The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 18, 1911, Image 5

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is more seasonable now than at any other time in the year. If yon have
plumbing that should be done for the betterment of sanitary con
ditions, you ought to Bend for us at once.
but we will guarantee to do your work as well, if not better, than you
could have it done elsewhere.
411-413 W 13th St.
Gulumbus. Neb.
A. Dussell SL Son
From tho Sun.
There are two more families on the
sick list with scarlet fever. Mr. Wm.
Glatter and family being quarantined
the latter part of laBt week and Mr.
Andrew Johnson the fore part of this
The young people of Shelby have been
enjoying the fine skating on the ponds
near town. Wednesday Uncle Frank
Stone put on a pair of skates for the
first time in forty years, and showed the
young folks a few "stunts" on skates
that surprised them.
A very successful wolf hunt was pulled
off in the valley Monday, eix rabbits be
ing killed in the round np and only one
wolf was seen in the whole hunt, A
great many hunters came from all parts
of the country, intending to get a few
wolves but returned tired and disappointed.
From the Ban.
Caroline Melissa MoGinnis was born
in Wheeling, W. Vs.. Nov. 17, 1838, and
died near Schuyler Jan. C, 1911. On
May 7, 18C1, she was married to John A.
Briard, with whom she moved to Nebras
ka, settling near Schuyler. Mr. Briard
departed this life Jan. S, 1886.
Tho great trouble among American
youth is the lack of application and
thoroughness in what they undertake.
Anything that cannot be learned by
superficial study is given the goby for
something less tedious. Study and hard
labor are looked at from a wrong stand
point; and as a consequence the clerk
ship ranks are full of unemployed young
men, and the professions are overflowing
with mediocrity, while good mechanics
find plenty of work at living prices.
The evil spoken of is seriously felt. And
those who work at a trade do it in so
loose and careless a manner that they
often are not competent to do the work
they promised to do.
From the Gazette.
Claude Elli6 lost a valuable horse this
week. The animal fell down while in the
stalk field and broke one of its legs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Shutz's infant
child was buried in the Bellwood ceme
tery Tuesday. Rev. Jackson held burial
services at the grave. Charley is sick
and was unable to be present. Two
other children in the family are ill with
whooping cough.
Word reached Mrs. Bert Hagerthis
week that Rev. Gideon and wife former
ly of Bellwood are rejoicing over the
arrival of a new baby boy at their home
in Thomas county, and that Elva Oiedon
now Mrs. Murphy is also the proud own
er of a baby boy.
A couple of our "young bloods" met
without gloves in front of Beard's bar
ber shop last Saturday evening and
pounde J each other right and left. The
row was the outcome of a snowball.
Evidently, from the of the
combatants after the fight, boxing is
severe on the eyes.
cedar iuriDs. k
From tho Outlook.
Dr. Thelen had the misfortune to slip
and fall on an ioy walk last Sunday
night in such a manner as to break one
of the bones in the back of bis hand.
The fracture is quite painful and it has
inconvenienced the doctor considerably
in attending to his professional duties.
Owing to illness Mies Maud Hackett
has been compelled to resign, tempore
rily, her position in the postoffice. She
will take a vacation and rest up for
awhile before resuming her duties. Miss
Bethine Hackney is at present filling
the position very creditably during Miss
Hackett's absence. ,
Stephen O. Blood was born at Orford,
N. H , on the 13th day of May. 182C, and
died at Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, Jan. 9,
1911, at the ripe old age of 84 years . He
was married to Mercy Merrill at Haver
hill, Mass., Dec. 25, 1871, and came to
Oedar Rapids about 31 years ago where
he lived until his death.
From the Signal.
The bans of marriage were announced
last Sunday at St. Joseph's church be
tween Mr. Joe Mono of Genoa, and Miss
Valerea Kaipust of this place.
We last week mentioned the fact that
Matt Niebauer, assistant cashier of the
Farmers1 State bank had resigned the
position. Later Jas. F. Doud, cashier,
also resigned. Sunday evening Mr. A.
J. Houeer, from Fremont, arrived here
and Monday assumed the position of
cashier. Mr. Houser comes from the
First National bank at Fremont and is
counted a very competent man. Mr.
