille conduct
ed a very successful Poland China hog
sale in this city. Mr. Wille raises noth
ing in this line but the best, and these
sales attract buyers from different parte
of the state, who are looking for that
breed of awine.
Jack Corbett, manager ot the Colum
bus base ball team, has taken a position
at the M. Gold pool hall until the time
arrives for him to lead hie warriors out
tor the spring round-up. There will be
several new recruits trying for places on
the team, and it any of them can make
a bit with manager Corbett, the tans
will be ready to believe that they can
play some ball.
Fire in the rear part ot the building
occupied by the Columbus Plumbing
Co. and 8. Hurwitz, the shoemaker, call
ed out the department last Friday after
noon, i ne oiaze, wnicn was coannea to
the rear of the building, probably origi
nated from a cigar atnb being carelessly
thrown in the waste paper in the cellar
way. For awhile the Rusche shop was
threatened, bat their damage waa very
email, being caused by smoke.
Amateur cracksmen or some hobo
thought the office of Geo. A. Hoaglaad
Lumber Co., looked promising lsst Fri
day night, and they forced the north
window and gained an entrance. The
sate, whioh contained $1.60 in pennies,
was tampered with, bat not opened,
and they failed to get anything for their
trouble. As the office is in a location
rthat would make tapping the safe com
paratively easy, not much money is ever
left in the safe.
G. A. Sohroeder and D. D. Bray will
go to Kansas City to attend the semi-annual
Inter 8tate eboot, which will be
held in that oity February 15, 16 and 17.
Messrs. Schroeder and Bray will be
members of the Nebraska state team,
and during the tournament the Nebraska
team will shoot the Illinois state team
for a trophy. At that time it will pro
bably be definitely settled whether or
not this city will entertain the Bigu4
shoot, which is scheduled for this sec
tion of the conn try.
Beginning with February 1, postmaster
Carl Kramer becomes a Oolambms busi
ness man, having purchssed the Speice
coal yards at the corner ot Eleveath and
North streets. Since the appointment
ot W. A. McAllister there was consider
able speculation aa to Mr. Kramer'e
plana, bat with the aanomacement Mon
day ot thia weak ot his purchase ot the
coal business, it was definitely settled
that he would still remain a citizen ot
Colnmbas. The new postmaster's com
mission has not arrived yet, but as noon
aa it doss he will take charge.
Building, Loan and Savings
Assets, $266,000.00
Pays 6 per cent interest on foil paid stock
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Dr. Vallisr, Osteopath, Barber block,
Dr. Matzeo, dentist, over Niewohaer'a.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Nenmarker, office with Dr
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Good music and a good time is assured
at the Band dance, Tuesday, Feb. 14.
Miss Mazie Magill ia visiting with
friends and relatives at Genoa this weak.
During the month of January then
were fourteen deaths in Columbus and
vicinity. ,
Mrs. D. T. Martyn and Mrs. Lacy
Halst went to Omaha last Thursday for
a week's visit with friends and relatives.
S. E. Goff. who has been employed aa
clerk in the hardware department of the
Johannes & Krumland store, has resign
ed his position and expects to go to
The Hookies are preparing to
invitations for their thirty-seventh an
nual ball, which will be held at the Or
pheus hall on Wednesday evening, Feb
Tomorrow Februarys is knows an
Ground Hog's day, and, according to
tradition, should he be able to discern
his shadow, there will be six weeks mora
of winter.
Wm. Poesch went to Omaha Wednes
day, and while there will take ateps to
ward completing arrangements for the
building ot his three story candy factory
on the site ot his present location.
Mrs. B. J. Galley's mother, Mrs. Susan
Woods, left the first of the week for an
extended visit with relatives in Michi
gan, and during her absence Mr. and
Mrs. Galley will occupy her home in the
Third ward.
J. B. Kyle is getting ready to moye to
this city and occupy the home he recent
ly purchased. He is selling the per
sonal property on bis Isrge farm in Lonp
township, and will rent all his land the
coming year.
Sunday's Oman dailies tell of the
marriage of George W. Clark of thia city
and a lady from Missouri Valley, Ia.
