The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 30, 1910, Image 3

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The Skeleton in the Closet
"( ( jj I Pormer Chief U. S. Secret Service I f jV
N fc---"-"--- mi mmm mm o . mmamm HI gf J
riKtg-gftfrW.- HAD VET the judge fre-
que nt.y :m! Jell q,uue
well anp.K'.intcil with
him. Ho was a politi
cian of r.-rte and a mem-bi-r
of the president's
cabinet, because of his
prominence and his one
time iri,rtaiu connec
tion with the govern
ment. I sLall forbear the i
mention of his iiaaic It would be fa
miliar to every reader.
One tlay I icceived a message from
him requesting me to --.ill at his office
at my ..-irlI-st convenience. Present
ing myself I .as g!v-n a private in
terview. After a little preliminary
conversation the judge aid that he
wanted to ta'.k to nic in regarJ to a
personal matter, lie needed my assist
ance In an affair of much concern to
hlmseJ! and wife. He then related at
some length the history of his family
troubles. There was a !.. leton in his
closet. He had pent for me believing
that I might be able to Revise some
measure of relief.
"My wife." he said
worried and quite
grief. She is in such
nf mind I fear she i
, "is very macu
pro.urated with
a nervous stale
ill break down
altogether." His eyes li'ied with tears
mi he explained the cause of their
Kreat trouble. "She was a widow with
an only son when 1 married her. This
non. notwithstanding his moral train
ing and tender care, has turned out to
be an unmitigated villain and a con
stant menace to our peace of mind.
He seems to be heartless and devoid
of decency and respect for our posi
tion. I resides, he is a thief Only a
abort time ago he wa., a: tested in Chi
cngo. taken to Ualtimore and charged
with committing a robbery in a house
of ill repute. I was compelled to set
tle the case or suffer the disgrace of
an exposure. Vv'ine and women are
his hobbies. He is reckless in the use
of money nnd will resort to any means
to obtain It. Kven now I am furnish
ing the money wherewith to gratify
his licious appetite. God knows what
he will do next! We are living in con
r.lnnt fear that he will do something
to publicly disgrace lis Nov., if there
is any way that he c:ii be got out of
the country without publicity, if you
can devise any plan to get rid of him
without killing him or sending him to
the penitentiary, it will meet with my
approval. I think it is a case where
severe measures wodld be entirely
justifiable. .lust think of it! The
scapegrace has gone so far in hi: de
pravity as to escort a woman of known
bad character to his mother's recep
tions." My sjmpa'hies once aroused and a
promise made. I feltlound to take
some action. It app"ar-d a difficult
undertaking The lellow was to be
got rid of, but just how was the
question that puzzled my brain. I had
read of many strange disappearances
of persons who were never afterwards
heard of. but the manner of their dis
appearance was not alwajs clear. It
may havq been a voluntary act. mental
aberration or the result of a crime. I
prided myself upon my skill in de
vising ways and means to accomplish
c:i end, but the case in hand, after
some deliberation, appeared somewhat
like perpetrating a wrong deed for
the purpose of accomplishing a good
If the story told by the judge was
true, there would be but little difficul
ty in landing the rascal in the peni
tentiary for the crimes he was com
mitting almost daily; but a measure '
of this kind would mean exposure and
disgrace. To put him away by foul
means was out of the question. He
may have deserved a sharp medicine,
and tlie world may have been better
off without him, but there was no
thought of doing him bodily harm.
The idea was to dispose of him and
ailiftf hint nut 4-if t1i ,. .....
-"- m.ii.v L-nueny. .
The judge wanted to get rid of him. I
but could suggest no way. it was . 1
delicate case to handle. I knew that
the judge was a conscientious and hu-
mane man and that he meant no
wrong, and It was difficult for me to
understand the course I cou'd safely '
pursue. j
i i ..,,! t .x .
As I turned to leave the judge s
. n;,. i.t,. ,..! . i .i
office his wife entered the room. I
-. .,,.., i . i .i !
was introduced, nnd cast mv eves
. i. ,., t. i . "
iipon her face. It did not appear ouite i
!.,. .-. . r, , , , - Y ' .. '
new to me. Could I be m:-t?Kon? Mai
i ..., ... i,rM, ... ... ..,..
uui in., unun;. .-is Hi.- jiuasiuie rec
ognition did not appear mutual I was i
enable to place her.
