The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 30, 1910, Image 1

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-,1 S 4MM BiSMtlMl
A Seven
Room Dwelling
Barn, G6 foot lot,
with good shade
on all sides, for
live GO
Oiita 23
Wheat 81
Corn o5
Hogs, top $0-10 to 80.50
Files of the Journal. December 5, 1877.
Young Indies ought to be very careful
how they step round in strange places,
empty boxes are not the most proper
thing to add grace or dignity to a lady
sitting in one.
A broncho, pirouetting in front of the
Hammond House on Saturday enabled
hia rider to strike some grotesque at
titudes, and drew from the bystanders
merriment, and broncb(o)iaI explosions.
What a rapacious old "looter" is Bor
eas, he remorselessly swallows up wood
piles and coal heaps, and dances, and
whistles alike at the dismay of the poor,
or complacency of the rich, as he holds
their fading supply.
Our dealers paid as high as eighty-two
cents for wheat last week. The grain
buyers of Columbus are not making
money this fall so far, the competition is
so spirited, that the margin of profit is
cut to the closest limit.
We have heard of postmasters in early
days carrying the mail in their hats, but
we never heard of a justice of the peace,
till the past week, cnrrying his papers
in bis pockets, and issue process in one
precinct, and citing parties to appear
before him in a precinct for which he
was not elected.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post otlice at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing November .'50, 1910:
LettersCarl Herch, Mrs. Ella Case
beer. W. A. Finnen, G A. Harris, C.
E. Moron, Chas. J. Simpson, Fred
Smyth, Wm. Uren, Frank Weiler.
Cards Miss Mary Brocktrop, Lon
French, II. O. Glenn, Walter Mulligan,
V. C. Morris, IJ. B. Transdale, Will
Uren, C. P. Young.
Parties calling for nny of the above
will please say, "advertised."
Caul Kuameu, P. M.
The following from .the Denver Post
tells of the visit of a vanadium expert to
that city, who is looking up the deposits
of that metal in Colorado. Columbus
parties are owners of one of the best
vanadium mines in that state, near
Boulder: Joseph M. Flannery, head of
the Vanadium trust, which is the rival
of the Radium trust and controls the
output of a mineral which is considered
the only equal in a therapeutic sense of
uranium and pitch blende, the true i'.l
uminants of disease, is in Denver for n
few days' rest while enroute to the Paci
Gc coast. At the Brown Palace hotel
last night Mr. Flannery said: "I am
here as the guest of Judge Cornelius J.
Gavin, who has been interested in a
medical sense in the properties of vana
dium. The United States government
has taken a deep interest in our miues
in Peru, the only body of mineral in the
world that possesses the illuminant quali
ties of radium and the curative qualities
of pitch blende in n natural state. Used
in conjunction with steel, it gives the
metal a resiliency which is equal to that
of rubber and capable of throwing off a
projectile that might strike the armor
belt of a battleship without completely
penetrating a band four inches thick.
It gives also an edge to sharp blade in
struments that when properly tempered
will never lose their edge, and in this
one respect alone vanadium is said to be
One hundred dollars is the amount of
Reu Cross Christmas stamps allotted to
Columbus, by the National Association
for the study and prevention of tuber
culosis. A year ago there was a demand
for these stamps here, and F. J. Kersen
brock secured a supply from Omaha, eo
this year the committee appointed Mess
rs. Ilorstman & Kersenbrock as their re
presentatives in this city. These stamps
sell for one cent each, and thoee who
handle them do it for the cause, as the
receive no remuneration whatever. Five
Columbus merchants have signified their
willingnes to sell these stamps and they
can be secured at the Purity Drug Store,
Leavy's drug store, Echols & Kumpf,
First National Bank and Columbus
Mercantile Co. Should other business
houses or individuals desire to help the
cause by disposing some of these stamps
they can eecuro the agency by applying
to F. J Kersenbrock at the Purity Drug
Columbus will entertain the state con
vention of Nebraska sheriffs, Tuesday
and Wednesday, December 15 and 1G.