Until he went to Omaha sometime ago
Mr. Clark was employed as firemen at
the Columbus Brewing company's plant.
Loony Gutzmer left the first ot the
week for Norfolk, where he will take
charge ot his position, as ateward ot the
insane asylum. It is understood that
Mrs. Gutzmer will also have a position
there, being appointed to the position of
book' keeper.
Wednesdsy of this week the Columbus
Plumbing company waa closed up on an
attachment of $127 for labor, obtained
by Oscar M. Pennington in Justice
O'Brien's court. Gustavo Lueke, who
ia interested in the plumbing company,
claims that Pennington is a partner in
the concern, while the latter claims that
he ia only an employe and the wages an
due him.
is alone good enough for our custo
sera. We have been In this bwsineas
ia Colbaa for nanny years and have
learned by experience many points la
the coal trade which snakes It imaasslr
for na to serve you better cheaper aad
satisfactory tnaa anybody else.
sSaaaaal aaaaaHaa'
Columbus, Neb.
Not knowing that they ware calling at
n home of on ot the sseat market pro
prietors ot this mty, two strangers who
were peddling meat in thia city last
Wednesday afternoon, called at the
home of 8. E. Marty. They offered
what they claimed were home cured
hamaatalower price than the packing
house product is sold by the local shops,
and the price they charged made it look
to Mr. Marty aa though they were sell
ing 'some ot the product recently con
demned by the government inspectors.
Ha not only declined to boy their pro-
duot, bat told them to either quit busi
ness or asenre aa occupation tax license.
Thia order they did not take seriously
and acted aa thoagh they proposed to
continue their peddling, bat when Mr.
Marty called the police they changed
their minds and made themselves scarce,
and they have not been seen in the city
Julias Hembd, one of the early settlers
of Sherman township, died at his home
Wednesday morning, aged 70 years. Mr.
Hembd waa born in Germany, January
13, 1842, and came to this country in the
sixties, locating in Platte county on a
homestead adjoining the place whioh
has bean hie home for the lsst few years.
After coming here he waa married, but
bis wife died and he married again.
FoerchUdren, besides km jsafe survive
him, Mrs. Ben Fix, Mrs. George Michael-
Miania Hembd and Otto and Her
Oembd. Mr. Hemb waa a soldier
in the Prussian war of 1866. Funeral
arrangements have not been announced.
It cost William Lansyon of Rising
City $10 and costs for attempting to beat
a rastaarant man out ot ten cents. He
went into the lunch room run by Henry
Wiseman and ordered a steak which
cost him twenty-five cents. When he
had finished the meal be laid fifteen
cents down on the counter and told the
clerk to take that or nothing. When he
up in police court Lanayen said he
waa druak and did not remember trying
to short change the restaurant man.
The court did not take the explanation
into coast deration, but sssessed the fine,
which the defendant paid.
Miss Tillie Henning, a former resident
of thia locality, died last Thursday eve
ning at Hastings, aged 66 years. She
wss brought to this oity and funeral
services held Saturday, and burial waa
on the Island, sooth ot town. Relatives
residing in Nebraska are Fred Henning
of Loup Oity; Mm. Mathilda Prisb, a sis
ter who resides in this city, and G. R.
Pneb a nephew, residing in this city.
Wednesdsy morning the Central Meat
Market, owned by F. A. Brenn, closed
its doors, and suspended business. This
action came as a surprise to many, aait
waa thoaght business was a prosperous
one. sorar were baa Been no action
taken. M.O. Casein, who opened the
market, sold it to Brenn. taking mortg
age on the toola and fixtures.
While John Saalfield, living north of
town waa at Leigh with a load Tuesdsy.
he left his team atacding on the scales
for a minute, and they became frighten
ed and started to run. He attempted
to atop them, but waa knocked down
and braised up and received a bad scalp
Henry Norenberg of New York City
arrived Tuesday snd will succeed Otto
Kinder aa editor of the Biene. Mr.
