The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 14, 1910, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Personal, Political, Foreign and Other
Intelligence Interesting to the
General Reader.
The immigration commission fa
vors -more rigid tests for the admis
sion of foreigners to the United
The Uniteil States supreme court
held that the dismissal of counts
against F. Augustus lteinze was too
Jack Abernathy. United States mar
shal for Oklahoma, an appointee of
President Roosevelt, came to Wash
ington and handed his resignation to
Attorney General Wickersham.
Charges have been preferred against
the marshal, the nature of which
could not be learned.
President Taft's recommendation in
his annual message to congress rela
tive to the guaranteeing of through
cotton hills of lading lias stirred up
a furore among the cotton interests
of the south. They assert that the
president's suggested plan would re
sult in a heavy tax uion this indus
try. General Estrada, the provisional
president or Nicaragua, shortly will
Issue a decree inviting ail Nlca
raguan exiles to return to their coun
try. This information reached the
state department in a telegram from
Thomas P. Moffatt. American consul.
Ir. Moffatt said the political situa
iion continues to improve.
information from an efficient, if not
absolutely authoritative, source indi
cates that President Taft has deter
mined upon two new iniMiibers of the
new court of commerce. They are
Judge Charles A. Prouty of Vermont
and Franklin K. Lane of California,
both of whom now are members of
the interstate commerce commission.
Representative James' A. Tawney of
Minnesota, chairman of the appropri
ations committee, believes it will be
necessary to hold an extra session of
congress. "It is doubtful whether
even the regular appropriation bill
can be passed at this session," said
2Hr. Tawney. He said it will take
at least forty-five days to pass the
regular appropriation bills.
Officers of tht .tiucrlcan navy were
guests of the lord mayor of London.
Two reports are to be submitted to
congress on the l'allinger-Pinchot
Mrs. Mary Raker (I. Eddy, founder
of the Christian science church, is
Robert Peary says he will not at
tempt another expedition lo antartic
A chauge in Roman Catholic
church law has been promulgated by
the pope.
All the retiring directors were re
elected at the annual meeting of the
stockholders and policyholders of the
Equitable Life Assurance society.
Vice President Sherman has been
chosen chancellor of the board of re
gents of the Smithsonian institution.
to succeed the late Chief Justice Ful
ler. The reichstag passed the second
section of the bill establishing labor
chambers composed equally of rep
resentatives of the employers and of
the laborers to settle labor questions.
Eugene IL Hurr. of New York, one
of the members of Iturr Hros. (inc.),
recently raided by federal authorities,
was named as co-respondent in a di
vorce suit in which the plaintiff,
James Harden, was awarded an ab
solute divorce from his wife.
A. E. Standon. of Chicago, went to
the little town of Elsberry. oM.. hunt
ed up R- O. Sharp and paid him $000,
an amount lie had borrowed twenty
three years ago to go into business
which proved unsuccessful. The
note had long since been destroyed.
Census returnr indicate that the
United States has a population of
about 91.000.000 people.
The French chamber of deputies
unanimously voted an appropriation
of $1,100,000 for the relief of Hood
Figures of the Nebraska state rail
way commission show that the state
has had a healthy growth in trade
during the last three years.
Representative Champ Clark, pro
spective speaker of the house, who
presented President Taft with two
luscious red apples, also gave two to
Speaker Cannon.
The population of the state or
Marvland is 1.294.450 according to the
statistics of the thirteenth census.
Captain C. R. T. Moore was ap
pointed by Secretary .Meyer com
mander of the naval training station
at San Francisco.
An engine on the Denver &. -uo
Grande railroad exploded near Soldier
summit, Utah, killing the engineer,
fireman and brakeman.
The first Alaska overland mail of
the vear arrived in Nome from Fair
banks. This is a record J or early de
livery after the close of navigation in
Bering sea.
Two counties of Virginia voted is
sues of bonds aggregating 51.000.000
for highway improvement.
Retire?" exclaimed Senator Till
man, repeating an inquiry. "1 shall
not retire until they bury me; I have
no, idea of quitting the game."
The building trades department of
the American federation of labor se
lected Atlanta, Ga.. as the meeting
Place for next year's convention.
