The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 09, 1910, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Other Matters of Interest Con-
densed From the Mora
Important Telegrams.
Captain Robert E. Peary, the Arc
tic explorer, returns to active duty in
the navy department on November 9
as engineer expert of the department
of justice iu cases before the bureau
of claims involving construction work
for the naval bureau of yards and
With those national currency asso
ciations already formed and those in
process of formation, officials of the
treasury department believe the
financial centers of Uie country are
amply protected against financial
stringency. Eleven cities already
have formed associations and four
more arc about to do so.
At a meeting of the board of. trus
tees of the postal savings system it
was practically decided to summon to
Washington the postmasters of the
forty-eigut postofllces designated as
the places at which the preliminary
tests of the system are to be made.
The intention is to instruct the post
masters thoroughly in the plan adopt
ed for the postal banks.
The establishment of through
routes and joint rates from Chicago,
BL Louis aud other Mississippi river
points and from Denver and Pueblo,
covering the shipment of all commodi
ties and classes of freight moving to
points on the Nevada Southern rail
road from Chicago and Eastern points
through Chicago is asked in a petition
Tiled with the interstate commerce
Some idea of the vast amount of
Work that is done in the government
printing office annually can be gain
ed from the figures just completed
from the type' composition for last
year. More than 3,000 tons of type
metal were used in making 1.9Gn.S99,
000 ems of type of every description.
If the individual lines of type were
placed end to end they would stretch
out over a distance of 31,000 miles.
A dispatch from Paris to the Lon
don Daily Telegraph says a rumor is
current that a revolution has broken
out in Madrid. No confirmation of
this rumor has readied London.
A meeting iu Paris called by M.
Pelletan and other members of the
chamber of deputies to pay honor to
the memory of Frencisco Ferrer, the
Spanish republican leader who was
executed at Karcelona last year broke
up in a riot.
The new republic of Portugal is
threatened with a military revolution.
Tho Second and Fifth regiments au
dressed a round robin to Provisional
President Hiaga declaring that they
were not granted the promised promo
tions ami pensions for helping over
throw the monarchy.
Senor Franco, ex-premier of Portu
gal, who held ofnee at the time King
Carlos and Crown Prince Louis were
assassinated in 1908. has been arrest
ed on the charge of abuse of power
during his incumbency. It Is declar
ed by the government that it did not
Inspire the arrest of Franco, but that
It was the result of an investigation
held by the judiciary.
Women of Cincinnati ask that they
have representation in the city de
tective force.
Gifford Pinchot says the people
are rebelling against the present or
der of things.
Fourteen deaths due to smallpox
having occurred at Saginaw, Mich.,
within a month.
President Taft Insists the tariff
board must be selected regardless of
political affiliations.
The Uraguay revolutionary leaders
have agreed to disperse and disarm,
provided the candidacy of Jose Bat
tle y Ordomez for the presidency is
An American loan of 130,000.000 to
the Chinese government has been
consummated in New York.
The directors of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company declared the regu
lar quarterly dividend of 1 per
Governor Stubbs of Kansas was
the star witness at the Chicago in
terstate commerce rate hearing.
Mrs. Edward H. Harriman has
formally given to the Palisades park
commission a deed to 10.000 acres of
land in Rockland county for state
park purposes.
Al. Livingstone, the automobile
speeder, was killed oa the Atlanta
track while taking a practice spin.
Melton Prior, the British war cor
respondent and artist, who saw serv
ice in twenty-four campaigns and
revolutions, is dead.
Memorial services for the late Sen
ator Jonathan P. Dolliver of Iowa
were held in Washington In the
Foundry Methodist church.
The Jewish quarters in Shiraz. the
capital of the province of Fars. Per
sia, have beer sacked by Khasgais.
Eleven Jews were killed and r.,000 are
The Mexican government is aiding
In the search for Grace Rolph, the
Nebraska girl kidnaped by a Mexican.
Determined to ascertain the exact
number of people in Taconia. Chief
Statistician Hunt, of the census
bureau, has gone to that city.
Edward N. Whitson. judge of the
United States circuit court or the
eastern district or Washington, died
at Spokane.
Divorce decrees granted in Soath
Dakota are not "legal tender" In the
District of Columbia, according to a
decision rendered by Justice Stafford
in the district supreme court
Mr. Bryan has been making some
speeches In Speaker Cannon's Illinois
President Taft will be famished
election bulletins as he journeys
from Cincinnati to Washington the
night of November 8.
