The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 05, 1910, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
inner Manars ot inxvresc von
dsnsed From the Mora
Important Telegrams. 1 1
Plans were announced here of a
campaign to be conducted by the na
tional tariff commission association
to hare congress enact legislation
which will make the tariff board a
permanent body to be alii Hated as a
bureau with the treasury department
"Who Is president of the United
6tates?" asked Judge Mullowney of
William Thomas, a jail breaker, who
was being examined today by a lu
nacy jury. "Deed, jedge, ah doan
rightly know. They say theys two of
'cm one's Mr. Taft and the other's
Teddy." was the prisoner's reply.
"Xot guilty," was the verdict.
The United States court of customs
!s in full swing of its first session.
The nsuch disputed question, "is a
hen i: bird?" which the treasury of
ficials passed up as hopeless, will
probably come before the court at
this term. The question is. if bird's
eggs are free under the tariff, and
hen's iggs are taxed 5 cents a dozen,
why isn't a hen a bird? An importer
who paid the duty wants to know.
The cholera scourge Is sweeping its
way across Asiatic Russia.
Field Marshal Lord Roberts, the
most distinguished living British sol
dier, is reported ill at Vienna,
The most brilliant and costly so
cial event in the history of Mexico
took place at Mexico City, when 7,000
people were guests of President Diaz
at a monster reception and ball.
Dh patch from Azuncion, Para
guay, announce the elction of Dr.
Manuel Condra to the presidency of
the republ'c. Dr. Gonda formerly was
minister to Brazil and more recently
minister of foreign affairs.
The sultan of Sulu met his old
friend. "Governor" Taft, in the green
room of the White house and coni
rletclv exhausted his English vo
cabulary in greeting him. He is a
f-cat admirer of the president.
The Catholic newspapers at Madrid
lire filled with stories of cabinet dls
t a-ious and freely admit that the
manifestations' to be held next Sun
day will force Premier Canalejas to
t;5ie on the eve of the assembling
cf the cortes on October 3. They say
,u;vhr that Count Roiuanones, will
ri'crced Canalejas.
A violent outbreak of hostilities
z' a number of prominent Al
nanlaus in the city of Elbassan,
Western Turkey, who are known to
oc connected with the movement for
progress in education and for religi
ous tolerations, is reported in a dis
patch received by Rev. James L. Bar
ton, of the American board of com
missioners for foreign missions.
1. h is been definitely decided to
Lria the bodies of the Americans.
( -ya and Grocc, who were execut-
tl ' y orJcr of ex-President Zelaya, to
C'auadn. Nicaragua, for burial. David
Areilane. the new Nicaraguan min
ister to the United States presided
at the mooting at which this action
was taken. A monument will be erect-
a to the memory of the two Amer
icans. General.
Taft and the cabinet are busy in
flxiug up estimates.
speaker Cannon said the fight on
the tariff was the same as it had been
for Hlty years.
The Prix de la Graonne run at
Maissons-Lafitle, was won by Eugene
Aischoff's Prince de Magny.
Schenectady county. New York,
gave the old guard a disagreeable
surprise by declaring for Roosevelt.
President Taft will make the key
note speech of the campaign at the
meeting of republican clubs in New
Frank 1 McVey was inaugurated
president of the University of North
Sixty-three thousand sheep were re
ceived at the South Omaha stock
yards in one day, beating Chicago's
best day by 5.000.
Special agents of the customs ser
vice have been sent to San Francisco
to investigate the weighing and samp
ling of sugar in that port.
Private advices from Italy assert
Italian emigrants from the cholera
Infected districts of that country are
being embarked at Genoa for
Father John Baptlste Abbott, of the
monastery of trappist monks at St
Korbert. Manitoba, died last week.
George Cavez. the Peruvian aviat
or, made the perilous trip over the
Alps from Brig. Switzerland, to Italy.
With the removal of the censorship
startling details of the cholera epi
demic at Naples are being received.
A number of persons have died in the
Chief Justice Robert W. Steele of
the supreme court of Colorado, suf
fered a stroke of paralysis and at
tending physicians say that his condi
tion is alarming.
The bankers of Nebraska held their
Btate convention In Omaha last
There was eleven deaths and twenty-eight
cases of cholera in Hungary
within forty-eight hours.