Colonel Ransdell. sergeant-at-arms
the United States senate, placed
orers Tnr fn., ..,..- .l,t-, K rto-
nit v by lhe senators of Arizona
- - uj uie sei
Kew Mexico.
The total corn product In Ohio this!
season was 105,512,245 bushels.
Congressman Tawney is said to be
opposed to fortification of the canal.
It is likely that the holiday recess!
of congress will be abbreviated this
Francis II. Burr, former captain of;
the Harvard foot ball tearr, is criti
cally ill with typhoid fever in Ilos
ton. Jack Abernathy, United States mar.
shal for Oklahoma, tendered-his res
ignation. Opposition to the proposed new
navy was defeated in the Canadian
Plans are on foot for an attack on
the validity of the two-cent fare law
in Iowa and Illinois.
Justice V. D. Beard of the Tennes
see supreme court dropped dead in
a hotel at Nashville.
President Taft is conferring with,
congressmen on coming appointments
to the supreme court.
Announcement was made of a gift
of $100,000 to the John Hopkins uni
versity endowment fund.
The Ballinger-Pinchot congression
al committee gave the secretary of
tlie interior a clean bill.
The conservatives made a supreme
effort to eliminate the recall from the
Arizona constitution, but failed.
Balloting thus far in Great Britain
shows that in the unionist opposition
cannot control the next parliament.
With the exception of Latta. the
Nebraska delegation favors depriving
the speaker of the house of his power.
The Peruvian government has no
interest in any steamship line to be
established between New York and
Eugene R. Cox declares the Chris
tian Science church will contnue to
run smoothly, notwithstanding the
death of Mrs. Eddy.
The fourth division of the United
States Atlantic Jleet under command
of Captain Thomas B. Howard tailed
for Gravesend, England.
At Passiae. N. J., Charles Jerome
Coleman, former millionaire and mus
ical celebrity, was found dead in his
room, a suicide from gas.
First Officer T. Cheethan of the
Great Northern liner Minnesota was
arrested hj- custom inspectors on a
charge of smuggling opium.
Mis:; Mary Holbrook. many years a
missionao for the American board in
China and Japan, died Friday at the
home of her brother in East Haven,
Tlie board of directors of the Hock
ing Valley Railroad conipan de
clared the regular semi-annual divi
dent of 2 per cent on the common
Senator Stone of Missouri has been
appointed to fill the vacancy on the
senate committee on finance, created
by the death of Senator Daniel of
Fainting as lie leaned out of nn
open window of the Society for Sav
ings building ex-Common Pleas Judge
Conway W. Noble, sixty-tight years
old, of Cleveland. O., fell seven stories
to the street below and was killed.
United States marshals seized 5,01)0
pounds of "canned eggs" shipped into
Chicago. United States District At
torney Simms said that a test of one
tcaspoonful of the substance showed
tlie presence of 34,000,000 bacteria.
Senator Elmer J. Burkett of Ne- ;
braska. who has been mentioned in
connection with the presidency of a
national bank in Washington, laughed
at the idea that he intended to be
come a permanent resident of Wash
ington. Four men blew open the Farmers'
bank at Garden City, Iowa, with dy
namite, getting $1,800. A citizen
named Nessna was awakened by the
explosion and began firing at the
robbers with a shotgun. The rol
bcrs escaped.
Defects in the administration of
the New Orleans customs are to be
remedied by the treasury department
as the result of criticisms which a
federal grand jury made after investi
gating the importation of laces and
embroidery at that port.
.Many farmers through Reno and
adjoining counties in Kansas are
burning off tneir farms, destroying
tlie bunch grass and endeavoring to
kill the chinch bugs. It is claimed
that 75 per cent of the chinch bugs
may be destroyed in this manner.
On the eve of the annual meeting
of the American Red Cross in Wash
ington. President Taft. who is presi
dent, received word that New York
city has completed its subscription of
$500,00o. apportioned to it on tlie
basis of 10 cents per capita popula
tion for the $2,000,000 endowment
fund of the society.
Gifts aggregating $1S6,u00 rccently
have been made to Columbia univer
sity, according to an announcement
by the trustees. The giver of $100,
000 is anonymous.
The title held by Mrs. Eddy is ex
pected to die with her.