Robert E. Peary is to be assigned
to actfYe duty Tn the navy.
Three aviators made successful
flights around the statue of liberty in
New York harbor.
Iowa farms in the last uecade have
decreased in number, but their value
has enormously increased.
Fire at Alexandria, Egypt, de
stroyed several large cotton sheds
and 6.000 bales of cotton. The loss
was 11,000,000.
Dispatches received at Duluth say
that the steamer Langham was
burned in Lake Superior, but that the
crew was saved.
The negotiations by a syndicate to
secure the controlling stock of the
Cramp Shipbuilding company have
been declared off.
The Northern Central railway
stockholders have approved of a lease
of their road to the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company for 999 years.
Lieutenant Sagliette fell with a mil
itary biplane in which he was maneu
vering at Rome and was instantly
killed. The machine was wrecked.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine from
all parts of the United States met in
Philadelphia to celebrate the feast of
AI Kalam, or Oriental thanksgiving.
George H. Ray, wealthy lumber
man and banker, and former speaker
of the Wisconsin assembly, died at
La Crosse after a lingering illness.
The financial panic in China con
tinues to spread, according to advices
brought by the steamship Seattle
Maru. Twenty-seven of Shanghai's
foremost Chinese banks have closed.
Following an investigation begun
in St. Louis the interstate commerce
commission suspended until March 1
next the date of putting in effect the
advance in the rates of transporta
tion. B. P. Conger of Detroit, son of the
head of the United States weather
bureau station there, was placed un
der arrest in Denver on the charge of
forgery ana working a confidence
The National City Evangelical
union of the Methodist Episcopal
church, holding its eighteenth annu
al conevtnion in Pittsburg, elected
Hanford Crawford of St. Louis as
John T. Marchand, for several
years the personal representative of
President Winchell of the Rock Isl
land railroad, has been appointed an
attorney of the Interstate Commerce
Charles Webb Murphy, the presi
dent of the Chicago National League
Baseball club, says he stands ready
to give John T. Brush $30,000 for
Christy Mathewson, the star pitcher
of the Giants.
After an illness of less than four
days, George A. Rasmussen, an in
structor in the Sioux City high
school, died of infantile paralysis. He
was the third adult to die in Iowa
of that disease.
The heariug by the London crimi
nal court of appeals of the appeal of
Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, under sen
tence of death for the murder of his
actress wife. Belle Elmore, was post
poned to November 5.
Judge Morris in the United States
district court at Baltimore rendered a
decision holding that the registrars
of voters in Annapolis are personally
liable for damages, if any. for having
refused to register negroes.
Director Durand of the census bu
reau is preparing a public statement
regarding alleged fraudulent census
returns in Fort Smith, Ark., and
Great Falls, Mont., which will be giv
en out at an early date.
Americans who land cars in Eng
land for a four months' tour or less
will no longer be subject to the pay
ment of a license fee. and those from
whom fees may have been exacted
since May 1 last are likely to have
these amounts refunded.
Moving picture films made in
Europe will now come into the United
States at a much lower rate of duty
than heretofore. The customs court
has decided the films should be as
sessed as photographs at a duty of 25
per cent, ad valorem.
Application was made to the super
ior court in Seattle by State Food
Commissioner Davies for an order to
lestroy a ton of turkeys and five tons
of smelts, salmon, crab and lobsters
received last May from a California
firm to be placed in cold storage foi
the fall trade.
The supreme court of the United
States declined to consider at this
time the action of the Oklahoma fed
eral court, which issued temporary
injunctions against the enforcement
of the 2-cent fare and various freight
orders issued by state officials.
Friends of Charles W. Morse be
lieve they have found a way for Pres
ident Taft to let the convicted banker
out of the Atlanta penitentiary with
out actually pardoning him. In effect
it would be to parole Morse, but that
end would be accomplished by issuing
a "conditional pardon."
General Allen laments the lack of
aeroplanes for the army.
Many new names have been added
to the Carnegie hero list
In a speech at Cincinnati Congress
man Long worth proclaimed himself a
Robert Pettit. aged 48, a former
National league baseball player, died
at his home at Derby, Conn.
Municipal elections throughout
England and Wales show a consider
able growth in the labor and social
ist parties.
Aviator Johnstone made a new
world's record for height at New
York, soaring aloft 9,714 feet.
