" SOUTH CAROLINA FLORIST EXPERIMENTS WITH DAHLIA Munyons 5MAN Soap - ijowmr Tells Interesting Story of Success With Flower of Doubl Variety From Seed Soma Very Beautiful. b more soothing thna Cold frMBi! more bealinz thaa tlK MAK5T RCEEKty RUSE anv lotion, liniment or salve: more beautifying than aay cosmetic mXRATlON br M.G.KETTNER. mi stats hair Irtai riw-in tjy OUQOf - fCKK(l.L. GUr-TP.ICy fsMsf tut 4k? z- JpWT PBHHi A BanS 'asaa r SYNOPSIS. Tivrriif Hlafclt-y. lawyer, ijoes to T'lttslmrsi wJlli t! - I rert'l nots !n t!ie HroiiHon tase to c t t.- !-po.-slt!nri tif John Oitrniire. milHrrri.r-, In tlie hitter's home lip is Httract-i i.v ii i:-tur- of a yoiins tfrl whom tii- iriiUioii'Hrf .-vplitlns Is his Kra!niJauhtT. A I.-.ity rnju.-sta Illakoiy to litiy hr a rulliu.'.n tld;.t. H slvcs hor lowrr eleven .i!:,l i-I.-i!:ih lower tTi. Hi- finds a rtninken man In lowr t"n i'-'J'J rt-tirv.i in lower r.!n I If a-.vufcpis In lower c"vi"i and finds hi." e!itiie; mil lnK nii.s.i!ii;;. The man In h.wT is fon-l miirtfrrw". Ore u:::HtjtiitS:il ovlihr.ee jihtces oti Illakehy i.u.1 t!i- uii.iimvn man ,.rlm had -pl:nii;rd Sotins. hf. hl::. umlT hiiH'ilrfnn or :iiuiJor. Ulalu'ey lernn-si inteteuted In a Klrl In Ilu - Th train wre-Ui-rt. i;jnl:-Io- i' rs-ued fror.i fe hurtling car lv the si-1 in hlu . Hi- arm is !nA.ii TJiey k to the (Vi-ter plae for tuoal.frsi. Tl: K'-rl proves j he A1I moii WVU. his :irtri r'fl sweetheart. llT pecul'iir arMons inyMfv tlie Jawyr. S!i drops her roM li.is? mid i::i!:eli-y pits it In his pocket. H!aK h". r- turns hom lie finds that l. i under s-urvt ill.ime and lu-nrs of ,;r:i:.t;- fiolnss in th- iuiiisu next floor. CHAPTER XV. Continued. As we turned lh- corner I la'iffd hack. Ilitlf a block behind us John son was moving our way slowly. When he saw me he slopped and pro ceeded with great deliberation to light :i ci;:!r. H hurry i':. however, he caught the ctir that we took, and stood unobtrusively on the rear platform. He looked fagged, and absent-mindedly paid cur fares, to McKnight's de light. "We will give him a run for his money." he dech.red. as the car moved counlryward. "Conductor, let us off nt the muddiest lane you fan find." At one o'clock, after a six-mile ram ble, we entered a small country hotel. We had seen nothing of Johnson for a half hour. At tr-at titne he was a quarter of a mile h.'hiud us. and losing rapidly, liefore we had finished our luncheon he s-laggtred into the inn. One of bis boots was under his arm. and bis whole appearance was deplor able, lie was coated with ruid. streak ed with perspiration, and be limped as be walkfd. He chose a table not far from us and ordered Scotch. Be yond touching his hat. be paid no at tention to us. "I'm just getting my second wind," .McKnight declared. "How do you feel, Mr. Johnson? Six or eight miles more and we'll all enjoy our dinners." John son put down the glass he had raised to his lips without replying. The fact was-, however, that I was like Johnson. I was soft from my week's Inaction, and I was pretty well "one up. McKnight. who was a well spring of vitality and "nigh spirits, or dered a strange concoction, made of nearly everything in the bar, and sent it over to the detective, but Johnson refused it. "1 hate that kind of person," Ic Knight said pettishly. "Kind of a fel low that thinks you're going to poison his deg if you offer him a bone." When we got to the car line, with Johnson a draggled and drooping tail to the kite. 1 was in better spirits. I had told McKnight the story of the three hours jiit-t after the wreck; I had not named the girl, of course; she bad my promise of secrecy. Hut I told hiiii everything ols-'o. It was a relief to have a Sresh mind on it: I had puz zled so much over the incident at the farm-house, and the necklace in the gold bag, that 1 had lost perspective. He had been interested, but inclined (o be amused, until I came to the broken chain. Then he had whistled softly. "Hut there are tons of line gold chains made every year," he said "Why In tlie world do you think that the er smeary piece came from that necklace?" 