. v - A e V V i iK r CATARRH OF THE KIDNEYS FULLY RECOVERED RtySjCCv. -..'x f i . ----TOTS'Fsawaaasw Mrs. Maria Gonpoll, Mayer, Minn., writes tho following: "1 must inform you that I recovered my health after using your valuable medicine, Peruna. " I had suffered -with catarrh of tho kidneys and bowels, but now I am much" better and f'el real strong." Her Tribute. Randal! How did you like the mili tary parade, Ida? Miss Rogers Glorious! I never saw enough men in all my life before. Harper's Bazar. "SPOHN'S." This is the name of the jjre.itest of all remedies for Distemper. Pink Ee, Heaves, tnd the like amon all agea of horses. Sold by Druggists. Harness Makers, or tend to the manufacturers. $.50 and $1.00 a bottle. AjrcnU wanted. Send for free book, fepohn Medical Co.. Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. No Hurry. "What are you In such a rush tbont?" "Promised to meet my wife at three o'clock down at the corner." "Well, there's no hurry. It Isn't four o'clock yet." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and sec that it TtnnTa i Signature of UuzAyA&&AiI1 In Use For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought At the First Try. "What do you think of my dough nuts, Goorge?" "Dear, you are a wonder!" "Do you think so really, darling?" "I certainly do. Scientists have been trjing for years to produce artifi cial rubber, and here you do it the first rattle out of the box." Easy for Her. An extremely corpulent old lady was "-:ertaIninv her grandchild at lunch eon v.hen si e found occasion to repri mand tho little girl for dropping some food on the tablecloth. "Y'u don't see grandma dropping Anything on the table." she said. "Of course not." replied the child; "God gave jou something iu front to jtop 1L" Fable of Pan of Biscuits. A Vassar girl married a Kansas farmer. Two weeks later a cyclone made tho happy pair a friendly call. It cavorted around the premises, ripping up the fences, scattering tho haystacks and playing horse with the barn, but when It looked through the open window it drew back in alarm. There lay the bride's Grst pan of biscuits. "I ain't feelin' very strong this morning." murmured the cyclone. And with another glance at the ter riblo pan it blew itself away. Money for Tuberculosis Work. The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis gives forcible illustration of the way in whi-h a small sum spent in educa tion has secured large appropriations from state, county, and municipal of ficials. The New York State Chari ties Aid association In the three years. 0S. 1S0D, and 1910. has spent in the .p-stato portion of New York about $55,000 In arousing the people to the dangers of tuberculosis. As a direct result of the public sentiment pro duced by this outlay, the state, coun ty, and municipal authorities have al ready appropriated for tuberculosis work $1,500,000 and appropriations for hundreds of thousands of dollars are pending. Hundreds of hospital beds have been provided, and the associa tion alreadv aims for "No Uncared-for Tuberculosis In 1915." Thus, the National association says if SI. 000.000 is realized from the sale of Red Cross seals, millions more will te added to it from the public treas uries. Last year 2.",000.000 stamps were sold It is aimed to sell four times as many this year. WISE WORDS. A Physician on Food. A physician, of Portland, Oregon, has views about food. He says: "1 have always believed that the duty of the physician does not cease with treating the sick, but that wo owe it to humanity to teach them how to protect their health, especialiy by hygienic and dietetic laws. "With such a feeling as to my duty I take great pleasure in saying to tht public that in my own experience and also from personal observation I have found no food equal to Grape-Nuts, and that I find there is almost no limit to the great benefits this food will bring when used in all cases of sick ness and convalescence. "It is my experience that no physi cal condition forbids the use of Grape Nuts. To persons in health there is nothing so nourishing and acceptable to ibe stomach, especially at break fast, to start the machinery of the hu man system on the day's work. "a cases of indigestion I know that s complete breakfast can be made of Grape-Nuts and cream and I think it is not advisable to overload the stomach at the morning meal. I also know the great value ef Grape-Nuts when the stomach is too weak to digest other focd. "This is written after an experience of more than 20 years, treating all manner of chronic and acute diseases, and the letter is written voluntarily on my part without any request for it." Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvffle," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." J ohn Henry's Courtship By GEORGE Seven of us were entered in the race for Clara J.'s affections, when I determined to get out my saw and do some heavy Ice-cutting. The other six were society shines, and every time I dropped Into Clara J.'s brownstone I found one of these pale boys draped over a sofa, making gurgles with his voice, and handing out Fifi glances to my own particular J Pattern of Dres3 Goods. It was cruel. Something kept whispering: "John, get your brush and paint a finish for these polishes!" so finally I went after them. Percy Acton Jones was my pet aversion. Percy was short and fat. and when he talked he used a blende voice. Percy used to be a dramatic critic on one of the mail order journals, and be had the reputation of being able to throw the hammer farther than anyone else in the "Knockers Union." Percy rejoiced in the fact that he was safe from the retributive slap, because when an actor or an author whom he had toasted went after him for the purpose of handing him one, Percy would always pull a frown down over his fat little forehead and exclaim: "Aren't you the rude thing!" in eoprano then it was all off. Clara J. rejoices in a small brother whose company name is Thorndyke, but the family call him Tacks for short. Tacks is eight years old, sharp, and hard to sit on. I was his hero, and it only cost me four dollars, most ly In nickels. So, with the aid of Tacks, I formu lated a finish for Percy Acton Jones that was beautiful to the limit. I had often noticed that the parlor of Clara J.'s camp was threatened with a rush of sofa pillows to the ceil ing, and one of these saffron-colored sit-down-easys gave me an idea. I took Tacks into my confidence and explained my plan. Tacks didn't like Percy. In his estimation the Jones party was a stout parcel of heated air. and Tacks was eager to be up and do ing him. At a candy cave I bought a pound of saffron-colored molasses taffy and had it rolled out flat and square, so that it would just about cover the top of a soft pillow. Tacks was with me, going and coming, and when we reached home he wont through the basement" and let me in the front door. I felt as nerv ous as an unopened Jackpot, but we finally introduced the saffron-hued taffy to the yellow sofa pillow and placed it carefully in the chair most affected by Percy. Then I left Tacks on guard and gumshoed away like Raffles, the busy burglar. When Percy rang the bell that eve ning the door was opened with a sud denness that made him gasp, and Tacks, with a heavenly smile on his lnuocent face, led Little Saucer-eyes straight to the taffy-covered sofa pil low, like a lamb to the mint sauce. Percy sat carefully down on the sugar-coated pillow, and Tacks, hardly able to suppress his emotion, shrieked hoarsely: "I'll tell Sister you're here!" and went madly on his way. But Tacks didn't tell "Sister." He ran out in the dining room, put his head under a rug on the floor, and choked for five minutes. When "Sister" entered the parlor. Tacks was among those "also pres ent." The taffy had taken kindly to Percy's lavender panties. Percy arose to Greet Clara J., and with him arose that yellow soft pil low, clinging tremulously to a back ground ol outraged lavender trousers. Clara J. was a brave girl. She longed to take the lid off a laugh that would startle the neighborhood, but she was polite enough to renig. So she stood there, biting her lips, while Percy bowed and bobbed, and every time he bobbed the soft pillow went up In the air like the wash on a line on a windy day. "Won't you sit down. Mr. Jones?" So With the Aid of Tacks, I Formu lated a Finish for Percy Jones. Clara J. said, swectlv; then in a swift aside: "Tacks, leave the room!" But Tacks wouldn't go not for priceless gems! Percy proceeded to part his coat tails before doing a Society droop, and In that manner he grew wise to the airship attachment in the rear. An expression of wonderment crept over Percy's face, and with much de liberation be started to pry off the in cubus. Then something ripped. It wasn'j the sofa pillow. &i V. HOBART Clara J. was painfully embarrassed, and Tacks was busy taking care of a series of internal spasms. Percy began to back up. Presently he hit a small table on which rested a costly bit of bric-a-brac, and over went the whole plazazus with a smash on the floor. Percy gave Clara J. the frightened fawn eye and started to gather up the shells from tho floor. When Percy's shoulders went down, quite naturally the pillow went up In the air. and then Clara J .col lapseo. Tacks was under the sofa biting holes in the carpet. Attracted by the crash. Mamma and Papa cut in. They stood in the door and watched Percy digging for broken bric-a-brac with a sofa pillow clinging gayly to his southeastern ex tremity. He looked like an animated Japanese lantern. It was too much for Papa, He gave Percy the hoot and ducked. Mamma teetered over to Percy and said: "Oh, it doesn't matter. Mr. Jones;" and then she took a pull at the pillow. As she did so Percy sat down on the floor with a bump that shook the block, and it was even money who was the most surprised. Mamma or Percy. Clara J. had left the scene of battle, and Tacks was out in the hall pray ing for power to laugh just five min utes longer. Percy arose painfully. So did the sofa pillow. Mamma eyed them both suspiciously. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Van vivver!" said Percy, and with both bands behind his back he took an other yank at the evil. "R-r-r-r-i-p!" Percy stood up and Mamma ex claimed: "Mercy on us!" "It's a mere nothing, I assure you!" said Percy. "Won't you re-seat yourself?" asked Mamma, politely. "I'm afraid I'll have to when this Clara J.'s Papa Used to Float in the comes off, answered Percy mourn- fully. "I fear I don't quite catch your meaning." said Mother, and now her signals were out for a cold wave. Percy blushed and said: "The fact Is, Mrs. VanvivvieT, I'm making a col lection of sofa pillows new fad. don't you know. Awfully jolly sport! Miss Clara said I could have this cne. so er er that Is, I took It. Fad of mine, don't you know." "Indeed!" said Mamma, "Well, it must be rather, awkward to carry the bottle of mucilago that goes with that fad. Good night. Mr. Jones," and with this she brushed by and left blni on the ice. Percy stood there a living picture entitled "Down and Out." He hadn't a friend In the world ex cept the soft pillow, and that stuck closer than a brother. His checks were all in. and he had just made up his mind to leap through a window, call a cab. and say: "To the morgue, drive fast!" when Tacks jolted him back to life by saying: "Here's Pop's old over coat. On your way, quick. Send the pillow home by express and all will be forgiven." With something akin to joy in his heart, Percy dug up a dollar, gave it to Tacks, and said: "Little man. you've saved my life bless you, bless you! Tell your sister I leave town tomorrow morning very early and may be gone for seven years!" Then Percy and the sofa pillow went under the overcoat, and the whole package made a rush for the door and freedom. He never came back. When I sauntered in a half hour later I overheard Clara J. saying to Tacks: "Here's a dollar, you little imp. Now. don't you dare tell John Henry." The next day I gave Tacks another dollar for not telling me. There was only one way to get rid of the other five saucy ones who sat around and spilled words In Clara J.'s parlor, and that was to induce her to walk down the church aisle with me until the minister stopped us. So I framed up a line of talk that I thought would be strong enough to make her look up the market quota tions on freshly picked orange blos soms. I figured It out that all I had to do was to talk my lines and the girl would swoon at my feet With a speech like that the part would play itself there was nothing In it! But luck wasn't with me. Unkind Fate gave me the double cross and my hoodledoo was working overtime. For two weeks I was out on a side track with my strong speech locked up in a cold storage car. The trouble was that the old folks looked upon me as one of the family to such an extent that every evening Clara J.'s Papa used to float in the parlor and cut ice for hours at a time, while Mamma sat in the rock ing chair and made faces at herself in the mantel mirror. It was a fight, and there was a tie up in the wedding bell business, but I won out Clara J.'s father is a Wall street broker retired. Every morning foi 20 years he went into the street and came home at night with a hat full. He used to throw what he made In the cellar, and when the cellar wouldn't hold any more he got mad and quit bringing it home. One evening I brought Papa a book entitled "An Inexpensive Way to Get Rich," written by a chap who is visiting friends in the poor housu Father went out in the dining roon and started to read the book tr Mother, and she went to sleep. Here was my golden opportunity and I cached in. I led Clara over to a dark corner and began to talk fast "Clara J., I said, "for weeks and weeks I've been waiting for a chance to place your tiny mitt In mine ana give it the silent squeeze take that! Through all the waking hours of the day and through the lonely stretches of the darksome night I think of you, only you, beloved look into my lamps and you'll see I'm not kidding you! Aro you next, little one?" Clara J. nodded. This was the opening scene from my strong speech, and It seemed to be a hit all right: but perhaps 1 wasn't swallowing my palate and getting nervous! Well, maybe! "Listen. Clara J." I