The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 12, 1910, Image 2

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    Columbus Journal I
tiers of Interest Con
From the More
irtant Telegrams.
The Washington government will
participate in an arbitration of the
long standing dispute with Mexico
over the international boundary at El
Paso, Tex., within a year.
Looking to the compliance with the
president's policy of putting the exe
cutive departments and offices of the
government on a sound Labis, with
a view to a greater efficiency and
greater economy. Secretary Balllnger
appointed a committee of three de
partment officials to study the
question in the interior department.
In August the export trade of the
United States to every part of the
world increased more than $12,000,
000, according to a summary complet
ed by the department of commerce
and labor. In the eight months of
the calendar year, which ended with
August, the value of exports to
Europe alone were nearly $620,000.
600, and the Imports for the same
period more than $525,000,000.
Seventeen suits, instituted by the
United States and charging that
many thousand conveyances or
Indian lands of the Qve civilized
tribes allotted in severalty to them
had been made in vain of express re
itrictions against alienation, were
filed In the Fupreme court of the
United States for review. The cases
Involve a determination of what is
the present policy of the government
toward the Indians of these tribes.
Russia is far behind other clviiized
countries of the world in the matter
of decreasing the number of death
sentences, acording to statistics given
to the International prison congress
at Its session by Dr. Frederick H.
Wines of Philadelphia.
There Is a possibility that Grt
Britain will use its good offices U) se
cure respect for the persons of King
Manuel and tho queen mother. Amelia
of Portugal, from the revolutionists,
who are reported to be in control of
Lisbon. There is much public sym
pathy for King Manuel in England.
Professor Bcmbarda, the anticler
ical, who was shot by an army lieu
tenant at Lisbon, Portugal, died.
News of the death soon circulated
and a crowd of anti-clericals as
sembled near tho professor's home
and shouted: "Down with the
priests. At Oporto the intelligence
caused a violent collision between
the factions.
The cholera epidemic has taken a
Etrong hold in Amur province,
Russia, twenty-six cases, with
twelve deaths, being reported during
the week Of these twelve cases and
seven deaths were at the capital.
Blagovieshtchensk, Fergana, in Aur
kestan, is also included in the
cholera zone and has reported six
cases. On the whole, however, the
situation Is improving.
As has been anticipated, the Bank
of Englnnd raised its discount rate to
4 per cent.
Dr. J. H. Worst, president of tho
North Dakota agricultural college, is
to head the international dry farming
congress for the coming year.
The total estimate for the ap
propriations necessary for the naval
service in the next fiscal year were
announced to be $123,300,000.
One hundred thousand dollars re
ward i6 offered for apprehension and
conviction of the parties whe dyna
mited the Los Angeles Times build
ing. The grand prize race for automo
biles will be held over the Vanderbilt
cup course on Long Island. October
15. The course Is to be thoroughly
policed that accidents may be
Complaint was Sled with tho Inter
state Commerce commission by the
railroad commissioners of South Dak
ota against increase on freight rates
proposed by the Chicago." Milwaukee
& St Paul and twelve other railroads
operating in that stele.
The representative committee of
the united brotherhood of carpenters
and joiners of America in biennial
convention at Des Moines reported
In favor of a national home for
tuberculosis cases and aged carp
enters. The convention will decide
upon the report at the next biennial
convention at Washington. D. C.
Aviator Brookins broke the long
distance flight record by sailing from
Chicago to Springfield. Hi
The work of the port of Naples has
been suspended, practically, in conse
quence of the cholera epidemic la the
poorer quarters of the city.
The total estimates for the appro
priations necessary for the naal
service in the next fiscal year wero
announced to be $12S.r.O0.00O.
Virginia Harned Sothcrn. the well
known actress filed suit for divorce
against Edward H. Sothern. the
prominent actor, in the district court
at Reno. Nev.
The state ticket of the New York
socialist labor party was filed by pe
tition with the secretary of state.
An involuntary petition in bankrupt
cy was filed against the brokerage
firm of B. H. Scheftels & Co.. whose
offices were raided at Tew York.
Representative Beckemeyer told
the Lorimer committee he was paid
a thousand dollars for his vote.
Tiiat the United States enjoys tae
best credit of any nation appears in a
comparison of the prices of the
government bonds of England,
France, Germany, and the United
States during the last thirty years.
The Independents of New York will
put a full ticket in the field.
