The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 05, 1910, Image 1
0nrnaL "7 f -- 1 Hr FORTY-FIRST YEAR. INSURE in the ROYAL or the German Fire BECHER, HOCKEHBERGER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MAKKET8. Rye Oats 2 Wheat i Corn 39 Hog8,top $7.f0 to $8.00 MftNY YBflRS flOO Files of The Journal October 10, 1877. A great many inquiries have recently been made by parties who desire to pur chase lands on the Pawnee reservation, when the sale will take place, and in what way it will be eo'.d. We are in possession of very little reliable informa tion upon the subject. It appears that the Secretary of the Interior has the control of the matter nnd is authorized to advertise and cause these lands to be sold at earns not lesB thnn the appraised value in any crbbT We do not fnrtber know the terms of the sale, whether for cash in hand or on deferred pay ments. We are not advised whether the sale will be conducted at public auction or private bids at the appraised valoe. Just now n large number of persona are seeking homes in Nebraska, and are muking anxious inquiry about the reservation lands. The fire northeast of town Monday night was a fearful looking night until the rain Bet in and quieted it down. The wind was high and the Jinnies pushed their way rapidly. At the foot of the bluffs, east of J. II. Keed'a it de stroyed two small stacks of hay for Pat Griffin, and sweeping westward it took in one small stack and three large ones (in all, probably one hundred and fifty tonBofhay). belonging to Mr. Reed. These last had been plowed around, a double line of fire guards, and those at them watching and Ghting the Ore were congratulating themselves on having saved them, when nil at once, and as quick as a man could turn his hand, the wind veered to the west and whirling the Haines backward climbed the stacks and consumed them. We learn that the same tire burned seven stacks for Mr. 8tenger and about four tons in cock for Mr. Reagan, four stacks for Mr. Crites, and Dan Sbedee lost a lot of corn, and it was only by the hardest work that his house and wheat stacks were saved. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing October B, 1910: Letters George Corson, George P. McGraw. George Masters. Harry E. Moore, Harry J. Scott, R. E.Strunck. Cards Dick Burrns, Mrs. Carl Boon stra, Bert Barron, Mre. Dorothy Bart lett, M. M. Dobbins, Natuan Elledge, Mrs. Mary Kozial, Miss Myrtle Lyons, Will Mertens, Miss Maude Pool, A. L. Olson 2. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Caul Kuamek, P. M. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sip Writisg a Specially D. 0. KMNAUGH NUMBER 27. Last Thursday there was a shooting affray foutbwest of Platte Center that might have ended fatally. The affair occured on the Mylet farm and the participants were J. W . Mylet and John Dalton. During the forenoon there had been a dispute over the division of the farm products, the Dal tons being rent ers on the Mylet farm. According to the version given the Journal, the My Iete, J. W. and his father, went to the place to make arrangements regarding the division of the crops and the first trouble started over some potatoes. This was for the time apparently settled but later there waB a dispute over the millet, which led to the shooting. This they could not agree on and the youn ger Dalton struck Mylet in the face, when he shot the aggressor in the ohin with a 22 calibre revolver. Dalton kept on coming at Mylet, when he received a second bullet, this taking effect in the side, but striking a rib and glancing. After the shooting Mylet came to Platte Center and gave himself up and later was taken to Columbus by Deputy Sheriff Burke. The wounded man was brought to the hospital in this city, but it is understood that since he has been able to return home. So far no com plaint has been filed againBt Mylet, and at present it looks as though none would be, as the wounded, man will be all right in a few days. Henry Inman, father of Emmett In mnn of this city, died at the hospital Friday morning, aged 05 years. Mr. Inman was born in Peru, 111., Novem ber 2, 1845, and in 18C8, he moved to Council Bluffs, la. In 1879 he located in Omaha and for twenty years was an employe of the Willow Springs distillery. Later he was employed by the school board, nntil poor health prevented him from continuing his work. Mr. Inman came to thia city with his son, who is conductor on the Spalding freight, and made his home with him, except for the two months he was at Portland. Ore., and other points in the west for bis health, having been sick with stomuch trouble, which caused his death. Since his return from the west his condition, instead of improving, became worse, and he was taken to the hospital for treatment. Seven children, five sons and two danghters, survive him, Wm. Inman of SL Louie, Emmett Inman of Columbus, Uny Inman of Emerson, Neb., Frank Inman of Lusk, Wyo., Walter Inman of Omnba, Mrs. J. J. Nelson of Omaha and Mabel Inman of Emerson. Funeral services were held Saturday from the home of Emmett Inman, Seventeenth and Speice streets, and were conducted by Rev. Ray of the Methodist church, nnd burial was in the Columbus cemetery. Monday evening the school board de cided to equip the high school building with a safety fire