1 had looked around. Johnson was far behind, scraping the mud oft' his feet with a piece of stick. "I have the short end of the chain In the Fcalskin bag." 1 reminded him. "When I couldn't sleep this morning I thought 1 would settle it, one way or the other. It was hell to go along the way I had been doing. And there's no doubt about it, Iiich. It's the same chain." We walked along in silence until we caught the car back to town. "Well," he said finally, "you know the girl, of course, and I don't. Hut If you like her and 1 think myself you're rather hard hit. old man I wouldn't give a whoop about the chain in the gold purse. It's just one of the little coincidences that hang people now and then And as for last night if she's the kind of a girl you say she is. and you think she had any thing to do with that, you you're addled, that's all. You can depend on it. the lady of the empty house last week is the lady of last night. And yet your train acquaintance was in Altoona at thrt time." Just before we got oft" the car. I re verted to the subject again. It was never far back in my mind. "About the young lady of the train, Uich." 1 said, with what I suppose was elaborate carelessness. "I don't want you to get a wrong impression. I am rather unlikely to see her again, but even If I do, I I believe she is al ready 'bespoke,' or next thing to it." He made no reply, but as I opened the door with my latch-key he stood looking up at me from the pave ment with his quizzical smile. "Love is like the measles." he orat ed. "The older you get it, the worse the attack." Johnson did not appear again that day. A small man in a raincoat took his place. The next morning I made my Initial trip to the office, the rain coat still on hand. I had a short con ference with. Miller, the district at torney, at 11. Tronson was under sur veillance, he said, and any attempt to sell the notes to him would probably result in their recovery. In the mean time, as I knew, the Commonwealth had continued the case. In hope of such contingency. At noon I left the office and took a veterinarian to 6ce Candida, the in jured pony. Hy one o'clock my first day's duties were performed, and a leng Sahara of hot afternoon stretched ahead. McKnight, always glad to escape from the grind, sug gested a vaudeville, and in sheer ennui I consented. I could neither ride, drive nor golf, and my own com pany borr-d me to distraction. "Coolest place in town these days," he declared. "Electric fans, breezy songs, airy costumes. And there's Johnson just behind the coolest proposition in Washington." He gravely bought three tickets and presented the detective with one. Then we went in. Having lived a nor iral, busy life, the theater in the aft- moon is to me about on a par with ice cream for breakfast. Jp on the stage a very stout woman in short pink skirts, with a smile that Mc Knight declared looked like a slash in a roll of buttrr. was ringing nasally. with a laborious kick at the end of t each verse. Johnson, two rows ahead, went to sleep. .McKnight prodded me with his elbow. "Look at the first box to the right," he said, in a stage whisper. " I want you to come over at the end of this act." It was the first time I had seen her tdiirc I put her in the cab at Balti- i 1 f Iff ) W "And There's Johnson Just Behind, the Coolest Proposition in Washington." more. Outwardly I presume I was calm, for no one turned to stare at me, but every atom of me cried out at the sight of her. She was lean ing, bent forward, lips slightly parted, gazing raptly at the Japanese con jurer who had replaced what -McKnight disrespectfully called the Col umns of Hercules. Compared with the draggled lady of the farm house, she was radiant. For that first moment there was nothing but joy at the sight of her. McKnight's touch on my arm brought me back to reality. "Come over and meet them," he said. "That's the cousin Miss West is visiting. Mrs. Dallas." Hut I would not go. After he went I sat there alone, painfully conscious that I was being pointed out and stared at from the box. The abomin able Japanese gave way to yet more atrocious performing dogs. "How many offers of marriage will the joung lady in the box have?" The dog stopped sagely at "none," and then pulled out a card that said eight. Wild shouts of glee by the audience. "The fools," I muttered. After a little I glanced over. Mrs. Dallas was talking to McKnight. but she was looking straight at ine. She was flushed, but more calm than I, and she did not low. I fumbled for my hat, but the next moment I saw that they were going, and I sat still. When McKnight came back he was triumphant. "I've made an engagement for you." he said. "Mrs. Dallas asked me to bring you to dinner to-night, and 1 ' said I knew you would fall all over yourself to go. You are requested to bring along the broken arm. and any other souvenirs of the wreck that you may possess." "I'll do nothing of the