The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 16, 1910, Image 2

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Columbus Journal !
Brief Mention of What is Transpiring
In V.--ious Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
The Spanish senate passed the bill
prohibiting the creation of further re
ligious establishments.
A long line of detailed questions to
ansver in connection with the inves
tigation of the general increases in
railroad rates has been forwarded by
the interstate commerce commission
to all the railroads in the official
classification, western trunk line,
trans-Missouri and Illinois freight ter
ritories. John E. Oilman, commandcr-in-chler
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
appointed the court of inquiry re
quested by Past Senior Vice Com
mander John McEIroy of this city to
Investigate charges which. It is al
leged, were circulated against the lat
ter at the encampment or the Grand
Army held al Atlantic City in Sep
tember. After a leave of absence lasting
nearly ten years during the most of
which time he was engaged in Arctic
exploration, Capt. Robert E. Peary
Las returned to active duty in the
navy department. For the present
the famous explorer is to be engaged
as engineering expert for the de
partment of justice In cases ueiore
the court of claims, involving con
struction work for the naval bureau
of yards and docks.
Plans for an aerial military squad
ron will be presented to congress, the
number of the air machines to be pro
vided being left by the war depart
ment to the law makers. This was
announced by Major General Leon
ard Wood, chief of staff of the army,
p.rigadier General James Allen, chief
of the signal corps, in his report to
General Wood, already has recom
mended that twenty machines be pur
chased at once lor the army.
A party of fifty Jesuits, the last of
the members of the religious orders,
were expelled from Portugal.
The first case of yellow fever ever
known in Honolulu has been dis
covered aboard the Japanese liner
llong Kong Maru, which arrived
there October 0 from Manzanillo,
A dispatch to the Peris Petit Jour
nal from Cerbere, near the Spanish
frontier. Fays that a general strike
has -been declared in Catalonia and
will be proclaimeir throughout the
whole of Spain within a week.
The Explorer's Club in New York
has been notified that a Japanese ex
pedition to the South Pole will leave
Tokio on November 15. The expedi
tion will use a 200-ton vessel equipped
with Kill- and auxiliary power and
expects to be three years in making
Its long journey.
It is understood that the new
French cabinet, although it does not
oppose the principles of trades union
ism, will propose a law for enactment.
declaring strikes by employes in the
public service and by state employes
to be illegal and providing a penalty
for persons engaged in such move
ments. Count Roni de Castelianc. former
husband of Anna Gould, now the wife
of his cousin. Prince de Sagan. has
filed with the Vatican a formal peti
tion askins: the pope to confirm his
civil divorce and grant him a church
divorce. Count Roni, it is said, is
suing for the hand or Miss Anna Mor
gan, daughter of J. P. Morgan of New
General Allen laments the lack of
aeroplanes for the army.
By order of President Taft all the
Alaska oil lands were withdrawn from
settlement, thus putting them on the
same footing with the coal land3 of
Alaska, all of which nave been with
drawn. The federal government through
the Department of Justice has in
augurated a movement to procure
from the supreme court of the Unit
ed States an authentic definition of
"What is Conspiracy." as it relates
to offenses against the government.
The state game warden of Texas
has issued a license to hunt in Texas
to William J. Bryan, who will arrive
at his farm near Mission in the lower
Rio Grande valley November 22. Mr.
Bryan will spend several weeks tiiere.
cultivating the land and shooting the
There ua an increase or M per
cent in the postal reicnue for the fis
cal year ending in June.
Acording to Chicago testimony
there is the closest kind of a combine
in the bathtub business of the coun
try. Crippen. the wife murderer, will
barely escape the gallows, though
given a ten-days' extension from the
original day set for his execution.
Anton Schwartz, the millionaire
brewer and president or th firm of
Bernheimer & Schwart7. shot and
killed himself in his apartments In
Central Park. West. New York.
At this writiug it looks as ir Rcver
Idge will not be returned to the sen
ate from Indiana.
Meltcn Prior, the British war cor
respondent and artist, who saw serv
ice in twenty-four campaigns and
revolutions, is dead.
Jlemorial services for the late Sen
ntor Jonathan P. Dolliver of Iowa
were held in Washington in the
Foundry Methodist church.
The Jewish quarters in Shiraz. the
capital of the province of Fars. Per
sia, have been sacked by Khnsgais.
Eleven Jews were killed and f.000 are
President Taft has gone to Panama
to look over canal work.
