The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 28, 1910, Image 1

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HWW nPin
28, 1910.
(xW K I vwv-r
A Seven
Room Dwelling
Barn, G6 foot lot,
with good shade
on all sides, for
Yellow and white Corn .
Mixed Corn
Hogs, top
i A
..$7.10 to $7.25
Files of The Journal, Jan. 2. 1878.
If every Columbus man wonld make
special effort this year to induce some of
hie eastern acquaintances to locate
among up. he wonld be doing his friends
u good tuni.ard at the same time add to
our population. Try it. Platte county
can support ten thouennd more people.
A gentleman in Illinois writes to a
frieml sm tln-ty that he is not able to
(j-t lo town from his place (a distance
of three miles), eveept by walking on a
ruilrortd track II further states thai
tint fanners ar. actually -breaking up"
because they cannot get their produce
to market.
A change in mail routes has recently
benn ordered .by the postal department
that is not highly appreciated in this
community, in fact, all who know any
thing of it, speak in condemnation. The
route from Columbus to Osceola has
been discontinued and the service be
tween David City and Osceola has been
increased to a tn-weekly We are in
formed that an effort Iihh been made by
the eiti.ens of Orreola to have a daily
route established between that place
and Silver Creek, a station west of us on
the U. P. The business relations be
tween Columbus and Osceola have
always been so intimate that we shall be
sorry to see our mail facilities perman
ently disturbed The route by way of
Silver Creek has not been established
and if it were it would not altogether
suit either Osceola or Oolumbus.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing December 28, 1910:
Letters-Otto Ouht. W. S. Concannon,
Miss Ellen Dworek, E. E. Egan, Guy
Foster, Miss Berta James, W. F. Old
rieve, .lohn R. Parker, Marion Rowley,
A. J. Starr. Charles Schraeder, William
Cards W. 8. Concannon, Estel R.
Kstus, Mrs. L. ILOvitt. Mrs. D. W. West,
Julius Zastera.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say, "advertised."
Carl Kkamek, P. M.
Methodist Church Notice.
Yon are invited to begin the year with
ss in our religious meetings. At 11 a.
m. the subject is, "Christians Advance
by Oblivion of the Past." At 730 p. m.
theme is, "Broken or Completed Resolu
tions." Special music by a trained
choir.. Sunday school at noon; Epworth
league at fi:30 p. m.
Chas. Wayne Ray, Pastor.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specialty
J. H. Dodge, the representative of the
good roads section of the department
of agriculture, has made some interest
ing teste in connection with his work in
this locality. The roads be has given his
attention are those between the city and
the Loop river bridge and between the
Loup and Platte river bridge. For the
building of these roads be has two for
mulas of the soil taken from the immedi
ate vicinity, one from the Otto Ernit
farm, west of the Platte river bridge,
which can be mixed in equal portions of
gumbo and sand, and the other from the
C. H. Sheldon farm, south of the Platte
river, which is mixed at a ratio of 65 per
cent sand and 35 per cent gumbo.
Either of these, Mr. Dodge says, is suit
able for the road building, bnt the mater
ial found on the Sheldon farm is slight
ly superior to the other, and with a
change in the proportions to 40 per cent
sand will improve its quality, in the
opinion of Mr. -Dodge. These two
samples are now in the improvised labora
tory in the back room at the Frischholz
store on Eleventh street, where they
will remain until dry. And it is inter
esting to note that the material contain
ing the larger portion of sand dries slow
er than the other, while the larger per
cent of gumbo in the sample with equal
ly divided parts looks darker and richer
A sample taken from a road near Fre
mont, and containing about the 40 and
CO per cent proportions is being exhibit
ed by Mr. Dodge, and is as bard as a
rock. This sample was placed on a fence
post by him during the building of
the road last May, and withstood the
action of the elements nntil thoroughly
dry. In speaking of the cost of the
road Mr. Dodge said that the cost of
grading wonld be small, and the main
expense would be in hauling material.
