r K (Ml ExsK$ waaaaawsassa BAHIKG P0WB Tbtt Kfekss ih. Baking Eoitir Failures are alaoat Itnpoasible with Calumet. We Itaow that It wi& rh-e you better twtultL. We know that the bailer TrElbo purr inoro wholesome. T; know that it will be more evenly raited. And we know that Calnmrt l mete KODomicGl. both la iu use and cost. Wo kaow thre t'llnci because we are put tho q-aliijr Into It wo have aeen It t-J-d -'Ut la evcy way. It is Cteflnowin tiIHom ot coa ana its aalej are jrowine daily. It U the asodem baVinz powdar. Hcve you tried It? Caiort I hlsheit la Qcalit SEorte In price. Sacetv j Hiehrat Awaii Werid Pure Food EapoaiUoa. &1 "- . ii ;MADEBYTKEi"rtjtf S? wtt. iSfBrKi l. a r-r rf m t i How wo'iid you Ilk-i an unbosseil ai'd tobbyleus lcg.r!ati"e for a change? 3Tre. Vliiirtiwfi "oo Iilnjr N.rrnp. ffVirrbU .( ii 3-. Unci,:. blt-iiv tHfciim:, r.ji:r,-!p- tfciniiiiitiiiTiiiinT- i- ii '' tr-1i uhr wcaIa .lie. Many a guilty man cscnnua becaiise ha is so small ho coos right through tha n-t. Pcttlt's Eye Salve for 25c. Relieves tnfi. conset-t-d. inflamed and eore ;., t; :: -Uv Ktops ;,- nc.'iv. .Ml Irueg-iAU or Howard Bros., Buffalo, X. Y. avveetsst Success. "Wht'3 tto n.eetest kiud of sue ass?" "That which you nchievc by uctins aontrary to the advice of your frkndu. At the County Fair. Visitor- A ml bo that Is what they call thft v.ild hirse of r.v.agoala What to you food It? Zoo Attendant Wild or.ts. Couldn't Do It. T can't stay long." said the chair man of tliH committee from the col ored church. "I Just anio to t-ee 1! ro' wouldn't Join do inlsGlun I and." "Fo dV Ian' eake's. hnnoy." replied the old niainun, "doan" ronio to mo! 1 can't tcs play a mouf-orsan." Llpplucotl'a. Got Out of the Habit. I eoo you hue cct a younc man trnoRrapher?" "Yes " "Don't you think a. rretty t.'5rl tenoRiapher adds a great deal to tho attractiveness or an ofiice?" "I suppose she does, but I can't dictate to a woman somehow. I s'pOFe lt'a because 1 have been married no 3ns." On th Senators. The wit of HishOi Seth Ward limuses Nasl'viHe frequently. Ulfihop Ward. In company with two 'enators. came forth from a Nashville reception tho other day and entered a motor car "Ah, bishop." said one of his com panions, "you are not like your mas ter. He was content to ride an ass." "Yes. and so should 1 be." Bishop Ward answered, "bat there's no such animal to be cot nowadays. They make them all senators." All In Good Time. Heven-year-old William had become tho yroud owner of a pet pip. and In sisted upon having all the caro of It himself. After a few weeks, as the pig did not seem to thrive, his father aid to him: "William. I'm afraid you are not feeding your pig enough. It does not eem to be fattening at all." "I don't want him to fatten yet." William replied, knowingly. "I'm wait ing until he ge's to be as lenjr as I want him, then 111 begin to widen him out." T';-H!ts "Don't Argufy" A single dich of Post Toastles with sugar and cream tells ths whole stcry 'The Memory Lingers" Postern rcea.1 Companj, LXi. Estile Creclc, Hich. (BAKING POWDER) j cT I it r I fi h Fit til f PRESIDENT OF NEW REPUBLIC Scnor Thcophile Braga, Who Was Chosen to Hold the Reins of Portugal's Government. Lisbon. Chief among those who de throned Kii:g Manuel of Portugal and sent him a fugitive to the friendly asylum of olher shores is Senor Thc ophile I'raga. first president of the Portufse iepub'ic. Senor ISrnga has been styled the Victor Hur.o of Portugal. He is the son of a Lisbon doctor and was born In the Azores in 1S4T.. His connection with republicanism began in 1S70. but he did not become active in politics until quite recently. Early in the present year he was elected a deputy for Lisbon and at ence. owing to his ability as a speakrr. his great fund r:&A , ". -7 Ser.or Thecphils Brnga. of information, his standing as nr educator and his power nf leadership took a prominc nt r-i't among the re I ublicans, who were reeking the re generation of their country. Semi llraga is a r' :inl v. philosopher, l'oi years Ik- was professor of litcratun at the High Literary College in Lis bun and is an author of note. In ah he has published 1150 volumes nnd was the last man