John Barry Ryan, son of the New
York millionaire, proposes to equip
the government with & fleet of aero
planes. Lee O'Nell Browne, recently ac
quitted of bribery in connection with
the election of United States Senator
Lorimer, was refused recognition
twice on the floor of the Illinois
democratic state convention.
S .. . . . !i
A report on land fraud investiga
tions In Alaska is expected shortly.
Sixteen people were killed ia a
Rock Island wreck near Clayton, Kas.
Trade of the country Is holding
back a little in the face of uncertain
The cholera continues to spread In
to the southeast of Italy.
Mayor Gaynor Is looming up as the
democratic candidate for governor of
New York.
Democrats of the country are very
much encouraged over recent state
state elections.
The treasury department sees only
the brightest signs in the financial sit
uation of the country.
Congressman OHIe James formally
announced himself a candidate for
United States senator.
The cholera situation at Naples,
Italy, is grave. There have been fifty
cases and thirty deaths.
The charge was made at the Chica
go rate hearing that railroads are
still engaged in rebating.
Official announcement was made to
night that one case of Asiatic cholera
has been found' in Naples.
Henry L. Stimson was nominated
for governor by the New York re
publican state contention.
No mercy to strike disturbers was
the order given out by the head of
the Berlin police department.
The general confederation of labor
in Paris has begun an active cam
paign against the increased cost of
State Senator Holstlaw was the
chief witness before the senate com
mittee investigating the election of
Henry L. Stimson was nominated
for governor of New York by the re
publicans. Mr. Roosevelt dictated
the platform.
Ex-President Roosevelt was chosen
temporary chairman of the New
York republican convention over Vice
President Sherman.
A wireless message received at
Kiel reports that two German torpedo
boats have gone ashore during evolu
tion. No details are given.
Prof. H. A. Overstreet of the Uni
versity of California has accepted an
appointment to the full professorship
of philosophy in the College of the
City of New York.
Elmer E. Bryson, aged fifty years,
an old timer of Omaha, president of
the Gate City Malt company and
prominent in local politics, killed him
self by taking poison.
Of G93 homicides in Chicago In the
last four years, capital punishment
was inflicted in only two cases and in
only forty-two cases was a life im
prisonment sentence imposed.
Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the discred
ited explorer, has been sighted in a
Munich hotel under the name of Mr.
Coleman and family. Michael M.
Ryan of Bridgeport. Conn., saw him
Mrs. Howard Chanler Christy, wife
of the artist, has left the Christy
home near Zanesville, O. Friends of
the family say that all hope for the
expected reconciliation has been
Former Senator Joseph Benson
Foraker is to take the stump this fall
for his old friend and political liefe
tenant, Warren G. Harding, who Is
the Republican nominee for Ohio's
Reports that the holy see has dis
patched official protests to the foreign
governments against the anti-clerical
speech delivered by Emesto Nathan,
the mayor of Rome, are denied In
Vatican circles.
The Wisconsin state board of can
vassers has completed us work, and
the official election fignres show that
La Follette (rep.) for United States
senator received 144.C56 as against
41,043 for Cook.
It was announced that it had been
tentatively decided to elect Edward
M. Shepard and D. Cady Herrick as
the temporary and permanent chair
man, respectively; of the New York
democratic convention.
Indications are that the meeting of
the trans-Mississippi commercial con
gress, which will be held in San An
tonio November 22-25, will be the
forum on several heated debates that
will be of national interest.
The first fatal accident that has oc
curred inside of the Kentucky Mam
moth Cave In years occurred when
Mrs. Helen Day of Wyoming, Pa., fell
from a precipice, striking upon the
granite and fracturing her skull.
That the United States enjoys Lae
best credit of any nation appears in a
comparison of the prices of the
government bonds of England.
France. Germany, asd the United
States during the last thirty years.
Fetitions asking Governor Harmon
to suspend Mayor Marshall of Colum
bus. Ohio, on charges of gross mis
conduct in office, growing out of his
management of the car strike situa
tion, were formally filed at the gover
nor's office.
New Hampshire republicans adopt
ed a progressive platform.
Mrs. Hyde, wife of Dr. Hyde,
Kansas ity. is critically ill.
