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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1910)
wif ic.pi 1 1 WHAT? Onttoftritoi of Dainty Sweets Confection That Gaests of All Ages and Sizes Will Appreciate for the Party Supper. nBattleshin jXifXnkAaaaVVftXal - i " ". T-.. -' -. ' ..v 'Jv. T..'''-iv-e" Weeks Why are you stopping? Tmi didn't run over that man. Hwlftty -1 know it I just want to whit ails the steering gear. AN INTOLERABLE ITCHING "Jost about two year ago, some Sana af humor appeared on my scalp. Tfca beginning was a slight Itching but It grew steadily worse until, when I arabed my hair, the scalp became raw and the ends of the comb-teeth voald be wet with blood. Most of the date there was an intolerable itching, la a painful, burning way, very much as a bad. raw burn. If deep, will Itch aati smart when first beginning to ml. Combing my hair was positive tartar. My hair was long and tan glee terribly because of the blood and cabs. This continued growing worse aaa over half my hair fell out. I was ta despair, really afraid of becoming totally bald. "Sometimes the pain was so great Chat, when partially awake, I would cratch the worst places so that my ager-tlps would be bloody. I could act sleep well and, after being asleep a short time, that awful stinging pain would commence and then I would wake up nearly wild with the torture. A aeighbor said it must be salt rheum. Having used Cuticura Soap merely as a toilet soap before, I now decided to arder a set of the Cuticura Remedies Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills. I ssel them according to directions Cor perhaps six weeks, then left off, as the disease seemed to be eradi cated, but toward spring, eighteen SBeaths age. there was a slight re tarn of the scalp humor. I com sceaced the Cuticura treatment at see. so had very little trouble. On any scalp I used about ono half a cake f Cuticura Soap and half a box of Catlcura Ointment In all. The first tltte I took six or seven bottles of Cu tlcnra Pills and the last time three bottles neither an expensive or t Alans treatment. Since then I have ki no scalp trouble of any kind. Standing up, with my hair unbound, it cornea to my knees and had it not been tar Cuticura I ahould doubtless bt mho'Ay bald. This is a voluntary, unsolicited tes Baronial and I take pleasure in writing It, hoping my experience may help aaaeone else. Miss Lillian Brown, L F.D.I, Liberty. Me.. Oct. 29, 1909." Alleviating Circumstances. "Did you say," asked a gentleman who was looking for rooms, "did you aay that a music teacher occupied the xtext apartment? That cannot be very ale&sant." Harper's Bazar gives the landlady's reply. "Oh," she said, eagerly, "that's aathicg, sir. The music teacher has XI children and they make so much bo2m that you can't hear the piano at att. KD GEERS. The grand old man," he Is called for h is so honest handling panes in races. lie savs: "I have usea TOHNS DISTEMPER CURE for 12 Fastis, alrays with best success. It is the m&y remedy I know to cure all forms of ftsfnnper and prevent horses in same sta ple 2Ting; the disaus." 50o and f 1 a bot p. .AH druggists, or manufacturers. Spohn MaticaJ Co.. O-mista. Goshen. Ind. When a woman begins to tell a man baa nice looking she thinks he is he Immediately develops unlimited faith fa bar Judgment. Lewis' Single Binder cigar. Original Xm Tail Smoker Package, So straight. Bat Is doesn't take long to tame a aadal Ilea. . the keystone to health iHOSTETTEfel 1 STOMACH I 1 BITTERS I As a reward for its won derful merit the Bitters has become the recognized leader as a tonic and pre ventive of Momacn and Bowel Ills as well as Chills, Colds and Malaria. Try it and sec. All dm jurists. Constipation Vanishes Forever f rxaopt Relief Peroaocni Cera CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS ni Is3. PisJy tcget- abic act turd st ttatiy eo skckier. Stupaheri tsprave &e complexion brkhtea era. aaauruitaau i.'ase,auurnc Genuine cache: Signature CSyra HE modern battleship Is a marvel of concentra tion and space economy. There is no room for things purely ornamen tal, but every foot of space is used to some purpose in connection with the storage or op eration of the