When Sheriff Lachnit and Deputy Sher
iff Burke attended the convention last
year at Kearney, they succeeded in cap
turing the convention for thiB year, and
they expect that Columbus will entertain
the visitors in good shape. Ex-Sheriff
J. C. Byrnes, who was president of the
state association of sheriffs for two years,
is taking an active part in the arrange
ments for the coming convention. At
the close of the two days' convention the
visiting delegates will be given a ban
quet by the city in which the meeting is
located 5 miles northwest of
.Monroe, Xebr., being the south
east quarter of Section 15, in
Monroe township, will be sold
at the court bouse in Columbus
on Monday, Dec. 1!, l'.UO, at 2
o'clock n. m. This land be
longs to the heirs or Henry
(jihb, deceased, and will be sold
on above day to the highest
bidder. For further informa
tion call on "Win. Webster, at
Monroe, or address the under
signed. C. 31. (Jruenther,
Columbus, Xebr. Referee.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
The remains of Martin Comer, who
died in El Paso, Texas, arrived in this
city Saturday morning, accompanied by
Barclay Jones, who was with him when
he died. Funeral services were held
Sunday at 2:0 at the Catholic church,
and the Eagles, of which the deceased
was a member, attended in a body. A
number of Union PaciGc engineers from
Omaha, representing the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers, came up Sunday
to attend the funeral. Mr. Comer leaves
two children, a son, Joseph, seventeen
years of age, and a daughter. Irene
thirteen years old, the later being a pu
pil at St. Francis academy in this city.
The Columbus bowling team that
went to Omalin Sunday to compete in
the Mid-West tournament, made a very
creditable showing. In the double
event Kavanaugh and Gutzraer rolled a
total of 993 pins; Palmer and Hagel, H5S,
and Sawyer and Porter, 01)5. In the sin
gles Ted Novel leads the home team with
a score of 005. Porter comes next with
5S0; Palmer, 53S: Gutzmer, 552; Nichols,
533: Hagel. 521), and Kavanaugh, 47-1.
The highest score yet made in singles is
042. and in the doubles, 1220.
Monday and Tuesday of this week the
case of Platte county vs. Butler and Polk
counties, was on trial at David City, this
county being represented by County
Attorney Hensley and Attorney Light
cer. The case was concluded Tuesday
and Judge Corcoran instructed the jury
to bring a verdict in favor of Platte
county for the full amount sued for
one-half of the cost of the bridge. This
will not settle the question, in all proba
bility, as it will be taken to the supreme
court by the defendants.
Work on the new government build
ing is progressing rapidly, notwithstand
ing the cold weather, and the material
has been arriving about as rapidly as it
could be taken care of. About 200,000
Columbus brick will be need in the con
struction work this winter, and nearly
all of them are already on the ground,
delivery having been made during Nov
ember. The R. L. Kossiter residence, near
the Third ward school building, has been
sold to H C. McCord,and he has moved
the house to the south end of the lot and
is making it modern. He will occupy
this for a home, and later build another
house on the corner. The price paid
was 83,000.
Box perfumes at Leavy's.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th St.
Cigars and box candies at Leavy's.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueechen building.
Baled hay for sale. Ernst & Brock.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Dr. L. P. Carsteneon, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and KummerSts.
Don't forget the dance on Friday eve
ning December 2, 1010, given by the
Columbus City Band.
Genuine 1S47 Roger silver
ware, the ware with a guaran
tee. 4 ohannes & Krumland.
Enola ilall returned Monday from
Polk, where she baa been visiting her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. II.
The Columbus City band will give a
public dance at the Orpheus hall on Fri
day evening December 2. 1910. Music
furnished by the band.
Miss Edith Lindberg of Polk and Miss
Helen Bay of Madison were guests at the
G. M. Hall home Sunday, while they
were enrouto to Madison.
Wm. A. Heuer, who celebrated his
twenty-fourth birthday Tuesday of this
week, treated a number of bis friends to
a supper in honor of the event.
