The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 28, 1910, Image 5

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is more Hd.e-onable now thiiti at any otlior time in ibo year. If yon huv
plumbing that should be done for the betterment of .sanitary con
ditions, you ought to Fend for us at onrr.
but we will guarantee to do your work as well, if not better, than jou
could have it done elsewhere.
411-413 W 13th St.
Columbus. Neb.
From tli Hitiul.
After a long and well spent life, 'S
years of it in this community, Philip
I'iffer has gono to his great reward. He
died Sunday morning, Dec. IS, at about
'2 o'clock, at his home west of Silver
Creek, at the ripe old age of SI years, 2
months and 18 days.
For nearly S( years her eyeB had be
held the light of this world when, at 7
o'clock Monday morning, Dec. 10, Sarah
11 Tolman closed them in her last sleep
on eartli She was a woman of strong
character and had faithfully borne her
part in the world's work. To the aged
death comes as a rest aud though the
parting was s:id, her living friends and
relatives knew that they could not keep
her always.
From tiif Sun
It is eperteil that tha Datum elcya
tor will be tilled before next week, not
enough cars car be received for the
large amount of grain coming in. The
roads near Duncan were so well graded
this fall and irram is r. good prieo there,
.ii everyone in lui hnuling.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Alt and family
un just sot free after a few weeks un
der quarantine w ith scarlet fever. Lydia
the oldest daughter was the patient
then-. Mr. .lohn Jifiv and family take
their place and try -taingat home tin
til Christina gets over her il Incur, which
we suppose and hope will lip but a short
time as her illness is not serious School
m District No oN closed Tuesday on ac
count of the disease.
cr.vruu. err v.
I mm tln Niii! ii-il.
Claude Reynolds, who has been run
ning as a brakeman on the Union 1'acilic
out of Columbus, has been laid oft" tem
porarily and he and Mrs Reynolds are
now living lit Central City. He has
taken a position in the Farrand store.
Joe A. Hays attended a meeting of the
Capital Removal Association at Grand
Island Monday evening. At that meet
mg a bill was presented and discussed
providing for a vote on the removal pro
position. This bill will he presented to
the legislature for passage at the coming
The women are always doing some
thing to spite the men. When the senti
ment for the remoyal of their hats in
public meetings became so strong that
they couldn't resist it they immediately
set about to tlnd some other means of
aggravation. Now they wear bo much
false hair that it doesn't make ans dif
ference whether they have their hats on
or not.
Another advertising fakir has worked
fourteen of Central City's business firms
for advertising on a calendar. Contrary
to the usual system this job is neatly
printed and presents a good appearance.
All the benefit the advertisers will get
out of the business, however, could be
put in their eye. Men who would not
insert an ad in a newspaper ir they were
given a premium for doing so will read
ily bite on a proposition of this kind.
Advertising is a science that some busi
ness men never seem to learn
Gents9 Furnishing Goods
405 llth Street,
A. Dussell $X Son
i:ai: icapids.
From tliu Outlook'.
John Darling arrived in Cedar Rapids
from Missouri last Friday and remained
until Monday shaking hands with nu
merous friends. He recently held a large
sale on bis farm in Missouri and has
shipped his household goods to Colum
bus where they expect to make their
future home.
Down at Bert Wilcott's last Sunday
night they had prepared a fine meat
loaf which was intended as part of n
lunch for the J. A. Smith family to take
on their long trip to California. After
the cooking process the dainty morsel
was set out doors and placed under a
box to cool for the night. The nest
morning the women folks found the meat
loaf missing, some sneak-thief having
come some time through the night, care
fully raised the box and other coverings
and neatly took the loaf out of the dish
and "vamoosed." It was indeed a dis
appointment, especially to the Smiths
From tljuSun.
Before leaving for his future Califor
nia homo John Vanllotisen handed the
editor a most unique souvenir. It is nn
invitation to a ball held in Weatkill, N.
Y , on the evening of July -1th, 1S77. It
is more than novel in-so-far as it provid
es a bill for f0, which includes the
dance, supper for yourself and lady ami
your team put in a barn and fed This
dance was held -:5 years ago just after
the civil war and shows the manner in
which dances were given in thoe days
Ten of the tubes, live piers of the new
l'latte river bridge, have been sank and
the gang is now filling them with con
crete. These piers will be completed
and four of the steel spans swung before
the other piers will he put in. The
bridge work is moving along nicely but
not as fast as we would like to have it.
If the bridge is well built all will be
satisfied. There are but two piers yet to
be put down and when that is done it
will not be long until the work is com
pleted. ri.VTTK CENTER
From tho Signal.
