1 ) I . 1 I Columbus Journal STROTHER & STOCKWELL, Pubs COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. RIWRKRRKKKKKKIUUUUEIUtttlttUni M I.IIIUIIHMni IIIIU1 5 X M S NEWS AND NOTES AND THERE. HERE 3 i PERSONAL UNO POLITICAL i S Other Matters of Interest Con- S densed From the More JJ Important Telegrams. Bmwinaoiaiy4iaoiaictfyaiimi Washington. Nebraska pensions granted: John dock, $15; Andrew J. Miller. $15; Al fred Nye. $20; Carrie M. Peters. $12; Abram Sutherland, $15; David Voris, $20. The secretary of the interior has designated 1G7.000 acres of land in Wyoming as being subject to dispo sition under the provision of the en larged homestead act. The land is in townships 48 to 51, north, range 100 to 102 west. Up to date a little over 17,(100.000 acres of land in this state have been designated under this act. When the time comes to recognize the new Portuguese republic, expressly or impliedly, or to refuse to recognize it, there are ample precedents to gov ern America's course. This govern ment would accord recognition by writ ten or oral declaration, by entering into negotiations, by dispatch or re ception of diplomatic agents, by ex change of consuls or by formation of conventional relations. Special Examiner Matthews of the Interstate Cotmnsrce commission will arrive in Omaha. October 13 and hold a hearing and take testimony in the following cases now pending before the commission: McShanc Lumber Company vs. Houston, El Paso & Western Texai Railway Company; Sunderland Brothers vs. Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern; C. Koehler Com pany, et al.. "3. Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy Railway company; C. B. Hav ens Company vs. Chicago & North western; Fremont Commercial Club s. -xicago, Burlington & Quincy. Foreign. A Lisbon dispatch to a news agency in Loudon says that Great Britain lias recognized the republic of Portu gal. The emperor and empress of Ger many gave a state banquet conclud ing the celebration of the centenary of the University of Berlin. The lords in waiting and court no tables who accompanied the king of Portugal to Gibraltar have returned to Lisbon, the king expressing a de sire to b alone in exile. King Manuel is engaged in the preparation of a manifesto for distri bution to the press of Europe setting forth his side concerning the revolu tion. The manifesto will not be pub lished until some time after the Ling's arrival in England. Spanish monks and nuns who have fled from Lisbon are arriving at Vi go. Babajoz and other points on the frontier. At Badajoz. on the order of a bishop the nuns are succored at the Carmelite convent. Owing to pending legislation affecting the re ligious orders, the influx of refugees is embarrassing to the Spanish gov ernment. Japanese and Chinese newspapers received at Victoria, B. C. contained accounts of unrest in Hunan. The Siangtan correspondent of the north China Herald telegraphed news of an anti-foreign outbreak following the spreading of stories that missionaries bad killed some children. The mission compounds were wrecked and looted but the missionaries managed to es cape. General. Monks are being expelled from Tortus:'.! by the 7iew authorities. Roosevelt is making a tour of the South, drawing large crowds every where. Hundreds of settlers were burned to leath in the forest fires near Rainey River. Ont. A call for aid for the fire sufferers Las been made by the Minnesota Red Cross society. President Taft has given his ap proval of plans for raising the wreck of the battleship Maine. Fredcrico B. Boyd has been named by the new Panama government as secretary for foreign affairs. Argument was concluded in the government suit to dissolve the mer ger of the Union and Southern Pa cific. Every union man at the Illinois Central shops at Paducah. Ky.. walk ed out through sympathy to the strik ing carmen. It is estimated that $47,920,848 will be required to continue the construc tion of the Panama canal during the fiscal year beginning July 1 next. Fourteen persons were injured, many of them seriously, when Chica go & Alton train No. 30. from St. Louis to Jacksonville. 