Born, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Nov.
IStb, to Mr. and Mrs. Farrell. a twelve
pound son . Mrs. Farrell will be remem
bered here as Miss Laura Miner.
Columbus friends have received the
announcement of the birth of a
daughter to Rev. and Mrs. D. I. Roush
at Redlield, S. D., on November 22.
At last the official census of Platte
county has been published, and the ex
act figures are 10,005, compared with
15,147 ten years ago, h ain of 3,858 dur
ing the last ten years.
Mrs. Chas H. Dack and son left last
week for a three weeks' visit at Oiarinda,
la, and on her return will leave for Los
Angeles, Cal., accompanied by Mr. Dack.
They expect to spend the winter as guests
of Mr. and Airs. Thomas Dack
Mrs. O. C. Shannon left Sunday even
ing for Trinidad, Colo., for a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Kenney. She
will return about Christmas and be ac
companied by her daughter, Helen, who
will remain here for some time.
G. B. Speice of this city has been ap
pointed one of the three delegates from
Nebraska to the National Good Roads
convention at Indianapolis. Ind., Dec
ember G to 0, inclusive. The appoint
ment was made by Governor Shallenber-
For the last few days a company inter
ested in the development of Cuba have
had a car of exhibits from that country
on the Union Pacific tracks, north of the
depot, and a number have availed them
selves of the opportunity to visit the exhibit.
Building, Loan and Savings
Assets, $265,000.00
Pays 6 per cent interest on full paid stock
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block Columbus, Neb.
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
See thoee pretty dolls at Leavy's.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Beautiful toilet 6ets at Leavy's.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Suitable holiday gifts at Leavy's.
Wanted Boy to learn candy making
trade. Wm. Poesch.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculistand
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Ncnmarker, office with Dr
C. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Mrs. Louis Schreiber is visiting rela
tives in Cedar Bluffs, Neb., this week.
Big Cut.
We will sell for a limited time, 30
loaves of bread for $1.00. 7 loaves for 25c
4 loaves for 15c. Bread checks good for
bread only. Jone's Steam Bakery.
Last Saturday was bargain day in
Columbus, at least the crowds in front
of two of the business houses indicated
it. At one place the police were obliged
to take a hand, while at the other the
jam was similar to that in the large city
Prices for horses were very ood, es
pecially young stock, at the Branigan
horse sale last Saturday. While this
season of the year is not the best for
these sales, owing to the fact that the
stock must be wintered, there were buy
ers who wanted the stock and were will
ing to pay for it.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Leet and baby of
Allendale. N. D.. are visiting Mrs. Leet's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Benson,
and they expect to remain here during
the winter. Mr. Leet is one of the large
farmers of his locality, he and his two
brothers farming S00 acres of land and
using gasoline power instead of horses.
Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Brenn, who will soon leave for Fairbury,
Neb., the former associates of Mr.
Brenn at the Union Pacific gave them a
farewell reception last Wednesday even
ing, nt their home on West Seventeenth
street. During the evening 500 was
played and a dainty two course luncheon
Nelson Carter, who was brought down
from Monroe Thanksgiving day and was
before the insanity commission, was
ordered sent to the Norfolk asylum
and was taken to that institution Tues
day evening of this week. Carter has
been in that institution before as at times
his mental condition is such that it is
not safe for him to be at liberty.
Michael T. Kinney, a former resident
of this city in the '70s, died at the home
of his son Vinton at Benson, a suburb of
Omaha, on Saturday last, aged 74 years.
He is survived by his wife and five chil
dren. Mr. Kinney will be kindly re
membered by the older of our citizens
who had formed his acquaintance as a
business man here in the early days.
James Allaway, jr., of Homer, Neb,
and Miss Mary Adams of Primrose were
married at the Methodist parsonage in
this city Tuesday, November 29, Rev, C
W. Ray, pastor of the Methodist church,
performing the ceremony. Miss Adams
has made her home at Primrose since
coming to this country from Ireland a
few years ago, and Mr. Allaway is mana
ger of the Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. at Homer.
