The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 23, 1910, Image 2

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    I! f
Columbus Journal
Personal, Political, Foreign and Other
Intelligence Interesting to the
General Reader.
Congress meets the first Monday Id
December. The session will end
March 4th.
The attempt of about fourteen rail
roads operating between the Mlssip
sippi and Missouri rivers to resume
advances in rates already condemn
ed irom Washington was thwarted by
a suspension order announced by the
Interstate commerce commission.
The congressional investigation of
the whole question of Indian counsel
contracts has been shifted from the
west to Washington. Representative
tturk of South Dakota, chairman of
the special committee, appointed for
this inquiry, arrived here. Several
of the other members will come in a
few days.
The beginning of November has
brought an improved condition of gov
ernment finances. The month shows
a surplus of more than $700,000. as
against a deficit of $2,fi00.000 a year
ago. The total receipts to date are
nearly $7,000,000 ahead of a year ago
and the disbursements are nearly
Contemplating the adaption of
some of this government's improved
census-taking methods in connection
with its next census, the Canadian
government has sent to Washington
E. S. McPhail. of the census bureau
of Canada, to consult with Director
Durand regarding the operations of
the American census bureau.
Pensions for all employes of na
tional banks and protection for their
families in case of death has been
proposed to the treasury department
by the large mutual life insurance
companies. Several reports of the
companies headed by W. C. Ueers of
New York, had a conference Griday
with the comptroller of the currency
regarding the legality of the plan.
Mexicans at the town of Sayula
have tendered their services in the
event of war with the United Stats.
The Australian commonwealth de
cided not to accept the Canadian gov
ernment's proposal to renew the Van
couver and Australia mail service
with calls at Auckland and Sidney
Morroco has agreed to pay Spain
$13,000,000 indemnity as demanded by
the latter government following the
Buccessful Spanish campaign against
the Riff tribesmen in the summer of
The marriage or Prince Victor Na
poleon Bonaparte, cousin of King
Victor Emmanuel and pretender to
the throne of France, and Princess
Clementine, daughter of the late King
Ieopold of Belgium, took place at
Moutcalleri. near Paris.
Baron de Ungern SternBurg. corre
spondent of a semi-official Austro
Ilungarian news agency, was sen
tenced by the appeal court to four
years hand labor on the charge of
high treason. Baron Sternhurg was
arrested last June by the secret police
after a search of his apartments. The
police siezed his papers and the baron
was placed in confinement.
Funeral services for United States
Senator A. S. Clay were held at Mar
ietta. Ga.
Socialism was denounced at the
meeting of the Catholic federation at
New Orleans.
There is surprise in Portugal that
the United States has not recognized
the infant republic.
Daniel S. Knowlton. for sixteen
years secretary to the collector of the
port of Boston, has resigned as a re
sult of an investigation into the local
customs service by a hoard of inquiry.
There is a long list of New York
democrats who aspire to the coming
vacancy in the U. S. senate.
The Arizona constitutional conven
tion adopted a provision prohibiting
the incarceration of juvenile offenders
with adults in jails and prisons.
President Taft assured the people
of Panama the United States had no
thought of annexing the republic.
The total net revenue of the steam
railroads in the United States last
July was $73,477,500 or $::os.51 per
mile against $7S.13S.04C. or $335.06
per mile of line in July of last year.
Editor Hitchcock, for U. S. senator,
has more votes than any other man
on the democratic ticket in Nebraska.
E. J. Byrnos. thirteen years old.
died at Milford. Mass.. of injuries re
ceived in a football scrimmage three
months ago.
It is officially announced that the
king and queen of England hope to
visit India and hold a coronation du
bar at Delhi Jan. 1. 1911'.
One hundred and four thousand
settlers entered Canada from the
United States during the last year
and 75.000 entered the United States
from Canada.
Charles G. Murphy, leader of Tam
many Hall, departed for Hot Springs,
Va., for a rest after the campaign.
A commission has been appointed
to inquire into the sanity of Ewing
Watterson. son of Henry Watterson
of Louisville, Ky.