Ur. Cook says a man cannot really
tell if he has found the north pole.
Secretary Dickinson made a report
of his recent visit to the Philippines.
Benjamin F. Tillman says he has
no intention of retiring from the sen
ate. Secretary MacVeagh submitted his
estimates on what it will require to
run the government.
The remains of Mrs. M:ry Baker
Eddy v ill rest in Mount Auburn cem
etery at Cambridge. Mass.
Unionists or Great Britain have
united on the Balfour referendum
A bronze statue in memory of the
late Sir Henry Irving was unveiled
at London.
Governor-elect Euuene N. Fos of
Massachusetts announced that his re
signation as a representative in con
gress would take effect en January 5.
Heads of the Cudahy department
will remove from Omnhavto Chicago.
Alleged violators of the Sherman j
antitrust Jaws were mulcted at Sa
vannah. Ga.
Governor-elect Aldrich of Nebraska
has already made a number of ap
pointments. With his message out of the way.
President Taft is turning his atten
tion to vacancies in the supreme
At the age of 108 years Martha
Gammons has been declared to be
sane in the Howard county circuit
court at Kokomo, Ind.
1011 ON
"Accuracy" Reduced Western Union'
Surplus $13,0C0,CC0. "Publicity
Inspired Such Confidence That
Its Stock Went Up.
Are the great financiers of the
country beginning to see a new light?
Time was, until recently in facL when
the men at the head of the big cor
porations "kept their business to
themselves." as far as the law would
allow. Capable men at the head of the
big concerns, long realized the weak
ness of their position, but what was
needed obviously, as in all great re
forms, was an unmistakable occasion
and a courageous man. The occasion
arose in the purchase of the Western
Union Telegraph company by the
American Telephone and Telegraph
company, and the man appeared in
Theodore N. Vail. President of the
purchasing corporation.
It was last December when public
announcement was made that the
Gould holdings of Western Union had
been taken over by the Telephone
On account of the high esteem ill
which the management of tlie tele
phone company Is so generally held,
great things were predicted as a re
sult of the absorption of Wester
Union. By the press of the country
the "deal" was most favorably com
mented on, it being widely pointed
out that under the direction of such
sen as Theodore N. Vail and his as
seriates, the telegraph company was
bound soon to work itself into a po
sition where it could offer the public
far more efiick-nt service than It had
ever before been able to offer.
But a very few months had elapsed
when it became apparent to the new
management that a modern and up-to-date
appraisal of the company's
assets would make possible a far
greater degree of efficiency of oper
ation. "Here," they said to them
selves, "we've bought control of this
property and we know it's Immensely
valuable, but we don't know just
how valuable. These appraisals of
real estate and securities owned weie
made a long time ago. If we have
a complete Inventory made of every
thing we've got we can announce the
facts to the public, start a new set of
books, and begin our responsibility
to stockholders right there."
How Inventory Was Taken.
The most expert accountants and
appraisers to be had were put at the
task. Their labors lasted over eight
months. Their report and Its publi
cation by the company marks an ep
och in finance.
It began by recomnn nding an ad
justment of the difference between
lhe appraised and book values by a
charge of $5,593,09 against sur
plus. Hook values of securities held
were reduced to market values, bad
and doubtful accounts were "charg
ed off." an allowance of $2,000,000
was made for "depreciation," another
of $500,000 for "reserve." and so on.
until the old surplus of $1SG7,000
came down to $5,100,000.
It required courage, the publication
of this statement to si ockholders, say
ing in effect: "The property of
your company has been reval
ued: the surplus isn't nineteen mill
ions, as you have been led to be
lieve, but five millions," but It was
the truth, and President Vail did not
flinch. 'Accuracy and publicity," he
doiiarcd. was essential. "The stock
holder has a right to know. The
shares of this company are scatter
ed Irom one end of the Union to the
ether. This is more than a private
corporation. It is a great national
enterprise. The public is entitled to
the facts."
The report was ordered published
forthwith. Financiers cf the old
school and speculators generally were
aghast. What would happen? Would
tlie bottom drop out or Western
Union when the shareholders realiz
ed that their propetry was worth
$1.!.000.000 less than they had sup
posed? But the amazing thing
happened. The stock went up and
stayed up. The public had respond
ed to this remarkable display of
frankness and confidence; to the new
motto. "Accuracy and Publicity."
