The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1910, Image 4

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ffiolumlms goitmal.
Columbus. NYi.
Consolidated with the Columbus Times April
1. 19M; with the Platte County Argaa January
nrMr4af thft Postnffin.f7ilnm-n UK, .
TBBHS oreDBBOBIPTIov sull, poataa prepaid f!.M
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For U. S. Senator
For ConKrefaaiiiHU, Third District
For Governor
For Lieutenant-Governor
For Secretary of Stato
For Auditor
For Attorney General
For Land Comminsioner
For Treasurer
For Superintendent Inittruclion
For Bailroad Coinmitwioner
Foi State Senator
For State Bepreventativo
For County Attorney
For Supervisor. Ointrirt No. 3
Perhaps the greatest compliment
that cau be paid to a state official un
der the present primary law of Ne
braska is his nomination for re-election
without a content so far as his political
party is concerned. This recognition
of efficiency has been tendered to Silas
R. Barton by his party affiliate?, and
is a well merited compliment to his
conduct of the office of auditor of pub
lic accounts. Mr. Barton has done
much, in the insurance department of
his office, for the protection of the in
sured and has not hesitated to incur
the displeasure of wealthy corjiora
tions who sought to evade the law ami
operate in spite of the state law that is
intended to compel insurance com
panies to cany on their business in a
manner that insures the insured in
case of a loss by (ire, or his beneficiar
ies in case of life insurance. As the
official who is required to scrutinize
all expenditures for the upkeep of the
state institutions, he has exercised
diligence and has inaugurated a sys
tem of uniformity in this department
that simplifies to a marked degree the
records of this office in this particular.
Personally, Mr. Barton is a plain, gen
ial, straightforward business man and
his excellent past as a public servant
should make him an easy winner for
another official term. Tilden Citizen.
In Washington lives John Lane, a
descendant on his father's side of an
old Virginia family, and on his moth
er's side of an old New England fam
ily. Mr. Lane is 86 years of age.
For some years he has liked to puzzle
people whom he met by telling them
that he was the only living person who
ever saw George Washington. Now as
Washington died in 1799 and as Mr.
Lane is 86 years old, it can be under
stood that persons to whom the state
ment of having seen George Washing
ton was made were naturally incredul
ous and looked on their informant as
either being something of a joker or as
beiag something which they did not
care to mention when facing him.
When the old Virginian has excited
curiosity or incredulity to the highest
pitch he will make explanation.
When he was a boy of about 10 years
. he was standing on the road in George
town when a Mount Vernon stage
coach passed. The driver knew the
boy and asked him it he wanted a ride.
He did, and he climbed up and took
his seat beside the driver and stuck
there all the way to Mount Vernon.
It happened that at the time of their
arrival the body of Washington was
being moved from the old tomb to the
new one, and in order to make sure
that the ghouls who had entered the
old sepulcher sometime before had not
disturbed the remains of the Father of
His Country the coffin was opened and
the boy Lane was lifted up to look up
on the face of the "First American."
'So it is that today Mr. Lane can say
truthfully that he is the only living
person who ever saw George Washing
ton. Everybody else who was present
at the removal of the remains died
long ago. Washington Letter to the
Chicago Evening Post
The Hitchcock-Bartley exposure
occupies the attention of the public
around here almost to the exclusion of
everything else. It is the topic of
conversation wherever two or more
people congregate. And one feature
of the awful confession made by Mr.
Hitchcock, whether he borrowed stale
money or Bartley money, showed a
streak that does not belong in a United
States senator. That feature is tbi.-:
After admitting that he had borrowed
money from Bartley, that the state
treasurer had come to his assistance
at a time when the wolves were howl
ing at the door of the World-Herald
office, when he knew not where to
secure bread for his family, when star
vation and ruin was on every hand
and the gifts of his relatives were
about to be swept away from him, and
his aristocratic head was about to le
bowed down in poverty and want, he
appealed to republican state treasurer,
Joseph S. Baitley, for help. He
appealed not in vain. Bartley advanc
ed the. money. The wolf was scared
away, the Omaha editor took on new
life and his business prospered. His
family was fed and he took his place
among the wealthy men of the day.
Then hard times fell upon Bartley.
