The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 05, 1910, Image 5

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7 '
at less expense than an old-style furnace.
They're safe, too, and you ain't worrying about the
danger of escaping gas.
of a home, makes you comfortable, saves coal bills
and keeps away sickness. Call at our plumbing shop and
get our estimate.
'"-"foLK,, A. DUSSELL & SON
From the World.
I. It. Poatle baa cut ft lot of his corn
for fodder and we notice that nearly all
the farmers are cutting corn to help out
the short hay crop.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bates and two
children, a son and a daughter, arrived
here from San Francisco, Cal., the first
of the week and the former has assumed
the duties of station agent at the local
depot to take the place of Frank Fowler
who resigned some time ago.
Mra. Win. Asche, sister of llenrv and
Ben Mackenstedt, arrived from Cordova,
Maryland, last Wednesday. It is inter
esting to hear her tell how they farm
there. They have to use commercial
fertilizer and raise all kinds of garden
truck which they sell to the canning
From the Sand.
Duncan is to have a new hotel. Frank
Sokol has let a contract to O. N. Powers
of Silver Creek to construct a building
for him of cement blocks, two stories
and basement, 25x80 Teet in size and to
contain 17 roomB.
The Tillage board met last Wednesday
and granted a franchise to E. L. Ives,
Charles W. Brown and W. Grant Brown
to install and operate an electric light
plant in Silver Creek. The grnntci'8
have accepted the same and will begin
work on the plant as soon as possible.
It is their intention Jo construct the
building of brick about 10x80 in size and
use it for an engine room and power
house, automobile garage, ollice and
repair shop.
Monday, September 2(5. at 12::t0 p. m ,
Nathan Doxey passed suddenly away
from the scenes of this life. Although
very old and feeble, Doxey was appar
ently feeling as well as UBual for some
time, when all nt once he passed away, j
presumably of heart trouble. For some
years he hftB made his home with his
daughter, Mra. Sol C. Towslee, and was
there when death occurred. Mr. Doxey
was born at Albany, N. Y.. and was Xi
years, 10 months and 2fi days old at the
time of his death.
From the Advance.
Mrs. O. A. Britell was taken to St.
Mary's hospital at Columbus the fore
part of the week where she will take
Gilbert M. IianiB was killed in a rail
road wrei-k Friday, Sept. St. 1910, near
Clayton. Kans. He was a passenger
on tram No. 27 on the Chicago A; Rock
Island. The train was wrecked on a
long trestle, a portion of which had been
washed out by a Hood caused by the re
cent late rains in that vicinity. News
of his death reached St. Edward late
last Friday evening. He had been ab
sent from St. Edward only a few days
and was on his way to eastern Colorado
where he had filed on a homestead.
Funeral services were held from his
home southwest of St. Edward Tuesday
Wm. Gillespie was thrown from his
buggy last Saturday evening and bus-
Gents9 Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street, Columbus.
tained injuries which will perhaps re
suit fatally, lie had attended a horse
sale at Genoa and had bought n team of
rather poorly broken horses. He was
leading this team behind his buggy and
it is supposed that they were the cause
of the accident. Mr. Gillespie was taken
at once to his home where everything
hus been done to resuscitate him. His
most dangerous injury was a blow on
the head which has caused a blood clot
to form at the base of the brain. Con
sulting physicians have decided that an
operation to relieve this condition is not
advisable. Mr. Gillespie has at no time
regained consciousness.
From the Nowh.
Parker Bros, have been obliged to
refuse several jobs on account of being
unable to get brick-layers. It seems
strange that a trade which pays the
highest wages agoing should not have
plenty of applicants.
It will be recorded that the first frost
or the rail of HUO came Sept. 27 in this
locality. It was light, especially on the
higher ground and did practically no
damage. It followed a spell of wet cold
weather and it may be some time before
another one visits us.
