The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 23, 1910, Image 1

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" SIM IStSllSSl tSSBSfty
A Seven
Room Dwelling
Barn, 66 foot lot,
with good shade
on all sides, for
Rye CO
Wheat HI
Hogs, top $G.20to 0.50
Files of the Journal, Nov. 28, 1877.
When cold weather settles down upon
us the pork market may be expected to
assume a more pleasing phase. Winter
packing does not require ice.
The prolonged beautiful weather has
enabled many of our mechanics to keep
busy building and plastering, the mortar
beds on so many of our streets, are con
clusive evidence of our thrift and growth
this season.
The continued depression of business
in the eastern states is forcing both arti
san and agriculturalist to seek the broad
acres of Nebraska's fertile sod and grow
ing towns as the only avenues of escape
from pauperism.
Boone and Merrick counties, we learn,
are contemplating a vote of aid to con
struct 6 wagon bridge across the Loup
on the Pawnee reservation, the bridge to
be built strong enough to be used as a
railroad bridge. To us it is very ques
tionable whether aid voted for "inter
nal improvements" of this character, be
yond the limits of the county or precinct
voting the aid would be legal, under the
provision of our constitution regulating
the action of counties and precincts.
It is a question which concerns us only
remotely in this case, but it is well for
our readers in those counties to thor
oughly consider the subject before act
ing upon it. It seems evident that the
11. & M. It. R. Co., want to make their
heavily taxed lands in Boone county
valuable and saleable, and they arc justi
fied in using all honorable means to ac
complish that laudable object. It is
likewise to the interest of the citizens
of those counties to have their vacant
lands settled as well and as rapidly as
possible, but it is always advisable to
look well to the bearing of Buch projects
in order to avoid serious trouble and use
less expenditures.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
ColumbuB, Nebraska, for the period end
ing November 2tf, 1910:
Letters Pete Abots, Miss Anna Grif
fin, E. J. Hanson 2, George W. Jones,
A. H. Klark, Om Paul, C. L. VanDorn,
Otto Wagner.
Cards Miss Anna Anderson. Miss
Helen Brown, L. W. Collins, Miss Anna
GntliD, Miss Gladys Ilolcomb, Earl
Holcomb, George Kendall, Mis. Ed.
Mulligan, Mrs. Arta Nelson, Ralph
Nissly, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, Miss Edith
Parties calling for any of the above,
will please say, "advertised."
Caul. Kkamek, P. M.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
Friday evening of last week was the
time fixed by the city council for the
hearing of the controversy between the
citizens and the Columbus Light, Ileat
and Power company, but a letter from
the president of the company, W. C.
Ross, was read at the meeting, and after
some discussion Tuesday evening, Nov
ember 29, at 8 p.m., was selected and
the clerk instructed to notify the local
officials of the company of the change.
As that will be the only business of the
evening, it is anticipated that the matter
will be gone over thoroughly and the
council expect a good delegation of
citizens to be present at the meeting.
C. Jaeggi and Paul Hagel filed com
plaints with council, saying that their
charges for water rent were excessive.
and they were referred to the proper
committee. An electric light at the cor
ner of Twelfth and Jackson streets is
asked for by P. F. Miller and twelve
others, and the request was referred to
the light committee for proper considera
tion. Fred Baker makes complaint that
the telephone companies are destroying
the trees in front of the Baker residence
with their wires and asks that the coun
cil takes steps to stop thiB. F. F. Wil
Bon was refused permission to erect a
storm shed at the entrance of the North
theatre, but the council suggested as a
substitute that there would be no objec
tion to a storm door. The committees,
to whom the various monthly reports
before the council November 4, had been
referred, made their reports at this meet
ing and they were adopted. The com
mittee appointed to investigate the com
plaint against Albert Giger for obstruct
ing the alley, reported that there was no
cause for action and the matter was
Is your boy one of the twelve Colum
bus boys who are going to the Boys
State Convention this week at Fremont?
