r' IN AND OUT You should throw out your old-fashioned stove and install a steam or hot water heating system. The ope rating cost of A MODERN HEATER is very small, but their worth is invaluable. We will gladly render plans and estimates for install ing heating systems. We also repair and make ready for the winter's use your present heater. 411-413 W 13th St. Golumbus, Neb ITEMS OF INTEREST SCHUYLKH. From tho Han. Louis Stiibb bad what might have been a Bcrioua accident on Saturday last. While driving his car along the road about two miles southwest of town the machine ran into a ditch turned com pletely over and caught the driver be neath. Aside from a few bruises and a dislocated forearm the patient made his escape and ia up and around. An organization has been formed among the retail merchants of Schuyler to protect themselves against the profes sional deadbeats. The system of the deailheats will be met by a system, ilere-to-fore parties who had accounts with oue merchant anil refused to pay the hill would open an account with an other merchant, and thus go the rounds of every store in town. That cannot be done now. When a merchant is beaten I out of an account he reports t the sec retary of the organization and he m turn reports to all either merchants that that person ih on the blacklist and to re quire cash. This should make th: dead beats come to time, at lonst it will be a great saving to the merchants. SIIKI.HV. From tho Sun. E. S. Mitchell bid his Shelby friends goodbye last Friday and left for Madison to take charge of the station at that place. Mrs. Mitcheil will remain here a hhort time as they have not shipped their households goods yet. Funnel fl in the vicinity of Johnson Bhipped the other day what is supposed to have been tho most valuable carload of farm produce ever sent out of the state. It was a carload of clover seed, which, at the market price of eight dol lars a bushel brought the producers more than $T,00O for the load. Geo. Liebee, who was found on the sidewalk Wednesday evening of last week in an unconscious condition and seriously injured, died about noon on Friday. Just how the accident occurr ed which caused his death will probably never be known, as no one saw him fall and he did not regain consciousness be fore he died. It is belived that he fell from a door leading out from the second story of his rooming house. The remains were taken to Kearney for burial. ALBION. From tho Arena. Uncle Charley Quinlann came down from South Dakota Saturday, lie says they aie dried out in that part of the state. He said Fit. Sackett was busy with his cows and raising turkeys and chickens. As It. W. Stilhnger was going to his home in Boone from here Sunday even ing about 0:30, with bis family and mo ther aboard bis auto, he met with a seri ous accident at the Abe Smith slough. Here the county is putting in a cement bridge and temporarily the public has to go around, cross a temporary bridge and up a pretty steep bluff, or bank In go ing up this last pitch his machine failed to climb it bo ran backward. He applied his brake and it held all right but he says the wheels elid on the grass he guided the car so it went as near endwise FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11 tli Street, . Z97- A. DUSSELL & SON ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES over the bank and about 8 feet down in the ditch as possible. It was a frightful plunge. No one was seriously hart only the mother, who was unconscious for several hours. The next day she was getting over the shock although pretty sore. It is v. marvel that they got out as they did. The car was not badly broken either. UELI.WOOD. From tho (iazettn. Edward Barlean, a farmer living west of Daviil City died Sunday afternoon aa a result of falling from a horse which he was riding. One of his legs was broken and he was injured internally. Word reached Bel I wood Wednesday forenoon that Mrs. Want, who resides on the tableland south of Bell wood, was very ill and not expected to live many days. It seems that on that morning she went out to milk; that her husband followed her some time after and found her lying in a prostrate condition in the barn. Ed Warren, who has been quite ill for some time at the home of his sister at Daviil City, was brought to Iiellwood Sunday last. Shortly after his arrival here he was stricken down with paralysis, which was his second attack, lie linger ed in an unconscious condition nctil Wednesday evening about seven o'clock, when he passed to the beyond. De ceased was the Hon of Oapt. Warren, who formerly owned the farm south of J. 1). Bell's residence, lie was a man who was always held in high esteem by all who became acquainted with him. SILVKK CHEEK. From tho Sand. W. H. McCullough, the well known sheep feeder of Central City, has leased the James Qagan ranch south of the river for the