Rc-oIutlonists In Honduras are said
to be gathering in force for onslaught.
I Mr. Bryan has been making some
speeches in Speaker Cannon's Illinois
' Surprising gains by the socialists
i were made In New York state.
Congress meets the first Monday In
December, the session ending March
The lower house of the next con
gress will have a democratic majority
of about forty.
According to the recent elections
the lower house of the next congress
will be democratic.
Dix (dem.) was elected governor
of New York, notwithstanding Roose
velt's vigorous campaign.
It is figured at this time that Al-
drich's majority for governor in Ne
braska will reach 25.000.
Just for the present Teddy has
nothing to say about election results,
but will be heard from later.
Secretary Rallinger blames his op
ponents for -the unsettled conditions
regarding the Alaska coal lands.
Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, who
made the race for governor of Nebras
ka, though defeated, is not cast down.
Roosevelt has given notice that he
is going to take a good rest. To all
callers word is banded out "nothing
The main building of the Ontario
Wheel company works, with all its
contents, was destroyed by fire. Loss,
President Taft will have a number
of important measures before the
next congress and hopes to get action
upon them without delay.
Rev. Dr. Charles Humner Burch,
arch-deacon of Richmond, Stat en Is
land, has been elected bishop suffra
gan of the Protestant diocese of New
John J. Siuythe was sentenced to
death in Norfolk. Va.. for the murder
of his wife. Bullets intended for
Mrs. Smythe also killed a 12-year-old
Hitchcock, the coming democratic
senator from Nebraska, is a son of
the late P. W. Hitchcock, who also
served a term in the United States
The San Juan. Porto Rico, branch
of the Union Bank of Halifax, has
been merged with the Royal Bank of
The Panama national assembly ap
proved a resolution instructing the
executive to recognize the Repuolic
of Portugal.
Republicans propose to get busy at
the coming session of congress, which
ends the 4th of March. There is
much that Taft wants done before the
democrats take hold.
After an illness of less than four
days, George A. Rasmussen, an in
structor in the Sioux City high
school, died of infantile paralysis. He
was the third adult to die in Iowa
of that disease.
It is fearea mat Solomon, a settle
ment of a dozen houses on the beach,
of Norton sound, twenty-three miles
east of Nome, was wiped out by the
unusual tidal disturbance which sent
a flood in from the Bering sea.
Assistant postmasters who hope to
be transferred into the permanent
service of the government under the
civil service recently issued by Presi
dent Taft must first stand a rigid
examination as to their efficiency.
Asbury Spicer, who has figured
conspicuously in the Breathitt county.
Kentucky feuds for many years, was
given :t life-sentence in the state
penitentiary for the murder of
Nephew Asbury Fugate last spring.
Twelve friends of the late Ratje
Siedenburg, a business man who died
in New York last October, are direct
ed by the terms of his will, just filed
for probate, to eat a dinner costing
$500. or $41. GO 2-:; a plate, at the ex
pense of his estate.
Vital questions concerning the is
sues of stocks and bonds by the rail
roads engaged in interstate com
merce will bo investigated by the
Railroads Securities commission,
which will begin public hearings prob
.ibly on November 2S.
Asbury Spicer. who has figured con
spicuously in the Breathitt county
(Ky.) feuds for many years, was giv
en a life sentence in the state peni
tentiary for the murder of Nephew
Asbury Fugate.
The New Mexico constitutional con
vention disregarded the advice given
by Theodore Roosevelt to make "a
constitution easily amended and
adopted an article requiring two
thirds of each house to propose an
amendment and a big majority of the
electorate to approve.
Carl Rohr, a defaulting bank clerk
of the National Union bank of Water
town, N. Y., whose alleged shortage
Father O'Leary'e Facetious Rejelntfar
to John Phllpot Curran an E
ampla of Real Wit.
On da? the famous Joan Philpvc
Curran. who waa alao very partial to
the said cornad muttoa dhi ma the
honor to meet him. Ta enjoy the so
ciety of such men waa an intellectual
treat. The were great friends aad
seemed to hare a mutual respect for
each other's talent, and. aa It may
easly be ltaactned, O'Leary Tarsus
Curran waa no bad match.
One day after dinner Curran said to
him: "Reverend father, I wish you
were St Peter."
"And why, counselor, would you
wish that I were St Peterr asked
"Because, reverend father. In that
case," said Curran, "you would have
the keys of heaven, and you could let
me In."
