'- -3 M ' -t-w rl '"Ci r"- "irv V. . ' .' - 'VrC- -&? J6-fEi' - ?TO9- II a "-',2y.'' " 2jrnr53rsT- -i---ji 74 y I W 'e"v?.y lg f . & ir - s. If i -rn v -1 ff q FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 42. COLUMBUS, NJCBRASKA, WIDHISDAY, JANUARY 18, 1911. WHOLI NUMBSR 2.044. rV-v"" Cfrl nrit:nt tf Branum tmSm 'r .Jfenr -1 v Iv. V M IK ; 1 V I. ' .I l v. v II. 1 a tc & hi i . ? ) n s ' ("- $2,600 Is Very Reasonable for a new Dwell ing, Barn and two lota. East. 14th Street BECKER, H0CKENBER6ER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MULKKS. Bye w Oata ..... Wheat 85 White Corn 3" Yellow Corn 34 Hoga,top $7.10 to 37.25 MANY YEARS AGO Filea of tbe Journal, January 23, 1878. We learn ol a large enterprise that ib talked of, viz, the settlement on farming land in this vicinity next spring of a thousand families from various parts of the eastern states. Three sharpers managed recently to ride from Omaha to Chicago on one ticket. They took seats at some dis tance from each other and established communication by means of a string run along the outside of the car, on which, after giving up his ticket, No. 1 eent his check to No. 2, and No. 2, after showing his check forwarded it to No. 3. The new bridge that is to span the Loup west of this place is manufactured by Kellogg Maurice of Athens, Pa. Mr. Clark Grant is foreman of the con struction gang, and tbe work will go forward as fast as the old bridge can be got out of the way. The U. P. company know the nature of the stream and will doubtless put up one of tho strongest bridges in the west. From all parts ot the state comes the good news that the inquiries for land are numerous, and that there will be an unprecedented inflow of immigrants next spring. Now let every man in the state make an extra effort to help settle up our vacant lands. We will all be be nefitted by it, iuclnding ihose who come. Nearer neighbors, more schools and more churches, better roads, more business ot all kinds, more enjoyment and more animation. There is 'room and work and prosperity for thousands of families. Help them to come west "and itrow up with the country," and this you can best do by disseminating f&cta among your acquaintances and friends. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing January 18. 1911: Letters John Bach (2), G. W. Jones, L. N. Moore, J. C. McCormick, Chaa A. J. Scbafer, Joseph Wyric. Cards John Bach, (2) Fremont Chat fleld (2), Hal Copp, Nettie R. Corrick. Rev. & Mrs. W. T. Oatley, Laurel Hop kins, 5. L. Herman Forest Iverson, Elbert Iverson, Edith Iverson, Beatrice Iverson. Irma Iverson, Oliver A. John son, Mrs. 8. Kump, Miss Harriet Moore, Frankie Woodruff. Parties calling for any of the above will please say, "-.dvertised." Carl Kramer, P. M. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Spcially D. C. KAVANAUGH Friday night's; meeting ot ths stock holders of the Columbus Baas Ball Club left no doubt about what would be done daring the season of 1911 . Besides the fifty stockholders, there was an enthusi astic crowd of fans in attendance. The election of a board of directors was ths principal business ot the masting, and when this was being disposed of ths question of reducing the number ot dir ectors was brought up. and resulted in but five being elected, ss follows: C. E. Pollock, Walter Lucre, H. A. Fritz, Chaa. Segslke. jr..' and Sam Gasa, jr. With the smaller board of directors the business can be transacted to much bat ter advantage, as there will be lass trou ble and the smaller number can be got ten together much easier. One of the instructions of the masting was that the board Lire manager Corbett for the com ing season; and this was complied with at once. Officers ot ths club will be se lected from the board ot directors, and this will be done at their mstting Satur-' day evening of this wssk. 8o far tbe only one mentioned for president is O. E. Pollock, and as he is a director ot the state league, his election to the head ot the local dab would place him in a better position to look after the interests of the club. The directors have appointed a soliciting committee to secure funds, and they will begin their work soon, so toe dab will be in a position to make a good report at the first meeting ot the direotors of the state league. With manager Corbett at the head of the team there is no question but that Columbas will have first class ball all season, and the ettendance nuke the season a big ger success from a financial standpoint than last year. Chief Bert J. Galley, Lester Jenkinson, of the Pioneer Hook & Ladder Co., EmilKumprof Hoes Company No. 1, Louis Meier of Hose Company No. 