Those whom he had saved from finan
cial ruin came not to his rescue. They
saw him carried to the state prison, a
convict scarred for life; taken from his
home and from his family. And as
Joseph S. Bartley grew pale and thin
in his prison cell which he could have
filled with those who had helped to
place him there by being partners in
his crime. Gilbert M. Hitchcock
prospered and grew rich.
Bartley fought his way out of- prison.
He needed money just as Gilbert M.
Hitchcock needed money. He appeal
ed to Mr. Hitchcock to pay back that
which he owed him.
He appealed in vain. Gilbert M.
Hitchcock knew him not. When the
request was made for a settlement and
the note signed by Hitchcock present
ed to him, he repudiated it. He defied
Joseph S. Bartley to bring suit for its
collection. He threatened him with
criminal libel should suit be brought
to collect it.
"The debt is outlawed," was the rea
son Hitchcock advanced for his refit
sal to help the man who had saved
him from poverty, his family from
disgrace and made it possible for him
to live and succeed. Bartley was in
sore straits, and the opulent Mr.
Hitchcock, made opulent by the gen
erosity of the state treasurer, forctd
this man who had served a term in
prison with his lips securely sealed, to
take only a small portion of the amount
due, in exchange for the Hitchcock
Hitchcock, the democratic candi
date for United States senator, the
editoi of the World-Herald, the much
talked of head of investigating com
mittees; Hitchcock, the moralist, made
his own statement that the note Bart
ley held was outlawed. He gave that
as his defense for not paying it, A
debt that was contracted at a time
when he admitted his credit was bad;
money that he admitted saved him
from bankruptcy.
"Hitchcock is not made of the stuff
of which our United States senators
should be," said a prominent democrat
today, in discussing the exposure. "I
may have overlooked his borrowing
money from a state treasurer; that
debt was contracted in hard times
when many others were borrowiug.
But I could never overlook his refusal
to pay back the money because the
debt had been outlawed. Ingratitude
is the basest of sins. Had Hitchcock
been a man he would have worked his
fingers off to pay that debt. Bartley
saved him from disgrace and frorr
ruin. Hitchcock with the start Bart
ley gave him, got rich and could have
paid every dollar of that debt and not
injured his fortune. But he refused.
He pleaded the statute of limitation.
Just think of it! He, when rich,
refused to (.ay to a poor man a debt
he owed because it had been outlawed.
His own confession damns him. The,
voters of Nebraska surely will never
assist such a man as that to a seat in
the United States senate. Lincoln
correspondent of Omaha Bee.
Her First Poem.
She was one of those soft eyed maid
ens, sweetly innocent, shy and gentle.
She was unaccustomed to newspaper
offices, but. being ambitious, she man
aged to And enough, courage to try
'winning an editor's sympathy, sym
pathy to be expressed by the accept
ance of her poem.
"I have here," she said demurely; "a
little verse I've composed. I really
don't know what you'll think of It.
Tou may not like It at all. but It's my
first that is. the first I've ever writ
ten for a newspaper and I'd be very
pleased indeed If you honestly thought
it was good."
The editor kept at his work, now and
then scowling, but not at the young
woman especially.
"It's about a maiden tripping o'er
the lea," she continued.
"What was the trouble?" asked the
man behind the paper. "Couldn't she
lift her feet:-" Philadelphia Times.
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I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Auditor of State. Two
years ago, as an auditor of public accounts, I was an experiment; having
served you two years my service tells the story of whether or not the office
has been filled to your satisfaction.
As president and member of the Banking Board, I have done my
best to maintain sound banking conditions. This work, of necessity, must
be done in a quiet way but I feel quite positive that, if you could scruti
nize the work of this department it would meet with your approval.
The bond department, which is one of the departments of this office,
has had before it many complex questions and at times we have been
compelled on account of error to have entire issues revoted. I firmly
believe that every issue that has passed through this department will
stand the scrutiny of the lust courts in the land.
The county treasurer examiners who comprise one department have
brought to my desk complicated conditions and we have succeeded in
getting questionable matters adjusted; today we have our examinations
well within the legal limit and, if re-elected, I mean to bring the
examinations down to a yearly period.
The printing board, of which I am secretary, has let the contracts for
the Plate printing to the loweUrootidibIe bidder, as the records of this
department will show. The bills have been audited with care and the
interests of the state safe-guarded.