The fnil significance of the action
of the new board is stated concisely
by Harper's Weekly in ihc-e words:
' 's this policy of publicity and of
open-handed dealing with sharehold
ers and public the forerunner of a
similar movement on the part of oth
er big corporations? Certainly it is
to be hoped that it is. In the case
of these big companies, dependent
upon public patronage and doing busi
ness under public franchise, can
there be any question of tlie right of
the people to know?
"That right is being recognized.
It is recognized now in this epochal
act on the part of the telephone and
telegraph interests. It is the dawn
of a new era in corporation finance."
Soothed Boston Babe.
The Boston inlant was restless and
peevish. Its nurse had crooned
"RocI:-a-by. baby, on the tree top.
when the wind blows the cradle will
rock." a long time in vain. The babe
would not fall under its influence
Then its fond mother sang to it gen
tly: "The vibrating atmosphere
causes the soporific receptacle where
in the Uabe lies ensconced tooscillate
in tiie arboreal apex -." No need to
chant further. Instantly soothed, the
babe, with a satisfied smile, lei! away
in slumber.
A Modern Problem.
The paragraphers are still keeping
in circulation that paragraph about
the judge who ruled a man need not
support his mother-in-law. What is
it. impecuniosity, tight-waddedness or
just pure cussedness?
Complimentary References.
The way El Diario del Hogar talks
about us as "giants of the dollar, pig
mies of culture and barbarous whites
of the north" is almost as bad as
Rome of the things we say about each
other during a hot campaign.
"Tcu are an optimist?"
-I am," replied Mr. Dustln Stax. "I
cot only hope for the best, but I make
rractlcal arrangements to get It"
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free
To oulckly Introduce the btssest and
test farm Journal In the West, we make
this special 20 day bargain offer: Send 19
cents for trial 3 months subscription and
we will Rive you free our collection of If
very finest Gold Embossed Christmas post
cards. Nebraska Farm Journal. 3U
Itarntte Bulldins. Omaha. Neb.
Acme of Cautiousness.
Seyirour Young Ticer looks like a
cautious man.
Ashley He is cautious; he's so cau
tious that he wouldn't ask the pret
tiest girl in all the-world to let him
tee her home unless he had learned
how far sway she lived.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tie leaders ot this paper will fee pleased to
Matt there M at least ono dreaded abeam mat sneoca
fau bcea sbis to cure ta an tta stages, aad that a
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure li the only poaiUte
care sow knows to the inert teal fraternity. Catarrh
betas a constitutional disease, requires a eonstito
tlonal trtatmect. IHUis Catarrh Cure Is takes In
ternally, actio directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces ot the system, thereby destroytas the
foundation ot the disease, and ctTinc the patient
atresctb by bulkitnc up the contututlea and astat
ine nature In dotnc its work. The proprietor bars
so much faith la Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars (or any rasa that It lalla to
cure. Send for liat of teiUmonlals-
Addms K. J. CHENEY CO- Toledo. O.
Sokl br all Drueslsts. 7Sc
Take Hall's Family Puis for consftpstica.
Saw Only Physical Idea.
Ono of his friends once asked Mr.
Darwin's gardener about -his master's
health, and how be had been lately.
"Oh!" he said, "my poor master has
been very sadly. 1 often wish he
bad something to do. He moons about
In the garden, and I have seen him
stand doing nothing before a flower
for ten minutes at a time. If he only
had something to do I real believe
he would be better."
Significance In Names.
In an Illinois town a workingman
having been informed that a sixth
baby had arrived 'at. his home, ex
claimed: "Sufficient." and his neigh
bors, referring to his having given
that name Sufficient to the new
arrival, credited him with originality.
The Incident resembles a case nearer
home, adds the New York Tribune.
A New York family was blessed with
nine daughters, when the stork
brought a tenth one. It was in the
days when the slang term for an oft
told story was a "chestnut," and as
the baby certainly came under that
head she received the name, but for
euphony's sake the French for tha
word was. employed nd she was
called Marron.
Benny on Benevolence.