2, and A. J. Mason of the Bissell Hose Company, are representing Columbus at the annual meeting of the Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's association, being held at Alliance this week. The boys left Monday afternoon over the Union Pacific, going to Grand Island, and from there to Alliance. They were accom panied by a number of delegates from other towns who were enroate to the convention. John Parker of this dty. but formerly of Albion, will be the next president of ths association, as he at present holds the position of vice presi dent, and is in 'ine for the higher office, that being the rale followed by the as-' socistion. This will give Columbus Jhe president, although he will be credited to Albion, Mr. Parker being a resident of that town when elected vice president. The convention will conclude Thursday and the boys expect to return Friday. Some of the delegates were asked as to Columbus1 prospects for entertaining tbe next meeting, and he said it was generally understood that this city was not making an effort to secure it. Last week the county board were ask ed by the Columbus Commercial club to assist with tbe proposed improvement of the road between the Platte and Loup rivers, south of the dty. Tbe committee from the club asked that the board pay one-half ot the cost of the road, whioh is estimated at $800, and request ed that such an amount, which has been collected as inheritance tax, be appro priated. This tax is to be used only for permanent road improvement, in count ies having less than 30,000 inhabitant on roads radiating from towns and dties in these counties. The law also provides that this money cannot be divided among the various townships and cannot be used except for permanent roads . Ths board took the matter under advisement and before adjournment laid it over until their meeting in March, when they will take definite action. The committee having charge ot the raising of funds are going ahead and complete their other ar rangements and hope to be able to have the necessary funds for the road when the time arrives for beginning the work. John Herman Grotelecschen, sged 80 years, 4 months and 29 days, died Sun day at his home, north of Biohland, is Colfax county. Mr. Groteleuschen was born in Oldenburg, Germany, August 16, 1890 . He resided there until be grew to manhood and was married before he came to America, which was in 1859, when he settled in Wisconsin. He made that state his home for ten years aad then deoided to go farther west, locating on his homestead in Colfax county in 1869 . This has since been his home sad it was here be spent tbe last years ot his life. Besides his wife nine children, six daughters and three sons, Mrs. Herman Loseke, Mrs. Wm. Lueke, Mrs. Louis Held, Mrs. Louis Sander, Mrs. John Held, Mrs. D. Kluck, and Louis, August and Carl Groteleoschen, all residents ot this locality, survive him. Fanera! ser vices were held Tuesday at 8k John's Lutheran church, on Shell creek, and were conducted by the pastor, Bev. Mueller, and burial was in the cemetery at the church. During' tbe last week tbe temperature record has been quite varied. Wednes day night the cold wave got another grip and tbe thermometer registered three below zero. Thursday night was five above zero and Friday night it regis tered seven below, tbe coldest ot the week. Saturday night was five below and after the weather moderated aad Saaday night was seven above, while Monday eight eighteea above was recorded. Dr. Neumann. Death 13th 8s. Or, Morrow, osaee Lasachea buildlag. Baled Say for sale. Erase A Brock. Dr. a A. Alleebarger, ia State Beak bulldieg. Mies Sadie Fonts departed for her home at Fremoat Moaday. Dr. L. P. Caret saaoa, Veterinarian, la firmary, 11th and Kummer8ta. 8unday the Eatre Nous dab was en tertained by Mr. aad Mrs. M. E. Hale. Alvin Phillipps, who was ooalasd to his home with aickaeas last weak, is again able to attend to his work at the store. Don't forget the aeooad ot the aeries of dances given by the Golambue City Band. The date ia Thursday evening, January 26, Miss Boss Gas, aooompaaied by her sister, Mrs. Aognat Mara, left 8e4erdy for Plattamonth, Neb to visit with tela Uvea a few days. For 8ale Improved 80 acres, joining good email town ia Platte oounty. F. E. Strotber, Boom 15, German National Bank building, Oolnmbna. ' Mies Dorothy Post returned to Chicago last Thursday, where she ia taking n coarse as a trained nurse in the Presby terian hospital, after ependingtbe holi days with her parents. Mrs. Edward Sohober retained last Wednesday from Holbrook, Neb., ao compaaied by her bob Victor, who waa operated on for appendidtis