In order to properly prepare the road the
bed will first have to be graded, and
then covered with gumbo. On top of
this will come the sand and then the sur
face will be plowed, the f nrrows being
narrow. After this a disc will be used
and then a harrow. When the road is
smooth it will be dragged with a road
drag, and if moisture in the form of rain
does not come, other means of soaking it
down will be used. The road drag will
be used until u .smooth, hard surface is
obtained . The government's part of the
road building will be the furnishing of
the services of a civil engineer, and also
the time of Mr. Dodge as superintendent
of construction. It is estimated that
the cost of the road will not exceed
$1,200 per mile. Mr. Dodge has placed
all the facts relative to the construction
of this piece of road into the hands of
the Commercial club, and it is quite pro
bable that in the near future a meeting
will be called to complete arrangements
for co-operating with the government in
building this stretch of road. While
there are a number of government ex
perts in the Geld in this line, Mr. Dodge
expects that be would be sent to super
intend this work, having done all the
preliminary work. With the completion
of the tests of the material found by Mr.
Dodge, his work in this locality is com
pleted, and he is here awaiting instruc
tions to proceed elsewhere.
Joseph J. Dodds, aged thirty-nine
years, died Thursday, December 22, at
his home in Cambridge, 'Neb , death be
ing due to an attack of appendicitis. Mr.
Dodds was born in Butler, Pa., Decem
ber 19, 1871. He came to this locality
with his parents and made it his home
until about five years ago, when he mov
ed to Cambridge. He was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dodds of ColumbuB
township, and before leaving this locality
he taught school for a number of years,
and later was employed by L. F. Phillipps
in the store. On May 24, 1899, he was
married at Genoa to Miss Bowena
Phillipps, who with three daughters,
Lucile, Marie and Helen, survive him.
Mr. Dodds was quite prominent in lo
cal affairs at Cambridge, and at the
time of his death was mayor of that
town. Out of respect for the deceased
all the stores in that town closed during
the short fnneral services which were
held before his body was sent to this
city, where funeral services were held
Sunday at 3:20 from the home of L. F.
Phillipps and at 3:00 from the Presby
terian church, being conducted by the
pastor. Rev. HatknesB. Wildey lodge.
I. O. O. F.t had charge of the funeral
and the pall bearers were six members
of the order from Cambridge, where Mr.
Dodds held his membership.
Monday afternoon Hazel Leffingwell
aged nine years, had a narrow escape
from death beneath the wheels of Union
Pacific train No. fi. The accident occur
red at the Platte street crossing, where
there is no watchman, and little Hazel
was trying to cross ahead of train No, 7,
and did not observe the eastbound train.
She was struck by the engine and
knocked to one side of the track, and
received a bad bump on the bead. In
the child's arm was a doll she bad re
ceived for a Christmas present, and this
was broken. Fortunately the train was
running slow or it would have been a
fatal accident. A physician on the train
examined Hazel's injuries as soon as she
was picked up and found that outside of
a few bruises she was unhurt.
Tuesday of this week was the fiftieth
birthday of Mrs. Jacob Glnr, and in hon
or of the event the ladies of the Gruetli
Verein, of which Mrs. Glur is a member,
gave her a pleasant surprise. About
thirty members of the society were pres
ent and a dainty lunch was served.
Dr. Naumaan, Dentist 13th St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Baled bay for sale. Ernst & Brock.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Dr. L P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and Kummer Sts.
T. F. Askew of Council Bluffs, la.,
was a Columbus visitor Monday.
Mrs. Poeeoh or Omaha arrived last
Saturday for a visit with hereon, Wm.
Miss Clara Scbrpeder or New York is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Mrs. George Burrows of Platte Center
spent Saturday and Sunday with Oolum
bus relatives.
Miss Elsie Jaeggi who is attending
school in Lincoln is spending the holi
days with home folks.
News agents wanted on U. P. R. R.
Apply at Barkalow Bros , news stand,
U. P. depot, Columbus. Neb.
Miss 8adie Fonts returned Monday
evening from Fremont, after spending
several days with her parents.
Miss Susie McDaniel of Bellwood is
visiting during the holiday season in
this cityawith her sister. Mis. Eugene
Will Dawson left last week for Guide
Bock, Neb., to spend a few days with
his friend Wm. Hennigan, formerly of
this city.