escape, of the same pattern as the one demonstrated at the Second ward building a short time ago. The other buildings will be provided with these escapes later. This year the teachers arc only asking for n leave of one day with pay so they can attend the stale teachers1 meeting. In former years this meeting has been held in Oc tober and the teachers given a two days leave with pay, but the date this year has been changed to Thanksgiving week, and as there is no school on Thursday and Friday of that week, the additional day will give them three days to attend the meeting. Hereafter the high school tnition for non-resident pupils will be $3 per month, the same as is paid by the district under the high nchool law. Formerly it was S2 per month and the scholar whose tnition was not paid by the district received it for less than other wise. Miss Clara Reeder was elected instructor of the physical science de partment. Elmer Guiles, living in the Okay neighborhood, northwest of Monroe, met with an accident last Thursday morning that resulted in his death a few hours later. He was working with a threshing crew and just as they were coming to the Guiles home place he was riding on the tongue of the separator. A sudden jolt threw him to the ground and be fell in front of the machine, and before it could be stopped ran partially over him, breaking his collar hune, and crushing him bo he died in the after noon. At first his injuries were not considered fatal, but it later developed that he bad been injured internally. Mr. Guiles, who was about forty-five years of age bad lived with his parents on the old home place for the last thirty years, and was unmarried. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Okay chnrch and burial was in the New Hope cemetery. John Kyle, from Loup township, was in the city Tuesday, and in speaking of the conditions during the last season said something occurred this year that bad not before in his forty years' resi dence in Platte county the west side of the old Barnum pasture became so dry this summer that it was impossible for cattle to find grass and they were compelled to eat the green leaves of the trees. Located as this pasture is, be tween the two rivers, and the distance to water being very little, it is surpris ing that these conditions existed. Miss Minnie Glur of the Journal force returned home Sunday evening after a month's holiday spent with relatives in Omaha and at other points in the eastern 1 1 part of the 6tate. COLUMBUS, Dr. Naumann. Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. Baled hay for sale. Ernst & Brock. Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone 1694. Red Tag sale at Gipe's, 403 west Elev enth street Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Show cases for sale cheap D. H. Gipe, 403 Uth street. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, essoe in new State Bank building. Dr. L P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and Kummer Sts. Lost or strayed from oar place, a red heifer calf, about eight months old. Mrs. J. Kipple. Weldin, the photographer, now locat ed on Thirteenth street, north of Fne dbot's, is prepared to do all kinds ot work. Don't be afraid to send a child to the Palace Meat market, it will be treated the same as the president ot the United States. Mr. H&riy Deckoaa will sing illustrated songs at the North, commencing tomorrow, Thurs day night. I own two good level quarters of hay and farm land near Bassett. A fine field of corn and lota of good hay, price t20 per acre. Address Owner, Box 23, Bas sett, Nebraska. A sudden stop ot the freight train on which he was breaking, caused Frank Missick to be thrown against the car, and he sustained a broken nb. which will prevent him from working for some time. Joe Martes, who has been employed at the Union Pacific coal shed, sustain ed a fall last Friday, which resulted in two broken ribs for him. Just how the accident happened, no one seems to know, as he was alone when it occurred. The manager ot the North theatre has arranged with a Chicago music publish ing house to forward him all instrumen tal and vocal pieces as soon as published. In this way the patrons of the North will enjoy all the latest musical produc tions as soon as tbey are out. Felix Andreas, the union Pacific fire-' man who was so badly burned at Clarks last week, by the falling of a crown sheet on one of the 300 engines, is at St. Mary'a hospital and improving slowly. Hifl condition at nresent is serious, and at one time there was no hopes of bis living. Wood Smith of Fnllerton has leased the Fiizpatrick building on Thirteenth street, and will open up a five and ten cent store, such as they have in the larger cities. The front ot the building is to be torn out and a new one pat in, as the present one was condensed by the city some time ago. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. N. Jennings and young son of St. Edward were in the city Sat urday enroute for the west. Their first stop will be at Denver for a visit with Mrs. Jennings sister. From there they proceed to Los Angelee, expecting to enjoy the climate of a California winter. They will return in May. Tuesday of this week the First Na tional bank took charge of the Eagle restaurant, on Olive street, and will pro ceed to foreclose, as they have a mort gage on the fixtures. A meeting of the creditors was held Monday evening, and it was decided to run the place until such time as it could be sold under the mortgage. Gottwerth Erb living west of the city, who left last May for a sojourn in Ger many and other countries in Europe, returned home Tuesday morning. When be left Columbus he was accompanied by Christ Wunderlsch and George Ram hour. Mr. Wunderlich returned some time ago, and Mr. Rambouris expected home this week. Frank Richter, a former Platte county boy, was in the oity last Saturday on his way to bis home in Winona, Washington, where his father, Andrew Richter, moved to from the Postville neighborhood eight years ago. Frank has been working in Omaha and vicinity for some time, but goes to Washington to remain aa he likes that locality very well. Frank Davis ot Oklahoma Oity was in the city a few days last week visiting relatives and shaking hands with old time friends. It has been twenty-one years since Frank left Nebraska, and during that time has wandered over most of the United States and Canada. In all his travels he tells us thst he has saw nothing that looked better to him than Nebraska does at present, and that Columbus has improved more than any small city he knew of. A meeting ot the Commercial club has been called for this (Wednesday) even ing to arrange for the opening of the new Platte river bridge, some time this month. It is the intention ot the pro moters to make this a big event for Columbus, and also a welcome to those on the south side ot the river who have been compelled to go elsewhere since early in the spring. A definite program will be decided on at the meeting and it is quite probable that the day will be one of the events of the year in this city. NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910. Four Room House Good repair. Full lot, barn and shade. Located on Washington Ave nue, near Eleventh street. Price $1,500 160 Acre Farm Improved, 6 miles east of Columbus $50 Per Acre EIliott-Speice-Ecliols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vsilier, Osteepatb. Barber block. Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist' and aurist, 1215 Olive street Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr O. D. Evans, west side ot Park. Watch for bargains in qneensware and china at Gipe's, 403 west Eleventh street. Mrs. J. E. Nichols of Omaha is here visiting her daughter, Mra Frank Mor row this week. Geo. Ji. Scott has begun excavating for a residence on the lot east of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. O. H. Lindberg of Polk, Ncb was a guest at the G. M . Hall home Monday evening, while enroute home from Omaha. Tom Askew, express messenger on the Union Pacifio between Council Bluffs and Denver, was a guest of Columbus friends Sunday and Monday. C. H. ALSRICH Republican Candidate for Governor WILL SPEAK IN Frankfort Park COLUMBUS Saturday, Oct. 8 At 2 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neater of York, Pa . arrived Monday of this week for a two weeks' visit with Mr. Neater's broth er, Frank Neater of this city. Mra. Lloyd Swain and daughter Oath ryn, and Mre. Swain's mother, Mrs. Par ker, went to Norfolk Tuesday evening for a short visit with relatives. Miss Sarah Mylet, who has been night operator at the Independent Telephone office for the last year, left last week for Scotia. Neb., where she will have charge of the Independent exchange at that place Her successor is Miss Hazel Carter of Fairbury. fiREIT CLEMINB SUE. On account of having my building moved into the street, I will offer my en tire stock at cut prices. Some goods are sold at cost or even below cost.. CARL FROEMEL, Eleventh Street Jeweler. THE BEST ia alone sood enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody eke. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER & SOI HARNESS AND COAL City Band Concert. The City Band will render the follow lowing program at the park Friday even ing, October 7, 1910: 1. March Brooks Triumphal 2. Orertnrc LoBpiel , a Br the Light of tho Silvery Moon b Tat on Your Old Grey Bonnet 4. Medley-Dear Old Germany 5. Cornet eolo The Holy City C Porto ltican Banco.. ... . ........ 7. altz Nordics. . ..... 8. March-Chicago Marino. America. Mr. and lira. J. O. Cochran of Crcston were in the oily Tuesday, and returned home that evening with their daughter, who is attending the high school in this city. Democratic headquaters in this city are deserted during Aksarben week, as Chairman Byrnes and his assistants are all in Omaha at the headquarters in that city. Congressman Hitchcock of Omaha was in the city Saturday evening and Sunday conferring with the state chairman and Others. While it is not given out, it is un derstood that the Telegram's attitude on Mr. Hitchcock's senatorial candidacy hail a good deal to do with his visit. Mrs. D. W. Ziegles of Monroe was in the city Wednesday, enroute home from Chicago, where sLe was called to attend the funeral of her brother's wife. Mra, F. O. Hornliestel. Mr. and Mrs. Horn bestel were residents of thia county twenty years ago, living between Mon roe and Oconee. C H. Aldricb, republican candidate for governor, will speak in Frankfort park in this city, Saturday, October 8, at 2 p. m. Mr. Aldrich is a