"By my honor and conscience, coun
selor." replied the divine, "It would be
better for you that 1 had the keys of
the other place, then I could let yoa
Gurran enjoyed the joke, which ha
admitted had a good deal of Justice la
It From Kelly's Reminiscences.
In the Lower House They are Assured
of at Least Two Hundred and
Twenty-Six Members.
Terrible Kidney Trouble Cured After
Doctors Gave Up Hope.
Mrs. F. M. Hill, 188 W. 10th St,
Waterloo, Iowa, cays: It makes me
shudder to think of my awful suffer
ing. I waa languid and weak and nev
er free from dull
pain in my back.
My hands puffed and
my feet became so
swollen I could not
wear my shoes. The
kidney secretions
were painful and
frequent in passage.
4' I gradually grew
weaker until the doctors gave up hope.
It was then I began with Doan's Kid
ney Pills and soon improved. Con
tinued use cured me."
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. FoBter-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T
Complexion of 62d Congress.
Democrats elected 226
Republicans elected 1C4
Socialists elected 1
Total 391
Majority of house 196
Democratic majority in house 30
Complete returns on the election of
representatives in congress indicate
that the democrats will have a work
ing majority of 30 in the next house.
Chicago. The number of demo
crats elected to congress, according
to the latest returns, which are of an
unofficial character, is 226. The re
publican representation will be 164.
or eight scats less than the demo
crats now have in the Sixty-first
The Eleventh Pennsylvania district
which is represented in the sixty
first congress by a republican, is in
doubt The Twelfth Pennsylvania
district also normally republican, is
likewise doubtful.
Absolute confidence is not felt in
the returns or some of the Wisconsin
districts and it is not improbable that
the official figures will change the
totals of the two parties.
Complexion of Delegations.
The following table shows that the
political complexion of the various
state delegations in the sixty-second
congress will be as indicated by the
returns received up to date. The
make-up of the sixty-first congress is
also compared:
62d Con. 61st Con.
Dem. Rep. Dem. Rep.
.. 11
.. 10
. 12
"No. I don't think Reggy will ever
learn to run his auto."
"Why not?"
"He's always trying to roll a cigar
ette and guide the machine at the
same time."
Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn or Dys
pepsia Relieved Five Minutes After
Taking a Little Diapepsin.
is $13,J0O. was arrested at Seattle.
LaFolIette will be re-elected senatoi
from Wisconsin.
Five of the presidents cabinet of
ficers went home to vote.
Senator P.everidge of Indiana has
been retired by the voters.
Roll Elmore Crippen. wife of the
condemned murderer, is said to be
hiding in this country.
Hubert latham circled the city of
Baltimore in a twenty-five mile flight
President James of the University
of Illinois complained that education
al methods were lagging.
Six prominent Pacific coast men
were indicted for an alleged attempt
to steal Pacific coast lands.
New England capitalists will in
vest $SO0.O0O to OO.O.j in a fine
goods cotton mill in Greenville. S. C.
Chilean Minister Cruse, en route
for Washington, is detained at the
quarantine station because of a case
of bubonic plague discovered on the
Sherman S. Brady, a well known
business man of Houston. Texas, was
crushed to death when his automobile
William Smith, a native of New
York, famed as an impersonator of
the character of Uncle Sam from his
remarkable likeness to cartoons, died
in a hospital in Tucson. Ariz., at the
age of 01 years.
Brigadier General Ralph W. Hoyt,
commanding Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo
ming, has been ordered to relieve
Brigadier General Albert L. Myer. in
command of the department of Tex
as, who retires Nov. 14.
Here is a harmless preparation
which surely will digest anything you
eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order
stomach within five minutes.
If your meals don't fit comfortably,
or what you eat lies like a lump of lead
in your stomach, or if you have heart
burn, that is a sign of Indigestion.
Get from your Pharmacist a 50-cent
case of Pape'8 Diapepsin and tak
a dose just as soon as you can. Then
will be no sour risings, no belching of
undigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the stomach. Nausea,
Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or
Intestinal griping. This will all go,
and. besides, there will be no sour food
left over in the stomach to poisonjrour
breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure
for out-of-order stomachs, because it
takes hold of your food and digests it
just the same as if your stomach
wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store here in town.
