The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 05, 1910, Image 3

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slvtzzokl or THE dRCVLAR J7XZRZ4JE
CUTTCXUfST jr- "' w- . -
t ' Jr jT f KmtfJ We JttSnmmmtJt i-. (W
I-awrcnro Hlakeley. lawyor. Kcs to
ritt--.urK with thi- forced notes, in the
ltn.?in case to Ret the deposition of John
Cilmnr. millionaire. In the hitter's home
if attracted ljy a picture of u younu
lrl wh..m the millionaire explains is his
KrundduiiRliter. A lady rMjne.sts HUKeie
:i. lmy her :i Pullman ticket. He si'
!;er lower eleven ami retains lower ten.
II.- finds a drunken man in lower ten anil
retires in lower nine. He awakens in
lower seven and finds his clothe un.l Ikih
missing. The man in lower t-n is round
ftiurd.-r.-d. Circumstantial vldene.- pla-es
IhiIIi Hlakelev and the unknown man who
had txHiar.sed c-lothes with him. under
Mivplcion of murder, lilakeley becomes
!i.t.-re.sted In a- icirl in Mue. The trail
, wreelci d. KlUelev is r.-scui-d troni the
l.tirnins ear l.v the Rirl in him-. His arm
i broken Tliev j;o to the farter Plae
for breakfast. Tlni drt proves to be Ali
;..n Vei. h:s partner's s .v tliearl. Iter
.-.-uii:r actions mvstify the l.iwyer. bti
ditip. her oM Imik and IJlak-lev puts it
In hut i :'. Ilhikeh v :-lurii. home
lb- lii.ib he i.s main .mij' ill.mie
The Trap Door.
Snndav evening, a week after
tin wicck. my forced inaction had
goaded me to frenzy. The very sight
of Johnson across the street or lurk
ing always vithin Fight of the hinise.
kept mo constantly eusperated. It
was on that day that tilings began to
uo me to a focus, a of
events that seemed to center on me.
1 dined alone that evening in no
es-eerful frame or mind. Then had
been a polo game the day before and
1 had lent a iouy. which is always a
bad thing to do. And she had wrench
ed her shoulder, besides helping to
!oe the came. There was no one in
town: l'ie temperature was '.Hi and
climbing, and my leK band pcisistent
Sv cramped under its. bandage.
Mis. Klopton herself saw me served.
rny bread buttered and cut in tidbits,
my meat teady for my Tori;. She he
r"i around me maternally, obviously
trving to cheer me.
"The paper says still wannei." she
ventured. "The thermometer is U2
"And this coffee is I'.'O." 1 s.:td. put
ting down my cup. "Where is l-:-pbeiinu?
I haven't seen her around,
or heard a dish smash all day."
"ICupbemia is in bed." Mrs. Klopton
.-.aid gravely. "Is your meat cut small
onough. Mr Lawrence?" Mr.-,. Klop
ton can throw more mysterv into an
ordinary sentence than any one I
know. She car. sa. "Are your sheets
damp. t;ir?" And I can tell lrom her
,otie that the nouse ncios-. me. miwi
has be :i robbed, or that my left hand
neighbor has appendicitLs. So now I
lookec'. up and asked the question she
was vailing for.
"What's the matter with Kuphe
ni'.a?" I inquired idly.
"Frightened into her bed." Mrs.
Klopton said in a stage whisper.
"Shes had three hot water bottles
:nd she hasn't done a thing all day
ln moan."
"She oughtn't to take hot water
bottles," I said in my severest tone.
"Due would make me moan. You need
not wait, I'll ring if I need anything."
.Mrs Klopton sailed to the door,
where she stopped and wheeled indig
nantly. "I only hope you won't laugh
m tin' wrong side of your face some
morning. Mr. Lawrence," she declared,
with Christian fortitude. "Hut I warn
eu. I am going to have the police
watch that house next door."
1 was half inclined to tell her that
both it and we were under police sur
veillance at that moment Hut 1 like
Mrs. Klopton. in spite of the tact that
1 make her life a torment for her. so
I refrained.
!a-t night, when the paper said it
war. going to storm. I sent Kuphemia
to the roof to bring the rug- in. KHza
hud slipped out. although it was her
evening in
even an explanation that I am sure of.