braced and began to push the lawn mower again "since time immemorial men have knelt at the feet of beauty and er er I say. since time immemorial ken have melt at er " The wheels were slipping and I had no sand. "I say. Clara J., since time mim mimirnorlal ken have belt at the meet of that is to say. ben have felt at the kcet of er er " "Back up!" said she very softly, and my life was saved. It was the first time I ever heard her use a fancy phrase, but she had timed it just right. It brought me back to earth as no other words could Isn't she the wise little gazaboine, though? I discarded my strong speech and got right down to cases. "Clara J.," I said, "months and Parlor and Cut Ice for Hours at a Time, months ago your Image moved into he only furnished room In my heart, and now I want to collect the rent are you wise?" "Yes," she said, and her head dropped a little lower. "I was out." I went on, "to -hand you one of those long, ready-made speeches, full of moonlight serenades and peeping stars nestling in azure skies, and soft sentences tied up In a true lover's knot, but I fell down in the first lap and had to cut it out. Now, the point Is this: When can I grab you by the southpaw and lead you off to a minister's, where togeth er we can hear the birdies sing?" For a moment she was silent, then she looked up and said ever so sweet ly: "It's up to you!" The next minute well, it's none ol your darn business! (Copyright by G. W. Dillingham Co.) LOCUSTS THICK IN AUSTRIA American Trave:er Saw the School boys Killing Them by the Mil- liens Near Trieste. "If the locust has left the Unite States it hasn't become extinct. Last year I saw them being killed by the millions in Austria. 39 or 40 mil-u from Trieste." said Alfred Darter r. Des Moines. "We were going througt the mountain country on a sightseeinj tour. Two or three times during rr-t forenoon our attention was attracW by crowds of boys in the fields. Mj curiosity get the better of me. and learned that they were collecting !o ousts. It seems that the province o: Goerz was literally overrun by these insects. The schoolboys had been or ganlzed into companies for the exter mination of the locusts. "Each school was under the com mand of the master. The young Io cust fighters would scrape up the in sects with their queer-looking instru ments and dump them into tin recep tacles. Then the locusts would be scalded. The boys got about four cents an hour from the government for the work, and prizes were given to the schools which captured the most locusts. I heard that about 11 or 12 carloads of the insects bad been killed up to that time in that section of the country." Washington Herald. Value. - 'Speech Is silver, " quoted the man with the beveled chin. "Yes." said the man with the prog nathous face; "most of it Is worth about 40 cents on the dollar." Omwbkm by WILBURDNEmTJ BSBannnBSHBSB9anBS9BBSSSSnBSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSBrfKnSSftS HOW SISTER flOBBlMBBL When Flster cot tier hobble skirt The family assembled. Papa's remarks were very curt: With hish d'sdaln he trembled. Aunt Julia snirted and raised her hands. Orandmotlicr almost fainted And said: "Be seen In that? My lands! I'd rather that she painted!" rhn mother shook her head and sighed And said: "Disgraceful, surely! It Isn't fifteen Inches wide. Bpsltlrs. It fits you poorly. No child of mine shall walk the street In such n bold Invention Why, look! It calls your well, your feet! To every one's attention." Thon each took turns white sister stood And lizard how they condemned It: Tl.-y said thp style was far from Rood O. how they hawed and hemmed It! Wlirn they were throuch then sister took An alburn from the table And showed them in that olden book Such things believe me. Mabel! First, crandma In her widespread hoops The style of 1S30. When Grecian l.-nrts and soulful ilroops Wen thoticlit to ho quite nifty. Tl'rn with a smile that seemed to say: "Onre more I'm dad to fool you." A "pull-back' costume, ticht and Ray. She showed on Rood Aunt Julia. Dear mother ro.ip to seize the book And they had quite a tussle, nut sister held it and cried: "Ijook Here's mother with her bustle!" Then father In spring-bottom pants! My sister's wise selections Of father's, era nrt mi's, ma's and mint's Old styles hushed their objections. In Plain Enolish. "Woodman. Spare That Tree" Is i highly idealized version of an attempt at applied conservation. The principal character comes upon a man who is choppfcg down a tree, and says to him: "Don't cut down that tree." "What?" asks the lumberman. "You let that tree alone. I knew it when I was a little boy. I used to play mumblepcg under it and I have a rentimental attachment for it, so 1 would kindly request that you let it stand as It is." "Do