i Ss. V I mm TOUS ar - a Yours for uni formity. Your for great est leavening power. Yours for never failing results. Yours or purity. Yourr for economy. Your for every thing that goes to make up a ttrictly high grade, ever dspendable biking powder. That Is Calumet. Try it once and note the im provement in your bak ing. See how much more Icoaomical over the high priced trust brands, how much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality moderate in cost. Received Highest Award World'. Pure Food Exposition. PESSIMIST RAISES A WAIL Incidentally Gives a Hard Jolt to Tme-Honored Conception of New England Thanksgiving. "Oh. yen; the New Englanders make r uroat time of Thanksgiving," said the intttirnni'e man as tho subject w-s under discussion. "Yes, they are great on Thanksgiving;." "All tho relatives gather for a big dinner, don't they?" was asked. "Yes. My Uncle Hen. up in Ver mont, gathered thirty of us at his house lust Thanksgiving." "What a visit you -nust have had!" "Oh. vps." "And the banquet. I can picture it." "Can you?" "There was turkey, goose, duck, chicken, roast pig and sparcrib. There was mince pie. pumpkin pio and cider. There was a big cottago pudding and cranberry sauce. Ah, It must have been a royal feast." "Yes, it was." dryly replied the in surance man. ".My Uncle Ben killed off four old roosters, his wife made four or live apple pies, and stewed up a peck of prunes, and we sat down to the feast." HuJ but It was Thanksgiving." "Sure. Mike. If It hadn't ! -n we wouldn't have got the prunes." "And- and that was all?" "All except that after dinner my 1 nolo Hen took up a collection for the heathen, and we chipped In f0 cents apiece. My Uncle Hen was the heathen, yon know. Oh. yes New England Thanksgiving. I've been there " An Unmistakable Hint. "Young Staylate got a delicate hint from the young lady he was calling on the other evening." "What was it?" "She found looking at the clock and other tamiliar devices useless, so she ordered some refreshments and her mother sent her a plate of breakfast rood." Discouraging. "George." said her husband's wife. "I dou't believe you have smoked one of those cigars I gave you on your birthday." "Thai's right, my dear." replied his wife's husband. "I'm going to keep them until our Willie wants to learn to smoke " Skied. "flow dees Dobher rank as a paint er, anyhow ?" asked Wilbraham. "Pretty well. 1 guess." said l.ollerhy. "At the last exhibition they hung his picture hicher than any other In the place "- -1 larper's Weekly. Post Toasties With Cream or With Milk er With Fruit. Savoury Wholesome Economical "The Memory Lingers" Poftura Cereal Co.. Ltd., Batiks Creek. Mich. L HI SURGED III TAFT MESSAGE PRESIDENT POINTS OUT NECES SITY OF CURTAILING EXPEN SES TO LAWMAKERS. ANNUAL DOCUMENT IS READ Conservation, Ship Subsidy and For tification of Panama Canal Lead ing Topics Discussed--Has Little to Say About Tariff. Washington, Dec. 6. Economy in government affairs is the keynote of President Taft's annual message read before both houses of congress today. The message approximates 40,000 words and is one of the longest ever submitted by a president. Conservation of the public domain, Bhip subsidy, fortification of the Pana ma canal and the continuation of the present tariff board are the leading subjects touched upon. He also re views the work of the various gov ernment departments and concurs in recommendation, tending toward the bettering of the service, made by sev eral of the members of his cabinet. Economy Is Urged. In ilwellinK n th ur-nt need for rconomy m kov rnment i-xpt'iiclituri'is. the prcairit'iit sny.s- "Evory effort Ii.ih t-'n tnailc liy t:u-l ilfparlmcnt rlilff to reditc--tlif -stim:it ! cost of li!s department for tin fiisuiiiK lineal year ending June 30, 1312. 