' 3a&qB - .. v - ' - r -" y'sf, K -' fr,1 ' av jii . 1 - T '- UiH ri l IV I if 1 ! -II ,, cabby " H 3 tin Henry VI Happy By GEORGE Bunch's "house in" the country that I had borrowed and couldn't give back bemuse Clara J. thought it was hers, was banging on me like a millstone cecklace. Clara J. thought I had bought it with yie money I couldn't produce on pay days, but' "the missing numbers wre really in the jeans of the race-track bookies, and I, hadn't the hear? to, confess 'it But a glim mer el hope was shining, for Unchj. Peter had offered to buy the place from me. He liked it Eariy one morning I broke camp and took the trail to town, determined never to come "back alive unless Bunch agreed to sell the plantation to lUncle Peter. The old gentleman had crowded his check for 120,000 into my trembling -Wids the night before with instruc tions to deposit it in my bank, and at my convenience I was to let him 'have the deed to the place. I soon located Bunch, and to my sur prise found him more inclined to josh 'than to jolt "Ah! my friend from the bush!" he 'exclaimed; "are you In town to buy limitation coal, or is it to get a der Irick and hoist your home affairs away 'from ray property? Why don't you !take a tumble, and let go?" 1 "Bunch," I said, "believe me. this is ;the cruelest game of freeze-out I ever 'sat in. My throat is sore from sing ling, 'Father, dear father, come home ;with me now!' and every move I make nets me a new ornamentation on my neck. Why didn't I tell the good wife :that the ponies put the crimp in my poclcetbook, instead of crawling into (this chasm of prevarication and itrouble?" "You can search me!" Bunch an swered, thoughtfully. "And that phony wire you sent me yesterday almost gave me a plexus," I said, bitterly. Bunch had wired me ithat "the two queens" were coming. meaning his sister and niece, and it jhad spoiled the day for Clara J. and jme. -To make it worse, two Swedish cooks had followed the wire, and I hadn't known the difference! Tab leau! . Bunch blinked his eyes solemnly, but when I told him all about the (trouble his telegram had caused he simply rose up on his hind legs aud ilaughed to a sit down. "Well." he gasped, after a long fit of ' .cackling, "sister did intend going out to Jieeersvillo and the only way I ' could stop her was to suddenly dis cover that her health wasn't any too 'good, so I chased her off to Virginia !Hot Springs for a couple of weeks." ' After all, Bunch had his redeeming qualities. ! "I sent you that wire before I took Ulster's temperature," Bunch ex plained, "and I quite forgot to send janpther which would put a copper on Hhe queens." Once more he laughed 'uproariously. ' "Oh. quit your kidding." I begged, j&nd then, suddenb'. "Say. Bunch, will you sell the old homestead?" ! Bunch stopped laughing u d looked ime over from head to foot. "Is this jon the level or simply another low jtackle?" "It's the goods," I answered. "I sim ply can't frighten, coax, scare, drive or push my home companions away from your property, so I'd like to buy it if you're game enough to cut the jcards." "Been playing the lottery?" he snick ered. "No, I have the Pierponts. all right; ia.ll right," I replied; "will you put 14,0,00 in your kick and pass me over Ithe baronial estate?" ! "Fourteen thousand!" Bunch repeat ed, slowly. "Sure, I will. If you can Morgan that amount I'll make good twlth the necessary documents, and then you and your family troubles imay sit around on fly paper in Jig Jgersville for the rest of your natural Hives for all I care." I explained to Bunch that I wanted the deed made out in the name of Peter Grant for the reason that Uncle Peter was a bigger farmer than I. and lin short order the preliminary ar rangements were completed to the sat isfaction and relief of both parties concerned. That evening I went back to Jig- gersviile feeling as light as a pin feather on a young duck. Uncle Peter would have the proper ty; Bunch could buy his sister another castle, and I was ahead of the game jjust $6,000, more than enough to ;square me for all the green paper I fhad tern up at the track. ' Two days later Bunch had a certl jfied check for $14,000 and Uncle Pe Jter was the happy owner of the coun 'try estate. A week later the second anniver sary of our wedding would roll around, and although Clara J. was a trifle hard to win over. I finally coaxed her to Kt me have Bunch out to spend a few hours with us on that occasion. At