The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 21, 1910, Image 1

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A Seven
Room Dwelling
Barn, 66 foot lot,
with good shade
on all sides, for
Data 25
Wheat 8l
Corn 33
Hogs, top 7.00to $7.15
File of the Journal, December 26, 1877.
On last Friday frost was reported out
of the ground, and the farmers making
ready for spring plowing. Just think of
plowing going forward on the 2 let of
A. W. Lawrence returned Sunday from
a !iip to Omaha. He thinks the streets
there are the muddiest he ever saw
tracks all over them, littlo tracks, where
the hrrsea earn can be seen.
Mr. Oleson is putting the linisbing
touches oa the new Odd Fellows and
Masons hall. The carpenter work of the
lmildii.? has done by him, and
shows that he uses both conscience and
skill in his business.
The warm and damp weather which
has prevailed in this vicinity for the
pant month v hope may uot end in
general sickness as it does sometimes in
other localities. As yet the health of
the city has been good.
Congregational Church.
The Congregational church wishes
you a merry Christmas and invites you
to share their Christinas services with
them. Of the morning, 11 a. in., the
pastor will speak from the theme: The
Birthday of Larger Ideals Of the
evening. 7:H), the following program
will be rendered:
Organ prelude.
Hymn "Jesus Christ the Son."
Scripture, The Birth of Christ.
Violin solo "Largo" Handle Miss
Uedwig Jaeggi.
Announcements .
Carol -"Sleep Holy Babe" Dykes
Choir. Prayer.
Solo "Glory to God on High Gei
bel Mrs. Rat Lib urn.
Sermon "The Birth of Christ."
Violin solo "The Kosary" Ethelbert
Hymn "Hark! the Herald Angels
Benediction .
Organ postlude.
William L. Dibble.
Marriage Licenses.
John O. Heed, Monroe 40
Florence M . Miller, Monroe 30
CarlH. Brandt, St. Edward 22
AnnaE. Voight, St. Edward 20
Alvin E. Johnson. Bradisn. Neb 21
HattieM. Nelson. Newman Grove. . 22
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specialty
Frank Kersenbrook of the Columbus
base hall club and H. A. Fritz, who were
delegates to the state league meeting at
Hastings laet week, returned very well
pleased over the success of their trip.
They succeeded in getting a member of
the board of directors from Columbus,
C. E. Pollock being elected to that
office. Another concession to be made
is the three game schedule, this arrange
ment making it better as far as travel
ing expenses are concerned and also
from the standpoint of attendance.
Henry Sievers of Grand Island was re
elected president, but had some opposi
tion, which was not pronounced however.
The schedule this year will provide for
112 games, the same as last year, and will
be arranged by the directors early in the
year. The $500 forfeit will be placed by
March 1 this year, so that should any of
the teams decide to step ont their place
could be filled in time. At present the
league is the same as last year, including
Fremont, Columbus, Seward, Grand Is
land, Hastings, Kearney, Bed Clond and
Superior. Columbus proving to be the
best ball town in the league, was given
proper consideration at this meeting,
and the report brought home by the
delegates will tend to increase the enthu
siasm already shown for 1911.
Sunday a new time table went into ef
fect on the Union Pacific, and one of the
important changes was the taking off of
two Denver trains, No. 13 and 14. Sev
eral minor changes were also made in
the time of the evening trains, two of
them arriving here a few minutes later.
Taking off No. 13, which arrived here
about 2 o'clock in the morning, means a
change in the mail service, the car for
merly carried by that train now being
carried by No. 11, which arrives here at
8:56, and the morning dailies do not ar
rive here until that hour. On the bran
ches the mail is delayed much more than
here, as on the Spalding and Albion
branches they will not receive their dail
ies until afternoon, while on the Norfolk
branch they will be delayed twelve
hours. No 13, which formerly passed
through here at 10:27 p. m., is now sche
duled to arrive at 5:21 a. m., about the
same time as No. 14 did prior to the
The following regarding I). Burr
Jones, formerly secretary of the Y. M.