Norenberg m an nil around printer and
newspaper man, beginning with Monday
of next week will take charge ot the
For several daya the Union Paoific
have been having some trouble with one
ot their water cranes, and Wednesday
afternoon it refused to shot off, the re
sult baiag that the street west of the de
pot waa nnder water for a short time.
Will Schroeder, who wss badly injur
ed by falliag from the High school build
ing at FoUerton a few weeks ago, is out
of the hospital. He is able to walk
around, bat is still quite stiff and sore
aa a result of his fall.
During the nrassnt weak the Levine
store, on Eleventh street, is beieg moved
into ite new smarten, whioh have been
jaat completed, just west, of the old
H. A. Passehsl left last Thursday for
Dallas comaty, Missouri, where he will
visit at the hosts ot his brother-in-law,
I George McFsrlaad.
Y. M. C A. Notes.
The Mea'a meeting next Sunday will
be addressed by Bar. G. H. Phillips of
Monroe. Rev. Phillips ia a young nu
at Monroe bnt his energy and good
speaking are crowding hie church each
week. Come oat next Sunday prepared
for a good message.
The baseball team report that they
had a fairly good game at Hastings) last
week until the last inning when the
team went all to pieces and Hastings
ran in fifteen scores in the laat inning.
The associations) mast raise up umpires
who will 'play the game' regardless of
which team ia winning.
The dinner given to the firemen by the
H. W. Abts Oo. Isat Friday waa a vary
enjoyable affair. All bat three ot the
department were present. The tables
were beautifully decorated aad a large
carnation at each plate. The diaaer
wss served by some young ladies who
entered heartily into the pleasure of the
gathering aad contributed their full
share to the enjoyment of the occasion.
Mr. Abts spoke a few worde in apprecia
tion of the firemen aad expressed the
good wishes of his. company for their
services and then introduced Phil Echols
as tosstmaater for the evening. Speech
es were made by severs! ot the depart
ment representatives to Alliance, and
after a few words by Secretary WhitBey
in which he welcomed the firemen to
thia building and threw it open for their
use, the men gave a unanimous vote ot
thanks to the Abts Co., and to the ladies
who served, and then proceeded to the
game room and to an exhibition in the
gymnasinm. As a fitting close to the
program in the gym. the fireman's bas
ket ball team very graciously allowed
the association team to win the basket
bsll game and one aad all expressed
themselves as having had a splendid
time. The association hopes that this
ia only the first of many such gatherings
under its roof.
Congregational Church.
A few days since a man asked
'what is Christianity?-' I quickly
wered him "an acquaintance with God
through living the Christ life."
For many years men have tried to
make themselves christians by believing
what others have believed and by squar
ing their life with accepted church usage.
No man should be too haaty in throwing
over tha findings ot great meu in religion
more than in other fields of great activi
ty, yet to be a slave to other men's' find
ings, no matter how learned thf y may
be, has a tendency to rob one of experi
mental religion and retard development.
Some time since I went into a home
ot a grandmother to talk with her about
the church. For more than thirty minu
tes she talked to me about JeauB. Her
eyes sparkled and grew moist and her
face beamed. As I went away I said to
myself here is a woman with limited
education, not widely read with a chris
tian joy I linve not experienced. I have
gone into the homes of tbc poor, where
bread and clothes and coal are something
of a problem and have found a working
knowledge of God surprising. I would
not ignore an intellectual anchorage in
religion any more than in science but I
would make a personal acquaintance
with God the ground of pergonal salava
The church has bnt one bueiiieen. It
is not a sooial club, or a culture society
but a place where one of the Lord's day
may come in touch with Gml in worship
and receive joy "that tbc world cannot
give or take away."
The Congregational church invite
yon to worship with them next Sum! .y.
In the morning the pastor will speak
from the subject: Wishes and Christian
Character. Of the evening there will be
another sermon of the series: Modern
Application of Scriptural Problems.
William L. Dibblk
Marriage Licenses.