111., jumped the track two miles south of Jerseyville Split rails are supposed to have caused the wreck. A raid and arrest at New York is declared to reveal a gigantic swindle in customs duties. The grand jury at Louisville. Ky., has returned thirteen indictments against Aug. Ropke. former book keeper for the Fidelity Trust Com pany, who is accused- of embezzling $1.140.000. The Episcopal church convention decided to defer action on the ques tion of marriage and divorce. Four hundred children escaped in their night clothes from a fire which destroyed the Mount St. Joseph orphan asylum at San Francisco. With three thousand delegates reg istered the international convention of Christian churches opened a six day meeting at Topeka. Infantile paralysis, the latest mala dy to baffle scientists, is to be the subject of an extended investigation or the hygienic laboratory of the Ma rine and Public Health hosnifal. K l? ii ww niii n w i i ii n uUflutRDA URD Our government will wait awhile before recognizing the new rulers in Portugal. Fire destroyed Pier "C" of the Southern Pacific terminal company In the western portion of Galveston. Loss, estimated at $120,000. The president withdrew 4,100 acres of land from the public domain in Montana. Fire totally destroyed the Adeline Sugar company's plant at Franklin, Pa. Loss, $200,000. Special agents at Washington are looking into allegations of the ex istence of a lumber trust. The supreme court postponed ac tion on most of the big suits pending until there is a full bench. With Lisbon tranquil and events moving smoothly the new republic of Portugal seems destined to live. Reciprocity negotiations will prob ably be in progress between Canada and the United States within ten j days. A violent collision occurred on the streets of Valencia. Spain, between republicans and members of the Cath olic club. Thomas J. O'Brien, the American ambassador to Japan, will sail for the United States October 18 on a sixty days' leave of absence. It is officially stated that the British war office is considering the possibili ty of securing a regular supply of horses for the mounted troops in Jamaica. The will of Horace B. Silliman of Cohoes, N. Y.. a former textile manu facturer, bequeathes the estate of more than $400,000 to philanthropic purposes. T. P. Nielson of Seattle, was elected grand president of the Danish Broth erhood, defeating H. H. Vogt of Dav enport, la., who has been president twelve years. To the already large area of about 17.000.000 acres, the department of the interior has added lfiT.OOO acres of land to the enlarged homestead portion of Wyoming. Joe and Ed Chandler, negro hlgh waymen. were killed and Ed Black, a third member of the gang, was mort ally mounded in Huntsville, Ala., by Sheriff Mitchell and a squad of depu ties. Rear Admiral John A. Rogers. U. S. N.. retired, arrived from Alaska, convinced that his missing son. Al exander, who went north in the sum mer of 1903. perished on the Valdez Fairbanks trail. Social Washington was deeply In terested in the recent cabinet meet ings at the White House, at least in that part of them which had to do with the filling of the vacancies on the supreme court bench. Auolpli Rothbarth. the hop mer chant, who pleaded guilty to having defrauded various banks in New York out of $::00,000. was sentenced to serve not less than three and not more than seven years in Sing Sing prison. The long-standing uneasiness among railroad employes in France de veloped in a declaration to strike on the part of those employed on the northern roads. The decision is a re sult of a refusal of the company to grant the demands of the men. A move toward unification of all of Chicago's street car lines was made when the city council passed an or dinance permitting the rehabilitation of the Chicago Traction company and the purchase of the Consolidated Rail ways by the Chicago Railways com pany. There was a substantial increase amounting to about 10 per cent, in the number of wooden cross-ties pur chased for consumption by the steam and electric railroads in the United States in the calendar year 1909, as compared with the number purchased in 190S. Uniformity in grain inspection throughout the United States and in the rules of trading in all exchanges will be the principal subject con sidered at the fourteenth annual con vention of the grain dealers' national association, which held its initial ses sion in Chicago. Sir William Reloar, the English philanthropist and former lord mayor of London, who has been In the Unit ed States and Canada a' month, sailed on Sunday on the Celtic of the White Star line, after pronouncing the Am erican women the "smartest dressed women in the world." Cousul Chamberlain telegraphed the state department from Lourenzo Mar quez. East Africa, that the governor general of that colony continued in office under the new Portuguese reg ime; that the republic had been pro claimed throughout the provinces and that the translation was peaceable. Personal. Congressman McCall of Massachu setts was renominated. Aviator Eugene Ely abandoned his Chicago-New York fiighL Charles E. Hughes took the oath as a justice of the supreme court. Colonel Roosevelt