John A. Dix was nominated for gov
ernor by the democrats of New York.
The president withdrew 4,100 acres
of land from the public domain in
China Is believed to be on the
verge of an upheavel similar to tha
of the boxers.
Necessity of frequent examinations
of banks was made at the Los Ange
les convention.
Rear Admiral Charles R. Rocker,
retired, died in Washington, agec
sixty-nine years.
A republic has been, proclaimed at
Lisbon, Portugal, and a provisional
government established.
The independence league of New
York declined to endorse the nomi
nees of the republicans.
Former Congressman Thomas Up
degraff from the Fourth Iowa district
died at his home in McGregor, la.
The German ministry of war an
nounced it would give $25,000 as a
price for an overland aviation com
petition. Elwin, three-year-old son of C. A.
Johnson, republican candidate for
governor of North Dakota, was
burned to death.
Diplomatic relations between Vene
zuela and Colombia which were re
cently severed because of a boundary
dispute have been restored.
Walter Brookins, the hero of the
Chicagoto-Springfield will attempt a
flight continuously from Springfield to
St. Louis, a distance of eighty-five
A $10,000,000 merger of all the
powder companies in Canada with the
exception of the Giant Powder com
pany, branch factory at Telegraph
Bay, has just been effected.
Because of the cholera scare in
Europe, two incoming trans-Atlantic
liners the Lapland from Antwerp and
the Perussia from Naples, were de
talned at quarantine for inspection.
By an order issued oy the postoffice
department land grant railroads here
after will receive only $15.39 for
each 2,000 pounds of mail carried in
excess of 48,000 pounds. The old rate
was $17.10.
The commission named by Presi
dent Taft to determine how the gov
ernment may best surpervise the is
suance of railway securities will hold
its first session in Washington No
vember 28. Quarters will be opened
there at once and a force of clerks
Tho state of Missouri has a popula
tion of 3,293,335, according to the en
umeration made during the thirteenth
census, statistics of which were an
nounced by the census bureau. This
is an increase of 1S6.570. or 6 per
cent over the population in 1900 of
The Los Angeles Times building
was wrecked by dynamite and subse
quently destroyed by fire. Twenty or
more lives were lost and a great
printing plant utterly destroyed. The
outrage is attributed to labor
troubles, the Times having for a
long time been an open office. So
far there is no clue to the guilty
The Standard Oil company through
its official publicity representative. J.
I. C. Clarke, has announced that the
company has inaugurated a cam
paign to increase the world's con
sumption of refined oil." and is lower
ing prices of kerosene in Europe and
the far east. This action follows that
of August last, when the Standard Oil
company reduced refined oil in bar
rels 1 cents a galion from 9?4 to
Si cents at the refinery, and refined
oil in tanks from G' to 5 cents a
gallon. In part the statement reads:
"The Standard Oil company has in
augurated a campaign to increase the
world's consumption cf refined oil.
The level of prices for refined oil to
day in the United States is lower
than at any time during recent years,
and as a direct result of these prices
the consumption of refined oil in this
country is increasing. The same pol
icy is now being actively pursued
As a tragic sequel to the death of
Edmond Poilit, the French aviator,
his fiancee, who had shown almost
uncontrollable grief went to his grave
Sunday and fired a bullet into her
heart Poillot was killed on Sep
tember 25 while making a flight with
a passenger. While at a height of
ninety feet a wing collapsed and the
machine fell backward.
The executive committee of the
brotherhood of machinists, through
Secretary Robert M. Lackey, sent to
the interstate commerce commission
a protest against the recent petition
presented to the commission by of
ficials of various organizations of rail
road employes urging that the pro
posed advance of freight rates should
be approved.
Hoke Smith has been elected tc
serve a second term as governor of
Postmaster General Hitchcock has
made a number of promotions in his
Rufus Blodgett. former United
States senator, died at his home at
Long Branch, N. J. He was taken
sick about six months ago.
Republicans and democrats are tr
hold their state nominating conven
tions at Boston.
Henry L. Stimson was notified of
his nomination for governor of New
York, and accepted the place.
"If my health continues to improve
I expect to be a candidate for the
United States senate In 1912, other
wise not," said Senator Tillman.
There is a possibility that Great
Britain will use its good offices to se
cure respect for the persons of King
Manuel and the queen mother, Ame
lia, of Portugal from the revolution
ists. Holtslaw was temporarily excused
from giving testimony before the con
gressional committee.