myriad ad juncts necessary for the work, the safety ami tne comfort of the hundreds of men who crowd one of these floating fortresses. If one were to choose, however, the one section of a battleship which aLove all others is a veritable nest of wonders and surprises choice would unhesitatingly fall upon the "bridge" that elevated structure which Is so appropriately named and which ex tends the full width of the deck on the forward part of the ship In front of the huge smokestacks, as a "land lub ber" might designate its location. For one thing, wo find on the bridge an even greater array than any where else on the ship of those re markable mechanical and electrical devices which do so much of the work on shipboard that would seem to require human intelligence. But the bridge has in addition a spe cial significance which multiplies many times its importance and the interest of its equipment It is the "nerve center" of the ship, the seat of authority and command which directs all the operations within the bounds of the big armorclad. and also the in telligence office through which this warship community communicates other vessels of the fleet and. indeed, with the entire outside world. Under ordinary conditions when the battleship is cruising at sea. par ticipating in battle drill or target prac tise or engaged in any of the other important functions of a sea warrior the captain commanding, the navigat ing officer and other responsible offi cials of tli ship have their positions on the bridge. In time of actual battle those directum heads of the fighting machine would not expose themselves on the bridge, but they would not be far away. Sheltered by conning tow ers or some other, protective screens. m.- lav. XBaaBaaaaaaBBaVamaBawaBBBBBBBBaa fl $. 1 - "ii "BBBBBar'aLvaBaaflHBBTr BafcMMt P yar " jfe j'wL l Kit JrVMbaaaiaaK , R $ hJ wmk&A&z hi acools jsvsreit fi k m m .r v r .- - .r .r- ,r . .mm m.vkv. h t J .ljij r- v . , j-c.- v jO. . j.2.- .j i k x J jQZr- ,.. r, LaaaaHsaaaaiaaaBk':-J H WW H 5 - "l,Ct &5?M aaaaaaaaaHHaaaaaamalH i'ii-FB.'U', "" f " .t""tD2iM3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yfcagSimai V H i '.v'Vtt; it 1 VaaBaVaV aaaaK ''VOraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaB aar' I x Baaaaaal V1 'i. " aVaaaKK -saaM gS.y. -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatmil M mMalt ? , WW . bH V iS -lt, aVSr-rXfiT--bb v V- "S. bkBb aaaaaaaaaaBaaa2 S,"V VaHaVaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalHaTaB . aaV'j awaaaaV VVaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaVal iSEj - - uWniaaaaaaa HnVVSaaaaaa-Ml aaaaaftBaaaLI9saaaaaaS Ja-trVsi. -xfJaaWWaVaVaVaVamWyiWf "Waaaw''l", lftli'aaEyak aaaaaaaaaaaTCTgX ;f. ? VifelV5-:: v" 5' WaaaaaLaaai r B lVaSaaK'laaaOaatflBal AiMi--JS ' aaaaffaaatsataiS7 a&aataW t VaaaafltaffstsUaaaV'nBtataVi I avfKjsEa;aa - j? 55? aaaaaaaaaaaaaVJt?''.Mr mn iKaBaaTaaalVjaaaipt ijBBaaaS WiHi5C. -4iei- ITaaasaaaaaaali llllll lsfeaaaaSalaaE5EiSNcaPB I - aS5gP5:'wi , -jil4i . waaaaaaaaaaam? asn 111 l!1laaaaaalaaaaVflS.faM?9- - I . wS?i?cA-?"i v ?v.'tvaaaaaaaav7Bn II lmVaaaaaaaaBBilBaaBBa I t SpfzW aaatBBTaam?Jal 1 llllll fTBataaaaffstBlkllVaffaa I l -r-y--- - Jv tAsaaaasaaBP l liawVBaaBaaaamswc ijaama 1 ApStejg-SeagBr y -v aatssWIatatssta IF M-.3aaWSiaJaaWI I v7A!pM,CSB89S3aBaaaWsVI'SaKaBaaaaaaax &f Ala-VIHaiaVsaaaaVaaSBaCsaaaTfll llrr UJF0rMMG4f52$SE23SSsL- ACP W ImalaBalaaPiKPi Urn i "iWsaw" " A',' ". wV if sWsamlaBaaaaaaVawaBaaaK(il ' Tiaj52wmmjmL ' Um - I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaisWAMaaaaaasnRaaVI ffi. 'SaBaaaT'SraHaP9saaaBaKSsUm itSSSMiSTTTfjni iHr.7?m aSasab jfWftJlaaCIIiaaaaamWIlvZJ K-ZonQPE &"'- ,N(J)rJ7 laaaaSsBr' a42r9aaVsuaBaaaall&rl ftf l HV9BB?3B9aaaV faEBaaB9Baav "t Jflss!aaaaal ,aaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaBaal ai' a?Ba rTfB rT-aaaafi'mauaaSaVBaaaaaaaaaaalBP ItfHHHH -SBaVttaHaaaiaaaaHaaaaaaVBall MaMsaaaaaaaaaf " aaaaawaaassaaalaHPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal afBaaV - ssCBaaaVaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaail BaflH - aVBaaaaaaBaBsaaaaBaaaaaaalaaall laaaVaTO - $aPVBrlVB9iaV'aaBsBBaaaT9aaaal MaaWWIPf v"-- . VMnaHaaaaaaVLsaaVaaHBaml Tj 'r-y ftaDaiaaaKaWaTanaaaaaamJsall 'v? 