winter and will feed 3,00(1 head of the wolly animals there. While playing teeter-totter last San day afternoon Jefferson, nine year old son of Frank Bump fell and broke both bones of his right arm just above the wrist. He is doing as well as could be expected. This atliiction seems to be catching in the Bump family as it is only a short time since his father suffered a similar injury. Grandpa Levi S. Eby was surprised as you can only surprise a Datchtnan, last Wednesday evening. Some of his neighbors were mean enough to slip np on his back porch just at dark and began to throw things at him. One of the worst parts of it was that his daughter, Mrs. Sam Munger of Columbus, whom he did not known was in the neighbor hood, was one of the party. After the unprovoked as-mlt had allowed Mr.Eby to recover his senses, he iudentifled the most of his neighbors as his assailants, and instead of having them arrested, in vited them into the house and generous ly divided the good things they brought, with the exception of some flne presents presented to the .youngest man of his age in the country, he being only 75 years old that day. Curl oiis. Isn't It curious that when It is one minute after S o'clock It Is past S. when it is thirty minutes after it is only half past 8? Columbus. CENTRAL CITX. From the Nonpareil. Ingratitnde is a vice that is not con fined to the politicians. A womtn in Douglas county, Kansas, reared twenty one children, none of them her own. and when they grew np every one forgot her. 8he is now at the place where she secur ed most of the children This has been a pretty good season for strawberries but it appears to be a better one for stones about them. Lis ten to ibis from the Aurora lfogiBter: "M. D. Haildox, n real estate man of Central City, who was not loug ago a partner of Arthur Bald of this city, has evolved a variety of strawberry that bears a fall as well as a spring crop. He reports a patch of two acres that is now bearing fruit of good size, color and flavor. Sheriff Her received a telegram the first of the week from the warden of the penitentiary at Chester, Illinois, asking him for information regarding Ralph Blakely, who was convicted here last week on the charge of assult and bat tery. The telegram stated that Blakely had been released on parole from the penitentiary, where he had been cent on a charge of committing an assult with intent to kill. Mr. Her has answered the telegram and an officer will be here shortly to take charge of Blakely. Clark Newcomer, one of the commun ity's oldest and most prominentcitizens, died at his home in this city Tuesday night. Mr. Newcomer has been in feeble health for some time, bat about two weeks ago he caught a cold that affected his lungs and from which he was unable to rally. Since moving to town from the farm a year ago he has bad several sick spells, an old bullet wound inflicted in the army giving him much trouble. His brother. Dr. G. W. Newcomer, of Connelsville, Pennsylvan ia, was here at the time of his death, lie settled on a farm about ten miles north of town and for thirty-six years has resided in this county. He was suc cessful in business and acquired consid erable property. About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Newcomer bought property in Central City and retired from active work. r.Kion. From the World. Mrs. Dora Asche and little son left for their home in Maryland last Sunday. The relatives gave them a farewell party at Mackenstedl'ii on Saturday evening. While shelling corn last Friday, Wm. Mueller, a Stanton county -farmer, cau ght his right hand in the shelter while crowding corn in the machine and had it entirely cat off. The arm was so bad ly lacerated that Dr. E. C. Underberg, of Stanton, amputated it two inches be low the elbow. Mr. Mueller is a renter, is about 35 years old and has a wife and three young children. More evidence of California climate in Nebraska has been brongbt to oar notice this week. Encouraged by the extreme ly warm weather which we are enjoying this fall, the raspberry bashes in the garden at the home of John Wurdeman have seen tit to "blossom anil bring forth fruit," and any number of ripe berries may be found on them. Now if some one will present us with a boquet of June roses we shall alter our plans im mediately and decide not to go to Cali fornia to spend the winter. While on his way to Olarkson last Saturday afternoon Louis Stabb met with an auto accident which might have cost him his life. At the John Wulls chleger corner he made a sudden turn which upset the machine causing it to torn over twice. The auto was being driven at a high rate to speed and Louis was pinned underneath. Members of the Wullschleger family went to his as sistance and he was brongbt to town for medical care. Louis is indeed for tunate in escaping with only a dislocated elbow, altbongh his machine