Benevolence is a great thing. When
you have benevolence you cannot rest
until you do something to make other
people feel grateful to you. The other
day my mamma went up into the attic
to find a lot of old clothes to give
to poor people who could not afford to
buy any clothing for themselves. While
she was hunting around she found a
gold-headed cane worth $25 that
grandpa had put up there 18 years
ago, and forgot all about. Thus we
see, dear friends, benevolence brings
its own reward. Denny.
Mrs. Crw William, have you ever
stopped to think what will become of
us when we are old?
Mr. Crow Oh! I suppose wee'll
wind up as quail on toast at some ta
ble d'hote restaurant.
Dyspepsia, Indiges'.ion, Sourness, Gas
and All Stomach Misery Ended
In Five Minutes.
This harmless preparation will
promptly digest anything you eat and
overcome a sick, sour, gassy or out-of-order
stomach within five minutes.
If your meals don't fit comfortably,
or what you eat lies like a lump of
lead In your stomach, or if you have
heartburn.that is a sign of Indigestion.
Get from any drug store here in
town a 50-cent case of Papc's Diapep
sin and take a dose just as soon as
you can. There will be no sour ris
ings, no belching of undigested food
mixed with acid, no stomach gas or
heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling
in the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating
Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal
griping. This will all go. and, besides,
there will be no sour food left over
in the stomach to poison your breath
with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain regula
tor for out-of-order stomachs, and be
sides it takes hold of your food and
digests it just the same as if your
stomach wasn't there.
These large 50-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to thoroughly
curq any case of Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion or any other stomach disorder.
Remember, if your stomach feels
out of order and uncomfortable now,
you can get relief in five minutes by
taking a little Diapepsin.
Putting in the Time.
A gentleman was engaging a gen
eral man and telling him what h
wanted him to do. "You will have to
clean the windows and the boots and
the knives and go messages, chop
wood, cut short grass, mind the horse
and pony. look after the garden and
keep the house supplied with vege
tables and do any odd job that is re
quired and if suitable you will get
ten shillings a week."
"Is there any clay in the garden?"
asked the man.
"What makes you ask that?" asked
the gentleman.
"I was thinking I could make bricks
1b my spare time," said the maa,
List Completed with Exception of z
Few States Where Total Figures
Are Lacking.
Washington. When announced by
the census bureau at noon Saturday
the total population of the United
States will le show to approximate
This computation covers all the
states, except Georgia. Montana.
Washington .Wisconsin and Wyoming
the figures on most of which Director
Durand has decided to withhold un
til the total returns for the country at
large are announced.
The states, so far given, have an
iggregate population of 0.",::2,723.
is an increase of 20.4 per cent over
the aggregate population contained by
the same states in 1900.
The few states not included in the
(imputation had an aggregate popula
tion of r.i::9.UU0 in 1900. If they main
tain the growth of the other states,
their aggregate will be brought up to
B.1SG.774. giving a grand total for the
I'nited States of 91.849,50".
Even if there should be -aa gain at
ill. the total would bo 90,302.061.
Washington is expected to show an
increase of almost 100 per cent and
Georgia is counted on to sustain tnc
average, but while Wisconsin prob
ably will score a gain, it is not be
lieved it will reach 20 per cent.
There is no doubt that the total
will be over 91.0o0.000. The compu
tation i-i confined to the United
States proper and excludes all posses
sions. Tlie population of Georgia. Wiscon
sin. Washington and Montana, the
only states for which figures have
not yet been announced will be made
public at 12 o'clock noon, tomorrow,
together with the total population of
the United States.
Thu population of the state of New
Jersey is 2,5:17,107. according to the
statistics of the thirteenth census to
day. This is an increase or 633.49S.
or P.4.7 per cent over 1.8S::,6u9 in 1900.
The increase from 1S90 to 1900 was
42S.7o, or ."0.4 per cent.
The population of the state of Wyo
ming is 1 15.905. an increase of 5::.4"4,
or 57.7 per cent over 92.5:11 in 1900.
Tiie Increase from 1890 to 1900 was
'9.976, or 47.9 per cent.
The territory of Alaska has 61.356.
an Increase of 1.761. or per cent
over 6::.592 in 1900. The increase
from 1890 to 1900 was ::i,540 or 9S.4
;icr cent.
