The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 16, 1910, Image 1

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A Seven
Room Dwelling
Barn, 66 foot lot,
with good shade
on all sides, for
Bye fiO
Wheat 80
Corn 5 $7.50 to S.OO
Files of the Journal, November 21. 1877.
A good deal of money could be made
in this city by the proper man, in buying
and Belling city property. There is a
demand, too, for tenant, houses. A man
of means, understanding his business
would do well.
It ie said one of the otliciala of the city
who, at tho time of the earthquake shock
was in the hank building, proposed to
lus companions that it was time to pray.
This, however, he denies, as he has not
prayed any for three years.
On Thursday last at 11 5 two distinct
waves of earthquake, with numerous
tremors, were felt here, lasting, accord
ing to our estimate, about thirty seconds.
The "senBation" was a thorough one.
Everybody was "moved," though all
were not conscious of it, and some few
were for awhile very incredulous. The
motion, some afllrm was from southeast
to northwest, others who noticed the
vibrations of hanging articles, say it was
north and south. The two story brick
houses in the city were more preceptibly
affected than others. At the brick
school in district number one the walls
were cracked from the foundation np in
two places, and the school children bo
thoroughly frightened that they rushed
out of the building and could not be
persuaded to reenter it. School was dis
missed for the day. A. W. Crites.
whose olliee is in the second story of the
bank building, says that he doesn't wish
to be invited out to another such mati
nee. He could heHr the grinding of the
mortar, and Chas Wake, who was in the
same building, declares he could see the
walls move. Similar sensations were
experienced at the court house, and the
wall was cracked in one place. Some
fear is expressed that the school house
will not be safe for occupancy in a storm
of wind: the damage to the court house
is so slight as not to create any apprehen
sion. No other buildings in the city
were preceptibly injured, though some
of the frame ones creaked and swayed
considerably. There is no telling what
would have been the result if the shocks
had been continued another time or two.
As it was, most of our people had a
slight experience of an earthquake with
consequences which often attend them.
Wo intend to make a clean
sweep of all our trimmed hats
and have cut the price, half or
more. Special priceson plumes.
II. II. Stires.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
At the State Teachers' association, to
be held in Lincoln next week, industrial
exhibits will be made by the various
schools in the state, and Columbus is
planning to Bend an exceptionally good
exhibit. It will consist of exhibits of
work done in the manual training de
partment, such as joinery, wood turning
and manufactured articles, towel racks,
mail boxes, and in fact nearly every arti
cle produced in a well equipped manual
training department. These exhibits
will be from work done by the Seventh,
Eighth, Ninth and Tenth grades. There
will also be an exhibit from the domes
tic science department, consisting of the
pupil's cooking. The Seventh and
Eighth grades will have an exhibit of
sewing, showing the work of the new
progressive system introduced this year.
Exhibits from art and industrial work
will be made from the grades, from the
kindergarten to the Eighth, inclusive
The latter is composed of basket work,
ruphia mats and hammocks. A few
specimens of clay modeling and drawing
will complete this portion of the exhibit
Those in charge of this expect to make
a showing equal to any heretofore made,
and they will be ready to forward it to
Lincoln by the latter part of this week
N. W. Graham, the president of the
state association, will be presented with
a gavel by the Columbus High school,
the handiwork of Lloyd Neater, and it is
a very creditable piece of work. And in
this connection it has been decided to
introduce a local exhibit of general
school work, to be open to the public so
that an idea can be gained as to what is
being done in the schools. This, how
ever, will not be completed until about
April 1, so as to include as much of this
year's work as poasible.
Captain A. ilaight, one of the early
settlers of this locality, who came here
in the '70's, died at the home of E. M.
Sparhawk, Sunday morning, aged 84
years. Alonzo Ilaight was born in Syra
cuse, N. Y., July 2G, 182G. Here he
lived until be removed to Michigan,
where in 13G? he was married to Orrie B.