one would suspect of be coming invohtd in a revolution. It is too early yet to predicate as to his future, but one would expect the re public to be saf in his hands. SOURCE OF RUBBER SUPPLY New One Recently Has Seen Four.c in Mexico in the Falo Amarillo Tree. City of ?.cx'co Another practical and vor' e.t nsive source of crude rubber supply was recently discovered in the vicinity of (Tunnajualo. It is the palo amnriiio tiee. which grows wild in a broad M-opc of territory hor bering th Pacific coast and extend t? towards the in'erior :ir 1'ar as Giuma junto. Th commer :al pasFibi'itics ol this tree as a producer of ruMu r have been 'herouhly testrd by the Mex lean gcvernment and by roprerent:. tives of large Anioriran interests that :;re imesting considerable capital ir the new industry. The p."lo amarillo tree bears no re semblance to the guayulc shrub frrrr. niiicli large quantities of rubber arc being manufactured in Nortl em Mcr ico rnd Southv. .Ttern Texas. Thij tree Is also of a different species from the rubber tree of the tropica! regions .f Mexico and other countries. It at tains a height of about 150 feet. Its trunk gets to be of a thickness of one to two feet. The tree is of rapid growth, reaching a commercial size in five years. The news that the palo amarillc tree in being utilized for the manufac ture of crude rubber has caused a number of independent rubber con cerns to enter the new field of indus try, to the extent that they are active- ! . L&2ri&:-i- The Palo Amarillo Tree. ly purchasing all the available tracts of trees In the territory that has not been invaded b' the pioneer company, it is expected that a number of inde pendent rubber manufacturing plants will be crtiibl'shcd during the next fc v.- months and that it will not he a rrat while until the palo amarillo in dustry will rival that of guayulc rub ber. in which more than Cj million dcdlars gold has been invested during the last few years With the assurance thrt the pale Amarilio tree and tie guayulc shrub can be easily propagated and tl:at their growth is ariapti d to a large area of country the question of the possible permanency or the rubber surply of the world is practically solved. Woman B'amcd for Suicides. Philadelphia. That suicide in this rountry is large'y contributed to be cause of woman's invasion of man's field of work is the opinion of Dr. John Chalmers Da Costa. Moreover, he do ciare?. this an.! e?-er i"s will increase if women per-i?t in leaving the home for business. In a paper read before the American Philosophical society here Dr. Da Costa said: "If woman continues to invade man's calling she will pay a dreadful penalty In insanity and suicide and in the idi ocy of her rrogeny. and she will wreck the chief hope of civilization the clea'i. decnt. happy home. The bla tant and nililant suffragette is well along on the highway of degeneration." An Excancivc Snake. Washington. Not every creature can sv; allow annhcr bigger than it self, but there is a 1'tt e wa'or snake nt the Aquarium th.:t does this handi ly. The water r---ko is a feet and a half long and abj?. as big arcund as a big lead pencil, say a scant five-sixteenths of aa inch in dianeter. but it will corner ami capture a ki'Hefish an inch and a naif lorg and close to ha.t an inch :n diameter and gulp it dowu whole taci!y. i jimk 'i&i , jrb jisr. .v JG&&&H. V-Afe?, j wej a-13- rf . - v -' J cjx- .-f loh Entertains Friends f I By GEORGE Clara J. and I had taken possession of our cute little dent in the middle of an imposing stone pile with a Pull man car moniker, and for two weeks we roamed among the furniture stores measuring chairs and things to see if they were small enough to go ia the however, the toy home was ready, cad we moved ia. Clara J.'s delight was boundless when mamma and papa and Tacks came up that first evening and took dinner with us. It's true we a'.i had to s!t edge-on at the table and get our meat cut in the kitchen so as to avoid hitting ecch other on the funny bone, bat the idea was good, nevertheless. Surely it makes a chap's heart swell up anil beat faster when he realizes that for the first time in his life he's payng house rent