Gov. Shallenberger. of Nebraska,
had a narrow escape from injury
when a touring car lost one of its
Sarah Burnhardt, again filling an
engagement in this country, although
CC years old, plays with the vim of
former days.
Mrs. B. Clarke Hyde, whose Hff
was despaired of six weeks ago, has
sufficiently recovered her strength
to be able to call on her husband In
the county jail at Kansas City.
sV fm. Vifs T fyy -1 '-
1 ummni
Consideration, of the Biennial
quest Takes Time.
At a meeting of the board of re
gents held Thursday much time was
given to consideration of the universi
ty's appropriation request to be made
to the next legislature. Final deci
sion on this matter was not reached
It was voted to have the pipe or
gan given by the alumni to the uni
versity repaired.
The resignation of H. Clyde Filley.
who holds a scholarship in the uni
versity, was accepted. Mr. Filley is
running for the legislature from
Hayes county. He did not care to be
on the payroll of a state institution
while running for office.
Professor Brownell's title was
shortened to 'professor of physical
science in the teachers' college."
The resignation of Professor Boyd.
Dr. Everett and Mr. Watson were ac
cepted. The ad interim appointments
made by the chancellor were ap
proved. The board devoted one hour to list
ening to the deans explain the needs
of their departments.
The board voted to give Prof. A. L.
Haecker a partial leave of absence,
the time which he will devote to uni
versity work to be arranged by Mr.
Haecker and Chancellor Avery. Pro
fessor Haecker is the dairy expert at
the state farm.
Trying to Get Roosevelt
An effort is being made to get
Theodore Roosevelt to address the Ne
braska State Teachers' association at
its meeting in Lincoln. November 23,
24 and 25. Colonel Roosevelt is to
sppear at the state teachers' associa
tion of Iowa at Des Moines. Friday
evening, ovember 4. President N. M.
Graham of the Nebraska State Teach
ers' association and Local Manager
J. I McBrien will go to Des Moines
on that date to meet Colonel Roose
velt In the hope of making an ap
pointment with him for an address
before the Nebraska association. The
formal program of the association has
been completed for some time, but the
managers are anxious to procure an
engagement with Colonel Roosevelt as
a special number of the program if it
is at all possible to do so.
Illinois University Visitors.
A delegation from the University oi
Illinois recently visited tho agricul
tural college and experiment station
of the university. This delegation
consisted of Dean E. Davenport of the
college of agriculture: A. P. Grout
of Winchester. 111.; F. L. Hatch of
Spring Grove. III.; F. J. Mann of Gil
man, III.; C. O. Ewing of Decatur,
III.; R. Allen of Delevan. III.; H. J.
Sconce of Sidell, 111., and W. N. Rudd
of Morgan Park. Chicago. Mr. Hatch
and Mr. Grout represented the trus
tees of the university, and tho other
gentlemen of the committee repre
sented the several state agricultural
organizations, which feel the neces
sity of providing more adequate facili
ties for the University of Illinois than
they now have for purposes of instruc
tion. State Treasurer's Report.
The report of State Treasurer
Brian shows that he had on band at
the close of the month $754,141.89. Of
that amount $731,870.30 is cash on
deposit in state depository banks,
and $22,271.59 is cash and cash items
en hand. There is $232,237.37 in the
general fund. In tho trust funds
there is $113,407.91 that is uninvested,
being divided between the funds aa
follows: Permanent school fund, $42,
372.75; permanent university, $5.
79S.65; agricultural college endow
ment, $G3,417.5S; normal endowment
$1. 81 8.93. The total trust funds now
invested aggregate $8,7S7,2S9.65.
The Nebraska state railway com
mission has been made a defendant
in the United States circuit court aa
a result of an order issued by the
commission granting permission to
the Union Stock Yards company (lim
ited) to increase its rates and order
ing the railroad companies using the
stock yard company's tracks to pay
the increase.
The position of railway commission
er caused by the death of W. H. Cow
gill is. still unfilled. It was first of
fered to Chris Gruenther and de
clined, and again, to John W. Furse,
private secretary to the governor, and
also declined.
Governor Shallenberger has honored
a requisition from the governor of
Washington for the return of Bert
Schuman. alias Herbert Rollason. to
Seattle on the charge of kidnapping
Dewey Wellman, aged eleven years.