The cabinet party at the white
house has got under full swing.
There were violent collisions be
tween police and strikers at Berlin.
Two democratic congressmen at
Boston were beaten for renomination.
Chairman Timothy Woodruff was
retire' as a member of the New York
state committee.
Mayor Gaynor announced he would
not accept the democratic nomination
for governor of New York.
Colonel Roosevelt triumphed com
pletely over the old guard at the New
York republican convention.
"We have them beaten to a frazzle,"
was Colonel Roosevelt's comment
concerning his rivals at Saratoga.
Representative White, of the Hli
nois legislature, repeated his story o!
being bribed to vote for Lorimer.
Commissioner Herbert Knox Smith
says the railroads have secured con
trol of nearly all water terminals.
Attorney General Thompson left
Lincoln for Washington to accept ap
pointment of solicitor of the United
States treasury.
Notable features of the democratic
primaries held throughout Massachn
setts were the defeat of two congress
men for renomination, John F. Kell
her in the Ninth district and Joseph
F. O'Connel in the Tenth.
Gubernatorial Choice Stood Out for
Some Time Before Consenting
to Accept.
Democratic Ticket.
For governor. John A. Dix of Wash
ington county.
Lieutenant-governor. Thomas P.
Conway of Clinton county.
Secretary of state. Edward Lazen
sky of Kings county.
Comptroller, William Schmer of
New York.
State treasurer, John J. Kennedy of
Attorney general, Thomas J. Car
mody of Yates.
State engineer and surveyor. John
Bcnzel of New York.
Associate judge of the court of ap
peals, Frederick Collin of Chemung.
Mr. Glynn refused to acept the
nomination for comptroller and Wil
liam Sohmer of New York has been
substituted in his place on the slate.
Rochster, N. Y. A state conven
tion that will go in political history
as one of the most remarkable of the
democratic party closed Friday by
nominating John A. Dix, chairman of
the party state committee and a
wealthy Washington county business
man, to run on a progressive plat
form of the widest type.
Regarding the platform there was
from the first little or no division of
opinion. But the candidate was not
chosen until Charles F. Murphy,
leader of Tammany Hall, who by
virtue of his 213 delegates was in a
position to control the convention had
canvassed the merits of no less than
fourteen others.
"I said I would give them a upstate
candidate and I've done it," was Mr.
Murphy's comment on the nomina
tion. Mainly on acount of his office as
state chairman, but for personal rea
sons also Mr. Dix stood out against
the wishes of the leaders until after
the time set tonight for the conclud
ing session of the convention. When
he had once accepted the offer of
nomination the rest of the ticket took
only two hours to arrange.
Meanwhile 450 delegates waited
two hours jn convention hall until cer
tain what delegates they would
be asked to name. So numerous were
aspirants for places on the ticket that
no one ventured more than a predic
tion of who would be selected until
the leaders concluded their delibera
tions in the rooms ofMr. Murphy and
came to the hall.
The convention proceedings that
followed were marked by a smooth
ness which democrats say Indicated
the harmony of their organization.
Congressman William Sulzer was
the only other candidate for the
nomination of governor who took his
case before the delegates, and his de
feat was decisive. Out of 450 votes
he received but 16.
John A. Dix is 50 years old, having
been born in Glens Falls, N. Y., In
1SC0. He was graduated from Cornell
university in 1SS3. His business
career be began with a lumber firm.
In 1SS9 he married Miss Gertrude
First Speech Praising Platform and
Republican Nominees.
New York. Theodore Roosevelt,
addressing the National Republican
League, in session at Carnegie ball
Friday, delivered his first speech of
the state campaign. Praising the
platform and Henry L. Stimson. the
republican nominee for governor, he
compared the republican convention
with the democratic meeting now be
ing held at Rochester, and on the
strength of bis comparison said he
felt the republicans had the right to
appeal to every decent citizen in the
state, without regard to party affilia
tion, to vote their way. The Saratoga
gathering he styled a "people's con
vention," free from the influence of
special interests.
Says He Is Not Ashamed of Former
Corporation Service.