These large 50-cent cases of Pape'a
Diapepsin contain more than sufficient
to thoroughly cure almost any case of
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Gastritis or
any other stomach disorder.
Alabama ...
Arkansas . .
California .
Colorado . .
Delaware . .
Florida ....
Georgia . . .
Illinois ....
Indiana . . .
Iowa 2
Kentucky 9
Louisiana . . .
Minnesota ...
Mississippi . .
Missouri 13
Nebraska 3
New Hampshire. ..
New Jersey 7
New York 23
No. Carolina...
North Dakota...
Pennsylvania . .
Rhode Island...
So. Carolina ...
South Dakota..
1 GXxS
Virginia 9
West Virginia... 4
Wisconsin 1
Some Speculation as to the Matter of
County Option.
Omaha. Almost complete returns
on the legislature indicate that the
joint session will be democratic by
a majority of thirteen. The party di
vision in the two houses will be nine
teen democrats to fourteen repub
licans in the senate and fifty-four
democrats to forty-six republicans in
the house. This will make certain the
organization of both houses by the
democrats if the democrats act to
gether in party caucus, as they are
pretty certain to do.
On the vital question or county op
tion, both sides are claiming to have
majorities in each house. Superin
tendent Poulson of the anti-saloon
league in a statement declared that
seventeen members of the senate
were committed for county option.
and more than a majority of the j
house. Representatives of the liquor
dealers and allied organizations are
also claiming seventeen of the senate
against county option, and also a ma
jority of the house.
The discrepancy between the two
in the senate turns on the vote of the
senator-elect from Otoe county, Hen
ry Battling, republican. His name
appeared on the county option slate
and did not appear on the slate put
out by the brewer's combine which
was backing bis opponent. Senator
Buck, the democrat up for re-election.
It is asserted now that Battling an
nounced before the election that he
would be against county option and
those opposed to county option are
depending upon this announcement.
It is barely possible that the fate of
the bill in the senate may hang on
this one vote.
In the house, while the prelirainary
roster is subject to possible changes,
the best information obtainable
makes the division on county option
forty-four pledged to the bill and
fifty-six against it or non-committal.
If a few of the non-committal mem
bers turn out to be county optionists
the house may present a repetition
of the close vote expected in the
Nebraska Legislature.
Omaha. The World-Herald says:
"Complete revised returns on the Ne-
icbraska legislature give the demo
crats nineteen members of the senate
to fourteen republicans, and fifty-five
members of the house to forty-five re
publicans. This represents a demo
cratic majority of seventeen ou joint
ballot, or seven more than the con
stitutional majority of sixty-seven.
Authorities, However, Assure Amer-
icsn Consul that There Will Be
No Further Trouble.
Too Free.
Seymour What caused the Allcome
Life Insurance company to fall?
Ashley It was altogether too free
in accepting risks. I don't believe It
would have even refused to insure the
life of a turkey the day before Thanks
giving." What Murine Eye Remedy Does te
the Eyes is to Refresh, Cleanse,
Strengthen and Stimulate Healthful
Circulation, Promoting Normal Condi
tions. Try Murine in your Eyes.
Knicker How many w!U your
tor car hold?
Bocker Five and a cop.
Totals 225 1C4 172 215
Socialist. 1; scattering, 5; vacan
cies. 4.
Outcome of Senate.
The outcome of the United States
senate is now definitely settled. The
republicans arc assured of seventeen
new senators, which, with thirty-four
holdover senators, gircs them a total
of fifty-one. The democrats are sure
of fifteen now senators, which, with
twenty-five held overs, gives them a
total of forty.
Two senatorships arc still in
doubt, namely the successor of the
late Jonathan P. Dolliver in Iowa aud
of Carter in Montana, where there is
prospect of a warm fight.
Returns From Seventy-Six Counties
Give Him 14,089 Majority.
Omaha. Complete returns on gov
ernor and senator have been received
from seventy-six of the ninety-two
counties in the state. Partial returns
have been received from twelve of
the remaining counties, several of
them having but a single precinct
missing. The four counties not in
cluded are Loup. Keya Paha, Morrill
and McPherson.
The counties that have reported
cast a total of 220.K67 votes on gover
nor, and return a majority for Aldrich
of 1 1.0S9. The vote reported on sen
ator aggregates 2!2.SH:. and gave
Hitchcock a majority of lS.9:iti.
Returns from the precincts not yet
reported will serve to Increase the
majorities above indicated, giving
Hitchcock upwards of 20.000. while
Aldrich will have close to 15,000.
