- . . -. j,v5J, -..-,- m Cffkmlras lanrast jst.r.- r FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 28. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2,030. INSURE in the ROYAL or the German Fire BECHER, HOCKEHBERGER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MARKET8. Rye fiO Oats 25 Wheat 84 Corn 38 Hogs, top $7.50 to $8.00 MANY YEARS AGO Files of the Journal, October 17, 1877. Farmers are traveling the right road w aen they invest their spare change in stock. Get good stock, take good care of it and ynu will thrive. A man was in town Monday with a cat fish which muBt have weighed sixty pounds, lie caught it in shallow water with a stroke from a club. Cheap meat. J. B. Senecal is now burning wood from Cottonwood trees set nut seven years ago. Some of them will measure eight inches in diameter If a man has money to invest at interest he can do no better than to lend it to his land in the shape of a crop of trees. If you hunt all day and can't kill a single goose or jack rabbit, it will stop the month of persistent querists if you purchase a goose of some fortunate boy who knows how to hunt, unless, indeed the matter of nuch purchase becomes suspicioned, when and in which rase, it would be better for you if you had stayed at home and read your bible. Now that the times are "lighting up," farmers arc beginning needed improve ments; preparing for tree planting, hed ge planting, apple orchurds, peach, pear and plum orchards, blackberry, rasp berry and strawberry patches; building barns, granaries, wood sheds, etc. Noth ing like enterprise in making such im provements as will help along work and save what is earned. We begin to chronicle damage from prairie lire. On Sunday week several were in sight, south, east and west. We have only heard from the one west of us. Mr. John Fitzpatrick tells us that it burned about sixty-live or seventy tons of hay for George and Martin Sav age and John Woods, besides twenty bushels of wheat for the latter, and one hundred tons of hay for Frank Mitchell. The Ore is said to have originated on James HolnieB' farm and set out by carles -i travelers. The recent frosts have dried the grass wonderfully. ANNOUNCEMENT. We are NOW ready to demonstrate the use of the O K. Crude Oil Burner in heaters and cook stoves at C18 west 12th street in the A L. Koon building. Also furnace heaters on display. Seethe burners in operation. Wiedmax A- Petebsox, Agents. Marriage Licenses. John Prysock, Tarnov. 25 Katie Miterka, Tarnov 15 Frank Campbell, Platte Center 22 Lydia Smith, Monroe 20 Kieton Torczon, Tarnov. 24 Katie Jaewice, Tarnov 18 All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Spatially D. C. KAVANAUGH Tuesday noon conductor Mappe of the Norfolk passenger had quite an exciting time with a hobo at Humphrey. Just as the train left the station, the fellow, in attempting to board it, came very near going under the wheels, and but for the quick action of brakeman Stokes would have done so. Just an the train started the conductor noticed him climbing on the front end of the baggage car and told him to get off. The hobo then struck Mapps and both got on to the ground when Mapps was knocked down several times. Bystanders and the city marshal soon saw what was going on and proceeded to arrest the fellow, but be fought as long as he could and it took nearly all the men that could get around him to place him under arrest. After the fellow bad been overpowered sheriff Lachnitt was notiGed and deputy sheriff Burke went after him, bringing him to this city in an auto. When the Norfolk passenger arrived conductor Mapps filed two complaints in police court charging the man, under the name of John Doe, with assault and battery and also with riding on a train without paying fare. When deputy sheriff Burke reached Humphrey the fellow pretended to be unable to talk, but this may be a sham. A request, signed by A. L. Rollins and thirty-five others, asking that the Union Pacific maintain a road crossing at the point that Fifteenth street crosses the Spalding branch, and it was referred to the proper committee. A committee from the Commercial club was before the council to ascertain whether or not there was money available for provid ing the $2,000 deficiency on the Platte river bridge bonds. An ordinance re gulating bouse moving within the city limits was read for the first time. The ordinance