-- I. ! ? m " "' -T- .n nr-tfT- --T1 Ji-":t:.'v.ga"j.'mrs ;rajn,asaara!r;ay?!tfrgaiunji m n,j.teg mu. lj. i i'ia '.tu.jriPiUKinxiyn&"ixfi' OSTRICH FARMING NOW AN IMPORTANT INDUSTRY TteflAM - DOCTORS JAILED Mini $mnl Teas Witt Kifaey TrwHc, "Penai Gmi He." IjOWERT Constant Demand for Hlcjb.Grade Plumes at Good Prices Makes Business Profitable Considerable Progress In United Stales. h- MAFQT ROBERTS' RINE -a.cjxhoi or the cii?culvk2 e-rvrKovk.,5CJS ILLUSTRATIONS by M.G.KETTNE COPYRIOMT 1909 ,by BoosS -KWJRrx.1. coMVkiior tW &) .1) ft liVr V ', l la II WJ. t lA SYNOPSIS. Lawrence niakelpy. lawyer, pops to PltJslnjrs with tlie forced notes In the Uronson rase to net Tin- deposition of John G'lmnrf. m'llionaire. A l.iilv ro quets Elakeley i buy lier a Pullman UckK H Kives lior lower 11 ami re tains lov.r 10 He finds :i drunken man la lov.er 10 and retires in lower - He awakens In lower 7 and finds his rlothes and has: micsins The man in lower 10 is found murdered. Cir cumstantial ex'Menrp points to botli Blukelcy and the man who stole his clothes. Tile train Is wreeked and Blake ley is rescued from a burning car by a Ctrl In blue His arm is broken. The irirl pioves to be lion West, his partner's sweetheart niakeley returns home and Onds he Is tinder surveillance. Movimr pictures of the train taken Just before the wrerl; reveal to Hlakelev a man lenp liiff from the train with his stolen crip. Investigation proves that the man's name Sullivan Mrs Conway, the woman for whom niakeley tioucht a Pullman ticket, fries to make a bargain witli him for the foreo" notes, not Knowing that thev are tni-s-incr niakeley and nn amateur de teem e investigate the home of Sullivan's Isler. CHAPTER XXIV. Continued. Hotchklss felt certain tliat It had "Been Sullivan, but I was not so sure. Why would he have crawled like a tltfef Into his own house? If he had crossed the park, as seemed probable, when we did. he had not made any attempt to use the knocker. I Rave it cp finally, and made an effort to con ciliate the young woman in the tower. We had heard no sound since our spectacular entrance Into her room. I was distinctly uncomfortable, as clone this time. I climbed to the tower staircase. Reasoning from before, one would probably throw a chair at sae. I stopped at the foot of the stair case and called. "Hello up there," I said. In as de fconnalr a manner as I could summon. "Good morning. Wi geht es bel ihnen?" No reply. "Ron jour, mademoiselle." I tried again. This time there was a move ment of some sort from above, but nothing fell on me. "I we want to apologize for rous ing you so er unexpectedly this morning." I went on. "The fact Is. we wtnted to talk to you. and you you were hard to waken. We are travel ers, lost in your mountains, and we crave a breakfast and an audience." Sh came to the door then. I could feel that she was investigating the top of uiy head from above. "Is Mr. Sul livan with you?" she asked. It was the first word from her, and she was -not sure of her voice. "No. We are alone. If you will come down and look at us you will iind us two perfectly harmless people, whose horse curses on him depart ed without leave last night and left ua at your gate." She relaxed somewhat then and came down a step or two. "I was afraid I had killed somebody." she eaid. "The housekeeper left yester day, and the other maids went with uor." When she saw that I was com paratively young and lacked the ear marks of the highwayman, she was -greatly relieved. She was inclined to fight shy of Hotchklss. however, for ome reason. She gave us a breakfast of a sort, for there was little in the house, and afterward we telephoned to the town for a vehicle. While Hotchklss examined scratches and re placed the Bokhara rug. I engaged Jennie in conversation. "Can you tell me," I asked, "who Is managing the estate since Mrs. Cur ds was killed?" "2Co one," she returned shortly. "Has any member of the family been here since the accident?" No. sir. There was only the two. and some think Mr. Sullivan was killed as well as his sister." -You don't?" "No." with conviction. --Why?" '.She wheeled on me with quick sus picion. "Are you a detective?" she de manded. "No." "You told him to say you repre sented the law." "I am a lawyer. Some of them mis represent the law, but I " She broke In impatiently. ""A sheriffs officer?" No. Look here, Jennie; I am all that I should be. You'll have to be lieve that. And I'm In a bad position through no fault of my own. I want jqu to answer some questions. If you Ul help me. I will do what I can for foo. Do you live near here?" Her chin