The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 09, 1910, Image 1

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aivtoriMi aftty
"IZ 2,034.
A Dollar Saved
is a Dollar
Series X
Now Open
Payments begin Nov. 4,
Bye GO
Oats 23
Wheat 78
Corn :55 $7.50 to S8.00
Files of the Journal. November 14, 1877.
The flret story of the Monestry has
been completed, nnd nn extra force was
put on Monday with the intention, if
possible, of finishing the structure before
the winter weather sets in.
We learn from Ue Omaha liee that
the Union Pacific is about to pnt up a
new bridge 1,590 feet long over the Loup
Fork, and the contract has beeu let to
the Kellogg bridge company of Detroit.
The telephone was wonderful, but the
phonograph is marvelous. It is said to
reproduce accurately at any time the
very tones of the voice Just imagine
the uses that might be made of such an
A man living at rf. O. Raymond's and
who sleeps in .tho upper tory of the
house was bitten by & Nebraska rat the
other night, until his nose bled. That
rat nuiBt have been hungry for meat.
The rat afterwards died.
We learn that the Rev. S. Goodule,
who will be remembered as having built
the Episcopal church here in lStii), has
returned to Columbus and will again
make an effort to build up the congrega
tion of Grace church. Since leaving
here he has labored very successfully in
Lincoln and Ashland where he built
churches and for three nnd a half years
in Fremont.
Joseph Murray, Charles McOoy and
Win. Hagel returned from a hunting ex
pedition along the Beaver, the Cedar
and Timber Creek. They experienced
very cold weather marring the spirits of
those nimrods. They killed three deer
and express themselves much pleased
with the country through which they
traveled, and will locate upon the lands
seleoted by them in the neighborhood of
Timber Creek end Cedar river.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing November U, 1910:
Letters Cyrus W. Beach, Mrs. Jennie
Conklin, Harry Du Common, Mrs. Frank
Daly, Robert Johnston. Mrs. Elsa Mor
ely, Ed. Martly. George Slays. D. 11.
Readinger, H. W. Root.
Cards Chris. Ammeter. Mrs. Harry
Anderson. Mrs. Kathrine Daly, Fern
Guildea 2, Mrs. Mattie Kreager, Charles
Martin, J. W. Wagner.
Parties calling for any of the above,
will please say advertised.
Caul Kkamek, P. M.
Watch for bargains in quet-nsware and
chins at Gipe'e. 40.'! west Eleventh street.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Sitcially
So far there has been no foot ball
game scheduled for Thanksgiving with
the Columbus High school team, al
though Wood River has asked for a
game on that date. Probably during
thu coming week one will be announced
for Thanksgiving. Last Saturday there
were two games played by the Colum
bus High school teams, one at Norfolk,
resulting in a score of 0 to 0, and it is
reported that this was the fastest game
ever played in the Sugar city. The other
game, with Shelby, was played in this
city, on the local grounds, and resulted
in an overwhelming defeat for Colum
bus. The home boys did not like the
way Shelby handled their part of the
game, as they claim tbey brought over
some larger players that were not eligi
ble, and in this way outclassed the
High school boys.
The campaign just closed will be remem
bered as one of the hardest fought for a
number of years. Columbus has been
the headquarters of the democratic state
committee, with State Chairman J. C.
Byrnes and Vice Chairman C. M. Gruen
therin charge. And in this city, the
charge against G. M. Hitchcock were
first published and the Telegran has
kept up the fight during the entire cam
paign. The local situation became in
teresting when the fight on August
Wagner, democratic candidate for coun
ty attorney, developed Many in bis
own party were against Wagner, and the
finish was a circular gotten out attack
ing Editor Harms of the Biene. This
was promptly answered by Harms so the
voters would have an opportunity to get
both sides in the controversy.