Beebe, who still survives him. During
the construction of the Union Pacific
railroad Captain Ilaight was employed
in that work until the road was complet
ed to Cheyenne. In 1S7G he came to
Platte county and located on what is
now known as the Sheldon ranch, south
of the city. Here he resided until 1891,
when he removed to ColumbuB. During
his residence in this city he was elected
city treasurer for one term, but as he did .
not want the otlice he turned it over to
another to act in his place. In 1904 Mr.
and Mrs. Height decided to seek a milder
climate and in that year sold their pro
perty here and moved to San Diego, Oal.,
which has since been their home. They
returned to Columbus on August 1 of
this year, and have been here since.
For eighteen years Mr. Haight followed
the sea, and it was while thus employed
that he was given the title of captain.
Mrs. Haight alone survives her husband,
there being no children. Funeral servi
ces were held Monday at the Methodist
church, being conducted by the pastor,
Ilev. O. W. Hay, and -burial was in the
Columbus cemetery.
Owing to the fact that the Metz bowl
ing team of Omaha did not put in an ap
pearance last Saturday evening the
game with the Columbus team was post
poned for a week, and instead of this
game the first and second bowling teams
of thia city bowled a game, the second
team winning, being given a handicap of
150 pins by the first team. The game
with the Met?, team is scheduled for
Saturday evening, November 19. Much
interest is being taken by local bow
lers in the tournament of the Midwest
Bowling association, which will be held
in Omaha, beginning November 26.
The Columbus bowling team consisting
of Ed Kavanaugb. Joe Gutmer, Henry
Porter, Jap Nichols, Fred Sawyer, Geo.
Hagel and B. i?. Palmer, will represent
Columbus at the tournament. It is al
60 expected that quite a number of local
bowlers will also attend the tournament.
Some time this month the local bowling
association will give a dance at the
Orpheus hall to help defray the expense
of the team attending the tournament.
Last Saturday afternoon the Colum
bus High school foot ball team defeated
the Fremont High school 23 to 0 on the
Columbus grounds. Columbus outplay
ed the visitors, on the offensive and de
fensive. Team work by the local eleven
was better than the visitors and this
was responsible for the victory. Lloyd
Neater and Earl Westbrook. for Colum
bus, did some exceptionally good work.
The last foot ball game of the season
will be played by the Columbus High
school team at David City on Thanksgiv
ing day, this being the return game with
that team. Shelby was also asking for
a game, but the boys declined as that
team is so much heavier and outclasses
the Columbus team, that the crowd does
not appreciate the game, and their re
quest was declined.
While in Olten, Switzerland, this sum
mer, Nick Blaser took part in a boat
race in that city, and he and a companion
won the first prize, the race beicgin pon
toons. Mr. Blaser received s diploma
for winning the event and this, with a
picture of the club, which gave the event
in which he was included, he prizes
very highly. Olten was Mr. Blaser's
home before coming to America and the
picture has a number of faces familiar
to him.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Baled hay for sale Ernst & Brock.
Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone
Bed Tag sale at Gipe'e, 403 west Elev
enth street.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Dr. L P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and KummerSts.
Watch for bargains in queensware and
china at Gipe's, 403 west Eleventh street.
A safe and sure investment that guar
antees to pay ten per cent or more from
the start. See Koon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Egger are the
proud parents of a baby boy, which was
born Thursday morning.
The Columbus City band will give a
public dance at the Orpheu3 hall on Fri
day evening December 2. 1910. Music
furnished by the band.
For Sale Four thoroughbred Snort
Horn bull calves. The low-down blooky
kind. Will be sold cheap if sold soon at
Carl Bolide's farm. Bolide & Zarek.
E. M. Sparhawk, who has been in poor
health for the last several months, is re
ported not gaining strength, and his
friends fear that on account of his ad
vanced age, his illness may prove serious.
Mr. and Mrs. Shell Clark of Wood
ville township were in the city over
Sunday, and while here were looking for
a suitable piece of property for a resi
dence, ss they expect to move to this
city in the near future.
The trouble between the Platte county
Independent and Leigh telephone com
panies has been finally settled, the
state railway commission ordering the
two companies to connect their lines,
and put into effect the same service as
there was prior to the trouble in June,
Saturday morning an overheated
smokestack at the gas works started a
blaze in the cupola of the building, and
burned a bole in the wood work. The
fire department responded promptly and
confined the blaze to the roof of the
building. The damage wan nominal,
fully covered by insurance.