took an air ride with Aviator Hoxsey at St. Louis. Senator La Follette, operated upon for gall stones, is rapidly recovering. Governor Eberhart calls the trag edy in northern Minnesota a ghastly lesson. Colonel Roosevelt took issue with President Taft on the duty of the gov ernment in reclamation work in states. The banns of the marriage of Prince Victor Napoleon and Princess Clementine of Belgium have been published. Commander Robert E. Peary will be promoted to the rank of captain in the corps of naval civil engineers on October 20. Lambert Tree, former circuit judge at Chicago, died at the Waldorf Astoria in New York of heart failure. He was 78 years old. A visit of Senator Root to President Taft caused coupling of his name with a supreme court vacancy. The will of the late George W. Patten, grain dealer and brotier of James A. Patten, filed for probate, disposed of a $2,400,000 estate. Representative Ernest W. Roberts was renominated for congress at the republican congressional convention of the Seventh Massachusetts district Conductor Dell Wilson and Motor man B. F. Cornwell are held re sponsible for the Kingsland. Ind.. trac tion disaster, which cor-t tie lives of fortv-three persons. TALK GUTTLE RATES ARGUMENTS IN THE CASE OF MANY RAILROADS. HEARD IN FEDERAL COURT Big Lines Seek to Have the Order Annulled Reducing Tariff to Omaha and Other Points. SL Paul, Minn. Arguments In the case of liftyo-ne railroad companies of the west and southwest, which are seeking to have annulled an order of the Interstate Commerce commission reducing rates on shipments on cattle from all over the southwest to the Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Jo seph and New Orleans markets, were presented in the United States circuit court Friday. The case is being fought by the railroads on exceptions taken to the findings of James A. Se don, special master in chancery, whose recommendations upheld the orders of the Interstate Commerce commission issued about two years ago and which are now in effecL Arguments for the railroads were prepared by J. W. Terry of Galveston, Tex., and for the commission by S. S. Cowan of Fort Worth, Tex. Profits on Cattle Small. Mr. Terry argued that the cattle traffic does not pay the railroads so much profit in proportion to the quantity of freight carried as other kinds of traffic. He maintained that the rates established by the commis sion are unreasonable and do not give the railroads fair compensation for handling that traffic. Mr. Cowan, for the commission. maintained that the rates established by the commission were reasonable and compensatory and that the for mer rates reduced by the commission were reasonable and compensatory and that the former rates by the com mission were unreasonably high. Saturday P. J. Farrell of Washing ton, D. C, will argue on behalf of the commission and Judge W. D. McHugh of Omaha will close on behalf of the railroads. Eastern Freight Rates. Washington. President W. C. Brown of the New York Central lines was on the witness stand throughout the day in the investigation by the in terstate commerce commission into the proposed advance In freight rates into the proposed advance in freight rates in the eastern trunk line terri tory. At the conclusion of President Brown's testimony before adjourn ment in the evening, the case of the railroads practically was completed, although J. C. Stewart, vice president in charge of the operations of the Eric railroad, yet is to be heard. Under the law, it is incumbent upon the railroads to make a prima facie case of the reasonableness of any pro posed general advances in rates con sidered by the commission. THE ALASKA FRAUDS. Indictment cf a Number of Coal Land Claimants. Washington. After months of sec ret effort the officials of the general land office announced the indictment of a number of claimants to valuable coal lands in Alaska. The entries in volved number 154 and cover almost 25.000 acres of land, all of which lies in the Behring strait district, in which the Cunningham claims are lo cated. They are what are known as the English or Stracey and the Christopher Simmonds group, the former containing eighty and the lat ter seventy-four claims of 100 acres each. The deposits covered by these claims .ire believed to be as rich as those of the Cunningham mines, which cut a conspicuous figure in the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy. To Lead the Simple Life: Gibraltar. King Manuel of Portu gal, the queen mother Amelie. the duke of Oporto, the count of Sabugo sa grand master of the Portuguese court, and the count of Figuerro. mas ter of ceremonies of the court, held a conference