New York. Although declining to
talk politics, Henry L. Stimson. re
publican candidate for governor,
frankly stated that he did not propose
to disavow his connection with Unit
ed States Senator Elihu Root or his
services as an attorney for corporat
tlons in tne past. "I am proud of hav
ing worked with Mr. Root, whom I
consider one of toe great men in Am
erican life today," said Mr. Stimson.
Kills Brother's Slayer.
Colgate, Okla. While returning
from a dance, George W. England,
city marshal, was shot and killed by
Park Thompson, half brother of a
man England killed seven years ago.
Thompson gave himself up.
Charles S. Elliott Dead.
Cooperstown, N. Y. Charles S.
Elliott, well known as a musician and
newspaper writer, both in America
and abroad, died here Friday. He was
64 years of age. and a graduate of
Yale, 67.
Western Miner Killed.
New York. Struck by a bullet fired
at close range, evidently after a hard
.struggle with his assailant, a man be
lieved to be John McDalde. a western
er in touch with mining interests on
the Pacific coast, staggered dying
from the hallway of a house on Fifth
avenue Friday into the arms of a po
liceman. The victim of the Bhootlng
died as he was being taken to a hos
pital. Mystery surrounds the circum
stances of the crime. The police, how
ever, have arrested James Hickey on
A Double Tragedy.
Box Butte County. A colored
porter named Franklin, employed by
the Burlington, ran amuck with a
gun in Billings. Mont, with fatal re
sult. While drank he went to sleep,
during which time he was relieved of
16 in cash. When he awoke and dis
covered his loss he got a revolver and
ran around looking for the person
who robbed him. As he was flashing
the gun in a dangerous fashion the
sheriff Interfered, whereupon Frank
lin opened fire on him, the bullet tak
ing effect in the left lung. The sheriff
fired back with fatal effect, shooting
Franklin through the heart. The ne
groe's bullet, however, was fatal also,
and about three hours after, the
sheriff died.
Frost Does no Damage.
Omaha. Light frosts were reported
over practically all of Nebraska Mon
day night and parts of northern Kan
sas and southern South Dakota. How
ever, no damage reported to the corn
anywhere, as it has passed the stage
where a cold snap can be harmful to
it. The lowest temperature reported
was at Omaha, where the ther
mometer fell to 42 degrees with a
light frost. "Frost on all our lines
out to Long Pine but, if anything, it
will be beneficial ia maturing the
com instead of harming it." was the
telegraph report of'the Northwestern.
On the Burlington frosts were heavy
ia many parts, but no damage was
given as a result.
Organize Fair Association.
McPherson County. The first an
nual McPherson county fair was held
at Flats. A large display of farm
products was exhibited and a good
attendance was present on both days
Addresses were made by Professor?
Snider and Burr of the agricultural
sub-stations at North Platte. A per
manent organization, to be known as
the McPherson county fair associa
tion, was perfected. The officers
officers elected were L. B. Pierson,
president; O. O. Ogburn. vice presi
dent; D. C. Heath, treasurer, and II.
L. Case, secretary.
Lightning Kills Two Men.
Kimball County. Peter Larson was
killed by lightning and George Jorg
enson burned to death in bay set fire
by the same stroke twenty miles
southeast of Kimball. Mr. Larson
was on the stack when it was struck
and was killed instantly. The hay
caught fire and frightened the team
which ran away and wedged the
wagon between the barn and stack.
Jorgenson was stunned and burned
to death with the horses.
No Trace of Ganson.
Otoe County. No trace has been
found of Dr. Harry S. Ganson, whose
clothing and bicycle were found on
the banks of the Missouri river.
There is a strong suspicion that Gan
son may havekfV-his clothing on the
bank merely as a ruse to get away,
although friends who know his mode
of life say that there is no doubt
but that he is drowned.
Doane College Opens.
Saline County. Doane college
opened with a larger attendance in all
departments than last year. The
Young Women's Christian associa
held a very pleasant reception for the
women of the college and in the even
ing the Young Men's Christian as
saciation had a lively stag party in
the ncv men's room in Merrill ball.
Hardihood of Indian Woman.
Box Butte County. Mrs. Running
Horse, one of the squaws in the
train o! Chief Chase in the Morning,
gave birth to a son on Monday night
at a ranch eight miles cast of Al
liance. She came rlgt on with the
Hance. She came right on with the
in the war dances and pow-wows, and
rode in the squaw race.