for himself and a good man's daughter, oven if the house Kn't any bigger than a minute. Our first experiment in the kitchen was a colored lady named Malvina. She cooked entirely by hand, and talked by machinery. As a conversationalist she was a faster tongue trotter than the janitor, although his assortment of words would probably get him the decision on points. Malvina was Inclined to be stout, and every time it was her cue to come in and wait on the table I got up and eft the room, so that she could move ihout without Injuring our guests. In the first round Malvina spilled i bowl of hot soup oc-r father's cow- ick. which showed a pretty anxiety on hT part to make his visit a mem- trable one. Papa expressed a desire to swear, -o I led him out to the kitchen, put is head In the dumbwaiter shaft, and told hint to cut loose. He fractured the walfc and stopped very clock m tho house, but it made Mm feel better. Puring the third round Malvina oatnc In with the lamb dhops. slipped "Jim Framed His Face In the on tho scjup-palnted floor, and handed the whole plateful of hot meat to Tacks. He reached for one chop with his left eye and took the rest ia his lap. Malvina rushed cut in the kitchen, crawled behind the gas range, and refused to be comforted. She de clared that some one had "cerifly conj'nhd" her. and then she raised her o!ce in lamentation and didn't stop talking for three mortal hours. Otherwise our first dinner party passed off very pleasantly. Mother expressed herself as charmed with our entourage, and papa said that with the exception of our facilities for landing soup at the right wharf we were all to the good. The next day Clara J. suggested that we give a house-warming to our friends. "I'm for It." I agreed, "but you murt remember that w have quite a bulky bunch on our list, and as we can only cet a sprinkling of them in hero at one time we'll have to give a con tinuous." Clara J. undertook to arrange that detail, and shortly thereafter we gave our first public performance. Eight friends arrived at the appoint ed hour, and as there was only room for six of them in the fiat we stood the surplus out In the maia hall and told them to hold an overflow meeting. During the first half hour we enter tained each other by getting wedged in the sitting-room bo tightly that Malvina had to pry us out. After that we made a solemn com pact never to try to enter any roora In which four people had already as sembled. This plan probably saved the lives of many present. After a time my wife started to play the piano, and two minutes later the man who lived in the flat above us sent down word that his kid was asleep, and if we didn't stop beating the music box he'd have us all pinched. I sent a nice, diplomatic message to the man overhead, in which I men tioned the name of a place that I'd permit him to go to. Then the man sent the janitor after me. I told the janitor that this is a free country, ami he replied: "Maybe It Is, but you can't prove it" So w started to cut out tho music and started a quarter limit game of poker. Tho players were Jim Nelson and his wife. Charlie Payne. Fred Par dons. Clara J., and myself. Jim Nelson thinks that when It monies to peker he's about the warm--st little bundle cf nerves that ever uipped a Jack. To hear him tail: LTL II 1 Iff Km v )?y y m1U4 W I'll MS Henry V. HOBART you'd think ho wrote the game. He's one of those fluffs who whistle for the police when they lose SO cents and get the frosted Trilbies when they win a dollar ninety. Charlie Tayno plays them close to his shirt studs and always forgets to ante. His bad memory has saved a lot of money for him. Fred Parsons is one of those loud players. Kvery time he wius a pot he bubbles all over like a seltzer wa ter going in a glass. When he loses lie hits the table and says: "Danima Iuck!