'aaa "r f HPsTaaaataaaaMaTsaaaaaaaaaaa aa B aaaSH ir '': K V?SS-Tafamall: HI IMat 'UalfaEaKVaaaaWlU JfS-l ''-iBHSCKaiaaBaaaWlffSsail laaVaSsaT BavXVcJauR9raaaS3aaaVaaTMaaa)H ISsl fV- KawaaaVaB9lBCSbTtHail i55 -, ' WTKSfuK3BSt Im aaaaad. aaa VflH, aaaaaaA Sata. ssJl' H VV BP -;-iAa' afal Ms EPal aK& I V II ' aaaaWaraaTsEr I l ' laaalaam VaPV 1 V im aYaaaaaa9 Karr I tl If aaaaaaMaWVaT-7 -- '" -i iiaaaaaaBBS. j jk.- iaita4i it aafaaaffUaTlW - crLVll I v aaaaaVrsaaaaaaaaarS MW m- -y XI I amawaaA!.aV 1 11 l ISatatjiin W 1 M K KBFT?aaiBaaL 3 aaaB Bl ; -. F iCf If saioll vaf Aalaaal rSHL. ? lawi a via aaraaa aa ar - ' a vaf Ba6 B vr WZr t?jt 3 I flYui a aa ?y?y!tvP7yy t.; W6 they would be as near as possible to the vantage points to be found only on the exposed bridge and from those substitute observatories some of them located directly behind or otherwise adja cent to the bridge would direct the action of the battling armorclad. In order to enable the officers on the bridge to be at all times closely in touch with all parts of the ship this elevated promenade Is made the nerve center of elaborate telephone, telegraph and signaling systems that afford instantaneous communication uith the engine and fire rooms, the ammunition magazines, all the different "gun stations" throughout the ship, and. In fact, every scene of activity that has part in the complex mission of one of these great fighting machines. The telephone system on a battleship is much like the private telephone system in a great store or manufactory, but with the difference that on shipboard most of the receivers are of the pattern which fit close to the head, covering both ears and strongly resembling those used by the hello girls in telephone exchanges. This special equip ment is designed to shut out disturbing noises and is very essential when officers and men may be called upon to listen to telephone conversation when the guns are roaring or against the opposi tion of the various distracting noises always to be encountered on shipboard. .aivi r k - isMFrir ' sararADTFr amt3fiauaYaL ZT AMSJZ V1TTLE mirr 1!VER avsaa MWm pills. .WlLa f' Near the bridge of a battleship Is the wireless telegraph ttation which is one of the newer yet easily one of the most important adjuncts of the up-to-date battleship. However, the wireless tele graph is not used for interior communication aboard the battleship but solely for the exchange of messages with other ships and with shore sta tions. What are sometimes referred to as "tele graphs" on shipboard are not telegraphs at all. as the lav reader understands them, but are rather signaling systems. The most common of these communicative systems is that whereby the pressure or a button or lever at one station on a battleship say en the bridge will cause a print ed command to suddenly appear in illuminated form in a distant part of the ship. For Instance, the movement of a certain lever on the bridge of the battleship v. ill cause an illuminated sign to smldcnlj appear before the eyes of the rngi noers. "way down brtlow the water line, reading. "Full Speed Ahead." or "Full Speed Astern." or any other command which it is desired to give. By means of this method of signaling a command ran, if need be. be communicated simultaneously to a number of different stations scattered throughout the ship. Indeed it is by this expedi ent that the captain of the battleship insures uni formity of action during target practise or in battle. In a twinkling he can send the command "Begin firing" cr "Cease firing," or any other in structions to eacli and every gun crew scattered throughout the length of the ship. On the bridge, likewise, we find all the paraphernalia for steering the ship, including the great wheel, the electrical control, the compasses, the chart board, with its stores of charts and ail the other me chanical adjuncts for keeping the huge vessel on the proper course. Here, tco. are the seeming ly simple devices which now con trol the manipula tion of the huge searchlights perched up aloft on skeleton steel towers-a means of manag ing the searchlights v.hich In not only more rapid but more effective than the old plan of turning