the appointed hour Bunch ar rived and Clara J. greeted him with every word of that telegram darting forth darkly from her eyes. "Mrs. John," said Bunch, "I'm slm jply delighted to know you. I've often 'heard your husband speak well of yon." She had to smile in spite of herself. "Xfrs. John," Bunch went on, with jBplc Viid assurance, "you should be jproi ! of this matinee idol husband of lyours. for, to tell you the .truth, he's Jail tScgoods he certainly is." "You' surely have a wonderful in fluence over him," the lad with the Diarue tuunniicu. . mcnui au ago ;I threw some bait at him just to test him an 1 he didn't even nibble. You 1 .know. the old days John and I ;often lotted in double harness to the - A 1 Home V. HOBART track bad place for young men sure!" Bunch surveyed the property with a quick glance and said, "Yes, I sent John a telegram. 'The two queens will be out this afternoon,' I wired, meaning two horses that simply couldn't lose. 'They are good girls. so treat them white,' I told him, meaning that he should put up his roll on them and win a hatful; but, Mrs. John. I never touched him. He sim ply ignored my telegram and sat around in the hammock all day, read ing a novel, I suppose. I apologize to you. Mrs. John, for trying to drag him away from the path of rectitude, but. believe me. I dldu't know when I sent the message that he bad promised you to give the ponies the long farewell!" Clara J. laughed with happiness, all I ner doubts dispersed, and said. "Oh. don't mention It. Mr. Bunch! I'm simply delighted to welcome you to our new home. You have never been out here before, have you?" Good old Bunch. He had squared mo with ray wife and the world oh. well, 'some day, perhaps. I'd get a chance to even up. "John," he said, a few minutes later, when we took a short stroll around the place. "Now that I've started In to tell the whole truth I rausn't skip a paragraph. This is a pleasant bit of properly, but the solemn fact re mains that I put the boots on you. I gave you the gaff for 5G.000. old "friend, and it breaks my heart to tell you that I'm not sorry. Bunch for Number One, always!" "What do you mean?" I asked. "This farm only cost me 8.000," he said, giving me the pitying grin. "It cost me 514.000 and I sold it for 20.000." I said, slowly. We stopped and shook hands. "Who's the come-on?" he asked, presently. "Uncle Peter." I answered; "but the old boy had so much he has to " - "I've Often Heard Your Husband Speak Well of You." kick a lot of it out of the house every 1 Uncle Peter put his arm around Aunt once in a while, so it's all right." After dinner we were all sitting an the piazza listening to a treatise from Uncle Peter on the subject of the growth and proper care of wheat cakes, or asparagus, I forget which, when suddenly the cadaverous form of the Sherlock Holmes of Jiggersville appeared before us. "Evenin all!" bowed Harmony Diggs. clinging tightly to a bundle which he held under his arm. Re member? Bunch had played burglar to pry us loose from his house, had got caught by Constable Diggs. and got away leaving his make-up behind. "Find that robber yet?" inquired Bunch, winking at me. "That's just what I dropped around for to tell you, thinkin' maybe you'd be kinder interested In knowin the J facts in the case," Harmony went on. carefully placing the precious bundle on the steps. "I got a clue from this here gent." he said, pointing a bony finger at Bunch "and I ups and chases that there maleyfactor for four miles, well kuowin" that the cause of justice would suffer and the reward of $50 be nil and voidless if the critter got away. But I got him. by crickey, I got him!" He looked from one to the other, seeking a sign of applause, and Bunch said, "Where did you catch him?" "About four miles yonder," Diggs explained, indefinitely, "it was a fierce fight while it lasted, but they ain't no maleyfactor livln' can escape the clutches of these here bands oncet they entwines him. I pulled the dern cuss out of his clothes!" With this thrilling announcement he opened the bundle and proudly displayed the burglar harness which Bunch bad worn on that memorable night. "And the burglar himself?" Bunch questioned. Diggs raised his bead slowly, and with theatrical effect answered. "! give the cussed scoun'rel the doggon est drubbin' a mortal maleyfactor ever got and let him go. That was nearly two weeks ago, and he ain't showed up since, dang him!" '"You win, Mr. Ananias!" said Bunch, handing Diggs a ten dollar bill, as he whispered to me. 