Governor Sanders will call a
special session of the Louisiana legis
lature for November 24 to elect a suc
cessor to the late Senator McEnery.
Governor Shallenberger issues his
proclamation of thanksgiving and
cays Nebraska has kept step with the
onward march of civic and industrial
Six persons were killed and twenty.
six Injured in a wreck at Kalamazoo,
The Illinois state tax commissslon
has fixed the rate of state taxes for
next year at 30 cents on each $100 of
assessed property valuation.
National banks of the country must
soon make a showing of their condi
tion. The lower house of the next con
gress will have a democratic majority
of about forty.
Pinchot asks the president for leave
to file a brief concerning the Cun
ningham claims.
It is figured at this time that Al
drich's majority for governor In Ne
braska will reach 25.000.
Aldrich has a money bill which it.
is said he will push at the coining
short session of congress.
Trenton, N. J., has a population of
9C.815 inhabitants, according to the
thirteenth census statistics.
Because it was fined for infraction
of law, the window glass trust has
retaliated by reducing wages.
A movement is on to deprive the
next speaker of the national house
of the committee appointing power.
All contests for the patenting of
lands in the oil country of California
are being held up by the government.
Doctors at their Baltimore meeting
scored medical schools for their fail
ure to train students on care of in
fants. Charles W. Armour believes high
prices have reached their climax, and
from now on will be on the down
The supreme court of the United
States has adjourned for its Thanks
giving recess. It will reconvene Xo
x'ember 2S.
Latest returns from the Nebraska
election show that Wait, republican,
for secretary of state, will have about
250 majority.
The Nobel prize committee has
awarded the prize for literature for
1910 to Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse,
the German poet and novelist.
The successful campaign of Eugene
N. Foss, the democratic candidate'
for governor of Massachusetts cost
him $37,000, according to his sworn,
The New York state department of
health is seeking the co-operation of
various railroades operating in the
state in abolishing the common drink
ing cup from trains and railroad sta
tions. Complete returns indicate that the
Wj-oniing legislature will be repub
lican by a majority of eleven on joint
ballot, insuring the return of Senator
C. D. Clark to the United States
Governor E. F. Carroll announced
the appointment of Lafayette Young,
editor and publisher of the Des
Moines Capital, to be United States
senator, succeeding the late Senator
Mayor Gaynor said he would not
favor a bill proposing to change the
power of appointing public service
commissioners for the First district
from the governor to the. mayor or
New York.
Exports out of this country in Oc
tober were larger than in any pre
vious month in the history of the
I'nited States while imports were
about $4,000,000 less than in the same
month last 3-ear.
Five hundred pounds more of docu
mentary evidence records of the Chi
cago & Western Illinois railroad were
brought into court to aid the govera
ment in its suit against the Standard
Oil company of Indiana.
Belated returns on Tuesday's elec
tion continue to increase the plurality
of James If. Hawley, democratic can
didate for governor of Idaho. It is
now estimated he will lead Governor.
Bradby about 1.000 votes.
Long and short haul problems In
volved in the fourth section of the!
amended law for the regulation of in
terstate commerce will be discussed
at a conference at the interstate com-i
merce commission headquarters in1
Washincton on November 28. j
A letter was made public from
Woodraw Wilson, governor-elect ofj
New Jerse3 in which he said he had)
decided to resign as professor of poli
tics and jurisprudence in Princeton!
university, thereby severing all con-:
nection with the teaching body of the!
Census Director Durand has been
having more trouble of late than any'
officer of the government Census di-!
rectors always have trouble and al-i
ways expect it. Aspiring communi-j
tics of the urban sort are seldom sat-j
isfied with the result of the federal
enumeration of population.
Gov. Saunders, of Louisiana, will
call an extra session of the legisla
ture. Fifty-one counties give Hitchcock
114,412. and Burkett 94,399 for sena
tor from Nebraska.
President Taft gave Gifford Pin
chot permission to file his brief in the
Alaska land case controversy.
Dr. Wiley says the reduction in
meat is a plot by the packers, and
prices will soon go soaring again.
British naval men gave their Ameri
can visitors a cordial welcome.
King George, of England, is taking
his first plunge in the political pool.