O. A. of this city, is taken from the
Omaha Bee: D. Burr Jones, a former
Omaha man and a member of the Thure-
ton Rifles, has been elected second lien-1
tenant of the Unmes Battery of Ports
month, Va., Jones was a corporal in the
Thurston Bines company, which is offi
cially known as Company L, First Ne
braska, and was at the siege of Manila
and in the Philippine campaigns with
that company, when it lost sixty-three
dead and 228 wounded. Grimes Battery,
which Mr. Jones is the second lieuten
ant, was formed in 1812, and was one of
the famous batteries of the south in the
civil war. At present, Mr. Jones is
fcsneral secretary of the Young Men's
Christian association of Portsmouth.
He entered the work in the Philippines.
He is also a member of the United
Spanish War Veterans.
Mrs. Joseph Bothleitner, aged GG
years, died at the family home on East
Eighth street. Sunday evening after a
lingering illness of over two years. Mrs
Rothleitner, whose maiden name was
Anna Turk, was born in Gruenedorf, Aus
tria, June 25, 1844. In 1868 she was
married to Joseph Schinsel in her native
country, and when he died she came to
America and to Kansas in 1886. Here
she lived until 1904, when she was marri
ed to Mr. Rothleitner on June 25 of that
year and has made this city her home
since. Mrs. Bothleitner leaves one step
daughter, Mrs. Edward Schrott. of Mc
Cormick, Kas., who was here about a
month ago to visit her mother. Funeral
services were held Tuesday morning
from the home, and St. Bonaventure's
church, and burial was in the Catholic
Between eix and seven o'clock Tuesday
morning the shelving on the west side of
the Columbus Candy Kitchen gave way,
and with the contents crashed on to the
show cases, breaking them and causing
considerable damage to the stock.
Policeman Nelson passed the store about
six o'clock and did not notice anything
out of the way, but when Policeman
Hagel passed at seven o'clock the shel
ves were down. The owners of the
Candy Kitchen supposed the shelves
were anchored, and amply strong enough
to hold the weight placed upon them.
As soon as the accident was discovered a
force of men were eet to work cleaning
it up. and they resumed business with
out interruption the same day.
A new arrangement of the city de
livery in the business district is made
necessary by the change of the mail
trains on the Union Pacific. Heretofore.
No. 11, the night train, brought in all
the mail, including the dailies, so they
could be delivered early in the morning.
Now the mail arrives at S:56, when it is
on time, and in order to prevent too long
a delay, it has been arranged for carrier
Rollin, who supplies this district, to
uiake two trips in the forenoon and one
in the afternoon. This arrangement
may be temporary, however, as it may
not meet the requirements.
Mrs. 8. C. Leet, who has been the
guest of friends in Belgrade the last
three weeks, returned to this city, where
she is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Benson.
Box perfumes at Leavy's.
Dr. Naumana. Dentist 18th St.
Cigars and box candies at Leavy's.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Baled hay for sale. Ernst & Brook.
5e and 10c store has all kinds
or Xmas goods.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, oAoe in new
State Bank building.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drake spent Fri
day and Saturday in Lincoln.
Dr. L P. Oarstenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and KummerSts.
Born. Sunday morning, Deo. 18, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Coolidge, a son.
Miss Bertha Glur, who is teaohing
school in the Gruetli neighborhood,
spent Saturday and Sunday with home
A strictly high olass impersonator is
Gilbert A. Eldredge. Moving his audi
ence first to tears and then to laughter.
At the Y. M. C. A. Dec. 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hellbusb, accom
panied by their sen Adolph, left Tues
day for Los Angles, Cal., where they go
in the hope of benefitting Mrs. Hell
bush's health.
H. A. Clarke, accompanied by his son
Bruce, left Monday evening for Los
Angeles. Cal., where they will remain
for three weeks. Mr. Clarke was called
to the cost on a business trfp.
Mrs. D. Sullivan and children of Pond
Creek, Olkahoms, will arrive the latter
part of this week, for a visit at the home
of Mrs. Sullivan's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Moersen, for several weeks.
Miss Gertrude Jaeggi, who went to
Lincoln to attend school and was later
taken aiok, was brought home last Sat
urday evening. Miss Jaeggi has been
in a sanitarium for some time, and while
her condition was not serious, it was
thought to be advisable to bring her
Monday afternoon of this week the
Teeke-Wolt case from Humphrey was
before Judge Katterman. Wolf is the
marshal of Humphrey and a complaint
has been filed against him by Teeke. A
jury trial was demanded and it took
them about ten minutes to find the de
fendant not guilty.