Mrs. Sarah Brindley returned to Kear
ney Sunday, after a few days visit with
Chas. Smyers of Monroe came down
the tirst of the week, to attend college
for the winter.
Miss Lillic Ernst relumed to her home
at Duncan Sunday, after spending a few
days at the home of Jacob Glur.
Serving dishes, Casseroles,
cake trays, ami carving sets for
Christmas. J oh amies & Krumland.
Are yen going to attend the dance at
the Orpheus hall on December 2, 1910L
given by the Columbus City Band.
Music by the band
Quite a number of Columbus citizens
interested in the Platte river bridge con
troversy, were at David City this week
attending the trial.
The Misses Gladys and Irene Turner
went to Lincoln lost week to spend
Thanksgiving, with their sister, who
resides in that city.
Banker O. E. Green of Genoa was in
the city Tuesday, in connection with
the prohabting of the will of the late
W. H. Pugsley of Monroe township.
Miss Gwendolyn Garlow will give a
concert and musical at the Orpheus hall
Monday evening, December 12. Furth
er announcement and program will be
given next week.
Judge I. L Albert left for Washing
ton, D. C, where he goes to appear as
one of the attorneys in the bank guar
antee case before the United States
supreme comt, where the constitutional
ity of the act will be passed upon.
President Ross and Secretary Parrish
of the Columbus Light, Heat & Power
company, came up from Omaha Tuesday
to appear before the council Tuesday
evening at the bearingof the complaints
against the company.
Congregational Church.
Should any man be termed a success
who is not a christian? We judge suc
cess by position in society or financial
holdings. Christ termed a large proper
ty holder a fool and showed us a social
leader in torment. From these we must
judge that position and holdings are no
more an index of success than want or
the dungeon. Success as christian
character not money, right not position,
and we should call no man a success who
is not a christian and through Christ a
possessor of life everlasting.
Herein the church should lay aside all
apology to society and stand as in the
days of old, the grandest institution of
earth, coveting no man's silver or gold
but dead in earnest to save men's souls.
If you have no church at home the
Congregational people invite you to
worship with them and share the joy of
their services. Last Sunday night an
other large audience listened to the sec
ond sermon of the series A Little
Creed for Every Day Life. Will you
be one to li6ten to the third sermon of
the series next Sunday night? The
morning subject will be: A Prophet's
Advice; the evening subject: A Little
Creed for Every Day Life Do Your Ite6t
but Do Not Fret.
William L. Dihhlk.
Nebraska High School Champions.
The Columbus High school football
team may well feel proud of their record
during the season that ended with the
Thanksgivinggame at David City. Dur
ing the season all the gases played have
been with good school?, atd not one
player has been carried from the grounds.
Earl Hawkins, manual training instruc
tor and coach, has been largely instru
mental in the team, making their record
as Mr. Hawkins is one of the best High
kebool coaches in Nebraska. He thor
oughly understands the game, and in his
senior yeir in the High school was cham
pion quarter back of Wisconsin. His
work here has been much appreciated
by the team, and has given them a bet
ter insight to the game than ever before.
The lineup of the team this year is as
follow?: L. Neater, F. B.. H. Gossard,
U. B.; E. Westbrook. H. B.; H. Colton.
Q. B.;D. Cddy, Center; H. Kaufman,
G.;tt. Taylor, G.; A. Warren, Tackle;
J. Kinsman, (captain) Tackle; P. Hocken
borger. End; II. Hagel, End; L. Cassio.
Sub.; Chas Ballou, Sub. ; It Westbrook.
Sub. These are all regular students,
and three of them. E Westbrook, P.
Hockonberger and R. Gossard, graduate
this year, leaving six of the old men on
the team for next year.
For the coming year the team elected
ijioyu dealer, wuo nas made quite a re
cord for himself with the team this year.