The unwritten law was upheld by a
Pittsburg judge in the case of a girl
who killed her godfather.
Los Angeles officials are still
searching for a clew to the destruc
tion of the Times building.
Cornell un'verslty is to erect f
memorial tablet in Goldwln Smith
hall in honor of the late Prof. Gold
win Smith upon which will be in
scribed a copy of the clause in his
will bequeathing more than $600,000
unconditionally to Cornell.
New Nationalism Defended, and Men
Who are Honest Assured There
is Nothing to Fear.
Knoxville, Tenn. The south gave
Theodore Roosevelt a welcome Fri
day which he described as "Great, by
, Throughout the first day of his first
southern trip, which took him across
Virginia and a part of Tennessee, he
received all the honors which the
south can pay.
Colonel Roosevelt started the day
with the determination to keep as
quiet as possible and not to make
many speeches, because his throat isv
not yet in good condition. But wher
ever he went a crowd was waiting for
him. Each crowd was out to cheer
and did cheer until he made a speech.
The colonel nde his first speech be
fore he bad finished breakfast and
kept at it until late at night, before
bis train left Knoxville for Atlanta.
He said be enjoyed the whole day im
mensely. The colonel talked "New National
ism." He brought into the south the
doctrine which he announced on his
recent western trip and emphasized
It. He defended it from the criti
cisms which have been directed
against it and said that it was not re
volutionary, but rather was designed
to put a stop to things which might
bring on a revolutionary movement.
If unchecked. He also put in a few
words about his fight in New York
state, saying he was trying to im
prove conditions there.
"It is quite a job." he said, "but we
are going to do it."
The two chief speeches of the day
were delivered at Bristol, Tenn., and
it Knoxville.
In his Bristol speech the colonel de
fended "new nationalism" and went
after the political bosses, saying that
bosslsm is 'The negation of de
mocracy." Knoxville's celebration was held on
;he grounds of the Appalachian ex
position, where Colonel Roosevelt
spoke in the afternoon and again at
i banquet at night. It was a ccld,
damp day with a good deal of rain,
iut the weather did not keep the
people at home. All of East Tennes
see poured out its people and several
thousands were here from Virginia.
The Eleventh United States cavalry
!rom Chattanooga, which escorted
Colonel Roosevelt from the train to
the exposition grounds, bad its hands
full in piloting him through the
crowds to the steps of the exposition
hall to review a floral parade. As the
former presient mounted the steps
the band played "Dixie" and the peo
ple cheered. The presidential salute
of twenty-one guns was given for
State Department Will Not at Present
Commit Itself.
Washington. A circular note sent
simultaneously to all the powers by
Provisional President Braga announc
ing that he has been proclaimed pres
ident of Portugal, that the revolution
has been successful and that he has
appointed a cabinet, was received by
the State department today. The
United States has not replied to the
The State department will not com
mit itself by any form of communica
tion until proof of the stability of the
proclaimed government is forthcom
ing. There are evidences of censor
ship in the news given out from Port
ugal, according to officials here, who
suggest that it is too early yet to
judge accurately the status of the gov
ernment power from the partisan pro
nunciamentos from the Braga regime.
Big Fire Loss in iowa.
Mason City, la. Fire which started
in some empty houses, owned by the
Milwaukee road here, on Friday de
stroyed property amounting to $500.
000. The heaviest loser is the Inter
national Harvester company, its build
ing and contents being burned. The
Empire Separator company, the John
Deere & Co.. and the Smith Manu
facturing company, were the big los
ers. The Milwaukee company had
several cars burned. The losses are
only partially covered by insurance.
Resources of the SouthJ
Atlanta, Ga. Plans for the explota
tion of the resources of the south and
the methods and results that are
hoped to be obtained were discussed
at the opening session of the confer
ence of the Southern Commercial con
gress held here.
Judge Parker Files Brief.
Washington. A brief was filed in
the supreme court of the United
States by Judge Alton B. Parker and
associate counsel in the contempt pro
ceedings against Samuel Gompers,
John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, of
ficials of the American Federation of
Labor. The principal defense set
forth in the brief was that the refer
ence in the official organ of the fed
eration to the Bucks Stove and Range
company of St Louis did not contain
contempt for the court of the District
of Columbia.
Another Aviator Killed.