Have you inquired as to how and why
they are going? Let us tell yon. Last
year when the Boys Bible classes were
started Mr. O. C. Sheldon thought to
offer as a reward for real Bible study,
the ptivilege of attending the Boys con
vention. He agreed to pay all the ex
penses to the convention this year of all
the boys that would complete the course
of study preset ibed and satisfactorily
pass the examination provided for by
the international committee of Young
Men's Christian Associations. Twelve
boys passed the test and now have the
honor of representing Columbus at a
state wide gathering where "hoys and
their leaders from every association in
Nebraska will consider for three days,
plans for better work, the interesting of
larger numbers and anything that will
lead boys to a better moral and spiritual
life. Would you not think it an honor
to have your boys name appear among
those twelve names printed elsewhere in
this paper? The boys gather at the Y.
M. C. A. every Friday evening at six
o'clock for a 10 cent lunch which is fol
lowed by the Bible study and getting
the boys away from the building by 7:15.
These classes are not limited to members
and the management would be glad to
talk with you about them or to welcome
your boy any Friday evening. A little
interest on your part will go a long way
toward creating the necessary interest
in the boy.
Monday of next week the first chapter
in the litigation over the new Platte
river bridge will be commenced at
David City, in the district court Judge
Corcoran of York is the presiding judge
and Platte county will be represented by
Attorneys Bensley and Lightner of this
city. The action brought by Platte co
unty is against both Polk and Butler
counties. Polk county seems inclined
to pay their share of the cost of the
bridge, but Butler county has resisted
this from the start. It is doubtful
whether the case will be settled by the
decision of the district court, as this will
establish a precedent for all counties in
the state similarity situated, and no
doubt the case will go to the highest
court before it is settled. Members of
the Platte county board of supervisors
will be in attendance at the time of the
trial. Whatever the decision may be, it
will only make it more evident than
ever that legislation along this line is
badly needed, and the members of the
coming legislature, not only from Platte,
but from all counties situated along the
Platte and Loup rivers should be in
terested in getting the needed relief.
Furniture for the new home of the
Elks, in the Rickert building, arrived
this week, and is being put in by Henry
Gass. who bought it for the order. The
billiard and pool tables are also being
placed, and these complete the furnish
ing of the rooms. In the lodge room the
furnishings are fumed oak, while the
card and billiard rooms arc of the mis
sion finish. The ladies parlor, in the
southwest corner of the building, is
furnished in mahogany, while the par
lor and reading room has a combination
of waxed golden oak and early English.
Arrangements are being made for the
formal opening of the new home, and a
reception and ball will be given some
time in the early part of December.
Members and their friends and families
will be the guests of the evening.
Opening of Fontein Bros, new
Piano store, Saturday, Nor. 26,
1910, afternoon and evening.
Located next to Dr.' Toss's
.office. A souvenier for the
I ladies.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th 8c
Dr, Morrow, office Lueechen building.
Baled hay for sale Ernst & Brock.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Dr. L P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and KummerSts.
"Ye Olde Towne Quartette," Wednes
day evening, Nov. :50th, at Y. M. O. A.
T. F. Askew of Council Bluffs was 8
Oolumbns visitor Saturday and Sunday.
Mies Bessie Anson of Creston was the
guest of Miss Mazie Magill last Wednesday.
Misses Mathilda Schneider and Rosa
Gass were Duncan visitors Saturday and
10c will buy lace curtains
Saturday afternoon at the 5c
and 10c store.
Don't forget the dance on Friday eve
ning December 2, 1010, given by the
Columbus City Band.
Miss Mathilda Lutz who is teaching
school north of Columbus, spent Satur
day and Sunday with her parents.
FURS. Special sample line
on sale for a few days at manu
facturers prices. H. H. Stires.
A dime will buy a reversible
silk four-in-hand neck tie at
tlte 5c and 10c store Saturday.
The Columbus City band will give a
public dance at the Orpheus hall on Fri
day evening December 2, 1910. Music
furnished by the band.
Miss Anna Glur will leave Thursday
for Lincoln, where she will attend the
State Teacher's association, which will
be held at that place this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Scheidel, sr., ac
companied by their daughter. Mis. Geo.