'That story Is worth the mcuey." -What's' that for?" Inquired" Diggs, somewhat taken aback. "That's my contribution to the re- ward for the robber." Bunch .told him. Well." spluttered Diggs. "It don't seem zactly right, secia' as how I aa palled the cms oat of his clothe and then lerhlmmwtth-a-lanv DastlaV tTlHJ teb-spot ti for the' clothes "yea" palled Ms ot of." Bunch said. jlck-img- ay ' tka garments Sd v- haadthg them to me. "Keep them John, as a soureair of jraar Irst' burgis and true friend, Baach! - I took them reverently, and said. "Foryour sake, Bunch, they'll be hand ed down from generation to genera tion.; , , Clara J. blushed and- said,. "Oh. John!" and I thought Uncle Peter would chucklo himself intt a delirium. "Good night Mr. Ananias!" Bunch called, as Diggs made a farewell bow and turned to go. "Good night, one and all." replied Diggs; then a thought struck him and he turned with. "Say. who's this here Mr. Ananias? Seems like the name's familiar, but it ain't mine." "Mr. Ananias Is the first detective mentioned In history," Bunch ex plained, and Mr. Diggs beamed over us all. "Wait a moment. Mr. Officer," Aunt Martha piped in; "have a drop of re freshment before. you go. Tacks, run in and pour Mr. Officer a drink from that bottle on the sideboard!" Diggs stood there swallowing his palate In delightful anticipation until Tacks handed him a brimming glass from which the brave thief-taker took one eager mouthful, whereupon he emitted a shriek of terror that could be heard for miles. "Water! water! quick! I'm burning up!" cried the astonished Diggs. When, finally, the old fellow was re vived be faintly declined any more re freshment, and with 'a sad "good night." faded away in the twilight "Gee!" exclaimed Tacks, as he watched the retreating form, "I'm afraid I upset some tobascum sause in that glass by mistake." Presently Bunch went off to the depot to take a train back to the city, and for some little time we sat in silence on the piazza. "Grand, isn't it?" Uncle Peter said, breaking the spell. "Couldn't be any nicer, now. coulcT it?" Then he went over and stood near Clara J. "Little woman," he said; "ever since we first talked of moving out here I noticed how worried John was." "So did I," she answered, taking my hand in hers. "A day or two ago I found out that the trouble was," the old gentleman continued: "this property was too heavy a load for a young man to carry, especially when he's just mar ried, so I bought it from him!" Before Clara J. could express a word Martha's waist and continued. "Aunt Martha and I talked it all over last night and In relebratlon of your sec ond anniversary we want you to ac cept this little present." and with this he placed a document in Clara J.'s hands. "It's the deed to the property," Aunt Martha said; "all for you. Clara J., but if you don't mind, we'd like to live here!" "Yes." said Uncle Peter; "that gar den certainly needs some one to look after it!" Clara J. was crying softly and hug ging Aunt Martha. My own eyes were damp and I yearned to have somebody run the lawn mower over me. "I'll race you down to the gate and back." I suggested. "You're on." laughed Uncle Peter; "I believe I do need a little exercise!" Copyright, by C. W. Dillingham Co.) The Gravy. , A certain Dr. C was once reading a very strenuous paper on total absti nence before a clerical club so the story goes when the entertainer went out to tell his wife how many she was to provide for at supper. "What are they doing?" she asked, and was told the subject of the essay. "What shall I do?" she cried. "Here I "nave brandicd peaches, and it is too late to change." "Make no change." said her hus band. "It will be all right." The essayist had the post of honor at the right of the lady of the house, and she presented him with a dish of the peaches. After a while she said to him. "Dr. C . won't you allow me to give you some more of these peaches?" "Thank you." he replied. "They are excellent." A little later she said. "Dr. C . may I not give you another peach?" "No, I thank you," said he apolo getically, "but I will take a little more of the gravy." Harper's Magazine. When Taft Went Swimming. One morning last summer President Taft, wearing the largest bathing suit known to modern times, threw his substantial and ponderous form into the cooling waters of Beverly Bay. That afternoon Jesse Conway, a