them this way and that bv manual labor. On the bridge too. are no end of signaling devices for supplementing the wireless telegraph In communication with other sh ps or with the shore. There are signal flags for use with various codes ami with the always useful 'wigwag; there are the semaphore and Ardols systems for signal ing at night by means of different combinations of red and whit" lights, and there is the electric torch for unofficial messagc-s. The American navy has been the most suc cessful military organization, from its very incep tion, which the world has ever seen. That is a pretty broad statement, but It is absolutely true. There are good reasons for this. In the early days we were a commercial people. We were naturarsailormen. Our people lived along the shores. They made their money in commercial pursuits. The men who commanded merchant ships were not only good sailors; they were good merchants, and the foundations for many of the great fortunes of this country have come from that source. In order to protect them selves they were obliged to go armed. Their ships were" armed as were privateers In time of war. The result Is that they not only knew navi gation, bat they knew gunnery, and combined with these qualities the intelligence which makes great merchants. Naturally, when those men came into positions where they commanded men-of-war. they were equal to the occasion, although they had had no naval training. As time went on they acquired a naval training, so that in the later wars, in the early part of the nineteenth century, they met every requirement, and in the recent wars the graduates of the Naval academy have been equal to every duty which has been imposed upon them. They have made a record of which every American citizen should be proud. The American saiiorman has always been effi cient. They were good men In the time of the Revolution; competent men in the time of the war of 1S12. They are better men today than they were in those days, because today 95 per cent, of them are American citizens, and not a man is shipped in the American navy who has not de clared his intention to become a citizen. Twenty five years ago not more than CO per cent, of our men-of-war's men were American citizens. The American navy has been successful be cause our ships have always been as good ships as any that were built in the world. Our merchant men, in the Revolutionary times, and down to the Civil war. wore the best merchant ships sail ing the seas. They were, no doubt, the best manned, and they made the fastest time. During the pericd of wooden ships, when wq built men-of-war ihe were of the same general character. Our men-of-war. gun for gun. were equal to. and irobably superior, to those of any other nation. We have always been able to shoot bsttcr than most people. Go back to the early times, to the revolutionary war. We lost 24 men-of-war. carry ing less than SCO guns, in the Revolutionary war. while the British lost 102 men-of-war. carrying more than 2.300 guns. We captured S00 or their i-ercbant ships, and it is not tco much to say that if it had not been for the damage caused by the American navy we would not have won the Revolutionary war at all; that is. It might have been necessary later to have fought that war over again. The same relative skill prevailed in the War of 1812. Our ships of the same class were superior to the ships of our opponents. This statement is confirmed when we study the exact figures. For instance, in the Hornet Peacock contest the British ship lost five men killed and S7 wounded, out of a crew of WO. while the American ship had but three wounded this in eleven minutes. In the Wasp-Frolic fight the British ship lost 15 men killed and 47 wounded, out of a crew of 110. while the American ship lost but five killed and five wounded from a crew of the same size. I could mention a number of similar Instances which demonstrate my statement that at that time we were able to shoot well, and we have been shooting better ever since. Not only the men of the north, but the men of the houth. shot well dur ing the Civil war; they shoe well during the Span ish war; and we can shoot half a dozen times as well today as we could