In Nevada.
Carson City, New Estimates based
on late returns give George S. Nixon,
rep., at least 1.000 plurality In the
advisory vote for United States sen
ator. Roberts, rep., for congress, is
elected by 1.2UQ. while Oddie. rep.,
for governor, is elected by at least
Guadalajara, Mexico. In the course
of the Anti-American demonstrations
in this city Thursday night an Amer
ican flag was burned amid cries of
"Death to the gringos."
Conservative estimates placed the
damage to property at from $5,000 tc
$10,000. The rioters wore themselves
out about midnight. In spite of ef
forts being made by the government
authorities to preserve order and
which prevented further rioting Fri
day, a spirit of unrest prevailed and
renewed violence was feared. Manuel
Cuestra Gallardo. candidate for gov
ernor, is doing everything possible,
in conjunction with the commander
of the federal troops, to maintain
peace. American Consul Samuel
Magill has been assured by the
authorities that there will be no
further trouble.
Wednesday night a high iron fence
surrounding the Methodist mission
ary institute was torn down by the
mob and the windows in the building
Glass doors and windows ia the
homes of C. N. Strotz, W. L. Kline,
the Rew R. C. Elliott. C. E. Coru
thers and Dr. W. S. Swayzee. In the
American colony residence section,
were demolished. Plate glass fronts
in the American Banking company,
German drug store, Commercial
Banking company, National Candy
company. West End Realty company,
the hardware store of CarIo3 Hering
and the American .Drug company
were brokeu. Windows were also de
molished in the Cosmopolitan hotel
and an American restaurant.
C. E. Myers of Joplin, Mo., and Cliff
Munger of York. Pa., railroad em
ployes, were beaten and kicked by the
rioters, but not seriously injured.
Washington. American citizens in
Mexico have been cautioned b; Unit
ed States Ambassador H. L. Wilson
to refrain from acts of violence, as he
is convinced the Mexican government
is exerting its best efforts to sup
press the anti-American riots. Mr.
Wilson telegraphed the state depart
ment that he anticipated no further
violence and that the American em
bassy was being protected. He re
ported the arrest of fifty-one rioters.
Several interviews have been held
between Secretary of State Knox and
Senor de la Barra. the Mexican am
bassador, in regard to the situation.
Vegetable Compound
' Dsroreet, wiv
MAf tr an opera,
tton four years ag
I bad pains down
ward in both aides,
baekaohe, and a
weakness. Tbadao
tor wanted bm ta
bars another ojacsv
Plnkham'a Veaata.
bla Compound and
I am entirely cured
of bqt troubles."
Mrs. atoustz Vxarxucurx. Da It
sac, Wisconsin.
i-mrw f i
Kaw Orleans, La, "Far years I suf
fered front asms female troubles,
FiamUy I was confined to my bed and
ueeucxeraua an operation'
any. I cava LydJa. Plnkham'a Vff
staBla Compound a trial first, ail
waa saTsd from an operation." Mia.
LitTPxTBoux. 1111 jGttkraeSt.Xsw
Orleans, Ia.
Thirty years of unparalleled soseess
eenfirmstha power of Lydia JCPlmk
ham'a Vefetabla Compound to ears
female diseases. The great volume ef
unsolicited testimony conttantiypomr
Inffln proves conclusively that Lydia
E. Piniham's Vegetable Compound is
a remarkable remedy for those dis
tressing feminine ills from which as
many women suffer.
If yon want spestal aelTiceabssn
your caaa write to Mra. Pinkbasa,
at Lynn, Mass. Her adYica is
aad always help uL
Given Away
Republican Legislature.
Topefcn. Kans. All doubt as to the
complexion of the next Kansas legis
lature was settled when returns from
107 of the 125 representative dis
tricts gave the republicans sixty
three members, a majority. Returns
now in give the democrats forty-live
Sore throat leads to Tonmlitis, Quinsy
and Diphtheria. Hamlina Wizard Oil
ued as a gargle upon the first symptom
of a sore throat will invariably prevent
all three of these dread diseases.
There is said to be a professor of
languages in an eastern college who
has mastered all the modern tongues
except his wife's.
Surprise in Illinois.
Chicago, III. The results of the
election in Illinois and Chicago fur
nished one of the greatest surprises
in all the country.