aboatthe first ot tbe year, and ia bow on tbe road to recovery. Tuesday evening the Modera Wood men and Boyal Neighbors hdd their joint installation in the Woodmen hall, and after the ceremonies were completed the members of both orders enjoyed a apread prepared by tbe Boyal Neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Shannon and daughter, Miss Hden, retarned Moaday evening from Plsttemouth, where they were called to attend the funeral ot J. E. Leasley, a brother-in-law ot Mr. Shannon's, who died Thnrsdsy ot last week. His funeral was held Saturday. Will 8chroeder, who was injured by falling from the High school building at Fullerton on January 9, ia still a patient at St. Mary's hospital, and ia getting along nioely. His injuries consisted of a badly sprained back and -wrenched shoulder, and it will be noma time before he is able to be out again. Jack Fry, who works for Ed. Butler, two miles west of the dty, had a narrow escape from serious injury last Saturday with a runaway team. He bad goae to the Add for a load ot sugar cane, and after loading stepped onthetongae to climb on tbe load, when the team start ed. Jack made an effort to monnt one ot the horses, bat they made a sadden turn, throwing him off his balance, and he fell between them. He was consider ably bruised about the body and one foot pretty badly wrenched, which will cause him to use cratches for two weeks or more. Duriag tbe last week in February the state encampment ot tbe Nebraska division, Sons ot Veterans, will be held in this city, and the local camp are mak iBg preparations to entertain them. Daring the last year tbe order has been making gains ia the state aad thia en campment promises to be larger in pout of numbers than aay held for a number of years. And in connection with thia Union Camp ot thia dty ia arraagiag for the proper observance ot Union Defend era' and Liacola's birthday, which ia February 12. As that data falls on Sun day the exercises will be held Saturday evening aad tbe Grand Army, Ladies1 Auxiliary aad Spanish American War veterans will be guests ot the Sons ot Veterans. Last Saturday the new board ot super visors completed their first seasioB, hav ing adjourned until tadr March meet ing. The oftoial county papers for the year will be the same as before, the Telegram and Biene ot this dty, and the Democrat of Humphrey aad Sigaal ot Platte Center. John Ernst secured the oounty poor term, his bid beiag lower than that ot Edgar Webb, who has been in chsrge of it the last few years. G. W. Davis was appdoted jaaitor for the court house, and tbe board rejected 11 bide for atatioaary and supplies, in structiag the county purchasing ageat tobnyinopen market, the name as was done tbe last year. Dr. W. B. Nnemar ker is the county physician for the pre eeat year. Petition for the purchase of the new ohemioal fire apparatus by the dty coun cil have been drculated during the last week by members ot tbe fire department aad tbe response in the way of an endor sement ot the purchase has beea very gratifyiag to the firemen. So far there have been bat very few who have dacha ed to sign the petitions, realizing that it should be added to the dty'a fire fight ing equipment without delay. The boys expect to secure at least six hundred aames to the 'petitions, whioh will be more than a majority of the legal voters ot the dty, and these wili be prcaanttd to the eoundl at thdr marring Friday night of this week. Before the petitions are turned over they will be carefully cnedmdtoacc that aodepliBatisua scour, bo there will be no qaastion ss to their legality. THE EQUITABLE Building, Loan and Savings Association Aneti, $265,000.00 , t Pays 6 per cent interest on fall paid stock OFFICE WITH Elliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. & Evans, Union Block. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. Matzso, dentist, over Niewohaern, Dr. Chaa. H. Campbdl, oculist: aad auriet, 1215 Olive street Dr. W. B. Neumarker, oMoe with Dr O. D. Evans, west Bide of Park. Supervisor Wilson of district No. 4 waa in tbe city Wednesday, enroate to Omaha, where he goes for medical treat ment. Miss Louise Bodat who Uvea five aulas southwest of Odntabus is a guest at the home of her brother Frank Budat this W0W Thursday evening, January 26, is the date for tbe second of the series or dances to be given by tbe Columbus City Band, and an enjoyable time is anticipated. James Gleason. for many years a resi dent northwest of Monroe, and later ot Platte Center, is at St. Mary's hospital suffering from so attack ot pneumonia. On account or his advanced age hie con dition is considered serious. Friday evening