The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 09, 1910, Image 6

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    Strange Romance
of an Illinois Boy
For the Hostess
Who Became
Ckat oa Iaterestia Topics of Muy Kiads. by
a Recognized Aatbority
h i -5?;v -vVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB
- -"- " . . -r .BB-Maw" 5.bbbT aaaaaaafBBBBBBiBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
" ai . bFbbbbbbbbT' Vaaaa u" nBaaaaaal . )v v . t-rBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl
Fiji King
NE of the strangest stories that
ci'cr came out of the tropic seas
Is that of Edward Thompson, the
only American who ever became
a king In his own right. Noth
ing raoro romantic exists in po
etry or legend than the tale of
the lad from southern Illinois,
who founded a kingdom in the
far-off Isle of Naikeva. For a
quarter of a century he ruled in
his savage realm, forgetful of the
world that had forgotten him.
While ho sat In judgment over
the affairs of his tribesmen or led his warriors to
battle the map of the world was being changed.
Only the faintest echoes from civilization ever
j reached the island kingdom of Naikeva, where ruled
,r iffHr r1 ' "SiBftsw - u& aTaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaav Baaaaaaat BaaaaaaPBF' kKIH
V wKk S' " Bfe3BISy BBBB6vraaBBaV v bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb9
IljllltV .- fli .ar &y'" ," 'V ""C-JvVt-B ,THK: 'aH
5v &ik. t i " . ... " :BBBBi flM - - W- c4 . tzr AMSF... d.BBBBiflBBW BBBBBK.. BBBBBBBBBB1
cvW'S iTll- I i -lT--'- BBBBBBBBmBBBrB -jj ". ";C&Jj&4t r BBaBBBBBBBKklft bKbbM VS: ffaBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBl
- - 'IB"BBBBBBBB " .. - ;-. -5-. . T BBBBMbaBBF "". MjiBBW -jEJ"JE"Jb"JBBBW fjMVfJT 7TT' VIIbBBBBBBBbI
vMbbbbbHbbbbbKV -.-? ,'C - : " . V Wif .bbbTWbbP?R mmSJWJW ' JbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
WJbbbbbbbbbbbbbHt o -v . ''bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKjbbbbbkki. PflCffl bbbbItJbbTT 1 1 T'ftjF.l&'BBS-BBB.lBTaBBBlS v'JbbbbbbbbbbbbI
bbbbk'bbYS3!''jx ' bmbbbbbbbVbbbbbk bEa7bb b c . (VIb v 1 j bb) bbbbbbb ' bbKbbtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
rES3iBBBHBEBBVflXr "isBVJvAfl9ABk BBs wXBBv '. r t t Jb r v VBEl 9W Ti - j" Jt .x BBi 9AbKmBBBBBBk v . vt.-" yB
' ' W$1$0M M W ' '" ' " hoines f t,,e aristocratIc English families to ' i ,t&WS
,. -rjZM&i JUmP- d r jv fc- B--aji-MfAi-aiaiiiMaBMM
SWaila Nambuka. "the Child of the Sun." To the
simple-minded Islanders he was always looked
upon as a supernatural being. His recent death
has plunged his people in gloom. The mourning
robes of hiB subjects have been brought out of
the napa huts and worn in the dead king's honor.
His two little sons, the princelings of Naikeva,
.will reign in his stead and King Waila sleeps at
the crest of a gentle slope overlooking a coral
reef, where the league-long breakers thunder
ihour after hour. His bones lie far from those of
.Bcotch-American forbears, who settled in south
ern Illinois nearly a century ago.
A disappointment in love started him out upon
the long road of adventure when he was a youth
of nineteen or twenty years. One of these unfor
tunates who run to extremes in matters of senti
.ment, he fell In love with one of the pretty vil
lage girls of old Albion. Things move slowly In
:thi8, one of the oldest and proudest towns of I1H
(fiois. In the natural course of events it was to
be expected that the two would marry In the full
ness of time. There was a home to be built and
(preparations made for a start in life. Something
of the methodical slowness of their English an
cestors clung then, and still clings, to the every
day life of the citizens of Albion. The town has
changed but little in the years that have flown
since Thompson left under cover of nightfall. The
came houses line the spacious public square. The
same homesteads that sheltered the pioneers now
'shelter then descendants of tho third and fourth
generations. Red brick homes, low-eaved and
with wide doorsteps, still line the older streets of
ithc little southern Illinois town.