I did a foolish thing under impulse,
and I have not been sorry.
It was something after two when
the door-bell rang. It rang quickly,
twice. I cot tin drowsily, for the
maids and Mrs. Klopton always lock
themselves beyond reach of the bell
at night, and put on a dressing gown.
The bell rang again on my way down
stairs I lit the hall light and opened
the door. I was wide awake now, and
I saw that it was Johnson. His bald
head shone in the light his crooked
mouth was twisted in a smile.
"Good heavens, man." 1 said ir
ritably. "Don't you ever go home and
go to bed?"
lie closed the vestibule door behind
him and cavalierly turned out the
light. Our dialogue was sharp, stacca
to "Have you a key to the empty house
next door?" he demanded. "Some
body's in there, and the latch is
"The house are alike. The key to!
this door may fit. Did you see them
go in?"
"Xc. There's a light movii.g up
from room to room. 1 saw something
like it last night, and I have ueen
watching. The patrolman reported
queer doings there a week or so ago."
"A light!" I exclaimed. "Do you
ni'-an that you "
gasping respirations; t am not sure
they were not my own. I wanted des
perately to stand on one leg at a time
and hold the other up out of focus of
.i possible revolver.
I did not see the hand appear.
There was nothing there, and thin it
was there, clutching the frame tf thej
trap. I did the only thing I ould
think of; I put my foot on it!
There was not a sound from be
neath The next moment I was kneel
ing and had clutched the wrist just
above the hand. After a second's
struggle, the arm was still. With
something, real to face, I was myself
"Don't move, or I'll stand on the
trap and break your arm," I panted.
What else could I threaten? I couldn't
shoot, I couldn't even fight. "John
son!" I called.
And then I realized the thing that
stxyea with me for a month, the thing
I cannot think of even now without a
shudder. The hand lay ice cold,
strangely quiescent. Under my fin
gers, an artery was beating feebly.
The wrist was as slender as I held
the hand to the light. Then I let it
"Good Lord," I muttered, and re
mained on my knees, staring at the
spot where the hand had been. It
was gone now; there was a faint rus
tle in the darkness below, and then
I held up my own hand in the star
light and stared at a long scratch in
the palm. "A woman!" I said to my
self stupidly. "Hy all that's ridicu
lous, a woman!"
Johnson was striking matches be
low and swearing softly to himself.
"How the devil do you get to the
roof?" lie called. "I think I've broken
my nose!"
He found the ladder after a short
search and stood at the bottom, look
ing up at me. "Well, I suppose yon
haven't seen him?" he inquired.
"There are enough darned cubbyholes
in this house to hide a patrol wagon
Mr. Blafceley. Much obliged." At the
door he hesitated and coughed.
"I suppose you understand. Mr.
Blakcley." he said awkwardly, "that
this er surveillance is all in the
day's work. I don't like it, but Itt
duty. Every man to his duty, sir."
"Sometime when you are in an open
mood, Johnson," I returned, "you can
explain why I am being watched at
f I
czjoi. KioSSm I it
The Wrist Was Slender.
"Very likely." he said grimly. "Havel load oi thieve.'
you a revolver?"
"AH kinds in the gun rack." I re
plied, and going into the den. I came
back with a Smith and Wesson. "I'm
not much use." I explained, "with this
arm. but I'll do what I can. There
may be somebody there. The serv
ants here have been uneasy."
Johnson planned the campaign. He
suggested on account of my familiari
ty with the roof, that I go there and
cut off escape in that direction. "I
have Itobison out there now tin
patrolman on the beat." he s,aid. "He'll
watch below and you above, whiie I
search the bous-'c. Re as itil"t as possible."
I was rather amused. 1 put on some
Kuphemia went up to the clothes and felt my way carefully up
roof it was 11 o'clock and soon 1 the stairs, the reolver swinging free
heard her running downstairs crying. I in my pocket, my hand on the rail.