The farmer who will spend one dol
lar and fifty cents an acre in the con-
Mxuctionof a modern highway will im
mediately realize an increase from ten
to twenty-five dollars an acre to the
value of his laud, in addition to the
great saving in the coBt of transporta
tion, and the value of having nn acces
sible market every day in the year.
Until farmers recognize the difference
between a wise business investment of
that kind and the extreme folly of pay
ing tribute from their net earnings to
maintain mud roads, the highways or
Nebraska will not be improved. Fre
mont Herald.
One day last week, Geo. Grndon and
Harry McOonnell each got a letter from
the post-office, both mailed from some
town in Colorado, the imprint of the
mailing stamp being so dim ns to be un
readable. Both letters contained a
scrap of newspaper enclosing a twenty
dollar bill and n five dollar bill. There
was not a scratch of writing to indicate
who the sender was, and neither of the
recipients have the least clue as to their
identity. Their exact similarity in
every respect, except the handwriting
which was evidently disguised, would
indicate that the same person sent both.
The mystery needs a Sherlock Homes to
unravel it.
A Hard Problem.
A certain debating society is discuss
ing the question as to which is the an
grier, the husband who goes home and
finds that tin dinner is not ready or
the wife who has dinner ready and
whose husband does not come home.
It Is believed that the debate will end
hi a draw.
Not Always.
Teacher (of night school) What do
you understand by the term "life sen
tence?" Give an example of one.
Shaggy Haired Pupil "I pronounce
you husband and wife." Chicago
from the Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. Scboonmaker and daugh
ter Lura left Monday night for Kansas.
W. L. and Miss Suae Smith 'accompan
ied them an far as Oolombua
Ellis Williams will leave the first of
the week for Zeal, S. D., where he will
prove up on his homestead and then
move his family to Monroe. He expects
to be absent about six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smyer returned
Thursday morning from their visit to
the old home in Indiana. While there
bad been many changes sinoe they left,
they enjoyed a very pleasant visit.
Henry CXayburn still believes in the
road drag, and the road at his place
shows it, for after each rain he hitches
up and drags his part of the road.
Henry is ail right and so is the road
Wm. Webster left Thursday for Los
Angeles, Cal., where he will attend the
bankers' convention, and from there he
goes to San Francisco, returning from
there with his family, who have been in
the west for some time
Louis and Will Jones sold the old
home place this week for $77.50 per acre
to a German, Elliot, Spiece & Co. making
the sale. The boys have not as yet de
cided what they will do as they still own
an eighty in that neighborhood.
Mr and Mrs. F. A. Matson were guests
of relatives and friends in Monroe and
vicinity last week. This is the first
time, since leaving Monroe, that they
have been able to visit- here at the same
time, bnt now that Frank is on the road
for an implement firm be took the op
portunity to visit Monroe at that time.
Thursday Mrs. D. W. Ziegler received
a telegram from Chicago telling her of
the death of Mrs. E. P. Hornbostel in
that city the same day. Mrs. Hornbos
tel was a resident of this locality about
twenty years ai;o. living on the place
now owned by Cbas. Potter. No other
particulars were given in the message.
Chas. Watts has leased the Wilson
building, just west of the livery stable,
for a term of five years, and the switch
board of the Monroe Independent Tele
phone conlpany will be moved into it as
soon as possible. And in addition to
changing the switchboard the company
expect to make quite a number of other
improvements in this locality. The
Jencka building, which will be vacated
by Mr. Watts, has not as yet been rent
ed, bnt parties are expecting to use it
for a dwelling this winter.
J. Will Campbell, who will succeed B.
S. Thurston as agent for the Walrath
& Sherwood Lumber Co. at Monroe, was
here Tuesday looking over the ground,
and making arrangements to move here
by November 1. when be will be check
ed in. Mr. Campbell is a former Genoa
boy and has many acquaintances in this
locality. For several years he was lo
cated at Fullerton, first in the employ of
the Walrath fc Sherwood Co. and later
manager of the Farmers' elevator. The
last year he has been located at Gam
bridge, Nob., but he expects to make
Monroe his permanent residence.