newspaper correspondent, sent the following to his paper: "There was mighty little swimming along the North Shore today. The President was using the ocean." The Popular Magazine. NJ: " ""WL I T(b J -BI--tsa'V- BLssssa -t-ssVJ" JM" I -""issssssr Jt--asssMl asTLsssssM$ -ssssa .sssssf assssT -S-P" 1 coanrmowr ia nr few-Hfsttu oomwmr - gj SYNOPSIS. Lawrence Btakcley. lawyer, coos to Plttnlmnj with the fenced notes in tin; Bronson case to set tin deposition of John Gllmoro. millionaire. A lady n qucats Blakeley to buy tier ti Pullman ticket. He Rives her lower II anil ri Jains lower 10. Ho tlmls a drunken man In lower 10 and retires in lower 9. He awakens in lower 7 and finds Ids clothes and Itn? missing. The man in lower 10 is found murdered. Cir cumstantial evidence points to both Blakeley and the .man who stole hi clothes. The train is wrecked ami Blake ley Is rescued from a burning ear by a Rirl In blue. His arm is broken. The girl proves to be Alison West, his partner'1 sweetheart. Blakeley returns home and llnds he is aruier surveillance. Moving Pictures oC thc train taken Just lefore the wreck reveal to Blakeley a man leap ing from the train with his stolen grip, "ivestigation proves that the man's namo Is Sullivan. Mrs. Conwav, the woman for whom Blakeley bought a Pullman ticket, tries to make a bargain with him for the "HTJd notes, not knowing that they an missing. Blakeley and an amateur de tective investienlo tli linmn .if Snltlvnn's sister. From a servant Blakeley learns that Alison West had been there on a visit and Sullivan had been attentive to her. Sullivan is the husband of a daugh ter of the murdered man. BlakelcVs house is ransacked by the police. He learns that the affair lclween Alison and his partner is oft. Alison tells Blakeley about the attention paid her by Sullivan, whom she was on her way to marrv when the wreck came. It is planned to give Mrs. Conway the forg-d notes In ex change for Sullivan. Mrs. (Touwav kills lierself and" Bronson. and the allies of the forged, notes are found in the room. MuiHvan Is found and explains how he got In the power of Bronson.. who unlered him to steal the forged notes from Blake ley. CHAPTER XXX. Continued. "He would probably be accused of the crime. So, although when the wreck occurred I supposed everyone connected with the affair had been killed, there was a chance that you, had survived. I've not been of much account, but I didn't want a man to swing because I left him in my place. Besides, I began to have a theory of my own. "As we entered the car a tall, dark woman passed us. with a glass of wa ter in her hand, and I vaguely remem bered her. She was amazingly like Blanche Conway. "If she, too, thought the man with the notes was in lower ten, it ex plained a lot, including that piece of a woman's necklace. She was a fury. Blanche Conway, capable of any thing." "Then why did you countermand that mssage?" I asked curiously. "When I got to tin Carter house, and got to bed I had sprained my ankle in the jump I wont through the alligator bag I had taken from lower nine. When I found your name. I sent the first message. Then, soon after. I cane across the notes. It seemed too good to he true, and I was crazy foflear the message had gone. "At first I was going to send them to Itronson; then I began to see what the possession of the notes meant to me. It meant power over Itronson, money. Influence, every tiling. He was a devil, that man." "Well, he's at home now," said Mc Knigut. and we were glad to laugh and relieve the tension. Alison put her hand over her eyes, vas if to shut out the sight of the man she had so nearly married, and 1 fur tively touched one of the soft little curls that nestled at the back of her neck. "When I was able to walk." went on the sullen voice. "I came at once to Washington. 