-V V tip jg&&4 r si armTT V ,r J? XP I i v : r 3ttt5 jGft - SassiBnmmBJ PLUMBING- is more seasonable now than at any other time in the year. If yoq have plumbing that should ba done for the betterment of sanitary con ditions, you ought to eend for ne at once. WE WONT OVERCHARGE but we will guarantee to do your work as well, it not better, than you could have-it done elsewhere. 411-413 W 13th St. A n.,ocA11 S Cea. Culumbus. Neb. ITEMS OF INTEREST FUfclXUTON. From the News-Journal. Roy Jarvie, the 12 ye:ir old son or Mrs. Grace Javis, was kicked by a horse and rendered unconcious, on luat Saturday us he was leuding the horee in the stable. His none was broken and cheek badly cut. Mr. Joseph Cosncr who liyd about nine miles southeast of Fnllerton, died last Thursday and was buried at Pleas ant Hill Cemetery Friday. Mr. Cosner was an old resident of Pleasant Hill neighborhood, having lived there for the paBt thirty years or more. nOWELI.8 From the Journal. So far as we know the largest hog ever sold on the local market was brought in yesterday by Ohas J. Rttzdorf of Maple Creek precinct. The animal was a little more than two years old, a pure bred Poland China, and tipped the sculefl at an even S00 pounds. One day last week OhaB. Straube of Stanton county sold an even dozen hogs to John J Xagengast and received for them the sum of 520.12. The porkers were high grade Duroc Jeraaya, eighteen months old, and their averago weight was 49GJ pounds. They were the finest I bunch sold on the local maiket for some time. scniTTTii:u. From tho Sun. W. E. Post or Columbup, the owner of several cleaning establishment m this part of tho state has taken iouae6ion of the Pantorinm and is installing first class machinery to handle the wi.rk in Schuyler Supt. Yogltance got-B to Richland on the 28th of thm month to attend a spe cial meeting of the school hoard to dis cuss plans for erecting n new school building at that place. He also informs the reporter that there will be eight new schools built during the year in this county, including one in Llowells and one in Leigh. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollard left for Clarks. Nebraska, whore they will stay for a time looking after the business of John Pollard while he goes to a hospital m Omaha to have a knee tended-to that has been troubling him of late. The knee was Injured years ago and has lately caused him much annoyance bo he concluded to go to a hospital and have it taken care of ST. KUWAllD From the Advance. The only new case of scarlet fever re ported this we ek is the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelley. The four-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Con dreay who live eight miles north of St. Edward also has the scarlet fever. The situation in St. Edward is well in hand and the school authorities see no good reason why the school should be closed. Good horsts are always worth the money. Frank Skeels piid S500 for a span of grade mares at the Atkinson Snaveley sale yesterday, and this is only a sample of the high prices paid for real ly good stuff. Torpy A- Scott of Colura- FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE RIGHT FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, X se 1Uo0vll Afc JMm ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES bus have been picking op horses here this week for the city . market and have been paying right prices when they could find the right kind. The contractors have finished the work on the steel dam at the electric light plant and it ib expected that the new plant will he started the first of next week. St. Edward has waited a long time for this to happen, bnt it is some consolation to know that the company has been building good and that when everything is completed it will be an im provement of which we can be proud . CEDAR RAPIDS. From the Oatlonk. Francis Stock was born at Apolda. Sachsenweimar, Germany, Oct. 20, 1822. He died at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. E. W. Uahn, Jan. 14, 1911, aged 88 years, 2 months and 25 days. He was one of a family of nine children, the father, mother, brothers and sisters hav ing preceded him to the better land. He left his native home in Germany February, 1844, having traveled all through the Holy land. Came to Ameri ca in September, 1851, and was united in marriage April 10th, 185C, to Mies Eliza beth Winkleman at Muscatine, Iowa. In the Outlook of Jan. 5, we reprinted an item which we clipped from the Bel grade Herald, and giving that paper credit for same The item refers to the moving away of the B. F. McBride fam ily, also that Mr. McBride "owned the only homestead in Boone county that never hid a mortgage on it " A kind friend called us up last evening, and stated that a number of the old timers, who took up homestead:) here years ago, and never had a planter on them, took exceptions to the article. As we did not write same and as the article was properly credited, we are not at all re sponsible, nevertheless we are only too willing to state that many home steaders, right in this vicinity, like Mr. McBride, never had a mortgage on their homesteads. Where the Helgrade editor got bis information wc don't know. Anyhow he has another guess coming. FOR THE STOMACH. Here's An Offer You Should Not Overlook. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by supplying the one element, the absence of which in the gastric juices causes indigestion and dys pepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in jour vest pocket, or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and indigestion will not bother you. We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets are and what they will do. We guarantee them to relieve indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes: 25 cents. 50 cents and 1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at the Rexall store. Pollock & Co , corner 13th and North streets. GOODS AT PRICES. Columbus. XOHBOK. From the Repablican. - J. X- Smith if building a catpantsr shop east of the Walreth Sherwood Lumber company's yard. Mr. and Mrs Webster took their little daughter Margaret to Omaha Taeaday of this week, where aha will ba treated by a specialist. Besides the heavy shipment of grain the first of the week, a number of can of aeed corn, raised by local fanners, were sent to market. F. A. Terry of Merna, Neb., who traded for the Veetei Moore property in the east part of town, moved here this week and will make Monroe his home for the present. Ed Fox came up from Valparaiso Thursday for a couple of days visit with old friends. He had been making a pur chase of some thoroughbred Herefords and was on bis way home. Seven years ago Mrs. Geo. Thomazin bought a IGo acre farm near St. Edward for $40 per acre, and during the interven ing time has received $2,540 for rent. Last week she sold the place for $90 an acre. How i that for an investment? Lester Kelley expects to go to St. Mary's hospital in Columbus during the coming week and nndergo an operation for appendicitis. He has been under the weather for some time, and when appendicitis developed an operation waa decided on. During'the snow the first of the year the roads on the north part of rural route No. 2 became blocked, anil it was several days before they were opened. As these matters are required to be re ported to the post office department, this was done, and the authorities at Washington have taken the matter np, and they have notified the patrons that the roads must be opened after each storm or they will consider an amend ment to the present route. During the first four days of this week the grain business has been rushing in Monroe. This is occasioned by the river being frozen hard enough to permit hauling from the south side, and the Loup township farmers have been tak ing advantage of this. The elevators have been very busy and one of them was compelled to work until one o'clock in the morning to keepout of the way of the rush. Plenty of cars have been available, however, and this has prevent ed the houses from becoming blocked with grain. At present there are indica tions that the ice will soon become so rotten that hauling will have to be dis continued, but should another cold snap follow, another busy time is ahead for the elevator men. bbllwood. Krom the Gazette. This didn't happen in Bellwood. A fashionably dressed young woman en tered a postoffloe in a large western city, hesitated a moment, and stepped up to the stamp window. The oletk looked up expectantly, and she asked: "Do yon sell stamps here?" The clerk politely answered. "Yes." "I would like to see some, please," was the unusual request. The clerk lazily handed out a large sheet of the 2-cent variety, which the young woman carefully examined. Pointing to one near the center, she said, "I will take this one please." Martin Van Buren Cady was born August 10, 1837, and departed this life Jan. 18, 1011. Mr. Oady was born and grew to manhood in lNew York state, moving to Michigan in 1846. He was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Mc Donald Dec. 31, 1857. To them were born four children, three of whom, Fred C . George and Mrs. Houston, with his devoted wife, were with him to the end, which came peacefully after almost ten months of suffering,having been confined to his