Frank Valasek and family went to
Omaha Saturday to spend the Christmas
holidays with his sister, Mrs. Annie
Miss Rosa Leavy who is attending
college at Fremont, arrived home last
Thursday evening for a few days visit
with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Fret! Ulaser, jr., and
children of Omaha, are the guests of
Mrs. Blaser's parents Mr. and Mrs.
David Schupbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnliu Phillipps of Bel
grade, came down last Saturday to at
tend the fnneral of Joe Dodds, brother-in-law
of Mr. Phillipps.
Prof. I. H. Britell, formerly of this
city, but now of the Wayne normal,
was in the city last Friday, enroute to
St. Edward to spend Christmas.
Messrs Earl and Walter LaViolette
left Sunday morning for their home at
Omaha, where they will spend several
days at the home of their parents.
Tuesday of thia week the elevator and
coal office of the T. B. Hord Grain com
pany was cloe-d as that was the day the
funeral of the late T. B. Hord was held.
A letter from C. E. Early, who is at
present in Denver with his brother John,
says that the latters health is not improv
ing and that his condition remains about
the same.
Miss Fredia Phillipps,who is attending
the public school here, left Thursday
afternoon for her home at Belgrade,
where she will spend the bolidsys with
home folks.
Ned Janes spent Sunday and Monday
with home folks at Lincoln, he returned
to this city Monday evening, being ac
companied by hie brother Percy, who
was enroute to visit friends at Kearney.
Saturday afternoon the remains of
Tom Cain, who died in Utah, passed
through this city, enroute to St. Edward
where the funeral was held. Mr. Cain's
wife, and also a son and daughter, are
.residents of St. Edward.
A letter received by J. E. Ballon, sec
retary of Wildey Lodge No. 44. 1. 0. 0.
F., tells of the serious illness of Chris
Meedel at Carlton, Oregon. Mr. Meedel
was a resident of Butler township until
about four years ago, when he sold bis
farm and went west.
Beginning with the first of the year,
S. A. Bowers, who has been employed at
the Jones barber shop on Twelfth street,
will take charge of the shop at 508 West
Twelfth street, succeeding W. M. Brown.
A few weeks ago a deal was closed where
by Mr. Brown disposed of his building
and shop, and Mr. Bowers purchased
the shop. This shop will hereafter be
known as the Parlor barber shop, under
the new management.
T. B. Hord of Central City, who has
been, extensively engaged in stock rais
ing and grain buying in this state, died
Saturday in Minneapolis, where be had
been taking treatment, as be had been
suffering from a paralytic stroke which
he suffered about two years ago. Mr.
Hord was well known in this city, as it
was here he located his central elevator,
one of the largest in the state, and he
had occasion to visit this city quite of
ten. His body was taken east for bur
ial. After January 1, 1911, Max Elias will
again be permanently located in Colum
bus, and will have charge of the Union
Pacific baggage room. And it is quite
probable that instead of his time being
devoted exclusively to this, he will be des
ignated as station master, with supervi
sion over the entire depot. For some
time the necessity of a station master
for Columbus has been apparent, and the
officials have bad the matter under con
sideration, and there is a good prospect
that this change also will be made the
first of the year. -
Building, Loan and Savings
Assets, $265,000.00
Pays 6 per cent interest on full paid stock
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block Columbus, Neb.
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Dre. Paul and Matzes, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber bloc.
Dr. Cbas. H. Campbell, oculist; and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr
0. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Misses Lena Boettcher and Stella
Hessler are visiting friends at Olarks.
Mrs. Mary L. Parker, mother of Mia.
Lloyd Swain, has been quite sick the
last week.
Mies Lillie Ernst of Duncan spent
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Jacob Glur.
Miss Lucile Reeder, who is a student
at the state university, is spending the
holidays at home.
L J 1 1 end ryx of Kearney was in the
city l hi week, the guest of his sister,
Mrs. T. W. Adams.
Melvin Brugger, who is a student at
the Colorado university at Boulder, is at
home fur the holidayB.
Fre.l Hchmocker who is attending the
University at Lincoln is spending the
holidays with his parents.
Frutik Hall jr.rt to Polk, Neb., Mon
day for a weeks visit at the home of his
aunt, Mr? O. II. Lindberg.