Editor E. A. Harms of the Biene, ac
companied by his wife, left Tuesday for
Barnes, Kns , to attend the funeral of his
cousin, George Wichniann, who died
Monday of this week. Mr. Wichmann
was twenty-five years of age, and Mr.
Harms is the only cousin of his on this
side of the water. Funeral services were
held Wednesday.
President Boss of the Columbus Light
Heat & Power company, was in the city
last week on business connected with
the action the city council has taken re
garding complaints made by the consum
ers. On account of Mr. Boss not being
able to be present Friday evening, the
meeting of the representatives and the
council will be postponed.
W. H. Pugsley of Monroe is a patient
at St. Mary's hospital during the week,
and returning home over Sunday. For
some time Mr. Pugsley has been in poor
health, and on the advice of bis physi
cian he has entered the hospital so he
can take trateraent during the week.
At present his condition is improving
slowly and he expects to soon regain his
normal health.
During the last few months several
new members have been added to the
Columbus City band, making that or
ganization stronger than ever, and in or
der to meet the additional expense for
new uniforms and instruments the boys
have decided to give a series of dances
this winter. They have arranged for the
first one on December 2, at the Orpheus
hall and the music will be furnished by
the entice band.
Last Thursday the fire department
was called to the home of S. A. Bowers,
Seventeenth street, west of the Meridian
line, where some bed clothes caught fire.
Before the department reached the bouse
Mrs. Bowers had carried the burning
clothes out into the street, and put out
the blaze. Some of the furniture in the
house was slightly damaged, by smoke,
but there was no damage to the building.
Just how the fire started is unknown,
Tuesday evening Harry Leffingwell, a
former inmate of the Industrial school
at Kearney, was returned to that institu
tion. Harry has been here for some time
with his parents, but he refuses t at
tend school and has keep Traunt Officer
Schaad busy looking after him. At last
it was decided that he should be return
ed to Kearney, and as Superintendent
Manuel was passing through the city
that evening, Harry was turned over to
Monday of thiB week the November
term of the district court convened with
Judge Hollenbeck on the bench. The
term will be a light one, as there are no
criminal cases. So far but two civil
cases have been disposed of, the first be
ing the Trade Discount Co. vs. Nugent,
being a suit over a note, which defendent
denied having signed, the verdict being
for the defendant. Vackea vs. Snyder,
involving a countermanded order for
trees, was the second case np for trial
and a verdict was rendered for the de
fendant. Wednesday morning the Cur-tis-BaumCo.,
vs. Lang case, which in
volves the sale of n piano, was up.
Adjoining the City Limits
5 Acres, Good six room house and barn at $2,750.
7 Acres, Good four room house and barn, $4,500.
One Acre, a new four room house and barn,
13 Acre Tract, no improvements, at $2,800.
30 Acre Tract, small orchard, no buildings,
$250 per acre.
ElliottSpeice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block Columbus, Neb.
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Dm. Paul and Mataen, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber block.
Wanted, a girl to clerk in the store.
Wm. Poescb.
Wanted Boy to learn candy making
trade. Wm. Poescb.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist and
auriet, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Nenmarker, office with Dr
C. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Special cut price sale on oar
plumes aud trimmed hats. H.
H. Stires.
Don't forget the dance on Friday eve
ning December 2, 1910, given by the
Columbus City Band.
A good thing for the large investor or
the small investor land ten percent
from the start. See Koon.
Are you going to attend the dance at
the Orpheus hall on December 2, 1910,
given by the Columbus City Band. the band.
No thanksgiving table is complete
without flowers. Flowers for all occa
sions, plants for all purposes. Order
early. A. C. Anderson, Florist, 813 East
Eighth street, both phones.
Hugh Hughes left Wednesday of this
week for an all winter sojourn on the
Pacific coast. His destination will be
Los Angeles, but it will be a month be
fore be reaches there as he expects to
stop at several points on his journey
Because he did not approve of the ac
tions of Peter Schmitt, the Shell Creek
miller, during the recent campaign,
Judge I. L. Albert invited him up to his
office and before the interview ended the
judge struck Mr. Schmitt several times.