( Why didn't I throw away the other card?" i waru't wise to the abilities of the o( iters, although I had a strong sus picion that Ciara J. would put up a regular Chc-rry Sister game. I had never heaid her speak of cards, and ! war, i ropared to hear her ask any minute if the king of trumps beat a four Hush. We played along for half an hour without anything painful happening. Clara J. handled iicr cards as though they were perfect strangers to each ether and she was a trifle nervous, hut she trailed along with the bunch. For Jim Nelscn they were coining in carriages. He must have betn six dollars in. and. consequently, he was bursting with an Inward joy. Then camu a jack-pet. which went mound Hires or four tiiue-s, and was finally opened by Jim. V. all stayed In, and after Hie draw It was just be ginning to look cheerful, when Clara J. said eager!:., "Oh. John, do sixes beat fulls?" Everybody present dipped up a tit ter, and the poor girl looked ready to faint. "S;ire!" I raid, just to bring her back to earth, and the game went on. Jim bet his quarter and Charlie Payne raised him. Clara J. was next, and she hoisted them both, to my painful surprise. Tno rest of us dropped out, and so did Charlie on the next lap. It was Jim and Ciara J. for It. and Sickliest Smile I Ever Saw.' I had to sit there and watch her being dragged to the shambles, powerless to help her. Kery time Jim said his little speech she was back at him with a raife. 1 could sec a whole month's house hold expenses traveling home in Jim's pocket. During those few terrible moments I'M bet Mrs. Jim bought two new hats and a tailor made with the spoils her j robber husband was going to haul in. it was cruel. I tried to give Clara J. the bugle to cease firing, but she never once looked in my direction. Jim had nearly all his chips ia and Clara J. had reached over and touched my stack for a handful. The pot looked as big as a bunch of Christmas money, and I began to "Maybe It Is, but You Can't Prove It." see visions cf deputy sheriffs running off with our furniture. Jim was breathing hard, and ! fancied 1 could almost hear him say ing over and over to himself, "This is a sin and I hate to do It, but I need the money." Presently, when all his chips were ia. he repented and called Clara J. As he did so he threw a king full of bullets down en the table, and with an apologetic smile proceeded to pull in the gate receipts. Ciara J. said very coolly, "Won't you walk slowly, Mr. Nelson?" and t with that she spread her hand nut on the able four sixes and a seven-spot! Stung! Jim framed his face in the sickliest smile I ever saw, and Mrs. Jim awoke from her dry goods dream with a start that nearly ipsct the table. Clara J., the bunco girl! Did you hear her Fty. "John, do sixes beat fu:::!'' Itz' she a wonder, though? After that the game seemed to drag, and finally, when it broke up, Jim was so much to the bad that Mrs. Jim had made up her mind to dis charge their servant girl as scon as she reached home. When the company was gone 1 said to Clara J.: "Where did you get that fourth six. and who taught you the game?" "Oh." she answered with a smile, "I just picked it up!" "Which," I said, "the game or the six?" She never did answer me. (Copyright by G. W. Dillingham Co.) ARTIFICIAL EYEBALL OF GOLD Surgical Feat That Is the Most Diffi cult Performance Known to the Profession. Gold, for the first time In the his tory of ocular science, has been sub stituted for the natural jellylike sub stanco in which an artificial eye is ordinarily set. In an operation at the Jefferson hospital at Philadelphia gold was used to form the eyeball, with the result that the glass eye has all the appearance of a real eye. The fixed and stony stare which fol lows the insertion of a glass eye is replaced by the life and light asso ciated with the sparkling eye of na ture. This surgical feat, one of the most difficult of performance known to the practise, is considered by spe cialists as unique in the annals of ainrvelous operations. William Senseman. a fifteen-year-old boy of Buffalo, is the person who is now carrying gold in his eye with the same composure as he might car ry that precious metal in his iceth. Ten days ago he was playing in the basement of his home. With a hatchet he struck the concrete floor ing. The cement was shattered and one of the bits flew into his eye. The tiny hit of cement pained his eye for a time, but as the pain soon vanished, the boy and his parents thought that the particle had been naturally dis