Prom the SUtnaL
There seems to be a great amonntof
building going on among the farmers
this fall. Material is being hauled out
almost continually and lumberyard em
ployes seem to be kept on a jump all
the time.
The freight trafio on this branoh of
railroad hae become so heavy lately'that
it cannot be bandied on time and the
freight trains, especially those going
south, are from one to four hours late.
Frequently the morning train has to be
cut in two to get over the hill south of
Platte Center, notwithstanding they arc
hauled by two engines.
A large acreage of winter wheat has
been put in in this vicinity this season.
The weather was favorable for early
plowing, consequently the wheat was
sowed early and the majority of it is up,
and many fields of the earliest is already
nearly covering the ground. Experience
has taught farmers that the earlier the
land is plowed and the seed sowed the
surer they arc of a good crop.
Last week Messrs. Adolf Schmidt
and Ed J. Mark bought of the heirs of
the late Thos. Jones the old Jones farm
in Joliet township, consisting of 160
acres . Schmidt getting the 80 on which
the buildings are located, and Mark the
other eighty. This farm is the one on
which the Postville postoffice was locat
ed until rural free delivery put it out of
date. The price paid was 877J per
acre. Adolf will move onto the farm
March 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schoen went to
Madison Tuesday evening, called there
by the death of Matt Zambrucn, Mr.
Schoen's brother-in-law which occurred
last Saturday evening, at his home near
Madison. He had for some years been
afflicted with hay fever which had grad
ually weakened his system. He was not
confined to his bed until Friday, and his
death came very unexpected. Mr. Zum
brunn and his family were former resi
dents of Grand Prairie township, this
county, and he was well known here.
They moved to Madison county some
eight or nine years ago. He was 42
years of age. He is survived by his wife
three daughters and one son. The
funeral was held from the Reform church
at Madison, at one o'clock Wednesday,
and interment made in the Madison
To Be Neble.
Most of our unhapplness comes
about because there Is In ns a scrap
of the infinite that is not satisfied with
finite things. There is a longing lni
the human heart to unfold Into a bet
ter life. To do and to be noble is the'
deepest desire of every heart. Dr.
Henry van Dyke.
Those who pursue happiness are for-
tnnate to catch up with content.
Absolutely Pure
of TmHmr
Ilia. Mi Um ft tspfcati
Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dis
orders. The doctor's first question when con
sulted by a patient is, "Are your bowels
regular?" He knows that 98 per cent of
illness is attended with inactive bowels
and torbid liver, and that this condition
must be removed gently and thoroughly
before health can be restored.
Rexall Orderlies are a positive, pleas
ant and safe remedy for constipation and
bowel disorders in general. We are so
certain of their great curative value that
we promise to return the purchaser's
money in every case when they fail to
produce entire satisfaction.
Rexall Orderlies arc oaten like candy,
they act quietly, and have a soothing,
strengthening, healing influence on the
entire intestinal tract. They do not
purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence,
excessive loosness, diarrhoea or other
annoying effect. They are especially
good for children, weak persons or old
folks. Two sizes, 25o and 10c Sold
only at our store the llexall store.
Pollock & Co., corner 13th and North
The very budding barrister assumed
the approved legal look of indisputable
"Now, my good lady," he observed,
shaking an admonitory forefinger at
the woman in the witness box, "yon do
not appreciate the gravity of the ques
tion. Endeavor to concentrate what
brain power nature has endowed you
with and answer ma What relation
ship docs the defendant bear to you?"
"Right-bor responded the good lady.
"'Is father's cousin was my cousin
once removed, nnd 'is mother. marry
In mo uncle's only brother'
".My good lady," interrupted the bud
despairingly. "I am not here to solve
"Well, I'm blowed!" ejaculated the
lady. "You was talkin jest nah as
though you'd cornered most o' the
brain pahr goin. If you 'adn't swank
ed quite so much I'd 'a' told yer plain
ly an' simply! E'se me brother."