The city of Honolulu. II. I., has a
population of 52.18:;. This is an in
crease of 12.877, or 32.S per cent over
39,300 in 1900.
The population of Taconia. Wash.,
is S3.743. according to revised fig
ares. This is an Increase of 40.029.
or 122 per cent over 37.714 in 1900.
Tlie first announcement or Tacoma's
population in the thirteenth census
credited the city with S2.972 inhabi
tants, or 771 less than today's re
vised figures.
John Cudahy Seriously III.
I.os Angeles. John Cudahy. mil
iionaire packer, who arrived here
rrom Chicago seriously ill. has been
confined to his bed all day. Many
Triends have sent cards, but are not
allowed to see him.
Must Return to the Scene of His
Washington. Secretary Knox to
day granted the request of Italy for
the surrender of Porter Charleton.
charged with the murder of his wife
at I.ake Como. The secretary holds
that the fact that Italy refuses to sur
render its citizens to the United
States for trial does not relieve this
country from the obligation of the ex
tradition treaty to surreuder to Italy
fugitives from justice from that
country. The question of the sanity
or Charlton, it is suggested, is the
ror the courts and not for the depart
ment of justice:
Wallace F. Randolph, Former Chief
of Coast Artillery.
Washington Surrendering, it is be
lieved, to a fit of despondency, caused
by protracted illness. .Major General
Wallace F. Randolph. U. S. A., re
tired, veteran of the civil and Spanish
wars and former chief of artillery,
shot and killed himself in the bath
room of his home here. The revolver
bullet penetrated the brain and deatli
was instantaneous. General Randolph
was a native of Pennsylvania.
Water Ways Bill.
Washington. A total cf $21,S04.Si;i
in cash for 1912 appropriations and
$9,514,36:?. for contracts authorized for
the years subsequent to 1912 is car
ried in the rivers and harbors bill re
ported to th2 house by the rivers and
harbors committee.
Miners Entombed.
Vancouver. II. C. Sixty miners
have been entombed in the Itluebird
colliery at Frank. Alberta, as a result
of an explosion.
Panama Canal Bond Issue.
Washington. Machinery was set ir.
motion Friday to provide for an Is
sue or Panama canal bonds to end
a drain upon the working balance of
the treasury which now threatens a
deficit. Secretary or the Treasury
MacVeagh had a hong conference on
the subject with Senator Aldrich
chairman of the senate committee on
It was said that complications had
arisen and that further legislation
would be necessary if the proposed
new securities are to find a market
Farmer Accidentally Killed.
Pawnee County. Jert Hall, a far
aier living southwest of Pawnee City.
met with" an accident that resulted In
ais death. He fell from a horse, frac
turing his skull.
Wymore to Own Plants.
At a special election held in Wy
more. the bond proposition of $37,
J00 for a new waterworks system
carried by a majority of 345, while
Jie electric light bonds carried by
i majority of 280.
Union Pacific Agent Killed.
S. E. Turner. Union Pacific station
lsent at Devil's Slide station, some
aiiles east of Ogden. Utah, was shot
ind killed by bandits. The money in
:he safe of that station and some val
uables of Turner's were taken.
Request for Motor Service to Ord.
Hall County. An effort is being
made to secure a motor car passen
ger service from Grand Island to
Ord on the Union Pacific's branch, in
addition to the present service of
two trains a day, one of which is a
mixed train.
Held for Trial.
Buffalo County. Ed Leigh of Shel
ton. accused of assault of Id'ell Hens
ley, the 8-year-old daughter of his
boardiug house keeper, was ar
raigned In county court and given
preliminary hearing. He pleaded not
guilty, but was held for trial.
Dead in India.
Adams County. A cablegram was
received in Hastings announcing the
ieath of Mrs. W. Montgomery at Ko
lar. India. The Montgomery's were
3ld settlers and pioneers of Adams
county and removed to Corona, Cal..
x few years" ago, where Mr. Montgom
ery died.
Fremont Census Shows Gain.
Dodge County. Census Director
Hayes of Central City has just given
out the iMjpulation of Fremont under
the census of 1910. The population
of Fremont is 9.115, an Increase of
25 per cent in ten years. Ily the
census of 1900 Fremont had a popu
lation of 7.241.