is pretty badly broken up. FOR BALD HEADS. A Trcatmeut That Costs Nothing if it Fails We want you to try three large bottles of Bexall "93" Hair Tonic on our per sonal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does not give yon absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Resell "W Hair Tonic will grow hair on bald beads?, except where bald ness has been of such long duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead, the follicles closed and grown over, and the scalp is glazed. Bemember, we are basing our state ments upon what has already been accomplished by the use of Bexall "93" Hair Tonic, and we have the right to assume that what it has done for thous ands of others it will do for you. In any event you cannot lose anything by giv ing it a trial on oar liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Bemember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store the Rexall store. Pollock & Co., corner 13th and North streets. Prompt Punishment of a Liar. Years ago the courthouse in San Francisco fronted the old Plaza. A trial was In progress, and counsel for the defendant was cross examining the plaintiff. An earthquake shook the chandeliers and dislodged some of the celling. Judge, jurors, witnesses and spectators rushed for the door; hut. finding that the seismic disturb ance was over, they returned. "You can proceed with the cross ex amination of the witness," said the judge. "Pardon me, your honor," said coun sel for the defendant, "but after the late exhibition of the displeasure of the Almighty at the lies this witness was telling I do not care to further Invoke divine wrath. I will ask him no more questions." Los Angeles Times. bbbbfsbbbbbbbbb'sbbs BBBBVBh.s'BBBBuBBB KPZa BBaBBE!? .'BBSSBhr aH BBBvSBBb .SBBBBBWBBBM HSSSSSSSSSmSBSSSSSSSW- 1(31 BBuIIIwP'IBbTJIi'IIbbi lul iHlniil BBsl bbf BBBBBBBBBBBBbbbb XBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs! M WM IIJ This is the IS ( Q chief Of) (ffi requisite Op On for making Ofl jl Perfect ($ m Bake Day jl ($ Foods, ($ ROYAL ROAR OF BIG GUNS. The Effect Upon the Nerves and the Sense of Hearing. One of the penalties attendant on firing off big guns is deafness. So sure is this penalty- to be exacted that, it is asserted, no man can go through a long series of gunnery practice with out having his hearing affected. A stranger on deck who hears a big gun speak for the first time will not soon forget the stunning report. One gun is enough to startle n stran ger, but the shattering effect of the whole armament when in action to gether can hardly be conceived. The strain upon nerves andenses when the rending concussion takes place is ter rible. There is not a great difference lie tween the effect of the big guns and that of the smaller pieces, strange as It may seem. If the visitor places himself beside one of the smaller guns and then listens to the roar of the big one, the sound will not appear much louder than that of the gun by his side. The extra distance to the muzzle of the big piece discounts the sound. The only apparent difference between the two will Imj that the smaller piece has a sharper, higher pitched tone, and that the big guns speak with a more bellowing roar. If one watches the firing of the gun the crash has not such a startling ef fect as when it comes unexpectedly. Loud as it Is. nature has prepared the watcher to resist tho shock which he knows Is impending. Exchange. IN OUR NEW HOME In the Meridian Annex You will find us better equipped that ever to attend to your wants in Electric Lighting and Electric Irons Let us wire your house Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. Baking Powder (SI Absolutely Pate ffil IB The only Baking fn) litl d j j In) jIk rowder made Jlcj IB) from Royal Grape W nE Cream of Tartar SK JR made from grapes If91 jK No Lime Phosphate 3r KbVbb'NbbbbbwI". V rV" . srrf mju &? sal Laflbi..; FiC BBBBBBBBBBBbVBBBBBBBBBbS ?Sf BSSB&VHBBBBBBBBBBKa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBvRVVMiBBBBBBra BBBBBBBBBT- BBBBB&4KVt aF"W bbbbbbbbbb&xHbbbbC- Jv JKwbbSbWI XONROK. From the Kepablicaa. Mr and Mrs. John Sacrider and son Mel return tti to their home in David City .Monday, atlt-r a visit with their daughter, Mrs. U. Lieber. Gement walks are on tohtlniili m front of the old hard wart ato t ro huh. now owned by II. A. Hanson, which will go quite a wnyn tmtnrd c-omnlrtwg th lineof turnout, walk mi thtt side of itio; street. El.'u Willimns ami family arrived last Sftiurd) from Zeal. S. D., mid will make Monro their home fur the present. K'Iib it l'guin employ. I in Franklin's store, and they will move to town as sonn as they cm secure it buns. Albert S'dine, son of John Stline.died Thursday morning iu Colorado, where he has bet-it in tLe hope that he might stay the ravage of consumption. This ia the third death in the family in the last few