1 tried to sell the notes to Bronson. but he was almost at the end of his rope. Not even my threat to send them back to you. Mr. Blake ley, could make him meet my figure. . He didn't have the money." McKnight was triumphant. "I think you gentlemen will see rea son in my theory now," he said. "Mrs. Conway wanted the notes to force a legal marriage, I suppose?" "Yes." The detective with the small pack age carefully rolled off the rubber band, and unwrapped it. I held my breath as he took out, first, the Russia leather wallet "These things, Mr. Blakeley, we found in the sealskin bag Mr. Sullivan says he left you. This wallet, Mr. Sul livan is this the one you found on the floor of the car?" Sullivan opened it. and, glancing at the name inside. "Simon Harrington," nodded affirmatively. "And this," went on the detective "this is a piece of gold chain?" "It seems to be," said Sullivan, re coiling at the blood-stained end. "This, I believe. Is the dagger." He held it up. and Alison gave a faint cry of astonishment and dismay. Sul livan's face grew ghastly, and he sat down weakly on the nearest ohair. The detective looked at him shrewd ly, then at Alison's agitated face. "Where have you seen this dagger before, ,young lady?" he asked, kindly enough. "Oh, don't ask me!" she gasped, breathlessly, her eyes turned on Sul livan. "It's it's too terrible!" "Tell him," I advised, leaning over to her. "It will be found out later, anyhow." "Ask him," she said, nodding toward Sullivan. The detective unwrapped the small box Alison had brought, disclosing the trampled necklace and broken chain. With clumsy fingers he spread It on the table and fitted into place the bit of 'chain. There could be no doubt that It belonged there. "Where did you find that chain?" Sullivan asked, hoarsely, looking for the first time at Alison. "On the floor, near the murdered man's berth." "Now, Mr. Sullivan," said the detec tive, civilly. "I believe you can tell us. In the light of these two exhibits, who really did murder Simon Harrington." Sullivan looked again at the dagger, a sharp little bit of steel with a Flor entine handle. Then he picked up the locket and pressed a hidden spring under one of the cameos. Inside, very neatly engraved, was the name and .date. "Gentlemen." he said, his face ghast. ly. "it is of no use for me .to attempt a denial. The dagger and necklace be longed to my sister, Alice Curtis!" CHAPTER XXXI. And Only One Arm. Hotchkiss was the first to break the tension. "Mr. Sullivan." he asked suddenly, "was your sister left-handed?" "Yes." 'Hotchkiss put away bis notebook and looked around with an air of tri umphant vindication. It gave us a chance to smile and look relieved. After all, Mrs. Curtis was dead. It was the happiest solution of the un happy affair. McKnight brought Sul livan some whisky and he braced up a little. "I learned through the papers that my wife was in a Baltimore hospital and yesterday I ventured there to see her. I felt if she would help me to J keep straight, that now, with her ra ther and my sister both dead., we might be happy together. "I understand now what puzzled me then. It seemed that my sister went into the next car and tried to make my wife promise not to interfere. But Ida Mrs. Sullivan was firm, of course. She said her father had pa pers, certificates and so on, that would stop the marriage at once. "She said, also, that her father was tpsi I . ilmim T(TiJs7fY7" Wfttf U4 vfV "I Understand Now What Puzzled Me' Then." in our car. and that there would be the mischief to pay in the morning. It was probably when my sister tried to get the papers that he awakened and she had to do what she did." It was over. Save for a technicality or two. I was a free man. Alison rose quietly and prepared to go; the men stood to let her pass, save Sulli van, who sat crouched in his chair, his face buried in his hands. McKnight saw her, with Mrs. Dal las, to their carriage and came back again. The gathering in the office was breaking up: Johnson had slipped away as unostentatiously as he came. Sullivan, looking worn and old. was standing by the window, staring at the broken necklace in his hand. When he saw me watching him, he put it back on the desk and picked up his hat. "If I cannot do anything more " he hesitated. "I think you have done about enough," I replied, grimly, and he went out. I believe that Richey and Hotchkiss led me somewhere to dinner and that, for fear I would be lonely without him, they sent for Johnson. And I recall a spirited discussion in which Hotchkiss told the detective that he could manage certain cases, but that he lacked induction. Richey and I were mainly- silent My thoughts would slip ahead to that hour, later in the evening, when I should see Alison again. Finances In Real Wisdom in Making Children Realize the Actual 'Value of ' Thtlr Money. "I do not see why a parent should not say to a girl: 'Here is so much a year; you have to pay your school bills, your dress, your laundry, your traveling expenses, and the cost of your games and your sweets out of it'" was the startling