the boys basket ball team of the Cedar (Rapids High school will plsy tbe Columbus nigh school boys basket bsirteam. Tbe game will be played in tbe High school gymnasium and an admission fee will be charged. Joe Hicks, who was before Police Judge O'Brien on a charge of aaaanlt and battery, filed by Tillie Materia, aad a continuance taken, was discharged by the Judge at the final bearing, there not being enough evidence to warrant a con viction. John Brock, who fell rrom the First Nstional Bank building last summer, underwent another operation at St Marys hospital Taeaday of this week. This is the second operation, tbe first one fdling to afford him relief from the effeete of the'aocident. Monday night Pioneer Hook and Lad der Co. No. 1 elected the following out ears for 1911: Wm. Heuer, president; Q A. Pittman, foreman; Walter Heuer, first assistant foreman; Wm. Plageman, aeooad assistant foreman; Lester Jenkiad eon, secretary; Eilert Mohlman, treasur er. Attorney T. D. Robiaeon of Humph rey was in the oity Tuesday accompani ed by his brother-in-law, Chaa P. Turner and wife, ot Harriaburg, Pa., who have been visiting him a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Turner were reaumiag their trip to Oregon, and left on an evening train. Alpuonso Guiles, one of the early set tiers of Monroe township, and father ot Mra.M 8. Fish ot this dty, djedlaet Friday ot pneumonia and waa buried 8uaday, from the Moaroe Congregation al church. Taisis the second death in the Guiles family in a rew months, his soa Elmer being killed by a threshing machiae late ia tbe summer. PIAXOft are aaade by Foxtrin Bros. We sell direct from the factory. With every instrument we give a factory guaraatee. . THE BEST makoe rood enough for our seers. We ha ve been in this la Coluanbus for the coal trade which usakes it i for we to serve yon better cheaper i affwVflBVBnV BBBBBBBBBBBnU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTWaUUV ' aaoresatisfsctorythamaflybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L W. WEIVEI I Ml HARNESS AND COAL At its aext regular meeting tbe board ot education ot the dty ot Columbus will have before it two petitioae or rather a petition aad a reBaoustrance. Thirty tesidente ot northeast ot the dty are aaking that seven sections in that locali ty be detached from the Columbus school district, which is district No. 1, and petitions from residents of the city are signing the remonatraBoe, which aska that the diatrict rmnain the same aanow. Thia matter waa brought before the school board, aad they thought the re sponsibility of deciding a question that each and every tax payer in the school district is iaterested is should be bedd ed by those laterested, SBd the petition and remonstrance will give them some thiag to base thdr action on. Mrs. Jane Thompson, aged 76 years, died Sunday afternoon at the home of her soa, Henry L. Thompson on West Seveateeath street, death being caused by tuberculosis. Mra. Thompson wss born in New York state July 10,1834, and waa married to Mr. Thompson June 21, I860. Later they came west and for a number of years she has been a resident ot thia city. She leaves two eons, Geo. W. Thompson and Henry L. Thompson, both of this city, aad one daughter, Mra. Joe Burke or Palmer. Neb. Faner- sl services were held Moaday at 230 a the Methodist nkumhaud. ware conducted by 'the pastor, Bev. C. W. Kay, and burial in the Uommbus ceme tery. Columbas bowlers defeated the Metz team from Omaha three straight games last Saturday night at the local alleys. The lineup for Columbus waa Ed Kava nauga, Joe Gutzmer, Porter, Novell and Nichols, and the visitors were Conrad, Spragae, Denman, Huntington and Blakeley. The Columbas team goes to Omaha for a doable header Sunday, tbe first gasae betBg with the Metz and tbe second with the Jetter Odd Tops. The lineup of the Odnmbus team will be the same ss Saturday night, with tbe excep tion of Kavanaugb, whose place will be filled by Plageman. A game with Fre mont on Saturday evening, January ro will be played on tbe local alleys. Chaa Wood ia in trouble agdn, this time for abandonment, tbe complaint be ing filed bj bis wife. Some time ago be aent hie wife away on a visit and during her sbasace disposed of tbe household goods to the aeooad hand man. Wbo she retarned and discovered this she be gan proceedings, with the result that Couaty Judge Rattenaaa, before whom the oompUint was seeds, issued a war- raat for Woode' arrest, and it is under stood that be has beea located in South Oaeaha, aad that the police ot that city have bean naked to arrest him aad de tain him until tbe Platte county omoera arrive. Wood will have a hearing later. , Gasper Forthouse, formerly a resident of Petersburg, Nebraska, but for the last two yeara an inmate ot St Mary's hospital, died last Batarday, aged 74 years. He waa born in Langenbnrg, Germany, November 35, 1836. Ia 18S1 be waa married in Germany, and his wife who still survives him, is also at tbe hos pital. They came to America in 1881 and later moved to Petersburg, which was thdr home prior to entering tbe hospital. Foaeral services were held Tuesday at 9 a. m. at the Catholic ohurch aad burial waa in the parish cemetery. 