When riie got to my room sh" just At the foot of the ladder I stopped
folded up on the floor. She said there! and looked up. Above me thcr was a
was :x black iigure sittins on the para-j gray rectangle of sky dotted with
. i,r t lit. house next, door the eniPtv srars It occurred to me that with
..... -r. ...... .. . - ,
iier and snil like a cat." defend
I had finished my dinner and was hoist a body that I am rather careful
lighting a cigarette. "It there was j of into a danger I couldn't se and
anv one up there which 1 doubt, they ! v. ash'; particularly Seen about any
probably sneezid." I suggested. "Rut i how. I don't mind paying that the
it vou feel uneasv. I'll take a look! seconds it took me to scramble up the
around the roof to-night before I turn ' ladder were among the most unpicas-
mi As far as Kunhemia goes. 1 : ant that i recall
wouldn't be uneasy about her doesn't
tse and that when she appeared it my one &eri iceable
e and waved long black arms at ladder. I was hardly
n rself. th.
hand holding the
in a position to
I was about to
He lighted a fresh
match. "Hello, here 8 another door!
By the sound of his diminishing
footsteps I supposed it was a rear
s.aireasc. He came up again in ten
minutes or so, this time with the po
liceman. "He's gone, all right," he said rue
fully. "If you'd been attending to your
business. Bobison. you'd have watched
the back door."
"I'm not twins" Bobison was surly.
"Well." I broke in. as cheerfully as
1 could, "if you are through with this
joUy little affair, and can get down
my ladd-r without having my house
keeper ring the burglar alarm. I have
some good Monongahela whisky eh?"
They came without a second invita
tion across the roof, and with them
safely away from the house I breath
ed more freely. Down in the den I
fulfilled my promise, which Johnson
drank to the toast, "Coming through
the rye." He examined my gun rack
with the eye of a connoisseur, and
even when he was about to go he cast
a loving eye back at the weapons.
"Kver been in the army?" he in
quired. "No." I said with a bitterness that
ho noticed but failed to comprehend.
"I'm a chocolate cream s-oldier you
don't read Shaw. I suppose, Johnson?"
"Xever heard of him," the detective
i said indifferently. "Well, good night. i
I got to the top. however, without ..--- m. a..-m
he always !me an attack of some incident i couni see ia;riy hi an...
. 'wr V!i7'i rm--i in nil tvira iii- tii v:i -; !. .... ..v
run i- . ....,.. ...
evening on her?" I lt then- was nothing suspicious in
c'i".,.,.,!. -. oiiiwrfn-iai examination sight. The toofs. separated by two
ot the window locks that night, visit-jfett of brick wall, stretched around
wig parts of the house that I had not j me. unbroken save by an occasional
. . . .... . ,.i.;..,k.i. i wont -,r- 5iftlv oier to
ten Miiee l nougat u. i ueu i uem
the other traji. me one ueiougiiig u
the suspected house It was closed.
the 'but I imagined I could Hear .lonn-'
footsteps ascending heavily.
The Cinematograph.
On Monday I went out for the first
time. I did not go to the office. I
wanted to walk. I thought fresh air
and exercise would drive away the
blue devils that bad me by the throat
McKnight Insisted on a long day in
his car, but I refused.
"I don't know why not," he said
sulkily. "I can't walk. I havon't
walked two consecutive blocks In
three years. Automobiles have made
legs mere ornaments and some not
even that We could have Johnson
out there chasing us over the country
at $5 an hour!"
"He can chase us just as well at five
miles an hour." I 6aid. "But what
gets me. McKnight, is why I cm un
der surveillance at all. How do the
police know 1 was accused of that
"The young lady who sent the flow
ersshe isn't likely to talk, is she?"
"No. That is, I didn't say it was a
lady." I groaned as I tried to get my
splintered arm Into a coat. "Anyhow,
she didn't tell," I finished with con
viction, and McKnight laughed.
It had rained in the early morning.
and Mrs. Klopton predicted more
showers. In fact, so firm was her be
lief and so determined her eye that I
took the umbrella she proffered me.
"Never mind," 1 said. "We can
leave it next door! I have a story to
tell you. Richey, and it requires proper
McKnight was puzzled, but he fol
lowed me obediently around to the
kitchen entrance or the empty house.
It was unlocked, as I had expected.