The freight train on this branch made
a trip last Sunday. Too much business
for weeks only siv days in length.
The many friends of Mr. Pat Carey
whose illness we mentioned last week,
are glad to learn that he is much im
proved and able to be up and walking
Mrs. Donovan, who has been a guest
at the Ed Higgins home for the past two
weeks, departed for her home at Senecn.
III., Tuesday. Mrs. Donovan and Mrs.
Higgins were schoolmates. Mrs. Hig
gins accompanied her to Columbus.
Mrs. J. J. Kringr. who had been a
patient in the Columbus hospital for
several weeks, was permitted to leave
that institution last Monday, and is stop
ping for a few days at the home of Mr.
Kringe' mother in Columbus. She ex
pects to be able to come to the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Gronenthal
at this place, to spend Christmas, and
will remain several weeks before return
ing to her home at Cedar Rapids.
From the News-Journal.
Sirs. J. C. August as was a Columbus
passenger last Friday. She visited a
couple of days with her sod Wood
Smith and said he was having fine suc
cess in his new ten cent store.
Skating parties have been all the go
for the past few evenings. About fifty
young people were invited out to the
Robert Clark farm hist Friday evening.
They went by the way of the hay rack
route and skated by moonlight. After
skating until a late hour they were in
vited into the house and trented to ap
ples and nuts.
J. A. Stored and Morgan Flaherty re
ceived their commissions from Governor
Sballenberger a few days ago bearing
the Governor's signature and golden seal.
J. A. Storch was Brig'd Gen'l and M. J.
Flaherty, Major and Quarter Master, N.
N. G. Major Flaherty was tendered a
position in the Adjutant GenTs office
but did not see fit to accept.
Messrs Johnson and Randolph had
quite serious accidents in the McKay &
Westveer drug store, one day last week.
white getting ready to empty a large bot
tie of sulphuric acid, in the back room,
the bottle suddenly hurst and deluged
their feet with the acid which instantly
burned their shoes and clothing They
ran to the room where Mr. McKay pour
ed amonia where the acid had burned the
clothing and lloor. Mr. Johnson had a
hand burned and both feel the effects of
breathing the fumes of the acid.
God bless the girl who works. She is
not too proud to earn her own living,
nor ashamed to he caught at her daily
task. She smiles at you from behind the
desk or counter. Perhaps she teaches or
helps with the housework it matters
not. The sight of her is an inspiration.
It is nn honor to know this girl and be
worthy of her esteem. Lift your hat to
her, young man, as she passes by. She
is a queeu in the realm of womanhood
ehe is a princess among the toilers. God
bless and protect the girl who works.
ruin the Journal.
Last Friday Frank Hudec was taken
to Schuyler by Village Marshall Suehy
and liven a hearing before the board of
insanity who pronounced him a fit sub
ject for dipsomanic treatment. For a
long time he has been drinking to ex
cess, neglecting his family and- often
abusing them, and had used liquor to
such an extent that he is now in a pitia
ble condition, both mentally and physi
cally. As II. W. Stnhr started to drive out
of Clarkson Thursday afternoon a runa
way team ran into Ins horses near the
Koci blacksmith shop. When the shock
of the collision was over and inventory
of losses made, it was found that one of
Mr. Stnhr' s horses had been pierced
through and through by the tongue of
the other man's buggy ami after run
ning into the animal more than tw feet
the tongue had broken nil. The runa
way team was tho property of Mr. Koz
lik, who farms the John Prokopec place,
i. ml he l'limetlritly settled with Mr.
Stuhr for the horse The animal had to
be killed to put it out of misery.
On last Thursday morning at eight
o'clock, at the family home, occurred thej
death or one 01 tne pioneer residents or
Clarkson, Joseph flnnel, after an illness
of over a moith from the effects of a
stroke of paralysis. The deceased was
born in Bohemia, and at the time of his
death was fifty-nine years and three
months. lie came to America thirty-six
years ago, his parents settling near Cedar
Rapids, In. From there he went to Wis
consin and a few years later, in 1871, he
came to Nebraska and located over at
David City. There he was married on
the fifth day of October, 1879. to MisB
Auna Wavrin, who survives him. For a
short time after their marriage they re
sided at Stanton, but come to Clarkson
in lSSG.when the town was first establish
ed, and have lived here ever since Ten
children were born to this union, seven
of whom are living.
From th Npwr.
H. Rice took his departure Friday
morning for California where be will
spend the winter and early spring with
his sister who' reMdes there. He does
not espect to return to A lbion until some
time in May.