The closing game of the season at
David City Thanksgiving was one of the
bsst of the season, and two hundred and
ten tickets were sold for the special Mbe council,
train. Columbus was strong and scored I
an eosv victorv. but Peschek of David I
City, a star punter, got a drop kick,
which gave David City the only three
points they scored during the game.
About COO attended the Thanksgiving
game and the Columbus boys appreciat
ed the courteous treatment accorded
Following is the score for the season:
Many persons, whose busi
ness is not very active, do
not care to run a checking
account. These people of
ten concentrate their entire
business in one of our cer
tificates of deposit.
Columbus State Buk
Capital JtSarylas, $85,000.00
percentage, and report the same to tba
council. This committee, whioh was
present at the meeting, held aoonferaaea
with president Ross of the Light com
pany and will arrange for a date in the
near future, at which time an agreement
will be made, subject to the approval of
Columbus 22
Columbus 5
Columbus 5
Columbus ..
Columbus ..
Columbus ..
.. 0
.. o
Methodist Church Notice.
Our morning service begins at 11
o'clock and the topic is "Deliverance
from Violated Law." At 7:30 p. m.
theme is "Not Discouraged by Failure."
We always have good music by a trained
choir. Sunday school at noon. Epworth
League at C:30 p. m. You are invited
to make this your church home every
Chas. Watne Rat, Pastor.
aaY aa av M bb
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The hour for Bible study next Friday
night will be taken up by reports of the
convention by the boys.
Plans for the "Red" and "Bine" mem
bership contest for 100 in one day are
taking form. Get in line and boost for
one day. December 13 is the date.
Thursday afternoon is ladies day on
the bowling alleys. In response to
many requests the alleys will be open
for use by the lady friends of the associa
tion at the regular price of 5 cents per
game, flow is the time to show your
The police have asked us to co-operate
in stopping the use of the path across
the park. After this notice becomes
public anyone using that short cut is
liable to be arrested and prosecuted.
If we use the walk it is only a few steps
further and then we will not be bothered
by that little monitor that reminds us
continually when we do things that are
against the regulations which we as good
citizens are bound to support. The
association stands for law observance
and we ate glad to do what we can to
assist any officer in the discharge of their
The Boy's State Convention at Fre
mont was a very good one and our fifteen
delegates have returned with new in
spiration?, ideals and plans for the work
here in our own town. Columbus had
the largest delegation of any town in the
state and was represented on the Resolu
tions, Press and Nominating committees
the three most important committees of
the convention. Everett Welch was de
feated in his run for the presidency of
the next convention by one vote. About
60 boy delegates were present beside the
leaders and employed men. The next
convention will probably be held at Lin
coln. "Leadership and Responsibility"
was the subject of most the considera
tion of the six papers presented by the
boys and reviewed by their leaders.
The question may reasonably be asked
what benefit is Columbus to receive from
this convention. Fifteen of our boys
had the privilege of learning what is be
ing done in other places and the respon
sibilities of the boy in the conduct of
these activities. Fifteen boys now rea
lize that they are part of a state wide
group of boys who are working in Bible
class clubs. Sunday meetings and priv
ately to help other boys live better lives.
Fifteen boys have been impressed with
the thought that they, and not the
secretaries, are responsible for the suc
cess of the work in the Boy's department.
Fifteen boys have pledged themselves to
support anew club idea which is as yet
unnamed but which they understand is
for the purpose of creating a sentiment
against the use of tobacco, profanity,
gambling and dirty stories among boys.
Osceola. 3
David City 0
Fremont 3
Norfolk 0
David City 11
Fremont 0
David City 3
Total 20
Route No. 5.
School in the Thomas district is dosed
on account of the board discbargiag the
The Electric Light Controversy.
For almost three hours Tuesday even
ing the electric light controversy, be
tween the patrons who f.ra not satisfied
and the Light company, was threshed
out nt the special meeting of the city
Section 10 of the franchise granted by
the city seemed to be the bone of con
tention, as that section provides for
arbitration between the consumer and
the company, should the customer de
mand it, and it was on the charge that
this section hud been violated by the
company that the council passed a resolu
tion requesting the representatives of
the light company to appear before that
body and show why their charter should
not be revoked
The special meeting of the council was
called for the purpose of hearing the
complaints of the consumers and also
the company's side of the controversy.