here Friday concerning the future course of action to be tak en by the king and the other mem bers of the royal household. It was decided that King Manuel should lead a quiet life until his health is fully re covered while meantime friends work for him. Madriz to Practice Law. Mexico City. Dr. Jose Madriz. former president of Nicaragua, ar rived in this capital where he has an nounced an intention to make his home. He will practice law. Contract to South Omaha Man. Washington. .1. H. Weise of South Omaha has been awarded the con tract for the betterment of the Colo rado Springs. Col., public building at $21,40G. Appeal Lumber Rate Case. Washington. Steps were taken by the interstate commerce commission Friday looking to an appeal to the United States supreme court of the cases which were decided against it a few days ago. through the findings of a master of the United States cir cuit court at St. Paul. Minn. The cases involved an increase in the freight rate on lumber and forest pro ducts from the north Pacific states to Missouri river transfer points and to Chicago. The action is taken by the Great Northern. Brokerage Houses Bankrupt. New York. Two New York broker ige houses failed Friday with liabili ties aggregating nearly $2,000,000. One is the stock exchange firm of Charles Minzesheimer & Co.. the Jther the firm of Thomas G. Gaylord, who was encaged in business under Ihe name of Latham, Alexander & Co.. :otton and stock brokers. In both of these cases an assignment for the benefit of creditors was made. Bain bridge Colbin, attorney for the firm, was named as assignee by the Minzes heimer company. WHY NEW ORLEANS CITY 18 LOGICAL POINT FOR WORLD'S PANAMA EXPOSITION. Its Geographical Position and Many Other Considerations Mark It as Most Suitable Spot for Dedi cation of Great Work. Public sentiment has decided that the completion of the Panama Canal In 1915 shall be celebrated with a great International Exposition in which all the nations of the world may participate; and the question of where this Exposition is to be held will be settled by Congress at Its ap proaching session. New Orleans and San Francisco are contesting for the honor of hold ing this Exposition, and both cities have guaranteed immense sums of money as an evidence of their ability to finance so great an enterprise. An Exposition worthy of the term "World's Fair." auch as New Orleans proposes to build, will be a great ed ucational movement. Its success as such, however, will depend entirely upon the percentage of our popula tion who can secure its educational advantages, this in turn, depends up on its location, as the time in travel ins to anil from the Exposition, and the cost In railroad and Pullman fares, arc the most important factors. Considering these matters. New Orleans' claims to being the "Logi cal Point" for this Panama Exposi tion, seem to be fully substantiated by the following facts: New Orleans is 500 miles from the center of population In the United Slates. San Francisco Is 2.500 miles distant therefrom. Within a radius of 500 miles from New Orleans there are 17.500.000 people. Within the same radius from San Francisco there are only 2.000.000. Within a radius of 1.000 miles from New Orleans, there are fi5.000.O0O. Within the same radius from San Francisco there are only fi.000.000. At an average of 900 miles frorx New Orleans, there are 70 of out principal cities with a combined population of 20.000.000. Averaging BOO miles from San Francisco tber are only 8 large cities, with a com bined population of just 1.000.000 The average distance of all thest Ities to New Orleans Is 792 miles. to San Francisco 2.407 miles. Over 75 per cent, of the people oi :ha United States could go to an Exposition there at an average ex pense for railroad fare of $12.50. as against an average of $37.50 to the Pacific Coast; and for several mil lions of our people, the Pullman fare and Dining Car expenses alone tor a trip to San Francisco, would tmount to more than all their trans portation expenses for a trip to New Orleans. This is an important public ques lion to be settled by Congress at the cssion which convenes in December. Many of our readers will wish tc j rlsit this World's Panama Expos!