Burrows, were Columbus visitors last
Thursday, returning to their home at
PJatte Center, Friday morning.
A new directory is being gotten oat
for Columbus by the same people who
issued the last one in 1908. This one
will be much larger than the old one, as
it will include the country and other
towns in the county.
Do not miss it. The second number
of the Y. M.C. A. entertainment course,
Wednesday, Nov. 30. The "Ye Olde
Towne Quartette" is a first-class com
pany having ISO stands this season.
Course tickets $1.00; single admission
IJ5 cents.
Miss Anna Garry of Spalding died at
the hospital last Friday, aged 75 years,
death being due to old age. She was
taken to Spalding Saturday afternoon,
where the funeral was held Sunday.
Miss G firry had been at the hospital for
about six weeks.
Last Saturday Carl Schubert closed a
deal with W. E. Rohricb, whereby Bo
hrich becomes the owner of the second
hand store on Olive street, owned by
Mr. Schubert, and in exchange for this
Mr. Schubert gets the 6tore building in
Monroe occupied by J. . Erskine's gen
eral store. Besides the stock of goods
there was a cash consideration.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Lundy left last
Friday to spend the winter in Columbus
with their daughter, Mrs. L. A. Gates.
Mr. Lundy is where he can have better
care for his injuries. They will proba
bly return in the spring as they have
not sold their home nor removed their
household goods. Silver Creek would
look lonely without Henry Lundy
knocking around. Silver Creek Sand.
Wm. Englebart of Creston was the
complainant in a case in police court last
week, and Robert Austin and wife of
Creston were the defendants. Austin is
a barber in that town and Englebart
wanted him bound over to keep the
peace. After listening to the evidence
the better part of one afternoon, Judge
O'Brien dismissed the case. Mr. Aus
tin appeared on his own behalf for the
defense. i
Last Friday as Fireman Obliuger was
oiling the bell on his engine, one of the
1G00 class, he lost his footing and fell to
the ground. His train was going east
and when he fell he rolled away from
the engine and almost to the west bound
track. The engine was going about four
miles an hour, and this no doubt accounts
for the fact that he escaped with some
bad bruises and being unconscious for
quite awhile.
Saturday of last week Peter Scbmitt
filed a complaint in Police Judge
O'Brien's court, charging Judge L L.
Albert with assault and battery. This
was the outcome of the attack made up
on Mr. Schmitt by Judge Albert after
election, on account of the former's act
ivity for the republican candidates.
The hearing was set for Monday of this
week, but a continuance was granted
until Monday,.November 28.
Thanksgiving day the Columbus High
school foot ball team will play the
David City High school team, at that
place. The boys have succeeded in se
curing a special train for the occassion
which wilt leave Columbus at 1:45, and
return the same afternoon, leaving
David City at 5 p. m. This will enable
the Columbus boys and their friends to
partake of Thanksgiving dinner at
home before making the trip.
Building, Loan and Savings
Assets, $265,000.00
Pays 6 per cent interest on full paid stock
Elliott-Speice-EcHols Co.
Post Office Block
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. ValUer, Osteopath. Barber block.
Wanted Boy to learn candy making
trade. Wm. Poescb.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drake were Lin
coln visitors Saturday.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Ned Janes spent Sunday and Monday
with friends at Lincoln.
Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Mrs. Leopold Jaeggi was visiting with
her daughters in Lincoln last week, who
are attending school there.
10c will buy a 16 qt. blue mot
tled enamel dish pan at tbe 5c
aud 10c store Saturday.
Miss Anf8 Rohde who underwent an
operation for appendicitis Tuesday of
last week, at St. Mary's hospital is
slowly recovering.
Are ycu going to attend the dance at
the Orpheus hall on December 2. 1910,
given by the Columbus City Band.
Music by tbe band
Mrs. W. N. iiensley left last Thursday
for Los Angeles, California, where she
will spend the winter with her daughter,
Mrs. Ruby Browne.
Editor E. A. Harms and wife returned
Monday evening from Barnes, Kansas,
where they were called to attend the
funeral of Mr. HarmB' cousin.