Edward Sobober returned 8unday eve
ning from Cambridge, Neb., where he
was' called on account of the serioas
sickness of his son Victor, who was
operated on for appendicitis. Victor
was moved to a hospital at Holbrook,
and when his father left him he was still
very weak, but there was every cbanoe
for his recovery.
The first of this week. H. W. Abta Co.
completed moving into their own build
mg which has been repaired since the
fire of a few weeks sgo. Since that
time workmen have been busy repair
ing the damage, and in addition to the
repairs they have installed an electric
elevator for handling heavy goods from
one floor to the other.
Last Saturday Joe Dodds was taken
suddenly sick with appendicitis while
walking on the street. He was given
medical aid, and Sunday morning un
derwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs.
Dodds, John Dodds, and Louis Phillipps
left Sunday evening for Cambridge on
receipt of the news and a message from
Mr. Phillipps this (Wednesday) morning
says there is no hope for his recovery.
Register of Deeds Jerry Carrig is en
deavoring to standardize the various in
struments presented for record in his
office He has been working along this
line for a year, and has succeeded so
well that he is going to issue a circular
leter to those who have instruments to
file, showing them the advantages of
such a method. And incidentally the
county, while it furnishes the blanks
free, makes a saving in the amount of
books required in the recorders' office.
Mondsy of this week the Henry Gibb
farm, in Monroe township, northwest of
Monroe, was sold at referee's sale by
referee Gruentber. While the improve
ments on this land are not the best, the
farm itself is considered one of the best
in that locality. Win. Joy, who owns
land close by. was the purchaser, and
the price was $99.50 per acre, establish
ing a new record for land values in that
section. When Mr. Gibb purchased the
farm, about twenty years ago, be paid
32,800, for the quarter, and the total
price paid Monday was $15,920.
T. C. Cain, a former resident of Platte
county, and well known in this city,
was found unconscious last Friday at
Newhoase, Utah, and died at Milford
that state Tuesday of this week Mr.
Cain was a member of Wildey Lodge
No. 44, 1. O. O. F., and a receipt signed
by J. E. Ballou was found on him, and
a message sent to Mr. Ballou, notifying
of Mr. Cain's condition. He at once
wired the Utah authorities to give him
the beet of care at the expense of the
Columbus lodge, and this wss done.
Tuesday morning a third message was
received telling of Mr. Cain's death and
asking for instructions. About twenty
years ago Mr. Cain lived on a farm north
of Genoa and frequently visited this city.
He was a brother-in-law of W. J. Irwin
of Genoa. For the last number of years
he has been living in the west. He was
at one time a prize fighter of local re
nown and engaged in several bouts.
Building, Loan and Savings
Assets, $265,000.00
Pays 6 per cent interest on full paid stock
Ellibtt-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
See those pretty dolls at Leavy's.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Beautiful toilet sets at Leavy's.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block.
Suitable holiday gifts at Leavy's.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist! and
aurist, 1215 Olive street
Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr
0. D. Evans, "west side of Park.
Born, on Sunday, December 18, to Mr
and Mrs. John Gutzmer, a daughter.
Mrs. J. R Carter of Norfolk is spend
ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. I
ana tare, ueopoia nam.
One double disc record free to every
owner of a disc graphopbone. Call and
get one w E. Kobnc, Olive street.
The Congregational Sunday eohool
will render a Christmas Cantata Friday
night in the church, beginning at 7:90
eharp. This will be followed by a
Christmas tree. All friends of the
church and Sunday school are invited.
O. O. Shannon left Tuesday for Trini
dad, Colo., where he will spend Christ
mas at the home of his daughter. Mrs.
W. B. Kenney. He will stop at Boul
der, Colo., going and when he returns
will be accompanied by his wife, and
daughter. Miss Helen.
The Modern Woodmen elected the
following officers for 191 1 at their regular
meeting: J. T. Boyd, past consul; W.
H. Snell, venerable consul; J. F. Brewer,
adviser; J. O. Patterson, olerk; O. W.
Phillips, banker; Augutd Dietrichs, es
cort; M. W. Thomas, sentry; J.S. Ryan,
manager; O. D. EvanB. Dr. D. T. Mar
tyn, jr., and L. C. Voss, physicians.