Miss Cullen Tries Suicide.
Cass County. Mabel Cullen of a
company filling a week's engagement,
shot herself in Plattsmouth, with in
tent to commit suicide. Brooding
over the divorce recently secured
from her husband in Omaha
To Vote on Bends.
Johnson County. The Tecumseh
city council is going to call a special
election for November 8, the same
day as the general election, to vote
on bonds In the sume of $13,000 to
extend the water service and bonds
in the sum of $7,000 to give the city
scwrage mains.
Typhoid Ravages Horn.
Phelps County. Mrs. Dunbar, a
widow, residing near Wilcox, lost her
only daughter, 14 years old, and both
of her son3, John, aged 23, and Bert,
aged 17, are seriously sick, the
former, it is thought, on his death
bed. and the other has but a slight
chance for recovery. Typhoid fever,
It is said, was the disease that
caused the death of Mrs. Dunbar's
daughter, and is responsible for the
"low condition of her two sons.
Thief Loots a Store.
Nemaha County. A bold robbery
was committed at Auburn when the
Jewelry store of James K. Curzon
was entered by robbers and Jewelry
to the value of $600 taken.
Auto Burns Up.
Richardson County Will McDoug
all and Will Tiehen, both residents of
Salem, were badly burned about the
face and hands and barely escaped
losing their lives when the latter's
automobile caught fire by a splash of
gasoline striking a lantern.
Accidentally Killed.
Phelps CountyNews was received
In Holdrege that Carl Lawritson,
nephew of Chris. Lawritson of that
city, accidentally shot and killed him
self at McCook.
Jury Finds ltWas Suicide.
Phelps County After being out for
more than eight hours, and after a
close investigation of all the circum
stances connected with the Beedie
tragedy, Coroner Palmer's Jury re
turnea a verdict that Mrs. C. J.
Beedie met death at her own hands.
Well Cored for Bed
Will Produce Better
Many as -Spring
Care Doubles Yield.
A Fall Runner Set In a Box.
This plan of setting strawberries is
better than spring planting. Want of
time and uncertainty of the season
causes neglect In the work, while in
the fall one has ample time. The
vexation of caring for the runners
and the weeds Is avoided, writes J. H.
Haynes in Farm and Home.
We do not Intend this for the com
mercial planting of arge areas, but for
the farm home garden. A bed well
cared for will produce better berries
and fully as many as spring set beds
of same size. With extra care they
will double the yield of spring set
tings. We select our ground and get it In
the best possible condition for plant
ing, also we care for the new plants In
tended for transplanting. As soon as
favorable weather conditions In An.
gust or early September we begin the
The plants should be set one foot
apart in rows three feet apart. Run
ners, if any start, should be taken off
If you want extra large crowns and
berries. Sometimes we allow three or
four runners to set. distributing them
equally in the spaces so as to make a
uniform bed. All weeds are kept out
and the soil loose. By late fall the
plants will show enormous fruiting
crowns and attain a large size.
Such beds do not requre much win
ter protection because of the rank
foliage they carry. But one can give
the bed a small coat of straw, but
care must be taken to remove the
straw in early spring.
The picture is of a pot-grown plant
set last fall. Its fruiting and foliage.
iinp. mr a
aoTTuKel I ,clL5ox I U churn an VL
The accompanying drawing shows
our dairy room. It is in a separate
building rrom the barr and Is cud
nectei to the milking room by a
short covered passage. This passage
has swinging dcors at each end and
the milk can be carried from the cows
to the dairy without being exposed to
the outside air.
The cooling tank Is connected by a
spout to the pump and water is kept
flowing through the tank whenever
there is sufficient wind to run the
windmill. It is made of cement and
Is composed of three compartments,
writes E. H. Hicks, in Farm and
Home. In the smaller end we keep
the cream cans and in the larger end
the milk cans.
The central section is divided off
from the others by wooden partitions,
in which there are four holes six
inches In diameter. It is from this cen
tral portion that we take water for
washing utensils and scrubbing the
The floor Is made of cement and
very easily kept clean. It is not cor
rugated or creased, and is easily
rinsed off after each milking.