quivered. It was the first tign of weakness she had shown. "My home is In Pittsburg." she said, "told I haven't enough money to get ere. They hadn't paid my wages for two months. They don't pay any body." "Very well." I returned. "I'll serul you back to Pittsburg. Pullman in cluded. If you will tell me some things I want to know." She agreed eagerly. Outside the window Hotchkiss was bending over, examining footprints in the' drive. "Now." I began, "there has been a Miss West stayiug here?" -Yes." "Mr. Sullivan was attentive to fcer?" "Yes. She was the granddaughter of a wealthy man in Pittsburg. My aunt has been in his familv for 20 years. Mrs. Curtis wanted her broth-, er to marry Miss West." "Do you think he did marry her?" I could not keep the excitement out of my voice. "No There were reasons" she . topped abruptly. "Do you know anything of the fam-1 Uy? Are they were they New York s?" "They came from somewhere in the touth. I have heard Mrs. Curtis say oer mother was a Cuban. I don't know much about them, but Mr. Sulli van had a wicked temper, though he Imbs! LHili IP 'o "I Was Afraid I Had Killed Somebody." She Said. didn't look IL Folks say big. light haired people are easy going, but I don't believe it. sir." "How long was Miss West here?" "Two weeks." I hesitated about further question ing. Critical as my position was, I could not pry deeper into Alison West's affairs. If she had got into the hands of adventurers, as Sullivan and his sister appeared to have been, she was safely away from them again. But something of the situation in the car Ontario was forming itself in my mind: the incident at the farmhouse lacked only motive to be complete. Was Sullivan, after all. a rascal or a criminal? Was the murderer Sulli van or Mrs. Conway? The lady or the tiger again. Jennie was speaking. "I hope Miss West was not hurt?" she asktrd. "We liked her, all of us. She was not like Mrs. Curtis." I wanted to say that she was not like anybody in the world. Instead "She escaped with some bruises." i said. She glanced at my arm. "You were on the train?" "Yes." She waited for more questions, but none coming, she went to the door. Then she closed it softly and came back. "Mrs. Curtis Is dead? You are sure of it?" she asked. "She was killed Instantly, I be lieve. The body was not recovered. But I have reasons for believing that Mr. Sullivan is living." "I knew it." she said. "I think he was here the night before last. That is why I went to the tower room. I believe he would kill me if be could." As nearly as her round and comely face could express it, Jennie's ex pression was tragic at that moment. I made a quick resolution, and acted on it at once. "You are not entirely frank with me. Jennie," I protested. "And I am going to tell you more than I have. We are talking at cross purposes. "I was on the wrecked train, in the same car with Mrs. Curtis, Miss West and Mr. Sullivan. During the night there was a crime committed in that car and Mr. Sullivan disappeared. But he left behind a chain of circum stantial evidence that involved me completely, so that I may. at any time, be arrested." Apparently she did not comprehend for a moment Then, as If the mean ing of my words had just dawned on her. she looked up and gasped: "You mean Mr. Sullivan committed the crime himself?" "I think he did." "What was it?" "It was murder," I said deliberately. Her hands clenched involuntarily, and she shrank back. "A woman?" She could scarcely form her words. "No, a man: a Mr. Simon Harring ton of Pittsburg." Her effort to retain her self-control was pitiful. Then she broke down and crieu. uer bead on the back of a tall 1 chair. "It was my fault." she said wretch edly, "my fault. I should not have sent them the werd." After a few minutes she grew quiet She seemed to hesitate over some thing, and finally determined to say it "You will understand better, sir, when I say that I was raised in the Harrington family. Mr. Harrington was Mr. Sullivan's wife's father!" CHAPTER XXV. At the Station. So it had been the tiger, not the lady! Well, I had bld to that theory all through. Jennie suddenly be came a valuable person; if necessary she could prove the connection be- tween Sullivan and the murdered man. and show a motive for the crime. 