bed since last April. Deceased was one of the pioneers of Bntler coun ty, the family moving here from Micbi gan in 1869. Funeral was held Friday at the Baptist church, of which he was a member. A rather sad accident happened Tues day morning to John Scbmit while on his was to St. Mary's church to attend his sister's wedding. He was in a buggy in which were seated two other boys, when the horse they were driving got frightened at something and ran awayi throwing head foremost to the ground. He was -taken immediately to his home and Dr. Steiner, who waa one of the wedding guests, attended to his injuries. John was hurt about the bead and lay in an unconscious condition the greater part of the day and evening. The bride and groom knew nothing about the ac cident until after the nuptial knot was tied, otherwise it might have caused a delay. John, next day, was much better and it is hoped he will be all right in a few days. The other two boys escaped nnbnrt. FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Does Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of Rexall Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other ex tremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, intestinal invig orator and strengthened Rexall Order lies are eaten like candy and are notable for their agreeableness to the palate and gentleness of action. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconvenience. Unlike other preparations for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the use of ordi nary laxatives, cathartics and harsh physic, and permanently remove the cause of constipation or irregular bowel action. We will refund your money without argument if they do not do aa we say they will. Two sizes, 25c aad 10c Sold only at our store the Rexall atore. Pollock & Co, comer I3th -and North streets. HAS MO SUBSTimE rati Mali POWDER Absolutely Pure mumn Hit BOWriiST HADES. Eight Easy Stages of the Most Awful Kinds of Torture. The places of torment to which all .wicked Buddhists arc to be assigned on the day of final reckoning is a ter rible place of punishment This Bud dhistic hell is divided Into eight "easy 8tnges." In the first the poor victim Is com pelled to walk for untold ages in hi bare feet over hills thickly set with redhot needles, points upward. In the second stage the skin is all carefully filed or rasped from the body and ir ritating mixtures applied. In the third stage the nails, hair and eyes are plucked out and the denuded body sawed and planed into all sorts of fantastic shapes. The fourth stage is that of "sorrowful lamentations." In the fifth the left side of the body and the denuded head are carefully roast ed, Yema, the Buddhistic Satan, su perintending the work. In the sixth stage the arms are torn from the body and thrown into an immense vat among the eyes, nails and hair pre viously removed. Then in plain hear ing of the sore footed, blind, maimed, roasted and bleeding victim the whole horrid mass is pounded into a jelly. In the seventh stage the other side of the victim and his feet are roasted brown, and then comes the eighth and last stage, in which the candidate is thrown Into the bottomless pit of perdition. Telephone Lies. At One Hundred and First street and Broadway a man was talking into a telephone. Presently he was beard to say: "All right I'll come. I am now at Twenty-third street and Broadway. I'll be up In about half an hour." "That chap seems to have lost his bearings," said a man who had over beard the error in locality. "He knows where he Is all right," said a drug clerk. "He's Just putting up n bluff. It is quite a common bluff. Men who have a mighty high regard for truth at all other times do not hesi tate to tell a whopper about where they are when talking over the tele phone. I have heard persons swear over that wire that they were tele phoning from points all the way from Hoboken to Amityville. They were not seasoned liars, either; Just wanted a few minutes' grace apparently and thought the easiest way to get it was to make out they were a mile or two farther away than they really were." New York Press- Custom In Spain. One tiling specially is vital In Spain: "Costumbre." they say ("It Is the cus tom"). It explains commercial honor tersely for the Spanish business man to keep his word and pay his bills; ex actly as It Is equally customary for him to lack what we call "honor" In some other departments of life. It is customary to do or not to do. to like or not to like, a thousand things. Why? "Custombre" Is the only reply. It is customary, moreover, not to yield read ily to an improvement or a luxury, even as it is again equally