FURS. If you want to buy a
set of furs wc can offer you
special bargains for a few days.
H. H. Stires.
While helping at the Abts fire Sunday
morning Arthur Schack had his ankle
badly sprained, caused by slipping, and
he will be compelled to use crutches for
several days.
Miss Sadie Foucb, who is clerking in
the Gray Mercantile store, will leave to
night for her home in Fremont, were
she will spend Thanksgiving at the home
of her parents.
Manager Jack Corbett of tbe Colum
bus base ball team, returned last Satur
day evening from Olivia, Minnesota,
where he has been visiting relatives and
also enjoying a hunting trip.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held at 7:30 p. m., Thursday of this
week, in the Congregational church, and
Rev. C. W. Ray, pastor of the Methodist
church, will preach the sermon.
Guy Foster was before Police Judge
O'Brien Tuesday for being drunk and
fighting Monday afternoon. He had
been employed by Fred Hempleman to
do some work at his home, and during
the afternoon became intoxicated and
was' found on Olive street by Sam
McFarland, who proceeded to take tbe
horse be was driving to the bakery.
Foster objected to this and trouble
ensued, and the outcome was a fine and
costs amounting to $S, which was paid.
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
I U ' -f : b I .giflmsaBfluml
Columbus, Neb.
10c will buy an 8 qt. enam
eled preserving kettle at the 5c
and 10c store, Sat., Nor. 26.
Sometime during tbe coming week
there will be a stockholders' meeting of
the Columbus bass ball club to hear the
reports of the officers for last year. And
at this time it is probable that some ac
tion will be taken toward preparing for
the season of 1911.
Ed Williams, who was formerly in tbe
Union Pacific baggage department at
Columbus, but is now employed in a
similar capacity at Cheyenne, was in the
city this week renewing acquaintances.
Besides being in tbe baggnge depart
ment at Cheyenne he has been doing
considerable running on tbe road.
Tbe Ladenberger will case, which in
volved the estate of Morris Ladenberger,
estimated at 150,000, was settled ont of
court last week. The case waBtocome
up at this term of court, and as there
were two sets of children, there promised
to be much litigation. Un der the settle
ment agreed to each of the seven con
testing heirs received 31,800 each as their
portion of the estate.
Tbe following press dispatch under a
St. Louis date of November 21, tells of
the further post ponement of Mrs. Doxey 's
trial: The trial of Mrs. Dora Doxey on
the charge of bigamy, based on her al
leged marriage to William Erder, for
whose death she was tried and acquitted
was continued until December 19 in the
St. Louis county court. Mrs Doxey ac
cording to her attorney, is in Alabama.
She is under bond.
Martin Comer, the Union Pacific en
gineer who Is suffering from tuberculo
sis, left last Thursday for EI Paso, Texas,
with the hope that the change may
check t be disease. He was accompanied
by Barclay Jones of this city. When
they reached Galveston Mr. Comer's
condition became much worse and Wed
nesday morning a message from Mr.
Jones to tbe local railroad men stated
that he had died in that city Tuesday.
Arrangements have been made to bring
him to this city for burial.
Sheriff Lacbnit and Deputy Sheriff
Burke, accompanied by a number of
deputies, were in tbe southwestern part
of the county last Thursday, looking for
tbe Cushingbank robbers, who were re
ported in that locality. The party were
making tbe trip in automobiles and at
one time they thought they were close
on to the robbers, as they had crossed
to the south side of tbe Loup near
Fullerton. Tbe sheriff of Merrick and
Hall counties were also looking for
them, and in this city Policemen Schack,
Hagel and Nelson were keeping a close
watch. However, the robbers managed
to escape, and so far the officers have
been unable to get any trace of them.
Route No. 4.
Cyrus Bray of New York, an Uncle of
Chas. and Dan Bray, and their brother
Charles Brsy of Syracuse, Neb., are vis
iting them.
Route No. 5.
The Independent Telephone company
are replacing poles and rebuilding their
lines on this route.
Farmers are generally through busk
ing. Cribs are all filled and some are'
piling the corn on the ground.
Route No. 1.