you own this timbcrland?" "No. but I" "Well, don't pull any of that Gifford Pinrhot talk around here, young fel ler. The big roal for yours, see?" Which shows us that conservatiot end conversation are entirely different propositions. Two of a Kind. "Must be something wrong with the organ bellows." whispered the man to his wife at church. "What?" she asked. "The organ bellows." he repeated. "Hump! So does the frump who is trying to sing soprano." Those Dear Women. "When my husband won't buy me what I want." confides the first wom an. "I cry. Then he will agree that I may have it, just to get me to stop crying." "1 have a better plan than that," says the second woman. "When my husband thinks 1 shouldn't have a new hat or dress. I smile. That works better than tears in my case." "Hut." sweetly says the first wom en, "my husband thinks I am so pret ty when I smile that he will not do anything to get me to stop." After thinking the matter over that evening tho second woman concludes tht the first is a hateful thing. His Misfortunes. "But why arc you Incarcerated here?" asks the sympathetic lady of the prisoner. "Alt. iradara, I had four wives 117 ing. and wa3 wooing a lady who was to be my fifth, when No. 4 exposed ice." "Wretch! So you are being pun fshe! for bigamy?" "No. lady. I am being kept here until I can satisfy a Judgment for breach of promise obtained by the prospective No. 5." Sensational to the Extreme. "Yes, I'm going to start a' new mag azine," says the man with the fat purse, "but there won't be the least bit of sensationalism about It It will be utterly different from all others." "What's your program?" asks the man with inked fingers. "Not going to expose anything, not going to " "Huh! Right, there you've outlined one of the most sensational plans for modern magazines I ever beard." v. PA - J MTURAL ACT FOR MOTHER Women Understand That Not Heroism but Simply Love Prompted Self Sacrifice. A few days ago. In a somewhat squalid neighborhood, a house caught .Ire. The flames shot quickly through the litter on the floor and the untidy array of clothing on the walls. A wom in talking with a neighbor ran scream ing to the house and without an in stant's hesitation sprang through the smoking dcorway into what already seemed an inferno. A moment later she staggered out, her hands and face blackened and blistered and her clothing on fire. In her arms she bore her baby, safe from barm. The afternoon papers came out with the story, printed under headlines ex tolling this mother's heroism. Men read It on street cars, and as their yes gleamed with the stirring of the : pirlt which leaps to greet noble deeds they said: "That woman dared to do what most men would be afraid to do." Hut the mothers who read it at home did not think that way. Perhaps the danger to the baby, the wrecking of the home and the burns the woman suffered brought moisture to their eyes, but to them the act was not one of heroism it was simply what any natural mother, no matter how timid, would do under the same circum stances. Cleveland Leader. REST AND PEACE Fall Upon Distracted Households When Cuticura Enters. Sleep for skin tortured babies and rest for tired, fretted mothers is found in a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle anointing with Cuticura Oint ment. This treatment, in the major ity of cases, affords immediate relief in the most distressing forms of itch ing, burning, scaly, and crusted hu mors, eczema, rashes, inflammations, irritations, and chafings. of infancy and childhood, permits rest and sleep to both parent and child, and points to a speedy cure, when other remedies fail. Worn-out and worried parents will find this pure, sweet and econom ical treatment realizes their highest expectations, and may be applied to the youngest Infants as well as chil dren of all ages. The Cuticura Rem edies aro sold by druggists every where. 'Send to Potter Drug &Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston. Mass., for their free S2-page Cuticura Book on the care and treatment of skin and scalp of infants, children and adults. The Most Noticeable Change. "So you have lived in Europe for 25 years? That's a long time for a man to be away from his own country." "Yes. it Is. and I'm mighty glad to be home again." "I suppose you notice a great many changes?" "Yes. many." "What, if I may ask, is the greatest change that has come to your notice?" "The greatest change, it seems to me. is to be found in the fact that tho vice-president of the United States succeeds in getting his name in the papers nearly as often as he might if he were a baseball player or a prom ising lightweight prizefighter." Now He Knows. "On what grounds does your father object to me?" he asked. "On any grounds within a mile of our house," she