The state or expert nccoiiutatii under my direction has audited the
several stale institutions and, in my bi ennial report, recommendations for
improvement will be stiggeted without fear r favor.
As a member of the board of equalization, whose duty it is to assess
the corporations, my vote has been dictated solely by my judgment and I
rest on the written record which is ojh'ii to inspection.
As insurance commissioner I have, through my examiners, examined
closely into the conditions of our insurauce companies and where evil and
wrong were found, used corrective measures without giving the matter
publicity, believing that a man who accomplishes these beneficial results
without tearing down institutions and men, or creating distrust in the
minds of the people, has done more foe his constituency and his state than
the one who, to upbuild himself, wrecks men and institutions.
I have freely exercised the right of the department to decline to
admit companies whose standing was unsatisfactory and to revoke the
license of unscrupulous insurance agents. Quite a few names adorn the
"black list" in my office and as long as I am Auditor of State I shall
enforce this right, believing that a certificate from this department should
be a certificate of honesty as well as a right to do business.
We feel in this department that we have accomplished much for the
insuring public and the insurance agents and companies and firmly be
lieve that our work has met with the approval of the great majority who
are honest men and honest institutions.
Thanking you for the honor conferred in entrusting me with this
important position, I am, most respectfully,
A well known Kansas man is mak
ing speeches in the east and a copy of
a paper printed in New Hampshire,
containing extracts from one of his
addresses, has been received by the la- j
bor and capital editor of the Gazette.
The speech was fiery aud eloquent,
and the country really must be in n
bad way if half what this Kansas ora
tor says is true. He claims, among
other things, that a poor man can't get
justice in the courts, which are con
trolled by capital. The poor man, in
fact, is getting the cleaver, coming and
There is no such thing as jus !
tice for him.
There are many orators preaching
that doctrine, year after year, and the
poor men who hear them are forced to j
the conclusion that their faces are be
ing ground by iron heels.
There is a better doctrine that
should be preached by silver-tongued
orators. It is not sensational, but it
has the merit of being based upon
truth. This doctrine is that the poor
man who is industrious, and minds his
own business will get along all right.
If a man applies himself to his work,
with all his energy, his services will be
valued highly, and paid for according
ly. He will be promoted from time
to time and, if he is economical and
sensible, prosperity is sure to come to
him, and he won't need to lose any
sleep over the bugaboos conjured up
by impassioned orators.
The statement that the poor man
can get no justice in the courts needs
a lot of corroborative evidence. But
even if it were true, the poor man
shouldn't walk the floor because of it
The man who is industrious, and at
tends to his own business, seldom has
anything to do with the courts. Near
ly all the litigation in this country
rises from the fact that people don't J
attend to their own business. There
is too great a disposition to meddle,
to interfere with other people. If a
man keeps his own dooryard cleau he
doesn't need to worry about the condi
tion of the landscape on the other side
of the fence.
When you see a man who has ac
hieved prosperity, and built himself a
comfortable home, and raised a happy
family, you see one who minds his own
business, and refuses to shy at bogie
men. Erujvoria Gazette.
Horse lovers will be glad to learn
that lhe fcprtciit uf agriculture is
to maae au tiort to restore the old
Morgan stock of horses, at present
practically extinct. The present gen-
eratiu" knuW3 ,iu,e nothing of the
Morgan", but those of the gen
eratiou immediately heibre, during and
after the war will recall this breed of
horses as among the most useful and
valuable for general purposes that this
country has ever had. The breed
originated in Vermont, by Justin
Morgan, for whom the breed was
named. The Morgan was a close
built, round barreled, clean limbed,
fine necked, handsome headed, intel
ligent looking animal of about 1,200
pounds when in good flesh, deep round
hoof, flat leg, fine mane and tail, good
sPry gilt hardy as a bison, never
known to flinch or fear: in color, a
handsome chestnut sorrel, with only a
white spot in the forehead. Soon after
the war came the development of the
speed bug, and our handsome Morgan
was bred into lines for speed, with the
result that before many years the old
Justin Morgan stock of horses had be
come so dispirited in a stock of indiff
erent roadsters and utility horses
that gradually it became lost alto
gether, and this country has never had
his equal since, as can be verified by
any horse lover who knew the Morgan
in his prime. Atchison Globe.