Now that a permanent bridge has been
constructed across the Platte, the next
step to be taken is the improving of the
roads between the city and the Platte
bridge, south of the Platte bridge in
both Butler and Polk counties, the roads
arc good, but when the Platte is crossed
there comes a heavy pull through the
deep sand nntil the city is reached. In
this stretch there are some fairly good
portions of the road, but a systematic
improvement in this locality would in a
few years make a road that it would be
n pleasure to drive over. And it would
naturally bring more people to Colum
bus, as the last mile or so of the heavy
pull through the sand, especially, when
the weather is dry, it is not relished by
those who have to make the trio.
A fire escape has been ordered for the
High school building, which will be at- ,
tached to the building at the window in
the Domestic science room on the third
floor. Lights, either gas or electric,
will be placed in the halls of the Second
ward building, for use in case they arc
needed. At their last meeting the board
decided to dismiss school on November
22, 21 and 25, which includes Thanksgiv
ing, to afford the teachers an opportuni
ty to attend the state teachers' meet
ing, but as only a few are contemplat
ing attending the board rescinded its
former action and will only have
the rooms dismissed Wednesday of that
week, whose teachers are going to at
tend the state meeting.
Last week, on complaint filed by Aug
ust Harms, Buck Laughlin, John Doe,
W. E. Johnson, JBke Trimpi and M.C.
Mulich were arrested and charged with
fighting and disturbing the peace. They
had their hearing before Police Judge
O'Brien on Wednesday, and after hear
ing n large number of witnesses Mulich
and Laughlin were assessed $3 and costs
each and the complaints against the
others dismissed. The testimony of the
ten year old son of C. O. Jones had
much to do with the conviction of the
two men. During the trouble one of the
large plate glass windows in the Harms
building was broken, but as it was fully
insured Mr. Harms will have his loss
Last Thursday morning at seven
o'clock. Win. Foley of Platte Center and
Mies Margaret Dineen of Oconee were
married at St. Bonaventura's church.
The wedding was a quiet one, and after
the ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served by Mrs. P. W. Bruggeman, a sis
ter of the bride, only a few of the rela
tives of the couple being present. Mr.
Foley is a resident of Platte Center and
the bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs.
J. C. Dineen, of east of Oconee.
Fire drills are being held in the vari
ous school buildings in the city during
the present month, these being the
annual drills that are held each fall
during the month of November. In
school buildings as large as those in this
city, the fire drill would save many lives
in case they were compelled to use it,
and the present system provides for the
pupils leaving the rooms as quickly as
possible should the occasion arise for
using the drill.
. For the last few years there has been
need of an ambulance in this city, es
pecially for use in transferring patients
to the hospital, and to meet this need
Henry Gaes last week purchased an up
to date and modern ambulance. It has
a closed body and is the same style of
vehicle need in the cities. Mr. Gass will
use it in connection with his business,
and they have arranged to answer prom
ptly all calls for it.
O. C. Shannon returned last Thursday
from Trinidad, Colorado, where he
accompanied his daughter, Mrs. W. B.
Kenney, on her return home. While in
the mountain state he also visited Boul
der, where he has mining interests -
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lneschen building.
Baled bay for Bale Ernst & Brock.
Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone
Bed Tag sale'at Gipe's, 403 west Elev
enth street.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Dr. L P. Caretenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and Kummer Sts.
A safe and sure investment that guar
antees to'pay ten per cent or more from
the start. See Koon.
Miss Bertha Glur left yesterday for
Ceder Rapids, where she will spend the
week visiting friends.
Thomas Belford is suffering from a
very painful case of blood poisoning,
caused by a sandbar thorn.
Karr & Newlon will occupy the new
office building being erecting by O. H.
Washburn at the entrance to tho Air
dome. D. Schupbacb relnrned last week from
New Orleai.s, where he was transacting
business in connection with the Ger
mania Land and Lumber company.
For Sale Four thoroughbred Short
Horn ball calves. The low-down blocky
kind. Will be sold cheap if sold soon at
Carl Rohde's farm. Rohde & Zarek.
Mis3 Hattie Stnart of Grand Island
was the guest of Miss Anna GInr last
Thursday between trains, she being en
route to Tilden, Neb , where she will vis
it with relatives a few weeks.
Mrs. B. V. Fanlkner of Hastings.