A good attendance of citizens was anti
cipated, and in this the council were not
disappointed. The Light company was
represented by president -Ro.-s and sec
retary Parrish of Om.ih-. and also
nrinnger McCuIiy of this city.
Secretary Parrish was asked what the
compiny had to -offer regarding the
charge that tlt terms of their charter
had been violated, and in response de
nied that such was the case, and cit.-l
several points to show that :. was tic .1
in his contention. R S. Dicliii-un,
who has had more or less controversy
with the company regarding his lights,
then took the floor and began a cross
examination of president Roes. This
did not proceed very far until secretary
Parrish demanded a stenographer to take
down the proceedings if tbey were con
tinued along that line. This was done,
however, and then Mr. Parrish took the
place of Mr. Ross in the controversy,
and as Mr. Dickinson's case was the first
to be considered, Mr. Parrish read the
correspondence between the company
and Mr. Dickinson regarding his lights.
Some time during the present year Mr.
Dickinson had asked for arbitration re
garding the price he was paying for
lights, and as a result his rate was re
duced. Later he asked that his rate be
arbitrated again and appointed G.
Fri-chholz as bis representative, and eo
notified the light company. They ap
pointed an Omaha man, but objected to
Mr. Frischholz as being antagonistic to
them, and based their objection on that
portion of their charter which provides
that three disinterested parties be se
lected. This is as far as the arbitration
bad proceeded, when the council took a
hand in the matter.
Others who were preseut also stated
their grievances to the council, and a
suggestion that a fixed per cent demand
be made for all residence lights, seemed
to meet the approval of both the citizens
and the company The present contro
versy does not seem to include tbe lights
in the business houses, as they have a
fixed rate, tbe only variation claimed by
the consumers being in tbe residence
Acting upon the suggestion that a
fixed demand rate be made. Mayor Held
appointed n committee of three, com
posed of councilmen Davis. Bruuken
and Winslow, to meet with representa
tives of the company and agree on the
Route No. 4.
Frank Bray and Henry Newman start
ed for Syracuse, Neb., last Friday.
Laudenklos Bros, were helping Smith
Billiard finish his corn husking this
Miss Emma Lambertus of Monroe k
visiting at the home of her grandparents,
Mr. and Mm. J. W. Sissle, this week.
Route No. 1.
Corn busking on the route has been
Bird Ellis has built a new addition to
his house.
Miss Holds Grutter of Loup City,
Neb., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Adolpfc
Chas Moore walked to Columbus Moo
day morning for bis auto, which he had
at tbe garage for repairs.
Since tbe death of his mother, Otto
Heiden and family moved on to the old
homestead with bis father.
The Standard Bridge company are
building a private bridge across Shell
Creek for Henry Rickcrt on his farm.
Route No. 3.
Corn husking on the route is almost
Peter Scbmitt whs delivering Hour in
Columbus Monday.
Henry F. Brunken spent Wednesdsy
at North Bend, returning Thursday.
I7d Krumland bos accepted a position
at tbe Burlington depot at Columbus.
All the schools on tbe route began
Monday, after enjoying their vacation
for Thanksgiving.
One of the patrons presented the car
rier with a fine goose and another pat
ron gave us a fine duck for Thanksgiving
Miss Lemp of northwest of Platte
Center, has been engaged to teach the
school in district No 35, taking the
place of Miss Margaret Dineen, who resigned.
Marriage Licenses.
GroverC. Maurer, Silver Greek 24
Almedal. Layton 21
Archie C. Ball, Columbus 29
Vergil M. Woods, Columbus 19
James Alio way, Homer, Neb 29
Mary E. Adams. Primrose, Neb 25
, We have the agency for the
famous Munaing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.80 to W.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 76c, tl and $1.J5.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in pries
from 50c to $2 60 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are couplet.