Daniel Flaherty. Genoa 34
Josephine M. Chalfont. Fullerton... 36
Andrew Wolnik, Tarnov 26
Mary Kuta, Tarnov 18
Charles Swantak. Columbus 23
Felcea Jarcka, Columbus 10
August Jonki, Shelby 46
Mary Czarnik, Duncan 38
James L. Kitchen, Bartlett. Neb.... 20
EffleM. Northrop, Bartlstt, Neb.... 18
John G. Choioewski, Columbus 36
Agnes T. Slawinaka, Tarnov 10
Shirley L. Reeves, Central City 33
Lillie J. Bice, Columbus 23
Arthur Engel, Duncan 31
Anna Born, Columbus 10
Roate No. 1.
John Mohlman shelled corn last Sat
urday. Mueller Bros doing the work
Quite a number of the farmers on the
route brought in their horses and sold
them tothe buyer Monday of this week.
Anna Mueller daughter ot Rudolph
Mueller, ia at 8k Mary'a hospital where
she was operated on for appendicitie last
Saturdav. Ernest Luscbe. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Lussche, ia als- a patient
at the hospital, were he wss operated on
for appendicitis last Friday. Both pati
ents are getting along nicely and recover
ing from the effects of the operation.
There baa been a rumor that O. H.
Buschman will open op a cash grocery
in the Kickert building, on Thirteenth
The officers of thia
are pledge to isapart no ia
formation coaeralas; the
dealings of its cast osiers.
Cilnlis Stall Bilk
Capital taeniae. fasVMMAO
The Speice Coal company desire to
thank their many friends for the patron"-
age accorded them during their loan;
business career in this city, aad ask thai
they continue their patronage to Carl
Kramer, the successor of tbt In.
Route No. 5.
The Platte Ooaaty Independent Tele
phone company are doing coaaidsrahla'
work on their lines on Ronte 6.
For the first time in many yeara farm
ers are baling and hauling their straw la
market. The usaal method into either
let it rot in the stack or burn it la the
spring, but this year there seems to be a
good market for it.
Roate No. 4.
Mm A. Miksohie reported quite sick
Chas. Bolt's little girl waa taken vary
aick while at school last week, aad had
to be taken toner hosse, bat at present
she is improviag.
Word received from Phillip Kaha, eon
otValeatineKnhn,of Tfldsa, whe
threatened with an attack of i
tie, says that he ia getting
and the physicians says that he wfil aot
be compelled to nndaqpo an operation.
Roate No. 3.
Miss Otilia Koehtor ot Fremont ia a
guest at the Seefeid home this weak.
Roy Bergman is visiting relatives at
Herkimer, Kas., going down last week.
Miss Anna Branken of Golumbaa ia at
the home ot her parents, Mr. aad Mrs.
John Branken.
Mrs. John Branken, who has been siek
is slowly improving snd her condition
at present gives her friends hope for her
Mias Elsie Brugger of Columbns aad
the youBg folks of the family of Hsary
Kleuver of Roate 5, were guests at the
home of Ferdinand Seefeid Sunday.
Miss Lamb, the teacher ia district No.
35, is arranging for a basket social at her
school house in the near future. There
will be an entertainment at the same
time, and ber pupils are drilling for it.
Carrier H. B. Reed received a tele
phone msssage from Central City Mon
day evening atating that George W. rb.
Mrs. Reed's brother, had been stricken
with paralysis, and wss very low at hia
home south of that place.
The funeral of Charles Frederick, son
ot Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Hegemaa, who
died lsst Wednesday, waa held last Frf
day afternoon from Grace Episcopal
oburcb. being conducted by the rector.
Rev. W. H. Xsaders, SBd barial waa ia
the Columbus cemstery.
Otto Kinder, who for the past three
years has been editor of the Bieae, will
move to Omaha thia apriag. Aa his sea
Andrew ia employed ia South Omaha
thia arrangement will be quite conven
ient for him.
We have the agency for the
famoaa Munsisg Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Baits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.60 to S4.50. Priess in
boys' from 50c, 75c, II and $1.35.
In two piece garaaeeta we have
a spleaaid line ready for yoar in
spection aad raagiag ia price
from 0c to $2. 60s garment. Bay
early while the sizes are coacplete.