sort," I de clared, struggling against my inclina tion. "I can't even tie my necktie, and I have to have my food cut for me." "Oh, that's all right," he said eas ily. "I'll send Stogie over to fix you up, and Mrs. Dal knows all about the arm. I told her." (Stogie is his Japanese factotum, so called because he is lean, a yellowish brown in color, and because he claims to have been shipped into this country in a box.) The cinematograph was finishing the program. The house was dark and the music had stopped, as it does in the circus just before somebody risks his neck at so much a neck in the dip of death, or the hundred-foot dive. Then, with a sort of shock, I saw on the white curtain the announcement: THE NEXT PICTURE IS THE DOOMED WASHINGTON FI.1ER. TAKEN A SHOUT DIS TANCE FROM THE SCENE OF THE WRECK ON THE FATAL. MORNING OF SEPTEMBER TENTH. TWO MILES FARTHER ON IT MET WITH ALMOST COM PLETE ANNIHILATION I confess to a return of some of the sickening sensations of the wreck; J went boldly through 1 turned the key people around me were leaning for- The final set was being struck, and ward with tense faces. Then the let- j no one paid any attention to us. Luck ters were gone and 1 saw a long lev- j ily they were similarly indifferent to el stretch or track, even the broken ; a banging at the door I had locked, stone betwecw the ties standing Out ' a banging which. I judged, signified distinctly. Far off unler a cloud of smoke a small object was rushiug to ward as and growing larger as it came. Now it was on us, a mammoth In size, with huge drivers and a colossal tender. The engine leaped aside, as if just in time to save us from de struction, with a glimpse of a stoop ing fireman and a grimy engineer. The long train of sleepers followed. From a forward vestibule a porter in a white coat waved his hand. The rest of the cars seemed still wrapped in slumber. With mixed sensations I saw my own car, Ontario, fly past, and then I rose to my feet aud gripped McKnight's shoulder. On the lowest step of the last car, one foot hanging free, was a man. His black derby hat was pulled well down to keep it from blowing away, and his coat was flying open In the wind. He was swung well out from the car. his free hand gripping a small valise, every muscle tense for a jump. "Ccod God. that's my man!" I said hoarsely, as the audience broke into applause. McKnight half rose; in his seat ahead Johnson stilled a yawn and turned to eye i:u 1 dropped into my chair limply, and tried tu control my excitement. "The man on the last platform of the train." I said. "He was just about to leap; I'll swear that was my bag." -Could you see his face?" McKnight asked in an undertone. vould you j know him again? "No. His hat was pulled down and his head was bent. I'm going back to find out where that picture was ta ken. They say two miles, but it may have been forty." The audience, busy with its wraps, had not noticed. Mrs. Dallas and Al ison West had gone. In front of us Homely Girl Has Many Qualities That Make Her More Popular Than Her Beau tiful Sister. In these days the homely girl is an absolute necessity, for she is like a cooling, quieting draft She comforts tired workers on their return from the whirl of busy towns; she can make a humble home or a mansion a place of happiness. Her simplicity is her greatest charm. She pursues neither ambition nor ideals, but confines herself to the essentially useful things of life. Man. under her benign sway, becomes again as a little child; he drops the world for a time, and revels in the delight of domesticity, and returns again to the fray like a giant re freshed. All her arts. too. are simple, easily fathomed; she practices no deep-laid wiles; yet she is a final and all-powerful factor in human affairs. The very directness of her purpose ga'ns her end. The "homely girl" Is seen at her best, of course, in the home, smiling happily and wearing a big apron. She Johnson had dropped his bat and was stooping for it. "This way," I motioned to Mc Knight, and we wheeled into the nar row passage behind us, back of the ! boxes. At the end there was a door ! leading into the wings, and as we Johnson. "I guess we've broken up his Inter ference." McKnight chuckled. Stage hands were hurrying in every direction; pieces of the side wall of ' last drawing room menaced us; a switchboard behind us was singing like a tea-kettle. Everywhere wo stepped v..