Spanish War Veterans elected the fol
lowing officers for 1911 at their meeting
Wednesday evening: August Wagner,
commander; Frank II. Thomas, senior
vice commander; Dr. George Morris of
Creston, junior vice commander; Isaac
Brock, officer of the day: Henry Herring,
officer of the guard: AbeTschudy, chap
lain; John E. Ballou. trustee; Mark
Burke, adjutant: C. . Davis, quarter
master. Last weak Detective Gorman of the
Union Pacific gathered up eight boys
who have been taking coal from the
company cars. For some time the de
predations on the coal cars have been
quite numerous, and finally the culprits
were landed. The boys have made a
practice of stealing the coal and selling
it to residents of the city. There was
not enough evidence to make a case, the
boys were given a warning by County
Attorney Hensley and on a promise to
not take any more coal were released.
Should they continue their depredations
they will be brought before the court
the first time tbey are apprehended.
Big Cut.
We will sell for a limited time, 30
loaves of bread for $1.00. 7 loaves for 35c
4 loaves for 15c. Bread checks good for
bread only. Jone's Steam Bakery.
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
In Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makesjt possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
Columbus, Neb.
Columbus Corn Growers
The success of the first annuel meet
ing of the Columbus Corn Growers' as
sociation more than met the expecta
tions of its promoters, and the result is
thst it will be a permanent institution,
and an active canvass is being made for
It was first intended for merely a local
affair, and not many outsiders were ex
pected, but Friday a large crowd of stran
gers paid the show a visit. The one
hundred and four entires were more
than was anticipated, and made an ex
cellent showing for this vicinity.
Programs for both days were given by
local men, each of whom bad a specialty
I in the agricultural lice. One of the sub
jects of mueh importance to the audien
ce was "Good Roads," and this wss ably
handled by G. W. Phillips, who, while
he is not a farmer, fully appreciates the
value of good highways.
The award of the prizes and contests
evoked much enthusiasm, and the merits
of the awards were discussed very freely,
people taking such interest in the prize
winning lots.
For the coming year the following
officers were elected at the close of the
business session of the association: D.
G. Bartels. president rU. S. Mace, first
vice president: Wm. Price of Colfax co
unty, second vice president; H. Cockson
of Polk county, third vice president;
Wm. Meyer of Butler county, fourth vice
president; Geo. Drinnin, secretary; Emit
Mueller, treasurer; J. C. Turner, C. O.
Sheldon, directors; Win. Newman, gen
eral manager.
Following are the awards, made under
the supervision of Anton Fiala of How
ells, Colfax county.
Grand sweepstakes prize. Best ten
ears of corn, any color. $5.00 rocker, by
Henry Gass. .$5.00 merchandise by
Gray's.Adolph Uupprecbt, Platteconnty.
Best esr of corn, any color, one ton of
ooal by T. B. Hord Grain Co., U. S.
Mace, Platte county.
Beet ten ears of Yellow Dent corn,
$5.00 in merchandise by Echols & Kumpf,
William Kipple. Second, $3.00 hat by
P.J. Hart, Wm. Newmsn, Platte county.
Beet ten ears White Dent corn, $5.00
in merchandise by Brunken & Haney,
Wm. Meyer, Butler county. Second.
Grain King scoop board, value $2.75, by
H. G. Person. Henry Deyke, Platte
Beet ten ears of corn, any color other
than white or yellow, $5 50 toilet set by
Columbus Mercantile Co., Cockson Bros.
Polk county. Second, $3.00 in merchan
dise by Boyd & Rgatz, Robert Lisco,
jr., Platte county.
Special prize for largest ear of any
color, $5.00 one-section harrow by H. G.
Person, John Mohlmao. Platte county.
Beet one ear Yellow Dent, five gallon
Car-Sul-Dip, 5.00 by Johannes & Krum
land, Wm. Eastman, Polk county.
Best one ear White Dent, 85.00 storm
front for buggy by L W. Weaver fc Son,
Emil Mueller. Platte county.
Beet ten ears sweet corn, any variety.
$5 00 in merchandise by J. II Gilley,
Joe Znroski, Platte county.
Beet ten ears pop corn. Open to boys
ten to fourteen years old, boys sweater
by Friedhof St Co.. Albert Iossi, Platte
county. Second, $ 00 sweater by Ger-harz-Flynn
Co.. Henry Gates, Platte
county. Third, $1.00 pocket book by L.