The judge turned aw
t.i. t.: .i:i : .
y to converse
Tiiui ii;s uusuursi.i:; corK. I tie wi
m- - - .. I
ins uisuursing cerK. The wi! '
who had evidently been intormed in
regard to the purpose of my interview
with the judge, reques'ed
"be j
much concern. She wished him ban
ished in some far-away country; h he
were dead, she would feel relieved.
While relating her troubles she
chanced to mention the name of her
first husband. On the instant I recog
nized her as an old acquaintance, i
it :&
seated Placing her hand upon ::,.- J"SL' stt-iv-oa m, sou an vhere was a trtfmor ,n his VQ, Sair appeared a farca.
firm she snviri pleasantly. whi,e as- r ompl Sec tCnKd COn:i,reIJCnd ,he ox-s Atter a time Reed returned from
suring mo of her faith in my abiity to I llo; R"ndi;"4LiSVnne4 ,,ower f th vt-,:ouious InBrrdIcnt that Mcs!co. He had given his companion
co something to help thorn out of the ' J faa he w :' deH"hted had poared 5m lhe boUle' Rce(1 he rilp and was quite positive in his
tieep trouble they were m. She spokt "l'Parcnt t.i.tii ttiat ii w s dUi0hted appc.ared Eelf-possessed and proficient Ly.. Hiit the indee's tenson wo-'d
bitterly cf her son and of the many in-1 StS SSSSSecS ! tbe "" ' and SS hoV "hlf face T th"
dignttie, he had heaped upon her. - " de ?v hll new end S ,,a,! CnCURb l COmmit crime' Ted States. He declared the man was
She wanted to be freed trom him. , ne ol5c ' ... "... .. ineim -n,J while the young man was evidentlv T ... Ii, contest erw-rd he hid rror
rpj. ne- in wbi-ii ho v-i- - i soon found himself m quite a novel .... ., ,, . . 1ULUU- about the greatest cow ne nau ever
ji.c .....nm. in wni.u no .at- to be , , -.-,. , greatly fnghineu not because of anv . ....i.
-i: i .- :.i . .- , . and dancerous situation. He was the .. . . "J1 an- met with.
uiuscu ui um j.ui svein to give ner , . . ... . i c
p Uncle Sam as a Receiver
"Uncle Sam is one cf the finest little coinplimentarr terms of the improve
rcceivers that you would care to have j ment in the financial affairs of Santo
ln charge of your business if a receiver ' Domingo, which has been brought
became necessary." remarked William j about by the benevolent interference
Jt. Estey. of San Juan. Porto Rico, to a ' of this government. These men told me
business acquaintance at the Shore- , that their private business transac-
hain. The United States government j tions with merchants in Santo Domin
has proved this by its administration i go have been much more satisfactory
cf the customs of the republic of Santo
'l have heard Englishmen who are
tn business in Jamaica speak in most
had known her when she was a rosy -
ch .eked young woman some twenty-
five years before. She was then living
with her husband in a little town in
northeastern Ohio. This wa3 before
she became the wife of the judge. Her
first marriage was raid to be t runa-1
way match. She was a remarkably
beautiful woman then, but there wis
a cloud hanging over her life. I cr.n -
not say what it m:ght have been that .
gossiping women to shake
their heads and whisper as she passed
by. Shortly after she gave birth to a
son she kft the village. 1 do not know i
just v. here she went, but It was short
ly afterwards rumored that she had
been granted a divorce. !
She was now cutting a large figure
in society and otten spoken of as the
handsomest woman in the capitol city.
Her husband, the judge, was up to
this tirm miiff' siipp -sfiil in nntitieil I
life. Possessed of considerable brain ",s lhe ver' fe!low we are lool?"s for
force and much amiability of charac- Lct us ,r-v a 1,and on blta'1 wl" fakf.
ter. he might have' risen still higher 1 him think l have met ,hlm befoie
had not the intrigues set on foot bv Recd nov'- stepped up and accosted the
lite 1tllllftiinn 11'lffi nli(iKntm1 .. ..
iijj luiuiiiiiun tun: i.iiiiij jijiiii:ii ill nil. i t
him linivi) Ktn nitnf.(t cpiumino t
exalt him and to acquire wealth. In i
making these efforts she aroused the
jealousies of others and made the :
judge quite unpopular with the leading
politicians. Her misdirected zeal not
only crushed the political prospects oi
her husband, but finally resulted in ex
pelling her from Washington society.
