V I a FiIIb DP Of ROM tiie rush and hustle of busy America! Hty streets, alive at this .season of the year with Christmas shoppers, hark to old Nuremberg, in Germanv. where he Christmas spirit lasts the vear around where Santa Claus spends hi.1- working months for the joy of the world's children surely th- step is not too gicat lor the imagination nor its goal uninteresting as a studv Come out of onr crowded streets. tur people-packed stores. leave off for th Tiiie lieiutr your breathless chase after that troublesome last present." and 'urn .I,-- i.'.e ,iiiot winding st.-et.-, the irregular hill pa, ,i s dovetai'e-i bv houses o'der than an thing u the oldest pans of ih- I'niied States House rises above house full of a history as ronian tic a. t'- proudest in: :i-iou of our city streets, mid vt mail e,i hy a simplici( and single hearted n s.s - lion pi-sent in ihlngs modern It is here that tin i',js are made which m leu in our home jtcross ihe sea. Hr in tin ot.ietncss uf the un Tj-odeif iii pl'iv thing"- . lixni-d ami perfected fir vim r"-.Uess. bin. ..mi -hi!.!t- You read '.Mul in Germany" wiih .t skeptiral til! of lto .-. hou t.in Hie fact le.n.-uiis t.;a bv far the VvJ ray I flfe xfc X. f. K bbbbbbbbbbbI m aV Ataf QtriltnraS Ti ) ee" BBXcaK7lBSSSK3pX?B yfeV . i '- 5 "ia '&Xit II t y..i ' "v '; -V' : . - J . .- s t-r v0J3!??s Nuremberg, in Germanv. where II j ,-. .; t . TJe '"' '-"a! '' -S --Rl II , SR . fBSSSSSSSTi v4 ?- r c -i .11 'M4ky surely the step is not too t at L'4m- . 3Pf ''' . 4" I . - - :,4 r jrifT'll ii r i t itt ' r tmm - r-..r- . ' - . . ,--iii taapHii: 75" !pv?Sf?f JpBHI- At f PlHHT,vllfl9Bos'v Bf Kio.it r imi'iber of all the toys manufactured euiiK fn-ii' Niiremberi; Thy ancient feudal city, around which cluster the irrlm traditions of the inquisition and the thrilling .j ! of the times of Charles V.. has for four hundred ears or more been the center of the children's fairyland. It has been and la the nucleus of Christmas happiness for the outh of everj place In the Occident, and its charm Is tin perpetual one of jojous creation which de lights I: planning the amusement of little pcoplo. In tne factories the will tell you that 72.000. OOo mark- $lS.OOo.nt)0 worth of pleasure is sent out lrom Nuremberg een jear. and that $3.r,00 000 of this export Is for the benefit of Vounsr Am rica Onlj" a few ears ago all of the necessary labor for this Immense production was done , hand, and much of the finishing and fine last touches nie performed b special artists. Even now in tin- factories the old spirit of an almost consecrated enthusiasm lives and Is evi dent in the interest of the village artisans for their craft Not ineielv the reason of broad and butter poes toward the making of those marvel Vis walking dolls, those phenomenal speaking picture books, thoe thousand and one games that hae rilled for all the Imaginative as well as practiiol genius of these honest Herman peasant folk Hat her has their unique industry called for and de eloped in them a romance, a sensitiveness of perception which is remarkable Follow the lurching, worn curves of the Al-bri-eht Murerstrasse. and ou come to one of the manj homes of this Nuremberg spii it In a min iatuie red roofed houce. wedged in among a hun dred squat brown huts, lhe two old men broth ers, of siu five and seent whose white headc are constantly bent over small circles of wood -shaping, paring, carving, painting. Al. da thev sit there, sometimes all night, toiling oer the delicatel ornament, d dolls' dishes which perhaps you have bought, as a small Insignificant thing, just this afternoon for your small daughter's tree. You looked at them carelessly; they were not esi cially original or attractive, and von shoved them into our bag with a half hesitating accept ance, thinking that inaybv- the would please ca pricuiis Poroth. How could ou know that back In tin Hinge of Alwas Christmas old haudo had fa-hio:i d those triial pla.ts and pitchers, old eje? hr. 1 strained with loing .tnv'et over those line tracerie.-. of columbine, and old hearts had warmed oer these completed trilles with the sanif thrill of the master painter ot his best? 1ni this was true. Indeed, nearlj all of the simple wooden tos are contructed b hand, in some humble '.olkshatise which goes to make up On aggregate creative force of Santa Claus' workshi-p Take the tin sets of soldiers, the doll's chairs and tables, tbt pal'ited wooden ani mals whose realism is a delight to all children, actual or grov n up. These are fashioned in home.