suggestion ad vanced by a public speaker In a lec ture on "Woman and Her Money." given to a large gathering of women recently In London. I I irsasBi fa savaga haste anally -waase-partfcaler st ' my tie that. Mrs. Kloatoa gave up ia. desaair. " "I wish, aatil your ana V1' better, that, you woaM buy the kind that hooka on." she protested, almost tear fully. "I'm sure they' look very nice. Mr. Lawrence. My late husband, al- "That's-a" lover's knot you've tied this time.' I snarled, and. jerking open the bow knot she had so painfully ex ecuted. looked out of the window for Johnson until. I. recalled that he no longer belonged in my perspective. I ended by driving frantically to the club and getting George to do it I was late, of course. The drawing room and library at the Dallas coun try home was very empty. I could hear billiard balls rolling somewhere and I turned the other way. I found Ali son at last on the balcony, sitting much as she had that night on the beach her chin in her hands, her eyes fixed unseeingly on the trees and lights of the square across. She was even whistling a little, softly. But this time the plaintiveness was gone. It was a tender little tune. She did not move, as I stood beside her, look ing down. And now. when the mo ment had come, all the thousand and one things I had been waiting to say forsook me, precipitately beat a re treat and left me unsupported. The arc-moon sent little fugitive lights over her hair, her eyes, her gown. "Don't do that." I said unsteadily. "You you know what I want to do when you whistle!" She glanced up at me and she did not stop. She did not stop! She went on whistling softly, a bit tremu lously. And straightway I forgot the street, the chance of passers-by. the voices in the house behind us. "The world doesn't hold anyone but you." I said, reverently. "It is our world, sweetheart. 1 love you." And I kissed her. A boy was whistling on the pave ment below. I let her go reluctantly and sat back where I could sec her. "I haven't done this the way i In- tended to at all." I confessed. "In books they get things all settled and then kiss the lady." "Settled?" she inquired. "Oh. about getting married and that sort of thing." 1 explained with elaborate carelessness. "We could go down to Bermuda or or Jamai ca, say in December." She drew her hand away and faced me squarely. "I believe you are afraid!" she de clared. "I refuse to marry you unless you propose properly. Everybody does it. And it is a woman's privi lege: she wants to have that to look back to." "Very well." I consented with an exaggerated sigh. "If you will prom ise not to think I look like an idiot. I shall do it. knee and all." I had to pass her to close the door behind us. but when I kissed her again she protested that we were not really engaged. I turned to look down at her. "It Is a terrible thing," I said, exultantly, "to love a girl the way I love you and to have only one arm!" Then I closed the door. From across the' street there came a sharp crescendo whistle and a vaguely familiar figure separated it self from the park railing. "Say," he called, in a hoarse whis per, "shall I throw the key down the elevator shaft?" The Nursery In his capacity as a lawyer, the speaker has seen much misery and unhapplness for which extravagant wives and daughters, reared in total ignorance of the value of money, have been responsible, and in bis opinion many disasters could be avoided if women were more wisely educated In the handling and investing of money. "The ideal father and mother give their children an allowance," he went on to say, "even if it is only a penny a week. This allowance should be increased as time goes on. and a girl should gradually be allowed to pay all her own bills and expenses." ssassW. sM sM- M'lW' I Sarsaparilla Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds-up the whole system. Get' it tedsy ia bsw! BejsM form m chocolated -tablets eIkd NEVER GOT TO KNOW HIM Seeminfly, This Htisbsnd Waa Seme what af a Hard Man te Get ' Acquainted With. 1 met a queer old womw charac ter oa the train betweea here and Buffalo one morning." remarked Po lice Judge McGaaaon wiea talk; had drifted around to queer people oaa sseets. "She was traveling jrita her grown son. whom I had met ia ths; smoking compartment, and later oa I got talking with the old lair. Sha spoke, of several paopla sha knew here la Cleveland. "Did yon ever happen tv know James H. Soandso?" I askew her casually, judging from something sha' had said that she did know him. "She gave me a strange sort of a look. Well.' she replied. 