answered. Pettit's Eye Salve Restores. No matter how badly the eyes may be dicaod or injured. All druggists or How ard Bros.. Buffalo. X. Y. When a man dresses like a slouch it's a pretty good sign that he either ought to get married or get divorced. Lewis' Single Binder, the famous itnight 5c cisar anuual sale 0,500,000. Anything lelt to be done at your leisure seldom gets done. S. Martin. W. L. DOUGLAS 33 SO & $S4 SHOES aoSSig BOYS'SH0ES,$2.00,$2.50&S3.OO. Best IN txc World. W. L. Omzalam S3M9, $3.BOmmt4.9mmtmmn afmsMlvelytho Avs jmato mmtmmmtmtf tspifiOM tme thm mi-'cmhiAmtmrtm, mmmmrm Do you rcaliie that my shoes have been the standard rerorer j SO years, that I make and sell mora sVLOO, S53JS and SVt.QO shots than any other mannfactnrer In the II.S and that DOI tAB FOIt DOLI.AK.I G UAUANTEK MY SHOES to hold their snape.iooKaiiaut oetter,aml wearIoneerthanaByotherA3.no, , 3J0 or S4.00 shoes yon run bar ? Qaality counts. It has I made my shoes THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD. j Yotl will tMflfrt&Mwl vli.n vnn tinvrnv. Ia - m - ' fit and appearance, and when it comes time for yoa to pnr- mfP 3 hae another pair, yon will be more than pleased heeanse iff i ffTl IQTJM i me taw (ibri wore ra wru, ami nve tob CAUTION ! .'.'iilifTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE UToaracslereausotsaw,!, T'ft-JtfijM That Cold Room sSlKaa, JMaWnWsW BWsRJEssssBSfewEVssssssssssf rSnwswsWswswsWswswswHdW Jtw. ""awswBwiw. which can be kept at full or low hest for a short or lone time Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hour, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a book, and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. An artomattolockliio; flame spreater prevents tte wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy 19 remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. ine Burner oody or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be aasen ?n an instant for rewicking. Finished in japsn or nickeL strong, durable, i smsi4a kMits Ims StASSMAA sail siai t!.Ls . J .-.. ffflT T L A ' bmu6 uwu nn auf im, whi jm u(ui sua D$tkn Bmrjmkere. V told ssawanaW- ariaraKwrsjcsrscur snasawp JW Standard Oil Gmpany Hi 1 mum I) ar af t ANOTHER WOMAN CORED ByLydiaEPinkham's Vegetable Compound Black Bock, Minrj."Abrat a jour ego I wrote yoa that 1 was sick and could not do any or my housework. My sickness was called Retroflexion. When 1 would sit down I felt as if I could ot !:et up. I took Adia.Ffnkham's Vegetable Com pound ana aw jnts as yoa ton cow I am perfectly cured, and Bare a hiir babr ot.w Mrs. Axxa Andebsok, Box If, Black Duck, Minn. Consider This Advice. No woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean death, r.ntil she has given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be tte most valuable tonic and invigoratoref the female organism. Women resid ing in almost erery city and town in the United States bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills, and creates radi ant; buoyant female health, lire are ill, for your own sake as well at those you 1076, give it a trial. Mrs. Pinkhara, at Lynn, Mam, invites all sick women to writ ber for advice. Her advice tofree, and always helpful Make the Liver Do its Duty ' tkakleawbeatfelmr.rwkas. fltoaack aad bowek are risk. CARTER'S LITTLE UVERNLL3 endy bat firmly pelaUiyumtoHrimTlK Sick Haadaeko, tad Dittos afar Eatiajv SMintSMlDtMkSMlMM Genaine abaw Signature The par excellence of all KNOWN THE WORLD OVEE MEN AND Kidney troubl upon the mind, discour ages and lessens asnbi- tlon: beauty, vizor Kl wltv& cheerfulness soon pear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For coed re sults use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root th Treat kidney remedy. At drurxists. H pis bottle by mill free, also pamphlet. Address. Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bta?Bartea,ll.T. Al!ca'sUlciTincSaIiicDreC.hronicllvfS.iB l!lcers,orofalns CIcr.VarlP nw.f -Intent Trrs.Mrrarll C!renOfVtiItAwII !nc.MilkLr.FTerSnre.al!Mwm. r falter. BjaallMr. J .PJHXKN.UcplAlt.BU'lllJII PATENTS ts RCrtwan Ws 1bIod.UU. Jknksfrs. Hfcn W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 44-1910. w.u m bocs enmrori. w m uTv. Lawi w rnfrn BnW v Us"?! BMQCv -PsssJaSl BbAiM W8i BSBSBW sjj bttikiT. .JWnWnWnW, i Caw C4rawsBwT ff ITTl iJmTjVK pills. &&!7&t fester m sWam TPjT- Jt aTafafaV IssaM Xfes aw naWassW on the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a lower temperature than tho rest of the house. There are tunes when it is necessary to raise tho temperature quickly or to keep tho temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a Erfectio; raxsTnwi u.LJ-Jil f falTIT 4JswJafer wisWfcry tai Onlm BnUDtenol flSSaCOMJ ytmrs.wrSt far t v .