Neb., has been the guest of her sister,
Mrs. L. W. Snow, and Mrs. L. W.
Snow gave a dinner in her honor last
Thursday evening, plates being laid for
Saturday, November 15, the 5 and 10
cent store, which will occupy the Fitz
patrick store, will open for business.
It was the intention to open sooner, but
delay in completing repairs and getting
the building in shape have delayed the
Beginning with Tuesday, November 1,
the drag stores in the city close promp
tly at nine o'clock, an exception being
made for Saturday nights Daring the
soda water season there has been need of
these stores remaining open later than
this, but now the season is past the new
rale will be adhered to.
Last summer John Brock was Beverly
injured by falling with a cornice Btone
from the roof of the First National Bank
building, and at the time of the accident
he suffered a broken leg and other in
juries. The injury did not heal proper
ly and as a result he was compelled to
go to the hospital for an operation to in
sure the proper healing of the injury.
Minnie Brewer has filed a petition in
district court, asking for a divorce from
Wm. M. Brewer. She says in her peti
tion that they were married in Colcmbns
November 1, 1901, and lived together un
til February 20, 1905, and that her hus
band abonded her without just cause.
She also asked for alimony and the cus
tody of her year old son.
Saturday night the Metz Bro. Bowling
team of Omaha will bowl a match game
with the Columbus team on the Hagel
alleys. This is the first of series of
bowling events which will be pulled off
on these alleys dnring the coming win
ter season, and the Metz team, which
has been here before will no doubt put
np a good game Saturday night.
A. C. Boone returned the first of -the
week from Pittsburg, Kansas, where he
went to look after a foundry outfit that
he and his brother had bargained for.
When he arrived there he discovered
that other parties had secured the plant
ahead of him. However, he hss not
given np the idea of starting a foundry
in this city, and his brother went to
Joplin, Mo., to look at a plant suitable
for this location. They have several
other propositions nnder consideration,
and will no doubt secure one that will
suit their purpose in the near future.
One of the best pleased men over elec
tion, so far as bis work is concerned, is
George Fairchild. For the last eighteen
months George has been an employee
under State Auditor Silas A. Barton,
and during the lost few weeks has been
doing what missionary work he could
for the auditor. His energies were de
voted principally to Columbus;' and im
mediate locality, and the large vote re
ceived by Mr. Barton is in a large mea
sure due to George's energies, as his
friends wauted to show how he stood at
Mrs. Louise Henrietta Frederika
Heiden died at her home, six miles
northeast of Columbus, Sunday, Novem
ber C, aged 72 years, eight months and
two days. Mrs. Heiden was born in
Germany March 4. 1833, coming to Neb
raska about thirty-five years ago with
her husband, they settled in Bismark
township, on the farm which has since
been their home. Besides ber husband
Louis Heiden, she leaves three socs.Otto
and Louis of Platte county, Robert of
Omaha, and Alvina Carr of South Dako
ta. Funeral services were held Wednes
day at 11a m., at the borne and were
conducted by Bev. Mueller of the Shell
Creek Reformed church, and burial was
in the Columbus cemetery.
Adjoining the City Limits
5 Acres, Good six room house and barn at $2,750.
7 Acres, Good four room house and barn, $4,500.
One Acre, a new four room house and barn,
13 Acre. Tract, no improvements, at $2,800.
30 Acre Tract, small orchard, no buildings,
$250 per acre.
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block Columbus, Neb.
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Dra. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Wanted, a girl to clerk in the store.
Wm. Poescb.
Dr. Cbas. II. Campbell, oculistand
auriat, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Ncumarker, office with Dr
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
A good thing for the large investor or
the small investor land ten percent
from the start. See Koon .
In supervisors district No. 3, Henry
Schacher, who represented the district
two years ago, is again elected over
Chas. Peterson, the present incumbent.
C. E. Early and John Schmocker were
appointed as a canvassing board to can
vass the election returns and tbey began
their work Wednesday afternoon, and
will complete it Thursday morning.