W. J. Vosburg Is Injured.
Buffalo County. W. J. Vosburg. a
prominent merchant and club .man
af kearney, is confined to his bed un
able to move and in great pain iue
to concussion of the spine and
strains and bruises received by fall
ing from a Kearney-Callaway motor
Mortgage Record in Gage.
Gage County. The mortgage rec
ord of Gage-county for the month of
November is as follows: Farm mort
gages filed, 10; amount, $15,050.
Farm mortgages released, 12;
amount. $21,780. City mortgages
filed. 25; amount. $13,580. City
mortgages released, 18; amount,
Attacked by a Tramp.
Otoe County. Conductor Joy Car
bon of the Burlington was attacked
by a tramp at Vertlon and had to
put up a hard fight before he was
able to wrest the dagger from the
wouldhe murderer and throw him
rrom the train. He has tacked the
dagger up in his car as a souvenir of
tlie occasion.
Went Aqainst Plaintiff.
Madison County. The action for
$U.00( damages brought by Andrew
Nord against Burr Tat't, one of Madi
son county's commissioners, was de
cided against the plaintiff. This ac
tion was for alleged assault on the
We of Mr. Nord and resulted in an
acquittal of the defendant. Judge
Welch instructed tiie jury if they
found for the plaintiff that the dam
ages should not exceed 1 cent.
Testing Brick.
Cass County. Chris Bayster se
lected a number of brick from each
of the three cars shipped to Platts
moutii for the paving and took then:
to Omaha to be tested. The test con
sists of placing them in a rattler and
whirling them rapidly for an hour.
I'he brick are weighed when they
are placed in the rattler and after
they are removed. If they lose moro
than IS per cent in weight during
the process they are rejected.
Special Election in Custer.
Custer County. The committed
appointed to examine into the nu
merous petitions asking for a spucia;
election for tiie of voting :;
1 and : mill levy to build a new
court house reported favorably t
the county hoard of supervisors. Tht
motion was carried without a dissent
ing ote and the special election was
called for January 9. The board stip
ulates if the election carries that the
cost of the court house shall not ex
ceed $00,000.
Another Net Weight Case.
Pawnee County. The supreme
court issued a writ of habeas corpus
returnable January U for Lew Agnew
of Pawnee City, who was brought be
fore a court in that county charged
with selling misbranded packages of
National l.isciiit company goods. His
case is similar to that of O. J. King
and 1$. T. Page in Lincoln and is
the third of the group of test cases
that have been begun to te?t out the
validity of all the different phases of
the net weight section of the Ne
braska pure food law.
Profits for Nebrasksns.
Dodge County. News from a reli
able authority has readied Fremont
that the American-German Coffee
company, a big corporation which
owns a plantation in Mexico, is to
be sold in a few days to an English
syndicate. It has been known for
some time that the deal has been
pending. A large number of Nebras
kans. including some thirty or forty
residents of Dodge county, are stock
holders in the company. They will
make a "profit of 300 per cent, it Is
said, by the deal.
Nebraska Directory
All PA FISTULA, Pay whrn Cur..
PIIpX AllKecuirDiH-ascuidwltl.-
fJsBiSBBW out a, anrsrtc!' operation and
guaranteed to last a lifetime. No ol.loroform
or ceneral anirstlieticHtisoU. Exam inutionf res,
M.CK.TAMY. 223BteBuane. Cnuha.'Mek.
1517 ImjIIS St., 0WH. DEI.
KeUakla Dcatisuyai assnrts Pries.
y mall at cut prices. SscS for t reo catalogo
DIIDTIIDC CURED in a few days
witmoat pain or a sar-
ffcal spends.
K par aatil cared. Scad lu
Dr.Wray,307 lldcOmaha, Neb.
Is the school that gets results. Send for
Catalogue, which contaias full information
about the college, and some of the most
beautiful penmanship aver published.
It is free. Address
Moshor A Lamptrtan. Omaha. Nate.