- sometimes li the efforts of whoio fam ilies, but most often by children themselves. sivtii is me age limit tor child labor in the factories but no young person it- prohibited from assisting his parents at home, provided he spends tho required period of time at school. So that man of those playthings which give mostahap piness to tr.e children of America hae Tieen made h the children of Nuremberg And if babies must work, what work could one find for them more appropriate or more p'casurable than 2Vy Jts&jeAScs&oj: this business of toy making. They grow up in the midst of It. all their hereditary Ideas are colored by It, the history of the city speaks of it Inside of half a doz en blocks you have trains, up-to-date ho tels, electricity, motor cars, Parisian frocks, primitive carts drawn by hugs mastiffs, funny tucked-away Inns near the market place full of peasant women In wide black silk aprons and snowy white caps crumbly Jouutains and a castle with a secret passage. All the elements of the fascinating past and the strangely progressive present within a stone's throw of each oOier. The realization of all that Nuremberg has been and has undergone comes to oue most vividly as one stands looking down Into the Schloss well CO feet dftep. where prisoners u.ea to come to fetch water. Underground their passage led from the dungeons to this unlit circular pool, for state pris oners were never permitted to see the light, and the hollow splash of the water which the attend ant drops Into the well seems to re-echo, after an interminable half-minute, the hopeless pilgrim age of those countless victims of medieval fanat icism. Such Is the potency of the ended. While the vitality of the occurring emphasizes Itself, not far off, in one of the dozens of toy factories, whose very machinerv whirs modernity, men. women and children that is. children over Fif teen are massed into this building, all intent on the one Idea, the creation of better and newer and more wonderful toys for everyone's children, in everyone's country. It Is be'dom the industrial planet can boast of a broader ambition than this of the craftsmen of Nuremberg. To bring the greatest possible amount of pleasure, legitimate and often educative pleas ure, to growing, active minds is surely an aim worthy of the finest art In the world. It even seems as though the thought back of the toys should surround them with a deeper meaning as gifts this Chrlstmastide. since the added gift the biggest, gift lies In the patient Interested inven tion and accomplishment of which the-y are the exponent. As for the inventors, strictly speaking, their icward seems infinitesimal according to our stand ards. The "boss" controls ideas as well as mate rials cf output, and it is chiefly to his profit that new Inventions in toyland redound. The man or woman who first thinks of or Improves upon sonif plaything gels a very small per cent, of the in come from it. To our new world standards of commerce it seems strange that the originator should receive such scant recognition and that without grumbling. Very, very few Nuremberg toymakers have ever grown rich over their ingeniousness. It is true that Ideas as well as toys in Germany sell for double what they sold for eight years ago. een! On the other hand the price of living has gone up appreciably, and what would have seemed a large purchase price then is only moderate now. The staff of artists employed by tie Nurem berg factory boss is in Itself a cot inconsiderable expense, and many a quiet charity is undertaken b these men who at home would be absorbed in gating rich. In the shop of Fritz Muller are various small kitchen gardens, carved and painted by a poor man and his sister after their regular working hours, and bought by Mr. Muller at high raUx as his pel philanthropy. In this shop, now !0' Years old. are seen all of the most novel of the toy-i!lage playthings. The store was crowded with n,jre hildren over thirty than under thir teen, and absorbed for hours over the clever and e.uaint attractions. The doll's house of Nuremberg leaves nothing to be desired. Not culy the usual rooms of a con ventional menage are found in if. but conserva tories with miniature orchids, fountains and wa tering cans, school rooms with tiny