provides regulation for house movers and also requires that they be lioensed and placed under bond. Mayor Held reported that he had taken the $10,000 water works ex tension bonds to Lincoln and had them registered in the state auditor's office, and they were placed in the German National bank for safe keeping. The names of honorary and active members of the fire department were submitted by the secretaries and ordered placed on lie. Besides tin?, the regular business, such aa allowing bills and reading re ports of the various officers, took up the time of the remainder of the meeting. Julius Harrison Goldene, a colored I man who was traveling across the coun- I try, stopped at the E. I. Sparhawk home last Friday morning and applied for a job of work. He was given something to do, but in a short time became very sick and a physician was called, but the man died in n short time, of acute stomach trouble. Uib body was taken in charge by Coroner Gass, who learned that he had friends in Pennsylvania, and that be was bound for San Francisco. Goldene had a draft for $82 on his per son and Coroner Gass wired for instruc tions regarding his burial. The draft was forwarded to his home in Charlerei, Pa., and was immediately cashed, and he will be buried Wednesday afternoon, tbe funeral services being conducted by Rev. Dibble. A copy of his home paper, with an item regarding his death, was also sent to Mr. Gass, and it spoke of him as being well thought of there. Sunday night burglars visited Platte Center and attempted to rob Charles Sandberg'a saloon . They blew the door off the safe and five minutes' work would have enabled them to secure $300 in cash, which was in the safe, and was the property of Mr. Reilley, the former owner of the saloon. They must have been frightened away about the time they finished their work on tbe safe, us it was an easy matter to remove the door and get the money in the safe. The robbers took some liquors and cigars, but did not secure any money. Sheriff Lachnit was notified Monday morning, has been endeavoring to locate the burglars, who, it is understood, were two suspicious characters who had been around Platte Center the greater part of Sunday. The meeting of the Commercial club last Wednesday evening to discuss the proposition to celebrate the opening of the Platte river bridge upon the com pletion of the repairs, decided that noth ing would be done along that line. The bridge will probably be open for traffiic about October 20, when all grading and work to be done by the county, will hare been completed. The raising of the $2,000, which represents the discount on the bonds voted by the city, was discussed, and one plan suggested was to request the coaaty board to antborise for the purpose a transfer of that amount from the city's apportionment of the co unty road and bridge fund. Wednesday evening, October 12, the local council of Knights of Columbus, will observe Discovery day at Maenner chor hall, arrangements being in charge of County Jndge Ratterman, lecturer for the council. Among the speakers will be Rev. Theobold Kalamaja, a for mer pastor of St. Bonavenlura's church of this city, who is here to conduct a mission at Duncan next week. Since leaving here Father Theobold has been in charge of a large church and parochial school in Cleveland, Ohio, where he resides now. We want to buy 50 second band organB and square pianos at once. Have you one? Call or write Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Columbus. Dr. NaumanB, Dentiit 13th St. Dr, Morrow, office Lueschen building. Baled bay for sale. Ernst & Brock. Wm. Dietrichs, paintiog, Ind. phone 1094. Bed Tag sale at Gipe's, 403 west Elev enth street. Use an O. K. Crude Oil Burner in your beater. Attend Saturday Night Sale at Gray's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, in new State Bask building. Dr. L P. Caratenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and KummerSta. Don't fail to see tbe O. K. Crude Oil Burners in operation at 618 W. 12th St. Lost or strayed from onr place, a red heifer calf, about eight months old. Mrs. J. Kipple. Live decoy ducks for sale. Call on Arthur Cue at F. H. Uudat'a store, opposite U. P. depot. Mrs. O. O. Shannon and daughter, Mrs. W. B. Kenney, left last week for a visit with relatives at Palmer, Neb. Weldin, the photographer, now locat ed on Thirteenth atreet, north of Fne dbof's, is prepared to do all kinds of work. Don't be afraid to send a child to tbe Palace Meat market, it will be treated the same as the president of the United States. Mrs. J. L. Hunter, formerly of this city but now of Sonix City, Iowa, is a guest at the home of Miss Minnie Glur this week. Fred Schultz plead guilty to selling liquor to Frank Tschauner, a habitual drunkard, and was fined $5 and costs, which he paid. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loseke who live several miles north of Columbus are the proud parents of a daughter, which was born Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clark and daugh ter, Miss Hazel, returned Tuesday even ing from their extended visit with rela tives at Baker City, Oregon. Mark Lowrey was op in Police Judge O'Brien's court Monday, on a charge of drunkenness, and was assessed $1 and costs, amounting to $5. which he paid. I own two good level quarters of bay and fnrm land near Bassett. A fine field of corn and lots of good hay, price $20 per acre. Address Owner, Box 21, Bas sett. Nebraska. Captain Jack Crawford the first num ber on the V. M. C. A. entertainment course will appear next Tuesday evening at the Y. M. G. A. gymnasium. Season tickets one dollar. On sale at the building. Mr. and Mrs. George Rarabour and children returned last week from an all summer sojourn in Europe. They enjoy ed the sight seeing in the various coun tries of the old world, besides visiting relatives. Street Commissioner Luers is grading F.leventh street from Lewis street east to the cemetery. Besides grading it up be is leveling it with a roller, and when finished will be one of the beet worked streets in tbe city. M. W. Thomas, was up in police court on a charge of riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. A passing team became frightened at Thomas and tbe owner filed tbe complaint. Thomas was fined $5 and costs for the offense. A message received from Chicago last week from J. F. Belford, where he has been with Mrs. Belford, while she was operated on for a tnmor, said that Mrs. Belford Btood the ordeal very well and that there was no donbt of her early re covery. Mrs. Carl Schubert and little daugh ter Marguerite, after a summer's sojourn at Baker City, Oregon, returned home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Schubert's many friends will be pleased to hear that she returns home very much improved in health. United States Senator Norris Brown will speak in this city Thursday evening, October 27. This is going to be one of the big meetings of tbe campaign, as Senator Brown is a very pleasing speak er, and this is his first public appearan ce in Columbus. Tuesday evening the demooratio cau cus in Columbus township nominated the following candidates for township offices: J. H. Drinnin, justice of peace; Chas Kelley, clerk; B. Mueller, treasur er; Frank Morgan, constable; A. A. Francis, overseer. Last Saturday the foot ball team of the Columbus high school defeated the David City high school team on the Col umbus grounds, by a score of 5 to 0. The same day tbe Columbus Y. M. C. A. team played the David City Y. M. O. A. team at David City, bnt were defeated. Last Saturday afternoon Senator O. H. Aldricb, republican candidate for governor, addressed a representative and attentive audience in Frankfork park. Mr. Aldricb discussed the issues of the campaign, called attention to the treat ment accorded Governor Sballenberger for signing the eight o'clock closing law. CLOSE IN PROPERTY Adjoining the City Limits 5 Acres, Good six room house and barn at $2,750. 7 Acres, Good four room house and barn, $4,500. One Acre, a new four room house and barn, $2,600. 13 Acre Tract, no improvements, at $2,800. 30 Acre Tract, small orchard, no buildings, $250 per acre. i. Elliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. The Overland baby is here. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Attend Saturday Night Sale at Gray's. Use an O. K. Crude Oil Burner in your cook stove. Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street. Dr. W. R. Ncumarker, office with Dr O. D. Evans, west side of Park. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Helpband Tuesday of this week. Watch for bargains in qneensware and china at Qipe's, 403 west Eleventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moersen were Omaha visitors last Wednesday and Thursday. W. L. Chenoweth and C. C. Gray re turned last Thursday from a business trip to Chicago. Wanted Good driving horse in trade for piano. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Columbus. Mias Bertha Glur who is teaching in tbe Gruetli neighborhood, spent Satur day and Sunday with home folks. Miss Christina Odentbal arrived last Wednesday from Dixon, Illinois, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Walter. Mrs. O. L. Baker and daughter. Miss Ethel, left last Friday morning for a six weeks sojourn at Excelsior Springs, Mo. C. L. Diokey returned tbe first of the week from Pueblo, Colorado, where he was in tbe interest of his real estate business. Mrs. Mary L. Parker, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Swain and daughter Katberyn, left Tuesday for Omaha for a short visit at the J. J. Sullivan home. A rig belonging to the Oehlrich barn was wrecked in front of the Gray store on Thirteenth street, and caused consid erable excitement. The first of a series of dances to be given by the Clerk's league this winter was held in the Maennerchor hall last Wednesday evening. Taylor & Thomas, the new real estate firm, have leased the office in the rear of tbe First National bank, which is one of the most desirable office locations in the city. Albert Lemp, who lives near Shell Creek, left Wednesday afternoon for Omaha, where he will enter one of the hospitals for an operation for appendi citis. Mr. Lemp was accompanied to Omaha by Dr. Tiesing. REIT CLEMIH SALE. On account of having my building moved into tbe street, I will offer my en tire stock at cut prices. Some goods are sold at cost or even below cost. CAUL FROEMKL, Eleventh Street Jeweler. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER i SOI HARNESS AND COAL '''l&-&jmmPmmIi Pt ammmmmmmmmmrJl. Attend Saturday Night Sale at Gray's. Robert O'Brien of Cheyenne, railway mail clerk on the west end of the Omaha and Ogden railway post office, is in the city, the guest of his brother, William O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien was formerly located at Omaha, when his run was to Ogden, but when the change was made be located in Cheyenne. C. E. Smith formerly of the Smith Mercantile Co. of Platte Center, was in the city Tuesday evening transacting business. Mr. Smith expects to leave Platte Center as soon as his business matters are closed up and will make his future home in Canada, near Begins, where the Niemoller family have located. When John Prysock secured a license to wed Katie Miterka of Tarnov, that ended the criminal proceeding which had been instituted against John. Katie's mother accompanied her to this city to give her consent to the wedding, and all parties concerned concluded this was the best method of nettling tbe trouble. John O. Sprecher, who for a number of years has been quite prominent in Schuyler newspaper circles, was in the city Monday on business. Since retir ing from the newspaper field Mr. Sprech er has been devoting his time to other business matters. He still owns the out fit be published the Free Lance with and may some day conclude to embark in tbe newspaper business again. President Conn of tbe Wayne State Normal was in tbe city Tuesday, enronte to Kearney, and during bis stay in the city took occasion to visit the high Bohool. President Conn reports every thing going along nicely at Wayne and the prospects are good for making it one of the leading normnls of the state Prof. Britell and family are nicely set tled and well pleased with the change and their new home. Mrs. Mary Doblon, who was a passen ger on ono of the enstbound through trains, became so ill that she was com pelled to go to the hospital here. She was suffering from a severe cold con tracted while she was crossing the moun tains, and died at St. Mary's hospital last Wednesday afternoon. She was survived by a husband, two sons and three daughters, and her relatives ar rived here last Thursday to accompany the body to Omaha. Joseph M. Morgan, who for tbe last few months has been a practicing at torney in this city, decided to try his fortnne at Tucson, Ariz., and left Mon day for that city. But it is evident that there was a part of the program that he did not confide to his Columbus friends as among the marriage licenpea publish ed in the Omaha dailies of Wednesday morning there is one issued to Joseph H. Morgan of Columbus nnd