- ' :ion. and If held in New Orleans , great many more could spare the time and money for the trip than sould go to San Francisco. There tore, we urge cor readers to write tc J IYia tvA CAtififrif-c frnm ffifa Qt-ifn anil Ihe congressman from this district requesting them to support New Or leans in the contest Childish Reasoning. "Look at the brownies, papa!" ex ;laimed a little miss as she gazed up ward at a Wall street skyscraper. "They are not brownies, dearie, replied papa. "They are big men, liki me, but they look so tiny because they are so high." "If they were twice as high, wouK Jiey look twice as small?" she asked bowing the mathematical turn not unnatural In the offspring of a suo ;essful broker. Papa answered "Yes." She made a quick calculation ant remarked: "They won't amount to much when they get to heaven, will Ihey?" A Good Job. Jacob H. Schiff, at a dinner on tb yacht Ramona, condemned a concern that bad gone up. "Straight business methods are the jnly ones," he said. "There is a moral in the receiver story. "A man, you know, said one day tc a. little boy: "'Well, Tommy, what are you go ing to be when you grow up?' " A receiver, sir.' Tommy answered promptly. 'Ever since pa's been a re ceiver we've had champagne for din ner and two automobiles.' " Catarrh Cannot Be Cured tth LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as ther cannot reaeo the seat or I be disease. (iilirrn U a blood or eoaatl luUonml disease, and la order to cure It you mist tale Internal remedies. Hill Catarrh Cure la taken t lernilljr. and acta dlrecUr upua the blood and mucous surfaces. Haiti Catarrh Cure Is not a quack mrtfl tlae. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for rears and Is a mcular prescription. It l composed ot the best tonics known, combined with the bet blood purifiers, acting dlrectlr on the mucous surface. The perfect combination of the two tafredlenu Is what produces cuch wonderful re sults la curbs catarrh. Fend for testimonials, free. F. J. CIIEXCV A CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. Fold br Drunlsts. price 75c. Take lulls Foamy lilts for constipation. Not Responsible. Nurse Whatfc that dirty mark on your leg. Master Frank? Frank Harold kicked me. Nurse Well, go at once and wash it off. Frank Why? It wasn't me whal did it! Punch. Instant Relief for All Eyes, that ar irritated from dust, heat, aun o wiad. PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. 25c. Al druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. If It had not been for his lanterr. and the tub he lived in, probablj Diogenes would never have been heart of. Mw. WlMlu W geetMas? Syrw. fbrcteUdrea taethtnx. softens tfeegusas, redocvslm. Some men try to save money by aor paying their debts. Dr. Pierce-- Pellets, nail, sngsr-eoated. eay tt ike as candy, recnlat and laTlsjorat '"" "i; UTarand bowels. In not (Tine, Sometimes when a man falls he has succeeded. Lewis' Single Binder givea a man what he waats, a rich, mellow-tasting cigar. If in search of a close friend select no with a close mouth. mrm VBWK Cement concrete is an ideal mate rial for use in the construction of a granary, except for one feature. In a very damp climate where there are heavy and protracted rains, there Is Eome danger of moisture drawing through the walls by capillary action, rendering them damp in rainy weath er, which would have a tendency to cause molding if the grain came di rectly against the wall. If you have raised a good crop of oats this year, feed some of them to the hens. It is the best kind of food for laying hens. They won't get too fat on oats. You don't need to have tho oats threshed for the hens, they will do the threshing themselves and it will be good exercise for them. Many a farmer feeds his cows as nearly right as he knows during the time the milk is flowing freely. In the early part of the summer, and then allows her to shift for herself during the late hot summer months when the flow la often reduced. Tho dairyman .Aio has a good per manent pasture from "lhlch his cows can gather most of trteir ration dur ing spring and summer and lay up a fresh store of vigor and health from the moderate exercise, from the sun and the shade, is indeed fortunate. More mowers are knocked out in cutting weeds than in cutting grass in the meadows. It is a good plan to get a new mower before the old one is entirely out of commission, then the old one can be used for a weed cutter exclusively. A close study of the distinctive qual ities and requirements of one's own variety of fowls is not only interest ing, but instructive and profitable. Get acquainted with your fowls and let them get acquainted with you. C- If the grower can get five cents a pound for his rhubarb in tho spring, he Is making profit: but by forcing in doors he can get stalks to sell In the winter when the price of rhubarb Is ten to fifteen cents. Upon the fruit farm fowls are of i advantage. They keep down the In sect pests, and they may have a free range the greater part of the season without tho possibility of doing any damage. It Is a comparatively easy matter to