Outwardly the town has changed but little,
and in spirit not at all, since the days when
young Thompson waited for his girlish sweet
iheart at the half-lighted corner of the court house
,equare. The Albion of the Flowers, the Thomp
eons. the Hulmes, the Birkbecks, of "Park House"
and "Wanborough Place" still remains. Had the
white monarch of the savage Isle of Naikeva
come back to the place of his birth in the last
year of his life he would have found "Little Brit
ain," as the region is known, much as he left it
It Is the same little city of schools and churches,
of quiet hoines and quieter streets that it was
.when he was a barefoot lad stealing away to
Jfish and loaf along Bonpas creek. The future
ruler of Naikeva spent many an Idle hour with
!hook and line along the shallows of old Banpas,
If the traditions of the folk of "Little Britain" are
true. He was fond of making long trips to the
shores of the Wabash with his chums, but ho
seemed to lack the ambition dear to every boyish
heart, the hope of getting out and seeing the big,
round world. There was nothing to set him
apart from his fellows as one who would taste of
strange adventures before his death In the an
tipodes. The prosy, uneventful life of a farmer,
a storekeeper or at" the most a humdrum profes
sional man in a country town was all to which
ho could look forward.
There came an interruption, an awakening to
his love's young dream that drove him out of his
home town between sundown and sunrise one
summer's night. This spur to his pride, this
wound to his self-love sent him adventuring
among the spicy isles of the soufii seas and made
him a king in his own right before he was twenty
five. He was of that shy. retiring, loyal type of
the Scotch who love deeply when they love at all.
He had become engaged to the village beauty.
The day had been set for the ceremony and the
unmarried youth of the town looked upon him as
one already lost to the fun and frolics of the
single state.
About this time a new business house was
opened in the little town and a youthful eastern
manager was sent on by the owners to look after
its affairs. He came armed with letters of in
troduction that opened the most exclusive
hoines of the aristocratic English families to
him. Among tha. many young girls that he
met was the village- belle, the affianced of the
young Scotch-American. It was another varia
tion of that old triangle, the woman and two
men. From the first the friends of young Thomp
son could see that his cause was hopeless. His
affianced wife and the young stranger spent more
and mere of their time together. Little rumors
began to find their way about the village. The
gossips, ever ready In a small town, were soon
busy. Thompson, moody and hurt by her sys
tematic neglect, was the last to hear and the last
to countenance the whispered talk that was go
ing the round of the village loafing places.
There was a great hue and cry along the
quiet old streets one summer morning. Thomp
Fon's bride to be had disappeared. Her mother
had gone to her room to awaken her and found
her gone. She had gone with the young man
ager of Albion's latest business house, and from
that day to this neither of them have been heard
Young Thompson changed In a day from a
cheerful, happy lad to a grim-faced man. He
became moody and silent. He neglected his work
and never went near the home to which he had
expected to lead his bride. Less than a month
after the flight of the elopers there was more
excitement in Albion. It was reported that Ed
ward Thompson had disappeared. The strain and
the shame of living in a town where every man,
woman and child knew the story of his jilting
had proven too much for his sensitive, high-strung
While life flowed on in the same uneven cur
rent In the village of his nativity he was wander
ing here and there among the emerald Islands,
the lagoens and the coral reefs of the seas that
behold the Southern Cross.
All the islands that lie off the familiar track
of the steamers knew him first and last In the
three or four years that he spent with the traders
and copra buyers. Tho Philippines, the Lad rones,
the Solomons and a dozen other island groups of
the southern Pacific were visited by him In the
epic years of his Odyssey. Finally he and his
trading companions touched at the island of Nai
keva In the Fijis. One of the eternal civil wars
that are always disrupting the peace of the little
Island kingdoms was brewing In Naikeva when
the tramp schooner dropped anchor inside the reef
of coral that formed the harbor breakwater. A
new claimant had risen for the throne and he
and his followers were demanding tho scepter
and the head of the old king.