Starting from a steamer. Aviator
Ely in a biplane made a flight over a
neck of Chesapeake bay.
A movement is on foot among Ken
tucky democrats to have Congressman-elect
Caleb Powers unseated.
Senator Depew, in the face of de
feat, says he is the happiest man in
New York.
A woman delegate to the American
federation of labor spoke in the In
terest of equal suffrage rights.
Colonel Goethals says the canal
will he finished December 1, 1913.
Republicans have control of the
next Kansas legislature. In Nebraska
the situation is directly opposite.
It is said that every office-seeker
for whom Col. Roosevelt made per
sonal appeal, was defeated.
Colonel Weaver, of the division of
militia, says there is strong prejudice
among labor unions to the national
Alphonso D. Sawyer has cabled his
resignation as auditor of Porto Rico
to Secretary of War Dickinson to be
come effective Dec. 1.
As a Witness Hs Tells How a Myste
rious Little Man Had Much
Money to Give Away.
New York. One hundred thousand
dollars to vote against the anti-race
track betting bills in 1908 was offered
to State Senator Eugene M. Travis
of Brooklyn, so he swore on the
stand, testifying before the legislative
A mysterious little man. whose
name he does not recall, made the
offer in the lobby of the senate, he
said, in behalf of former Senator
Frank J. Gardner. And Gardner, he
added, confirmed it in a subsequent
telephone conversation.
Gardner is now under indictment
charged with having attempted simil
arly, though with a lesser amount, to
influence Otto G. Foelker of Brook
lyn, now a congressman, but then a
state senator. Foelker voted for the
bill, as did Travis, and it was passed
notwithstanding the frantic efforts of
the raec track interests and the al
leged use of a fund which previous
testimony has placed at $500,000.
Travis' testimony and the commit
tee's efforts to subpoena James R.
Keene and Hany Payne Whitney,
two millionaires, whose hobby is
horse racing, were the most interest
ing developments of the day's hear
ing, resumed after an adjournment on
October 22.
Efforts to find Messrs. Keene and
Whitney have so far been without
success and Mr. Lynn Bruce, chair
man of the committee, is becoming
impatient. Both men have been
mentioned in previous testimony as
having been present at a conference
at Delmonico's at which the alleged
corruption fund was raised and the
committee is anxious to examine
"It Is strange," said Judge Bruce,
"that with the horse show going on
Harry Payne Whitney, at least, can
not be located. We have had sub
poena servers at the show every day
and evening looking for Mr. Whit
ney or any of the others, but they
cannot be found. Our men also
scoured the field at the aviation meet
without success. We have communi
cated with Mr. Whitney's secretary,
but he claims not to know where he
can be found. At Mr. Keenc's office
nothing can be learned of his where
abouts." Travis story added two new names
to the list of senators "approached."
the amount offered him, he explained,
was to be paid in two installments,
$25,000 down and $75,000, after his
vote had been cast.
But the Nights Are for the Cats, Ssys
Col. Roosevelt.
Washington. Colonel Roosevelt re
turned to the national capital Friday
for the first time since his official de
parture from the White house in
March, 1909. In the role of sportsman
and scientist he came to relate before
the National Geographic society his
adventures in the African jungle.
Much interest was manifested as to
Aiiether he would make any reference
to the recent political upheaval and
politics in general, but beyond the
remark, "Every dog has his day, but
the nights belong to the cats," which
he made in jest before the National
Press club, where he was informally
received, the colonel evaded the men
tion of politics.
Dispute Ends Fatally.
Gary, Ind. Following heated and
continued quarrels over the affairs of
two factions of electrical workers
now disputing at the American Fed
eration of Labor meeting in St. Louis,
just recently held, John Carlson fatal
ly shot John Howard on the street
Howard is manager of the Burns
Electrical company and resides in
Chicago. Carlson was arrested. How
ard has been a supporter of the
McNulty faction and Carlson upheld
the Reed-Murphy contentions.
A Mexican 122 Years Old.
Saa Diego, Cal. Juan Burcci. a
Mexican, who it is claimed was 122
years, 4 months and 22 days old, died
here Friday. Burcel was born in Se
nora, Mexico, and had lived in this
country many years.