customary, once the Spaniard has yielded to a given thing, to hold to It like adamant -Arthur Stanley RIggs in Century. A Shrewd Answer. Among the advertisements In an English paper there recently appeared the following: "The gentleman who found a purse with money In Burford street is requested to forward it to the address of the loser, as he was recognized." A few days later this reply was In serted: "The recognized gentleman who picked up a purse in Burford street requests the loser to call at his house." UNION PACIFIC TIIETMLE WEST BOCSD. CIST BOCHD. No. 11 836 a in ' No. 4 tilaa No.l 108atn No. 12 5glani No. 8 lli am No. 6 2H6pm No. 17 3:05 pm No. 16 2:16 pm No. 15 (pn No. 10 3:03 pm No. 3 Ci-'ipm No. Is 5:57 pm No. 5 6:IGpm I No. 2 8:50 pm No. 21 Il:t0am No. 22 1:3) pm No. 19 1120 am No. CO 3:00 pm No.23 8:38 pm No. 21 7:12 am No. 7 2:3.1pm No. 8 6:16 pm BBA5CBXS. HoaroLK. sp.iuuxa a albio. No.77mxd. d 7:3) am Na.79mxd..d6:G0am No. 20 pa ..d 7.O0pm No. 31 pas ..d 130pm No. 30 paa ..a 1:10 p m No. 32 pn ..al2dS p m No. 78 mxd.. a 6:10 pm No.80 mxd. .a 7:00 pm Daily except Bandar. notjc: Not. U 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare traiaa. Noa. 4. 5, U and It are local paaantn. No. 38 and 59 are local freights. No. 9 aad 16 are mail traiaa oalr. No. 14 daeia Omaha 4:45 p.m. No. 6 da in Omaha 5:00 p.m. C. I. . That Tails No. 22, Paa. (daily ex. Soadayj leave.... 7:25a i Jio. 32, Fit. & Ac. (d'y ex. Satarday) Ir.SjM p i No. 21, Pass, (daily ex. Saaday) amVe..M0 p i No. . Frt. ft: Ac. (d'y ex. Saaday) ar... 6:15a i TLkm cmn Frost taeKnwsl. Train ssrvice on this branch .is becom ing rtsmocsHred again. Even the south bound nasMsgir train is getting: ao that it is late at lea halt of the time. Miaa Aagie Croaim, who haa been a patient ia'St Mary's hospital, Columbus the past three weeks, arrived home Wed aeaday evening, much improved in heal th. Geo. Scheide, ar., who baa been con fined to his bed the past tea days, threa tened with pneumonia, is convalescing ia a satisfactory manner, much to the pleasure of his many anxious friends. James Burrows arrived home last Fri day evening from Washington, where he haa been for I he paat two months. This is the rainy season out there, when rain falls every day, aad Jim says he got tired of carrying and umbrella. Richard Regan arrived home Saturday evening from a shv" of nine weeks in St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha, six of these weeka being spent ia bed, with a broken hip. lie navigates with two crutches, but thinks he will soon walk and with no permanent injury. Ed UiggfoB went to Spalding Wednes day on receipt of information of the seri oaa illness of his uncle, Michael Upton, in that city. air. Upton waa one of the early settlers in this part of Platte coun ty. Ilia homestead comprised where is now the village of Platte Center. When the Union Pacific reached here in 1879 he sold the farm to the company for a town aits and moved away. Mr. Upton sat that beautiful row of trees which now stands along the road on the east edge of town; also the grove on the south west corner of d Robert' farm. LKIGH. From the World. A letter received at this office from the pension bureau states that Washing ton Hardy has bean allowed his claim for increase of pension and will hence forth receive $20 monthly. Grandfather Wiechen was called to hie Eternal home at 6 o'clock last Tuesday morning. He would have been 84 years old at his next birthday and until his last-illness wss alwaya busy at some thing. He was a fine old man. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wnrdeman and daughter Frieda, were home passengers, from Rochester, Minn., the latter part of last week. Ed'a many friends are glad to see him well on the wsy to re covery from his recent operation for ap pendicitis. Mrs. Dan Penrod returned Isat Friday evening from a visit of several weeks with relatives in Indiana. Mrs. Penrod'a many friends are pleased to see that she wss not injured in the railroad wreck of which she was one of the victims while on ber way t Indiana One of the Urgeat auction sales ever held in these parts waa that of Wm. Albert on Monday of this week the pro ceeds of which amounted to nearly 18,000. Cols. E F.Russell, of this place and J. R. Stucker.of Stanton, manipu lated the hammer and disposed of the properly in a little over three noon time The feature of the sale was the high prices realized for the stock. Mr. Albert had a grade of stock that is haul to beat and one span of horses sold for the nifty sum of $T50, cows sold around the fCOmark and tucking calves went aa high as $38, which is about double the price paid for ordinary