At the right side of the tank is the
separator. The cream spout Is long
enough to reach to the cream cans in
Excellent Method of Alteraatiox,
Plowing? and Planting? One
Run-way While the
Other Is Pastured.
Where one has the room and is ar
ranging matters for permanent and
substantial future use it is a splendid
Idea to arrange double yards. In other
words, for each pen of chickens have
two yards (not necessarily large),
one to be kept for growing green
stuff while the other is being pas
tured. In that way the poultryman
can have pasture for bis fowls almost
the year through In the south, says a
writer in Baltimore American. For!
this purpose there are a great many
different things that can be grown,
such as oats, wheat, rye, barley, tur
nips, vetch, white clover and so on.
or rather I should say sow on. Keen
or sowing. These extra yards caa be t
Berries and FnOIjr
ja A JaW.aam
when so small a space as four Inches
square of soil Is considered. Is re
markable. Bubach. Dunlap and Moni
tor are Ideal varieties for fall planting.
Bubach makes few runners; the fruit
Is very large and quality best. A Bu
bach plant treated as described will
make a growth that a bushel basket
will scarcely cover. Monitor is a won
derful producer of fine, medium-sized
berries of fine quality. They thrive on
almost any soil.
Among the-Bees.
The queen bee is the mother of all
bees, and one fertilization is sufficient
during her entire life of usefulness.
Therefore, by simply replacing the
queen with a purely mated Italian
queen the entire colony will be
changed to that race, and if the change
is made during the summer months,
the change will be completed in about
three months' time.
Moth worms are practically un
known In apiaries of Italians or their
crosses. To get rid of the moths in
hives of black bees remove the black
queens and introduce untested Italian
queens in their place, and as soon as
the bees of the Italian strain begin to
hatch they will make "short stay" of
the moth worms.
Farm Repair Shop.
It is not advisable for the average
farmer to establish a shop and leave
the field whenever one of his neigh
bors desires a little work done. The
neighbor should have his own shop.
paiNTina and
the tank, and the cream Is run immt
diately into these, wnere it ia cooled
At the left end of the tank is the hot
tiing table.
There are five large windows on th
opposite end of the building from the
tank, and in front of this ia the rack
for drying the utensils.
In one corner of this end of the
building is a washing table and a small
stove for heating wash water, and in
the other corner is the churn and
worker, me table on which is made th
prints, and an ice box in which the but
ter Is temporarily stored. The lc
house Is adjacent to the dairy build
ing. which makes it very convenient
in securing ice.
Spraying Trees.
Before beginning to spray, determini
what kind of insects or disease
are destroying your plants. 'Leaf-eat
Ing Insects are killed by parts green
white those which suck the sap are not
affected by it. Spray thoroughly. Go
Ing over the tree carelessly and touch
Ing a spot here and there will do nc
good. Great care must be taken in
the preparation of the solution. Many
trees and plants are killed for lack
of proper attention in this respect
Spraying will pay If Intelligently done
located in various ways, either side
by side or at opposite sides of the
poultry house. Just to suit the con
venience of the land and the owner
This method of alternating, plowing
and planting one yard while the other
Is being pastured not only serves the
purpose for which it was originally
planned, but the additional advantage
of completely covering up all filth and
putting a fresh surface in use. Tho
latter is about as important as the
former. Some poultrymen claim the
advantage of permanent pasture,
which is so good so far, but such
green stuff is not eaten and relished
in such amounts as fresh growing
green stuff, and we are sure the bene
fits derived pay for the extra cost.
Age of Grape Vine.
If a grape vine is properly looked
after there seems to be no limit to the
age at which they will bear good fruit,
as evidenced by such famous old vines
as the one at Hampton Court. Eng
land, which was planted in 1769 and
still bears immense crops of food
grapes annually.
Unreliability ef the Declare Cava ef
Tramp Seeminf Dtsrefanl
ef Truth.
Clement J. Drlscoll, New York's coav
amissioner eC weights as measures, ad
vocates the sale of bread strictly by
"Some bakers oppose this Mea." he
said the other day. "They prove that tt
Is better for the poor to trust to the
baker's generosity thai to put slat
doTO,as grocers sad batchers are pla
ned dOWR ROW.