Arthur Mullen of O'Neill, deputy oil
inspector under Governor Shallenber
ger, has been appointed to thb va
cancy caused by the resignation last
week of Attorney General W. T.
Paying the penalty with his life
for the murder of his sister-in-law.
Pearl Taylor, Bert Taylor was hanged
at the state reaitentiary Friday after
noon. The condemned man's neck was
broken by the fall, though he was not
pronounced dead until twelve and a
half minute after the drop was
House nf Dahlman Club.
"The House of Dahlman club" is
the official same of a club organized
at Hastings that has filed articles of
incorporation with the secretary of
It was announced from the office of
Governor Shallenberger that he had
received the resignation of Attorney
General W. T. Thompson to take ef
fect at once. There was no informa
tion as to when the resignation was
filed or when the vacancy would be
Killed by the Cars.
Adams County. Adam Sock, aged
23. married and father of a 1-month-old
son. fell under a St. Joseph and
Grand Island train on bis return to
Hastings from Grand Island. Boft
iegs were cut off uelow the knees,
and he died soon after.
Infantile Paralysis.
Washington County. Mark, the 12-year-old
son of-Mrs. I. C. Weber, of
Arlington, died from infantile paraly
sis. This is the second affliction
Mrs. Weber has been called upon to
bear In the past few years, the first
being the death of Mr. Weber.
Ringland Dead in Ohio.
Adams County. A message was re
ceived by P. L. Johnson, treasurer of
Hastings college, announcing the
death of Rev. William F. Ringland.
D. D.. at Cincinnati. Rev. Mr. Ring
land was the first president of Hast
ings college, serving fifteen years.
Head Severed from Body.
Hall County. An old man whose
name is believed to be R. Mulbatten
was run over by Union Pacific train
No. 18 as it was leaving Grand
Island, eastbound. The head was en
tirely severed and the upper por
tion of the body was frightfully man
gled. Church Gets a Farm.
Gage County. The Christian
church at Blue Springs, has been left
120 acres of land, belonging to the;
estate of the late Jacob Headings.!
tf that city, as provided for in his
will which was tiled for probate.
There are a number of heirs, but they
are left but $5.00 apiece.
Deserter Must Return.
Douglas County. John E. Tomp
kins, a 20-year-old Omaha boy who
deserted from the navy in order to
come to the city and visit bis in
valid mother. Mrs. W. E. Tompkins.
2111 North Twenty-seventh street,
must return to the naval authorities
at Philadelphia and face court-martial
for his offense.
Farmer Is Stabbed.
Scotts Bluff County. C. E. Neeley
and J. D. Gregory got into an alterca
tion and In the fight which followed
Neeley stabbed Gregory in the breast
with a pocket knife, inflicting what
may turn out to be a serious wound.
The point of the blade entered be
tween the firth and sixth ribs and
made an incision in the right lung
Young Women Assaulted.
Washington County. At 2 o'clock
in the morning as the two daughters
of John C. Johnson were leaving Cal
houn. where they had been at a
dance, they were assaulted by two
men, choked and beaten, and the eld
est, aged 24. was choked until she
was unconscious. The younger,
about 19 years old, fought off her as
sailant. escaped and gave the alarm.
The attack occurred about a mile
out of Calhoun. Suspected parties
will be arrested.
Girl Killed by Capstan.
Platte County. Anna, the 11-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Ernst, was instantly killed by being
struck on the head with the sweep
of a capstan used for pulling a ditch
ing plow. The work had been com
pleted and the workmen were remov
ing the cable, when it caught and
caused the team to give a hard pull.
Tho cable suddenly release I nd
threw the sweep around, striking the
child on the back of the head, kill
ing her instantly. Her brother. Hec
tor, aged C years, who was with her.
was struck a glancing blow by the
;weep and rendered unconscious for
several hours. The accident oc
curred four miles southwest on the
farm occupied by Mr. Ernst.
Increase in Wheat Acreage.
Douglas County. Winter wheat is
sown in greater acreage this year than
ever before, according to the monthly
crop report of the Burlington railroai.
In eastern Nebraska the increase of
winter wheat acreage is about 15 per
cent, while in the central portions it
is around 50 per cent. On the McCook
division of the road it is estimated
that 75 per cent of the cultivated iand
Is sown In winter wheat. The state
board prices the product at 90 cents
a bushel this year.