While we climbed to the upper floor
I retailed the events of the previous
"It's the finest thing 1 ever heard
of." McKnight said, staring up at the
ladder and the trap. "What a vaude
ville skit it would make! Only you
ought not to have put your foot on
her hand. They don't do it in the
best cireles."
I wheeled on htm impatiently.
"You don't understand the situation
jt all. Richey!" I exclaimed. "What
would you say If I tell you it was the
hand or a lady? It was covered with
"A lady!" he repeated. "Why, I'd
say it was a darned compromising sit
utation. and that the less you say of
it the better. Look here. Lawrence,
I think you dreamed it. You've been
in the house too much. I take it all
back; you do need exercise,"
"She escaped through this door, I
suppose." I said as patiently as I
could. "Evidently down the back stair
case. We might as well go down that
"According to the best precedents
In these affairs, we should find a glove
about here," he said as we started
down. But he was more impressed
than he cared to own. He examined
the dusty steps carefully, and once,
when a bit of loose plaster fell just
behind him. he started like a nervous
"What I don't understand Is why
you let her go, he said, stopping
once, puzzled. "You're not usually
"When we g-t out into the country,
Richey," I replied gravely, "I am go
ing to tell you another' story, and if
you don't tell me I'm a fool and a
craven, on the strength of it, you are
no friend of mine."
We stumbled through the twilight
of staircase Into the blackness of the
shuttered kitchen. The house had
the moldy smell of closed buildings;
even on that warm September morn
ing it was damp and chilly. As we
stepped into the sunshiif McKnight
gave a shiver.
"Now that we are out." he said. "1
don't mind telling you that 1 have
been there before. Do yon remember
the night you left, and th- face at
the window?"
"When you speak of it y-
"Well, I was curious abi.ut that
thing." he went-on, as we started up
the street, "and I went back. The
street door was unlocked, and I ex
amined every room I was Mrs. KIop
ton's ghost that carried a light, and
"Did you find anything?"
"Only a clean place rubbed on the
window opposite your dressing room.
Splendid view of an untidy interior.
If that house Is ever occupied, you'd
better put stained glass in that win
dow of yours.
(To i:k coNTiNt:r:i.
Got Two Votes and Declines.
TV. H. McCowen of Curtis, whose
name was written on the populist bal
lot, found himself at the close of the
primaries the populist nominee for
state senator in the Twenty-ninth
senatorial district. -Mr. McCowen had
received two votes, according to the
tabulation In the office of the secre
tary of state. These two votes made
him the populist nominee under the
law. Not caring to accept the nomi
nation, Mr. McCowen fi!ed a declina
tion with the secretary of state. This
caused the populist senatorial com
mittee to go to the trouble of holding
a meeting and formally nominating
George Sayer of Cambridge to fill the
vacancy caused -by the declination of
the man who got two votes on the
populist ticket. A full history of the
transaction, together with full pro
ceedings of the populist committee
when it filled the vacancy, has been
filed with the secretary of state. Mr.
Sayer was already the democratic
nominee in the same district.
stance myoarm
mints com
In it for you
Condition of the State Banks.
The abstract of the condition of in
corporated, private and savings banks
of Nebraska, at the close of business
August 23. just completed by Secre
tary Royse of the state banking board
shows a total of 659 banks reporting.
The average reserve is a fraction over
2f per cent, or nearly double the
amount required by law. The total
number of depositors is 225.001. The
August report shows a falling off of
Sl.723.000 In deposits since the previ
ous report in May. bat it also shows
an increase of nearly half a million
dollars over the corresponding period
in the year 1900. Other comparisons
Ehow a growth in banking interests
during the entire year.
"Mum h hem hacked for Years by an offer
of $1,000 for any substance injurious to health
found in the baking prepared with it.
Does not this and the fact that it'cornplies with
all pure food laws, both State and National,
prove that Calumet m absolutely pun?
With the purity question settled then Calumet
is undoubtedly the beat Baking rowaer. ic
contains more leavening power; it is more uni
form every can is the same. It assures
better results and ts Modtrate m pnc.
lUcrfv HW Awmw WmUT 1
Bar Commission Appointed.