London Answers.
Old Moan Beliefs.
The health, growth and development
of children and animals were years ago
supposed to be influenced by the moon.
If the sign was right at the time of
birth they would be well formed and,
Intellectual, but if it was wrong there
was no telling what sort of creatures
they would become. Every worthless
fellow, every dog, rooting hog, fence
jumping cow or kicking horse was be
lieved to have lwen born under an un
favorable phase of the queen of night
Queer people or those who were of
hateful disposition were children of
the dark moon, with the sign below
the heart.
His Mistake.
Edward What do you think I carry
in my watch case, darling? It Is al
ways the stamp of your last letter.
Your lips have touched it. and mine
often kiss the place where yours have
been. Angelina Oh. Edward! I'm
awfully sorry, but I always use Fido's
damp 'nose Illustrated Bits.
His Birthday Present.
Fair Customer I want a birthday
present for my husband. Dealer Yes,
mum. now would this old clock suit
you? Fair Customer Let me see.
I've got a corner in my boudoir that
will just do for it! And I've lieen
wanting an old clock for a long time.
Yes. that will dor
The Error.
Sandy Doctor, man. there's a wee
bit error i this bill o yours. Ye've
charged me for advice. Ah never tnk
It London Punch.
In the
You will find us better
equipped that ever to
attend to your wants in
Electric Lighting
Electric Irons
Let us wire your bouse
Columbus Light,
Heat & Power Co.
From the Times.
A writer in the Lincoln Journal, who
recently visited Nance county, says:
Nance county was once the PawBes
Indian reservation, aad every once in
awhile some of the old burying places in
the vicinity of Genoa are uncovered.
Fallerton is located on a part of the old
reservation. Its first resident was Ran
dall Fuller, for whom the town was
named. Way back in 187G Fuller lived
ia a little aback on the to wnaite. A abort
distance above town lies the farm where
Alfred Bixby. father of the Journal poet
philosopher, A. L. Bixby, located when
he came down from Minnesota in search
of a climate that included more than
three months of good weather. "Biz"
helped break the greatest part of the
farm land, and later edited a paper in
the town. He also won the title of
"Doc." through his essaying to heal the
physical ills of bis fellows. A heartless
board of health ended his usefulness in
that line by asking him bothersome
questions One of the little tales of
interest the visitor hears is how a Penn
sylvania man got rich through trouble
that came upon him at home. He was
mixed up in tho star route scandals of
many years ago, nobody-knew just bow,
aad came west until things blew over.
He had money and be invested it in
Nance county lands when the govern
ment was selling them for a song after
the Indians had been moved away. He
purchased about five thousand acres for
910,000, and although he long since died
back in his old home, whither be return
ed a short time after his trip to Ne
braska, his heirs still own the lands.
Their present worth is in the neighbor
hood or $400,000. Along the south side
of the Loup valley is a lot of bad land
or at least it was so considered by the
first settlers, being sandy. On this Jim
North, of Oolumbus, years ago, located
about twenty-five families of Polanders.
They extracted much riches from the
soil, living very frugally and working
hard. They have made so much money
and have increased so greatly in num
bers that they crossed the valley and are
buying the $90 an acre lands north and
west of Genoa.
If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble
Take Advantage of This Offer.
Ws could not afford to S3 strongly
endorse Rexall 93" Hair Tonic and con
tinue to sell it as we do, if it did not do
all ws claim it will. Should our enthu
siasm carry us away, and Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction
to the users, they would lose faith in us
and our statement, and in consequence
our business prestige would suffer.
We assure you that if your hair is
beginning to unnaturally fall out or if
you have any scalp trouble. Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic will promptly 'eradicate
dandreff, stimulate hair growth and
prevent premature baldntcs.