1 , this In order tlial confess may uiulenstanil that tlie.se estimates thus m.ule pren-nt Hie .smallest sum which will t:i:Unt:iln tin tTep'trtnu-nts, bureaus and bttico at the sot eminent and meet its other obligations under existing law. and that a cut of tlio.se estimates would re sult In embarrassing the executive brsneli of tin- ko eminent in the performance of its dutits. This remark does not apply to the rier and harbor estimates. seept to those for expenses of maintenance and the meeting f obligations under author ized contractu, nor does it apply to tho publie building bill nor to the levy build ing program. Of eonrse. as to these con grtss could withhold any part or all of the estimates for them without interfer ing with the discharge of the ordinary ob ligations of these functions of its depart ments, bureaus and offices. "Against the estimates of expenditure JMo.JH.fll.l.lJ. we liae estimated leceipts for next ar $t;sflifi.0i0. making a proba ble surplus of ordinary receipts over or dinary expenditures of about $T.0.OO0 000. or taking Into account the estimates for thi Panama canal, which are $.C.S20.S4T.fi9. and which willoultlmately be paid in bonds. It will leave a deilcit for the next year of about JT.ftfif'.OoO. if congress shall conclude to fortify tho canal " Wants Forest Limitation Removed. On the subject of conservation lie de votes considerable space to forest, coal, oil and gas. phosphate lands anil water power sites. As to the reservation of foieM lands he says: "The law now pro hibits the reservation of any more forest lands in Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana, f'olorad.i and Wyoming, except by act of congress. I nm informed by the dep.n tment of agriculture that the gov ernment owns other lract.s of timber bind in these states which should be included In the forest resertes. I teeommend to congress that the limitation herein Im posftl !i n;nalod. ""ongress ought to trust the executive to us,, the power of reservation only with resp, ct to land most valuable for forest purposes Huring the present administra tion. C-i0.oiJ :.cres of land l.irgely non timbered have been excluded from forest reserves, ami n..Wl.(l acres of land prln cipallv laluahlc for forest imrnoses have been included I a rtdiictio:i In tltnbtred land ni-ri.s." Wants Tl'gnrdiiig the 1 forest reserv s. making forest rest rves of tion amounting to .750.000 Canal Fortified. Panama canal, the presl- dt nt :,.sseits that unless unexpected ob stacles arise the waterwav will bo com pleted well within time limit of .Tann nrv 1 TU.". anl within estimate of cost. $.17Viui'.'f. Suggestions for levying of tolls and management are made, and re garding fortification of the canal, he savs- "Vn.ong tjiie.stions arising for prefent solution is the decision whetht r the canal shall be fortitled. I have already stated to the congress that I stronglv favor for tilii.ttion and I now reterato this opin ion and a-k xotir consideration of tli. subject n the light of the report alrt-uly before you made In- a competent Ixiard "Failure to fortifv the canal would leae the attainment of both these aims in the position of lights and obligations which we should he powerless to enforce and which could nevtr In aur uav ho ab solutely safeguarded against a desperate uud Irresponsible enemv." Ship Subsidy. The president urges such action as he believe, will Increase American trade abroad, ami s-ivs "Anotlnr Instrumentality lmlNpns-ill. to the unhampered an.l nitiirM develop mint of American commerce is merchant marine. All maritime and commercial na t.ons re' ognire the importance of this factor The greatest oomint rcial nations, our i ompt titors. Jealously foster their uitjcliant marine. Perhaps nowhere is the m ed for rapid and direct mill, p-js-F'-ngt r ami freight communication quite fo crgent as between the I'nlted States nnd I-atin America We can secure In no other tii.;rt. r f the world such Imme diate benefits in friendship and com merce as would flow from the establish ment of ducit lines of communication with the countries of Initio America ade quate to meet the requirements of a rap ltilv increasing appreciation of the recl rr.ii.il dependent e of the countries of the wesi,rn hemisnhor' upon each other's products, svmpathles and assistance. "I alluded to this most imp -riant sub ject in my la-t annual message, it has often been before you ami I need not re i ipitul.tte the reasons for its recommen dation I'nltss prompt action be taken t!ie iompit:ou of the Panama canal will liiid this the only great commercial na A Quick Recovery. "It