desks, a schoolmaster, very stern, with goggles and ruler, and children in aprons and carrying slates, tho latt r a sivtei nth of an inch big: fields of flowers for t'e bu'-k yam and a swing for the smallest doll. Iu all German art. of which to making is by no means ?n insignificant department, perfection of detail has alwa'.s been the salient feature Kv ery phsre of home life is reproduced in micro scopic form in German toyland. "ven down to the wee pairs of hand-knitted stockings and sweaters the hobnailed shoes and blue blouses which make up the wardrobe of the volks boy and girl. Tiie tourist season is a second Christmas for Nuremberg people. .;nd they sell as many play things ii the oue rerir.il as the other. An inter esting point bn -jght to light by this fact is the early differentia'ion of the American and Euro pean itidiir!ali?. which shows itself in choice of i games an.! pastimes. The ay in the shops that an America ii chM:' i? invariably fascinated over the mechanical and complicated, that he finds In tense inter";. In mattering the technicalities even of playing, while the Kuropear. child likes a sim pler but briiii'intii colored toy. cherishing often a curious s. ntlment for innlitiona! objects such as typify old world conservatism They are Vessed with iinag.'natio", thes. il lage peoplt . and they are not ashamed of show ing their simplicity of spirit. Their souls are bound up ii the heritage of centuries. Th trag edies of their cltj's history wind about the to a the make, breathing into the wood a characters tic vitalit.. the iitalit that conie.s of centuries of striving, of centuries or pati'-nt achievement. As you sit In a swirl of rod ribbnn and foamy pap r. " lolng up" your Christmas presents, re member that many of them have co-re trom this quaint little Village of Alwas ''hristmas. It ' may add to our holiday happiness to know that no iliaure which the toys may bring can be greater than the pleasure et those who made them, and that no good will oi yours can outdo the quiet sincerity of purpose with which the simple people of Nuremberg ha- given their part toward this season of the universal gilt Nomads of the Cranberry I ogs It iit- fails to surpn.-e tourists who isi: Cape Cod for the first time to fine this large foreign population, which h..s no parallel auywhtre else in the country and most of whom speak little or no English. Many of the Cape Verde Islanders are true no mads in their visits to the cranberry countr. arriving In the spring when cultivation on the bogs opens and re maining until Oie end of tiie picking i season late in the autumn, making the , trip both ways in sailing vessels that j are engaged during the winter months in the coasting trade on tiie coast of Africa. A skillful cranberry picker can earn from $3 to $5 a day, so tiiat 1 the "oravas." as Oiese invaders are called can wlUiin a few years save enough to live in affluence in Oieir isl and home. Under Oie new conditions not only Is Oie picking of Oie cranber ries done by the aid of machines, but other machines separate and sort the berries. Christian Herald. Hark Back to History. In the good old days of story, Bos ton women had spinning wheels and were encouraged to make the material for their own clothes in order Oiat the colony might not have to depend to such a great extent upon the im ports from Great Britain. Consequent ly there were often contests on the Common, with prizes offered, and some of the daintiest ladies of the old days sat down with the humblest, by way of example. Five hundred Boston girls are now scouring the country for spinning wheels, and they will take part in the pageant of 1915. They have made Oieir own cloOiei after the pattern of those worn by Felicity and Priscllla. in a contest In 1725. The hairs of cur haeds are num bered. But then so are the automo biles and trolley cars. ALL OVER NEBRASKA The Midwest Life. On December lat of this year The Midwest Life had written as much insurance as it did in the year 1909. The gain over laft year, therefore, will be the amount placed in Decem ber. The Midwest Life now has over two and one-half millions of insurance in force on the lives of Nebraska men and women and un income amounting to one hundred thousand dollars a year. This has been accomplished in less than live years. When solicited by an agent of an eastern company for life insurance stop and think the situation over. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the transaction. See if it does not appeal to you as a rational business proposition to pat ronize a Nebraska company. ,You know the reason why. The money stays in Nebraska not only in good times, but in panics and financial de pressions as well. The Midwest Lift issues all the standard forms of life insurance policies at reasonable rates. Call or write the home office, 11U South Tenth street. Lincoln, for an agency, or a sample policy. rTVWvtTT mwraa VUmAy41NLuq feyWHEURDNEraiT raSfl OFTHEWQS McCook Engineer Falls from Train. Red Willow County. Engineer Wil liam Deere of McCook lies at his home in serious condition, caused by tailing from his engine near Perry station. i tew miles west of .McCook. It is thought he we'iit out on the run ning board to turn on the steam on the steam heater pipes, the night be ing cold. Not returning, his fireman finally investigated and learned his chief had fallen off the engine. Hack ing the train into the siding at Perry and detaching the way car. search was made by Oie crews, resulting in finding Deere in the ditch near the track in an unconscious condition. He is in delirium with brain compli cations, and his condition is serious. Poultry Show at Hastings. Adams County. Secretary A. H. Smith of the Nebraska Poultry asso ciation has announced that a num ber of chickens valued at from 2.'i0 to $50n t.icli will be exhibited in Hastings at the state poultry show. January ft. to i. Iist January the state show was held in Hastings for the first time in many years, and the attendance broke all former records. A large number of entries are ex pected for the forthcoming event, which is expected to bring chicken fanciers from Iowa. Kansas and other states. Abbott Wants to Trade Jobs. Otoe County Superintendent N. C. Abbott of the institute for the blind, who retires on the appointment of the new superintendent. H. C. King, has announced his candidacy for county superintendent, which will be left, vacant by Mr. King resigning to take his new position. Prof. Charles K. Morse of the Auburn public school is also a candidate, but Mr. Abbott has received the indorsement of all the democratic organizations of the county. Disappointed Over Census. Jefferson County. A number of Jefferson county people are disap pointed at the fact that Jefferson county failed to reach the I.S.nftii mark in the last census. In that case it would have been necessary to divide the county clerks into two of ficesthat of clerk and recorder. The returns show Jefferson county now has a population of 15.196. and in the ten years the county has made a gain of over 1.500. Ban Placed on Cigarets. Buffalo County. The board of edu cation of Kearney has launched itself into a campaign to abolish the cig aret habit among the school hoys. The city superintendent and the teachers will lay their plan of action, which may be the organization of an anti-cigaret association among the pupils. Fair Managers' Meeting. I.aiieaster County. . W. Hervey, of ' Omaha, president, and W. II. Smith, secretary of the Nebraska State Association of County. District and State Pair Managers, met with . Secretary Mellor and C. II Budge oi the state lair board and fixed Jan uarv 17 as the date on which the fair managers would hold their second an- ! uual convention. A banquet will be given at the Lincoln Commercial club and the business meeting will be held later. Approve the Appointment. York County. The appoint mem oi Daniel W. Hoyt oi York lo the posi tion of commniitiaiit ot the soldiers' home a. Grand Island. Neb., meets with the tiearty approval ot every cit izen there. Mr. Hint was command-' ant of the home for a short term and gave the best of satisfaction. .Many members of the Grand Army of Hie Republic are sending congratulations to Mr. Hoyt. m?Mr C5flSi. WflKmll I (The "inot!ior-in-law- Joke" lias lie-en barret from the theaters of an eastern vnuduvlllu circuit.) I have stood for tlireo-a-.lay, and helns put in supper shows; I have klilvil 'em- simply klllod Vm! when I fell upon my nose: T have tal.l tni out In Oshkosh. simply laid Via told an dca.l Wlion my partner stuck a hatchet with a "Woof:" right in my head Hut when this tierce Mow is struck against the temple of my art Then tho time has conic for me un good old VHudevillu to part. Not .1 word, an out a whimper, when they hasted