I was furnished a photograph of her
profligate stepson. Ha was a fine
looking young man, with wavy hair,
keen blue eyes and rosy cheeks; in
fact, much like his mother In her
youth. His face was
criminal tendencies. I
he was a difficult man
indicative of
was told that
to approach.
that he did not care for the compan
ionship of men. This being the case
I was at a loss to determine how to
reach him. It was necessary to intro
duce a stranger in order to carry out
thc plot , had ln view.
After pondering over the matter for
EOine days I hit upon an expedient
liat believed would dispose of the
young man without public exposure or
resorting to crime. There was in ray
employ at this time a man whom I
shall call Heed. If ever there was a
born confidence man he was the one:
. .i . .
an actor that could assume a part, live
- , , ,. ., , ... ,
it and play it through with a face as
. , s
solemn as the graveyard: never vi-
x. . .. i
cious. but ever apparently in earnest
, -. .- - .- ,
while practicing a deception for mis-
leading only those who ought to be j
misled. I had found him on all occa-
sions to be a valuable assistant In
fnrtherHjr the end of iustice
- - -
i Reed irc:n the south, had
JU.. ai.iuu ..i n.i Hi .iuj was .n
... . i :.. ,t. -:.-. . - i
quest of a private lodging place. The ;
companion oi a tnief whose exploits
were liable to involve Loth in trouble.
He had led his roommate to believe
that he was himself engaged in ques
tionable transactions and that New
York was the place to operate in.
"There," said he, "are chances to
since the United States took a hand.
This government, you remember, came
to the rescue of Santo Domingo in
1905. The creditors of the republic
maw .y
r?irH A I IX
"v. f i i
J make big hauls." The Judge's stepson
j tcok to a suggestion of this kind like
a duck to water and was highly elated
' on account of the proposed trip. He
no doubt imagined a broader field for
the exercise of his own peculiar talent,
On their arrival at New York they
! registered under assumed names at
! the Merchants' hotel on Courtland
' street.
For several days following they
c.roii,, ,.. .,, ,,..' hi the
,.,, nfl . ...,,. f n,(.,hin2 to
-- -- M -.- w ww--- - c
turn up. While walking along Broad
way, near the old As'or hotel, they
chanced to pass a mlddle-agod man
who was gazing about in an uncertain
; sort of way. His dress and manner
gave him the appearance of a green
one from the rural districts, pre
j sumably from some place cut west.
"Here," said Reed in an undertone.
l green one vvuu an air oi iissumiru i-
i miiianty
Seizing him by the hand
he said: "How do yoa do. Mr. Click?
I am so glad to see you." The verdant
man responded: "You are mistaken,
sir; my name Is Jones, and I live at
Fort Wayne. Indiana." "Never niinu
the name." said Reed. "I got the
names mixed, but I remember now
where I met you. You used to run a
livery stable at Kokomo."
"Yes. I did."
"Then of course you remember me.
I am the man that sold pumps and
kept my team at your stable.
P.5 cOATo olFPS? ffiQPf
YJ Cr7? TO 77ffZ00
and I have taken many drinks to
gether." "Oh. yes." drawled Mr. Jones;
"what on earth are you doing in New
York?" "Just looking around and having a
good time. Let's go and take some
thing." "Come along. Jones. Let us go
around to our hotel," said Reed. The
trio went to the Merchants. Jones ac
cepted an Invitation to go to the room
of his friends.
"What is your favorite drink?"
asked Reed.
"Plain brandy," said Jones.
"I wiii go down and bring up a bot
tle." As Reed moved away he winked
slyly to the judge's stepson. After an
absence of some thirty minutes or
more Reed returned with the brandy.
llk P"Hed the cork. While Jones wa
icoKing out ot tne window he slipped
. . .- ... i
a small vial out of his pocket and. giv- J
ng his partner an opportunity to see
- ,
,..., nf,lv n ,...,. ,,..,..,,.