All the brick work on the Levine
building and also the old Journal build
ing has been completed, and the former
building has been bonrded up prepara
tory to plastering and putting in the
A car load of hoisting machinery, con
sisting of stationery engine and derricks,
to be nsed in the construction of the
new post office building, arrived this
week and is being placed in position at
the building.
M. C Calto received a message from
Chicago, Wednesday, telling of the
death of his mother in that city, and he
left at once for that city. Mm. Calto
was nicety years old and death was due
to advanced age.
Carl Froemel has bis new building,
which he will occupy with a jewelry
store on the ground lloor and residence
above, completed, and is getting his
jewelry stock into the store room. He
has installed some very nice fixtures for
his store room.
B. B, Thompson of Tulsa, Oklahoma,
was in the city this week on business.
Ben will be remembered as the founder
of the Creston Statesman, and after his
newspaper career in Platte county,
moved to Oklahoma, where he later be
came a practicing attorney.
Several good sized election beta are
reported to have been posted in this
city, especially on the result on governor
one man having better than $500 on
Aldrich. As this locality was not for
the republican candidate, these bets
were readily taken as the Dablman
money was thought to be a safe proposi
tion. John W. Dow and Mrs. Jessie G. Car
rick were married Monday of this week
at the home of Rev. Dibble, the pastor
of the Oongregational church, who per
formed the ceremony. Mr. Dow resided
in this city a year ago, and was employ
ed as steam fitter by A. Duseell & Son,
and the bride will be remembered as
Miss Jessie Dussell. After the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Dow left for Sioux Falls,
8. D., the home of tho groom, where
they will reside.
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
Sevea of the representative farmers
living in the vicinity of Columbus have
organized the Columbus Grain Growers'
association, the object being to promote
the raising of an improved quality of
grain. Those taking the lead in this
enterprise are D. G. Bartels, U. a Mace,
Wm. Newman, George Drinnin, Craig
Tamer, E. L. Mueller and C. C. Shel
don. These are among the progressive
farmers who are always looking for
something that will improve their condi-
. ... . . ...
won ana iney iniena noiding a corn
bow on Friday and Saturday, Decern
ber 16 and 17, and tbey invite every
farmer in the surrounding territory to
bring samples of all kinds of corn raised
by them and place it on exhibition at
the show. And in furthering this idea
the merchants of the city have contribu
ted premiams for the best samples ex
hibited. It is planned to have this
how held in advance of the holidays
and it will take the place of the farmers
institute, whiob has been taken away
from Columbus thu year. In piomoting
the corn show these farmers are of the
opinion that they will have something
that will be of more real benefit than the
institute, and at the same time pro
vide an opportunity for all the farmers
to see and discuss what kinds of corn
are beat adapted to the Platte county
soil. At first it was thought advisable
to make the show include all kinds of
grain raised in this section, bat owing
to the late st art on the project this was
found impossible, as many of the farm
ers had not saved a sample of their
small grain, which in many cases would
have made a creditable showing. Be
tween now and the date of the show
there will be considerable said tegarding
it, and the promoters ask for the co-op
eration of every farmer in the locality in
order to make the first year a success.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The week of Nov. 13th is the associa
tion week of prayer the world over.
Special subjects are allotted for study
and prayer each day and these will be
followed by the local association.
The boy's indoor base ball league has
completed the series of games with the
teams standing as follows: Murpbys,
792; 8pude, 458; Baldwins, 250 The
Spuds and Baldwins will entertain the
Murphy a at luneh some evening this
Friday evening there will be a basket
ball game between the Seniors and
Intermediates, and the same evening a
base ball game between the Business
Men and the Seniors. This is the first
game of the season and will be an inter
esting one.
Last Sunday's men's meeting was an
exceptionally good one, the address by
Henry Keiser of Omaha being the best
of the season. The attendance was
good and all expressed themselves as
pleased with the address. Mr. Keiser is
one of the prominent Y. M. C. A. work
ers of Omaha, being chairman of the re
ligions work committee. He will be the
last out of town speaker for one month,
local men being on the program for that
Marriage Licenses.