H. Leavy, Joe Drinnin, Platte county.
Best design made of corn, $5.00 picture
by F. W. Herrick, Mrs. D. L. Hartley,
Platte county. Second. $2 00 china
plate by Ed. J. Niewohner, Mrs. Charles
Jonas. Colfax county.
Corn judging contest, open to boys
between the ages of 14 and 18 years,
first 11200 cash. Clark Hall. Second.
$4.00 pair of shoes by Greisen Bros.,
Fred Strother. Open to boye between
the ages of 10 and 14 years. First, $10. CO
cash, Roger Holden. Second. $3 00 bat
by Frischbolz Bros., Richard Neuman .
Methodist Church Notice.
Sunday at 11 a. m. will be a Christmas
sermon on the subject "What Christmas
Brings and Teaches." The choir will
furnish select music for this service.
At 7:30 p. m. the theme is "Deeds or
Gratitude." Sunday school at noon.
Epworth league at G:30 p. m. Cordial
invitation to worship with us.
Chas. Wayne Rat, Pastor
Improved Fire Apparatus for
At the meeting of the city council
December 2, City Clerk Becker wss
structed to correspond with manufac
turers of chemical fire apparatus, and
have some data regarding it for the meet
ing of last Friday evening. In response
to the letters several of the companies
had representatives present, wbilaotbers
sent written communications. The
council went over the matter carefully,
and should a chemical be purchased,
one with a fifty or sixty hone power
engine, carrying two chemical tanks.
ladders and six or eight hundred feet of
hose, would be type purchased. And in
connection with taking care of this ma
chine, it is understood that the council
have an offer from an automobile garage
to take care of it at the same rate ohfr,e
for automobiles, and furnish a man to
take it to fires, he to be on duty any hour
of the day or night.
Since the purchasing of a chemical
engine was brought up, many of the
citizens are in favor of the move, realiz
ing tLat additional apparatus is needed
and in this tbey are seconded by the
fire department, who understand the
situation better than anyone else.
At first the council was in doubt as
to whether they could mske the pur
chase, but after getting the desired in
formation, passed the following resolu
tion, which gives the people of Colum
bus sn apportunity to decide whether or
not the machine shall be purchssed.
Whereas, recent fixes and the water lose
resulting therefrom have demonstrated
the necessity for improved appliances
for getting to and putting out fires, now,
Be it resolved by the mayor and coun
cil of the city of Columbus, Nebraska,
Section I. That the following proposi
tion, to-wit: "Shall the mayor and
council of the city of Columbus, Nebr
aska, have the power to make an appro
priation of not to exceed $5,000 00 for
the purchase of a combination chemical
fire hose wagon, motor propelled, with
each power according to such plans and
specifications, ss may be adopted by the
mayor and council?" be submitted to
the legal voters of Columbus, Nebraska.
Said proposition shall be submitted by
petitions, upon which shall be written or
printed, said proposition to be circulat
ed among the legal voters, not later than
the 20th day or January, 191 1.
Section 3. That if a majority of the
legal voters of said oity aliail sanction
said appropriation, that then and in that
case, proposition for the purchase of
such fire appartna shall be submit ted by
advertisement or otherwise to bidders,
and that when the mayor and council
have ascertained tin cheapest and best
of such apparatus, they may enter into
a contract for the purchase thereof, and
appropriate the money to pay theiefor
in accordance with the proposition so
submitted to the voter.
Besides disposing of this the council
placed an order for three steel cells, to
be placed in the old engine room of the
water works plant which has been fitted
up for a jail. And they have also made
arrangements to use a portion of the
same building for drying lire hose
Hometmng wai uas oeen needed for a
long time.
James B. Whitcomb and Cbalmer
Shannon, successors to Geo. Hagel.
maue application for a licence for a
billard ball for the tiuexpired i-rm.
Wood Smith and Ohas H. Dack were
each granted permission to place electric
signs in front of their business houses.
Columbus Entertains Sheriffs.
If the expressiore from the visiting
sheriffs were any criterion. Columbus
certainly made good in the enteri.i.i
ment of the State Sheriffs association
held in this city last Thursday and
Thursday afternoon and evening was
devoted to registering the new arrivals
at the headquarters in Eagle hall, and
when the roster wss completed it showed
the names of over fifty visitors.