Peter Weber is visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Ed Webb, at the county poor farm.
Nearly all of the farmers on the route
have finished husking and are now sit
ting in the easy chair.
Monday morning Geo. Ilenggler. sr.,
put on bis basking peg and went to Lind
say to show the boys on his if arm how
to nusk corn.
Route No. 3.
Thursday, besides being Thanksgiving
is also a holiday for tbe rural carriers,
this being one of tbe six holidays they
are given by Uncle Sam.
Substitute Carrier Patterson has been
carrying mail on this route while Carrier
Reed has been taking his annual vaca
tion. But in order that the substitute's
team could get a short rest, tbe regular
carrier made the route in his auto Tues
day and Wednesday.
A $25,000 FIRE.
The Wholesale Grocery House
H. W. Abts Co. Burned Out
Early Sunday Morning.
AsH.W. Abts, tbe senior member of
the wholesale grocery firm of H. W.
Abts Co. of this city, was coming down
to their building, early Sunday morning
be discovered that the store was on fire
and immediately turned in an alarm.
The first alarm was given from the third
district, but this was corrected at once
and the proper district given.
.Evidently the fire, which was unknown
origin, bad been burning several hours
before being discovered, as when the
department arrived tbe interior of east
side of the double building was a mass of
smoke and flames. Evidently the fir
originated in the center of that portion
of the building and worked its way to
the elevator shaft, and from there to the
second floor and the roof. The coa-
tentsof this portion of the building
were practically destroyed, and also con
siderable damsge done to the walla.
The office of the firm was located
in the front of the burned portion
of the building, and as soon as the doors
were broken open the records and desks
were carried to a place of safety.
The department succeeded in getting
the fire under control by eight o'clock,
and during the day a line of hose was
kept playing on tbe burning Btock. The
west part of the building, which is the
same size as tbe part burned, was not
damaged by the flames, but smoke and
water ruined much of the stock, except
tbe canned goods. The basement,
which was also well filled, was damaged
by water, which was about two feet
deep in it As soon as the department
had the fire practically out, the water
was pumped from the basement.
During the afternoon much of the
stock was moved to the Rickert build
iog, across the street, which the firm
have made arrangements to occupy for
tbe present.
H. W. Abts Co., was the only whole
sale grocery firm in the city in fact, the
only one between Fremont and Grand
Island, and have a nice trade from towns
adjacent to the city. The firm, which
was established about twenty years ago,
began business as Abts & Calto, but
later Mr. Calto retired, his interest be
ing taken by members of the family of
H. W. Abts, who with the father, com
prise the firm. They carried a stock
valaed at 360,000, and be-idee this own
ed the double building they occupy.
The insurance carried was not heavy,
amounting in all to 912,000 on both
building and stock. The reason for the
small insurance w?s that the building
was isolated, and there Beemed no dan
ger from fire.
After securing the Rickert building to
store their stock in, the firm made ar
rangements to open up their office in it,
and as soon as tbe new stock, which was
ordered by wire, arrives, they will uti
lize both their own building, and also
the Rickert building, for the present.
The first estimate of the loss on the
stock and building was 910,000, but as
soon as tbe extent of the damage was
disclosed it was seen that this figure re
presented about one-half tbe amount.
It will probably be some time before
tbe firm can utilize theirold building, as
tbe floors and roof on the east side will
have to be rebuilt and an examination
of the brick wall may result in finding
that this is a loss not safe for tbe heavy
load it has to carry.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Boy's Bible classes are growing
steadily. All boys are welcome. Is
yonr boy in a Bible class? If not call up
the secretary and speak to him about it.
On November 30th comes tbe second
number of the entertainment course
The "Ye Olde Towne Quartette" is se
cond to none in this part of the coun
try, having sung together for several
years. Get course or single admission
tickets at the building. Course tickets
for the remaining four numbers tl.00, sin
gle admission 36c. Get your reserved
seats early. They are now on sale.
A big one day membership canvas is
being planned for the thirteenth of next
month. Draw a ring around that date
on your calendar and keep it open for
there will be something doing for yon.
Our slogan is "100 members in one day."