calves. SILVEK CRXKK. From the Sand. Mm. J. Kotlar of Columbns came up the first of the week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs Zipper. Gentlemanly burglars visited Roth & Kale's general merchandise atore some time during Tuesday night. After help ing themselves to cheese and crackers and other edibles, they took a couple of good duck coats, a set of silver spoons and some knives. Juet what else they carried off haa not been definitely de cided by the proprietors. They tamper ed with the safe, bnt failed to get it open. Arthur J. Hurst of Silver Creek wss instantly killed in a head on collision be-1 tween a ireignt ana awitcu engine id mo railroad yards at Iowa Oity, Iowa, Jan. 171aat. He wan married to Mary, dau ghter of Fred Buchulz, a resident of tbia place June 21, 1891), and ia aurvived by the widow and two children. He waa employed aa a brakeman and at the time of the accident waa engaged in the railroad yards at Iowa City. Last fall he purchased a home in 8ilver Creek and bia family reside here, fie left here Janaary 4 to engage in his work and the andden ending of his life wss a great shock to bia many relatives and friends. Nt a Cfitetianiat. A merchant died, leaving to bis only son the conduct of his extensive busi ness, and great doubt was expressed in some quarters whether the young man possessed the ability to carry out the father's policies. -Well," said one kindly disposed friend, "for my part I think Henry is very bright and capable. I'm sure he will succeed." "Perhaps you're right," said another friend. "Henry is undoubtedly a elever fellow; but; take it from me. old man. he hasn't got the head to fill his father's shoes." DOHfttcaBs -Madam" a census taker was speak ing to her who answered his knock "how assay children over alx and un der twenty-one years of age have your -Lemma see," aba renectea; -lemnic sea. Waal, air, thar be two over six am' two amdsr twsaty-one." Erery aodys. A correspondent of the New York lam saya he overheard the following: The boys caase oat from over In be-, tweea those aoases." Here are Ave fillisfctliBi to a baach. Cam this "laceta? ha fetaksm? , SPEND THE WINTER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The Ideal Winter Resort You will enjoy your trip from the start if you take the Los AngtJts LMid via UNION PACIFIC Standard Bead tf the Wert EXCELLENT DINING CARS ELECTRIC BLOCK SIGNALS DUSTLESS, PERFECT TRACK For literature and' information relative to fares, roatcs, etc., call oa or address KLLIft G. BROWN COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA AFTER S0LFER1N0. "The Gsntleman In White" and the Idea ef the Red Crass. During the Itnliau war of 1859 young Jean Duiiaut was traveling in that country. After the battle of Solferlno he visited the field, aud, seeing the terrible sufferings of the wounded sol diers who lay around unattended, be, with the assistance of several peasant women, formed an ambulance service, with Its headquarters iu a little church at Castlglione. He helped with his own bands to bind up the wounds of Frenchmen, Italians and Austrians alike. 'They are all brothers," he said. 'A wounded enemy is an enemy no long er." And be and bis corps of helpers brought water and medicine and smoothed the pallets of straw and cheered the unfortunates and closed the eyes of the dead and performed the last kind offices for the dying. Dunant was regarded by the hundreds of wounded as a miracle of goodness little less than an angel. "The gentle man in white" was the way in which the officers spoke of him as he moved around among the sick, his light cloth ing making him conspicuous on the field. His experiences at Solferlno, where he saw that the willing hands of a few untrained helpers actually saved many lives and comforted hundreds of others, inspired him with the grand Idea of an organization the Red Cross. Christian Herald. COSTLY DROP CURTAIN. The One Meissenisr Didn't Paint Far a French Theater. The enterprising manager of n thea ter called upon the famous French art ist Jeau Louis Ernest Melssonier on oue occasion and asked him to paint n drop scene for a certain theater ami name his own terms. "You have seen my pictures. thenV" asked Melssonier. "Oh, yes," exclaimed the manager, "but it is your name I want! It will draw crowds to my theater." "And how large do you wish this curtain to ber Inquired the artist. "Ah, well, we will say 13 by 18 me ters." Melssonier took up a pencil and pro ceeded to make a calculation. At last he looked up and said, with imper turbable gravity: "I have calculated and find that my pictures are valued at 80,000 francs per meter. Your curtain, therefore, will