St Petersburg. Captain Macievich,
the Rusian military aviator, was
killed Friday in a fall from a Vcison
biplane. The accident occurred dur
ing an altitude competition which was
won by Lieutenant Matyevich, who
reached a height of 3,933 feet Macie
vich had risen 3,930 feet but decided
to descend. When at the height of 1.
640 feet his machine upset and the
aviator was thrown out He came
hurtling down like a plummet reach
lag the ground before the biplane,
with ever7 bone broken.
Winter Wheat.
Gage County Winter wheat Is
about all sowed in Gage county and
the crop average is about three weeks
ahead of last year at this time. The
acreage this year is somewhat larger
than last.
Granary Is Burned.
Howard County. In a violent elec
tric storm Sunday evening, the gran
ary of A. L. Balliman was struck by
lightning and destroyed by fire. It
was stored with grained. His auto
mobile, standing in the runway, was
Goes to the Philippines.
Cass County Miss Julia Kerr, who
recently resigned as teacher in the
Plattsmouth schools, left for San
Francisco, from which place she will
sail for the Philippines. She will re
side with an aunt. Miss Marie Gilman,
who has charge of a postoffice at a
station about six miles from Manila.
Dates Are Fixed.
Cuming County Secretary Wells
has announced the date of the Cum
ing County Farmers' institute for
January 12, 1911. The Cuming Coun
ty Poultry association has fixed Jan
uary 12, 13 and 14 as the dates of its
annual exhibition and poultry and pet
stock show, therefore the two events
will occur simultaneously.
Wymore Man's Close Call.
Gage County A Jacobs, a butcher
.from Wymore, narrowly escaped be
ing killed at the Burlington station.
In attempting to board the train he
missed his looting and fell against
the trucks and rolled on the track.
The baggage man grabbed him nnd
pulled him from under the coach be
fore the hind wheels passed over
Woman Drowns in Platte.
Butler County Miss Edna Kavan,
of Butler county, a girl of 19 years,
was drowned in the Platte river two
miles south of Schuyier. Miss Kavan
was crossing the C, B. & Q. bridge
and there she was met by a section
hand, who, by his gesticulations ami
talk, is said to have frightened her.
While she was attempting to escape
from him she fell into the river.
A Would-Be Suicide.
Jefferson County The arrival of
his wife at the proper moment, prob
ably saved the life of Will Aultman,
who lives at the little town of Thomp
son, six miles southwest of Fairbury.
When Mrs. Aultman arrived on the
scene, she found her husband hang
ing from a rafter in the barn with a
rope around his neck. She ran to the
house and secured a knife and cut
the rope and saved him.
Ground to Pieces.
Custer County Word has reached
Broken Bow that Lewis Booknau, an
old and respected former resident of
Custer county, but late of Lincoln,
was ground to pieces at Hazard by
falling under the wheels of a moving
freight. He had been looking after
some property at that place and was
.attempting to board a west bound
train when the accident occurred. Mr.
Booknau was about 60 years old.
Killed by Threshing Machine.
Platte County Elmer Guiles, a
farmer residing seven miles north
west of Monroe, was killed in an ac
cident with a threshing machine. The
machine, which was owned by Isaac
Jones, was being drawn past the
Guiles home, when Mr. Guiles, in a
moment of pleasantry, ran out and
attempted to ride astride the tongue.
While in this position he lost his bal
ance and fell under the front wheel
of the heavy separator. The engine
drawing tne machine was stopped just
after the wheel had crushed him,
causing internal injuries, from which
he died a few hours later.
Etue Goes to Penitentiary.
Adams County Judge Dungan at
Hastings pronounced sentence upon
Frank Etue, who pleaded guilty to
the charge of shooting Ray Hodger
at Kcnesaw, July 3. The sentence
reads for seven and one-half years at
hard labor in the state penitentiary
'and was in keeping with recommenda
tions of the county attorney, who sub
mitted a recapitulation of the evi
dence at the request of Judge Dun
gan. Defendant's counsel agreed to
the sentence.
Dodge County. Louis Norse
worthy and George B. Williams were
arrested at the Union station in Fre
.mont on a telegram from the sheriff
of Lawrence county. South Dakota,
stating that they were wanted at
Lead on the charge of stealing about
$200 worth of liquors and saloon sup
plies from Nick Pupick. They were
-arraigned in justice court as fugitives
from justice and committed to the
county jail to await requisition
papers from South Dakota. Both
protest their innocence, though ad
mitting that they had a bottle or two
of the liquor.