8ix members ot the local lodge of the Knights of Columbus, M. W. Thomas, Judge Batterman, Fred Gerber, Earl LaVidstte. Mark Burke and Ed Kavaa augb, were at Fremont SundayNo assist ia iaatitutiag a new lodge of the order. They report that Omaba and Lincoln were represented by a large delegatioa, each comiag on a special train, and that the work waa put on by the Omaha When County Attorney Heneley tarn ad ever the osaee to hie successor there waa one important ease in which Platte oounty waa iaterested, that he bad much to do with tbe Platte river bridge case, and ia view of thia fact the county board of eoBervieore were petiWoaed to relate him until the matter was settled, which request wan granted. Marriage Licenses. Paul Wylaeld, Genoa Vkterie L. Moetek, Odambue. . S3 17 55 .Friend 57 Y. M. C A Motes. Ourbuaketball team plays Beatrice at that piece aext Friday eight The Geaea Iadwus will play n return game here in our gymnasium on January Stth eawVNna State secretary, J. P. Bailey will ad dress tbe Meue'mestiag next Sunday at 3:90. Mr. Bailey ie wall known an a good epeaker and we hepe that the seen ot Columbus will show by their attend ance that they appreciate the presence ot such men. Dr. L. G. Herbet comes to us next Sat urday night as the fourth number oa the entertainmeut course.. A strong. virile nun with a great aoul and a great essage, he holds hie audience an aa ex perienced eatertdaer does with bis lighter subject The skating pond ia bo longer aa ex penmeat. Anyone who has seen as high as fotty-niae' children on that little patch of ice at oae tiaie will agree that the sight waa worth the effort ot provid iuarthe ice. It is entirely to email a place for the numbers who desire to use it. Why not flood Frankfort Park? The walks are all high enough that they would not be damaged by the freezing ot tbe ice aad thia public property would thus be of reel value aad enjoyment for the whole town. Last Thursday night the Columbus Y. M. C. A. tsam huag another ecalp on thdr belt. When they retarned victors over tbe David City, Y. M. O. A. by the score of 33 to '29. Recently David Oity beat Central City Y. M. a A. oa thia me floor 29 to 37. When the game waa arranged the contract called for the game to be played in the Y. M. O. A. gym. But thia place waa not finished, so the game waa played in the opera boose on n much emaller floor. Thie was somewhat otahaadicap to tbe home boys as bat one or two passes could be made before tbe basket wss reached. At tbe lest momeat Betterton the regular center waa unable to leave his work. So Keae man was taken along. Keneman filled the position ia fine style, out jumping his opponent until the last few minutes ot plsy when honors where aboateveu. David City drew first blood, Pescbek getting a goal from tbe foal line. About the middle of tbe half Columbus took the lead and was not heeded. At the end of the first half tbe score stood Colum bus 18, David City 1G. Columbus start ed with a rush ia the second hdt being, eight points to the good for, fully five minutes, then it waa nip and tuck till time waa cdled. Umpire Tburresssn udng his whistle freely. David City only made two field goals this half, the rest of her points being from tbe foul line. Tbe local u-am got 14 field goals daring the game, and five baskets from the foul line. Tbe features of tbe game waa tbe basket throwing of Paul Becker, getting S field goals, and getting 5 out ot 6 chances from the foal line, making a total of 21 points. Capt. Todeaboft Frankfurt and Kensman each gettia? 