When Schmitt came to the office be was
questioned regarding what he did, as he
was one of the democracts in the county
who were for McElfresh for county at
torney. His answers to the judge were
such that he made light of the questions
asked, and then the judge became anger
ed and struck him. After the trouble
Mr. Schmitt left the office, and it is pro
bable other action will be taken in the
Sunday the remains of Mrs. Wm. As
pinwall, a former resident of Colfax co
unty, near Leigh, were brought here for
burial. Thirty years ago Mr. Aspinwall
died, and as there was no cemetery at
Leigh at the time, he was brought to
this city for burial, and his wife was
brought here to be buried with her hus
band. Mrs. Aspinwall was about ninety
years of age, and lived with her sons at
Cody, Neb., where she died. Besides
the two sons, Thomas and John of Cody,
there is one son, Jame3 Aspinwall of
Leigh, and a daughter. Mrs. Adam
Staub of Hay Springs, Neb. Funeral
services were held at the home of her
son. in Leigh, and the body brought here
in the afternoon.
Marriage Licenses.
JohnM. Kula, Tarnov 29
Belle Stem peck. Humphrey. 21
Elmer L. Jacobs. Humphrey 21
May T. Burnham, Creston 1?
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
Mrs. Henry Rickert, aged sixty-four
years, two months and five days, died at
her home on East Eleventh street, Mon
day, death being due to diabetes.
Katrina Marie Wilkie was born in Olden
burg, Germany, September 9, 1816. In
1869 she came to America and Colfax
county, to the home of her uncle, J. H.
Lutjelueochen, thirteen miles northeast
of this city. In 1870 she was married
to Henry Bickert, and they moved to the
old home farm in Bismark township,
which they occupied until about three
years ago, when they moved to this city.
Mrs. Rickert was the mother of eight
children, two of whom died in infancy
and two sons, Budolpb and Adolpb, who
died after reaching manhood. Those
living are William, who resides on the
old homestead, Mrs. Loais Grotelnea
chen of Columbus, and Ida and Louisa
at home. Her husband, Henry Rickert,
also survives her. Mrs. Rickert has
been sick for some time and of late her
ailment bad become worse, so that death
was not altogether unexpected. Funeral
services will be held at the home Thurs
day at 10:30 a. m., and be conducted by
Rev. Mueller of the Shell Greek church,
and burial will be in the Shell Creek
Congregational Church.
No where outside the pale of Christian
ity do we find a purpose worthy of man's
dignity and power. A life's purpose is
deplorably small that say?, "soul thou
hast goods laid up for many years, take
thine ease, eat drink and be merry."
Selfish glory fails to hold us today while
we glory in the man who is helping his
fellow to be better. This life that is
moulded by Jesus speaks louder today
than selfish luxury.
Doubtless much of the criticism that
has been so current against the church
in the past years is deserved, but the
fact remains that an Augustine, who in
the midst of the crumbling of his own
city wrote "City of God," and Julius, at
the time of the breaking down of the
old and the bringing of the new. uttered
prophetic words, "Our soul may
never have rest in the things that are
beneath itself," and Milton who declared
"That truth is strong next to the Al
mighty" were ardent workers in the
church. It is the man within the pale
of the Gospel that transcends in life and
influence. Man can only attain his best
self through prayer, worship and fellow
ship with good men. Thus every Sun
day the church opens its doors an invita
tion to every man to come in and find his
best self.
Next Sunday morning our pastor will
speak from the subject: Victory over
Suffering. Of the evening he will begin
a series of sermons from the subject : A
little Creed for Every-Day Lire. You
cannot afford to miss these five sermons.
Next 8nnday night the subject will be:
A little Creed for Every-Day Life The
Golden Rule Religion
Mr. Holiday will lead a twenty minute
sing of familiar hymns which will be
followed by special music.
William L. Diiidle.
To The Public.
I find it utterly impossible to fully ex
press the deep appreciation which I bold
toward the voters of Platte county for
the splendid support accorded me at the
recent election. I am not enough of a
partisan to claim it as a republican vic
tory but desire to thank the men of other
parties who eliminated a strict party ad
herence in my behalf.