Dowd will remain with the bank for a
time, at least.
George Micek. of Aurora, Neb., was
in our village a few days this week soli
citing funds to help built a church for
that town, which the people of the par
ish, only twelve families, are hopeful of
having completed the early part of the
year. Mr. Micek is no atranger in these
parts, he having worked in the town a
number of years ago. He tells us that
during his visit here he met many fatm
liar faces and says he thinkB there is no
place quite as good as Platte county.
An Offer That Involves No Risk For
Those Who Accept It.
We are so positive our remedy will
completely relieve constipation, no mat
ter how chronic it may be, that we offer
to furnish it free of all cost if it fails.
Constipation is caused by weakness of
the nerves and muscles of the large in
testines or descending colon. To expect
a oure you must therefore tone up and
strengthen these organs and restore
them to healthier activity.
We want you to try Rexall Orderlies
on our guarantee. They are eaten like
candy, and are particularly ideal for
children. They act directly on the
nerves and muscles of the bowels. They
have a neutral action on the other
organs or glands. They do not purge
or cause any inconvenience whatever.
They will positively overcome chronic or
habitual constipation and the myride of
associate or dependent chronic ailments
Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Two
sizes, 10c and 25c. Sold only at our
store the Rexall store . Pollock & Co ,
corner 13th and North streets.
Gents9 Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street,
From the Bapablicaa.
'Bern Gibb left Wednesday for the
wettara pari of the state, to look at lasd,
hia first atop bains Ogallala.
During this week the Union Padfle
have been running two f nights each day
both the Spalding and Albion crewe go
ing to Columbus. Too much baauMss
or defective motive power is responsible
for the change.
W. L. and D. Obrist, 'who were celled
here by the serious illness of their father
M. Obrist, expect to return home the
first of the week as the condition of
their father is much improved end he is
on the road to recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill left Wednes
day evening for their home soath of
Herehey, Neb., after yisitisg with the
homefolks during the holidays. They
expect to stop at Silver Creek for s few
days and visit with Mrs. Hili's brother
Ed Potter.
A letter received by friends from Dr.
W. W. Frank says that they expect to
move into Hayden, Col., near where their
land U located. Ever since going there
they have been living on a farm, and the
doctor's health has been greatly improv
ed in the change of climate.
Loup township farmers on the south
side of the river, opposite Monroe, have
been getting posted on the prices of grain
here, and anxiously waiting for the
weather to become cold enough to freeze
the river solid enough for them to haul
their grain to Monroe on an ice bridge.
And this condition of affairs should be
an incentive to boast the bridge project,
aa there is no good reason why our neigh
bors on the south should be compelled
to wait for an ice bridge in order to
market their products in Monroe.
Ever since we have been driving the
mail on Route 1 the patrons have re
membered us with presents of grain, etc,
for which we are very thankful, but last
week We found s note in a box for the
carrier and inside was one of Uncle
Sam's greenbacks, with the following
verse. Every day yon come and go,
through sunshine rain or enow, whistling
a tune as yon go by, happy as a lark np
in the sky. I don't think he heard any
whistle Monday, as the .roads would
shake the whistle out of a bag pipe.
Andrew Saline formerly of Monroe,
but now of Lincoln, and Miss Helga
Frick of that city were married Wednes
day, January 4, at the Swedish Evangeli
cal Lutheran church in Lincoln the cere
mony being performed by the pastor,
Rev .Knock. After the ceremony a wed
ding dinner was served in the parlors of
the church. Since going to Lincoln Mr.
Saline has been employed in the Mayer
Bros, store, where he holds a response
ble position. Mr. and Mrs. Saline will
continue to make their home in the
capital city.
From the Time.
Mrs. Mary Pointdexter of Humboldt
wore a hat as large as an ordinary um
brella and bad it fastened to her rat with
a pin a foot long, The wind swept the
hat off Mrs. Pointdexter's head, and Jim
Kilgorc. who was walking behind her
got a jab in the eye from the pin. The
jab put out his optic, and he has com
menced an action against Mrs. Point
dexter for $5,000 damages.