While shelling corn for Geo. Brisbane
near St. Edward Saturday, J. W. Green
had one of his hands caught in the feed
er of the shcller. It was ueceesary to
amputate the thumb nnd two first fingers
at the hand.
Wm. Silvers, formerly of this county
but now located in Oregon, writes here
that he has rented his land for the com
ing year and is going to spend the winter
in California. In the spring he expects
to come back tn Albion for a visit with
relatives and friends.
Jochum Krohn passed away at his
home west of town last Friday morning.
Dec. Kith. He fell into a cistern on
which he was working. Xov.2Sth,his fall
resulting in a broken leg nnd a badly in
jured nrm. This together with heart
trouble, with which he was alllicted, are
doubtless the immediate causes of his
death. He was c!oe to fifty-nine years
of age. and not in condition to withstnnd
such a shock.
The Price of Love.
Says an advertisement in the London
Express: "Mary Waited three hours
at appointed spot until questioned by
suspicious policeman. If this is the
price of love it is too heavy a one for
ine to pay. Farewell. Potts."
Time and Patience.
No road Is too long for him who ad
ranees slowly and does not hurry, and
po attainment is beyond his reach who
equips himself with patienco t achieve
it La Bruyere.
J9MmmWmLmmW'' . V . Ki'vH,v
n?aaaav''7"PBifc'Vini aaaVlHr'. - kf
vasaTBSSsr-" aaaaaWaamrBV'aW
tPnfctSaaam?"" ' . nS22St
aaa Hr BeU'i' . ! aaal
Ik:'-- I '
Koyai is tne
I only baking I
I powder made I
I from Royal I
I Grape Cream I
I of Tartar I
They Make Themselves, Like Their
Idols, as Hideous ss Possible.
The most important period of the
young African's life is that between
youth and manhood (or womanhood).
It is then that the witch doctor is ex
tremely busy with his. various mys
terious rites. It is an important part of
his calling to be hideous, as in most
cases he undoubtedly is. A ridiculous
mask covers his head, and wildcat or
other skins are hung around his loins.
Pigment of various colors Is plenti
fully daubed over his body, and in this
hideous state it Is not to be wondered
at that he strikes terror into the
maidens' hearts as he dances wildly
In the dim firelight, glaring at them
with fiendish eyes. The timid young
creatures are like the hare which trem
bles as the hovering bird of prey flut
ters over its head. Self will is crushed,
and the erstwhile playful, willful child
is transformed iu most cases into a
frightened creature, with, for the time
being, no will of her owu. It is n curi
ous thing that nothing connected with
what one may call the spiritual side
of the blacks' life is ever beauti
ful. Their carved figures are always,
to say the least, grotesque and calcu
lated to frighten rather than comfort
the bereaved. Wide World Magazine.
No. 4 ..
... 4:21 am
n in
. ll- a tn
. 3Km p hi
. UiSJ p tn
. liT 1 1 ::i
. :! in
.11: Dam
. S j in
. -.':-. p tn
No. 12..
No. lrt..
No. Hi..
Xo. IS..
No. 2 ..
No. 31..
No. SI..
No. ..
... 5:21 am
... 2:44 pm
... 2:16 pm
... 3:0.-1 pm
... Trjil pm
.. ;4) p m
... 1:20pm
.. aju p m
... 7:12 a m
... liJtipm
NORl (U.K.
No. 77ms(l 1 TiJOam
No. 29 pas . il 7 tit p m
No. 30 pes ..a 1:10 pm
No. 73 mxtL.h fi:10 pm
No. 79 tuxtl.
No. 31 pas .
No. 32 1419 .
.d 6:00 am
1 1:20 pm
h 7.-00 pm
Iatl esropt Simiir.j-.
Nos. 1, 2, 7 anil 3 nn extra faro trains.
No-. 4. 5, 12 anil It are local passencn.
Nos. fiS anil W are local freichts.
Nos. i and 16 are mail trains only.
No U lne in Omaha 4:45 p.m.
No. 6 doe in Omaha 5 KM p. m.
G. B. & Q.
Tim TabU
1 Absoiufety I
I Pure I
I Highest in I
I Leavening I
I Efficiency I
I Hot Breads I
I Whole- I
I some I
kl i -r kH
From the Kepoblicaa.
Otto Civiah returned from Columbus
Monday where b spent a few days visit
iflff friends.
Joe Joseph and daughter Jennie are
visiting at Newton, la., and will not re
tarn until after the holidays.