"Well, It seems to me that these
bakers are as Illogical aad absurd ss
the beggar who wore a placard, say
lag; 'I have only six months to live.'
He waa a robast beggar, bat the pla
card touched all hearts, aad through
Its sgency he must have made six or
seven dollars a day.
"A Philadelphia who bad helped
the beggar liberally la Philadelphia In
190E, came across the fellow, wear
ing the same placard, is Los Aagelee
In 1909.
"'Why. you ought to be ashamed
of yourself,' the Phlladelphiaa cried.
'Only six months to live, forsooth!
Sou were saying that five years ago.'
"'Well,' growled the beggar, 'it
ain't my fault, is it, if the doctors
make mistakes?"
The Guilty Party.
Cook (to her young man) Here,
take the rest of the roast duck. (Sigh
ing) Poor pussy I
Young Man What haa the cat got
to do with It?
Cook Well, she'll be blamed for it
tomorrow. Fllegende Blatter.
cure any possible case of DISTEMPER.
PINK EE, and the like among hones
of all ages, and prevents all others in the
same stable from having the disease. Also
cures chicken cholera, and dog distemper.
Any good druggist can supply you. or send
to infra. 50 cents and 11.00 a bottle. Agents
wanted. Free book. Spohn Medical Co..
Spec. Contagious Diseases. Goshen. Ind.
Thanks for the Relief.
Mrs. Naggit I don't feel like myself
Mr. Naggit Then we ought to have
a very pleasant evening. Stray Sto
ries. If Your Eyes Bother Yen
get a box of PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, old
reliable, most tuccessful eye remedy made.
All druggists or Howard Bros.. Buffalo. N.Y.
Increase of Commerce.
The -."merce of the port of New
York has had a growth of C2 per cent.
In the last ten years.
Lewis Single Binder cigar fa never
doped only tobacco in its natural state.
Woman's sphere now seems to be
the whole earth.
Mrs. WlrfsViW Seswalaa? Syrapw
fbrehlMren teething, oftens trie usi,rtxlacest.
m.iu...11.pp.i mwnlatwilln. AiahnUla.
Most politicians claim the alleat
vote so long an it keeps silent.
Bitters will quickly correct,
tone and sweeten any case
of "bad stomach." This
is a proven fact. Try a
bottle and see for yourself.
It is for Indigestion.
Dyspepsia and Malaria.
Nebraska Directory
1TFIIT yVT Inventions thrnrcb XV. EDDY.
rlt KM icglstnitsU lolidtor. tuu Mf., uaaka.
John Deere Plow Company, Omaha
1517 Wis St., OHML IEI.
KslUW DsotistiTst sMsrat Prices.
T saall st est pr1res. 8ei far frv eataJocn
ftVKRS-3lLLON DRUG Ctf .. Omaha. Na.
Oysters, Celery, Poultry.
Cream Waited.
Complete line of Gnats, Neck-
farf. Aixffsi AlskSiWv. in aitfuvsv
v. a. snuKERT
BEHTISTIY Xlfww A-Sr-Bu parade from
Omafca' nmt beantifot Sanitary
peBUIKuuim. Huto joor tetfa footed ovcrwUla
b-re. Nocbargrfurezaaitnaiton. Latest appllaaoea.
Terma moderate. Too health ia la dumier alth bad
i2yR-2?,,T0XMACH' iis5S2
aamJHta Uter l. P. Ticket Ossco. Oaaaka.
fa the school that gets results. Send for
Catalogue, which contains full information
about the college, and seme of the most
beautiful penmanship ever published.
It is tree. Address
Moohac t Lampman, Omaha, Nob.
SaskattM District LANUd
Count this. 25 bushels wheat per acre
90 cents per l.usheL Raised on 15 to $20
per acre land. Does this pay? If so. do
yoa want anv? Write
sieem saca Bee Builrjin, omtht, ),
lataHs far tM.M
i!ft Sfn- Eto i!
Sf 5-.?Cen mnd U 5 machine In a
part of jonr time. lfH a. monev aiaJcer. Writ
SVSliii-i Ia7 "''tenqule!4r.
fur Wcrttoa and aweial ofcrngar.
the keystone
to health
f A short course of the!
f 1
1 1