good talker and all should turnout and hear his views on the issues of the campaign . Should the weather be unfavorable, the meeting will be held in Maennercbor hall at the same hour. While grading north of town in the townshiD.S. P.Drinnin and Al Butler came nearly having a mixup. There were ten horses bitched to the grader, and a passing automobile frightened them, resulting in nearly all the horses being down at once. After much trouble tbey were released, the only damage be ing to the tongue of the grader. W. T. Gillespie, who met with an ac cident while going to his home from Genoa a week ago Saturday, and was unconscious, did not regain conscious ness and died on Saturday. October 3. His funeral was held Monday from his home in Woodville township. Mr. Gillespie was one of the older settlers of Woodville township, coming there a number of years sgo. Fritlay evening the City Band will give their last concert of the season in the city park. During the summer manv neonle. including a number from outside of the city, have enjoyed these concerts and have spoken words of praise of them. The bnya have given excellent programs and many have made it a point to reach Columbus on Friday to listen to the concerts. P. F. Luchsingerof the First National bank leaves this week for an extended visit in Europe, the greater portion ot his time to be spent in Switzerland. The trip is both of pleasure and busi ness, and as Mr. Luchsinger has not seen his native land for sixteen years, the trip will be an enjoyable one for him. He expects to return to Columbus about the first of the year. Since his election to the presidency of the state association of the Nebraska Rural Letter Carriers' association, H. B. Reed of Route 3 has decided to become a citizen of Oolumbus. lie has leased his farm to F. J. Suiter of Coneroaugb, Pa a brother-in-law of C. E. Devlin, and will move to town and occupy his property. He expects to make the change in the near future. Last Thursday Deputy Sheriff Burke arrested John Persok. a farm hand em- ployed on the Hilger Greisen place near Tarnov, for statutory assault on Katie Klein, a fifteen year old girl, the com plaint being signed by Jarviga Klein, the girl's father. He was brought to this city, and Friday he had a hearing before Police Judge O'Brien, snd was bound over to the district court, bis bond being placed at $500. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The monthly meeting of the board ot directors will occur next Monday night. Mr. Whitney will attend the confer ence of employed officers ot Nebraska whioh meets in Omaha this week. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion and other societies have united in to one national unaeotarian movement to better boys under the leadership ot the Boy's Scout Movement. In Eng land the boy scouts do not teaoh any kind of religion but expect each boy to have some and to stick to it and they make it a part of their religion to help others, and not let a day pass without having done a good turn to somebody, and not to tell .of it unless asked. The Intermediate, Seniors, and Busi ness Men's gymnasium classes will start next Monday, October 10. The Inter mediate class will inolude all those be tween the ages of 16 and 18 and work ing boys under that age who cannot get into afternoon classes. The Senior class will include all those, who held full memberships who do not belong to the Business Men's class. The secretary or physical director will be glad to advise with anyone about any of these classes. The following is a weekly schedule of the classes: Junior A (boys 13 to 16) Tuesday and Thursday, 4 to 5 and Sat urday 10:30 to 11:90. Junior B (boys 10 to 13) Monday and Wednesday 4 to 5 and Saturday 9 to 10. Business Men, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 to 6. Intermediate and workmen, Wednes day and Saturday 7:15 to 8:15. Seniors, Monday. Wednesday and Friday 8:15 to 9:15. Boxing club, Tuesday and Fn- day 7 to 8. Leaders classes, boys Fri day 4 to 5; Men, Saturday 8 to 9. Basket ball practice Tuesday 8 to 9. Clip this schedule and keep it in your pocket. Congregational Church. We sometimes hear men say. "I am as good as the church member.' The pro position reels on what goodness is. If goodness ia negative; if it is simply keeping ones self oleitn, pure, we might grant the claim. Christ's view-point of goodness is serrice. The best helper is the beet man. Patriotism bares its arms in country's cause; philanthropy seeks the needs; knowledge finds its ex pression in serviceable activity and Christ tells us that goodness is not wrapping ones talent in a napkin and keeping it clean and secure, but invest ing it in noble service. The church offers the largest opportunity for service of any organization today. Its Gj!d is unliantcd. Its opportunity outstrips its capacity because so large a per cent of men shrink from under the obligation and leave the burden on the few. We must contend that the active worker in the church is a belter man than the idler without. Next Sunday morning our pastor will speak from the subject: Praiseworthy Virtues. This theme will be discussed in the light of christian ethics. You cannot afford to miss this service. We shall be glsd to greet you. Route No. 4. Cbas. Bolt has just completed a new corn crib