1 was triumphant when Hotchkiss came in. When the girl had produced a photograph of Mrs. Sullivan, and I had recognized the bronze-haired girl of the train, we were both well satisfied which goes to prove the ephemeral nature of most human contentments. Jennie either had nothing more to say. or feared she had said too much. She was evidently uneasy before Hotchkiss. I to!d her that Mrs. Sulli van was recovering In a Baltimore hospital, but she already knew it, from some source, and merely nodded. She made a few preparations for leav ing, while Hotchkiss and I compared notes, and then, with the cat in her arms, she climbed into the trap from the town. 1 sat with her. and on the way dov.-n she told me a little, not much. "If you see Mrs. Sullivan." she ad vised, "and she is conscious, she prob ably thinks that both her husband and her father' "aero killed In the wreck. She will be in a bad way. sir." "You mean that shestill cares about her husband?" The cat crawled over on my knee, and rubbed Its head against my hand invitingly. Jennie stared at the un dulating line of the mountain crests, a colossal surf against a blue ocean of sky. "Yos, she cares." she said soft ly. "Women are made like that They say they are cats, but Peter there in your lap wouldn't come back and lick your hand if you kicked him. If If you have to tell her the truth, be as gentle as you can sir. She has been good to me that's why I have played the spy here all summer. It's a thank less thing, spying on people." "It is that." I agreed soberly. Hotchkiss and 1 arrived in Washing ton late that evening, and, rather than arouse the household. I went to the' club. I was at the office early the 1 next morning and admitted myself. McKnlght rarely appeared before half after ten, and our modest office force some time after nine. I looked over my previous day's mail and waited, with such patience as I possessed, for McKnight In the interval I called up Mrs. Klopton and announced that I would dine at home that night What my household subsists on during my numerous absences I have never dis covered. Tea. probably, and crackers. Dilligent search when I have made a midnight arrival, never reveals any thing more substantial. Possibly I im agine it, but the annouuecment that I am about to make a journey always seems to create a general atmosphere of depression throughout the house, as though Euphemia aud Eliza, and Thomas, the stableman, were already subsisting, in imagination, on Mrs. Klopton's meager fare. So I called her up and announced my arrival. There was something un usual in her tone, as though her throat was tense with indignation. Al ways shrill, her elderly voice rasped my ear painfully through the re ceiver. iwwWWMWMVWVWWWrVMMIrrWFrrrrW Not What Tommy Desirea ... Incident That Caused Youngster Have Grave Doubts of the Efficacy of Prayer. to The Sunday school lesson had been on the efficacy of prayer, and the teacher had done her best to instill into the youthful mind the belief that our prayers are answered. There wa3 one doubting Thomas, however, who insisted that he knew, better. "Why. Tommy, I am surprised to hear you say you don't believe our prayers are answered," expostulated the teacher. "I know they ain't" persisted Tom my, doggedly. "What makes you think so?" asked the teacher. "I don't think It; I know it," re plied Tommy. "You know the angels brought a new baby to our house last week." "Yes, I heard about that." said the teacher. "Now, surely, that was an answer to prayer, wasn't It?" "It was, nit!" replied Tommy dis "I have changed the butcher. Mr. Lawrence." she announced portentous ly. "The last roast was a pound short, and his mutton-chops any self-respecting sheep would refuse to ac knowledge them." As I said before, I can always tell from the voice in which Mrs. Klopton conveys the most indifferent matters, if something of real significance has occurred. Also, throuch lone habit. I have learned how quickest to bring her to the point. "You are pessimistic this morning," I returned. "What's the matter, Mrs. KJopton? You haven't used that tone since Euphemia baked a pie for the Iceman. What Is it now? Somebody poison the, dog?" She cleared her throat "The house has been broken Into, Mr. Lawrence." she said. "I have lived In the best families, and never have I stood by and seen what I saw yesterday every bureau drawer opened, and my my most sacred be longings " she choked. "Did you notify the police?" I asked sharply. "Police!" she sniffed. "Police! It was the police that did It two detec tives with a search warrant I I wouldn't dare tell you over the tele phone what one of them said when be found the whisky and rock candy for my cough." "Did they take anything?; I de manded, every nerve on edge. "They took the cough medicine," she returned indignantly, "and they said" "Confound the cough medicine!" 