Ittails ftr $lt.M
Built by a ssacaiae. Works better than the ttt
aaachinea. Sells on siokL StS0 profit on earb
machine. Xen and woraea sell 5 saarhines In a
day. People want thesx, why not cl all or
part of your time. It's a money maker. Write
at once. Territory will betaken quickly. Ack
lor anrnpiioB ana special onr now.
UllHllUHlWir, NISI
Omaha -
Nine complete conrsss. Bspcrlssasa faculty at
twslre Instructors, femeaal tateraat taken la au
students. Wrtte for frsveataloc. Business Arrtcal
ture. Booklet, or specimen of feoaaU fal penmanship.
First Used During the American Civil
War Now an Aid In Fight
ing Tuberculosis.
Red Cross Christtaaa seals data
back in their origin to "charity
stamps." first used for the soldiers
relief funds in Boston in 1862. during
the Civil war. After the war. this
method of raising money was discon
tinued in this country for a genera
tion, although it found vogue in Por
tugal, Switzerland, Australia. France.
Spain. Denmark. Norway. Russia.
Sweden and other European coun
tries. There are now several hun
dred different types of charity stamps
used in all parts of the world.
Stamps or seals were first used to
get money for the antl-tubercuIoBis
crusade In Norway and Sweden In
1904. After being used in thesa coun
tries for three years, as a direct re
sult of the Interest of Jacob Rlls In
this movement, the Delaware Anti
Tuberculosis association, headed by
Miss Emily P. Bissell, and the lied
Cross society of Delaware combined
In issuing a tuberculosis stamp. So
successful was this campaign that
nearly $3,000 was realized, and the
next year, in 1908, the American Red
Cross was Induced to issue a national
Red Cross tuberculosis stamp. From
this sale. $135,000 wa3 realized, that
amount being almost doubled in 150.
This year, for the first time, the sale
is organized on a comprehensive
basis, taking in all parts of the
United States. A million for tuber
culosis work is confidently expected.
Time to Think Over Suicide.
He took parts green to commit sui
cide. Too big a dose to kill him. Emi
nent specialist happened to bo called
In. and started to fix him up. "No
use." 6ald paris green performer. 'Til
do it anyhow after you have done with
me." Doctor got mad. "If that's the
way you feel about it. you fool." be
paid. "I'll not waste my time on you."
Paris green performer much aston
ished and grieved. "Well." be said.
"give me 24 hours to think It over."
Doctor gave him 24 hours and went
away. At the end of the time parts
green performer telephoned: "I've
thought It over and want to get well;
come and see me some more."
Triumph of Optimism.
"How are you feeling today, uncle?"
asked the robust nephew of bis aged
and feeble kinsman.
"Pretty well, pretty well!" quavered
that incurable optimist, "my rheumatiz
Is bothering me a good deal and my
erisipilis is worse than it was yester
day, I've got a slight headache and
I went down to the dentist today and
had all but two of my teeth pulled,
but thank heaven those two aro op
posite each other!"
Good Humor and Cheerfulness ?rcm
Right Food and Drink.
Anything that Interferes with good
health is apt to keep cheerfulness and
good humor in the background. A
Washington lady found that lotting
coffee alone made things bright for
her. Sho writes:
"Four years ago I was practically
given up by my doctor and was not ex
pected to live long. My nervous sys
tem was in a bad condition.
"Hut I was young and did not want
to die so I began to look about for the
cause of my chronic trouble. I used tc
have nervous spells which would ex
haust me and after each spell it would
take me days before I ould sit up in k
"I became convinced my trouble was
caused by coffee. I decided to stop It
end bought some Postura.
"The first cup, which I made accord
ing to directions, had a soothing !-'
feet on my nerves and I liked the taste.
For a time I nearly lived on Postum
and ate little food besides. I am today
a healthy woman.
"My family and relatives wonder 1!
I am the same person I was four years?
ago, when I could do no work on ac
count of nervousness. Now I am do
ing my own housework, take care of
two babies one twenty the other two
months old. I am so busy that I hard
ly get time to write a letter, yet I do
it all with the cheerfulness and good
humor that comes from enjoying good
"I tell my friends it la to Postum I
owe my life today."
Read "The Road to WellriUe." in
pkgs. "There's a Reason.
Ever rea the sssts letter? A in
BPesws) trass tlsae ts tJsac. They
rail of hms