Julius F. Manthe, Benton 22
Emma S. Saalfeld, Columbus 18
William Siedenburg.Enola 33
AnnaM. Fertig, Enola 19
Wm Foley, Platte Center 26
Margaret Dineen, Platte Center.... 24
John W. Vanderslice. St. Edward .... 26
SaeE Miller, St Edward 26
PaulV Robert, Silver Creek 25
Edna M. Nelson. Valley 18
Jacob J. Jobok, Tarnov 27
Victoria C. Semlak, Tarnov 25
Robert H. Thomazin, Genoa 21
Mamie B. Ericsou, Monroe 22
John W. Dow, Sioux Falls, S D.... 25
Jessie G. Carrick. Columbus 26
Frank G. Barys, Dancan 22
8opbia A. Plazek, Tarnov 22
Timothy J. Cronin, Platte Center. ... 34
Nellie M. Benton, Platte Center 26
Emmet E. Millhollin, Atlantic, la. . . . 29
Mary E. Jacobs, Atlantic,- la 26
E. M. Reed is now the sole owner of
the second hand store on East Eleventh
street, having purchased the interest of
his partner, O. O. Pennington.
McElfresh Elected County Attorney.
While it was generally conceded that
C. N. McElfresh, republican candidate
for county attorney, bad a more than
even chance to defeat his democratic op
ponent, August Wagner, no one anticipa
ted the result on this contest. Wagner
carried but one township in the county
Humphrey and that by only one vote.
his republican opponent getting a maj
ority in each of the remaining twenty
two voting places, and his majority is
over 500 and may reach 1,000. This part
of the fight was the hottest and more
effort was put on this portion of the
ticket than all the rest. Even the First
ward, the democratic strong hold, went
for McElfresh by a good big majority.
On the atate ticket Dahlman carried
the county by approximately 700, about
one-half of the Sballenberger vote of
two years ago, and while he ran well in
the city, he ran behind even here on the
result of two years ago. Some of the
country precincts gave Aldrich a much
larger vote than was anticipated, he
carrying a number of the democratic
Hitchcock, on . the other band, ran
about 300 ahead of Dablman, his major
ity being over 1,000, which is big for
this county, in an off year. This result
maybe attributed to the efforts of the
local democratic committee to discredit
the fight waged on Hitchcock by the
Both Edwin Hoareand Frank Schram
are defeated for the legislature, and
while Schram, who is also running in
Nance county, will get a majority there,
it will .not be large enough to overcome
Regan's Platte county vote.
John Goetz. who has been the demo
cratic member on the county board from
district No. 1, for four or five terms, was
defeated by Fred Dassenbrock, who
filed as a republican by petition. This
was another of the surprises of the elec
tion, as it was thought that Mr. Goetz
would be returned. At present the vote
on supervisor in district No. 3 is in
doubt, but it is probable that the pres
ent republican incumbent, Chas Peter
son will be returned. Two other mem
bers of the board who were up for re
election, M. E. Clotber and Louis
Schwarz, had no opposition.
Probably never before in the history
of the county was there so many split
tickets, and is thown by the vote on
Hitchcock for United States senator on
the democratic ticket, and McElfresh on
the republican ticket, for county attor
ney, there being a difference of about
two thousand, each receiring approxi
mately a thousand majority.
Unofficial returns for Platte county on
Hitchcock for United Sta'es senator and
Dahlman for governor, give Hitchcock
1,128 majority, and Dahlman 722 major
ity. The City Council.
A delegation of citizens waited on the
council last Friday evening to enter a
complaint regarding the conditions
required by the Columbus Light,
Heat it Power company, of which
tbey were patrons. It. S. Dick
inson, who had some controversy
with the company regarding the rates
charged him under their franchise, was
the speaker. He tendered the company
the amount he claimed tbey should re
ceive under the franchise, ami the out
come was finally a sntt in the district
court, which was sat i led by Mr. Dickin
son. The next raovenn the part of the
company was to sbntoff Mr. Dickinson's
light, and the di bg-ilion waiting on
the council brought the nutter befm
that body. Several of the citizens pn
ent also entered protests, and the cmi .