Will Lebmai. and Mr. and Mrs George
Whaley of Kansas City, Mo., are spend
ing the holidays with Mr. ami Mrs. Geo.
Gus Berber, senior and junior, left
last Thursday for Dulutb, Minn., to
spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Becher.
Mi68 Minnie Baier. who is teaching
school in this city, left for her home in
Weeping Water, Neb., to spend the
holidays with her parents.
Fred Lubker and Clifford Galley, who
are attending school at the Perdue uni
versity, at Lafayette, Ind., are spending
the holidays with the home folks.
Robert Kummer of Polk county left
Wednesday on the Union Pacific for Los
Angeles, Cal.. and other points in the
west, where he will spend the winter.
E. H. Chambers returned last week
from Tulsa, Okla., where be has been
looking after some matters regarding
valuable oil and gas properties he owns
Next Monday, January 2, will be the
official New Years day, as this year that
date falls on Sunday. Christmas day
was observed Monday this year in lieu of
Sunday, which was the 25th of Decem
Miss Margaret Evans of Essex, Iowa,
is the guest of Columbus friends during
the holidays. Miss Evans was formerly
employed on the Tribune in this city,
and is now engaged in newspaper work
at Essex.
Big Cut.
We will sell for a limited time, 30
loaves of bread for $1.00, 7 loaves for 25o
4 loaves for 15o. Bread checks good for
bread only. Jone's Steam Bakery.
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We nave been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points In
the coal trade which makes It possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
pj& wffa
Five tramps, James Riley, Fred Thom
pson, Thomas Moore, William Lawrence
and John B. Lynn were arrested last
Thursday by Chief of Police Schack,
obarged with vagrancy, and Police Judge
O'Brien gave them fines of $15 each and
costs. The next day warrants were is
sued for two of them, James Riley and
Fred Thompson, ohsrging them with
larceny. Before their arrest on the
charge of vagrancy they were in the II.
H. Stires millinery store, where they
stole fun valued at $35. John Blohak,
who works for the Union Pacific, saw a
man come down to the tracks where the
remaining four were and give some furs
to one of the men, who put them under
his coat and made his getaway. His
description of the men tallied with those
under arrest, and they were identified
by Miss Harriet Seizor as the men who
were in the store before the furs were
missing. AH efforts to locate the miss
ing fun were unavailing.but the evidence
of their guilt was sufficient for the
judge to impose twenty-five day jail
sentences on them.
A. L. Rnsh of the Hord Grain Co., who
now has charge of the government
weather report in this city, reports that
the coldest weather for December was on
the sixth, when the thermometer regis
tered one below zero. The highest tem
perature for the month was on the eigh
teenth when the thermometer registered
45 above. During the month the snow
fall meneured eleven inches three inches
ob the fourth, four inches on the firth
and fonr inches on the twenty-first.
This latter snow was much heavier
further west, as at Monroe it was from
six to eight inches deep, while at Albion
there was almost a foot of snow. Mr.
Bush took charge of the weather report
November I, succeeding C. C. Gray, who
was reporter for a number of years.
Thursday of last week there were two
replevin cases before Police Judge
O'Brien, Henry Reins being the plaintiff
in both cases. Some time ago Mr. Reins
lost twelve hogs and he found eleyen of
them at the home of Myron Rice. The
ownership was disputed sod a suit was
brought. The other bog was found In
possession of Henry Stone of Platte
Center and the second suit was against
him. Judge O'Brien took the case under
advisement until Tuesday of this week,
when he decided the Reins-Rice case in
favor of Reins. In the case against
Stone the defendsnt testified that he
bought the hog of Rice, and in this esse
the decision was against Reins. Rice
and Reins live northwest of this city,
near Platte Center.
One of the appointments to be made
by Governor Aldrich, and one which af
fected a resident of Platte county, is the
position of superintendent of the Girl's
Industrial school at Geneva. This posi
tion has been held for a number of
years by Miss Lydia McMabon of thi9
city, both under Governors Sheldon
and Shallenberger, and Miss McMahon
is an active applioant for reappointment
under the incoming administration. So
far nothing has been done, and it is un
derstood that no announcement will be
made until after the inauguration.