Haskell Cases Are Closed.
Chickasha, Okl. All cases against
Governor C. N. Hasell werek nolle
prossed Friday. This action ends the
legal fight against C. N. Haskell and
others in connection with the Mus
kogee lot charges.
One Hundred Killed in Riots.
One hundred including the chief of
police were kiiled in riots at Pueblo,
according to statements of passengers
arriving here. The stories told are
that the trouble began when several
policemen headed by the chief at
tempted to break up a meeting of an-ti-re-electionists
being held in a large
hall. As chief of Police Mauel
Cabrela and his men advanced to
ward the building a door was opened
by a woman who shot the chief. A
fight then began between the police
and the occupants.
Aldrich Visits Home Folks.
Conneaut, O. Forty-nine years ago.
on a farm in Piernont township, Ash
tabula county. Ohio. Chester H. Al
drich was born. Friday be has come
back to his birthplace to visit hi3
parents and friends, whose well wish
es were all he took with him when he
left in his youth to carve his name in
the history of the west. "I feel like a
conquering warrior," said the governor-elect
of Nebraska when he arriv
ed at his old home. "Everything
seems natural and homelike and I am
going to make the best of my visit"
Teeumseh Rejects Bond Propositions.
Johnson County. The proposed
water and extension bonds for $12,500
and sewer bonds for $6,500 were both
lost at Teeumseh by a very small
Corn Show is a Big Success.
Wayne County. The second annual
corn show held at Wayne, under the
auspices of tho Wayne Commercial
club, was a great success. Ovjr 300
exhibits were entered.
Back to tho Law.
Otoe County. Judge William Hay
ward, who made the race for con
gressman against Congressman John
A. Maguire. has moved to Lincoln
where he will practice law.
Two Years for Forgery.
Furnas County. M. Wilson pleaded
guilty before Judge Orr in a special
term of the district court for passing
a forged check on the Citizens' State
bank at Arapahoe. He was sentenced
to two years in the penitentiary.
Neighbors Help U I rich.
Burt County. Twenty-six men with
twenty-two teams entered the corn
fields of Frank Ulrica and before sun
set husked and cribbed over 1.000
bushels of corn for him. Mr. Ulricb
was incapacitated from injury in a
corn Sheller.
Small Sum in Damages.
Phelps County. The $50,000 dam
age suit against the Burlington
brought by Mrs. D. Fritzel of Chicago
through her Holdrege attorney, T. F.
Barnes has been settled here, the de
fendant, by agreement of the attor
neys on both sides, receiving $750.
Col. James K. Pratt Dead.
Douglas County. Col. James Her
vcr Pratt, for many years prominent
ly identified with ranching and cattle
interests on a large scale, died re
cently on his farm aear Bennington.
Colonel Pratt was eighty-five years
old and died from the infirmities in
cident to old age.
Automobile Overturned.
Harlan County. E. S. Kirkland. a
banker of Orleans, while out driving
in his automobile in company with
three little children narrowly escaped
severe injury when the machine
turned turtle. Neither he nor the
children received more than slight
scratches. ahough caught under
neath the big machine.
Shoots a Porcupine.
Johnson County. Harry Miller, the
young son of Alderman G. W. Miller,
shot a full grown porcupine. Porcu
pines arc rare in Nebraska. The Mil
ler boy was hunting on Badger creek
when he found the porcupine in a
tree. The trappers in that communi
ty report big catches of muskrat and
a few mink so far this season.
Neighbors Help Sick Neighbor.
Richardson County. Members of
the local Odd Fellows lodge at Hum
boldt and a few friends went in a
body to the country home of Arnold
Schuetz and husked nearly 1,000
bushels of his corn, all he had room
to crib. Mr. Schuetz has himself
been sick and has suffered great af
fliction during the year in the pro
longed illness and death last week of
bis daughter, .Miss Maggie.
Bed of Pumice Near Cowles.