Joe Newell was found in an uncons
cious condition in his room at the Stalk
er Hotel last Sunday evening. He was
in the dining room of the hotel for
breakfast Sunday morning, and was not
seen again until a noise in his room at
tracted the attention of Landlord Stalk
er, who, after receiving no response
from Mr. Newell, forced the door open
and found him under the bed. Dr.
Williams was called and found the
patient suffering from a fit of some kind.
Mr. Newell returned from Iowa last
Saturday. In the evening complained
of not feeling well; said he bad the
Judge W. B. Neff, of Cleveland, who
granted 438 divorces at a recent term of
court over which he presided, aays:
"High prices, coupled with small in
comes, resulting in an intense struggle
to keep up appearances and gratifying
social ambition, are responsible for the
wrecking of a large number of homes.
What makes divorces frequent is the
fact that women now find it easy to be
financially independent of their husbands
Perhaps if we adopted the prudential
marriage system of Europe we would be
better off. Courtship in America is of
ten a mere social masquerade. Lovers
never see each other except when at
their best, end consequently the young
woman marries a hero and the young
man an angel, only to be disillusioned
shortly after the wedding day."
From the World.
Several cases of scarlet fever are re
ported around Biasell this winter. All
are getting better.
Mrs. Sarah Moran, grandmother of O.
E Moran of this place, died of a cancer
at the home of her son-in-law, John
Lake, five miles couth west of town, on
Tuesday. The deceased was one of the
sturdy pioneers of that community and
had attained the age of 77 years, 11
months ana21 days.
During the severe storm of January 1,
Adolph Krause, west of Leigh, lost ten
head of cattle by exposure. He turned
them out of the barn to drink and could
not get them back again. It is said
they ran ont into the fields instead. It
is a heavy loss for Mr. Krause and we
sympathize with bim.
While Henry Schlueter was driving
home from church laat 8unday, one of
his horses dropped dead on the Stanton
county line, north of town. On Monday
Pete Clauseen. a son of Nick Claussen,
was coming to town and his team took
fright at the dead animal and ran away.
The occupants of the buggy, Wilms and
Albert Osterman, of Cherry cossty and
Dora Claussen of Creston, were thrown
out and somewhat braised sod scratch
ed. The baggy was alao broken np and
it in indeed fortnnate that the results
were not more serious.
In order to reduce our stock of Winter Clothing quickly, we have made big reductions in prices on all our
Men's and Boys' Clothing. We have not been in the habit of putting on sales just to attract buyers, but
now we are going to give bargains that eclipse anything ever before offered in Columbus. Just think of the
high class merchandise we have to offer, compared with others. "Brandegee-Kincaid," "Adlers" and "Widow
Jones" clothes. Head and shoulders above all competition. Classy clothes that are in a class by themselves.
Handsome garments carefully tailored, swell fitting, unexcelled quality, and at their original price splendid
values. This is not a little handful of garments we tallr about, But a complete stock.
Salt Begin WhNtty, January 18. and Ctats Wtamlaj, hfc. 1st
Sraadeg e, CiacaiJ Co.,
$35.00 Suits at $26.50
$32.50 Suits at $24.00
$30.00 Suits at $22.00
$27.50 Suits at $20.00
$25.00 Suits at $18.50
$22.50 Suits at $16.50
$20.00 Suits at $14.50
$18.00 Suits af $1350
$15.00 Suits at $10.50
$12.00 Suits at $850
$10.00 Suits at $6.00
M -
?."! a .?
va mr
$30.00 Overcoats at $22.50
$25.00 Overcoatsat$18.50
$22.50 Overcoatsat$16.50
$20.00 Overcoats at $14.50
$15.00 Overcoatsat$13.50
$12.00 Overcoats at $8.00
$10.00 Overcoats at $6.50
$7.50 Overcoats at $4.50
Gcpjrrcte l I'.X '-? i Aiisr E.-&. O Ca.
BOYS SUITS Widow Jones Clothing
Long Pants
Boys' $15.00 Suits at...
Boys' $12.00 Suits at
Boys' $10.00 Suits at. .