Our faith in Rexall '-93'' Hair Tonic is
so strong that we ask you to try it on
our positive guarantee that your money
will be cheerfully refunded if it does not
do as we claim. Two sizes, 60c and
$1.00. Sold only at our store the Rex
all store. Pollock & Co., corner 13th
and North streets.
Civilians Find It Difficult to Under
stand Military Discipline.
One thing not commonly understood
among civilians is the completeness of
the barrier which divides army offi
cers from the soldiers, or, as they are
more generally called, the "men." It
Is always vastly amusing to those fa
miliar with the service to observe the
errors in this respect frequently made
by the novelist and the playwright
Personal qualifications have nothing
whatever to do with the matter. A
soldier may be a gentleman who has
enlisted with the purpose of obtaining
a commission, yet there can be be
tween him and bis officers no social
intercourse of any sort, and severe
penalties would be inflicted upon the
officer who would attempt to disregard
the rule.
.It might seem that this enforcement
of a caste sense would result in much
bard feeling on the side of the men.
Such, however. Is not actually the
case. It Istaken for granted and rec
ognized as conducive to "good order
and military discipline." It Is a mili
tary regulation like any other and im
plies no disgrace. Directly a soldier's
enlistment is out or directly he rises
from the ranks the prohibition is re
moved. Delineator.
Real Laziness.
The Little Uusslans-those of the
south are said to bo cleverer than the
Russians of the north, but they are
lazy just how lazy may bo gathered
from this quotation from Mr. Maurice
Baring's book. Russian Essays am
"The Little Russian," said a Little
Russian gentleman to me. "Is so lazy
that he will say to his wife. 'Little
wife, say whoa to my horse. I have
a pain in my tongue.' '
"When did you commit your first
fatal extravagance?"
"When my boss referred to my
wages as my 'salary "
"And when did you perpetrate this
latest folly?"
The day my wife called my salary
my 'income. "Cleveland Leader.
Net Worth While.
"I notice that you usually tell the
"Yes; I found that telling lies gets
you into almost as much trouble."
Kansas City Journal.
The Feminine Pessimist.
The feminine pessimist worries be
cause she is not as young as she once
was: the optimist of the same sex re
joices that she is not so old as she will
be. Life.
Would yon be happy? Be the talmj
you seem. Horace.
Sweaters and Knit Goods
Just received a new line of the
Schmidt Knit Coats and Sweaters
Ladies' Sweater Goats
Misses' Sweater Coats
Juvenile Sweater Coats
Boys' Sweater Coats
Men's Sweater Coats
In White, Redr Dark Blue and Oxford. A complete
line of FANCY KNITTED GOODS of all descriptions
in Sweater Coats, Shawls, Toques, Skirts, etc The -Schmidt
Knit Goods are the best made. They lead in
style, finish and wearing quality.
505 Eleventh Street COLUMBUS, NEB.
The Pictures of Flying Birds In a Me
hammedan Mosque.
According to one of the tenets of the
Mohammedan religion. It is a sin to
make a picture of any living thing
The elaborate decorations of the pal
aces and mosques of the east are al
most exclusively made up of ingenious
ly interlaced geometric designs, ara
besques or flowers, intermixed with
sentences of tho Koran.
There is a belief among Mussulmans
that at the day of Judgment Allah will
demand that the artist who has made,
the image of a living thing shall endow
that image with life and that, falling
to do this, the artist will be sent to
perdition for his sin.
A gentleman who visited a mosque
in Algiers found that the tiles with
which the building Is decorated, which
are very old and very beautiful, are
adorned with flights of birds. He ex
pressed surprise at this and asked if
the command against such representa
tion were a modern edict.
"Oh, no," answered the pious Alge
rian to whom bo addressed the ques
tion. "These are not pictures of liv
ing birds."
"But they are painted as if flying
across the tiles." the other said In
some astonishment.
"Yes," the Mussulman replied, "but
do yon not see that about the neck of
each there Is a fine black line? That Is
to show that the artist painted only
dead birds, and the command of the
Koran is not violated."