It is rumored that another change in
the Union Pacific time table is scheduled
for Sunday, which will put on the two
trains taken off Nos. 13 and 14. One of
the reasons assigned for this is that
when the trains were taken off two of
the other roads agreed to do likewise,
but one of them failed to keep the agree
ment. Another reason is the complaints
regarding the mail service, as at present
the arrival of the dailies, not only in Col
umbus, but every town on the main lino
and branches is quite uncertain.
Next week the county board of super
visors will meet to settle up the businees
of the year and organize a new board.
There will be two changes for 1911. John
Goets. who has represented District No.
1 for a number of years, is succeeded by
Fred Dassenbrock, and in district No. 3,
C. A. Peterson is succeeded by Henry
Schacber, whom he defeated two years
The dance, which was to have been
given by the Columbus City band this
week, will not be given on account of
other attractions in the city, but the
boys will select a later date, due an
nouncement of which will be made.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
Here is something you cannot afford
to miss. Next Sunday the Men's meet
ing at 3:30 will be addressed by the Rev.
F. R. Wedge "The Fishting Parson," of
the Barbery Coast, Rev. Wedge was a
welter weight prize fighter of national
fame until he became converted, left the
ring and entered the ministry. For two
years be was pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Monroe where be did fine
work. He now has a very progressive
work among the dives of San Francisco
to which he is just returning after bis
marriage. He takes the roughest of
the men of the neighborhood of his mis
sion into the gymnasium and tht-n after
entertaining for a while be pushes the
apparatus into the corner and preaches
them the Gospel in a convincing manner.
This is a rare chance to hear a man who
is actively in touch with the work of
reaching men who have gone low down
in sin in the search for lifee pleasures.
' Mondsy January 2, the building ia
open for the reception of the Associa
tion's friends. In the afternoon the par
ents of the boys are especially urged to
be present to witness the work of the
Juniors in tba gymnasium The after
noon program will consist of a msrohing
drill, bear walk relay, relay basket shoot
ing, wrestling match, calistbenio drill
led by one of the boys blindfolded, box
ing match, apparatus basket work game,
etc. Those who wish will have the privil
ege of seeing the whole building. Sup
per will be served here and we hope that
many will find it convenient to spend
the whole afternoon and evening with
us. Supper and games are planned to
fill the time until the evening program
begins at 7:30. The gymnastic work of
the evening will interest everyone as it
will illuetrate all the work done in the
gym, ilrillp, marches, bar work, vault
ing, jumping, the white elephant, con
tests of various sorts anil a basket ball
game. This is an occasion when we de
sire to interest those who do not come
frequently and strangers will he very
welcome, the bnildicg is open to all and
a good crowd is expected.
Congregational Church.
We face a new year. Th old year is
practically behind us. We hnv not
written as well as we wish but the book
is full. We will watch the sun go down
and weave a halo of red and gold about
the brow of 1910, we will then tarn our
face eastward to see the snn uf the new
year come trooping over the hills After
a few friendly and biuum ss documents
1911 will be a familiar and exsy date.
The facing of a new year shook! tn-ike
one serious and thoughtful No orm but
God can tell what it has in store for us
The race will p on and w. must
move with the tide To some it will be
the gladdest year, to others the saddest:
to some it will be the beet year, toothers
the worst; to some it will be the begin
ning, to others the ending. Let us make
no foolish resolutions that will be as
thoughtlessly broken as made but let us
creep close up to Jesus and say: "This
year I am going to have Him for my
"So. hope-lit New Year, with thy joys uncertain.
Whose unbolted mystery none can foretell,
I calmly trust my Jeana to lift the curtain.
Safe in His love for me, 'twill all be well."
If you have not a church home the
Congregational people rvill be pleased to
have you share with them their pluca of
worship. Both eervices will be appro
priate for the day. Of the morning
Miss Babcock will render a solo and the
sermon theme will he "Suggestions from
the New Year Liff'e Resources. " Of
the evening Mrs. Green we H will render u
solo, Miss Hedwig Jaeggi will r-:!-r
two violin solos. The evening the me
will be "Another Yesr."