I appreciate the trust imposed and I
shall use every effort to honestly dis
charge the duties of the office to which I
have been elected.
C. N. McElfresh.
Methodist Church Notice.
Our meetings are open and free for all
classes of people whether members or
not. At 11 a. m, our pastor will preach
on the theme, "The Broken Walls of
Humanity." At 7:30 p. m., the subject
will be, "Righteousness Makes People of
Strong Character." Special music by a
trained choir. Sunday school at noon .
Epworth leagne at 6:30. Thia is ahome
like church and strangers are welcomed.
Chas. Wayne Rat, Pastor.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The meeting next Sunday afternoon
at 330 o'clock will be addressed by Rev.
Harknees on the subject: "A Manhood
to Meet the Matchless Man."
Some Light.
To the Public:
Our attention has been called to a let
ter appearing in a Columbus paper sign
ed by Mr. R. S. Dickinson, concerning
his controversy with the Columbus
Light, Heat & Power company. The
letter referied to doea not reflect the
facts and, tbsrefore,we deem it advisable,
in order that the people of Columbus
may know the true situation, to make a
About eighteen months ago Mr. Dick
inson notified the company that he con
sidered his demand service too high and
asked for arbitration. The arbitrators
having fixed Mr. Dickinson's demand
service, he still declined to pay, and
eventually the company was compelled
to bring suit to collect the account. The
suit was brought iu October of this year
in the District Court of Platte county,
Nebraska, Bnd covered not only the
lighting bill for bis residence and office,
but also covered labor and material fur
nished on March 17, 1909, for wiring at
bis residence. After the suit was brought
and his light disconnected for non-payment
of his bill, be paid the amount
sued for into court. The position taken
by the company, and which we believe
to be the correct one, was that when Mr.
Dickinson refused to pay his bill and
the .company was compelled to sue him
for same and disconnected his service,
be ceased to lie a "customer" or "con
sumer," as contemplated by the com
pany's franchise, and the company
should not be compelled to turn on bis
light until it bad some assurance that
he would pay in the future. Prior, how
ever, to the filing of the mandamus suit
by Mr. Dickinson, and after he had paid
his bill sued for into court, the company
had concluded, as a matter of courtesy
and because of the inconvenience that
might be occasioned to Mr. Dickinson's
family, to turn on his ligct. After the
company sued Mr. Dickinson for the
amount he owed it. and before he paid
he served a notice on the company for a
second arbitration, which notice the
company acknowledged in writing serv
ed on Mr. Dickinson October 29tb, and
in which writing be requested him to
meet the representative of the company
for the purpose of trying to amicably
arrange his demand service in order to
avoid the expense incident to the arbi
tration which he had asked for, and
stating to him: "We shall be pleased to
furnish you service upon tho basis that
other citizens of ColumbuB are furnished
service " He met the representative of
the company and declined nil proposals
suggested to him fixing bis demand ser
vice and left the impression with I he
representative of the company that the
matter might be further considered, nnd
the matter was beim: further considered
by the company at Che time Mr. Dickin
son brought the mandamus puit to com
pel the company to turn on his light.
Mr. Dickinson knew from the notice
served on him October 29th last that if
the demand esrvicc could not be amica
bly arranged, we would immediately
proceed to the arbitration, for the reason
that said notice stated : "If you and the
company can not arrive at a proper basis
of your demand service, then we will
immediately appoint our arbitrator and
have him forthwith meet wilu your
arbitrator, in order that they may ap
point a third, ha provided for in our
franchise, and we rb'tll do vtrythiog
within onr powtr to have as uperdy a
hearing and determination of the matter
as possible." Mr. Dickinson's light
would have been turnei on when it was
whether the suit had been brought or
not, as the compauy had determined
upon this action and bad s written it
local counsel in Columbus. The peii's.-u
in the mandamus suit was positively
sworn to, and was not sworn to, as he
verily believed. This kind of verifica
tion of a petition means that the facts
alleged in the petition are absolutely
true. In the petition it is alleged:
"This plaintiff was paying for said light
at the rate of 9 kilowatt demand service,
as fixed by the arbitration committee
appointed by the plaintiff and the de
fendant." The truth is that Mr. Dickin
son had not paid a cent for bis light
since said arbitration committee had
fixed bis demand, until after the time
the company sued him. He alleges
further that the company wrongfully
and unlawfully turned off bis lights.