1 was frantic. "Did they take anything else? Were they in my dressing- room? "Yes. I threatened to sue them, and I told them what you would do when you came back. But they wouldn't listen. They took away that black sealskin bag you brought home from Pittsburg with you!" 1 knew then that my hours of free dom were numbered. To have found Sullivan and then. In support of my case against him. to have produced the bag, minus the bit of chain, had been my intention. But the police the bag. and. beyond knowing some thing of Sullivan's history. I was prac tically no nearer his discovery than before. Hotchkiss hoped he had his man in the house off Washington Circle, but on the very night he had seen him Jennie claimed that Sulli van had tried to enter the Laurels. Then suppose we found Sullivan and proved the satchel and its con- 'The House Has Been Broken Into, Mr. Lawrence." i J l 4mHm tents his? Since the police had the 1 Ostrich farming has made considera bit of chain it might mean involving , ble progress in the United States. It Alison in the story. I sat down and buried ray race in my hands. There , was no escape. I figured it out de-1 spondingly. Against me was the evidence cf . the survivors of the Ontario that I had been accused of the murder at the time. There had been blood-stains on my pillow and a hidden dagger. Into the bargain, in my possession had been found a traveling-bag containing r the dead man's pocketbook. In my favor was McKnight's theory against Mrs. Conway. She had a mo tive for wishing to secure the notes, she believed I was in lower ten. and she had collarsed at the discovery of the crime Jn the morning. (TO UIZ CONTINUED.) gustedly. "Why. for sis months I've been prayin" for a goat" The Bey Critic Richard Croker. at an open-air lunch eon at Palm Beach, told a George Washington story. "A teacher," he began, "was con ducting a lesson in history. "Tommy Jones.' she said, 'what was there about George Washington which distinguished him from all other Americans? " 'He didn't He was the prompt an swer." Says the Optimist to the Pessimist "Lire, said the pessimist, "is a dreadful bore. I don't know what hap piness is." "Lire is all right." rejoined the op timistic man, "if you only look upon the bright side or it" "But my life has no bright side." protested the other. "Then." said the optimist, "get busy and polish up one of the dark sides." Feeding Ostriches (By J. SI. BALTIMORE) The great success which has atten ded ostrich farming in Cape Colony, has caused a number of other South African countries to take up the Industry with great zest This has caused some uneasiness In Cape Colony, as it Is feared that there may be an overproduction of low-quality plumes. The market for high-grade feathers Is capable of expansion. The export of ostrich feathers from Cape Colony has Increased year after year; it amounted last year to 792,723 pounds, valued at $10,490,425. While the Cape Colony farms contain about GOO.000 tame ostriches, there are but 30.000 tame birds in all other coun tries combined. At the present time ostrich farming Is carried on in Europe, Madagascar. Argentina. Australia. New Zealand, ond in California, Arizona and Florida. The most dangerous rival to South Africa in this respect will be the United States. It is not easy to arrive at a Just es timate of the value of ostrich feath ers annually imported into the United States, on account of ther being in cluded with other feathers In many cases. The direct imports from South Africa In 1909 amounted to $1.193.3S3. while the direct Imports Into the United Kingdom from the colony du ring the same year amounted to $1, 722.C34. Of the latter. S7S0.S7G worth. Ostrich Cock at Feed Box. presumably South African feathers, were re-exported to the United States, makiiig the total imports in to tho United States of South African feath ers $1,974,234 In 1909. How much or the feathers imported Into the United States In 1909 from France and Ger many, under the head of "Natural, dressed, colored, or manufactured." $1,794,039 and $7G9.714. respectively, were ostrich feathers cannot be stated, but it Is safe to say that the imports of ostrich feathers from all countries Into the United States annually are 1 considerably more than $2,000,000. was started about 23 years ago, and in 1905 there were 2.200 ostriches, The oldest and largest ostrich farm n California is not far from Los An- gelos. This Is the Cawston farm and was established more than 22 years ago. Then are hundreds u ostriches on this farm. Tfec principle work on an ostrich farm le the hatching, care of the young ostriches, and the "shear- Ing" of the old grown birds that Is depriving them of their long, silky, and beautiful plumes. This is done at certain Intervals whenever these long feathers mature. Where there are hundreds of these creatures to care for. and the plum age to plJlck. it kef the force on the farm pretty busy the yar round. As these plume., are very much In demand all ovr the world, and hrlrg J a good price, the profits of ostrich ; farming are largo. The Industiy has j proved a very profitable one. Nllip' USEFUL WAGONS i.j:vr.