The supreme court has appointed
the rcllov.iug commission to examine
applicants for admission to the bar:
Walter I.. Anderson of Lincoln, sec
retary, reappointed; J. G. Bceler.
North Platte; R. A. Batty. Hastings;
C. E. Keavls. Falls City; George W.
Shields. Omaha.
The court has appointed the follow
ing committee to report resolutions in
regard to the death of Judge l.ake of
Omaha, one of the first members of
the supreme court: E. WakcJey.
Omaha: B. E. B. Kennedy. Omaha;
E. F. Warren. Nebraska City: Charles
O. "vvhedon. Lincoln; E. P. Gray. Fre
500 lig Shtf In Irt Flgfcttag Ow Mm
We have aroused the whole world with our Six Moaths
Guarantee offer on shoes. Wo havo blasted the scheme of
500 big shoe men to make the public pay live Muiio Do
lars a year selling expenses S5.000.000 for htgh-salaned
traveling men ana uetr Dig no;ci uu. i' -.
etc for which you shoe buyers never get
one fenny worth of benefits.
We are going to do away with traveling mem and
their enormous expenses. We are going to mam
letters do the work ot salesmen, wo aro going to
sell direct to the dealer by letter, iwo-ceni
stamps for selling expenses siean uunareoa
ot thousands ot dollars snvea ior oener ma
terial and better workmanship nundreas
of thousands of dollars that make it po
sible for us to make the first and onty
shoe good enough to guarantee.
I Desnoyers "SIX MONTHS" Shoes
Guaranteed for Full Six Months' Wear
," - iT-7.. hi,i.. Thunmonfmrnllrii In we Bse wit twice Binch ofdlnrr llnlgjp
ol" are from Sls hide. Tfce uppers from rtrle top weosecoit twice i
VU-tM loninoi ana nen raw nuienau promt- i7 ' -" .p- , f. ,iiYifcMii
bleTW mdil wonOerfol wetrlnc qusdlUes to the chine, wing tho ery highest grvu tut iveaa.
HMii tui Miittea AHIBaHTCB If either the nolea er men werootwltWfior
HEBE la III RMI IKH imNMleii ontavTii?Yw-!T:V"t:SS.iS
b ai iiiset vte w eu wan n woiini wn kki e-wr .! vj iBmaBs w
hT to Mad to th factory or deal wlta lUaasui.
To Sue Crabtrse.
Attorney General Thompson has
teen asked by Secretary Luddrn of
the state board of education and a
majority of Its members to bring
whatever action he thinks proper
against Prof. J. W. Crabtree to recovet
698 alleged to have been taken frorr
the school book fund and used to pa
salaries of Peru Normal school teach
The populist state committee which
recently met and decided to pull off
Its nominees for secretary of state
and railway commissioner and to fuse
with the democrats have filed formal
notice with the secretary or state that
the committee decided to nominate
Mr. Pool of Tecumselt for secretary
of state and Mr. Haydcn of Lincoln
for railway commissioner. Pool and
Hayden are democratic nominees.
Dmtiirs ShM Cmmi 2234 Km St, St. Ltsis, .
The state board of public lands and
buildings has voted to expend 510.000
apportioned by the last legislature for
a sewer for the soldiers home at
Grand Island, the appropriation being
made by the legislature with the pro
viso that no part o.' the money shall
be expended unless connection shall
be made with the I'rand Island cit
sewer system.
sr-.-.y.i-fr.jw-ittW. :gr .ww . c --i
. W&W' ?' , -.' ''Ii AVv.kVsv :V; r-j'.'tr7 J
t tin root". Evidently it had not
!i,.rt intended for any purpose save
... .,..1 . .- tw Iioiko fur unlike
, .r.v. .v ...,.-.-. ,
1 ,- ..--n.n.l t!wr u:is I'll st:irea-l'. t SOUS
. t -TM. ... ........ .!.. .1.. .-irrft nflt-ir.Ihl
ladder and a trapdoor led to it. ami ' " "'- -"" .-. -
Ir r..,u, some nice balancing on 1 dock struck throe as I stood -.vaums. Not the slightest Reason for Alarm
' ,n wf ,.. with mv useless: I examiucd my revolver then, .or the.