The only reason the company sued him
and turned off bis lights was because he
refused to pay for Bame. No company
is compelled to furnish electric light for
nothing, and when payment for the
same is refused, the company has a per
fect right, legally and morally, to turn
the lights oil. He alleges further in bis
petition that he offered and still offers to
pay for lights at the rates established
by the arbitration committee which fixed
said demand service more than a year
ago. The answer to this is that he re
fused to pay anything, hence, he was
sued for cot paying his light bill since
said arbitration committee acted Be
fore he paid the amonnt sued for into
court he had demanded a second arbi
tration. We think it is only fair to say
that had the board of arbitration which
fixed Mr. Dickinson's demand service
been familiar with such matters and of
the expense to the company to construct
and maintain its plant and furnish the
service, it would not have fixed his de
mand service as low as it did, but be
cause it did fix it so low, we mean no
reflection upou said board, believing that
they acted honestly and to the best of
their ability in the matter, although
being over
Our minds naturally return
to business.
When considering your
banking needs, remember
that the Old Reliable Colum
bus State Bank'never ceases
doing business.
Columbus State Bank
Capital SwraJaa, $85,000.00
under a misapprehension of the facts.
We believe that Mr. Diokineon's antag
onism to the company is not so much
what he pays per month for bis lighting
privileges as it is to harrass and annoy
the company and create the impression
with the people of Columbus that it is
not treating them fairly.
The demand service system of furnish
ing electric current, while proper, is
somewhat complicated and difficult for
the laymen to readily understand, but we
can say without fear of successful con
tradiction, that the rates for electric cur
rent in Columbus are as low, if not low
er, than in any city in this country
where the conditions are the same.
Mr. Dickinson says in bis published
letter: "Nobody wants the company to
furnish electric lights for less than a
legitimate profit." The compaay de
sires no more. The company has made
no profit beyond a legitimate one. Ans
wering that part of Mr. Dickinsou'a let
ter as to what Mr. Burke said or did
not say, we know nothing as to what
was or was not said by Mr. Burke at the
time the franchise was granted. The
company purchased the franchise relying
upon its terms and conditions, and the
rates for electric current furnished by
the company can only be furnished un
der the terms and conditions of the
franchise, unless a'o.Gnded, aad not on
what somebody may or may not have said.
It is ridiculueus to talk about the com
pany furnishing a demand service based
on one-third of the wattage or one-third
of the installation, meaning the number
of lights in each bouse. The company
could not run its plant on such a basis
and had such a provision been incorpor
ated in the franchise, this company
would not have purchased it or built the
plant in Columbus.
For the information of the publia we
desire to state that the ordinary basis
for figuring demand service in the
United States for residences is approxi
mately sixty per cent of the consumption
in watt hours of the installation burn
ing ono hour per day for thirty days.
The installation means the number of
lamps in each house. Mr. Dickinson's
demand service as fixed by the former
arbi ration is too low, and is unprofi
table. In conclusion, let us state that Colum
bus has i ho best equipped electric light
plant of any city of its size in the state;
that the rates for electric current furni
shed in Columbus are an low, if not low
er, than in any city in the United States
where the conditions are the same; that
the service is not excelled anywhere;
that the company has endeavored and
is endeavoring to serve the people of
Columbus equitably; that the company
is trying to help Columbus and has cer
tainly done so by establishing such a
plant here.
In return for this, we ask fair treat
ment, and we believe, aa we have al
ways believed, that the people of Colum
bus as a whole appreciate onr efforts,
notwithstanding the fact that we ap
parently have been unable to satisfy Mr.
Dickinson, whose bills for the seventeen
months, covering the claim sued on,
average $1.87 per month.
Golvmbcs Light. Heat & Power Co.
(By W. C. Rose, President.)
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Uoderwsar, the
best popular priced Union Saits
on the market. Prices in men's
from 91.60 to 14.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.85.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for yonr in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2. 50 a garment. Bay
early while the sizes are complete.