Corn, sugar beets and potatoes are
given excellent estimates on both
quantity and quality this year. I lay i.s
conceded to be a little short, but an
average of three crops of alfalfa was
harvested over the state. Ranges and
pastures are in good condition a Tier
the fine fall weather.
Tribute to Dolliver.
Buffalo County. Senator Korri.s
Brown raid a tribute to the lae Sen
ator Jonathan Dolliver of Iowa at the
memorial services held for the dead
senator in Kearney.
Huskers in Demand.
Burt County. Huskers arc in de
mand at four cents per bushel this
early in the harvest, but they may
not get so much later when some
have done their corn harvesting and
are ready to help their neighbors.
Child Scalded to Death.
Douge County. Mary, the little
two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Fichoto of Dodge, was fatally
burned by being pushed into a pan
of boiling hot water by her four-year-old
brother. She died soon after the
Auburn Man Killed.
Nemaha County. Thomas Cusic
and wife received intelligence that
their son. John Cusic. had lost his
life in an accident at Salina, Kas.,
where he was in the employ of the
Union Pacific railroad as brakeman.
Selling the Old Corn.
Jefferson County. A number of
Jefferson county farmers are dispos
ing of their last year's corn crop. G.
Brinkman. living east of Fairbury. re
cently marketed 1,000 bushels for
which he received 46 cents a bushel.
Believes Distinction Should Be Mad
Between Advertising 2nd Le
gitimate Reading Matter.
Washington. Postmaster General
Hitchcock's plan of requiring the
magazines to pay Increased postage
on their advertising pages sufficient
to eliminate postal deficits and to
warrant 1 cent postage on first class
mail in the near future was officially
explained. Mr. Hitchcock, feeling
his position had not been clearly un
derstood. Issued this statement:
"Postmaster General Hitchcock be
lieves that in carrying out the ad
ministration's purpose to accomplish
a reasonable Increase in the postage
rates on certain kinds of second-class
matter, more distinction should be
made between advertising and what
is termed legitimate reading matter.
He does not favor, under present con
ditions, an increase in the rates of
postage for carrying reading matter.
Any increase thus applied, he points
out, will place a special burden on a
large number of second-class publica
tions, such as educational and reli
gious periodicals, that derive little or
no profit from advertising.
"For these publications and also
for any other legitimate reading mat
ter in periodical form. Mr. Hitchcock
suggests a continuation of the pres
ent low postage rate of 1 cent a
pound and recommends that the pro
posed increase in rates be only ap
plied to magazine advertising matter.
"This plan would be in full acord
with the statute governing second
class mail, a law that never justified
the inclusion under the second-class
rates of the vast amounts of advertis
ing now transported by the govern
ment at a tremendous loss.
"In view of- the vanishing postal
deficit Mr. Hitchcock thinks that if
the magazines can be required to pay
what it costs the government to car
ry their advertising pages the depart
ment's revenues will be large enough
to warrant 1 cent postage on first
class mail.
' Under the plan proposed it will be
possible without Increasing the ex
penditure of public funds to utilize
for the benefit of the entire people
that considerable portion of the post
al revenues now expended to meet
the cost of a special privilege enjoyed
by certain publishers.
"Experiments made by the depart
ment show that it is quite feasible to
determine the relative weights of the
advertising matter and the legitimate
reading matter carried by the maga
zines and Mr. Hitchcock is convinced
that his plan can be put into success
ful operation."
Malinder Mosher, Taken from Home
in Linden, Minn., Located.
St Paul. Minn. Locked in a room
and crying for help. Malinda Mosher.
the 16-year-old girl who was kid
napped from Linden. Minn., was
found by the police. Albert Mosher,
12 years old. was locked in an adjoin
ing room. The officers, after break
ing down several doors, arrested Sam
Russo and Minnie Martin. The for
mer, it is said, boarded the train
with the Mosher girl at St. Cloud
Tuesday morning.
Ringlings Get Arabians.
Eldora. la. The famous herd of ten
cream colored Arabian horses which
were owned by C. J. Cimijotti. of Ma
son City. la., and later were sold to
Messrs. Mossman & Diehl of this city
and exhibited by Mr. Mossman all
over the south, have been sold by the
Eldora men to the Ringling brothers
and will in the future be trained and
exhibited by the'Oaraboo showmen.
Cashier Kills Self.
Seaside. Ore. Edward Henninser.
.cashier of the Seaside National bank,
committed suicide in the front yard
of his home here as a sequel to the
alleged looting of the bank of all its
Increased Postal Receipts.