William L. Dibble.
Route No. 1.
Ed Snyder is shelling corn.
Richard Msrlock visited friends at
Newman Grove last week.
Earl Ewert and family or Monroe spent
Christmas with Mrs. Ewert's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hake on Route 1.
Chnstmas exercises were held at the
Loseke Creek Luthersn church and the
Shell Creek Lutheran ohuroh Christmas
Miss Mary Welch closed her school
last Friday, December 23, for the holi
days, and in the afternoon a very nice
program, which bad been prepared, was
rendered, at which a number or the par
ents were present.
Marriage Licenses.
Miles A. Markert. Richland 23
Ruby M. Newman. Richland 22
Loyd M. Hall, Monroe 20
MargarethaM Schnedt. Silver Creek. 1?
Bernbard H. Wegener. Corn lea 23
Lore Brandl, Cornlea 19
Benjamin F. Miller. Columbus 21
Dessie E. Hanks. Rising City 20
Jessie L. Horn, David City 38
Laura J. Miller, David City 35
Leonard F. Danborn, Newman Grove. 25
Mabel L. Olson, St. Edward 25
are made by Fontein Bkos. We sell
direct from the factory. With every
instrument wc give a factory guarantee.
Councilman and Mrs. Fred Davis are
spending the Christmas holidays in Chi
cago with relatives.
We're Ready
to properly care for your
every Banking want. We
always have money to loan
to our customers when
needing the i
Money deposited with is
protected by our capital and
surplus of $85,MM and the
individual liability of our
stockholders of $75,H.t,
making $ of pro
tection. Columbus State Bilk
Capital Swplaa, 985,00000
Joseph Mostek was before the board
of insanity last Saturday, charged with
being an inebriate. The board did net
pass on his case but continued it for
fifteen days, at whioh time it will be
Allen Abart arrived in the city Mon
day for a short visit with friends. Mr.
Abart will lie remembered here, be being
in partnership with Dr. Oersteeeea
last summer, bnt is now attending college
at Chicago.
P. L. Luobsinger returned Monday of
this week from his trip to Switzerland
and other countries in Europe. While
in his native land he spent considerable
time at hi old home, and reports a very
enjoyable trip.
Work on the new post office building
has been delayed on account of the un
favorable weather. The contractors had
hoped to make better headway, but the
weather has been such as to retard their
work considerably.
Wm. Losiager has filed a complaint ia
County Judge Ratter man's court, charg
ing Maud Ralldinger with stealing W60
from him. While here he was stopping
at tbe boarding bouse west of tbeCIother
hotel. A warrant has been issued, but
so far tbe guilty party has not. been
In tbe district court Henry Kerach of
Humphrey is suing Gustavo Teske and
Walter Scbmedeke for damages in the
sum of $725. He alleges that on October
14 the defendants assaulted him. and he
suffered a bruised body and limbs and a
broken nose, besides other injuries.
This amount includes $500 for alleged
personal injuries.
Route No. 4.
Joe Kula visited with friends at South
Omaha over Christmas.
Miss Susan Bray is spending tbe week
with friends at North Platte.
Miss Margaret Scharff of Belgrade hi
here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Scharff.
Mrs. Wm. Kricgs of Cedsr Rapids
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Stracke, from Friday until Monday.
Route No. 3.
Miss Mary Lange is reported quite
Henry Brunken was visiting f Heads at
Platte Center Christmas eve.
Herman Hellbush was a Christmas eve
guest at tbe home of Henry Siefken.
The Shell Creek Baptist church held
their Christmas festivities Saturday eve
ning. Peter Helsebus of Columbus spent a
few days, including Christmas, with hie
folks in the country.
Miss Louise Brunken is spending the
holidays at tbe home of her sister. Mrs.
John Witt, jr , at Scribner.
Miss Meta Albers, who was visiting
her parents several days last week, re
turned to Columbus the first of the
We have the ageacy for the
famous A'nnsing Underwear, the
beet popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from 91.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys from 50c, 75c, il and IMS.'
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and rangiag in pries
from 60c to $2-50 'a garment. Buy
early while tbe sizes are coBpfft