One Year in Penitentiary.
Wheeler County. Matthew C. Sam
ple was convicted of malicious as
sault and cutting and stabbing with
intent to wound, and sentenced to
one year in the penitentiary.
Scottsbluff County Fair.
Scottsbluff County. The Scotts
bluff county fair closed with an un
usually good attendance and pro
gram. Owing to the early frost the
vegetable display was not up to the
standard, but many specimens of
farm products were exhibited.
Bank of Norton Robbed.
Otoe County About 1:30 in the
morning burglars entered the bank
of Lorton and blew the safe with
dynamite, taking some $1,200 in gold
ered up in the safe. The safe and
but overlooking $1,000 which was cov
and silver and $800 in paper money,
part of the building were wrecked by
.three explosions. Mr. Steffens, who
resides opposite the bank, was awak
ened by the explosion, but having no
phone, looked out nnd seeing his
bouse guarded, gave no alarm, nor'
did he leave the bouse until daylight
Election Proclamation.
Acting in accordance with the stat
utes Governor Shallenberger has is
sued a proclamation informing the
people that an election will be held
In Nebraska on Tuesday, November
8. The proclamation contains the fol
lowing list of officers and propositions
to be voted upon:
One governor.
One lieutenant governor. C
One secretary of state.
One auditor public accounts.
One attorney general.
One treasurer.
One commissioner of public lands
and buildings.
One superintendent of public in
struction. One railway commissioner.
One congressman. First
sional district
One congressman. Second
sional district.
One congressman. Third
slona district.
One congressman. Fourth congres
sional district. ,
One congressman. Fifth
sional district
One congressman. Sixth
sional district.
State senators for each senatorial
Members of the legislature for each
representative district.
An expression of preference for
United Suites senator.
Also for or against a proposed
amendment to the constitution of the
state of Nebraska, amending section
1 of article 7. defining the qualifica
tions of electors.
To Test Pure Food Law.
State Food Commissioner Mains has
decided to start a sit against the
National Biscuit company for failure
to brand the net weight on packages
sold in Nebraska. It has -been ar
ranged that O. J. King, groceryman,
and Agent Page of the biscuit com
pany shall be arrested for failure to
brand the net weight and that habeas
corpus proceedings shall be instituted
in the supreme court for the purposo
of testing the state food law in the
highest court in the state. The state
law provides that the net weight of
food packages shall be stamped on
the outside of the package. This law
the National Biscuit company has re
fused to comply with and up to this
time State Food Commissioner Mains
has taken no legal action.
State Corporation Tax Smaller.
It is estimated that the state's an
nual license tax upon corporations
will bring in less than was received
last year. The first year the tax was
imposed It resulted in the collection
of considerably more than $72,0G0.
This year it is estimated that the tax
will be about $60,000. The tax is de
linquent September 1 and corporations
that have not paid the tax and a $10
penalty by November 30 are subject
to cancellation of charter. Up to date
$57,905.SO has been collected for the
tax of 1910. There are 8.000 delin
quent corporations. Not more than
half of these are expected to pay the
tax. because many corporations have
been consolidatled and swallowed up
by parent corporations for the express
purpose of evading the tax.
Raised the Price.
The state board of purchase and
supplies has been notified of an in
crease in the price of coffee. The
board has been somewhat wedded to
coffee that costs 15 cents a pound.
The board has been buying 15-cent
coffee for use in state institutions,
the officers of such institutions being
excepted from the use of such grade,
but now It has been informed that at
least 4 cents a pound more will be
asked for this coffee by jobbers.
Plan for 1911 Fair.
Secretary Mellor of the state board
of agriculture has already heard from
most of the firms that made machin
ery exhibits at the 1910 state fair ask-in-
to save the same space reserved
for them next year.
f To be deluged with requests of this
kind at so early a time -is an unexpect
ed experience for the board. Individu
al Arms have sometimes put in a bid
for their old space immediately after
the fair, but the majority usually do
not show such haste.
Officers for the coming year for the
state association of photographers
are: President, R. C. Nelson, Hastings;
firist vice-president. W. S. Soper. Ne
braska City; second vice-president
W. A. Thorn. York; secretary. R. R.
'Roszell. Beatrice; treasurer, Arthur
Anderson, Wchoo. The convention
was held at Lincoln.