cil, after hearing the complaints, action
was taken which will no doubt be a
step toward settling the controversy be
tween the light company and their pat
rocs: At regular meeting of the city
council of said city, held November 4,
1910, the following resolution was duly
adopted as of record:
Resolved, That the Columbus Light,
Heat & Power company of the city of
Columbus, Neb., be and are hereby noti
fied to appear before the city council of
Columbus, Nebraska, November 18, 1910
at 8 p. m., and explain why they violate
Section 10 of a franchise granted tbem,
in regard to making a demand service,
and why the city council should not de
clare their franchise annulled according
to Section 14 of said franchise, as de
manded by the citizens and consumers
of the city of Columbus, Neb.
A copy of this resolution waa served
on Mr. McOullougb. resident manager
of the Columbus Light, Heat & Power
company, on Monday, November 7, and
it is quite probable that the next meet
ing of the city council, November 18,
the time fixed for the hearing, will be
Another chapter in the light controver
sy was written when Attorney McAllis
ter filed suit in the district court, Tues
day of this week, to secure a mandamus
to compel the company to furnish light
for Mr. Dickinson.
The regular monthly bills were allow
ed and the answer to the complaint
against A. Gieger was read. The com
plaint charged him with obstructing the
alley at his home on East Eleventh
street, and Mr. Gieger said that he was
ready at any time to remove all obstruc
tions. T. P- Wilson filed an application with
the council asking permission to build
storm break st the North theatre, which
being over
Our minds naturally
to business.
When considering your
banking needs, remember
that the Old Reliable Colum
bus State'Bank never ceases
doing business.
Columbus State Bank
Capital JfcSarylns, 8S.OOO.OO
request was referred to the committee
on fire.
A. B. McQuown, who was recently
appointed scavenger by the council,
filed his bond in the sum of $500, which
was accepted.
Parker Bros., who have the contract
for the Thurston annex, filed their bond
with the council, as required by the
The report of County Clerk Graf, on
the Platte river bridge, was read and as
there was a deficiency of $2,000 in the
city's portion of the bonds voted, a re
solution was passed transferring 12,000
to the bridge fund.
The ordinance extsadiBg the fire lim
its waa up for final passage, and adds
more territory to the pressat limits.
Congregational Church.
The unity of the family is one of the
sweetest realities. God's plan is that
the home may be one in the great bles
sings of earth. This is beautifully re
flected is his call of Noah's family into
the ark, in Jesus sending the healed man
home to tell the glad story of bis friends
and in Paul's promise that the family of
tEe jailor should be saved through his
belief in Jesus Christ. It is grand to
see the interest parents manifest in the
comforts of their children but it is sad
that these very parents show little, or
even no, interest in the spiritual life of
their loved ones. The wife and children
of ten struggle on in the christian life
without the help and sympathy of father
or husband . Let us not break tLe unity
of the family. Let what God has joined
together be a unit. Parents, bring all
the family into the ark.
The Congregational people invite you
to worship with them next Sunday. In
the morning, 11 o'clock, there will be
communion and reception of members.
Of the evening the pastor will deliver
the last sermon on the Religion of the
Lord's Prayer The Problem of Tempta
tion. William L. Diublr.
Methodist Church Notice.
The service next Sunday at 11 a. m.,
will be conducted by Rev. Geo. H. Maia,
district superintendent, who will preach
and administer the sacrament of the
Lord's supper. All members are request
ed to be present. Sunday school at
noon. Epworth league at 6:30 p. m.
Hear the pastor at 7:30 p. m. on the
topic, "The Dangers of Discontentment.''
Special music at all services. Strangers
Chas. Watnb Ray, Pastor.
Complete returns on the legislative
ticket in this county give Albert, demo
crat, 1,976 and Hoare, republican, 1,500,
for state senator, and Regan, democrat,
gets 2,176 in Platte county to 1,419 for
his opponent, Frank Schram.
Carl Schubert was in Monroe this
week looking over soma real estate, for
which he contemplates making a deal.
We have the agency for the
famous Muosing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from 11.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, II and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are conrplete.