Theola M. Linn of North Bend A sequel to the Dalton-Mylet shooting affair netr Platte Center two weeks ago was tbe Gling of a $5,000 damage suit against Thomas W. nnd Jobn W. Mylet, by Thos. J Dalton for John W. Dal ton, a minor. After tbe shooting no crimin al proceedings were instituted, and in asking this amount the Dalton's place their damage at that figure for the in juries inilioted by tbe bullets fired by John W. Mylet. Albert & Wagner of this city are tbe attorneys for the Daltons. John Fred Neemeyer, nged 1G years, died at his home, eleven miles north of Columbus, Tuesday, October 11, of Bright's disease, after an illness of six months. Mr. Neemeyer. was born in Germany, August 22, 1834. lie was married before emigrating to America in March, 1881, when he came direct to Platte county and settled on tbe farm, which baa been bis home since. Ten children, seven daughters and three sons all of them with one exception, living in this locality, survive him, Mrs. Deyke, Mrs Hoist, Mrs. J. H. Wilke. Mrs. Carl Mueller, Mrs. Fred Brunken of Lincoln, Mrs. Carl Hellbusb, Mrs August Fittje, and Henry, George and Wm. Neemeyer. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 1 p. m., from the home and 2:30 from the Oldenbush Lutheran church, being conducted by tbe pastor, Bev. E. Holm. Y. M. C. A. Note. Next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock oc curs tbe first number of the entertain ment course. Your tickets are ready at tbe Y. M. O. A. aad should be secured at once. Get your ticket and bring it to tbe building before Tuesday evening if yon wish a reserved seat which will cost ten cents extra. Only a limited namber of seats are reserved so do not put it off. The Men's meetings begin next Sun day. Rev. Bay will address this first of the series of Sunday afternoon meet ings which will run through the seven winter months. The religions work committee have a good plan laid aad will give a change of program each week. Out of-town talent will be se cured frequently and maeio is to be a special feature of each gathering. Tbe meetings will be held in tbe gymnasium. The gymnasium classes started in full force this week. The interest and at tendance are good and judging from the number of 'stiff ones the work is not to be all play. Stiffness of tbe muscles af ter a light exercise is an indication that more exercise and use of these mnsoles is needed. Non members are welcome to come and see the work that is done. Teams will be organized soon and the Columbus fans will again be talkiBg about tbe games. Congregational Church. Co-operation is the cry of the honr. Men have learned the philosophy of the dying father, tbat united strength ie simply the sum total of individual strength. Men of limited means com pile their resources and tbe factory is built, the milling plant set into operation or the mine opened. Men unite their force and tbe, army marches proudly to victory. Men have not yet learned to apply the wisdom of bnsines or state craft to morals. It is not that men are bad. There are more good than bad men. Neither is it tbat men do not want to see the right triamph. But what can a man of limited moral power do? The odds are so tremendoaaly against him . Here ie where the church offers tbe great opportunity in morals. Men may bring their little powers and influence and unite them with others for an agressive work in the community. When we apply in morals the wisdom of business great strides will be made in social right. The' Congregational church invites you to worship with them next Sunday and listen to two sermons by R-v. J. J. Parker of Genoa, Mr. Parker has often been termed the Man's preacher aud he will have a message for you. Route No. 1. Threshing on the route is almost com pleted. District No. IS have pnt a new bell on their school house. Carrier 11. B. Il-ed and family went to Schuyler Sunday, making the trip in their auto. (ieorge Henggler goes to Lindsay to look after tbe threshing on his farm, near that place. Last Sunday at an early hour a stork Hew over Loseke Creek and left a fine girl at the home of Ktl Loeekr. Reports say that tbe mother and daughter are getting along nicely and that Ed is do ing as well as couM be expected. Route No. 3. Wm. Lange went to Fremont Monday on a two day's business trip. Postmaster Kramer made the trip over the route with the carrier Tuesday of this week. MissLvdia