Washington. Postal receipts for
tho fiscal eyar ended June 30 were
$234,12S.G75.72, an increase of 10 per
cent over last year. More than one
half that enormous sum was collected
in six states: New York, Illinois,
Pennsylvania. Ohio, Massachusetts
and Missouri, the total collections of
each state ranging in the order
named. The New York postoffice col
lected 10 per cent of all receipts and
Chicago came next with 8 per cent.
Phonograph at Funeral.
Mason City, la. A phonograph at a
funeral is certainly a novelty, and yet
In carrying out the wishes of Oliver
Andrews, whose funeral wa3 held Fri
day, a phonograph was used, and, ac
cording to his request. "Work for the
Night is Coming." a male quartet, was
played. And it was so beautifully ren
dered that there was no criticism of
fered by anyone. Mr. Andrews was
the man who ordered his coffin and
the style of trimming and everything
in connection with his funeral three
weeks in advance of ais deatii.
Suppress Explosion News.
Los Angele3. All public informa
tion engaging the grand jury invesctl
gatinn of the Lo3 Angeles Times ex
plosion was shut off Friday when four
newspapers here agreed, at the re
quest of Presiding Judge Eordwell of
the superior court not to print any
more concerning the deliberations.
This agreement was made after a con
ference of the managing editors, at
which Judge Bordwell urged that the
jury's work would be hampered by
the publication of such information as
is attainable.
The brain that dreamed the magic stralai
Is dust these many, many years.
Tet still the music swells and wanes
And works Its upell on him who hears;
The melody Is clear and sweet
With dulcet gladness in each tone:
Of haunting swing and rhythmic beat
Are murmured chords that sins alone.
The hand that wrote the olden rhymes
These many, many years Is dust;
The sword It held In olden times
A century ago was rust
Out here today as fair as then
We have the song that holds the heart
Which throbs again, and yet again.
Because of this undying art.
And they who wrote this sonr. they gave
The world no conquest of their hands.
They caused no battle flags to wave.
They trampled through no alien lands.
Their fame came not through women's
Nor through the heaping of their gold
And yet through nil the bygone years
The simple song their fame has told.
8o sing it softly, when the night
Flings shadows from the drowsy west.
For all its measures, shadow-light.
AVith comfort and heartsease are blest.
And it may be to some fair star
wish afloat an echo of some strain
To tell the two who bide afar
They did not write their song In vain.
The devil, we are told, is the father
of lies. Fishing, therefore, must be
the father of the devil, or else some
intimate family friend.
Fishing is not an art; it is not a
sport; it is usually an unaccomplished
The essentials to fishing arc a pole,
a line, and an eliminated conscience.
Also the person who desires to take
up Ashing as a means of occupying his
time for a day or so must have so
much hope that he has to carry most
of it in condensed form.
Some people fish by casting the line
hither and yon, then working the reel
and swearing.
Others cut out the casing and the
reeling-in and double up on the pro
fanity. The mystery about fishing is not
why you do not catch anything, but
why, when you move from an appar
ently Ashless spot, the other man can
row in there and immediately catch a
Jonah for years was suspected of
being merely, a fisherman.
Quits Different
He chides her, sarcastically, for
turning about to look at the women
they have passed.
"You cannot resist the temptation."
he says, "to see what they are wear
ing." "Xot so." she replies, in defense. "1
merely turned about to see if they had
turned cbout to see what my new
dress was made of."
Just So.
Lives of toothless mi-n remind us
We must reach our meals on time
Or the lift boys else will llnd us
Fletchcrizing as we climb.
Time Works Changes.
"Where is my husband?" asks the
woman of her brother-in-law, who has
come to visit them for the first time
in 15 years, and who has taken the
husband out with him to dinner.
"He's still seeing the town," ex
plains the brother-in-law. "He said
a while ago that he had no idea the
town had grown so much In 15 years,
and that while he was about It he
would see it all."
Feared Pneumonia.
"I don't see why you insisted on
coming out here in our spring clothes
on such a blustery, raw day."
"But think of everybody reading
about you and I being the very first
people to appear in light garb."
"Reading it? Where? On
In Tokyo.
"Is It not splendid." asks Okate San
of her papa, "that we are adopting so
many of the American customs?"