seems that prizefighters never 'come ba'k.' ".Maybe not. but 'blind tipers" do. One resumed business the other day in l.". minutes after it had been raided." Dependirg on Chance. "I wonder whf there are so many failures in the '.'orld." "Probably bc ause so many people go through life hopinc to win some day on a 100-to 1 shot." His Selection. "I am afraid to go near Sharp's house or to meet him: he has such a vicious dog for a pet." "Hut you must remember that Sharp cons'ders himself such a cynic he wouldn keep any other dog than a biting kind." Department of the Interior. Seymour Did you visit the depart ment of the interior while you were In Washington? Ashley I guess so; I was in the cafe where the congressmen eat. tion unable to avail in international mari time business of this great contribution to the means of the world's commercial In tercourse." Criticism of the Tariff. In the space devoted to the tariff the president says: "The schedules of the rates of duty In the Payne tariff act have been subjected to a great deal of criticism, some of It just, more of It unfounded, and too much misrepresentation. The act wa3 adopted In pursuance of a declaration by tho par ty which is responsible for It that cus toms bill should be a tariff for the pro tection of home Industries, the measure of the protection to lie the difference be tween the cost Vif producing the Imported, article abroad and the cost of producing It at home, together with such addition to that difference, as might give a reasonable profit to the home producer. The basis for the criticism of this tariff is that in respect to a number of the schedules tho declared measure was not followed, but a higher difference retained or Inserted by way of undue discrimination In favor of certain Industrie and manufactures. Lit tle. If any. of the criticism of the tariff has lieen directed against the protective principle above statnl; hut the main body of the criticism has been based on the at tempt to conform to the measure of pro tection was not honestly and sincerely adhered to." The president also refers to the appoint ment of a board of experts to Investigate the cost of production of various articles int hided in the schedules, of tlse tariff, and concludes: "Whether or not the protective policy Is t'l be (ontiniieil. and the degree of protec tion to be accorded to our home Indus tries, are questions which the people must decide through their chosen representa tives. Hut whatever pulley is adopted, it is cjeir that the necessary legislation :-lonld lie hasetl on an lmiiartl.il. thor ough and continuous studv of the facts." Recommends Parcels Post. The adoption of tli parcels post Is again adopted. On tills subject President Taft says: "With respect to the parcels post. I respectfully recommend lis adop tion on all rural delivery routes, and that II pounds-tln international limit be made the limit of carriage In such post. The same argument is made against the parcels post that was made against the postal savings bank- that It is Introduc ing the government Into a business wh!cl: should tie conducted by private persons nnd is paternalism. The postofllce depart ment has a great plant and a great or ganization, reaching Into the most rpinuN hamlet of the I'nlted States, and with this machinery it Is able to do a great manv things economically that If a new organisation were mtvssary it would Ua impossible to do without extravagant ex penditures." Department of Justice. Discussing the affairs of the department of justice, the president says: "I Invite especial attention to tli prose cutions under the federal law of the so called 'bucket .shops.' and of thos .schemes to defraud In which the use of the mail Is an essential part of the fraudulent conspiracy, prosecutions which have kavt-d ignorant and weak members of the public and are saving them hun dreds of millions of dollars. The viola tions of the anti-trust law present per haps the most Important litigation b--for the department, and the number of cases Hied shows the activity of the govern ment in enforcing that statute. "In a special message last vear T brought to the attention of congress the propriety and wisdom of