get eggs in large quantities in the warmer months of the year, but in the winter time when eggs are high in price, the problem is a very different one. The brood cow should be kept in good condition, but without fattening, and should never be enclosed so that tihe will not have a chance to exerc!s every day. About the best remedy for the un sightly disease known as "scaly legs," which Is the work of miniature para sites. Is an application of sulphur and melted lard once a week until cured. Undertaking to produce 60 bushels of corn on ground which has only a 20 bushel capacity is a mighty discour aging job, but that Is just the thing which many try to do. Hy the old way of farming, the land could be easily overstocked. With the silo and nitrogen-gathering crops, more and better stock can. and should, be kept on each acre. The trouble of weaning pigs is greatly lessened if there is plenty of skimmed milk. With this feed it is easy to avoid any backset at such a time. Do not attempt to raise 300 chicks when your accommodations are only suitable for 100. Crowding poultry will breed many diseases. Plum growers have found poultry especially helpful in keeping down the curculio. and even apples have been considerably benefited. ';r.ttIon, hard work and small com pensation is too often the lot of the farmers" wives. These are burdens that need lifting. The breeding fowls should be kep'i active and heallhy. Free range !s thfj right idea if yoi can keep track cf thtfi nests. Spanish' chestnuts do well in thft : latitude of Kansas and Missouri and come into bearing In about ten years. AH breeds of hogs look good when taken care of and all of them will yield good money if rightly handled. The small yield cow eats up the profits. Remember that the heifer is the dairy cow in the making and she should be cared for accordingly. In selecting the brood sow remem ber that tho size of the litter Is an important factor in her proflL The man who is ready for the fall hog business Is the man who Is going to make the most profit. Place the bog pens a good distance from the house. Odors from such pens are not agreeable. AM ffl 9 sst'Ss A't'W ''MmmmL.'' The earlier you can get your winter wheat ground plowed the better. Wheat is a plant that delights In a firm seed bed and that cannot be ob tained if the ground is plowed a few days before seeding. If it is plowed early, however, and is thoroughly disked and harrowed at intervals, It will be comparatively firm, yet loose enough on top when it Is .time to sow the wheat. Prior to and during the molting period feed whole wheat for morning feed in straw litter. The noon feed should consist of cold bran slightly seasoned with salt and cayenne pep per, with well-cooked lean meat, such as boiled heart, liver or lights, cut into strips. The night feed, given about four o'clock, is cracked oats in straw litter. Avoid watering the garden if possi ble. Use the hoe more frequently, but if protracted drouth renders the use of hose or watering can a necessity, do the work thoroughly. A little sur face water simply entices tho roots upward, where they are more readily affected by dry weather. Provide a good open shed for the young turkeys to roost in and don't al low them to wander off. Their value Is steadily increasing now during the approach of the fall and holiday sea son and they are worth too much to allow them to take up with the neigh bor's flock. Clean runs for the chicks are the best preventive of gapes. Keep some thing green growing In them, remove all filth frequently and plow under a little air-slaked lime occasionally if you have ever been bothered with this pest. The brood sow should have a con siderable proportion of bulky feeds, such as pasture, roots, etc. This will serve to distend the stomach and pre vents her from squealing, while, at the same time, keeping her from lay ing on too much fat. The net earnings of hens must al ways depend largely upon such cir cumstances as breeding, feeding, care, etc., and probably the amount which a hen can earn in a year after paying all expenses may be estimated at be tween one to one and a half dollars. A well selected, well managed, well cared for and well fed herd of brood sows will produce two crops of pigs a year better than a good lot of sows given only mediocre or Indifferent care will produce one litter. If good dairy bred bulls are mat ed with selected range cows the heif ers of the first cross will be good milk cows. Future crosses will still furth er improve the herd if accompanied by careful selection. There are practically no diseases to which ducks are subject. They can be sickened and killed through igno rance and