The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 19, 1910, Image 1

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, lis Bistort! totf
in the
or the
German Fire
Bye )
Oats 22
Wheat 1
Corn :5C
Hogs, top $S (HI to $S.3!i
Files of the Journal October 24, 1S77.
Three deer were killed by a party of
hunters who went from thiB city last
week up the Loup.
The first month after the grass is kill
ed ia allowed to lie the very hardest of
the year on stork, ami therefore they
should now have extra care.
Fortunate is the man who has plent
of money to buy fuel for the winter, and
fortunate ia the woman whose husband
provides a dry place to kip it.
While crossing the Ioup bridge the
other day a Mr. Schmidt hnd his wajron
bed perforated by a rille ball supposed
to be a random shot from a enrelesB
The sharp nip or Saturday is a remin
der that winter is not very far behind
us and will soon be upon ub The pro
vident farmer (who is uetting to be a
more numerous individual every year),
will see to it that his stock have shelter
from the pelting storms ir winter A
good "stitch" in time may save from nine
to forty-nine. Ue who can should
have a tight board or shingle roof over
his sheds, the necessity for which has
been demonstrated over and over again
during the last two winters. The late
rains fall, and ngain in the early rains in
the spring, both heavy anil cold, make it
neces-sary to have over your stock some
thing that will keep the water oft" or
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing October 1I, lfllo:
Letters II. Q. Andrews, Frank Erv
ington, C. .1. Grip. Frank P. Hall, Syl
van Hartell, E. (J. Holland, Al. Kearney,
Mrs. Oscar Olson, Dan Bay. Miss Helen
It. ltathburn, Oliver Stnttlcr, Andrew
Svendsen, Smith Hros. (butchers )
Cards Marie Lawrence Bennett, Miss
Nellie Hos.-. Chas. 1L Blerha, Charley
Cheaba, Mrs. Ivatbryn Cuasady, Glen
Carpeuter, M. M. Dubbins. Mrs. Gertie
Foster, Mrs. Lee Gray. Mies Frieda
Ke.-sler. E. .1. LalTerty, K. D. Smith,
Floyd Sutton.
Parties calling for any of the above
will plea6e say advertised.
Cam. Kkamkk, 1. M.
On account of having my building
moved into the street. I will offer my en
tire stock at cut prices. Some goods
are sold at cost or even below cost.
Eleventh Street Jeweler.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
Chas. O'Neil, brother of Mrs. S. J.
ltyan of this city, died at St. Mary's
hospital Monday night, after a linger
ing illness. Mr. O'Neil was brought to
this city September til! of this year from
Salt Lake City, by Tom Kerens, the mil
lionaire miner. Mr. O'Neil was fifty
four years of age, and a single man. He
lived in this state a number of years
and was a resident of O'Neil, and was
deputy sheriff of Holt county at the time
of tho Barrett Scott trouble, and as an
officer had much to do with it. Mr.
O'Neil afterward went west where he
engaged in mining, and was only mod
erately successful. He has been in the
city a number of times and has a num
ber of acquaintances here. Funeral ser
vices were held Wednesday afternoon
from St. Bonavenlura's church, being
conducted by llev. Father Marcelinus
and burial was in the parish cemetery.
John ltiley, for forty years a resident
of Platte county, died Monday evening
at his home on West Fourteenth street
after an illness of about two hours.
At six o'clock in the evening he waB ap
parently well, but in a short time he
took sick and died. Mr. Riley was born
in England in March, 13&I. He came
to America and about 187o settled on a
farm near Platte Center. Here he lived
until he moved to Columbus, about six
years ago. Besides his wife he leaves
one son. Lin ltiley, of Hershey, Neb.,
and six daughters. Mrs. Mary Mislonka
in Minnesota, Mrs. Anna Pensick in
Colorado, Mrs. Kate Coupons on Shell
Creek and three younger daughters at
home. Funeral services will be held
Thursday morning from the Catholic
church, and burial will be in the Catho
lic cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Niewohner have
issued card announcing the marriage
of their daughter, Gertrude Blanche, to
Herman J. Kersenbrock in Omaha,
Wednesday, October 12. To intimate
friends the wedding was no surprise, as
it was known that it had been planned
for thiB fall. Mr. and Mrs. Kersenbrock
returned to this city Saturday evening,
and are receiving the congratulations of
their many friends. They have taken
rooms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.