Thompson had left Illinois, had put the states
behind him to escape the constant reminder of
his lost love that he saw In every woman. The
wandering life of three or four years had cleansed
his heart of but little bitterness against woman
kind. He had put the old life behind him and
dreamed only of adventure and never of bright
eyes and loving lips. It was a mixed crew of
Kanakas. Malaysians and half-castes aboard the
little trading schooner. They cared but little for
the kings and chieftains of the islands, but It
was a part of their policy to be polite to the na
tive rulers. An audience was arranged with the
native sovereign and a part of the ship's company
attended laden with calicoes, mirrors and brass
rods as gifts. It was In the royal hut Thompson
first sow the Princess Lakanita. She stood at the
side of her father's throne when the white men
entered the palm hut for their talk with the old
Some indefinite attraction seemed to draw the
white adventurer and the brown-skinned princess
to each other. They met many times while the
schooner was Uikiug on its load of native prod
ucts. There was more than a little Spanish
blood in the veins of the old king's daughter. Her
mother was a half-caste Spanish woman and
much of the languorous beauty of the maids of
old Castile was the heritage of this barbaric
princess of the remote Isle of Naikeva. In the
half twilight of the cocoanut groves he heard her
story of danger and distress. The rival claimant
of the throne hail demanded her hand In mar
riage, and had promised to spare the life of her
father if she would consent to become his queen.
It was but a matter of weeks, possibly of days,
till his force would be strong enough to back his
nrrogant demands. In the end the white man
knew that the island beauty had fallen In love
with him. She pleaded with him to stay and help
her escape from the clutches of the oppressor.
It is possible that Thompson would have lin
gered for a time if his companions had not been
eager to get away from the island before the civil
war began. They were traders, and as such they
did not care to take sides in the dispute. It
might hurt their business chances in case they
ever made another trip to the Island. The anchor
was lifted, the brown sails spread and the ugly
Utile schooner slipped out of the harbor of Nai
keva while Tnompson stood on her deck and
waved a farewell to the imperious little island
beauty. At the very last she had reminded him
of his promise to return to Naikeva.
It was weeks after the departure of tho ship
from Naikeva that Thonipsou was dramatically
reminded of his promise to the Princess Laka
nita. Tho sun had just set one night and Thomp
son was lying on deck smoking and watching the
swift tropic dark come up out of the east. A na
tive canoe scraped against the schooner's side
and a native was heard calling for "the white
man with the blue eyes." He was brought aboard
and proved to be the faithful messenger of the
distressed princess. He had followed the schoon
er across leagues of unknown seas In his open
canoe searching for the only man upon whom she
could rely for aid.
Tho end was at hand In Naikeva, and Laka
nita and her father were about to be put to death.
Help must come quickly, and it was more than
possible that It was now too late. That night the
stanch itttle trading vessel pointed her prow
toward Naikeva. In the final melee along the
sands the old king and his rival were both slain
and Thompson was stunned by a blow from a
war club In the hands of a savage fighting man.
When he revived he and his men began a hunt
of extermination for all the revolters. They were
wiped out and their villages fired before the party
returned to the king's village, where the schooner
lay anchored. Then the white hero was stricken
by one of the malignant Island fevers, brought
on by his Injury on the beach.
It was many days before he was able to rec
ognize his free-trading companions. The princess
had been his devoted nurse through his danger
ous attack of tropical fever. Now that he was about
to leave the island forever she grew sorrowful
and listless. She drooped like a dying flower as
the ship's preparations for sailing were being
made. All his promises to return brought on fits
of passionate weeping on the part of the little
princess. She wanted him to stay.
"I fought that fever when It tried to take you
away from me. and It was all for nothing," was
her constant reply, "and now that you are well
the white men arc taking you away where Laka
nita can never hope to see you again."
In the end her pleading.: won. After all there
was nothing in the outer world to which he cared
to go back.
The good news spread quickly over tho little
kingdom. "The Chil.l of the Sun" was to wed
their princess and rule-them in the wise ways of
the white man.
After twenty-five years of Idyllic happiness.
Thompson, the iovo-lorn youth who fled from
the covert jeers of the town of hi3 birth, died a
king In far-off Naikeva, The princess still lives
and his two sons will reign In his place. The
silence of twenty-five years has been broken by
the news of his passing away surrounded to tho
last by his dusky retainers.