and granary. Miss Irene Snyder, who has been at the home of D. D. Bray for some time. left Monday for her home in Lincoln. Wm. Uossinnn isexcava'ingfor anew house, which will be 28x32. eighteen foot pouts and coinent block foundation. A number of tbu young men who were Sunday visitors on tha rout were com pelted to remain until Monday on -count of the heavy rainfall. Lois McComb and James Thomazin were married in Columbus Tuesday, and after the ceremony a reception was given them at the home of the bride. Mr and Mrs. Thomazin will reside in Platte Center until after the crops are taken care of, when tbey will move on the home farm, as Mrs. Maria Thomazin is going to make her home in Platte Cen ter. Route No. 3. Henry Gsrma is erecting a new dwell ing house on bis farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Seefeld left Monday for Loup City, for a three days visit with relatives. Henry Meyer is doing some excellent work on the road running east from the German Baptist church. George Borcbers is putting down a well on his fsrm, locating itoa a hill so he can build a reservoir and install a system of waterworks for his residence end also for other purposes. Route No. 1. Louis Wilken and bride returned last Saturday from their wedding trip in Coloiado. Misses Clara Stamp and Dorotbey Mueller returned to their home in Yntan last Saturday, after a two weeks' visit at the home of Rev. Mueller. Sunday evening there was a small twister in Sherman township, on the north end of the route, which knocked I down several stacks and did some dam- age to buildings. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our tbaaka to the friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness snd also for the floral offerings st the death and burial of our I father. Childbkx or Hknbt Inman. WHOLE NUMBER 2,029. We're readu to properly care for your every banking want. We always have saoaey to loan toourcustossers when seed ing the i Money deposited with us is protected by our capital and surplus of $85,Mt.Maadtbe Individual liability of our stockholders of $75,MM, snaking $lM,fM.M of pro tection. Calimbis State Baik Capital t Surplus, S85.000.0O Mrs. J. F. Belford left last Saturday for Chicago, where she goes to eater oae of the large hospitals in that city foraa operation, under the direction of her brother. Dr. Thomas H . Traiaor. Tues day Mr. Belford left for Chicago, being called there by a message, so as to be with her. About a month ago the ser iousness or Mrs. Belford's trouble made aa operation inevitable, aad she has been arranging to go to the hospital. Tuesday evening the retailera of this city met and organized the Ketaiiera' association of Columbus, with Phil Echols, president; M. C. Keating, vice president; Otto Merz, treasurer; Paal Johannes, secretary; board of directors, F. A. Brenn. J. S. Hansy. Wm. Krusa land. This association is a branch of the Federation of Nebraska Retailers, end is organized for co-operation of the retailers, especially regarding the present credit system. Another meeting will be held soon to arrange details and perfect the organization. Last Friday Conductor Burke of the Union Pacific blocked one of the cross ings for forty minutes with a freight train, and Chief of Police Bcbaok filed a complaint against him in Police Judge O'Brien's court. A warrant has been issued and aa soon as the eooduotor oaa be apprehended he will, be, brought up for trial. And in thia connection the chief proposes to put a step to the pres ent practice ot many of the passenger conductors of doubliBg the crossings oa North and Olive streets, blocking traflc. Officers timed one of them the other evening and over thirty minutes had elapsed before the teams and pedestriaas on either side could pass. The board of supervisors were ia ses sion Mondsy and Tuesday of thia week, the msin business transacted, besides the routine work, being the arraagisg for the acceptance ot the new Platte siver bridge. There are some formalities in connection with this, one of the im portant matters being the proper notifi cation of the counties of Polk and But ler, who are expected to pay their share toward the repairing ot the structure. The hoard allowed some of the bills of the Standard Bridge company for work on i he structure. An adjournment was taken to a later date, which was not de cided oa aa yet, as the exact date ot the completion of the bridge is indefinite. and at that time the boatd will be called in session. Marriage Licenses. Joe A. Usstreiter. Humphrey 23 Ids A. Ward, Humphrey 20 Peter Vshiski, Petersburg, 22 Anna Gdowaki, Platte Center 18 Walter L. Moore. Schuyler 38 Lillian M. McKenzie, Schuyler 30 Oarsten Peterson, Platte Center 28 Alvena J. Uoeffelmann, Platte Center 20 John Martys, Columbus 22 Katie Robuck, Oolumbus 23 Frank 8. Golus, Loup City 21 Katie F. Plebanek, Tarnov 19 James Thomazin, Monroe 27 Lois E. McOomb, Platte Center 18 Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agenoy for the famoua Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from 11.60 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 60c, 75c, 11 and $1.35. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for yoar in spection and ranging in price from 60c to $2 60 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S