Phelps County. The discovery of a
substantial bed of silica oa a farm
near Cowles gives promise of develop
ing another industry in that part of
the state. H. Gestring on whose farm
the bed has been located has known
of its existence for some time past,
but not until recently did he attempt
to learn the composition of the pro
duct. He has just received word from
Prof. E. II. Barbour of the State uni
versity who declares they are a fine
quality of native pumice.
Guilty of Killing Nebraskan.
Winnipeg (Mann.) dispatch: Clarke
Woods was sentenced to ten years in
the penitentiary for killing Hector
Murray, a railroad contractor from
Wymore. Neb., on August 2S. last.
Woods was charged with murder, but
the jury brought in a verdict for
manslaughter after lengthy con
sideration. Girls Fatally Burned.
Hall County. At St. Lihory, nine
miles north of Grand Island, Emma
Horak, aged 19 years, and Rosa
Horak, her sister, the postmistress of
the village, arc dead as the result of
the igniting of gasoline while the
young women were cleaning some
clothing. The latter, aged 27. evident
ly went to the assistance of her sis
ter, as botn were found unconscious
when a young woman who clerked for
Rosa called at the house, saw smoke
within and called to the telephone
people for assistance. The young
women are daughters of one of the
oldest settlers in that part of the
county, and Miss Rosa was the post
mistress at St. Lihory.
Capital Rsmoval Agitation.
Buffalo County. WHIiard F. Bailcv,
secretary of the Nebraska Capital Re
moval association, will call a meet
ing of the executive committee of the
association at either Kearney or
Broken Bow within a few days to per
fect the organization of a legislative
committee and to consider other un
completed work of the association.
Now that the campaign is over and
all danger of weakening the cause of
capital removal by making it a party
issue is past, the fight will be pushed
to a finish.
Taylor's Relatives in Grief.
Iola (Kas.) dispatch: Ignorant that
his son, Bert M. Tayior, was hanged
it the 'state penitentiary at Lincoln.
Neb., Mr. Taylor and Inmates of the
Allen county poor farm, bowed down
beneath the weight of years of woe
and worry over the wayward son, is
wondering what the result of the
trouble had been. Taylor was a resi
dent of Iola for years prior to his re
moval to Nebraska in 1903. where he
murdered his sister-in-law. Pearl Tay
lor, and for which he suffered death
on the gallows.
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Governor Shallenberger has Just Is
sued the following proclamation:
"In conformity with long established
custom, and in accordance with the
oroclamation issued by the president
af the United States, setting apart a
day for the especial purpose of ex
pressing our gratitude to a beneficent
and all-wise Creator for manifold
favors bestowed upon us as a state
and as a people. I hereby designate
Thursday. November 24, Thanksgiving
day. doing so by the authority in me
bested by law as governor of Ne
braska. "It is meet and proper that we oi
Nebraska pause in our daily pursuits
to express our gratitude to Almighty
God for the bounty He has bestowed
upon us and upon our state. Our
fields and orchards have brought forth
abundantly; the wheels of our indus
tries have been kept busy; tranquility
has found an abiding place in the
Jiearts of our people; our beloved com
monwealth has kept step with the on
ward march of civil and industrial
progress, and we find ourselves today
the recipients of unusual bounty from
the hands of Providence.
"That we may give proper voice to
our thanks for all these blessings, I
recommend that no business be
transacted upon the day and date
abovo set forth, and I earnestly urgo
the people of Nebraska to make ap
propriate observance of the occasion
by profouud devotion and reverent
thanks to Almighty God."
First General Court Martial.
For the first time in the history of
.the Nebraska national guard a gen
eral court martial has convened at the
office of Adjutant General Hartigan
for the trial of privates of the Nebras
ka national guard who are charged
with absence without leave, desertion
and taking of government property.
Most of the privates are accused of
absence without leave in not attending
the maneuvers at Fort Riley when the
guard was ordered to report for duty.
The court martial is made up ol the
following officers: Brfg.-Gen. Joseph
A. Storch; Col. F. J. Mack. Second
regiment; Col. G. A. Eberly. First
regiment; L!eut. Col. J. M. Btrkn-.s.
medical department; Maj. 11. J. Paul.