Protecting the Lyre Bird
So great has been the destruction
wrought upon the beautiful l;re bird
of Queensland (Henura superba) that
the state has absolutely protected the
bird till the middle of 1915; a 5
penalty is attached to Its capture, or
Injury. r taking its eggs. Still the
bird Is getting scarcer and scarcer.
It is the extraordinary lyre form de
velopment of the tall feathers which
tempts e sord'd vandals. The con
tour of the bird, with its long neck
and stout ga-linacioas feet,. Is by no
means unlike that of a peacock, and
the wonderful tail, possessed only by
the male bird, fulfills a correspond
ing role of vain display. The bird ex
ecutes antics for a train of female
admirers on a raised earthen mound.
For a short period of the year, after
January, the lyre bird loses its char
acteristic plumes and has to be con
tent with the sober plumage of Its
mate. The fully-developed male lyre
bird 13 one of the most handsome and
notable of the forms of bird life of
New Fireproof Construction.
A new method of fireproof construc
tion for small buildings has been in
vented in response to the growing de
mand. Steel tubing filled with con-
crete is used for the frame ana a net-
work of wire for the basis of walls,
j Hoor and roof. On this skeleton a con
crete house of such strength can be
built that, It Is claimed, it will b
practically earthquake proof. Six
inch pipe, steel wire and expanded
metal, malleable Iron fittings and
cement are the materials used. The
wires are strung to a tension of 1,000
pounds and bind the whole together
with enoromus solidity. On them the
concrete Is spread three Inches thick
In spans not exceeding 16 feet Con
struction is so simple that unskilled
labor can be largely used. Youth's
A Chrysanthemum Luncheon.
Judging from the numerous letters
from brides-elect, Cupid must have
been unusually busy with his little
bow and arrow. There are so many
requests for pre-nuptlal functions, I
am sure the description of this chry
santhemum luncheon will be very ac
ceptable. It was gorgeously brilliant, the color
scheme being yellow; especlrlly fitting
for this month as November claims
the topaz and the chrysanthemum: in
this Instance it was also tho bride's
birthday month as well as her wed
ding day season. For a centerpiece
there was a mound of yellow "mums,"
kept in place by embedding the stems
In sand. At each place there was a
little yellow jardiniere containing one
stiff, straight little yellow "mum" to
which tho name card was attached
with a yellow ribbon. The grapo fruit
ccck-tall had a wee "mum" In the cen
ter of the fruit; around the stem of
the glass there was a fluffy bow of
white tulle. The plates on which the
frappe glasses stood had a wreath of
yellow "mums" around them and the
ice-cream was In boxes concealed by
petals of yellow crepe paper "mums."
The candle sticks were of silver and
had yellow shades. At each place
were yellow slippers filled with salted
nuts. Just the bridal party were In
cluded in the guests, I mean the girls
in the party and two matrons of honor.
box of soap, of thread, of pins, work
box. glove and handkerchief box,
stamp box, tool box and a nest of
boxes ending with a wee pill box
which contained a collar button; box
of tin kitchen utensils, box of paper
napkins, box of labels, etc. When It
came to serving refreshments the hos
tess had a dainty luncheon put up in
pasteboard boxes covered with rose
wall paper, a box for each couple, cof
fee and ice cream completed the re
past There were salted almonds and
bon-bons In pretty heart shaped boxes
bearing the monogram of the bride
and groom elect, which the guests re
tained as souvenirs.
A Box Shower.
A jolly crowd wishing to "shower"
one of their number who was about
to leave the state of single blessed
ness, conceived the bright idea of giv
ing a box shower. The boys were in
on it too. and they had loads of fun.
AH the gifts were In boxes, which in
turn were put In a huge dry goods box
covered with white paper cambric on
which hearts of red, large and small
were pasted. When all had arrived,
the bell rang and the village express
man appeared and said he had a small
parcel for Miss B and Imagine the
surprise when he entered with the as
sistance of several of the masculine
guests bearing the Immense box. The
honored couple were told they could
unpack, but each package was to be
shown, the card read and speech made
before the next box was opened.
Among the articles were boxes of
paper, box of matches, box of tacks.
A Neck-Tie and Apron Party.