2 field baskets. The line up: Paul Bec ker, r. forward; Hugo Todenhoft, 1. for ward; Ivan Kensman, center; H. D. Frankfart 1. guard; Earl Hawkins, r. guard; Nene Nelson, sub; referee, An derson, (Columbus); umpire, Thurres sen, (David City) Time or halves, 30 minutes. Congregational Church. Tbe Sdvatiou Army, that deals with the hardest class ot people, sive harden ed church members, and experiences oontinuoudy almost miraculous conver stoas, that turn people sunken in sin i't. newness of living, nave an api !..: "Let as pray this soul through to J un." I have eeen these humble people kned round a druakard, or worse, snd plead with heaven nntil tbe party rises born into tbe Kingdom ot God. We talk aad write about tbe impoteu oyot the church. I am conviaoed that the primary secret of lack of power of or ganized religioa is that a large perceat ot church members have never gone thro ugh to Jesus. They have gone en fares some church, dead dogma, for mulated creed, snd are epeadiag their time and finding their joy in dl manaer of worldly devises, they are long on so cial gatheringa and short on prayer, meet ing. Let us ss church members go through to Jesus, to the Christ touch, the Christ experience, the Christ forgive ness, the Christ sanctiflcation then we will have power ia saving men. Thia ie the work of tbe church and when it finde its activity in aay other field it surenders its Divise Character. Tbe pastor ot the Gougregatioaal church ie preachiag a aeries ot eermoaa Saaday eveniaga from the subject: Modern Application ot Scriptural Pro blems. A large audience listened to the one last 8unday night, will yon be one to be helped by the oae next 8nnday night? The ssorning subject will be: The Shepherd Care ot Jesus. William L. Dibblk Methodkt Church Notice. Our Sunday service begins at 11 a. m. aad the subject is. "What Some People Make of -Religioa." Suaday school at noon. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Evening sermon at 7 JO p. m.. on topic. -I "The Unfolding Life rt tbe Christiea." 8neeid mudc at morning aadeveaiag UMetinau. Jda with us at 7:30 oa Thar-' day in the atady of the Sunday school Chaa. Watku Rat, Pastor. The Columbus State Bank ha 1171. It a cons strictly. It rigidly the strict of the It offcra acceptable aervlces toaH, accordant, W people CiIiiiis Stiti Ihti Route No. 3. Wm. Reese shelled com Monday. Bev. Koch waa aa early UMrniag vis itor in Odambue Monday. Mrs. Martin Albeca waa a guest at the John Bruuken home Tuesday. Mr. aad Mra. John Behlea have beea viaitiag f rieade aad rdativea for tbe lest week. Miea Meu Alhers waa operated ea far appendicitis Moaday ot thia weak, aad ie reported as gettiag aloeg ajedy. Last week we omitted to uMauion the arrival of a girl at the home of Mr. aad Mrs George Ryba on December 31. Last Friday Fred Behlea, jr.. dowa into hie ice house to clean it i aad before he got fairly started 1 covered a skunk. As anther oae get oat of the ice house for n few bhb- utss, there waa an iaterestiag time while it lasted. Route No. 4. Boy Dodda left Moaday for two visit with his sister. Mrs. J. P. Ooopar at Menace, Pa Mrs. Mayase Henderson ot Crawford, Neb., visited Saturday and Saaday with. her sister, Mrs. C W. Bead. A son of Valentine Kuha St. Mary's hospital, where hewttti go sn operation for appeudiritbi as i aa he ia able. John Saodgrass ot Loomia, Neb., i here to attead the funeral ef J. W. Siasle, but owisg to poor connections ef tbe trains he did not get here until after the funeral was over. John Leibig wss bruised up in a earn shelter last Fridsy. He waa wavkjag around the machine, when his gloves caught in a chdn and came very aear drawing bis arm into the shelter. Work on tbe Carrig aad Jewdl drain age ditch has been suspended niece Jaa- nary 2, on aeooaatof the cold weather. Tbe workmen are waiting for a supply ot dynamite so they can nee it ia blast ing the frost above the loose dirt. Why You Should Join the A. O. U.W. Ynr family aeede tbe protection. You need the fratersd amuation. It is governed by its members. It makes a statemeat each aaauth showing tbe receipts aad expenditures by items. The pdicy i paid without redaetiea or contest It is n Nebraska iastitutioa. We own our headquarters; ue rent to pey. Our expenditures are priated by itoma each month in the "Nebraska Weekmea." Every member gets a copy, free. At age ot 70 aay member may; if he desires, surrender poKey sad reedve all aaseasmeate ever paid, with 4 per eeat iaterest Doa't you think it better to take a policy ia the A. O. U. W., pey costs sad ia vest your own moaey? Do we pay ia full and pay proasptiy? Yes. Write to aay of the four hundred towns in the state or the Insurance De partment. State ot Nebraska, sad keep their answer. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Mussing Underwear, the beetneaulir priced Union Suite on the aaarket Prices ia asean from 11.50 to 34.50. Prices ia boys' from 50c, 75e,tl aad Sl.ll. -Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garmeate we have a splenaid line ready for your ia paction- aad ranging in pries from 50c to 32. 50 a garment. Bay early while (he sizee are ce G RAY'S waa taken to 1 kii fK 31 m w 5c?2-i v . -.r .-& 7 Jf.-lk '.. c.