S. Uaney, on Fourteenth street, wLere
they will lw at home. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Ki-n-enbrock are well known in this
city, the bride being the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Niewohner. The
groom is at present a traveling salesman
for an Omaha candy house, with head-J
quarters in this city.
Last Saturdny nf ternnon H. It. Lundy
of Silver Creek started for Columbus to
visit his dam-liter. Mrs. L. A. Gates,
and as the Denver train, No. 10, stopped
at Silver Creek that day, he boarded it.
The next seen of him was when the
switch engine crew found him lying un
conscious, just south of the coal chute,
and had him taken to a physician's office.
Just how the accident happened, no one
knows, as Mr. Lundy ia still unconsci
ous at the home of his daughter, al
though two traveling men are reported
to have seen him fall from the tram.
Mr. Lundy ia well known in this cityt
having been in business here twenty
years ago. He is now fS years of age,
and this makes his accident nil the more
Tuesday morning about 2:'i0 two barns
at Sixth and North streets, burned to
the ground. When the tire was dis
covered it had gained enough headway
so that the firemen conld do nothing but
protect the adjoining property. The
tire orginntcd in the larger barn, which
belonged to Paul Kobns, and contained
stall room for twenty head of horses.
The smaller barn, which was close to it
belonged to Paul Konsenski, and caught
tire from the other building. The origin
of the fire is unknown, but it is probable
that either the alfalfa in the Inrger barn
or a bolt of lightning during the storm
preceding tho lire, was responsible for it
Both of the buildings were insured.
D. T. Kelby, the deaf mute who as
suited Conductor Mnpps of the Norfolk
passenger when he attempted to prevent
him from stealing a ride Tuesday of last
week, was brought to this city by De
puty Sheriff Burke last Tuesday even
ing, and Wednesday afternoon given a
hearing before Police Judge O'Brien.
Kelby did not plead guilty and the crew
of the passenger train were witnesses
against him. The testimony showed
that he was attempting to steal a ride
and the judge concluded that fifteen
days in the county jail and the costs
would be about what he had coming, bo
he will board out his sentence.
Last week Postoffice Inspector Lind
land was in the city looking over the
proposed fifth route for a city carrier,
and it is understood that he will pass
favorably on the request. While a full
route may not be established at present,
an auxiliary route will be put in, provid
ing for an additional carrier working
five hours a day. This will give quite a
number of people city delivery who do
not enjoy that convenience, nnd later
this will no doubt be extended to a re
gular route. The service will be es
tablished as soon as official notification
is received by Postmaster Kramer.
Mies Ituth Pickett of Riverside, Cali.,
is visiting at the home of her ancle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reed, and al
so with friends in this locality. Miss
Pickett left Columbus when six years
of age, and has since been a resident of
California. She is returning home
from a trip in Europe.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Baled hay for sale Ernst & Brock.
Wm. Dictrichs, painting, Ind. phone
Red Tag sale at Gipe's, 403 west Elev
enth street
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bnnk building.
Dr. L P. Carstenaon, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and Knmmer Sts.
Deputy SherifT Burke took W. N.
Davis to the asylum at Norfolk Saturday
Lost or strayed from onr place, a red
heifer calf, about eight months old.
Mrs. J. Kipple.
Landlord Todenhoft of the Meridian
was in Omaha on business from Wednes
day until Saturday of this week.
llig closing out sale. Bai
gains in stoves, furniture ami
household goods. C. Schubert.
Weldin, tho photographer, now locat
ed on Thirteenth street, north of Fne
dhot's, is prepared to do all kinds of
Don't be afraid to send a child to the
Palace Meat market, it will le treated
the same aB the president of the United
County Judge Ratterman issued but
one marriage license this week, to Con
rad. Ternea and Anna M. Eckholdt, both
of Humphrey.
Next Monday evening, October 24, the
regnlnr quarterly meeting of the Colum
bus fire department will be held in the
Firemen's hall.