Although pictured as in the best
shape of any state in the middle west
from the republican standpoint, no
where was the democratic landslide
more pronounced. The democrats
made a clean sweep in Cook county
and for the first time In fourteen
years the party reigns supreme.
State Prohibition Lost.
Jacksonville. Pla. On the face of
three-fourths of the returns over the
state, it is declared that the constitu
tional amendment calling for state
wide prohibition has been lost by
about .1.204 votes. The local option
managers claim the defeat to be by
Democrats Will Gain Only Three or
Four Nw Members.
Des Moines, la. Up to this time
neither state headquarters nor any
Des Moines newspaper office had
been able to secure complete returns
from Iowa on the votes for govern
or. The nearest approach was exact
figures from ninety-four counties,
showing that Carroll probably re
ceived onwards of 21.000 plurality
over Porter. Another count of about
eighty-live counties made the showing
about lS.OOrt.
Some figuring was also done on the
legislature and from this it seems
certain the democrats gained not
more than three or four members.
N'ot on! is the majority about as in
the past, but the division among re
publicans remains unchanged with the
progression having 20 majority.
feralae- tbe ! mmrAm with tka
Utter contained la tbe two words:
Tata great educational seated wUl
terminate NoTcmber Ito. 1910, aa alt
4owa right sow and writ ( jvmr Ust.
Wawaat to aukka
The Moat Cxtanslvary Uaetf Clean,
ar on the Markat. Tala eoateat la oae
aX tba awana wa ara amploylnc to do It.
Go to your vroeer aad aak felm for a
eaa or Victoria Clraaaer. Ia thla caa
yoa will find a eoupoa eaUUlag-you ta
auter tba eoateat.
FUl out tba aonpea aad auUl It to aa
with your lUt. If your trocar docan't
aandla Victor! Claaaaer. aend na bla
nam and for yonr troabla wa will aca
tbat you ara auppUad aad yoa aar
aatar tba contest.
Florida Against Prohibition.
Jacksonville. Fla. With three
fourths of the vote of the state report
ed, the majority against the pro
posed prohibition constitutional
amendment is 3,201.
Mra. WlnsloWa SoortilBa Brm.
fbrebUilrrn tfrt!:ing.aornstbgn8i.rcdceaaUW
ingimiuTi.iiypam.carpwinacouc. ;
A conventional man is one wh
action you can predict ahead of time.
Lewis' Single Binder utraight Be
is made to satisfy the smoker.
Silence may give consent or It
give offense.
Democratic Governor and "Wet".
Portland, Ore. Returns from many
sections of the state today tend to
confirm the early estimates giving Os
wald West, democrat, the governor
ship of Oregon, over Jay Kowerman.
republican. That Oregon has voted
"wet" seems certain.
President Leaves for South.
Charleston. S. C President Tart
sailed for the Isthmus of Panama to
get in personal touch with conditions
along the big canal. Mr. Taft visited
the isthmus just before his inaugu
ration in 1S09. but since then various
executive and engineering problems
have arisen and congress soon must
frame legislation as to rates of toll,
form of government, the regulation
of the sale of coal, the disposition of
tiie Panama railroad and many other
things. H will make many recommendations.
Close in Wyoming.
Cheyenne. Returns from northern
Wyoming counties indicate the de
feat of two and possibly three repub
licans ou the state ticket. A. D.
Cook, supcrindendent of public in
struction and candidate for re-election
on the republican ticket, is de
feated by .Miss Rose 1'ird, democrat,
by over 1.000 plurality. Schnitger.
republican secretary of state and can
didate for re-election, and lloux. dem
ocrat, are running neck and neck,
and the official canvass will probably
be necessary to determine whic) has
been successful.
Bank Man Commits Suicide.
Memphis, Tenn. I). F. M. Senas,
president of the Continental Savings
bank and widely known financier,
committed suicide by shooting.
To Pay Election Bet.
Xew York. Although he is 78
years old. John Spaulding. a veteran
republican, will walk from New York
to Poughkeepsie. seventy-five miles,
starting Monday, to fulfill a bet on
Henry L. Stimson. He called on
Mayor Caynor and announced his In
t"ntion to start.
srtet on tba
aaarbet. Wbea
yoa get a eaa
waa It on an ar
tlrla cleaned
with any otber
how Victoria
Cleanser will
Improva It,
Aa arlorty of
data la a condl-
tloa of tba con
test it will pay
yen toast today.