Congressman Latta is taking ad
vantage of his ranking privilege by
mailing free of postage thousands of
letters to.his constituents compliment
ingthe great scientific work being
doue by the agricultural department
of the government in the interest of
the farmer. But, notwithstanding
this good work lieiog doue by the
agricultural department in the inter
est of his farmer constituents, when the
appropriation bill carrying appropria
tion of $4,000,000 for the maintenan
ce of the agricultural department
came before the last session of con
gress, Mr. Latta immediately move I
(Cong. Rec, page 1301) to strike out
the only item in the bill for carrying
on this work in the state of Nebraska,
amounting to the sum of only $18,000,
to do experimental work iu propagat
ing and growing trees on the sandy
land in this state. Mr. Latta voted
for this motion and but for the vigilant
efforts of the other members of con
gress from this state, the item would
have gone out of the bill, and the
great state of Nebraska would have
received no direct benefit whatever
from experimental work along this
line from the agricultural department.
Wouldn't it be better to send a man
to congress whose vote will be record
ed in favor of the farmer when needed,
rather than to have a man there who
will vote against his own state and
then use his frauking privilege to tell
his constituents how they are being
benefited by a department he attempt
ed to cripple with his vote? These
letters going out just before election
would convince any unbiased person
that Banker Latta is really looking
more for his own personal interests
than he was to those of the Nebraska
farmer when, he voted against them in
congress on this measure, the postal
savings bank bill and the railroad bill.
Norfolk Daily News, Sept. 24.
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Frank Schram, our republican can
didate for representative of the Twenty-Fifth
district, Platte and Nance
counties, is aged 34 years, of German
parentage, born and raised in Colum
bus, Platte county, Nebraska. Present
occupation, traveling salesman. He
is opposed to "County Option," for the
reason that he believes that the pres
ent Slocum law when properly enforc
ed, is a sufficient regulation of the
liquor traffic. He furthermore believes
that the temperate use of liquors is a
matter of education rather than coer
cive legislation. He signed "State
ment No. 1," promising to vote for the
peoples choice for United States sena
tor. He is making an aggressive
campaign on the issues as he sees them
and is fearless in stating his position.
He has cards out, printed in three
different languages and is giving them
wide circulation. While we do not
just agree with him in all issues, we
glory in a man who stands out for his
own convictions aud with them is
willing to rise or fall. He solicits
your consideration.
The Leech as a aremeter.
A leech confined In a glass jar of
water will prove an excellent weather
prophet. If the weather is to con
tinue Hue the leech lies motionless at
the bottom of the vial aud rolled to
gether in a spiral form. If it Is to
rain, either before or after noon, it is
found to have crept up to the top of
its lodging and there remains till the
weather Is settled. If we are to have
wind toe prisoner wriggles through bis
limpid habitation with amazing swift
ness and seldom rests till it begins to
blow hard. If a remarkable storm of
thunder and rain is to succeed the
leech gives itself up to violent throes
and convulsive motions. In frost, as
In clear summer weather. It lies con
stantly at the bottom, and in snow, as
In rainy weather. It pitches its dwell
ing on the very mouth of the jar.
African Grosbscks.
The social grosbecks of South Africa
live in large societies. They select a
tree of considerable size and literally
cover it with a grass roof, under which
their common dwelling Is constructed.
Tbe roof serves the double purpose of
keeping off the heat and the rain, and
400 or GOO pairs of birds are known to
have tbe same shelter. The nests In
this aerial dwelling are built in regu
lar streets and closely resemble rows
of tenement bouses.
A Financial Gsnius.
"He Is a financial genius. In a res
taurant tbe other day be spilled a cup
of coffee over a fellow's gray trou
sers." "And got out of paying for them,
"Why, he talked the other fellow
into paying for the coffee."
f .
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Transacting Business
The loneliness of the sick room, and the
convalescent's bed has been dispelled lor
thousands by Bell Telephones in every part
of the country.
The Bell System today meets the social and busi
ness needs of twenty-five millions of people for
a telephone service that is united, direct and
Curious Lighthouse of the Republic ef
San Salvador.