during the Spanish war. Never has the American navy made such a rec ord as it Is making today, anil never has there been a navy having a record excelling the one which our navy Is now making for capacity to hit the target. That Is really the whole war problem to hit what you are bhooting at. Wc have not In the past built homogeneous fleets. We build a surplus of battleships and then provide the men to man them, and frequently pro vide more than we have ships for. We build auxil iaries and torpedo boats. If we do It at all. without any regard to the relation which such craft should bear to the battleship fleet, and while we have built or have in construction 29 battleships, we have practically no means of furnishing tenders for them under service conditions. When the battleship fleet was sent to th Pa cific recently it was necessary to charter 40 foreign ships to carry coal for it. If it had been found necessary to send the fleet around the horn in time of war it could not have been attempted, because we could not have furnished American vessels in which to carry the coal. Very few people realize the deplorable condition we are in. as far as our merchant marine is con cerned. If we had a large merchant marine we could draw from It without having special auxil iaries for the navy, hut we are so lacking in both that It makes our present situation almost hope less. When the Spanish war broke out it was neces sary to purchase colliers and transports. One hun dred and two vessels were bought at a cost of some thing over $17,000,000. but they cost a very large percentage more than their market value, and more than twice as much as they could have been sold for If they had been put on the market at the ter mination of the war. In other words, we paid out millions of dollars because we had not provided ourselves with suitable auxiliaries for our battle ship fleet. We should have a navy adequate for our needs; not only adequate in battleships, but adequate In every other respect. Surgery on Heart Surgical operations upon the heart have become more or less of a commonplace In medical history. Something approximating 100 cases of the sewing up of heart wounds are on record, and the recov eries have been considerable when one considers the highly dangerous character of such work. Hith erto, however, heart surgery has been limited to ac cident cases. In a recent Issue of the annals of surgery one of the workers at the Rockefeller institute for medical research discusses the possibility of treating diseased hearts surgically. He has made numerous experiments on animals and believes that such operations will be successfully performed on human beings In the near future. His tests have convinced him the heart can b opened, scraped out (cleaned, so to speak), sewed up and started off on Its "beating" path agiln without any great, at least insuperable, difficulty. By an in genious system of side piping and new channeling he Is able temporarily to cut out of the circulation portions of such important vessels as the descend ing aorta the largest artery in the body, without killing the animal. Among his supested opera tions is one on the coronary arteries of the heart for the euro of angina pectoris. This doctor has apparently proved to his own sat isfaction on animals that successful surgical inter ference with the great vessels and the heart Itself Is a possibility. It Is. of course, a long step from these experiments to actual operations on human beings, but there Is every indication that the latter feat will be attempted In the near future. The in tractability of cardiac affections and their high fa tality make the proposed new surgery a thing of great general interest, and may justify the extreme boldness of the proposal. Mrs. Wiggin as Playwright $&v&&&t 20 For 10c BEAUTIFUL POST CAROS Tlews of Lead ing Cities and sCktr points of interest. Send coin or stamps. TsHsa.HirlieaHcNair.lsc.321 Brudny. NeaYork Popular Author Tells cf Her Amusing Verbal Conflicts With the Stage Director. I could write pages concerning my verbal conflicts with the stage director, and most amusing they would be; only 1 am certain he would publish his own reminiscences of the same pe