lodged. Unfortunately, the sight of that eye grew fainter and fainter. Then one day the boy realized that blindness, total blindness, had set in. The hoy and his parents came to the Jcfferron hospital. The X-ray failed to locate the particle. Mathe matical methods were then employed, and the exact position of the bit of cement was determined. Then an incision was made, so that the magnet could be used to draw it out. lint the magnet had no attrac tion for the cement and that plan failed. IJlood poisoning was feared, and it was necessary to remove tho whole eye. To this the boy and his parents ob jected on the ground that a giass eye vas so conspicuous. Thereupon the surgeon were inspired to at tempt tho daring operation by which tho golden eyeball was set in the empty socket. Then the glass eye. or pupil, was fitted carefully into tho golden ball. The 1 rained observer ion of the spe cialist would be required to detect tho real from the false eye. MEN BARGAIN HUNTERS. TOO Department Store Manager Says That Women Haven't Anything on Male Folks in That Game. The manaser of tho men's section of a department store uncoiled a little slam at the he-sex tho other day. "Tho time has ahcut arrived." said ho. "for male persons to stop giving their women folks tho comic supple ment chortle over their, the women's, bargain-hunting activities. "Wl.yfcr? Hecause in these days women haven't got a single thing on the nn!c foiks as bargain counter P.onds. Then men are just as keen on the trail of tho marked down stuff as the women, and they're every hit as pushy and scrappy In their method of swooping upon tho bargain junk at that. "Can't you see that it won't fit you. you loh?" growled the grabber at the man from whose head he had snatched iio rat. "And it's just my size." he added as he put it on. and he loped up to one nf tho clerks, stuffed $1,125 into the dork's hand and vamoosed like a man running away from a cloudburst. "'Well, of all the gall! grunted tho man from whose head tho bonnet had been snatched. "'He was dead right.' growled tho fellow in the rear rows who'd ob served the Incident. 'Whatchoo want to do hang around up front there all day and give nobody else a chance? "It's only in quite recent years, you see. that men have come to appreciate tho cleverness of the woman's idea in buying bargain stuff out of season. "Yes. it's time to dlspenso with this comedy about women bargain hunters. They're k-nn and nifty at that work, but they haven't got anything what ever on the male folks at that kind of work these days." This Cat Hare! to Kill. When threshing operations were in progress at a farm in Sherwood For est, near London. England, a few days ago. two workmen heard a faint mew ing proceeding from the inside of tho Etack built seventeen days previous ly and presently discovered the farm house cat that had been missing du ring that interval. Would Still Be Wcrk. Rusty Rufus Say, Tom. wouldn't it bo great ef youse could git all de eat an' drink youse wanted by jist prossin a Tectric button? Tired Thomas It shore would ef I lied somebody ter press de button fcr me. Dangerous Weapons. Redd Do you think they will ever use automobiles In battles? Greene Well, if they want to mni a slaughter house of the battlefield they will! Yonkers Statesman, Twin Extravagances. "I don't suppose there is anything gets out of date Quicker than a wom an's hat?" "Unless it is a battleship." Some people are too fresh but the same thing can't be said of eggs. Pneumonia nd Consumption are al ways preceded bv an ordinary cold. Hani lins Wizard Oil rubbed into the chert draws out the inflammation, breaks up the cold and urevents all sericui trouble. A bachelor girls' club Is an associa tion of women who think they ara more likely to get husbands by pre tending not to want them. Leri Sincle Binder 5c cigar stasis quality most 10c cigars. It isn't every hall player who make a hit on the stage. J&: LilC im . IVl ftl R'L V 5" 8' ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYegctable Preparation for As similating iheFoodandnegula ling Ihc Stomachs and Bowels of tf ftgrf vK ': Ja. t''' K:5 Promotes Dicslion,Cheerful nessand Rcst.Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic n.vpt tfoidDrSAMuumunr M fi I') 3 MxSf-nm AtlMUSmOl HirmStid Wiitkfjrttm 7mm R r.t 'tic :;r.C Ancrfrct Remedy forConsllpa- B5 (ion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, M:' IVorrns.Convulsions.Fevtrish acss and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company NEW YORK. N?2 w; m ft & vs.. t v Guaranteed under the Foodan mmmmmmmmammmmmmmaam i ii I V !WvBrraaBaBBaBBv I aaaaaajaaw , , , iai.mi f?T! if (WTTTfT7,TTTT7TTTTTffTfffflW aaBaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaa -aavB..MbamaaaaaaaBawaaaaaaaaVT Eases wopy o wia vmnim9mmmT.nwwmmmn. f - a Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday With a New Perfection Oil Heater - -'- 'gg"ar aaaTBaaaaaaaaaaaaVBaV It gives fust as much heat as you desire. It Is safe, odortet and smokeless. It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which )revents the wick from being turned high enough co smoke, and s easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, be cause of a new device in construction, and can always be easily unscrewed for rewicking. An indicator shows the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap doeanot need to be screwed down, but is put in like a cork in a bottle, snd is attached to tbe font by a chain. Finished in japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-msde, built for service and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top. DmknEmykn. If m at aajaaaaaBF to ut mtartst agr a Urn Baaajpv jfW Standard Oil Company Hk, W. L. DOUGLAS 3 3.50 & 4 SHOES STCoSfS Boys Shoes. S2.00. s2.50 A S3.00. Best im the world. W.UDttmlmm $3AO,93.6Q mmt tt.OOmhumm I D, arm mmakhrmtytmm mmat mtattm ammmmmt mmm I ixe that utmr mhmmm tmm thmmrtcmln AtmmHma, mtHtmrm I my shoe thm momt ocawmfea ahmma fmm jr tm Aiqr. a a standard for orer 30 years, that I make and sell mora $3.00. $3lO and $1.00 shoea than anr other manufacturer In tha U.S.. and that DOLLAR foil 1KLLAK, I eiUAJIASTEE MY SHOES to hold theirthape. look and fit better, and wear longer than say other $3.00. JIM or $4 00 shoea tou can bur? Quality counts. It haa mada say shoes TMJ5 l.EADKKa or the worl:. loa will te pleased when yon bay my saoas beeaasa or toa friiirfias flt and appearance, and when it cornea tlma for you to pnrehasa f 9r M .. w. L. another pair, joa will be mora thaa pleased baoaaaa tha last VnSSfrrtTmm !& ones wore to well, and rave Ton ao much comfort. am Un ftailTIAU f None rrau'.oe without W. I- Dourlaa wMW I IVIW .naineandDrlraitaiEwdoa the bottom. it jocr dsaler cannot tavsll yon with W.I- Donglaa Shore, w W. JHIIUUM. A EUREKA HARNESS OIL SaMfeyDaalara Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVER.READY TIN OILER Is specially selected for any need In tho home. Saves tools from rusting. Cancan not break. Does not cum or become rancid. EJJjsBjffi tutors (rwywlsn 100SEVELTS CIEAT BOOK "AfrkuCaBeTnikr to arlL tala faawaa aew baak. Brlaa lto turn famine M- jour locauiy. a5T MBonoiy ox "in coaaBltalon. iMwl lagreal aeaavv Chsriss ScrisiisrtSaas 1M (B, a.1 rata a. llf n' L kmrinslTirkl.bniaM lj U-mvm. tJWre-rrofolnna IHcaw.TartroaTloTajr, do!nt iiirers.ieraruM inrrm. j lar.MIlk tg.rayrS.ratUMMwa,rMMlya'a fcUat. Bj aallMa, J.T.AlXUJpUaJUBjjaae UftKlft' HAIR BALSAM ma bb Haver TaOa matv ia Camaaatfs SHaadatfleat W. N. U- OMAHA, NO. 4S-1S1I. mm For Infant! and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the SignatoK In Usb For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA jLLLLbw 'BP r-riKuwA HrlH-Ii,?Yif W i 111! MM aV When clothes can't be hung outside, and must be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly does the work of sun and air. You can bang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec tion Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any day with hot air from a RFCT10 Smoke Ahnktcb mtMtn ol lirfaat ytmn. wrtk fort beca tha TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE ill. for Hall Ontor Cataloa. mpmrm. c.JsrwcKlaas Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal STANDARD OIL COMPANT (Iaerporatai) STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lacerpo rated)