-.; Until a loader has been perfected the style of wagon used In hauling fodder needs careful consideration. The rack should be as low as possible. A solid-wheel truck gives good satis faction on smooth, level farms, with short hauls. The draft Is too heavy for other conditions. The rack that is quite commonly used is shown in the fll..rai;nn Tt rnnclcto of '' "" ' , , , - , if damage to trees by the San Jose ktiu.r.tSi - rr ld wilh success ,n form a "V." On top of these timbers "! a con of Is built a rack six feet In width. The "chard tree trunks against the at bottora or this rack is about eight tack3 of rabb,t8' says sretary WW feet long. The end boards are four Eon" feet high, built flaring so they do not I The remedy Is cheap and as a rule quite touch the wheels. The apex a single treatment in the fall appears of the "V" is suspended below the to Protect trees for the entire winter, front axle of an ordinary farm wagon Its more extensive use Is recommend by means of a long kingbolt, the other . ed. on Arizona Farm. The southern part of tho Pacific coast is admirably adapted to ostricr rearing. The climate Is warm and dry. an these big awkward clumsy creatures, grow and thrive as well as on the des erts of South Africa. CARING FOR BERRY PATCH Great Many Farmers Believe Fall Is Proper Time to Trans plant Strawberry Plants. (By ANNA GAT.IGIinit) The strawberry will stand a good deal of HI treatment, but It will nol produce good crops under the abovi conditions. Any good soil that will bring cort or potatoes will do for strawberries, but if you want berries the size ol hen's eggs, put the plants In the rich est soil you can find and cultivate thi same as other garden crops. If the soil Is not rich enough with out being fertilized, use well rotted stable manure. Fresh manure will nol do. except as a top dressing; after the plants are well started, spread it be tween the rows. If one can procure good, strong plants In the fall and have them taken up with a quantity of soil adhering to the roots, they will bear a good many berries the following 'season, but not a full crop. If transplanted in the fall without any foil clinging to the reots. the plants should not be allowed to beai fruit the following season. This is important, because when all of the roots are dislodged it takes a long time for the plant to recover from the shock and form new roots. None of the old ever takes a firm hold in the ground unless new feeders start and while the strawberry grows or hibernates all winter, the growth is less rapid when the ground Is cold than It Is In the spring and summer. A great many people believe fall Is the proper time to set strawberry plants. They take up the plants or send their order to some nurseryman, as the case may be. and handle the plants just as they would In the spring. Now. this Is all wrong. The last week In October is about the right time to transplant, or rather transfer, strawberries. See that the soil Is in good condi tion to receive the plants. Plow or spade It as deep as the soil will per mit If a crop of potatoes has Just been removed from the ground. It should not need much stirring. Place the plants In rows about four feet apart, and ten inches apart In tho rows. Rows may be cither single or double as preferred. If the weather Is dry a little water should be poured around the roots before filling In the soli. Don't cover too deep because If the air Is excluded the plants will "smother." Clean straw, free from chaff, makes the best covering. No Middleman. A farmer who lives within l.'O miles of Pittsburg is making a great deal of money bv curing pork for city cus tomers. He smokes and cures hams, shoulders and baron in tho good old fashioned way. using no Injurious chemical!: but depending on molasses, black pepjier ami hickory wood smoke. He feeds his pigs to about l.'O pounds and does not try to make them very fat. He sells all his pork to city peo ple direct and pays no freight charges. He fs now selling bacon at 30 cents delivered at his home station ard has to buy all of his neighbors' pigs that are fit to supply his customers. FOR FODDER isV - Vr". .