riod. "Authors seem to be absolutely opaque to all dramatic situations!" he would exclaim; and I would retort: "And stage managers seem to be blind and deaf to anything that is simple and human and natural." "That will never go over the foot lights," he would assert. "Then let it go through them for a change!" I would reply. He was wonderful with the children as well as most ingenious In Inventing stage business, and In all our differ ences we each preserved respect and admiration for the other's work. I "wrote In" bits of dialogue at rehearsal for delightful persons who had not nearly enough to say for the salaries they received. I took home certain pathetic scenes very dear to me. and brought them back next day wreathed in smiles; as everybody concerned, from the Olympian head himself to the fourth stage assistant, detested tears and approved of laughter, both on moral and financial grounds. Why they I deplored my gentle April showers of pathos when the rivers of tears that 'flow In such plays as "Madame X." wash thousands of dollars into the box office. I shall never understand, but so it was. Kate Douglas Wiggin. Id Harper's Bazar. Credulous. Hojax Yon say Dixmyth has a sub lime faith In humanity? Tomdix He certainly has. Why, he even believes that his wife believes everything he tells her." Banana Cream. Procure five ripe bananas, take off the skins and pound the fruit In a mortar with five ounces of white sugar to a pulp. Beat up half a pint of good cream to a stiff froth, add the pounded bananas and half a glass of brandy and the juice of one lemon; mix well together, then add half an ounce of isinglass dissolved in a little boiling water, gently whisk and fill the mold, set in a cool place until wanted. When required, dip the moid in warm water for a few sec onds, wipe with a cloth and turn out into a glass or silver dish. Orange Jslly. Dissolve one ounce of gelatine in one pint of cold water for two hours, then add eight ounces of white sugar, the juice of one lemon, and half a pint of boiling water; place on the fire until the gelatine Is all melted, add the juice of five oranges and one drop of cochineal, strain through a piece of muslin, and pour Into a mold and put into a cool place to set. When wanted, dip the mold Into warm water for a few seconds, wipe dry with a clean cloth, and turn gently into a silver or glass dish. Charlotte Russe. Run a little clear jelly into the top of a plain round or oval mold, and lay in some small pieces of fruits of various kinds; such as glace cherries, half-apricots, sliced bananas; allow It to set. then line the sides with Savoy biscuits cut straight at the edges, press well together, then fill with the following: Whisk up half a pint of cream to a stiff froth, add three ounces of powdered white sugar, the juice of half a lemon, three ounces of raspberry jam rubbed through a hair sieve to extract the seeds, a little cochineal and half-ounce of isinglass dissolved in a tablespoouful of boiling water. When the charlotte Is required Tor table, dip the top of the mold into Warm water for a few seconds, wipe dry with a cloth and turn the mold on a glass or silver dish. Vol-au-Vent of Cherries. Cut out of a sheet of four-fold puff paste one Inch thick oval pieces six inches' by four inches, egg the fop, cd with a smaller size cutter stamp a mark a. quarter of an inch deep, bake in a hot oven about thirty minutes, or longer if required: whan baked take the soft paste from the center, place the cases back In the oven to dry for a few min utes. Place In an enameled pan the juice from a bottle of cherries, and sufficient loaf sugar to sweeten; let It boll five minutes, then throw in the cherries and boil until soft, stand aside to get cold; fill the cases with the cherries and serve. Lemon Cream. Ingredients: Half a pint of cream, two lemons, rix ounces of powdered white sugar. tl : oik of an egg. and half ounce of :singlass. How to use them: Whisk x:p half a pint of cream very stiff; add the sugar, the rind of the lemons ruMed on a piece of sugar which must be poinded, and the juice; add the yolk of an egg and stir lightly together. Dissolve the isinglass in a tablespoonful of boiling water, then add it to the cream; pom into a mold and let set; turn out a directed for the jelly. 