Second regiment; Maj. G. H. Haider
man. First regiment: Capt. L. H.
Gage, signal corps; Capt. C. L. Brew
ster, First regiment, judge advocate.
Accredited Schools.
The first list of accredited schools
to the state university for 1910-1911
was made up last week. Others will
be listed as fast as the reports of the
inspectors come in. Following is the
list made up this year of four year ac
credited schools: Albion. Arapahoe.
Ashland. Atkinson, Auburn. Broken
Bow. Central City. Crete. Emerson.
Fairbury. Geneva. Harvard. Holdrege
Kearney. Lexington. Lincoln. McCooft,
Madison. Neligh. North Platte. Nebras
ka City, Nelson. Norfolk. Oakland,
Omaha. Pawnee City. Plattsmouth. Sr.
Paul Seward. Sidney, Scotts Bluff
Schuyler, Stanton. Superior. Sutton,
teachers' coiles i7 Tniv-sity of Ne
braska, Teeumseh. Valentine. Wahoo.
Have Appealed to Supreme Court.
School districts Nos. 10 and 41,
jointly of Buffalo and Hall counties,
have appealed to the supreme court of
the state from a judgment of the dis
trict court of Douglas county. The
lower court decided that 50.000 of
ftnnilo iccnil hr flirt ?ictriif flnf? I
bought by Oscar Allen were literally
issued and that Mr. Allen was entitled
to the return of a certified check For
$500. The petition for the bond elec
tion was for the issuance of $20103 of
bonds for the "building of a new pub
lic school house." while the proposi
tion voted upon was the question of
"building and furnishing a new school
Fire at State University.
Fire broke out in Mechanics hall at
the state university Saturday morning
and before it could be controlled dam
aged the structure more than $12,000
worth. The origin of the fire is
Jieved to liuvc been through a short
circuit in the air shaft het"en the
third and fourth floors. The fire was
confined almost entirely to the upper
floor, but water damage was consider
able to the entire building. Among
other things lost in the blaze were the
"subjects" of the medical students.
Senator Jonathan Bourne, jr., of
Oregon will be at least one of the
noted public men that will address
the Nebraska State Teachers associa
tion at the regular annual meeting
this month in Lincoln. He is sched
uled to speak on Friday night, No
vember 2j.
Will Meet st Bridgeport.
The Nebraska State Irrigation Asso
ciation, through President T. C. Eg
ieston of Denver and Secretary D. D.
Price, assistant state engineer of Lin-
coin, has issued a call for its first
convention to be held at Bridgeport, ,
November 15 and 16. The contention
will organize permanently to promote
irrigation, drainage, reclamation of
waste lands, and try to solve the ques
tion of obtaining the bes. results of
scientific agriculture and proposed J
future legislation on these subjects.
Grant G. Martin Appointed.
Attorney General Arthur Mullen has
appointed Grant G. Martin deputy at
torney general. Mr. Martin now ho!c;3
that position as an appointee of At
torney General Thompson. When the
latter resigned to accept a federal job
Governor Shallenberger appointed Mr.
Mullen, a democrat, attorney general.
Mr. Mullen retained all of his office
force prior to election, and now ihat
the election is over, he has announced
that Mr. Martin, the present deputy at
torney general will be retained.
fwl s I jF
On Hot Dish and the Rest Cold Ss
It May Be Served at Any Time
and Guests Help Them
selves. Informal suppers on Sunday even
ings are the entertainments provided
oy one country hostess for her friends,
and so successful have these affairs be
come that never is she without sev
eral visitors, and. as the meal Is of a
kind that can be served at any hour,
guests have no feeling of being too
The hostess has but one servant,
and allows her to go out every Sun
day. It is easier to do without any
service than to have that which Is
bad. the employer sensibly maintains,
and declares that it would be de
moralizing to work at other times,
did she allow too much latitude tc
the maid in the dining room on Sun
days. So. after the formal midday
dinner Is over and the dishes washed,
the maid lays the supper tablo and
then departs.