Boys' $8.00 Suits at
Boys' $6.00 Suits at
. .$8.00
fr-fl Widow Knickerbockers -ft to 16 vrs
Boys' $3.00 Suits at $175
Boys' $4.00 Suits at $2.50
Boys' $4.50 Suits at. $3.00
Boys' $5.00 Suits at $3.50
Boys' $7.00 Suits at $5.25
icenmiGHT isio w widow jONtsaosron
Boys' Overcoats that sold at $5.00 to
$15.00, now $2.50 and $7.00
One lot ot Boys' Suits, 50 in the lot,
ages 4 to 17, that sold at $3.50 to
$6.00, now your choice for $1.50
Oue lot of Boys' Long Pants Suits, 50
in the lot, that sold at $6.00 to
$15.00, now $3.00 and $7.05
Men's and Boys' sheepskin Duck coats
that sold at $2.50 to $9, now. . .$1 to $6.00
One lot of Men's pants, 200 in lot that
sold at $2.50 to $6.00, now. .$1. and $3.00
Men's and Boys' Fancy Dress Shirts
that sold at 50c and 75c, your choice. . 35c
Men's and Boys' Underwear goes at below
Eleventh Street
From the Daaonat
Dr. Condon has had very bad lock
with the deer he had shipped in for his
park. Out of nine which he purchased,
he has only three left, five having died
and one got away and has been running
wild for some time over in the St
Mary's neighborhood.
Sidney Smith took his daughter Stella
to Columbus, Monday, to be operated on
for appendicitis. The operation was
performed Tuesday, and the little girl is
getting slong nicely. Mis Dora Qreoger
accompanied them, and remained in Co
lumbus to take enre ot Miss Smith.
Theo. Broscheit left the first of the
week to spend the rem Hinder of the win
ter with friends in Iowa and Illinois.
He will visit for some time in the north
ern part of Iowa and tb-n go to his old
home in LaSelle county. Illinois, but
expects to return to Platte ennnty again
in time for spring work.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. T. Tnrner of Bar
risburg, Pennsylvania, were guests-this
week of Mr. snd Mrs. T. D. Bobieon.
Mrs. Turner is a sister of Mr. Robisoa
and will be remembered by early resi
dents of Humphrey sua former resident
of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Turner are
on their way to California for a visit
with friends snd relative?, and retarniag
to their Some they expect to go by the
way of Panama. This is Mr. Turner's
first visit to the western country and be
expressed himself as being highly pleas
ed, especially with the country in Nebraska.
From the Nonpareil.
Merrick county will not build the
Havens bridge. That became a settled
question ibis week when the new board
of supervisors tabled tbe proposition.
By a decisive vote of 5 to 2 they decided
that there was no need for the bridge
and if the rama la destined to be built
at all hazards it will have to be done so
with the funds secured from private sub
scriptions and kept np from such funds.
Tbe action of tbe board will no doubt
settle a controversy that bss extended
over a period of about eighteen month'.
On roll call all of the members of th
board voted against tbe proposition ex
cept Campbell and Parker.
J. 1. Taylor, for many years rcailinas
ter of the Burlington's lines north of
here, has been granted a three month's
vacation by tbe officials of that com
pany and it is safe to assume be will en
joy his much deserved rest. ''Uncle
Tsylor," as he is familiarly called has
sen forty-two years of active railroad
service sad came to Nebraska when this
state was little more than a wi'rierness.
He helped to build tbe first mile of Bur
lington road in the state and looks back
with pleasure over the large amount of
work that has been accomplished for the
coatpasy ander bis direetios and mana
gement. About April 1st Mr. snd Mrs
Taylor expect to move to Lincoln, where
be has beea, assigned to lighter and easi
er work. It is seedless to say that the
ir assay frieads will regret their coming
will do this for you:
If you live in the Corn Belt
L?4 HfS you aw to nStm moTe cora to test ani1 elect
to "awp yoar laad ia ataxtmaai producing order: to com
bat lasect ftataV Ud folvw almost every other farm problem.
If you have money to invest
bee ,the Unloa Pacific exhibit aad the great number of open
ings for Investment ia the Union Pacific country.
If you want to move elsewhere
It will give yon am unparalleled opportunity of getting just the
information yon are looking for.
If you want to see the west
Come and see It aader one roof.
If you want a food time. "
You'll fiad ahmadaat entertainment.
Come via Union Pacific
Standard Road mf the West
January 18 to 38, 1911
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