This really is an old time stunt, but
like many other old things has been
rejuvenated. The hostess prepares as
many cheese cloth aprons as there at n
men and as many pieces of silk or rib
bon as there are girls. When all arrive
tho men are given spools of thread
and told to find the girl who has an
apron to match it In this way part
ners are chosen and the girls put C3
the aprons after the men have sewed
the hems and sewed on the strings
Allow half or three-quarters of tn
hour for this. Next the girls are giv
en the necktio pieces and they are
gathered together and put through a
door, each girl having hold of an end.
the door is closed and the men are
to come in and take hold of an end
When each man has an end. the door
is opened and the girl who has hold
of the other end must fashion a neck
tie for her swain. The latter puts It
en and the girl puts on her apron, and
thus partners are selected for suppei
or refreshments. This is a very Jolly
party, adapted to private parties oi
for a church social.
To Clean a Black Skirt.
To clean a black skirt, lay the skirt
as flatly as possible on a clean table
Remove all grease spots with brown
paper and a hot iron, then with a
sponge dipped in strong coffee rut
over the whole of the dress, paying
special attention to the front and edge
of the skirt When the whole of the
skirt has been sponged and is still
damp, iron on the wrong side until
perfectly dry.
For Thanksgiving
P 'l I VTBBBBBM 9S5m tl I W I I 1 V f
VERY housekeeper does herself
E proud in getting up the Thanks
giving dinner. Besides the snowy
linen, sparkling silver and glass,
ind savory dishes, some decoration Is
nee'ded to make the festive occasion
quite complete.
These decorations are no small item
of expense if purchased in the art
shops where band work brings its
price. Any woman or girl may. how
ever, make her own decorations at
very small expense and in a short time.
We are giving today several designs
which work out attractively In color.
The candle shade, representing the
horn of plenty, always In evidence In
Thanksgiving decorations, is to be
traced on thin water-color paper by
means of carton paper, and tinted in
water-color. The horn is to be purple
not too dark the ribbons green, and
the fruit of the gay richness of the
natural color. The inside of the horn
mav be tinted dark green.
To add to the effect when lighted,
put a bright bit of color on the wrong
side of the shade under any gay col
ored fruit, such .13 orange or apple.?.
Leave a Utile scam on each end of
the shade and fasten with brass brads.
The edge is cut out Irregularly around
the fruit. When the painting Is done
"o over all lines with waterproof black
All-black hats are seen in satin, vel
vets, brocade, hatter's plush, veloure,
beaver, beaver cloth.
More dress hats are In all-black cr
black-and-white with a touch of metal
or color than In auy other shade.
Ostrich feathers, willow plumes es
pecially, are much In demand. Shaded
and two-tone effects lead In favor.
Brimmed turbans are seen, with up
right brims almost as high as the hat
itself and close to It except at the
Hat shapes are of three sorts the
large, wide-brimmed hat (the most
popular, the clotche, or Charlotte Cor
day, and the turban.
Popularity of Coral.
With her Pierrot Frill Mile. Paris
Ienne wears a little string of coral
beads around her pretty throat
There are all shades of coral, from
the pa'eft clnk. that is almcct white.
ink. and do the work carefully.
Four place cards are given, one a
demure Puritan maiden to be colored
in light gray gown, darker gray cape
with bright red lining, cap to match
the cape with a white facing and tk
and kerchief which just shows a lir
tlo in front
Paint the face and hands In the nat
ural color. Red and yellow, if prop
erly mixed, will give a satisfactory
flesh color for beginners.
The lines in all the cards shou'd
be gone over with a pen and ink out
line. The turkey is to be painted brown,
light and dark shades, with a bit of,
red on the head, and outlined.
The pumpkin is a brilliant orange
color with dark green leaves, and
the apples shaded in light and dark
red and green leaves, with brown
The water-color cards may be bought
by the dozen, or very stiff and heavy
water-color paper may be used.
Those who do not already possess a
box of water-color paints may secure a
very excellent little box of a new make
with all the necessary colors, for 60
cents. A five-cent Japanese brush,
which comes to a very fine point will
answer all purposes for doing this
to thH very deep rich coral shade.
And a girl may choose the shade
which Is most becoming to her par
ticular type the shade which best
shows up or brings out the color in
her cheeks.
One may have the queer. Irregular
ly shaped bits of coral, or the round
or oval beads, whichever Is pre
ferred. Some strings arc quite inexpensive,
and one may obtain the real coral
beads for a very reasonable sum.
Hat and Cap Combined.