" " .....-. ... u...v- ini; UUCLll'
i a iihake and set it down on the table.
., hni-n nnil wt if rinn-r, r. t. .i.i I
The j,"jge
ompunctions oi conscience, but for
the reason that he was. as was after
wards shown, a natural born coward.
He possessed none of the elements
and rugged force of an assassin. He
seemed to have a nervous apprehen-
sion that he was wading in water too
deep and dangerous. He was heart-
were pressing for payment A treaty
between the United States and Santo
Domingo turned over the customs re
ceipts to the United States. Of the
total amount collected. 45 per cent,
was to go to the Dominican govern
ment and 55 per cent, to the creditors.
The government at that time owed
"ln the five years that Uncle Sam
has been taking m and paying out the
money this big debt has been cut down
by at least $7,000,000. And the govern
ment of Santo Domingo is receiving
s stoiwon s faro flt?h.t n. ntv.-i !r nnrt in this esse
A. . L V. m- Ilia ! LU ..-
less enough, but lomehow lacked Ue
nerve to perform.
Step by step Jones became drowsy.
The stepson strove to rally him to bin
senses. Jones closed bis eyes. What
might have been a pnantom o over
heated imagination now became a
fearful reality. The stepson was now
almost paralyzed with fear as Jones
slipped from bis chair to the floor.
Was he dead or alive? He uttered
a low and suppressed mean as bis lank
and livid body was laid upon the bed
and stripped of all its valuables. The
stepson, thoroughly in earnest, wanted
to take J ones' overcoat, but Reed said
it would be dangerous, as it might
lead to detection.
I now leave the horrors of this occa
sion to the Imagination of the reader.
The two survivors suddenly left the
hotel and crossed over to Jersey City
and took lodging at Taylor's hotel,
where they registered under assumed
names, as they had done previously at
the Merchants'. It was late ln the
evening when they went to bed.
They had left the Merchants' hotel
late in the afternoon. Jones, the sup
posed drugged countryman. wa3 t.ot
quite as dead as the judge's stepson
thought him to be. He. tco, was a
skilled pretender.
Soon after his entertainers had ta
ken their departure he. possum-like,
came to life, got up and took a drink
from the brandy Lottie that was left
upon the table, and made his way at
once to the government secret service
office, where he told the story of his
adventure and received further in
structions. This so-called Jones was a
detective of marked ability. He could
assume almost any character and de
ceive the best educated criminal, yet
withal an honest, faithful servant to
the government.
At an early hour on the following
morning at Taylor's hotel Reed pre
tended to bo taken suddenly sick with
a cramp in his stomach. He left his
roommate and went below. A short
time afterwards be rushed back into
the bedroom and informed the judge's
stepson with a trembling voice that
they must get out of the place in a
hurry or they would be arrested. Reed
said that while downstairs !ie had torn
a slip from a newspaper. He handed
It to the judge's stepson, who. on
glancing at it hastily, at once sprang
out of bed.
It was a sensational article and bore
the appearance of having been clipped
from a newspaper. As a matter of
fact, however. It had been printed at
the New York Tribune job office. It
was a nice piece of deception and read
as follows:
A Brutal Murder and Robbery.
Another of those outrageous and
dastardly murders which have so
recently startled the community
occurred in this city yesterday af
ternoon, the particulars of which
are as follows: It appears that
shortly alter dark last evening a
well dressed man. apparently
thirty-five years of age. was found
by the police lying near the foot
of Courtland street in an insensi
ble condition. He was taken to the
police station, where restoratives
were administered, and when he
had revived sufficiently he stated
that his name was P. R. Jones and
that he was from Fort Wayne.
Mr. Jones was removed to the city
hospital last evening, where he be
came delirious and died about nine
o'clock. The police are on the
track of the murderers, who are
supposed to be from Baltimore or
Washington, as the clerk at the
hotel states that they came In just
after the arrival of the Washing
ton train. The clerk Is positive he
can identify them.
A frightful ghost had risen and was
standing in its most horrible form be
fore the now half-crazed stepson. The
rope of the hangman was looming up
before his eyes. He did not even
take time to wash his face, so great
was his anxiety to leave New York be
hind him. Even the very air he
breathed seemed tainted with the foul
odor or his crime. It was thought to
be dangerous to travel by rail at first,
and they started away on foot, and
finally concluded to make their way
to New Orleans.