- were in somebody's way. At last we were across, confronting a man in his shirt sleeves, who by dots and dashes of profanity seemed to bo directing the chaos. "Well?" he said, wheeling on ' us. "What can I do for you?" "I would like to ask," I replied, "if you have any idea just where the last cinematograph picture was taken." "Hroken board picnickers lako?" "No. The Washington Flier." He glanced at my bandaged arm. "The announcement says two nii!es," McKnight put in. "but we should like to know whether it Is rail road miles, automobile miles, or po liceman miles." "I am s-orry I can't toll you," ho re plied, more civilly. "We get those pic tures by contract. We don't take them ourselves." "Where are the company's offices?" "Xew York." He stepped forward and grasped a super by the shoulder. "What in blazes are you doing with that gold chair in a kitchen set? Take that piece of pink plush there and throw it over a soap box. If you have not got a kitchen chair." I had not realized the extent of the shock, but now I dropped into a chair and wiped my forehead. The unex pected glimpse of Alison West fol lowed almost immediately by the rev elation of the picture, had left me limp and unnerved. McKnight was looking at his watch. "He says the moving picture peo ple have an office down-town. We can make it if we go on now." So he called a cab, and we started at a gallop. There was no sign of the detective. "Upon my word." Richey said, "I feel lonely without him." The people at the down-town office of the cinematograph company were very obliging. The picture had been taken, they said, at M . just two miles beyond the scene of the wreck. It was not much, but it was something to work on. I decided not to go home, but to send McKnight's Jap for my clothes, and to dress at the Incubator. I was determined, if possible, to make my next day's investigations without Johnson. In the meantime, evrn if It was for the last time. I would see Her hat night. I gave Stogie a note for Mrs. Klopton. and with my dinner clothes there came back the gold bag wrapped in tissue paper. tTO RE CONTINUED.) Why Dickens Wrote "Christmas Carol." I noticed a statement in one of the papers recently that DicJ-"ns wrote hl3 "Christmas Carol" with the express ob ject of reviving the popinar interest in the Christmas season und its festivi ties. This Is a pleasing fiction which had often been prevlisly met wi'h. The fact is that Dic!:e.;s wrote the "Christmas Carol" in the au'ttmn of lSlo because he was short of money and in great need of $..nOU The most candid chapter in Forstr's "Life" U ' 'he one (in the second vo!:i:w v.lJcn I relates the tale of Dickens" disappoint- nion! :md 'e:nrilr irfcnn li. r-..-rtlt.-iid hc ..Carr accounts for . of be 5-000 Lc ..ha,, se. Ws h am, I -ot:l upon." the sum due to him was only fl.150. Dickens wrote: "My year's bills, unpaid, are so terrific that all the energy and determination I an possibly exert will be required to clear me before I go abroad." Dick ens ultimately cleared $2,630 by the 'Christmas- Carol" on a sale of 15.000 "opies. London Truth. a Necessity dusts and cooks with quiet enthusiasm and manages her household as if it were an important principality. Her cooking, be It whispered, is divine, and thus she claims reverent admiration from many masculine minds. Her work seams a genuine delight to her. She toils with a merry heart, and. when the time comes for play, she disports herself with an equally simple and delightful pleasure. Ar tificiality shrinks from he,r presence. As a wife, the "homely girl" is. let it be known, pre-eminenL She wraps her heart and troul around home and husband. No detail is too small for her ardent attention. Philadelphia Press. Wedding Trip with Fifty Slaves. By the death of Mrs. Sarah Eliza beth Summers some time ago Mis souri lost one of its pioneers. Mrs. Summers was married to James P. Summers, also a Kentucklan, when she was 17 years old. On their wed ding trip they came by steamboat to Missouri, bringing with them about fifty slaves. Kansas City Time. Double 1 want the flower loving readers to Itnow of the success I had with dahl ias from seeds. I ordered one packet, and sowed it in a box. having no idea rhat I had such a glorious treat in store, writes a South Carolina Florist In Park's Floral Magazine. Within five days the seedlings had pushed up In little "humps," and soon were hold ing their heads up, looking strong and vigorous. As soon as they were larg? enough to transplant. I put them In good, loamy, well-worked soil, and I could actually see them grow. With in three weeks I noticed the color