enacting a gen eral law providing for the Incorporation of industrial and other companies engaged In interstate commerce, and I renpw my lecommendatlon in that behalf." Th crying need In the I'nlted States of cheapening the cost of litigation by simplifying Judicial procedure and ex pediting final judgment Is pointed out and action looking to correction of these evils is urged. The prerldcnt recommends an increase In tli" salaries of federal Judges. Postal Affairs. In regard to postal matters the pres dent points with pride to its present effi cient management ami the recent reduc tion In" the deficit. The present unre stricted franking privilege comes in for comment with a suggestion for the adop tion of better tiuthods for its regulation. Abolish Navy Yards. The president calls attention to certain reforms urged by the secretary of the navv which he recommends for adoption, and continues; "The st cretary of the navy has given pwiir.il i vamlnatlon to every navy yard, and h:.s studied the uses of the navv yr.rds with rtforence to the necessities of our fit et. With a tleet considerably It ss than half the size of that of the Hntish navy, we have shipyards: more than double the number, and thci are several of these shipyards expensively equipped with modern mehinory. which, after Investigation the secretary of the navy believes to be entirely useless for naval purposes, lie asks authority to abandon certain of them ami to move their machinery to other places, where It can be made of use." Speakit.g of our "foreign relations the president savs- "Purine the past yenr the foreign relations of the t'nited States have continued upon a basis of friendship and gootl understanding. "The year has Iwoti notable as witness ing the pacific settlement of two imp r lant international controversies before the jiermanent court i f The Hague. "The arbitration of the lliieries dispute ln-twccti the I'nlted S'ates and CSrcat Ttritain. wnich lias kt-n the source of nearly continuous diplomatic correspond ence since the fisjierit.s convention of 1st', has given an award whith Is satisfactory to both parties. This arbitration is par ticularly noteworthy not only because of tl.e eminently Just results secured, but also because it is the first arbitration held under the gem ral arbitration treaty of April 4, lf". between the I'nlted Stat a and Great llritaln. ami disposes of a con troversy the sett h meat of which has re sisted every oth"r rtsonrc" of diplomacy ami vvhlth for nearly ninety ears has been the cause of friction lietween two countries, whose common interest Pes in m-tintalnlng the most friendly anil cordial relations with each other. President Taft makes a few recommen dations lor changes In the Interstate com merce law and says: "Kst ept as above. I do nit recommend any amendment to the int-rstate com merce law as It stands. I do not invr recommend any amendment to the anti trust law. In other words, it seem-: to me wiai me exi-simg iegisl ition with n ft rence to the regulation of corpora tions antl the restraint of their business has reached a point w litre we can stop for a wlille antl v.-!tr..s the effect of the vigorous execution f the l-jxnt of the statute ! ooks in restraining the abuses which .ertainlv did xist and which roused the public to dtn-.and reform." Bound to Make a Hit. Willis So the play will appeal to all classes? Gillis Yes. indeed. It's three-quarters full o: up-to-date slang to catch the young people, and one quarter full of old. reliable cuss words to get the old fellows. Puck. A Contrary Way. "An acrobat goes against all re ceived ideas of making a living " "Win?" - i "Because ho supports his family by I the reverses in his business." It Wss Not Fair. A fight in a restaurant was caused by the customer offering to pay for two fried eggs he had ordered if the proprietor would eat them. That was an unfair proposition. A man may keep a restaurant, but he isn't com pelled to eat there. Its Nature. "I wonder why a wheel is counted among the sources of energetic pow er?" "Why shouldn't It be?" "Why, isn't it always tired?" M3)ML01 by WILBUR D NEPBIT Qjeafy Hai&s Skp conies to weary fingers first of all. Though o'er the drowsy