Reed was. of cottise. the ruling
spirit and was carrying out the plan
they hail agreed upon. They doubled
back and forth with the object of put
ting imaginary pursuers off the track.
Reed was seeking delay for the pur
pose of gaining time. When the pair
arrived at New Orleans about the first
thing that met their eyes was a hand
bill posted in the depot describing the
fugitives and offering a reward lor
their arrest and conviction. Staring
r.t the bill with beads of perspiration
starting upon his brow the judge's
stepson nearly collapsed. He was
careworn, downhearted and ready to
speed a", ay as swift as steam could
carry him. In the course of time the .n . ,..............
r r.n .. Hmj-ki t irtniirtoii!n i r
From this po;nt i rcceneu a no e irom
Kctd Ka:ng that they intended to
. -,. - I 1 1.
u-av to the City of Mexico.
i- ,i, ., !nH nf hr ilntocf Ivps rrhn
To the
Reed was correct in his opinion, as
the fugitive, so far as I know, has
never been heard of. He certainly did
not appear in Washington to further
annoy the judge and his wife. He may
still be running from a Nemesis that
will never overtake him.
tCopyrisht. 1310. by W. G. Chapman.)
' more money now on half rations than
it did when its own officials collected
the entire amounL" Washington Post.
Writing to the London Morning
Post, a woman correspondent, advo
cating the withdrawal of all horse
drawn cabs In London as a measure
of humanity, puts in a plea for the
horses of Paris. "Nearly every cab
horse here," she says, "is half starv
ed, lame, bas sores and is cruelly
beaten and ill treated. It is quite dis
tressing to see them."
Some New, Old Games.
Here are some very old games, but
I am sure they will be brand-new to
many of our young readers. The first
is called "Catching the Snake's Tail"
and comes to us from Japan, where
it is a great favorite. The children
Torm in line, each with bands resting
upon the shoulders of the player ln
front. The one who Is to act as
"catcher" Is 19ft out. The first child
in the line Is called the "head" and
lhe last one the "tall." When time
to begin the "catcher" Is placed about
15 feet from thc "head," at a signal
he tries to catch the "tall" or the last
child In the "snake" without touching
any one else. The others may de
fend the "tail" by moving about, keep
ing the line unbroken, for if the line
should be broken it is equal to the
"tail" being caught and that unlucky
person must become the catcher while
the last named goes to tbe bead of
thc line.
Now for the second game, called
"Feather Play." It Is very amusing,
although it sounds so simple. All the
players are seated on the floor, having
first countetd "out" to see who will be
"it." A hollow square Is formed with
a sheet held close up to the chins of
the players on the floor. A feather is
produced, a little downy thing, and
blown back and forth by the players.
The trick Is for the child who is "it"
to try to catch the feather on one of
the children or directly in front of a
child when that one becomes "it."
The feather must not be touched by
the hands of the children on the floor
nor must they rise from the floor;
their bands must be kept under the
sheet, all manipulations of the feather
being done by blowing.
Progressive Puzzle Party.
The requirements for this party are
children to make four' at a table, as
ninny tally cards and pencils as
guests, a box of stars for markers or
a punch and a couple of prizes, more
If the hostess wishes.
Often enough puzzles may be bor
rowed or they may be bought. For
very small children sliced animals
nnd sliced birds will be popular.
There should be as many puzzles as
children. Some times thc puzzles arc
given as prizes, then each guest takes
homo one. All these arrangements
For Party Bag
N3W that the season cf parties,
dances or sewing circles has be
gun its busy whirl, it is natural
.hat our minds turn to the little ac
cessories that make our life interest
lug, to say the least. Kven If wre
aave outgrown the fancy bag age
ind more's the pity if that be tbe
rase we can make this pretty thing
.'or others.
Three suggestions are before you.
lesigned in such a way that they
jhould appeal to the painters, embroi
lerers or pyrographers, and each one
promises success for easy work and
much effect at little cost.