Recently it was reported that the
state board of public lands and build
ings proposed to buy the shirts dam
aged by flood in the penitentiry store
house. Some one has called the atten
tion of the board to the fact that its
contract with the. maker of the shirts
provides that shirts made by convict
labor shall be shipped out of the state.
Under this contract the shirts mu.
first be shipped out of the state to
Chicago or Council Bluffs before they
can be bought by the state for use at
state institutions.
The cost of sending the national
guard to Fort Riley, Kas.. a few weeks
ago was $22,193. Of this amount the
state of Nebraska paid $5,487 as its
share of the pay of enlisted men.
-Drainage district No. 1 of Richard
son county has presented to the stats
auditor for registration $205,000 of 6
per cent bonds. The bonds have been
sold to eastern brokers. The auditor
has registered -125,000 of water bonds
issued by the city of Kearney for the
purchase of water works from a pri
vate company. The bonds bear 4
per cent Interest.
He would never write them letters: lie
dodged matrimonial fetters with a
deep and crafty cunning that you
cot i Id not but admire:
When he went to woo a maiden, with a
pound of candy laden, he would vow
to her with fervor that she was his
heart's desire.
But. afraid of legal quibbles, he was
chary of his scribbles, and he never
penned an answer to a tender billet
doux. For. he reasoned very errmrtly. letters
figured more than partly as exhibits
when the lady had made up her
tnlnd to sue.
As he read of Jim or Thomas being sued
for breach of promise he would
cachlnat and chuckle in the lining
of his sleeve.
Saying that each Miss or Madam, since
the early times of Adam, was a sub-,
tie reproduction of her crafty moth
er Eve.
Well, he met Miss Uzzle Tlmmnn who
was strong for rights called wo
men's and who had some clever no
tions as to how folks should make
love. ,
And she kept him oft repeating tales of
how his heart was beating for her
always and his fondness was as true
as stars above.
Then, at last she hired a lawyer named
I.ycurgus Moses Sawyer to recover
such finances aa would give, her
heart Its bejas.
He Just snjekcred at the Jury while her
lawyer spoke with fury of the times
that he had wooed her underneath
the shelt'ring palm.
"O." he cried, "produce a letter, for yon
see I'm a forgetter" then a sudden
consternation stopped him as ho
tried to laugh.
For each word of all his wooing rippled
forth to his undoing from the disk
that Lizzie Tlmmons put upon a
The Modern Lochlnvar.
Young Loch invar sailed in out of
the west in his new biplane.
He swooped down to the castle gate
and whistled shrilly.
The idol of his affections tripped
merrily forth, pursued by her father
and several invited guests.
She seated herself in the machine.
"One moment." said Young Lochin
rar. "Wait until the newspaper pho
tographers have taken a few snap
shots." That ordeal over, he pulled the start
ing lever and they were away.
"I will not follow them." said her
father to the reporters. "Tho match
will not last long. She has him up in
the air already."
Returning to the banquet hall he or
dered the butler to broach a few
more magnums.
On Second Thought.
y FX LM p fff
"The first time Harold baw me he
told me that he loved me."
"You didn't think to ask him what
he thought about you the second look
he took at you, did you?"
More Nourishing.
"Does your husband always shave
for dinner?" asks the lady who never
loses an opportunity to intimate that
all the social amenities obtain in her
household. "Mine does."
"Shave?" repeats the other woman.
"No. My huctaud always eats some
thing." Artemus Ward Reversed.
1 am happiest." said the musical
maiden, "when I alng."
"I am happiest," said the mere man
who was really musical, "when you
"I simply cannot endure that Mr.
Twistedde," titters the frivolous dam
Eel. "He does not agree with mo at
"Dees he bandy words too much?"
"Oh, no. Have you never seen him?
He bandy leg3 too much."
Willing to Wait.
-Doctor." says the rich man when
he begins to convalesce. "I can III re
pay you for the great service you
have rendered me."
"I know you can. ill." answers the
doctor, "but I shall not send my bill
until you can, well, repay me."
The Leaders.
"Who do you suppose are the most
envied women here to-day?" asks the
gray-bearded philosopher, as we stroll
through the vast assemblage.
"The handsomest two," we venture.
"Not at all. They are the one who
paid the most for her dress and the
one who got hers at the greatest re
duction in price."