The Astonishing Part.
Lord Townsbena at the battle of
Dettengen was standing quite near a
drummer boy whose bruins were dash
ed out by a cannon ball. Ills lordship
g-.i7.ed on the horrible sectacle Tor
some moments in silence.
At last an old idlk-er spoke up and
said: "Why isymir lordship surprised':
Such things must happen in war '
"1 know It.' was the reply, "but
what astonishes me is that a boy with
so much brains should be here at all."
A Bright Outlook.
"Do you er do you think. Miss
Doblelgb. that you will be er-engag-ed
next Thursday evening?" asked
Tompy very bashfully.
"Well, really. Mr. Tompy." replied
Ethel. "I don't know, but If you can
get up spunk enough between now and
then to do your share I think there's a
fair prospect that I shall be."
And Tompy did.- Harper's Weekly.
llttSJmw & va , " . virlnl-mmmmmmmmmmmHMRVfenv
ImVTtlKTlAtrs-T r":vvJl " vrammmmmmmmmmmVTuiMtla
mmmmr Br aTVmmaaBt mmfa .ai ii . Br a w .4 . a aBmmBBmmmmmmmmmmmmmnaBmTf fc. s xB rml
LmmmmwHlBJIigsr tUlC -1LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmffafSifl
lammmmmRmmmmmmmmaer&'-U- JemmmmmmmmmmmmmmWtfil
HaBlBBBVomflBBammmVP& inmmmmmmmmmBTlw-jjtJl
BBaEBr'4 . mf ...LaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMaa.-.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
CBigaBammaBBBlimmmmmg-ViTSr- ' - PBHBamfmmBa
Low One-way Colonist
Fare of
To Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, 191t
Electric Block Signals. Dustless, Perfect Track. Excellent
Dining (Jars
For literature aad information call on or addi
The Real Victim.
After a man has boon sick a week
lis wife looks worse than he does
rom taking care of him. Atcblsoa
Advantage is a better soldier
ashness. Shakeseare.
We invite all who desire ehoioe
steak, and the very beet euta of
all other meata to eall at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry aad flah aad
oysters in aeaeoa.
Telephone No.l. - Colaabua.Neli.
it Botratn.
. .... 8:40 am
1028 am
3:05 pm
No. 4 ....
.... 432 am ..
Mo. 11
No. IS
No. 12....
No.1 .
No. 9 .
No. 14....
No. 8 . .
No. 16....
No. 10....
No. 18....
No. 2 ....
No. 22....
. . aw.", g. .
.... 5:34 am
... 2:46pm
... 2;lapm
.... 3:05 pm
.... 5:57 pm
... 80 pm
... 1:20 pm
39 pm
No. 17.
No. 15
.. HIpIll
No S ftOnm
No. 5 fcttpra
JMO.Z1 uiiuani
No. 19 1120am
No. 23 828pra
No. 24....
No. 8 ....
No. 7 2:35 pm
.... 14. im
.... S:lftpm
No.77mxd. d 7:20 am
No.29paa ..d 7.00pm
No. 30 pas ..a 1:10 pm
No. 78raxd..aS:10pm
No. 79 mzd..d :& am
No.Slpaa ..d 1:39 pm
No. 32 pea ..alZJOpm
Daily except Saaday.
Noa. 1, 2. 7 and 8 are extra fare traiae.
Noa. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paeaaagera.
Noa. 58 and 59 aro local freights.
Noa. 9 and IS are mail traiaa oaly.
No 14 due in Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. ft da in Omaha 5:09 p. m.
e. i. & .
No. 22, F&sa. (daily ex. SoBday) leave 7:25 a i
To California'
Oct. 1 to 15, Hit
ef the Wear
Aceat, CalmaaVma. Hafc,
s,fn.s ac. to. y ex. raiuruayj it.wv p m
21. l'ase. (daily ex. Sunday) amve..90 1 m
II. Frt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Snnday) ar. ..6:15 a m
9 BH