of some stalks was dark red. and others light green. The buds commenced to show soon, and then swell, and oh. the pleasure In watching the differ ent colors show! Soino grew faster than others, but all grew entirely to ray satisfaction. There was one par ticular plant that grew and kept on growing and wo encouraged this MORE POTATOES BY SPRAYING 3 For a good many years the general farmer has contented himself with oc casionally going over his potato plants with a bucket and a stick in an attempt to eradicate entirely 'the de structive potato beetle or "bug." In a way, this has answered the purpose, ince the plants were saved from be ing entirely consumed by the hordes of insect pests that continually swarm ed up from nowhere, but of course it was impos.-i; lo '- rM c--i plant of all thr bugl? tha infested it. Soma of the eggs were sure to remain and hatch. Then there were the many varied plant diseases to which the tubers were subjected and a few years ago no methods were available to effectu ally control the:n. slnco no systematic study had been given to this branch of agriculture. Realizing that more scientific meth ods should be adopted to successfully combat these different pests, the New York experiment station at Geneva made some very interesting and care ful experiments in recent years, the results of which have lately been pub lished in bulletin form. Their research revealed that fre quent sprayings during the dry sea sons of the year effected much better plant conditions and a proportionately increased potato crop. Out of eleven volunteer expert- SAVES LIVES OF CHICKENS Kansas Ponltry Raiser Has Dis covered and Put Into Practice Means of Preventing Largo Mortality Anions' Chicks. A well-known Kansas CKy poultry man, Ernest Kellerstrass, has discov ered and put into practise a new means of preventing the common large mortality of brooder chicks. The remedy Is so simple that at first thought it appears almost ridiculous. It consists only in the use of black soil in the floor of the brooder. Mr. Kellerstrass by accident, two or three years ago, noticed that a piece of Bod placed on the floor of a brooder was quickly worked on by the chicks. They stood on it and scratched on lc in preference to the wooden floor of the brooder. The entire floor of the brooder was then covered with sod. and it was found that the chicks on the sod covered floor were stronger, j Dahlia. growth Just to see where it would go to. It finally .decided to stop at the height of nine and a half feet, and then the exquisite bloom bung over In such a graceful way. showing a flower almost black with a bright, yel low center about the size of a 23-cent Piece. The petals looked like heavy silk velvet, and the blooms were as large as my tubers produced. Some of the others were equally as beauti ful, one being a magenta, with the back of the petals striped in white; another was a fawn shade and very odd; another was yellow outlined on each petal with red. and still an other was a peculiar shade bordering on a brick-dust color, the back of the petals being yellow. This combination was perfectly beautiful, and thought by many who saw it to be the love liest in the lot. In all, I secured 32 plants, and every one was a gem. uients. there was shown an average gain per acre, due to spraying, of 66 bushels. The average net co3t of spraying per acre was 84 cents and the average price of potatoes at dig ging time was 60 cents per bushel. A little mental arithmetic makes It self evident that it pays to spray. Milk as a Food. Analyses prove that one quart of milk containing five per cent, butter fat and costing in the market fronr 5 to 12 cents, Is equal in food vaiuo to five-sixths of a pound of sirloin steak, costing from 15 to 20 cents, and as meats are generally cocked, It is probably far more digestible and the comparative value greater than indi cated. Pea Straw. Poa straw is well liked by sheep and is ahead of all other fodders, with the possible exception of clover hay. In Canada, where the pea crop is a general one, the straw Is always saved for the sheep and Is fed probably more extensively than any other fod der. Prompt Work. j A man may make somo mistakes by J doing things too early in the season, j but being right "up on the bit" with the work invariably pays out best. freer of disease and thrived better Id every way than chicks in brooders with no earth covering for the floors. From this experiment the idea was evolved that earthen floors were the proper kind for