'. J' &1-- "I - I
arm. I made it, howi-vr. and umnu
Boys Love of Adventure
The state superintendent ha? au
thorized the use of ihe fire text book
recommended by Fire Warden John
son. He has designated November 4
as fire day. Programs will be given
In the schools or the state calling at
tention to the danger of fires and the
reed of care to prevent them.
One hundred and elht additional
students have regbierod In the uni
versity, most of tin s being Lincoln
city teachers or pctt-raduate stu
dents. The figure for the semester's
registration now stands at 2.1X. an
increase of 132 over the correspond
ing iigure last year.
Low One-Way Colonist Fares In effect daily
October 1 to October 15, 1910
Union Pacific
Southern Pacific
Standard Route of the West
Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining Cars
For tickets and information, call on or address
U. P. R. R. Co. Omaha. Nebraska
this unexplored part of my domain
rathei attractive. It v. as cooler than
downstairs, and I sat on the brick
parapet and smoked my iina! cigarette.
The roof of the empty house adjoined
mine along the back wing, but inves
tigation showed that the trap-door
aioss the low dividing way was
bolted underneath.
Ther- was nothing out of th or
dinary anywhere, and so I assured
Mrs. Klopton. Needless to say. I did
not toll her that I had left the trap
door open to see if it would improve
the temperature of the house. 1 went
to bed at midnight, merely because
there was nothing else to do. I turned
on the night lamp at the head of my
bed. and picked up a volume of Shaw
at random tit was "Arms and the
Man," and I remember thinking grim
first time, and found it was empty!
I had been rather skeptical until
now. I had had the usual tolerant at
titude of the man who i summoned
fxr.m his bed to search lor burglars,
combined with the artificial courage
or firearms. With the discovery of
my empty gun, I felt like a man on
the top of a volcano in lively eruption.
Suddenly I found myself staring in
credutoi'sly at the trap-door at my
feet. 1 had examined it early in the
evening and found it bolted. Did I
imagine it. or had it raised about an
inch? Wasn't it moving slowly as I
looked? Xo. I am not a hero; I was
startled almost into a panic. I had
one arm. and whoever was raising
that trap-door had two. My knees had
a queer inclination to bend the wrong
lohnson's footsteps wore distinct
if Ke Looks Forward to the Life
of a Pirate.
!,- that I was a good bit of a chocolate j enough, but he was evidently far be-
cream soldier myself), and prepared
to go to sleep. Shaw always puts me
to sleep. I have no apologies to make
for what occurred that night, and not
low. The trap, raised perhaps two
inches now, remained stationary.
There was no sound from beneath it;
once I thought I heard two or three
The love, of adventure is an expres
sion or boyhood's abounding vitality;
th-re Is always hope for the boy who
looks torward to being a pirate and
carrying the Jolly Roger through the
seven seas provided that at the same
time his mind is making acquaintance
with other aspects of life which may
finally prove almost as desirable as
piracy, declares a writer in the De
lineator. A child's nonsense is his mind's
play and safety valve, which may be
developed into a sense of humor that
will help to keep him sane, or degen
erate into a mere habit of foolish and
cruel practical joking. His curiosity
may prove a key wherewith to unlock
stores of wisdom, or a means of pur
veying base and even vile things to
his mind, while his sentiment and we
may be sure that it is present In the
average boy's strangely assorted spir
itual baggages-may sink to a senti
mentality which shall sap his man
hood or be refined into an attribute
of honor and devotion.
Has a Balloon Record.
The Hon. Mrs. Assheton Harrord Is
an Englishwoman who has a balloon
record not likely to be ? con equaled by
any other worcrn. She has crossed
the EngHs-'b channel in a balloon, and
has made over a hundred ascents, be
sides taking part In six balloon races.
She owns two balloons, which are
"stabled" rear Battersea.
Mistake Somewhere.
"Miss Fang'o is n homeopathist,
isn't she?" asked the hostess.
"Weally, I aw den't think so, re
plied young Featherby. "At least she
is aw nevah at home when I call,
doncher know."
A special term of the federal court
will be held in Lincoln, beginning Oc
tober 10, to try cases involving mat
ters that date back previous to the
division of the state. Xo other mat
ters will be tried at this term. Firty
petit jurymen are being drafted to
compose the venire.