Mrs.Leander Gerrard, who has been
ntSt. Mary's hospital for an operation,
is improving, and expects to be able to
return homo tho latter part of this week.
Mrs. J. L. Hunter who has leen a
gnest of her many Columbus friends,
for the past ten days, will leave Thurs
day morning for her home at Sioux City,
Iowa. 3
I own two good level quarters of hay
and farm land near Bassett. A fine field
of corn and Iota of good hay, price $20
per acre. Address Owner, Box 2.1, Bas
sett. Nebraska.
Mr and Mrs. W. It. Heck anil two
lioys and Wesley and Clarence Devcny
of Palmer were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Shannon. Sunday, making the
trip in au auto.
Miss Carrio McMullen and Mr. Floyd
Simmons were married Monday morning
at Fullirton. Miss McMullen is the
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. D. Mc
Mullen of this city and Mr. Simmons is
a well known young man of Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Johnson of Oma
ha were guests Sunday nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lachnit Tho John
sons formerly resided here, Mr. Johnson
while here wns operator in U. P. depot,
and he holds a life position now at
Carl Schubert is preparing to take
charge of the Earlo cafe when it is sold
this month. Mr. Schubert owns the
building and has concluded that he will
engage in the. restaurant buinefi, and to
that end is closing out his other busi
ness As soon as the fixtures of the cafe
are sold Mr. SchuUrt. will take charge
of the building, as he has declined to
rent it.
Tuesday afternoon was the date set
for the hearing of an assult and battery
case from Humphrey, before County
Judge Ratterman, Henry Lersch filing
the complaint on October 15, and Gnstav
Teske. SettyTeske and Walter Scbmede
ke being the defendants. A doctor's
certificate to the effect that Mrs. Setty
Teske was unable to attend court was
submitted and the case postponed until
October :tl, at 2 p. m.
An error waB made IaRt week in the
account regarding the fine of M. W.
Thomas for riding a bicycle on the
sidewalk. The amount should have
been $1 and the team that became fright
ened were tied very close to the walk.
When within about fifty feet of the team
Mr. Thomas dismounted from the bicy
cle and attempted to pass them on foot,
but they became frightened and pulled
back, slipping the bridles from their
Last Saturday evening SherifT Smith
of Madison county passed through this
city with the two Meadow Grove bank
robber suspects, who were taken to Nor
folk to be identified. Kern, one of the
pair, is the man who served a term in the
county jail for stealing some clothing
from Greisen Bros. The authorities
from Randolph who were to identify the
pair did not come to Norfolk and they
were released Tuesday and returned to
Sometime this week, under instruc
tions from the board of supervisors.
County Clerk Graf will formally notify
the county boards of Polk and Butler
counties of the completion of the repairs
on the Platte river bridge. The bridge
company expect to be ready to turn the
structure over by Tuesday, October 25,
and the county boards of the three
counties are expected to be in readiness
to accept it on that date, so it can be
opened for travel as soon as possible.
Adjoining the City Limits
5 Acres, Good six room house and barn at 2,750.
7 Acres, Good four room house and barn, $4,500.
One Acre, a new four room house and barn,
13 Acre Tract, no improvements, at $2,800.
30 Acre Tract, small orchard, no buildings,
$250 per acre.
Elliott-Speice-EcHols Co.
Post Office Block
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Drs. Paul and Mntzen, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barter block.
Read tho O. K. Crude Oil Burner nil
on the last page.
Dr. Chas. II. Campliell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Neu marker, office with Dr
C. D. Evans, west side or Park.
Watch for bargains in qtiecnsware and
china at Gipe's, -lift west Eleventh street.
II. S. Rlliott nnd David Thomas were
at North Platte on hnsiness the first of
tho week.
Miss Ruby- Rickley of the city schools
spent Sunday in Oninhh with her father
and sinter.
Wanted Good driving horse in trade
for piano. Schmoller .V Mueller Piano
Co.. Columbus.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Lnhkcr were
called to Fremont Monday to attend the
funeral of a relative.