young chicks and con tinued experiments were made on a large scale. The black earth floor was tried with 25,000 chicks and proved so successful that less than five per cent of ordin ary brooder raised chicks die. The idea of Mr. Kellerstrass is that board floors are too hard and un natural for the feet of young chicks, and that soil is a soft and natural floor for them. By standing on the board floor the chicks acquire leg weakness that results in the white bowel trouble and a general weakening of the young birds. With loose, dry soil as a floor the chicks will early learn to scratch and become active. Through scratch ing and exercise the birds grow strong; and hence more resistent to disease. Cull the Flock. The simple fact that a Iamb 13 reg istered doesn't mean that he's good enough to breed. Cull closely. .. Your Liver is Clogged up TWs Way Teaia wafta CARTER'S UVER FILLS 1M! iaa few days. TWrdo tkirday- Cn U. mj jt Infirfu UIX FBI. SMALL WUM. SMALL ttXt Gmimtaeu Signature the name to remember en you need a remedy COUCH and COLDS ATCHISON'S ORDER OF SPINS Unmarried, and Contented Withal; They Have Mapped Out for Themselves a Pious City. There was called a meeting of the Ancient Order of Spins last evening, and papers were read on every sub Ject. from removing grease from car pets to the sad memories that attack1 to a bunch of old letters. The Spin were having a hilarious time whea visiting Spin got up to make a few re marks. She said that, while they are happy now, there was a sad time com fng. "Think of the day." she said, "when, having no husbands or chil dren, you will be all alone." There was a sniff and then a snort as Spia after Spin recalled wives and mothers who are alone from daylight till dark, except when some member of the fam ily wants waiting on. The sniffling md snorting increased in volume as Spin after Spin told of her freedom from worry, her independence in fi nancial matters and the joy of doing as she pleased. "But we must not take offense at what our sister has said." one Spin remarked. "Let u show our good intentions by calling on every lonesome wife and mothef we know." Thi3 was six weeks ago, and though the Spins have devoted every afternoon and evening since ta this missionary work, they havea't made half tha rounds yet. Atchlsoa Globe. NOT YET INTRODUCED. "Where do you live, my la33?" "Tee hee! No. 411 Steenth street. but mamma doon't allrw gentlemen to call on me jest yet " Flirting With Fashion. That innate tendency on tho part of the fair consumer to flirt with fash Ion, playing fast and loose with vari ous commodities, 3 responsible for the uncertainties that have prevailed during the month. There was such a lack of confidence as to the ultimate acceptance of the various lines pre pared by distributers and consumers that buying was somewhat minLnized. Prosperity or adversity has nothing to do with the millinery business. Fash ion alone makes or breaks. Millinery Trade Review. A FOOD DRINK. Which Brings Daily Enjoyment. A lady doctor writes : "Though busy hourly with my owa affairs, 1 will not deny myself tha pleasuro of taking a few minutes to tell of my enjoyment daily obtained from my morning cup of Postum. It is a food beverage, not a poison Uka coffee. "I began to use Postum eight years ago, not because I wanted to, but "be cause coffee, which I dearly loved, made my nights long weary periods to be dreaded and unfitting me for busi ness during the day. MOa the advice of a friend, I frit tried Po3tum, making it carefully as directed on the package. As I had always used 'cream and no sugar I mixed my Postum so. It looked good, was clear and fragrant, and it was a pleasure to see the cream color it as my Kentucky friend always wasted. her coffee to look 'like a new sssV die "Then I tasted It critically, for I ksA tried many 'substitutes' for coffee. 1 was pleased, yes, satisfied, with WKf Postum in taste and effect, and ass yet. being a constant user of it all these years. "I continually assure my friends sail acquaintances that they will like it la place of coffee, and receivo beaea from its use. I have gained weighty can sleep sound and am not nervosa," "There's z Reason." Read "The Road to Wellville" in Ever read the above letter? A one appears from time to time. Thsy are genuine, true, and full of Interest. Ever rear! the akave letter? A rae appears uwm Urate i time, re seaalae, trae, aaa fall .f latercau f Tkw-o r rid .HHHHIIHfaiwpir P iTTLK T IVER Jr rl,kl W t . a ma4.iiRr9 - is sa siBiav t -Tor