Supper Is either cold or there Is but
one hot dish, this being made In the
chafing dish, and chosen with a view
to not spoiling by standing In the hot
water jacket. Curried eggs, creamed
chicken or salmon, or something simi
lar, is usually prepared, and Incident
ally, should any be left over. It Is ex
cellent for luncheon next day.
Besides this hot food there is al
ways a vegetable salad and mayon
naise, selecting either cucumber or to
mato. There is breac and butter and
Iced tea or coffee. The dessert is
either berries, other fruit, or a kind
that will keep for many hours without
looking left over.
All these are on the table at once.
There Is no tablecloth, but a center
piece, a dish of flowers, and candies.
Plates are not placed at regular inter-
vale, but left in a pile, one at either
end of the table. Knives are also
together, and so are forks, two sets
being at either side of the table to
cave unnecessary reaching. The Jug
of Iced tea and glasses for It are on
a side table, and the dessert may be
kept there also.
The usual time for going into the
dining room is 7 o'clock, but as tho
supper cannot be harmed by stand
ing, and there Is no maid to be de
layed, the hostess goes when she feels
like it. and from then on to 8:30
friends drop in. Each person help?
himself as at any buffet supper, and
there Is never an evening when all Is
not gayety and fun. Such entertain
ing Is no tax on the hostess, and she
sees her friends far more often than
she would under other circumstances.
Since nutomobiling has become more
general, her home is more or less of a
meeting place and Sunday night sup
pers have become an institution in
the household.
Green Tomato Pie Mixture.
Four quarts green tomatoes chop
ped fine, drain, cover with cold water,
simmer SO minutes and drain again.
Add two pounds brown sugar, one
pound raisins, half pnurd citron chop
ped fine. on tablespoon salt, half cup
vinegar, half cup butter. Cook this
mixture until it thickens. When cold
add one tablespoon cloves, cinnamon
and nutmeg. Put in jars cold and
seal. This is a good substitute for
mince meat and it will keep all win
ter. Removal cf Rust Stains.
Anything that will remove the rust
stain will also take away color with
it. One part of citric acid to one part
water will take out the rust stain, but
adds also destroy the color, therefore
it is only suited to white goods. After
! "sInB ,h sn,"ti.n V'e rlnS,nff shouM
be very thoroughly done.
Sometimes a weak solution of nm
menia and water will restore the color
to faded fabrics. If you have a scrap
of the blue you might experiment In
turn with the acid and the ammonia
To Make Jelly or Jam.
Prepare fruit and place one quart of
fruit with same amount of sugnr into
preserving kettle with a little water.
Let this boil ten minutes and then add
another quart of fruit and of sugar,
boiling all tfn minutes. Continue to
add fruit and sugar, boiiing ten min
utes each time. After all the ingredi
ents are in boil the whole amount 15
minutes. If rhubarb is used with
fruit alternate in above manner and
you will find it Is very delicious.
Messina Croutes.
Skin six sardines, then remove th
backbones, pound them with quarter
teaspoonful mustard, two tcaspoonfuls
chutney, a little lemon juice and yolks
of two hard-ccoked eggs, add salt and
pepper to taste. Spread on rounds of
fried bread, sprinkle over with grated
cheese, put the croutes in a hot oven
till cheese is nicely browned, then
serve very hot.
Astoria Carame's.
Two cups of sugar, butter the hizo
of a walnut, half-cup of milk, thrfo
tablespoons of ground chocolate, one
half pound marshmallows. oiii- cup
English walnut meats. I'ick the marsh
mallows into small pieces and put into
mixture when done and stir until dis
solved Heat until it begins to grow
hard and pour into greased pan and
cut into squares.
Grapefruit Cocktail.
Cut three medium-sired grapi-frult
into halves, remove pulp and mem-
brane and separate the pulp into
flakes. Mix this lightly with quarter
of a pound or Malaga grapes, which
have been skinned and seeded, sprin
kle liberally with sugar and chill
thoroughly. Serve in the grapefruit
shells with a little crushed ice.
Oyster Cocktail.
Eight small raw oysters, one table
ppoon tomato catsup, half tablespoon
vinegar or lemon juice, two drops
table sauce, one teaspoon celery, finely
chopped, half teaspoon table sauce.