ejes the lashca fall And soothing peace sweep? Ir. upon the soul An though the vast eternr.1 ocesn wide t'anu; In a silent, heart-cntliralllnir tide Upon whose breast no crashing billows roIL Sometimes It sretm that iCt creep in and stands And pityingly holds us h- the hands While day's hard tasks sl'li linger In the mind Biit softly He the fingers wati and worn With all the heavy burdmi thry have borne, Fr sleep Is ever sweet am, ever kind. How gently fall the finders that ar lired A weary of the quest of things desired. Aweary of the latKira r.f the day They clutch at sleep insensibly: and rest Comes to them in a portion doubly blest And toil and task are half a world away. O. weary hands all over all the earth The hands thut do the work that Is ot worth. Or calloused hands, or hands .oth white and small When night semis us her mystic lullabies That whisper in the murmur of the breeze. Sleep comes to weary fingers first of all. Conundrum Man at Home. The man with the chenille whiskers sat at bis library table in his home, casting up his accounts and endeavor ing to ascertain how much money he would have left after they were paid. Across the table sat his fond wife, who had just announced the completion of her plans for a trip to the seaside. With a long-drawn sigh the man with the chenille whiskers looked up and asked his wife: "What is the difference between you and me?" "Why or course, we are one. but. then, you will acknowledge that my family "You are going away for the sum mer and I am summing a way for the goer." Interrupted the husband. With pale face and sr-t lip.0 the fond v.ife wrote to her mother that she feared John's constant work was af fecting his mind. Unchanged. "Yes." says the advanced farmer, who really should be called an agri culturist, "there has been a vast change In the methods of those who tiil the soil. As an instance, now adays we have machines that cut. thrash and sack the wheat, whereas In other years we cradled it." The visitor nods understandlngiy. but sas-s: "Yet I believe there has not been such great progress in other branches of agriculture. Am I not right in rr.y opinion that you still put corn in a crib?" Deceitful Men. "My dear child, you cannot believe what the men say. Why, when I was your age five men told me that if I would not marry them they would drown themselves." "And did they?" "Not one cf them. Tiiey al! go: married and the only one of them that ever told me he meant the threat was my husband. He said ho wished he had carried it out." Looking Forward. Sound a JattiMo on the drum. Hrins; the cracker ami tho bomb Sliow how much you love your Kind. Atiil you boor, may have a hand Shy two fingers nnil a thumb. Repartee. "They say that we are what we eat." observes the young man who is striving to be the life and joy of the occasion to the young woman whos hair is a pronounced shade of auburn "I have heard so." she replies. "Then, judging from yor.r hair, you must be fond of carrots." "Possibly." she smiles, with that subdued sweetness of tou which in dicatcs a raging volcano southing un dcr the placid countenance. "Pos-1 bly. and. judging by your nead and its apparent contents, you must have brer, overly fond of pumpkins all you: life r Encouraging Him. "Do you think," asks the young man. with some diffidence, "do you think a man should marry a woman who is older than he is?" At this the coy young thing drew herself up dignifiedly. "The idea!" she exclaimed. "I'm five years younger than you, if I'm a day." laHHHHIHMM $3.50 RECIFE CURES WEAK K10HEYS, FREE RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAIN ING, SWELLING, ETC. Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't it be nice within a week or so to begin to say goodbye forever to the scalding, dribbling, straining, or too fre quent passage of urine; the forehead and the back-of-thc-hcad aches; the stitches and pains In tho back; the growing mus cle weakness; spots before the eyes; yel low skin; sluggish bowels; swollen eye lids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and tho de spondency? I have a reclpo for these troubles that you can depend on, and If you want to make a QUICK RECOVERY, you ought to write and get a copy of it. Many a doctor would charge you $3.50 Just for writing this prescription, but I have It and will be glad to send it to you entire ly free. Jit't drop me a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, K-2 Luck Buildln?, Detroit, Mich., nnd I will send It by re turn mail in a plain envelope. As you will Eec wl.on you get It, this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but It has great healing nnd pain-conquering power. It will quickly show its power once you use it. so I think you had better sec what It Is without delay. I will send you a ccpy free you can use It and cure your self at home. MERELY A THEORY. - Landlady Dear me! What a pe culiar odor! It smells like a piece of burning rubber. Sarcastic Boarder Perhaps. The cook has dropped a piece of the steak on the stove. 16 YEARS OF SKIN DISEASE "For sixteen long years I have been suffering with a bad case cf skin dis ease. While a child there broke out a red sore on the legs just in back of my knro.s. It waxed from bad to worse, and at last I haw 1 had a bad skin disease. I tried many widely known doctors In different cities but to no satisfactory result. The plague both ered mo more in warm weather than In winter and being on my leg joints it made it impossible for me to walk, and I was forced to stay indoors in tho warmest weather. My hopes of recov ery were by this time spent Sk-eplcss nights and restless days made life an unbearable burden. At last I wa3 advised to try th- Cuticiira remedies LCuticura Soap. Ointment and Pills and I did not need more than a trial to convince me that I was on the road of success this time. 1 bought two rets of the Cutlciira Remedies and : cftcr these were gone I was a differ ent map entirely. I am now the hap- j picst man that there is at least one : true care for skin diseases. Leonard A. Hawtof, 11 Nostrand Ave., Brook lyn, X .Y.. July 30 and Aug. S, 0?." Some Consolation. Mrs- (Jrnmcrrj-- My husband Is I anxious to got rid of me. Mrs. Park Don't cry. dear, in that catc he won't haggle over the ali-monj- Smart Set. One Thing That Will Live Forever, , P2-rrriTs kyi: sai.vk. fut bo wid in . 1S07. 100 j'ar ac. m1, - iniTM- yenrlv. Ail dn!cg:-ls or Howard Iiros..Ilunalo.V ' A man ought to know a groat deal I to acquire a Knowledge of the im mensity of his ignorauce. Lord Pal morston Make the Liver Do its Duly Nsec times m tea wKen tbe liver it rt Am toaach aad bowel are ngbt CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ceuliybHt6rmly fcrmtoiffiMCARTER5 Cure Con tipalioa. Indiffi tioo. Sick Headache, sn3 Distress after Fating. Small PiU, SeuM Dos. Small Price Genuine ai Signature RKEUMATiSMimoGGlIT PROMPTLY RELIEVES BY SAFE&EFFECTIVE50&$1. L'rtUltbiaTS. OH S3 HENRY ST. OROOKLYN.M.V. MISTLETOE Sprlcs nnl tiraiti- if iuit!rti.-, at n:nJl"Tri"IorXrc.nN I 'Proration. I'aper bosvn 40 by mail prrpaiti Hnn.l crate Toe 1- Tprr prejiaiil. bt:imp or kilvcr. L. S. KEVilCOTT. Yitita. Tews, i AGENTS s.ntotJ In rrery town. Jin oppor tunity to am hlgrotiner. Kc!uM torriuirj' N"XinMi'necCT,arj auiiiii:r.i.,;ui;c2tfc.M.,iiur PATENTS Warara E.CoTcaitta,w&b Inrrn 1)1! Uijrir' n:.. cat nfenosa Cert xasuit. ' 11 Mfi h IMW igM Carters BT 4H....4MalBBBBBBr' BBBBBSS B-BP- ilirBfcr iiver JgCK PILLS. &&&?&? Si PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CalafaiawaaoMeMarawallMlafcalaraMttnaitTattcrara. aatOeaacfcaat eatanaNfAais. Tfc ATafc-i1n 'iirr aitn .ihi i . taaranafaiaTiat ijaaiaa, aam r4atarlrwaaUat riataDw.itaacJiaaaatoOla. mm mar ao"" It..t NOT PAGE FROM A ROMANCE Conversat.on, However. Reads a Whole i-ot More Like a Scene in Real Life. "And so your father refuses to con sent to our union?' "He does, Rodolphus." The sad youth swallowed a sob. "Is there nothing left for us. then. but an elopement?" 