Are you ready to make it a success or
are you a Thomas? If tbe work of the
association meets with your approval
help it along. If not come in and talk it
over with us.
On Friday of this week Mr. Whitney
will leave for the Boy's State convention
at Fremont. Columbus will have four
teen delegates this year as follows:
Jas. and Earl Cotton, Harold and Donald
Sloan, Everett Welcb. Don Fauble,
Burt Phillips. Wellington Rathburn,
Carl Ruscbe, Homer Rush, Ed Wea
ver, Glen Muoger. Paul Becker who is
secretary of the convention and Fred
Babcock will also be present Everett
Welch will represent this city in a speech
at the banquet on Saturday evening.
We intend that a Columbus boy shall se
cure the pres:dency of tbe next conven
tion. Marriage Licenses.
JohnT. Kirkpatrick.Aics worth, Neb 25
Ida M. Adams, Memphis. Tenn 24
William B. Alexander, Columbus.... 26
Emma Yonder Leitn. Duncan 26
If you wish to set
certain portion iof yosjr
aaeane, where it wttl he
available for immediate use.
open an account with this
You wttl find no other ar
rangement so convenient.
If you wieti to place
where it wUl earn
thing, take out one of
time certificates of deposit.
Colimbis Stiti Bilk
Capital etSurslus. W.OOAAO
Perhaps tbe most commen as 'is the
stifling of convictions. Many asm arise)
with the great poet, 'O, that I might
feel what I have oace felt, sad be what
I have once been." The young' man
starts life under strong impulses, but
little by little becomes involved in
qaestionable complications and one by
one life's convictions go down under the
knife of greed until he will go te any
length, socially, commercially or peiiti-.
oallytomeet a desire. Who has ever
seen a great liner towed into a dry dock
without a sense of regret? But I trow
that the most terrible sight ever tabs
witnessed by mortal eyes will be the
wrecks of manhood at the bar of God.
Man may formulate many excuses for
not doing right but tn the last analysis
its self destruction, little by little refus
ing to obey the higher convictions of the
The cburoa offers a safeguard for men.
The man in constant attendance on the
Sabbath services and active ia religieue
work has a help in sight that the man
who neglects the means of grace dots
not experience. '!
The churches of Columbus desire to
help men in putting their best convie
tione into their daily service, which
means the largest life sad in the end life
A large audience listened with marked
attention to tbe first sermon of the ser
ies, A Little Creed for Every Day life,
last Sunday night. Next Sunday the
morning subject will be: Growing a
Soul. Of tbe evening tbe second sermon
of the series, A Little Creed for Every
Day Life Conviction and Morale.
William L. Dibblx.
Columbus Corn Growers
The following well-known
have been selected ae the officers ef hst
Columbus Corn Growers' assneisiiisu,
which was recently organised ia this
city. The purpose is to encourage the
raising of better corn, and to disease asWI
put into operation better and more ad
vanced methods of farming in all its
branch: Presides D. G. BarteUa;
vice president, U. 8. Mace; secretary,
William Newmaa, jr.';tressarsr, George
Driaain; executive committee, C.O.
Sbeldoa, Carl Mueller; general manager,
J. C. Turner.
Friday aad Saturday, Dee. It aud 17,
the association will hold a HteetfasgisT
the Y. M. C. A. building ia Columbus,
Nebraska, for tbe purpeae of dtseuemag
various topics of general interest to
Methodist Church Notice.
All regular services are held- ear Sun
day, seats are free, good musk) by a
trained choir and a hearty welcome far
you to attend our meetings aad worship
with us. Sermoa at 11 s. m. on toeio.
Investments Temporal aad Spirits!.
At 7:30 p.m., topic is, "Contented with
Insecurity " Sunday school at .neon.
Epworth league at 6:30 p. m.
Cass, Waykb Rat. Pastor.
We have the agency for the
famous MunstBg Underwear, the
best popular priced Union 8uits
on the market. Prices in men's
from 11.60 to M.50. Prises in
boys' from 50c, 7Se,tl and fl.SS.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from Wc to $2. 60 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are cosrplete.