Ross Farlin has bought the red house
from the A. D. Cattle company aud in
moving on to the land be rented of Chaa
On Sunday, December IS, Itev. F. IV
Wedge and Miss Prudence Tracy were
married in the Presbjterian church in
Florence, Neb. Itev. Wedge arrived
from the west last week and the wedding
was arranged for Sunday.
Thursday the Monroe schools dosed
for their holiday vacation and will open
again on Wednesday, January 4. This
gives the scholars a vacation of a week
and a half and at the same time gives
them an opportunity for making up
some time lost since the commencement
of the term in the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Thurston and
little son left for their new home in Jeff
erson, Ore. Mr. Thurston was out in
Oregon some time ago and on his return
made arrangements to move there. His
two sons, Roy and Kingsley, and Gladys
Thurston, accompanied by Mrs. Roy
Thurston, have been there for several
Rev. F. R. Wedge came up from
Omaha Tuesday afternoon and will
preach in the Presbyterian church Sun
day morning and evening. He expects
to remain until after Christmas. Mrs.
Wedge, who is at present employed in
the poetofnjee at Florence, was unable to
accompany him on account of the busy
The first of this week C. F. Ewert
closed up his business at Columbus, and
beginning with Tuesday took the active
management of his general merchandise
store in Monroe. As Boon as be can
make arrangements he will move to
Monroe, and make this permanent home.
He is well pleased with bis business here
and may conclude to enlarge it when the
opportunity affords.
Mrs. J. H. Sacrider, one of the old
settlers of the Wattsville neighborhood,
and a reaident of that locality since tho
TOs, died at her home in David City
Tuesday of this week, death being
caused by acute diabetes. For the last
two years she has been in poor health,
but her condition did not become critical
until about a week before her death.
Mm. Sacrider came to Platte county
with her husband and family in the early
days and settled on the farm fonr milee
north of town. Here they resided until
about four years ago, when they moved
to David City. Besides her husband she
leaves three eons, Mill. Pred and Lou.
all of David City, and live daughters,
Mrs. JohnTrueloveof Hartford, Kan9i?,
Mrs. Bartholomew of Siromsbnrg, Mrs.
F. R. Hoppock of Fullerton. Mrs. H.
W. liii-ber of Monroe and Miss Carrie
Sacrider of David City. Fnneral servi
ces were held Wednesday afternoon
from the home, being conducted by
Rev. Moon of the Congregational church.
All the children except Mrs. Truelove,
and Miss Gertrude Fellers nnd Mrs. Ben
Nelson of Monroe were present at the
From the World.
Henry Moeller is quite a trapper hav
ing caught It muskrats, 7 skunks, 4 minks
and 1 weasel so far this winter.
Ed Wurdeman underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis Thursday morning
at the bands of the Mayo specialists in
Rochester, Minn. Mrs. Wurdeman and
Frieda are with him.
Thursday's Omaha World-Herald
brought the sad intelligence to relatives
and friends here that Mrs. Pen rod was
injured in a wreck in Chicago. Mrs.
Penrod left here Tuesday, for a visit
with relatives at her old home in Indiana
The dispatch states that a dozen persons
were injured one perhaps fatally, in a
collision between the Macbatten flyer on
the Pennsylvania railroad and a switch
engine on the elevated structure at Wet
Fifty-seventh street in the city limits.
The locomotive was thrown off the track
finally crashing against a viaduct girder,
when the boiler exploded and set fire to
the bsggsge car and mail coacb. Among
the injured is Mrs. Bertha Penrod, of
Leigh, Neb., out and bruised.
New drinks have sometimes a glori
ous and brief popularity. Lord Strnf
ford, writing to Lord Cottinston ii
1G33. extols "bonnyclabber." which lit
says "is the bravest, freshest drinl
you ever tasted. Your Spanish doi
would, on the heats of Madrid, ban?
his nose and shake his beard an houi
over every sop he took of It and tak
it to be the drink of the gods all th
No one. however, seems to know
the exact composition of the seductivt
"bonnyclabber," although from an al
luslon to it by Ben Jonson it woult!
seem to have been a mixture of beei
and buttermilk. London Chronicle.
Willing to Oivide.
Cobble I should like to lend yot
that $10. old man. but I know how i
would be if I did. It would end oui
friendship. Stone Well, old chap
there has been a great deal of friend
ship between us. I think if you conic
make It live we might worry ulcus or
half as much. Life.
The Fateful Message.
Hubby Didn't I telegraph you not t(
bring your mother with you? Wlfey
I could not belp'it, Frank. She inslstet
on coming after she'd read your tele
Genuine benevolence is not station
ary. but peripatetic. It goes abotr
4oIng good. Xevins.