carelessness by compelling them to submit to improper food or conditions. Lameness ("bumble-foot") among the fowls Is often caused by the roosts being too high or the floor too hard, and heavy fowls jumping thereon sus tain bruises which later become more serious. In speaking of dairying too often everything centers about the butter output. This Is only ono of the many lines of profit incident to the busi ness. Kill the old rooster, stew him for several hours and eat him. He is of absolutely no use In the flock at this time of year, and you can easily rear or buy a better one for next spring. Hay that has been cured nnd put up quickly retains more of its nutritive value than would be the case if it had become over dry and had lost a lot of Its leaves by breaking off. There is little need of buying ex pensive grains for swine, when main tained on farms, or of feeding much grain, except to nursing mothers or In fitting for market. Hcardless barley hay makes a mag nificent feed for sheep and makes the least waste. The sheep will eat every bit of it and then ask for more. Good posts properly set. with woven steel wire fabric from 2R Inches to four feet high carrying heavy wires make the Ideal hog fence. Sheep grazing has been found very effective In preventing forest fires in the national forests, when done In a conservative manner. The most economic way of secur tng a permanent road bed is througli drainage. It solves much of the good roads problem. Tite farmer must constantly be 1joc- j ing ahead the same as does the roco motive engineer. uhen possible, it is better to snip fowls alive and let the market --an dress them, but this Is not always pjs- slblc. The light, open soils are more likely to lose plant food than the heavier clays or soils that are full of humus. The increased value of the first crop of calves will go a long way towards paying the cost of pure bred bulls. Filth is moro dangerous In hot weather than cold. Tho best possible time to breed marcs Is during the hot, sultry days, when there seems to be no air. Some of the cut over corn ground can bo sown to rye for lato fall, win ter and early spring pasture. More corn will probably be cut up. and many will learn the use of corn stalks at their best. The orchard is the ideal place for sj it. iL. II Al . aI I aTa mhiI 4tA. nntitA birds. fpfljrli The Wretchedness of Constipation CARTER'S LITTLE UYER FILLS. Sk. Can HmJ. GtMiat Signature lUra'aUlctflneiJalvrcuresChrDaiclJlV.i'fj.ttone TwerofaIoBal;lcra.Vi1rMTIrrs).In- IentITIrTa,Merrarlit) Ulrr.WhltnMwU- r.XIIttl.eff.F.v.rNnrea.ilUMaam. riui;M .jmiim. j-iuut?iaJepi.Aiut.raijaiDjk I S O'S IS TME NAME rOr THE BEST MCOICINC rfor COUGHS & COUPS W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 42-1010. INFLUENCE OF THE MOTHER Well to Remember That She Is Evei a Model of Behavior to the Children. "It Is hard for a young mother, who has not yet overcome the wayward tendencies of her own youthful nature, to realize the Influence she exerts over her little one. She Is constantly surrounded by critical imitators who copy her morals and manners. As the mother Is, so are her sons and daughters. If a family of children are blessed with an intelligent moth er, who is dainty and refined in her manner, and does not consider it nec essary to be one woman in the draw ing room and an entirely different per son in her everyday life, but who Is a true mother and always a tender, charming woman, she will Invariably see her habits of speech and perfect manners repeated in her children. Great, rough men and noisy, busy boys will always tone down their voices apd 6tep quietly and try to be more mannerly when she stops to give them a kind word and a pleasant smile. For a true woman will never fall to say and do all the kind, pleas ant things she can that will in any way help to lift up and cheer those whose lives are shaded with care and toil. The mother of today rules the world of tomorrow. PERSONAL QUESTION. "Say, Mister, ter decide a bet, how often does youse eat a day? I sez six teen times and Johnnie sez about ten!- It Is a shame for people who have In their lives a consciousness of love and character and courage, to fall in to the wasteful folly of unhapplness about the unimportant. Margaret Lto land. Post Toasties A bowl of these crisp fluffy bits served with cream or milk is some thing not soon forgotten. What's the use of cook ing breakfast or lunch when Post Toasties, ready to serve direct from the package, are so delicious? "The Memory Lingers"' POSTUM CEREAX. CO., LTD., Battle Creek, Mich. HtAOTBC mmmmmw W bt- saiwrn MmWtk mis.' mmwmmW s LV bbbst ssss) - 2r ssW !TW1 fpii, Titty. t&&0&0z D Bsa S