'I Oont know whether te say I know that man or not. He's a queer sort, yoa understand the kind of a man that nobody really knows. Why. I waa married to James Soandso. and lived with him for four years, but I never felt that I was really' acquainted with him.' "And the funny part of It," added McGannon. "was the woman waa ia deadly earnest about It She' didn't make the remark by way of springing any comedy at all." Cleveland Plain Dealer. STUBBORN ECZEMA ON HANDS "Some nine years ago I noticed small pimples breaking out on the back of my hands. They became very irritating, and gradually became worse, so that I could not sleep at night I consulted a physician who treated me a long time, but it got worse, and I could not put my hands In water. I was treated at the hos pital, and It was just the same. I was told that it was a very bad case of eczema. Well, I just kept on using everything that I could for nearly eight years until I was advised to try Cuticura Ointment I did so. and I found after a few applications and by bandaging my hands well up that the burning sensations were disappearing, I could sleep well, and did not have any itching during the night I began after a while to use Cuticura Soap for a wash for them, and I think by using the Soap and Ointment I was much benefited. I stuck to the Cuticura treatment, and thought if 1 could use other remedies for over ceven years with no result, and after only having a few applications and finding ease from Cuticura Ointment, I thought it deserved a fair trial with a severe and stubborn case. I used the Oint ment and Soap for nearly six months, and I am glad to say that I have bands as clear as anyone. "It Is my wish that you publish this letter to all the world, and If anyone doubts It, let them write me and I will give them the name of my physi cian, also the hospital I was treated at" (Signed) Miss Mary A. Bentley. 93 University. St, Montreal. Que, Sept 14. 1910. Their Last Hope Gone. When the minister praised the rasp berry jam at Mrs. Green's bountiful Saturday night supper, he could not Imagine why Angle and Horatio, the twins, gazed at him so reproachfully. "Don't you like raspberry jam, my Ut ile man?" he asked Horatio. "Yes. sir. I do." and Angle does." said Horatio. In distinctly resentful tones, "and mother told us that she was afraid the last she made wasn't quito up to the mark, and if you didn't praise it. Angle and I could have It for luncheon on our bread, for Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Shedd never said a word when they ate it. and you've made the third; but now she'll use it for the ;hurch eociables," and Horatio looked gloomily at his twin, who returned the look in kind. Youth's Companion. Father of the Man. Miss Amelia Austin listened with breathless attention to Mrs. Amasa Hunting's radiant, account of the do ings of James Hunting, her husband's younger brother, who had left Wo-brook-in-the-Hills In- his youth and bad become a millionaire. "Where Is Jim this summer?" Miss Amelia inquired, at the end of the re cital. "He has gone abroad for baths." re plied Mrs. Hunting. "I ain't one mite surprised to hear that." MIsa Amelia said. "His mother never could make him wash his neck." Youth's Companion. A Brush With Madam.' Artist Madam, it is not faces aloaa that paint It is souls. Madam Oh, you do Interiors, then. Boston Transcript OLD COMMON SENSE. Change Food When Yeu Feel Out ef Sorts. "A great deal depends upon yourself and the kind of food you eat." the wise old doctor said to a man who came to him sick with stomach trou ble and sick headacho once or twice a week, and who bad been taking pills and different medicines for three or four years. He was induced to stop eating any sort Cf fried food or meat for break fast, and was put on Grape-Nuts and cream, leaving off all medicines. In a few days he began to get bet ter, and now ho has entirely recover ed and writes that he is In better health than he has been before la twenty years. This nan is 58 years old' and says hedeels "like a new man all the time." Read "The Road to Wellville," ia pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever rea the store letter A aew ae appear fraaa tlaM tae. They are seaalae, trae, aad fall ef asanas) tote: est. 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