cost yon just 21,000,000 francs. But that Is not all. It takes me twelve months to paint twenty-five centime ters of canvas. It will therefore take me Just 100 years to finish your cur taiu. You should have come to me earlier, monsieur. I am too old for the undertaking now. Good morning." Less Time. Q. In what month do ladies talk the least? A. In February. The Mean. Of 2,000 parts of the moon 5T6 are visible to us on the earth and 424 parts remain hidden absolutely. When Cervantes Nsdded. In "Don Quixote" Sancho continues to ride on his ass after having la mented the animal's death. Maniteba. Of the 47.332,840 acres within Mani toba, 028,000 are taken up by lakes and 23,000.000 are cultivable. Our National Cetera. The national colors of the TJalted States were adopted by congress la 1777. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET Wa invite all who desire choice steak, and the vary bast cuts of all other stoats to call at our market oa Elevsathstrest. We also haadle poultry and fish and oysters in aswon. S.E.MARTY&CO. TltepkoM Mo. 1. - ColMbw.N,. DO YOU WANT TO BUY The best irrtoti lead, with the beet water right. Waiek baaaiiriawi.l ham per crepe for the putt 3m xean. Fries ratn bin Tense verr easy. For Mr. tiealan write Isaac Ceaaer.OsMha, Neb. m GOETHE ON HAMLET. The Great German Peetf a Analysis ef "the Melancheiy Dane." Figure to yourself this youth, this son of princes; conceive him vividly, bring his state Vcfore your eyes aad then observe him when he learns that his father's spirit walks. Stand be fore him In the terror of the Bight when the venerable spirit appears over him. A horrid shudder passes ever him; he speaks to the mysterious form; he sees it beckon to him; he fol lows it and hears. The fearful accu sation of his uncle rings in his ears, the summons to revenge and the pierc ing, oft repeated prayer. "Reasember me!" And when the ghost has varnished who is it that stands before us? A young hero panting for vengeance? No! Trouble and astonishment take hokl or the solitary young man. He grows bitter against smiling: villains, swears that he will not forget the spirit and concludes with the afgall- cant ejaculation: The time Is out of Joint. O cursed spite. That ever I was born to set It right! In these words, I imagine, win ba found the key to Hamlet'a whole pro cedure. To me It is clear that Shake speare meant in the present case to represent the effects of a great ac tion laid upon the soul unit for the performance of It. Iu this view the whole piece seems to be composed. There Is an oak tree planted la a cost ly jar which should have borne only pleasant flowers In its bosom; the roots expand, the Jar Is shivered. From "Wllhelm Meister." SACKING A THEATER. Tribulatiens ef the Drama In New York In 175. Here is an account of the sacking of a theater in New York from the 'Ga zette of May 3, 1705: "The play advertised to be acted last Monday evening having given osTease to sundry and divers inhabltaats of this city, who thought It highly im proper that such entertainments should be exhibited at this time of public dis tress, when great numbers of poor peo ple tan scarce find means of subsist ence, whereby many persons might be tempted to neglect their business aad squander that money which Is neces sary to the payment of their debts aad the support of their families, a rusaor was spread about the town that if the play went on the audience would meet with some disturbance from the multi tude. "This prevented the greatest part of those who intended to have been there from going. However, many people came, and the play was begun, bat soon Interrupted by the multitude, who burst oiien the doors aud entered with noise and tumult. The audience es caped in the best manner they could. Many lost their hats and other articles of raiment. A boy bad his skull frac tured and was yesterday trepaaaed. Death Is his. Several others were sorely set upon and Injured. But we heard of no lives lost. The multitude immediately demolished the bouse, car ried the pieces to the common, where they consumed them In a bonfire." Milk. Milk cooled to a temperature of 3$ degrees may be kept several days at any temperature under 53 degrees. The Music Levers. She Did you enjoy the concert 4asr might? He No; I couldn't hear anything. She Why not? He Two ladles sat In frost of ant aad chatted the whole evening about Bach they loved music. IN OUR NEW HOME Imtkw MwTitlimm Aiitz You will find us better equipped that ever to attend to your wants in Electric Lighting and Electric Irons Let us wire your house Colmmbms Ligkt, Htmt Jt Power Co. 'i ..,V 'i: sn-i tt-f ? n " - -v. H, . '-' A w.,-i i$$yfcj(i