President J. M. Dunkle or Grand
Island arrived Thursday evening and
took charge of the business end of the
association. The session was held in
Eagle hall and called to order at 2 p. m.
and after au address of welcome by
County Attorney Hensley, who officiated
for Mayor Held, and a response by
Deputy Sheriff Foster of Douglss coun
ty, the regular order of business was
then taken up.
Discussions of the various phases of
tbe'sberiff's office then followed, and at
the conclusion the following officers were
elected for 1911. J. M. Dunkel. Grand
Island, president; John A. Jones of
Nelson, vice president; J. A. Chrinside.
Fairbury, secretary treasurer Omaha
was the choice of the associatiou for the
1911 meeting the invitation being extend
ed by Sheriff Braile or Dnnglas county,
and aho the fact that Omaha will enter
tain the national meeting of sheriffs at
that time, was a point in favor or that
At the conclusion of the buainess ses
sion a banquet was tendered the guests
at the Oxford cafe, and President Dun
kel officiated as toast master. About
two hours was taken up with the ban -quet
and speech making, and the sher
iff's then accepted sn invitation from
Sheriff Lacbnit and Deputy. Burke to at
tend a threatre party at the North.
Besides the visitors the following ex
sheriff's of Platte county were present:
Ex-President J. O. Byrnes of the state
association. D. C. Kavanaugb, C. J. Car
rig, Martin Bloedorn and George Lehman.
is - :
a purpose
It is a very common thing
for money to lie idle, await
ing a particular purpose.
When left at this bank, such
funds are made to earn in
terest during the waiting
Columbus State Bank
Capital sYSwrplws, t85.000.00
For some time the Commercial club
and others interested in the "Good
Roads" movement have been in corres
pondence with the Department of Agri
culture, with the result that Tuesday of
this week a Mr. Dodge, a good road ex
pert from the department, arrived in the
city to confer with the Commercial club
regarding the improvements of the high
ways. The one stretch of road that
particultrly interests this city m the al
most two miles between the Loup aad
Platte rivers, and also the short stretch
between the city and the Loup bridge.
It has been the general impression
that the bluffs north of the city would
be the place to secure the materia), but
this does not seem to lie the case. In
company with Messrs. G. W. Phillips.
G. Friscbholz and R. S. Dickinsos, Mr.
Dodge took an automobile trip to the
piece in roan in quest ion, and wftile in
that locality made tests of the soil in
various places. These samples he
brought to the city and will test them,
and while bis statement as to whether
they will answer the purpose or not will
not be forthcoming until the testa are
completed, ho feels confident thst he bsa
all the material close at hand necessary
to make a good road through the sand.
The approximate cost of euch a road,
whre material is convenient, is from be
tween HfiOU to $1,000 per mile, and this
means a road that will be permanent.
a - .. . ..
Should this visit result in a first clean
road south from this city those who have
interested themselves in the matter can
feel well repaid for the time spent.
. M. C. A. Notes.
Watoh this space next week for the
announcement of the New Year pro
gram. The third number on the entertain
ment course comes on Dec. 22d. No re
served seats will be sold for this or the
remaining numbers of the course.
Manager Becker of the Association
Basket Ball team has arranged for a
game at Genoa on Thursday evening.
The team is composed of the following:
Captain. 11. F. Todenhoft; manager,
Paul Becker; Nels Nelson. Roy Rector,
Mai-. Betterton. H. F. Frankfurt. They
g. with high hopes, but the story will
be told when they return.
We wish in this way to express oar
appreciation of the way in which the
membership team worked during the
contest. The Y. M . C. A. is an associa
tion of many men and not an institution
run by one or two men. It is only by
associating our efforts that our object
can be attained. At the banquet on last
Wednesday evening for the membership
teams President Sheldon expressed to
those present tfce appreciation of the
officers for the hearty cooperation shown.
A gymnastic contest followed the ban
quet and the gymnasimn wm omnri t
its full. Various contests betwMm ttw.
Intermediate and Senior iIium .
closed by a basket ball game The
committee are planning to hold m.n.
more of theee events which n am. n
the public and we hope that the present
interest and attendance may be continu-
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Snita
on the market Prices in men's
from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, $ I and $1.85.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in prioe
from 60c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are complete.