Mix ingredients, chill thoroughly and
serve in cocktail glasses, or cases
made from green peppers placed on
bed of crushed Ice.
Good Example of Scottish Humor b
Remark Mad ky Railroad
Scottish humor to dry rather thaa
boisterous, and I always think taere
Is exquisite drollery la tho story
tho Stoaehavon railway porter aad tho
Salvation Army "captain." To catch
the hang of a little yam readers mast
remember that Stoaehaven lies to tho
south of Aberdeen. The London trala
had drawn up at Stonehaven oa ac
count of a slight mishap a mile or two
ahead, and Andra. tho old porter, hat
got into conversation with a Salvatloa
Army officer who had popped his heal
out of the compartment to ask tho
reason for the delay.
"Aye aye." mused Andra, after fir
ing the desired Information, "yell ho
for Alberdeen. I'm thlakla'r
"Tea. my man." was tho reply;
Tm bound for Aberdeen a very
wicked place. I'm told!"
"What mlcht ye ho gola' to daa
there, sir. If It's as had as a thatr
asked Andra. rather aaausod at tho
visitor's words.
"Ah." was tho pious answer, Ta
going to drive the devil oat of Ahor
deen." Like lightning cams frost tho aM
porter the pawky retort:
"See an drlvo him north, cBeOj
haud him well to tho north!"!
"My little son. whea about a yaw
and a half old, began to have sorts
come out on his face. I had a physl
clan treat him. but tho sores grow
worse. Then they began to come out
on his arms, then oa other parts ol
his body, and then one came on his
chest, worse than the others. Then 1
called another physician. Still hs
grew worse. At the end of about a
year and a half of suffering he grew
so bad that I had to tie his hands la
cloths at night to keep him from
scratching the sores and tearing tho
tnt UTa h Ua a m t ,
Md was nardIy able to walk
"My aunt advised me to try CutJ
cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment I
sent to a drug store and got a cake of
Cuticura Soap and a box of the Olat
ment and followed directions. At tho
end of two months the sores were all
well. He has never had any sores
of any kind since. I can sincerely say
that only for Cuticura my child would
have died. I used only one cake of
Cuticura Soap and about three boxes
of Ointment.
"I am a nurse and my profession
brings me Into many different fam
ilies and it is always a pleasure for
me to tell my story and recommend
Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. Egbert Shel
don. Litchfield. Conn., Oct. 23. 1909."
Mass Play Modified.
City Editor Any radical changes
for the better in football this season?
Sporting Writer Verily. In under
6tand that not more than one ticket
speculator will be allowed to tackle
a single patron at the same time.
Stiff nock! Pccsu't amount to mnch,
but mighty disagreeable. You've no idea
how quickly a little Il.imlini Wizard Oil
will lubricate the cords and make yoa
comfortable again.
There are a good many heroes la
novels who couldn't earn a living la
real life.
Fo-rbU.i ,-n i.-.-imiic.'Miittii-iifui.r-iiicla-tu-uiuaUuiialwisikuD
uuruawiiMlcuiic Aoliullia
The man who deceives himself is
easy mark for others.
Lewis' Sinele Hinder pire tho amoker
a rich, mellow-tasting 5c cigar.
Many a fellow does all his betting
with his mouth.
Take Hone M the Best
and that will be Hostet-
ter's Stomach Bitters
every time. This is the
opinion of the thousands
who have taken it during the
past 57 years. It is a real
leader as a tonic, stomach
remedy and appetizer. Try
a bottle today. It is for
Poor Appetite, Head
ache, Indigestion, Dys
pepsia, Golds, Grippe
and Malaria, Fever and
Ague. Always insist on
Nebraska Directory
Marseilles Corn Shelters
Are the bet for you to buy. Made In all alMf
A-.k your local Dealer or
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K!d4 complete cunnN. Hxpcrlenert faculty m
tffrWrtn-itr.ictacs. Personal Interest taken la at
tndtnui. Write tor trv catalog. BulneM agrlcBk
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Is the school that gets results. Send fo
Catalogue, which contains fall informadoe
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beautiful penmanship ever published
It is free. Address
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