TuAiiM - -,
BB3 V: UU fei'M
B2ta-fcAJ '1 ' ' U 1 1 I
Btuit . Kiacaid 11 Cc ClotSaa.
CVEN the most critical
college man cannot
but like our two button
models. They have an
elegance of tailoring and
smartness of style which
will force the attention of
anyone having any ideas
about clever style.
The Code Now in Use Among All tha
Civilized Nations.
The "la'vs of war" as at present
formulated by the civilized nation i
forhid the use uf'poisou aaiusi an en
eiuj; murder by treachery, as. for ex
ample, assuming the uniform or (lis
playing the llajc of a foe: the murder
of those who have surrendered, wlieth
er upon coudilious or at ilNcrciiuu.j
declarations that no quarter will boj
given to an enemy: the use of such
arms or projectiles as will cause ua
necessary pain or siiUcrin;; to an en
emy: the abuse of a lla of troce tn
gain information concern in:; an en
cmy's tMJsitiou.s: all unnecessary de
struction of property, whether public
or private. i
They also declare that only fortified!
place. shall he besieged: open cities oi
villages not to lie .subject to siege or
bombardment: that public buildings oi
whatever character, whether bclouglnt;
to church or state, .shall ho spared:
that plundering by private snMicrs or
their ollicers shall be considered iuatl
missible: that prisoners shall be treat
ed with common humanity; that the
personal effect and private property
of prisoners, except their arms and
ammunition, shall be respected: that
the population of an enemy's country
shall be considered exempt from par-i
ticipatiou in the war. unless by hostile
acts they provoke the ill will of the en
emy. Personal and family honor and the
religious convictions of an invaded peo-J
pie must be respected by the invaders
and all nillnue bv rcnular troons or
their followers strictly forbidden. i
New York Herald.
1 0fAtr. ci?mmpmW-'-
, J3 2. n e i :. C y r re '- '3BM&$Pf ''$-'
'jL-'-'Vi-lSanaBn2u- jjBflBaaaaK9MB09CPVVPVllaMaa&2S
&v - eSSaEKSariffMaaliM
' .. Tr'.-kTa4-saawKsiaa-aaamrAaaangraaBiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaBma-;a-3rv-..J?avawn
- --..5'."y;T --v.- , '- -,, -
Everyone Should Visit
No region in the world can offer such
wonderful all-thc.year-'round attractions, or
can be so easily and comfortably reached.
Take the perfectly appointed
San Francisco
Overland Limited
and you have three days of recuperating
travel, surrounded by the comforts of the
most luxurious hotel including the cele
brated Overland dining carmcals and service
Union Pacific
Southern Pacific
Standard Rente of tho West
Electric Block Signals
For fnres. reservations, etc., call on or address
Phones, Bell, Doug. 1828, and Ind. A3231
In the
You will find us better
equipped that, ever to
attend to your wants in
Electric Lighting
Electric Irons
Let uk wire your house
Columbus light,
Heat fc Power Co.
We invite all who desire choioe
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in season.
TMephonr No. 1. - Colnmbue.Neb.
The heat irrimtI land, with the beat
water rinhtr". Which has produced tam
per croiw for the past 20 jeam. l'rice
rrammnble Term very easy. For par
ticalarH write Ikiuc Conner, Omaha, Neb.
Betrothals In Germany.
In Germany an elaborate method of
announcing the betrothal practically
puts an end to all breach of promise
cases. As soon as a couple become
engaged the pair visit the town hall
and declare their willingness to marry
and sign, with witnesses, a series of
documents which render a change of
mind on the man's part practically out
of the question. When either party
wishes to withdraw from this agree
ment the pair again visit the town hall
and additional documents are formally
signed, witnessed and sealed. The au
thorities then determine the question
of compensation for injured feelings,
Ready For the Storm.
"I intend," the poet wrote, "to con
tinue to storm the citadel of your af
fections." "Storm away." she wrote back, "but
I've just succeeded in getting In out of
the wet by becoming engaged to a dear
old man who has $9,000.000." St.
Louis Post-Dispatch.
The Smaller One.
Many stories are told of Tom Reed's
sudden Hashes of wit as. for instance,
when Miss Heed struck the earth in
stead of the golf ball and he said.
"Hit the other ball. Kitty." Portland
(Me.) Express.
An Instance.
"We don't realize how much a thing's
worth till we've lost it."
'That's right. For instance, toy life
Is insured for 10.000." Exchange.
No man is such a conqueror as the
man who has defeated himself.
No. 31. Fit. & Ac (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..8:15 a m