Homer Tiffany of KUenaburg. Wash
ington, arrived in the city last Friday
for a visit with the homo folks.
The Froemel building on Eleventh
street is almost compI'(l and will be
roady for occupancy by November 1.
G. M. Hitchcock and Congressman
Latta will lie in Oolnmbus next Tues
day evening, October, 25, at the Maen
norchor hall.
C. C. Gray, who is serving on the
federal jury at Omahn, came home for
over Sunday, returning to the metropolis
Monday morning.
A party of United Slntes engineers
have been camped on tho Loup river the
last week while they are doing some
government work.
Mrs. S. C. Post nnd daughter Elinore,
of Guthrie, Okla., and Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Speice of Kingfisher. Okla., are the
guests of Columbns relatives.
John Marcus and Katie Robuck, both
of this city, were married at St. Bona
Ventura's church Wednesday morning.
They will make their future home in
this city
Wednesday morning was the first real
cold snap of the fall in fact it is the
first time thi year that tho temperature
has reached the freezing point, and this
with almost two-thirds of October gone.
Arthur Mullen, chief oil inspector
under Governor Shnllenberger, has been
in the city the last week assisting secre
tary Lee Matthews of the democratic
state committee handle the speakers'
Helen and llnzel Carper, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carper, were seven
and livo years old respectively Monday
of this week, Bnd to celebrate the event
gave a party to a number of their little
J. F. Belford returned last Friday
from Chicago, where he was called
when his wife underwent an operation .
He reports that Mrs. Belford is getting
along nicely and will return home as
soon as her condition permits.
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
? . f ?. '491 Ha
R 4k r&'Z&E&m
Columbus, Neb.
Mrs F. W. Schnlz, of Denver, a sister
of George Rambour, is visiting at the
Rambour home.
In order to handle tho work of the
democratic state committee more satis
factorily. Secretary Lee Matthews and
his corps of stenographers have moved
into the front rooms of the Fitzpatrick
building above the Brcnn meat market.
Friday, October 21, the Columbus and
Osceola High school foot ball teams will
play on the High school field in this city,
the game to commence at :t:-!5 p. m. As
Columbus played Osceola 0 to 0 last
year, there is every prospect that this
will be an exciting game.
In the Omaha Bee's guessing contest
as to the number of people Omaha would
have in 1910, E. G. 31 eisalor or this city
won the second prize, his guess being
121.203. The actunl fignres were 124,
o!Mi. and the winner of the first prize
placed the total at 124.000.
Last Thursday an attachment against
the properly of James Hayes, who oper
ated the Eagle cafe, was issued by
Comity Judge Ratterman. The restau
rant is now in the hands of the First
National hank, but the attachment was
secured by tho Commercial National
bank for nn unpaid note nf $100.
Governor Shallenbcrger addressed a
democratic meeting at Orpheus hall
Tuesday evening. His talk was on
national issues and nlso reviewing his
administration during bis present term
of office. The governor thnnked his
Platte county democratic friends for the
manner in which they stood by him
since he has been in state politics.
Saturday evening tho Maenneachor
society of this city will give a reception
to the returning members of their so
ciety who have been in Europe this sum
mer. The members who have been
abroad are Dr. Tiesing, George Ram
bour, Sam Gase, Christ Wunderlich and
F. H. Rnsehe. The occasion is for mem
bers of the R-iciety and their families
and will be a formal welcoming of them
John Keksoski filed a complaint in
Police Jndge O'Brien's court, charging
George Himes and John Hebda with
disturbing the peace Sunday evening,
and a warrant was issued. Monday of
this week George Uimes was arrested by
Chief of Police Schack, for lieing intoxi
cated, and taken Iiefure the police judge
who fined him $5 and costs, amounting
to $11, and he is serving it ont in the
county jail.
Union Camp No. I'll, Sons of Veter
an?, are going to organize a lady auxili
ary to the camp, and to that end have
issued invitations to all eligibles to be
pre? en t at an open meeting nf the camp
ou Saturday evening, October 22. Be
side the organization of the auxiliary,
there will be a program and refresh
meuts, and a general good time. All
wives and daughters of veterans and
eons of veterans are eligible, and the
camp hoted to start the auxiliary with
a good membership.