3ignngdigT.y Velvet bgs are in demand. Veiled effects continue good style. Opera bags are being shown in moire. Walking dresses are three Inches from the floor. It is the season of furs, velvets, and plushes galore. Tailored costumes, velvet, satin, and fur toques are worn. There is a good deal of embroidery done in soutache. Many of the new gowns show the bib effect in the bodice. Coat sleeves are exceedingly small, and tight at the wrist. One sees a good many Persian blouses made of gauze or chiffon. Fabrics for combination with furs, are velvet, chiffon, silk, satin, and moire. Pretty Place Cards x jf WHEN Laura announces h'-r en gagement to Petrarch it i well to consider those ever-popular little accessories to the decoration of the luncheon table the place cirds. The little Cupid with outspread wings at the top of the long card Is to be traced by means of carbon pa per on unglazed paper. Ink the out lines and touch up the face with pink. Gold paint is good to use on the curls and as tips for the wings. A little verse about love, marriage or Cupid can be written or printed below. Another place card is the arrow pierced heart. Trace this and as many others on cardboard as there are guests. The head and tip of the ar row will extend beyond the form; the other lines will be drawn in with a point and each name placed as sug gested. If the idea of flowers be preferred, the five-petaled ros each portion a heart, is good and very easy. It can be tinted with crayons or water colors any shade to match the table decora- Uses of Foulard. Foulard is becoming one of the most popular silks for fall wear. It is used not only for entire dresses and for trimmings, but aho for lining loose coats, being especially favored with those of shantung and like ma- i terials. It is an excellent material to choose for a frock for week-end visits, as it packs well, and is '-asily shaken, after unfolding, into smoothness and freshness. Plain foulard is supplemented for these purposes with the dotted and striped weaves and there printed in tiny flowers or in oriental designs. Al together it is a wise choice for the woman who must be economical in dress. Dress Trimming. A charming Paris mode! for an aft ernoon gown was seen recently, which depended for its adornment entirely upec a iort of fagoting of self-material. The gown was a light fawn colored challis, and on tunic, under skirt and girdle and down the front of the blouse the material was slashed tions. A huge one of this pattern Is very effective on the center of the table under the bowl of flowers. For the long place card tho ar rangement of hearts Is extremely easy. Two red ones on a white card and the little string of hearts at each side, also red, are very elective. This idea is good for a red luncheon or tea. A garland arrangement of roses and a bell Is shown In an attractive de sign. Trace the design on gray paper and paint the bell and ribbon white, the leaves a delicate green and the roses white. You can allow for an exten sion one-half inch wide at the top. to be bent over and hung on the rim or a glass. These place cards can be quickly made at home; or if you have a facile brush and pen and you wish to do a last little favor for Miss Laura, who will soon be Mrs. Petrarch, why not make a set for her farewell luncheon? and reconnected by crossed intersec tions of the challis. rolled tight into tubular pieces and sewed to straight hand so as to give the appearance of fagoting or of catstitch. Tho same effect has ben seen in silk, ami it is very pretty on a rather thick material, though not suited to fabrics very thin or delicate in appear ance. To Keep Young. Think that you are young. Don't allow yourself to think on your birthday that you are another year older. Keep mental cobwebs, dust and brain ashes brushed off by frequent changes. Don't be too ambitious; the cankei of an overvaulting ambition has eat en up the happiness of many a life and shortened its years. Put some beauty into "your life ev ery day by seenig beautiful works of art. beautiful bits of. scenery, or by reading some fine pcin or selection In prose. i. 'L A i I T Y