months, two sisters of the deceased being taken by the stum disease. Wm. Webster, who has been attend ing the Bankers' convention at Los Angeles, Cal , returned this week ac companied by Mr. Webster and the children. Mrs. Webster, who has been in the west for her health for some time, returns much improved and Will reports a bice outing during the trip. Will Talhilzer returned Wednesday from Chicago, where he underwent an operation for his injured knee. At pre sent the injured member is incased in a rubber stocking, and while there has been some improvement, the chances are that he will have to undergo another operation before he is able to resume work. PLATTE CBNTKH From the Sicaal. The majority of farmers hereabouts are gathering their corn this week. The corn is not in the beat condition for crib bing, owing to the lateness of frosts, but the time for harvesting it is here and for fear of bad weather next month they are getting busy. Fred Meyer last Saturday left at the Signal office a freak stalk of corn which was grown on his farm in Shell Creek township. This stalk contains three good sized, well developed and matured ears of corn. In addition another ear had started and developed to the silking stage. Two well developed ears on one stalk ia a rare occurence, but three ears is something few corn raisers ever wit nessed. An important business change ook place in Platte Center last week, the Glodowaki Brothers disposing of their hardware ami implement stock to Homer Robinson, of Columbus. The doors were locked Monday morning and in voice, which will probably take all the week, is being tnken. The Glodowskis took a quarter lection of land, northeast of Oolumbns, in the deal. Mr. Robinson says he does not intend to conduct the business hiuiMtlf but will have a man here to attend to it. The Glodowskis have not yet determined what they will do. FOR DISPEPSIA. You Risk Nothing by Trying This Remedy. We want every one troubled with in digestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets. They contain Bismntb Subnitrate ami Pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe the irritable, weak stomaoh, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutri tion and bring about a feeling of com fort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets a reasonable trial we will return your money if you are not satisfied with the result Three Bizes, 25 cents. 60 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at the Rexall store. Pollock & Co , corner lath and North streets. REINDEER IN LAPLAND. They Furnish the People With Shelter, Clothing and Food. Some people have said that the rein deer of the northern regions is to the Inhabitants of those countries what the horse, cow and sheep together are to the dwellers In southern lands, and very probably they are right. What would the Laplander lie were he de prived of his favorite? How could he travel without his pair of reindeer harnessed to his sledge? The reindeer has large black hoofs, behind which are false or secondary hoofs: the result is that when running they make a clattering sound, which may be heard a good distance away. The reindeer has much endurance and takes n long Journey without seeming tired, though It Is only about four and a half feet in height and not very strong. Its horns are long and slender, with branched, rounded antlers, but they are not much used in combat. like those of some other deer. The largest reindeer are found where the weather Is coldest, and their color Is lighter. Usually It is brown and white, but In the case of old animals the hair Is sometimes quite white. From the skin of the reindeer the Lap landers get not only their clothes, but also bedding and tents; the milk Is drunk and made into cheese and the flesh Is also good to eat, the tongue and haunches being particularly liked. Pemmlcan, an Important article of food. Is made by pouring fat over the pounded meat and mixing them well together. St Louis Globe-Democrat. ttogey. Stranger I say, my lad, what Is considered a good score on these links? Caddie Well, sir, most of the gents here tries to do it In as few strokes as they can, but It generally takes a few more. Scottish Americas. BOYS' STOCKINGS AND GIRLS TOO for that matte easvsMesB. "IRON CLAD S9fVC K WCaV They are aaawetaa variety f wcl wajwaJKIes fee r flMs asMf I r KW BS SSMMSMf We keep the GENUINE t i seal the ft "ST.JOEKisrr Every tox bears wTaT HiBniv SMwV belww. Askfer For sale by J. H. GALLEY 505 Eleventh Street COLUMBUS, NEB. OLD ENGLISH BOXERS. Hired to Prevent Trouble at Gtorae IV.'s Coronation. Boxing was introduced into England In the earlier part of the eightieth century, its first practitioner being John ltroughtou. who kept a booth for exhibitions iu Tottenham Court road. London, and rules were drawn up Aug. 10. 