United States Seue.tor Noris Brown
will deliver an address in this city
Thursday evening, October 27. at the
Orpheus hall. Senator Brown will ar
rive in the city Thursday morning, and
if the weather is favorable will take an
auto and visit Platte Center, Humphrey,
Crestou and Leigh, returning to this
city for the evening meeting, which the1
republicans will endeavor to make a good
one. This is Senator Brown's first ap
pearance before an audience in this city.
and as he is a pleasing and entertaining
speaker, no doubt a large audience will
be present.
Joseph Roascb, aged 49 years, died
Wednesday morning, at bis home Sixth
street and Washington avenue, death
being due to erysipelas. For the last
several years he has been in poor health
and he was confined to his bed since last
Saturday. Mr. Roasch came to this
city twenty.four years ago from St.
Louis and was a butcher by trade, at
one time being in business for himself
in this city. Later be was employed
in the various markets in this city and
at the time of his death was working
for Otto Merz. Besides his wife Mr.
Roasch leaves a daughter, Josie Itoasch,
and a son, Tony Roascb, both of this
city. Funeral services will be held Sat
urday, so that relatives from a distance
can reacbhere.
Congregational Church.
It is often said: "one is not responsi
ble for the lack of christian interest, that
one does not control his desires or affec
tions, and that the obristian life is a
service or love, not law." The state
ment seems sound until applied to the
common things of life . The lack of love
for knowledge does not excuse ignorance;
the want of love for law observance does
not atone for lawlessness. It is when we
apply this excuse to the fundamental
thing of manhood it breaks down. One
takes the initiative in life as the result of
impressions. If one were to pnt himself
in the best possible position to receive
impressions and then wonld live accord
ing to his best light and come to the end
of life without being an ardeut christian
be might argue he was not responsible
for his lack of christian interest. Until
then this excuse will not stand the test
of practical application. Here is the
worth of a church in the community.
In worship one puts himself in the
most favorable attitude to receive im
pressions for christian living.
The Congregational people invite you
to worship with them next Sunday morn
ing and evening. In the morning, 11
o'clock, their pastor will speak from the
subject: The King's Ferry boat. Of the
evening, 7 o'clock, from the subject: The
Religion of The Lord's Prayer Final
William L. Dibble.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The meeting on Sunday afternoon
was well attended for this warm weath
er. The building was cool and pleasant
and a mnch larger is expect-
ed for next Sunday when the Congrega
tional church choir will furnish a sacred I
song service, rue music win largely oe
that called for by the men of the audi
ence. Come and have a good 'sing.'
A Dormitory shower and social is be
ing planned for the 28th of this month.
The committee de?ire to make the rooms
more homelike and attractive and are
asking the public to attend this social
evening and to bring pictures, sofa pil
lows, rugs, lamp shadee, dreeser and
table covers, pin cushions, tie holders
whisk broom holder, burnt wood pieces
and in fact anything to make the rooms
more homelike. These articles will be
come the property of the association for
use in the dormitory rooms. We have
twenty-one roomB and there is little dan
ger but that whatever yon bring can be
put to good use. The dormitory men
will have a large share in the evenings
entertainment ami all present will have
the privilege of seeing the rooms, some
of which are nicely furnished by the men
Route No. 1.
There was a heavy rain and bail storm
on the north part of the route Tuesday
It is reported that some insect is work
ing in the winter wheat, and that some
damage is resulting.
Mr. and Mrs. August Woodrice of
Benton Harbor, Mich., returned to
Nebraska last week and will make their
future home in Platte county.
J. F. Goedeken returned List Friday
from his trip to Harlen county, ne
reports crops very good in that locality
and a decided increase in the value of
farm lands.
Methodist Church Notice.
This church is open to all regardless
of nationality or ir-wl. Sermon topic at
11 a. m . on, "The Unknown
Girding of God." Evening tliemr--"The
Promises of Men and God '
Special music at both services. Suncii.y
echool at noon. Epworth utfi:;!0 p. in.
Prayer meeting on Thursday hi I'M p.
m. Von are invited to make this your
church home.