up my team Hv a-cuttin out the patter that would al ways innkc ein scream. W here I'd say. "I .seen you walkln with vour sister yesterday," An "Why. that was not my sister, "twas a lady" he would say Y.s. I let Vm Trosj that gaglet But I tell you art la art. An" the time has cotne for mo an" good old vaudeville to part. Why. th;y've cut out stuff that landed forty years ao, an more. An I never kicked or grumbled, never i-vcri acted sore; When they said the seltzer bottle an grc. n whiskers had to go. No one ever heard nie holler, not a squeal come from me. beau: Hut they're gnln' too much distance when they tamper with my art. An the time has come for me an" good old vnuuevillo to part. One by one they've killed the wheezes that foiever has made ood All the sags that all the lowbrows an the others understood: Why, remember how we held 'cm simply held 'em to the spot Whn "What Is your nnme?" hM ask me, and I'd keep on sayln" "Watt?" I'm not much for them Ideals, but I'm loyal to my art. An" the time has come for mo an good old vuudevllle to part. Crowded Out. LSI "My fiance Is furious." "And why 'The papers had to devote bo much space to my trousseau that there was not room enough to give his name." What They AH Say. In one day she was told that ah had (1) Beautiful hair. (2) Lovely skin. (3) A perfect figure. (4) Shapely hands. (5) Very small feet. However. It is explained by the fact that she visited (1) The hairdresser. (2) The beauty doctor. (3) The modiste. (41 The manicurist. (5) The shoe store. Money's Worth. "Your watch is away wrong," sayJi the friend. "Why. we compared time pieces half an hour ago. and already your watch has gained a full half, hour over mine." "That's all right." says the man with the business-like face. "I forgot to wind it night before last, and It didn't run at all yesterday, so today I've set It up to the fastest speed, so that It mny catch up the day it has hwt." THRESHING RETURNS FROM WESTERN CANADA. TNy Reveal Larger Averaeee al Wheat and Oats Than An ticipated. Tae returns from the gram fielder' of Western Canada aa revealed by thej work of the Threshers, show much, larger yields than were expected the crop was ripening. It la a little early yet to give an estimate of the crop aa a whole, but Individual yield selected from various points through) out Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Afe berta show that the farmers there as a, rule have had reason to be thankful over the results. Excellent yields are! reported from many portions of Mani toba and a large district of Saskatch-1 ewan has turned out well, while the, central portion of Alberta is splendid There will be shown at the land ex-. position at St. Louis a sample of the Marque's wheat a new variety and one that appears to be well adapted, to the soil and climate of Western Canada that yielded 63 bushels to the acre. The exhibit and statement will be supported by affidavits from the growers. This wheat weighs welL and being a hard variety will find a ready market at the highest prices ob-' tainablo for a first-class article. It is Interesting to point out that a field of ono hundred acres of this wheat would give its producers 5.300 bush els. Sold at 85 cents a bushel would give him 45 an acre. Counting all tho cost of interest on land at $20 an acre, getting the land ready for crop. Seed sowing, harvesting and market ing, tho entire cost of production would not exceed $S an acre, leaving the handsome net profit of $37 an aero. Is there any crop that would yield a better return than this, with the same labor and initial expenset Cotton fields will not do it, apple or chards with their great expanse of cul tivation and tho risk to run from the various enemies of tho fruit cannot begin to do It. While what is consid ered an exceptional case just now is presented, there is no doubt that thia man's experience may be duplicated by others who caro to follow his ex ample. As has been said tho growing; of this wheat is but in its infancy, and. wheat growing is still largely con fined to other older varieties that do not yield as abundantly. Even with these wo have records beforo us of formers who have grown 40 bushels to the acre., others 35, some 30, and others again 25 bushels. Taking even 20 bushels, and some farmers report that amount, it is found that the re turns from such a yield would be $17 an acre. This wheat will cost