CbW lT JbW bTmrb -i
TasWAw CA VjEawBaBawawBawaBBBBBmaa
BfBBHL kv32hbvbb
bA jfijmM mW
Lev Crime.
George wss a aaanly fellow, yet. aw
prising as It may seen, he was gaUiy
of a grave charge, a criminal ofte
theft, for had aa sot many
stolen kisses frees his fair sweet
heart? Maude, oae of the moat lovable ef
girls, was equally guilty as aa acces
sory: ahe received the stoles property.
Each seemed to have perfect esasV
dence in the other, however, and waes
sentence was pronounced by a prop
erly qualified official, they decided to
serve their time together.
They remained loyal to the sad.
neither making any efbrt to have
their sentence abrogated or shortened,
but during the course of their leas
term together several small offenses
were directly chargeable to theav-
J. W. B In Puck.
Margaret Did you tell the girls at
the tea that secret I confided to yes
and Josephine?
Katherine No. truly I didn't Jo
sephine got there first. Harper's
"Is Bllggins a good bookkeeperf
"He used to be. I never lend all
any more."
Dr.Ftoree'sPIMMt Mm rmlifc
nw MommcB. irvar aaa Mnu.
Uar.snsulea.eMr to tofea. Seas
A friend In need Is
usually try to dodge.
a friend ws
Smokers find Lewis' Single Binder
cigar Deuer quality isaa mow ius
I hold it indeed to be a sure aigB
of a mind not poised as it ought to be
if it be insensible to the pleasures of
home. Lex.
None so little enjoy lire, and are
such burdens to themselves, as those
who have nothing to do. The active
only have the true relish of life.
I bate to see a thing done by halves;
if it be right, do It boldly: If It be
wrong, leave it undone. Gilpin.
It must be a lot of trouble to hunt
for trouble all the time.
IPs Simply Gnat
This is the popular ex
pression of the thousands
of persons who have taken
Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters during the past 57
years in cases of Bloating,
Heartburn. Headache.
Indigestion. Dyspepsia,
Costiveness, Bilious
ness Malaria, Fever and
Ague. If you suffer from
these ailments, get a bot
tle of the Bitters today.
It will do ,vou good. Get
Nebraska Directory
BjmTEHT -TO,,r InTcnUnna throsch W. XDDT,
r I EH I mastered solicitor, hut Blag., tata!
deal cpeiatioa. Ho pay oatil caret. Scat ta
Dr.Wray,307 Bee Bid ff.,Omaha, Nab.
FISTULA. Pay wtaea Cared.
Al 1 Rectal DUemae cured with
out a aanrlcal ooeratlon sbS
guaranteed to last a lifetime. No chloroform
or general anesthetic asel. Examination free.
PS. E. R. TAKBY. 223 g .uHalsa. Otato. fca
John Deere Plow Company. Omaha
DFMTKTIY v,ew Ak-Sar-Bea parados froai
WCH I lalHI Omaha moat bcaaUfal Baattarr
Dental Rooms. Have roar teeth looked over walla
here. KocnarcefbrnaamlaaUon. latest sppllsnoss.
Terms moderate. You health la la daaaer with bad
teeth. UK. MILTON MACU, 143 aad ar
um Kta Owe-r 17. 1. Tlckat OSicw, Oaaahav
by mall at cat price. 8sS for free rstalngna
Best WorkmaaaalB la
Mall Order a Specialty. Photo Suppllaa.
Uomalat 11a of Coats. Hack
ware. Mbs always la stack.
ttii Hsaaaaiia
TUC linCUCD 1 1UDU1M business
iiil muoiiLinjMsritwn college
Is the school that gets results. Send for
Catalogue, which contains fall information
about the college, and some of the most
beautiful penmanship ever published.
It is free. Address
Moahor fc lampman, Omaha, Neb.
Saskeftta District
Count this. 25 buthels wheat per acre &
90 cents per bushel. Raised on ft 5 to too
per acre land. Does this pay? If so. do
you want any? Write
Roem 302-4 Baa Building. Omaha. Nafe.
tare Bpoklt.orspact0MBaof BaUfalaaBawSaaMa.
SSL A. Taftasaai - nw av aa wm
L A. Zartaaa. Ptmu. ISth S If
mm ajBaaaSfcam aSaaaa. ?1 5 V0W0aPflwBl
wm9Wmm wMefJV aMf fMfi (Mb4 lmMwBsfJB)
NaWal mtVmMmmmSm9m