Behlen was taken verv sick Sunday evening with appendicitis, and taken to St. Mary's hospital, where she was operated on Tuesday. J. F. Goedeken left Tuesday for Re publican City, Harlan county, to look after his land in that locality. He waa accompanied by Mca. August Goedeken who has been visiting relatives. Methodist Church Notice. Sermon Sunday at 11 a. m. on "Mak ing the Most of Oar Lives," and at 730 p. m. on "The Strong Man Keepeth His Palace." Sunday school at noon. Ep wortb League at 6:30 p. m. Strangers are invited and made welcome. Special antbems by the choir at morning and evening service. In the evening Prof. C. E. Collett will sing the solo, "There is a Land." Chas. Watnk Rat, Pastor. Jury for the November Term. Jobn Saalfeld, Gootlieb Lanner, Fred Brunhoefor, Pat Powers. W. H. Randall, George Eleton, Wm Graves, John Meyer, O. C. Breee, J. F. Goedeken, Emil Held, J. F. Settje, Peter Coupons. Ernst Marx. Albert Born, Ed Zybaeb, Chas. Chapin, Peter Scbilz, James Noonan, John Deiter, Edward Williams, Jacob Kortb, Andrew Iverson, C. O. Jacobson. For Sale A choice ISO acre Platte county farm, located be tween Monroe and Genoa. Well improved, at a low price natil October 25. Write or rail on . A. Harms, Colambas, Neb. Right Now Do It While It's In Your Mind. Call up aad open up i bis; account. We offer every ace datioa that safe allows. Cilnbis Stati Bilk CtU taeniae, att.000.0O I George Angell indulged in to raaoa boose last Wednesday and aa a malt waa before Police Jndge O'Brien Thursday morning, and was assessed tit for tea offense. Mrs. Louie Held, acoompaaied by ear two daughters, Misses Marguerite and Lulu, returned Sunday evening from Omaha, after a week's visit with friend aad relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Mason returned last Thursday eveaiag from a several weeks trip near Denver aad other points in Colorado, and report a very pleasant outmg. P. F. Luohaioger left last Satarday on his European trip, which will iacade, besides his old home in Switzerland, points of interest in other parte of Europe. He expects to return to this eity about Christmas. Ho far this fall there has not been a frost in this immediate locality heavy enough to kill tomato vines and flowers, although there have beea some very cool nights. This is quite oat of tbe ordi nary, as killing frosts aewally visit us some time in September. President J. H. Galley aad Secretary Henry Hookenberger of the Oolambaa Land, Xoaa aad Jtaildiae; ssoeiatioa went to Hastings- Taesday evening where they will represent the Colambus association at the annual state mmtiag of building associations. A civil service examination will be held in this eity Wednesday, November 23. for the position of clerk in the forest service, which carries a salary of from $1,100 to $1,200. The examiaatioa will be conducted by the civil servioe board and be held in the Colambae Commer cial college. Announcement. The Central Meat Market wishes to announce to its many friends and pa trons that it has not yet decided to go on a cash basis exclusively, bat ia order to avoid this I positively insist that everybody shall pay up promptly every thirty days. And I must further insist that every one who is in arrears at the market for thirty days or more must call and settle at once, or it may become ne cessary for me to go on an exclusive cash basis immediately. F. A. BRENN, Proprietor. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post omee at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing October 12, 1910: Letters Earl Holcomb, Wayne Kar ing, Mia. William Lehman, David Le vtne, O. A. Peterson, Mr. and Mia. G. W. Rogers (care Martin Castle), Boom 43 Meridian Hotel, Mm. A. E. Sextos 2, Frank M. Sack, James Shipley 3, Mary Anna Terete, Peter Walske. Cards Wayne Adkins, Miss Veda Chaney. G. G. Garia, Earl Holcomb, G. W. Kelly, Carl Larson, Mrs. Dora E. Parkinson, James Shipley, Madam Roa sette Scbuller. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised Cam. Kuans. P. M. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Saita on the market Prices in men's from tl.50 to 4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c,'75o,$l and $1.S5. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we nave a splendid line ready for yonr in spection and ranging in price from 60c to f& GO a garment. Bay early while the sixes are ce.plte. GRAY'S