to get to market, including all expenses, about $S an acre, and the farmers will still have a net profit of about $9 an acre. Certainly the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Mani toba are progressing, settlement is in creasing and there is a general con tentment all over the country. The social conditions are splendid, the cli mate is excellent, and there Is every condition to make the settler satisfied. At the farming congress, held at Spo kane in October, wheat shown by the Alberta Government, took the' silver cup, awarded by the Governor of the State. It completely outclassed all other specimens on exhibition, and it was but an ordinary selection, hundreds of fields in Alberta and Sas katchewan being able to duplicate it. There are still available thousands ot homesteads, as well as large areas of first-class land that is being offered for sale at low prices. The agent of the Canadian Government from whom the above facts have been learned ex pects that the rush to Canada will next year largely exceed the numbers who have gone this year. A DIFFERENCE. Stranger Is this the nursery? Host No: that's the bawl?room. A Way Out. "I hear that Mr. Poppltt proposed to ou thinking you were your twin sis r." "That's the excuse he made when I rejected him." Big Price for Farm Land. Iicre County. -. reeord-hrea.ring price wa- paid for J-Jcrce c-oimty land when George Senif : old hi pi ce of land adjoining Osmvnd. consist vz 11 twenty-six aero, for J.I.M'ti. Aged Woman Nearly Frozen. .Merrick County. Huddled up in in her lied to keep lrom treeing, without food for over two d.iy.s, and with no fuel to build a tire iu the kitchen .-dove. wa the plight in which Sheriff Her discovered Mrs. j Smith. ". years old living in a small house in Ci rural Ciiy. j Dead After Fall Under Train. J Platte County. As- the i'nion I'aci lie passenger train was pullini: out oi Platte Center. John Foreman, a passenger on the train. lell under the wheels and had both hirs cut off. He was biouuht to the hospital in Colum bus, where he died from the shock. Largest Socialist Vote. York County. The largest ."-ocial ist vote -given for one candidate for state office in this state was cast for E. E. Olmsted of York, who was a candidate for land commissioner. He received 'J.r.'U votes. A Dodger. "I understand, Mr. Bingo," says the gentleman with the quizzical air and the optimistic smile, "that jou are a man who Is strongly opposed to the practise some people have of telling their troubles that, in fact, you will iiliuo.-t run away from such folk." Well. ye," replies Mr. Hingo. edg ing off. "and I'm getting so that I dodge the man who is always telling how he never tells his troubles, too. Too True. "She broke her engagement with .Miggley" "Why? Jealousy?" "No. Quite the other way about. He wa so devoted to her that she said he never got a chance to tlirt with any other man." The Retort Courteous. "And you call this a portrait of me? Why. I could paint my face better than that myself." "I cannot dispute jou. madam. You have had so much more experience than I in painting your face." SAVED OLD LADY'S HAIR "My mother used to have a very bad humor on her head which the doctors called an eczema, and for it I had two different doctors. Her head was very sore and her hair nearly all fell out In spite of what they both did. One day her niece came In and thoy were . speaking or bow her hair was falling out and the doctors did it no good. ' She says. 'Aunt, why don't you try Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Olnt- ment?' Mother did and they helped ' her. In six months' time the itching, burning and scalding of her head was J over and her hair began growing. Tc- . day she feels much in debt tn Cuti. I cura Soap and Ointment for Lhe flno t head of hair she has for an old lady of seventy-four. , "My own case was an eczema in my feeL As soon as the cold weather came my feet would itch and burn and then they would crack open and bleed. Then I thought I would flee to my mother's friends, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. I did for four o five winters, and now my feet are as smooth as any one's. Ellsworth Dun ham, Hiram. Me., SepL 30, 1909." Truth has a sliding scale, regard less of the frank person. Lewis' Single Binder, extra quality ts bacoo, coita more than other 5c cigars. People avoid him because they are afraid of his tongue.