The fancy cap op beguin worn by
Parisian fashionables at the opera and
theater is adapted to street use by
wearing it under the picture hat Be
ing of gold or silver or of soft cream
Lice, with perhaps a silk rosebud or
two entwined, it falls over the hair
like a pretty frill; In fact, it gave rise
to the fad of wearing these frills sew
ed under picture and cloche shapes In
In this case, however, when the hat
is removed the beguin is seen, and
my lady is "coiffed" for the play.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetibleCompomid Milwaukee Wis. "lydia E. link.
barn's Vegetable Compound has made
me a weu woman
and I would uko to
tell the wholo world
of it. I sufTcred
from female t rouble
and fearful I'linsin
my back. IK'.dtho
best doctoi-i and
they all decided
that I bad a tusior
in addition, to my
female trouL !o. ami
advised an opera
tion. Lvdia E.
Unkhain s vegetable Compound made
me a well woman and I have no mors
backache. I hope I can help others by
tolling them -what Lydia E. JMnkham'a
Vegetable Compound has done for
me." Mrs. EsoiAlaisE; 833EirstSt,
Hilwantee, "Wis.
The above is only one of the thou
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by tho
Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mas3.,which prove be vond a doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetnblo Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such suff
ering woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. rinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound a trial before submit,
ting to an operation, or giving up
hope of recovery.
Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass.,
Invites all sick women to write
her for advice. She has puided
thousands to health and hec
advice is free.
Hotel Keeper's Method of Taxing
Traveler Had at Least the
Method of Novelty.
One or the things which help swell
the traveler's expenses, both in this
country and abroad, is the "extra." It
may or may not be charged in the bill,
but it Is sure to be paid for. Prob
ably even the most generous traveler,
however, will have some sympathy for
the gentleman in the following story
who was made to pay liberally for a
certain annoying privilege.
During his stay at the hotel the
weather had been very hot.
"Charles," said the landlord to the
clerk who was making out the bill to
be presented to the departing guest,
"have you noticed that the gentleman
In number seven has consulted tho
thermometer on the piazza at least ten
times every morning during hl3 stay
Charles replied that he had.
"Well." said the landlord, "charge
him the price of one dinner a day for
the use of the thermometer." Youth's
"Kin by Marriage."
A caller was talking to a small Har
lem girl who Is extravagantly fond of
her mother. She likes her father well
enough, but he is far from being first
in her affections. The caller, knowing
the situation, asked the child why she
didn't love her father as she did her
"Oh, you see," she explained. loftily,
"he is only kin to ns by marriage."
The Exception.
"Doesn't your husband like cats.
Mrs. Binks?"
"No, indeed. He hates all cats ex
cept a little kitty they have at his
His Luck.
"I know a man who Is always up
egamst It."
"Who is her
"The paper hanger when he has to
fix a new wall."
A Hot Time.
"That fellow cooked bis reports."
"I suppose that Is how he happened
to get into a stew."
When the pulpit gets Into poetic
clouds it misses the man on the pavement.
Learned to Drink Coffee When z Baby.
If parents realized the fact that cof
fee contains a drug caffeine which Is
especially harmful to children, they
would doubtless hesitate before giving
the babies coffee to drink.
"When I was a child In my moth
er's arms and first began to nibble
things at the table, mother used to
give me sips of coffee. As my parents
used coffee exclusively at meals I
never knew there was anything to
drink but coffee and water.
"And so I contracted the coffee
habit early. I remember when quite
young the continual use of coffee so
affected my parents that they tried
roasting wheat and barley, then
ground it in the coffee-mill, as a sub
stitute for coffee.
"But it did not taste right and they
went back to coffee again. That was
long Defore Postum was ever heard
of. I continued to use coffee until I
was 27, and when I got into office
work. I began to have nervous spells.
Especially after breakfast I was so
nervous I could scarcely attend to my
"At night, after having coffee for
supper, I could hardly sleep, and oa
ising in the morning would feel weak
nd nervous
"A friend persuaded me to try
Postum. My wife and I did not like
It at first, but later when boiled good
and strong it was fine. Now we would
not give up Postum for the best coCee
we ever tasted.
"I can now get good sleep, am free
from nervousness and headaches. I
recommend Postum to all coffee drlak
er." Read "The Road to WellTllle," la
"There's a Reason."
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