"The rustoms are all right." re
sponds the kind old gentleman, "but,''
thinking cf the collection of bills that
came in his mail that day, "the adop
tion of the costumes. It seems to me
Is open to objection."
The Probability.
"Have you never gazed Into the
glooming distance and fancied that
you could hear the walls of a tortured
"Maybe It Is merely some one trying
to repair his 8010."
Physician's Method May Have Been
All Right, but Hera He was
at Fault.
We arc told that the latest sens
tion in the medical world is the asser
tion of a doctor that he is able, by
looking into a patient's eye. to make
an accurate diagnosis of the complaint
which the patient is suffering. But fa
this really as novel as It is suppose
to be? I recollect bearing some Mm
ago of a doctor who said to a patient
who was under examination: "1 can
see by the appearance of your right
eye what is the matter with you. Yo
are suffering from 'liver.
"My right eye?" asked the patient
"Yes, returned the doctor. "It
shows me plainly that your liver la
cut of order."
"Excuse me, doctor. said the pa
tient, apologetically. "My right ty'w
a glass one."
"la the middle of the night of Marcm
30th I woke up with a burning Itch 1m
my two hands and I felt as U I could
pull them apart In the morning the
Itching had gone to my chest and dur
ing that day It spread all over mf
body. I was red and raw from the top
of my head to the soles of my feet and
I was In continual agony from th
Itching. I could neither lie down nor
sit up. I happened to see about Cutt
cura Remedies, and I thought I would
give them a trial. I took a good bath
with the Cutlcura Soap and used thf.
Cutlcura Ointment. I put It on fren
my head down to my feet and then
went to bed. On the first of April I
felt like a new man. The Itching waa
almost gone. I continued with the
Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment
and during that day the Itching cobs
plctely left me. Frank Grldley, 325
East 43rd Street. New York City, Apr.
27. 1909." Cutlcura Remedies are sold
throughout the world; Potter Drug
Cbem. Corp., Sola Props, Boston, Mass.
All About It
To appreciate fully this scrap of dfa
,nR equoted from London Punch, one
should see the two odd characters en
gaged in it. Apparently they parted
satisfied, one that bo had Imparted
eome real information, the other that
he had received some. Said one man:
"D'you rccoilec' old wot's-'is-nameT"
" 'Im with the collar?"
"Wot ababt 'im?"
"'K'ad to go down" Jerk ef the
head "you know they give 'Ira wot
j on call it didn't art git It I dont
"'Adn't you 'eard. then?"
"I did 'ear somefink. but no details
not afore now." Youth's Companion.
What About Him?
The talk had gone back and fro. and
the youthful socialist had been an
nouncing that no man ought to get his
living by cheating, and we all listened
to him. and agreed that it was dread
ful when men and women did not tell
the Jruth, but trlgd to make their liv
ing by deceiving people. Millionaires,
landowners., financiers, we scarified all
of them who cheat the public "No
cne should make a living by decep
tion." said the young man. Then a
quiet voice from a woman came from
the corner of the sofa. "What about
the conjurer?" London Chronicle.
Planning a Desperate Revenge.
..,-. naughty, imperious beauty
handed him back his ring.
"Now that all is over between us,"
she said, "I suppose you will buy a re
volver and put an end to your wretch
ed existence?"
"Worse than that!" he hissed, being
careful to introduce the necessary
sibilant; "far wors-s-se! I shall steal
a revolver! And I shall shoot your
measly little sore eyed poodle!"
A wild shriek burst from her lips.
She fell upon her knees and
But he had gone.
Church Utility.
Richard, aged five, was being Inter
viewed in regard to bis school work.
"And where do you go to Sunday
Echool?" was next asked.
"To the Episcopal." he replied.
"What have you learned there?"
"'Honor thy father and thy moth
er.'" he said. "And do you know. I
went down to the Methodist church
the other day and they were teaching
the same thing there!" Lippincott's
That observation which is called
knowledge of the world will be found
much more frequent to make men cun
ning than good. Dr. Johnson.
Smokers like Lewis' Single Binder
cigar for it - i. mellow quality.
A cata!o,. . .u.e never led any
one into virtue.
To the thousands of
persons who suffer from
ailments of the Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys or
Bowels, and who there
fore, feel half-sick all the
time, we want to urge
an immediate trial of
Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. We know from
past experience that it
will be of great benefit to
you and bring about an
improvement in your
health. It is for Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Con
stipation and Malarial
Fever. Try it today.