If you decide to make a square bag
jf four strips of white or ecru velvet
attached to a square bottom, the daisy
design is the best. Cut your strip.
and follow the sijgestion here given
Pyrcgraphed velvet Is extremely effec
tlve, giving rich brown tones, which
you can deepen at the centers of thi
flowers and the stems. Touch up, it
you wish, with yellow stencil dyes or
oil paint. Embroidery Is equally effec
; mgiinEffiKr.
The touch of black Is still a feat
ure of fashion.
Two-toned plumes and enormous
pink poppies trim some of the latest
Yv'ide tulle scarfs are becoming ac
cessories with dancing frocks and
black sheer scarfs are much used.
Girdles of soft folds of gold tissue
or gold-beaded chiffon for light gowns
are lovely and set off the figure of the
wearer to the best advantage.
For afternoon and street dresses the
elbow length sleeve is generally used,
although the sleeve length reaching
above the elbow upon most gowns is
helped to the desired length by a lace
Tailored models are mostly made of
rough materials in cheviots and
serges. A few hard-twisted mannish
effects are included in the showing,
but are not as popular as the roughly
woven fabrics.
The deep hem, turned on the right
each individual hostess must decide
for herself. The tally cards may be
made at home from colored cardboard
cut in the shape of an Interrogation
mark. Number each one at the top
and place corresponding numbers on
the puzzles. For instance, the players
who havo number 1. 2. 3. 4 will take
puzzles marked 1, 2. 3. 4, and go to
head table which will be marked num
ber 1. Those who draw 5, 6. 7. S will
take puzzles marked the same and go
to table number 2. When a player
finishes at the head table a bell la
rung and each child moves a number
ahead: then every player who has
solved his or her puzzle has a punch
in the card or a star affixed. The
hostess must use her own judgment
how long the progressions shall last,
as the secret of success in any party
is not to let the guests become weary;
stop while they want to go on. This
p?rty Is best suited for children from
eight to twelve. Serve chicken sand
wiches, cocoa with a marshmallow In
each cup. Ice-cream In fancy moulds
and tiny frosted cakes. I have found
that small cakes are much better for
children's parties than larger ones.
Wedding Rings for Bridegrooms.
Some new rings are being shown
which on first appearance seem to
be very handsome seals, but on closer
examination show that they are to be
divided when the "time" ernes intc
two separate rings. They are made tn
order as Is much of the Jewelry worn
nowadays by those who wish to have
exclusive styles In their articles ol
personal adornment. It Is a custom
rather strictly observed In Germany,
this exchange of rings on the weddina.
day. and it Is a very pretty custom
"Why shouldn't a man have some out
ward symbol to show that he Is mar
ried as well as a woman?" asked a
little dark-eyed bride who had used
this double ring ceremony? and why
not? Very few brides now select a
rlain diamond solitaire that was for
so long considered the only proper en
gagement token, the larger the stone
the more tbe girl loved to flash It.
Now a diamond is used if the girl
wishes It, but It Is cut and set In some
individual manner and Is made with
the promise that no duplicates will
be sold.
tive, and you can. with a fairy god
mother's magic needle, change the
daisies to asters and work in pink
white or purple. You are really nol
taking them out of the family.
The wisteria Is a charming comblna
tlon of thc natural and the conven
tional. Paint this design, using lav
ender and pale green, with brown foi
the stem. This can be used as a
repeat around the lower portion ol
the regulation silk bag gathered on
a cord at the top.
The last suggestion is capable ol
any color treatment and therefore
slves a wider field in which to work.
(Jray silk with two shades of purple,
jf yellow or green looks well for this
lesign. The darker shade of any
color is good, and so also Is a con
rasting bright color on a neutral
The great point Is in the applies
'ion of this handwork on velvet, silk
or satin, and although it sounds like
aii unseasonable warning. Christmas
is coming!
I side, is a favorite finish to the skirt.
t As a rule the skirt is slightly fuller
than the hem which holds It 1a place,
and sometimes the hem is of heavier
material than the gown itself.
Children's Dresses.
A good idea for mothers who like
to have souvenirs of their little one's
childhood is to paste in a book sam
ples from every new dress or suit,
with a picture of the pattern if possi
ble. Not only is this interesting for
both mothers and children in time to
come, but it forms a valuable history
of costumes for the period, and Is of
practical service as well as insuring
variety In dress from year to year.