'said he. "Nothing." "Do you think, Clementine, that you could abandon this luxurious borne, forget all tho enjoyments ot great wealth, banish yourself forever from your devoted parents' hearts, and so west with a poor young man to enter a home of lifelong r.overty and self denial?" "I could. Rodolphus." The sad youth rose wearily aad reached for his bat. "Then." said he, "you are far from being the practical girl I have all along taken you to be." And with one last look around on the sumptuousness that some day he had hoped to share, he sobbed and said farewell. Browning's Magazine. Was All Right. Howard Did you telephone Mrs. Howard that I would be detained at the office until midnight? Office Boy Yes, sir. "And what did she say?" "Said she didn't blame you she had made an engagement to go to the the ater tonight herself." Smart Set. To Put It Mildly. . "They say he has a swelled head. "I must admit that he seems to ap- - - : predate himself very much." W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. M-tlM. MUNYON'S Eminent Doctors at Your Service Free FOR FULLEST MEDICAL If jou are in doubt as to the of medical advice, address a letter ists, and they will send you an examination blank, -which you will ill and return to them. They will what to do, absolutely free of charge. You do not put yourseir m anv obligation to them, and- they will not feel hurt if you do not fo fheir advice. If thcV nrescribe take tno treatmenr, it goes wiin a guarantee ui tuiutuuiuuu w refunded. Address Jfunyon'a Doctors, Mnnyon's Laboraf orioa, 63d & Jeff Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. V i ff f C - L- People Who Work Indoors With Their Hands ists, hour logs ture quickly gives beat, and with one filing of the font burns steadily for ahto fcaarav. without smoke or smell. Has ami a tlc-lochtsifi flaaic aider whkll prevents the vick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to reawa and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned. It has - mper top and cool handle. Indicator always shows the tmmmB of oil in the font. The 6' -cap does not need to be screwed down ; it is awl Jm like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain, and cannot get C The burner bodv or eallenr eannot In construction, and consequently, it instant tor rewicKing. Toe perfection ouraoie, weu-maae, built for service, Dtc'trt BjtrymktTi. If ret et EUREKA HARNESS OIL - w w ikm martti egracy y rr v- Jw Standard Oil Company k i Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVEN-READY TIN CILEN It specially selected for any need In tb home. Saves tools from rusting. Cancaav not break. Does not gum or become ranckL i 1WE5155S9 li ' BCSnrjESty W BnbrsEnmrin a t - " n M5H PARKER'S I, 531 HAIR BALSAM I V&HCtMnw. awl bttntiiUa tb bait. I IRaVO.-BMMaTar nil to BMtor Or I KYptr'aMal " to Ita YowttTal ObIctT I SBKaBlaaBBCan. :p dimna balr falls. iMI t Ml mz.miu-'iwc ATaKKJm Tb humble man never Is vorthleso or lie would ha ing worth being numoie aw- t : c:io tt.'mVr cives a he waBts, a neli, mciiow-tastiag It's easy making money an mastering IL To Keep Well During Winl is a very hard task anv man or WOl whose system har come weakened on rrkiinf- rif finme ilfnea the stomach, liver fwrarola It is to f wAifi fi Hructrttes'a Stomach Bitters wiHap- peai -very luiwwjf w raiiA it wilt fofeie flflfl strengthen the organs erf digestion, make pfcflty m . 4 , . wf ,.1 oi ncn, warm oiowan rhno nrpvpnt efltlta. Golds and Grippe. A trial tndav will ramriare you of its merit. A0 Druggists and Ueaseoi oneui wpKii EXAMINATION BY MM. cause of your disease, or feel ike 1 to Munycnfl staff, of eminent apt then diagnose your case ana fen Munvon'a Bemedies and you derife fc . A& M m& jfc. 9 . M T m a onM ad hose Seamstresses, watch-makers. draughtsmen, and manyotben cannot properly nandle tnelr ft with cold, stiff hands. Many a 1 or two on cold winter results from the delayed of furnace or stove. t The Perfection Oil Heater hi a few minutes gives the tempera that assures the worker hands and pliable muscles. RFECT10 9HV jfsWhfrfj become wedzed. because of a new i can always be easily unscrewed lac is nnisned in japan or nickel, u : and yet ugnt ana ornaasentaL years, write for JuerfriCm 1 Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal STANDARD OIL GOMTAJHr ST&TOstKD V,lh COMrAZIT. (lunrj.ruted) AXLE OHEftSE Ket-jis the spindle bright fret from grit. Try a. be. Sold by dtsJcrs everywbews. STANDARD OIL CO, UamiciaaTI laMililaCTHlmaii Allen's Lhcrrina Mo.! -.Ta7777iil!T " - rmmr taB WUNaVVCCVlaTYaWllafaBaL Pfn,tatoB"''Viice-iiIJWm. )""" J-r.iiia.BM.