DepL C. Omaha, Neb.
Kiiiiiiiii:;' iiiiiiisl
tastos.U.C. BuokafrssR:
Nebraska Directory
Marseilles Corn Shelters
Ar tba bast for yoa to bay. Made ia all tins
Ask your local Dealer or
FISTULA. Tay wtiea Cured.
All Kectal Diseases cored with-
W out m. 1iriri&l Anr&lltin and
guaranteed to last a lifetime. Nochlorvform
rgeaeralaajratbetlceused. Examination free,
ft. E. ft. TABBY. 223BsBuiMla. Oaaha. Net
Los Angeles Has 319,198 People.
"Washington. The population of Los
Angeles. Cal.. is 319.198 as compared
with 102,279 in 1900, as announced by
the census bureau. This is an in.
crease since 1900 of 210,719 or 212.5
per cent.
Very Close on Governor.
Boise. Ida. With two-thirds of the
returns of the state at hand, the elec
tion of the ent5re republican ticket,
with the possible exception of Brady
for governor. Is assured. The race governor by a plurality ranging from
Harmon of Ohio Strongly Endorsed
for Governor.
Cleveland. O. Governor .ludson
Harmon. deTocrat, rolled up a plural
ity of 9S.00f A.-cr Warren (;. Harding,
republican candidate for governor, ac
cording to figures compiled by the
Plain Deabr from thirty-five of the
eighty-eight counties in Ohio. That
when the official co'?,t is compite
Harmon will have over Ino.uOO plu
rality is extremely probable.
Socialist Congressman.
Milwaukee. Wis. Complete unof
ficial returns from the Fifth congres
sional district gives Merger, social
democrat. :4:: plurality over Cochems,
rep. The official canvass is not ex
pected to greatly change the outcome.
Both Claim Oklahoma.
Guthrie. Okla. Forty-eight hours
after the close of the polls finds both
political parties claiming the state.
Returns received, however, indicate
that Lee Cruce, dem., was elected
for gowrnor is very close.
J 6;
000 to 10.000.
Armour Predicts Lew Prices.
Kansas City. Mo.- Charles I). Ar
mour, head of the Armour interests,
said that he believed food prices had
reached their climax and are now on
the down grad'. "Central food prices
are working toward a lower basis."
lie said. "The cere.Us are getting
down. People are going to take ad
vantage of lower prices and that will
have a tendency to relieve the string
ency in meat prices, especially pork."
Just how soon the lower prices are to
iine Air. Armour said he did not
:i 1517 DHgtas St., OMAHA, NEB.
iit KsUabls Deatistrrst afrrats Prices.
Oysters, Celery, Poultry.
Cream Waited.
John A. Oix Makes Pledges.
Iloonevilie. N. Y. John A. Dix. the
governor-elect, at his lirst public ap
pearance since his victory nt the
polls, pledged himself here to an hon
est administration, untouched by any
influence but his duty to the whole
people. His first problem, he said
would be administrative reforms and
retrenchment in expenses. "'Our par
ty has taken upon Itself a great re
sponsibility," he said, "and we are to
bear well that responsibility and per
form well the duties of state administration."
7 aull at eat prlees. Bene for free catalogs
Kins eoaiBlets eonisea. Sp:r!eoe6 facatty ml
twelTslattroctot. renoaal Interest tsken la all
Indents. Writs for fre catalog. Business A-r!cal-tara
Booklet, or apedmeiM of beantlfalpanaiaBahla.
t . p- HtthtrinuiafTiefTaMai.Htb
Is the school that gets resoltx Send for
Catalogue, which contains full information
about the college, and sumo of ths meal
beautiful penmanship ever published
It is free. Address
Moaher Jt Lampman. Omaha. Nefe
AUCniO (.tails far $10.00
Bnllt by a BMcblae. Works better than tbs C2S
Machine. Sells on alght. St-60 proflt on each
Machine. Men and women sell 5 machines In a
lay. People want them, why aot gle all or
part of your time. It's a money maker. Write
jt once. Territory will be takes quickly. Ask
for description and .prclal slier sow.
,,m uimxTt IS1S.S
ft eoatlaaons snecsea. FrinteS Matter ass
la !Iala enrelops apoa resaest. All ear
eaaoadaacs strictly coaattsatlal.
3sr. Twtstr-BlfU aa Caaa Si OSCAaTA, MSB.