Sympathy for Moose.
Treed by a cow moose, a Massachu
sets man started to play a phonograph
and the moose thing was just six sec
onds jumping over two barns and four
haystacks and losing Itself In the
woods. We know exactly how the
moose felt about it. and nothing but
tbe speed laws prevented us from ta
king a similar hike on no less than
two thousand different occasions.
Good luck likes to visit p-.-ople wte
ireaot expecting it.
IwkT Sinffla Binder cinr b
doped only tobacco in its natural tUte
It is better to Inherit a fortune tfcia
to marry one.
Wkt Vftn Tarn RiBKtr Doe .
Wjf ts to Ketrcalt. Clas. btrrnglbm aa4 0Ok
!! UlUkfnl Circulation. Pnwotiaf Mtmtl
CuadliloM Tit Mario 1 jour Ujoa.
The Millionaire Doctor, ia It abte
Iutely necessary to remove my a
"Not absolutely, but It la safer U.
begin with some elmple operation
like that." Ufa.
la all its forma among all ana of horse
at well aa dogs, cured and others hi mm
table prevented from ha:n the dieeaat
Every bottle guaranteed. Over flOO.Mf
bottle aoid last year $.50 and $1.00. Aa?
good druggist, or send to manufacturer
Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spaa.
Contagious Disease. Goshen. Ind.
Scant Pasturage.
T am afraid the moths will get late
my bathing suit," ald Maud.
"It would bo a shame," replied Mar
mie. "The poor thinga would aUrre
to death."
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free
To quickly Introduce the bfraaat M
beat farm Journal In the Weat. we maki
this special 20 day bargain offer: Bead 1
cents for trial 3 months subscription tn
we will give you free our collection of 1
verj' finest Gold Embossed Chrtatmaa poe
cards. Nebraska Farm Journal, tt
Ramge Building. Omaha. Neb.
Blueflsh So Shad thought be'4 get
Into society by coming to the aea
shore, did he?
Bass Why, yes. They had him for
dinner at De Wealth's the first day.
Indigestion, Gas, Sourness and Dys
pepsla Go and Your Stomach Fsels
Fine In Five Minutes.
If your meals don't tempt 70a, or
what little you do eat seems to fill
you, or lays like a lump of lead la
your 6tomach, or If you have heart,
burn or a sick, sour, upset or gassy
stomach, that Is a sign of Indlgestloa.
Ask your Pharmacist for a 50-ceat
case of Pape's Dlapepsln and take a
little Just as soon as you can. There
will bo no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling ln the stomach, Nat
sea. Debilitating Headaches, DIzzV
ness or Intestinal griping. This will
nil go. and besides, there will be no
undigested food left over ln the stonv
ach to p'olson your breath with nause
ous odors. (
Pape's Dlapepsln la certain care far
out-of-order stomachs, because it pro
vents fermentation and takes hold ot
your food and digests It Just the same
as if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief In five minutes from all stonv
ach misery Is waiting for you at any
drug store here in town.
These large 60-ccnt cases of Pape's
Dlapepsln contain more than sufficient
to thoroughly cure any esse ef Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis or any
other stomach disturbance.
Reason for Strange Names.
A little colored girl appeared osj
one of the city playgrounds the other
day, accompanied by two pickanin
nies, who, she explained, were cousins
of hers, visitors in Newark. "What
are their names?" asked the young
woman ln charge of the playground.
"Alda Overture Johnson and Lucia
Sextette Johnson," the girl answered.
"You -see, their papa used to work for
a opera man." Newark News.
Only on -Great Occasions.
"How are you, Mr. Tyte-PhystT I
hope there Is nothing wrong with that
set of teeth I made for you a few
weeks sgo."
"No, they're all right; but. great
Scott, Doc. I paid you $30 for them
teeth. Tou don't s'pese I'm going to
wear em for everyday use, do you?
When a girl exchangea photographs
with a young man she nearly always
gets tbe worst of the trade.
If you want a medicine
that will give you the great
est satisfaction in cases of
Indigestion, Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Colds,
Grippe and Malaria take
none but the Bitters. Its
reputation is established.
the keystone
to health
ssmssV IS
ifor CouchsScoTdsI