The republic of San Salvador, on the
Pacific side of Central America, is the
only government on earth that collects
lighthouse fees on account of a vol
cano that It owns.
The volcanic beacon Is about eight
miles Inland from the port of Acajutla
and Its pillar of cloud by day and its
fire sky night are visible for many
miles out at sea. It erupts every seven
minutes and Is just as accurate as any
revolving light that warns mariners in
any part of the world. This volcano
has been keeping up this seven min
ute series of eruptions ever since any
one can remember. It is a favorite
amusement of visiting gringoes to sit
by the hour during the lazy afternoons
and. watch in band, time the eruptions
until they tire of the amusement and
fail asleep.
Every vessel that puts In at Aca
jutla and It Is quite an Important port
of call along that part of the coast
has to pay its lighthouse fee. There- is
no other lighthouse than the volcano,
but that is a sufficient excuse for the
government of Salvador to make a
charge for Its services. The explosions
that accompany the eruptions sound
like detonations of heavy charges or
dynamite, but arc not sufficient to
rhake the ground perceptibly more
than a mile or two from the summit of
the crater. At night there Is a spurt of
fire, a muffled report and a cloud of
steam. By day only the steam Is vis
ible. New York Press.
Personally conducted excursions first and third Tuesdays
SOIL. The soil is rich, very deep, and ia alluvial in character, of grayish
brown loam that yields tremendous returns. This soil is not limited to any one
crop but is showing remarkable results on widely diversified prodace. Every
thing prospers here, wheat, oat, barley, alfalfa, sugar, beet, potatoes; garden
vegetables, apples, and all small fruits, as well as live atnek, poultry and bees."
CLIMATE. The climate is especially attractive here and settlers are fast
coming into this desirable country.
GOVERNMENT AUCTION SALE.-Ask about the Government Auc
tion Sale of Crow Indian Lands. One-fifth cash. No residence required.
FREE LITERATURE. If yon want to share in the magnificent opportu
nities that this country offers, yon should lore n linn in Fending for free liter
ature prepared by the Burlington Kailioad. Write tiidy.
Magazine Biding
aaVJ bsbTsI
I Old Books I
I Rebound I
I In fact for anything in tbe book I
I binding line bring your work to I
I &?e I
I Journal Office I
I Phone 184 I
1 I
Nebraska Telephone Co.
Local Manager
A Tree Climbing Dee
a Liivprtiini-iif official In Bavaria con-
" r -------
j nectert with the forestry department
has u wonderful dog. which u as clev
er at climbing trees us u cat. If his
master fastens a handkerchief up In
the trcctoits the animal will clamber
up after it iu the uimblest way and
never fulls to brine; It down. Qe was
taught by his mother, who was famous
as a trei climber. The clever animal
has won several medals by bis ex
traordinary talent and takes particular
delight Iu climbing sliver birches, not
the easiest tree In the world to scale,
for the trunk Is particularly smooth
and slippery. Wide World Magazine.
Sometimes Gets Embroidered.
Scandal is the oue thing that never
gets worn out at the edges by bring
passed around. Chicago Record-Herald.
He Is happiest who renders the great
est number happy. Desraalns.
in tiik msTKurr :ouirr ok I'Lattk
In the matter of the mtato of Kret-umn M. ;k-
intchnai deceiuietl.
Notice i hereby gi veo that in n reliance of nn
order of the District C'oart of I'kMte county,
Nebraska, raatl oa the Had tier of October.
Mil), for the sale of thm real etaU hereiaarter
ilescribetL The antleraijrBed will aell at pahlic
vendue tthehiht bidder foresail at the front
itoor of th Court Hootto is the city of Cnlatnlxia.
in I'Intte county. Nebraska, on the 25th day of
November. WW, at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. iu..
the following described real estate, to-wit:
The north half (N. 4) of Lots numbered live
(S) and six (ft) in Block Bomber eighteen US)
in l.ockner'e second addition to the village of
Humphrey, Nebraska, said property will be sold
as one parcel.
Administratrix of the estate of Freeman M.
Cookinghaoi, deceased.
D. CLEM DEflVER. Otntral Agent
Land Makers Marmatlvii Bureau
1004 Farnam Strett. Omaha. Nafcr.