Citvs. Wayne IJat, Pastor.
Active Agent Wanted for Platte
Best land proposition ever offered.
We give free transportation to Palm
Beach. Florida, to examine lands. $10 00
per month for twenty-five months butys
a tract of fruit land. An easy seller.
Good active agents make big money.
For particulars and literature, write
Crew & Phair, general agents, St. Paul,
Mrs. E.H. Mann of Schuyler, who has
been a patient at St. Mary's hospital for
the last three monthp, died Tuesday
morning of diabetes. Utr neice, Mrs.
L. B. Swayneof Schuyler, came up Tues
day afternoon and made arrangements
for having the body shipped to that
place, where the funeral will be held
Attorney Garlow was in Norfolk Mon
day evening attending a meeting of the
Third district republican congressional
committee of which he is the member
from Platte county
Postmaster Dan MeLeod of Schuyler
was in the city Tuesday on his way home
from Norfolk, where he attended a meet
ing of the republican congressional com
mittee. Mrs. Leopold Jseggi will move to Lin
coln this winter and keep house for her
two daughters, Elsie and Gertrude, who
are attending the State university.
The Misses Delia and Ollie Meisiler
who have been visiting their brother,
Walter Meissler, in St. Louis, returned
Or Otherwise.
Those who do their
banking here are
money wise.
Columbus State Bank
Capital Smrplu, $85,000.00
Last spring L. F. Pbillipps concluded
to try an experiment with Angora goats,
placing them on Buck island for the
purpose of cleaning off the growth of
underbrush. He boogot 147 of the goats
and turned them loose on the island;
and the result of his experiment has
been very satisfactory. Dnring the sum
mer he lost but one of the animals, and
the remainder have done exceedingly
well, and are in fine condition for winter
Mr. Pbillipps says that the goats did
not clear up the underbrush as well
he anticipated, owing to the fact that
there were not enough of them, and he
expects to sooner or later replace them
with sheep. During the summer he
was bothered very little by the dogs,
and not at ail by coyotes, and the latter
will not attack a goat unless very hun
gry. When be puts sheep on the island
he will be compelled to afford more pro
tection to them as the dogs and coyotes
may cause him considerable loss. His
henl of goats is in fine condition for
market and he may conclude to turn
them off soon. His experience with the
goats in this locality will be of benefit
to many, as he has demonstrated that
they can be very profitably handled in
this section of Nebraska.
Since the publication by Edgar Ho
ward in the Telegram of the charges
against Hitchcock in connection with
the Hartley defalcation, each day has
brought forth additional and conclusive
evidence that they are well founded.
An the democratio state headquarters
are in this city, quite naturally there
would he more interest taken here than
elsewhere, and all are awaiting further
developments in the case. Mr. Howard's
attitude in the matter has brought ont
much adverse criticism from democrats,
but he is persistent in his effort to com
pel Hitchcock to withdrawn from the
race for United States senator. The
Lincoln Journal has the following com
ment on Mr. Howard's position. This
bolt of Edgar Howard is unusual. Ho
ward has followed bis party's lesd when
it required swallowing mighty bitter
medicine to do so. When Governor
Holcomb was forced on democracy as a
candidate for supreme judge by the po-pnl-.sts
and free silver republicans Ed
gar Howard rebelled before the nomina
tion was made, but be swung into line
later. In the convention that named
Holcomb for supreme judge, held in
Omaha. Mr. Howard made a hard fight
on the lloor to defeat such action.
When the nomination had been accom
plished while the convention was in an
uproar and while Mr. Howard himself
was the center of a group of his party
leaders, protesting against the wisdom
of such an act, a reporter asked. "Mr.
Howard, yon have fought Governor Hol
comb in the convention and he has been
nominated; will you oppose bis election?"
Mr. Howard turned half around in that
slow, measured way in which he moves
and talks, turned a withering gaze on
his questioner and replied: 'Young
man, I am a democrat; where my party
leads I follow."
We have the agenoy for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.60 to $4.!i0. Prices in
boys' from DOc, 75c, $1 and $1.35.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 80c to $2 50 a garment. Bay
early while th sizes are complete.