1743. The vogue was due to the decline of sword combat exhibi tions In the reign of Civorge I. Brougb ton himself was the first who stood In the position of champion, a distinction which he htld for eighteen years, but eventually he was knocked out by a butcher named Slack. Brougkton was n great pet of the Duke of Cumber laud, who took the pugilist with him to Berlin, when he declared himself ready to take on the entire regiment of grenadier guards there "if he were only allowed a breakfast between each two battles." The English fighter Tom Cribb once secured a very remarkable engage ment. Just lfore the coronation of Goorge IV. certain sympathizers with Queen Caroline bragged that on the day of the ceremonial they would make matters warm In the neighbor hood of Westminster abbey, and this reached the ears of the earl marshal. That high functionary sought an in terview with the pugilist "Gentleman" Jackson, who taught Lord Byron to box. Jackson got together some two dozen bruisers. Besides Crlbb, the band In cluded John Gully. In turn fighting man, racing man, colliery proprietor and member of parliament. Thpy were attired as king's pages and gathered about the abbey doors. There was no trouble. Chicago News. The Man Behind the Message. The value of a tiling depend- largely upon who says it. Words may be bul lets, but character must be the jwwdor at the back of them to give them pro jectile force. The man behind the mes sage is as important as the man lehind the gun. By Comparison. Singleton I understand you had a pretty lively time at the club last night. Wedmore I thought so until I got home. Boston Transcript. Virtue is like a rich jewel host plnin set. Bacon. Rt":s88& &E r..'T. f.rrirrd .-&.! rJSSSSBWf' 'S2iBSBh3irxrAh' aTSsBBBBBBSK-'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBB lWm&'l isaSSBBBBBBBBaWKlMi MQBBMBHHBKt. fltsssssssssssssssH tiSRJ ty e " 'iJWsBBBBBiaBaWaBJJaya3auBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTC?SSBav kfBHBvBSSBSSSSSSBSSSBaH Hrap&wsBBssHMHaHn rarC9HBSSSBb9fliBSw2SSSB JEM -SiitXP JtJJWJSL HER GREAT CROPS AND WEALTH Send these figures to your friends in the east. They will interest them. The first railroad to bnild in Nebraska wns the Union Pacific: that was in 1SC3. Todty the Union Pacific covers 3,411 miles of splendid roadbed, safeguarded by an automatic electric system of sig nals. More than 2C.O00 freight and passen ger cars and 1,000 monster locomotives arc required to meet the public demands. An army of men receives millions per year in wages. Such activities are important factors in the building up of a state, and Nebr aska needs prosperous railroads as the Union Pacific needs the support of the people of Nebraska. We have a book on Nebraska nnd its resources which will be mailed to some friend in the East for the asking Please send us his address. Every Union Pacific ticket office is a bureau of railroad information. Make your wants known there or write tome. GERRIT FORT Traltl Oaaakaw Mas. The - wU toys wfatcr WCSfi Flight. -Would yon mfce $10,000 to fly frost Albany to New York? Why not? Our cashier tosk osly ai.iMKi to rty to Enron." COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire cboios steak, and the very beet outs of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and flab and oysters in sew on. S.E MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - CTolssibua(Nsb. TMETIILE WKST No. 11 BOUND. .... H am .... 128 a ui ,...10:2Siiiii ....IlilSsm .... a.-or. pm .... tiii& p iu .... r,io p in .... a'pni ....11:10 a iu ... 11:20 nm .... HiMpra ... 225 pm BAST No. 4 .... No. 12.... No. 14.... No. .. No. IB.... No. 10.... No. IS.... Nt. 2 .... No.Zi.... No. 20.... No. 24 No. 8 .... BOUND. .... 4:32am ... le-JJpm .... &:34am .... 2:46 pm .... 2:18 pat .... 3.-03 p ib .... 5:Spm ... 80pra .... tsSOpn .... 340 pm .... 7:12 m m .... S:16pm No. No. 13.... "J '"' No. No. 17 No. 15..... No. 3 .. No. 5 .... No. 21.... No.l.... No. (..... No. 7 . . . BBAMCaXS. KOBFOLK. SFALDINO A ALBION. No.70raxd..d6MBB No. 31 pas ..dlJOpn No.32pa ..al2JSpK No.80mxd..a7pH No.77mxil. i) 7:20am No. 20 pas ..d 7.00pm No. 30 pan ..a 1:10 pm No. 78 mx(I..aB:10 pm Daily except Sunday. not: Noa. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare traiaa. No. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paawaoere. Noh. 58 and 59 are local freights. Noa. 9 and 16 are mail traiaa only. No 14 due in Omaha 4:43 p.m. No. 6 dna in Omaha 38 p. m. e. 1. 1 1. Tim Tablt No. 22, Pn8. (daily ex. Banday) leave.... ? 55 a m m ."kjk-sti ,fy Unimproved Land $ 19,000,000 Improved Land 145,000,000 Horw9, Cattle, Hogs. tc . . . . 133.000.000 Alfalfa crop. ., 14,000.000 Oat crop 22,500,000 Wheat crop 37,266,000 Corn crop 89,00o,000 Dairy and Poultry 63,000.000 Buttsr 28.000,000 Uaycrop 41,000,000 nebrAsi -V tn A Hfl :.-.-:.j--5asi?Bi- r.iBiaata'..KviA cau a uauzKr.-'2 ,bwbbbbbbv?;b- ; r writ IWfl.JBBBBBBBBWK&'iSrl I 1