Secretary Whitten of the commer
cial club has received a letter from
Maryland stating that a large delega
tion will be here from that state to
attend the Farmers' Xational con
gress. Bath Iowa and Wisconsin have
sent Aord that large delegations will
he here from these states. A special
train will leave Chicago at 10 p. m.
on October 4. via the Northwestern
for Lincoln, arriving Wednesday even
ing. October 5, about 6 o'clock, which
Is expected to bring a thousand east
ern delegates.
- --
HB Tk R Li h trade lamp. soM at alow trie
steady av,
Tk R Li m h m&e lamp. soM at alow
' . -Z . . ..... ....-. .... Wa..... ...aa nf AAA
Ttera are lamps racosi more, diu mnrumiwiiri .-u. -"---
i"". Conwraeted of aolia brass: nickel pIaWly irpt clrao; aa
liniment to any room In any Buw. Tncrolnnntnlna knows to tbo af
ginmicsn nan w iwniuR v& i.n mm v, .,
Jtrerr dealer iT-rywlire. If sot at yours.
&: lamp-maklngthatcan ad4 to t hralu of tt kayo j amp aaa ugat
..iittf ii.rii,. Kr,rr nra ti nriinurir. a. cm jwmm ..w
tescrijiUi1 circular to tna ncami ais ncy of the
U affilctml with
soro eyes, umi
iTfctnasM'sEyt Wafer
Warns E.ClemaB,Wa3
lncun.0.C Uookttnw. H!l
eat references, ifcst results.
t!ier March-s onlr U ounce aasa price and
In and Out.
WTigg There seems to be quite a
difference between a job and a alto
Wags Ob. yes. For instance, when
a fellow loses his job he often finds
himself in an embarrasala '
A letter from Treasurer W. I Ames
of the Farmers Xational Congress to
Secretary Whitten of the Commercial
club bears the information that a spe
cial car of delegates from Madison
and vicinity will come to Lincoln to
attend the thirtieth annual session of
the congress. Rev. T. M. Shipberd
will take the place of Rev. S. .Mills
Hayes on the program of the session.
The invocation at the opening of the
first day session, October 6. had been
assigned to Rev. Hayes. Rev. Ship
herd was to appear before the con-
J greas later.
CteniM sod tmccs Cm bate
B-rer- Tails ta Bestora Oray
Hair XO lis coram i voior.
Cum walp diMatra ha talllsf.
We haTe uhlppeJ 'em from
Illinois since '96. Cars In
19 counties in Nebraska
thtavear. We par trelcht.
itandtosa(lf any) inahlpplng ami cuarante
MtlafacUon. large, choice ones keep tar
Boatbs; unexcelled for eannlnr. bakia. batter ana
fresh. Am offering 188 bushel at nlbeat bids rs
relTed. W mip till Oct. IS 3iib.Valnabla receipt
for Jc "H teat su decision and actios asts aay
talac a waats.' Writ. Do It !, tight sow.
Toars for aealts aad enjoyment.
AUcn's L ln-nii'-salTerureHCIiromclilcwr.
rietirOTerrnrlal IJIcn.WliltawaiI
ln.MItkl.c.rever,iore.liM.MVrfiHlya' l&.l7alltr. JJ'.AlXEN.lX-ptJUaui'aaUflBav
Cholre. quality; reila and roans,
unite, tw" or angua bought on
order. Tens f Thon-ada to
select from. Satisfaction Guar
anteed. Correspondence Invited.
Cume and xce for yourself.
National Live Stock
At either
bases Ctv.Mo. St.Jescaa.afe. S.
No Matter
what Lhrar or Bowel
re mini, scop h now. Gets If
box week' traatmcat of CAS-
CARETS today froas yew
aad leara bow easily, aataraHy
ddifhtfuQy yoor Ever caa fc
ta war, aad yaor mm
any. There's mem Cr i
CA3CARETS are Mtara'a
Yon wfll am tfa dSHmmetal
CASCAJUCTS toe a tar. far
trcauscat. an dramtets.
tt world. Mffltoal
y kas.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 4t-1ts