-iw'- ends are attached below the hind aIo by U-shaped devices. This rack can be easily made. Lime Sulphur for Rabbit Pest. During the last year the lime-sulphur wash, which for a number of vonra line tin An AfrtnlnfArl A ....,. """" "'"""-M-u lu l""' T-Wt-wXlJ-V. "i3J "S Mr. John N. Watkinsv S13S Shenan doah Are, St Louis; uot writes: . "Amcnc all the greatly ad rertised medl- stnea for kld-i cey and blad-' der trou ble there is nothing- which equals Peru na. I suffered for ser e r a 1 years with this trouble, spent hundreds of dollars on doc tors and medi cine and all tc ao purpose un til I took Pa rana. "One bottla rffrl fTisS) mnPA food than all Mr. John N. Watkins. Ji others put together, as they only poisoned my system. Peruna cured ne. I used it for four months beforo 1 complete cure was accomplished, but tra truly grateful to you. The least I ran do In return la to acknowledge the merits of Peruna, which I take ueasura in now doing.1 Bladder Treubla. Ifr. C. 'B. Newhof. 10 Delaware street, Albany. N. Y.. writes: "Since my advanced age I find that t have been frequently troubled with ulnar? aliments. The bladder seemed rrltated, and my physician said that t was catarrh caused by a protracted told which would be difficult to over some on account of my advanced year. ! took Peruna, hardly daring to believe .hat I would be helped, but found to ny relief that I soon began to mend. The irritation gradually subsided, and '.he urinary difficulties passed away. I lave enjoyed excellent health now for die past seven months. I enjoy my neals. sleep soundly, and am aa well as ( waa twenty years ago. I give all jratse to Peruna." The Wretchedness of Constipation CsaeUyUaTceswsy CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Psnty sciasrelyaad MsyeaUM bmc Care Tfceydelfc. I PBL SmH Dm. SaI FrI. Gemrimt - Signature Its simplicity Is a strong feai of tha KNOWN THE WORLD OVER UNCLE CALHOUN SPOKE OUT Answer No Doubt Truthful, bt by Na Mssns What the Orator Desired. Booker T. Washington, oagrtu lated by a New York reporter on the mccess he had made of sis Ufa. said with a smile: "I suppose I must be mad eat and leclare that luck has had mora to do lth my progress, or otherwise I'll bs Im Senator Dash's shoes. "Senator Dash of Tallapoosa prided slmself on bis rise from the bottom, for 8enator Dash In his youth bad worked with the colored people in the :otton fields. "Hoaatlng at a political meeting tbont his rise, the senator singled out Uncle Calhoun Webster among his tuaience and said: " 'I see before me old Calhoun Weh tr. beside whom. In the broiling ouihern sun, I tolled day after day. Now. ladles and gentlemen. I appeal to Uncle Calhoun. Tell us all, uncle. : I. or was I not, a good man in the cotton field r "'Yo' wur a good man. senatah.' Jie aged negro replied; yo wuz a good man. fo' a fack; but yo' sut'ny Udn't work much.'" Not a Harmless Sport. Friend You fought bareheaded? French Duelist Yes. and got a fine sunstroke. Journal Amusant Had Been Done. "I never saw such a versatile man; le can do anything." "Why stop at 'anything? " HEALTH AND INCOME Both Kept Up on Scientific Food. Good sturdy health helps one a lot to make money. With tho loss of health one's income Is liable to shrink, if not entirely dwindle away. When a young lady has to make her own living, good health Is her beat asset "I am alone In the world." writes a Chicago girl, "dependent on my own efforts for my living. I am a clerk, tnd about two years ago through close application to work and a boarding house diet. I became a nervous In valid, and got so bad off It was almost Impossible for me to stay in the office a half day at a time. "A friend suggested to me the idea of trying Grape-Nuts food which I did. 1 making it a large part of at least two meals a day. "Today, I am free from brain-tire, dyspepsia, and all the Ills of an over worked and Improperly nourished brain and body. To Grape-Nuts I owe the recovery of my health, and :he ability to retain my position and income. Read "The Road to WellTille." im pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ev-r read tke atMve letter? A m ae ear frB time to time. They are aeaaiae, trae, u rail m ai sK..'.'"-'?-- oj '&& ssi -vvK-?w v-: :3s!s3 Br Nwj.'s. vv. .S.-i8SP m is v bVbsbsbbu ksb!bbbVbbbbbb9b lBBBBBpHHn IHH ':s!?Slrt VWIbbbbbbsSH VmIbbbsbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbV l SBBB&BBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrU PbbbbbbbI WVtaUs .SBBBBBBBbV-W BBBBBBBH CS MT t?fT .bsbbbsbP VlTTLC Hasd- iflPK I BILLS. S&eir 1 M la ereab