m f. H r i. R 1 1 I m 1 IV b e fe I fe I I M I K l l&fc ! M feii ! S S I A CHANCE TO SAVE $200. In buying his Grst automobile a man occasionally makes the mistake of Ret ting a oar that is too small for his wants, and after driving awhile he decides he will get n larger enr, one with more power and n larger body. We have a customer who bought a Brush roadster but Boon decided it was too email for his requirements, bo we sold him an Overland and took his car in the deal, it has a top, Wind Shield, Gas lieadlightB, Magnets, Tire and mud chains which he bought extra. The car cost $000, and the extras $110. making a total of S710. We are going to sell it for $190. It is a good car, in the best of condition and will no doubt be sold in n short time, so if you are in terested in a small car and want to get a remarkable bargain come in and see it before it's gone. Columbus Automobile Co. P. S. Wo also have a small lien run about that cost over $G00. 00 that cau be bought for $475. 5,000 POUNDS OF COFFEE I will sell the same in lots of 15 and 25 pounds at a big reduction in price. Come and give it a trial. H. F. BREMER Dealer in Groceries and Dry Goods Columbus, FORD TKe Car of Satisfactory Service for Every Use for Business, for Pleas ure, in city and country. Henry Ford, the manufacturer of this car, needs no introduction. He has been the greatest factor in the de velopment of the automobile industry, greater than any other man in the world, and has always stood for all that is best in automobile building for quality of materials, for advanced ideas in practical designing, and for comon sense, durable, efficient construction. This has been the position of Mr. Ford for so many years that just the im print Ford on a car has acquired a value equivalent to the name sterling on silver. Each is a guaranty of genuine merit. Look at this car. The Ford model T Car is the latest successful product of this successful manufacturer. It is a five-passenger car. It is a comfortable car. From the viewpoint of artistic design, it is a handsome car. Best of all, it is a Ford. Fifteen thounand cars of this Model sold prior to January 1st, 1910 proved its genuine merit The car has made good on all the hills between the Atlantic and the Pacifie it has won out in all the sand from JMondrato Washington. It has thoroughly demonstrated its worth over all sorts of conditions of roads in all seasons of the year. Get a demonstration. While you ride in it let the car prove its goodness. Gottberg Columbus, Nebraska Auto Nebraska Co. THE UCLY LEOPARD He Is a Cattle Thief and Even a Human Being Thief. WORSE THAN LION OR TIGER. Seizes Its Pray by the Threat and 1 Clings With Its Claws Until It Breaks tha Spina of Its Victim ar t Strangles It. ' Less in size, but even more ferocious, the leopard has a worse character than the tiger or lion. Living mainly in trees and very nocturnal, this fierce and dangerous beast is less often seen than far rarer animals. It is widely, spread over the world from the Cape of Good Hope to the Atlas mountains and from southern China to the Black sea, where it is sometimes met with in 'the Caucasus. Any one who has frequented the zoo for any time must have noticed the difference In size and color between leopards from different parts of the world. On some the ground color is almost white, in others a clear nut brown. Others are jet black. Wherever they live leopards are cat tie thieves, sheep thieves, dog thieves .and human being thieves. Though not formidable in appearance, they arc im mensely strong, and it is not unusual for them to turn man cater. Both in India and in Africa they have been known to set up in this line as delib erately as any tiger. They have four or five young at a birth. The cubs can be kept tamo for some time and are amusing pets, but it is extremely dan gerous to have them about In Hongkong an Englishman had a tame leopard. It was brought Into the dining room by a coolie to be exhibit ed to the owner's guests. Excited by the smell of food, the leopard refused to go out when one of the women, who did not like his looks, asked that it be removed. The coolie took hold of its collar and began to haul it out. It seized him by the neck, bit it through and in a minute the coolie was dying, covered with blood, on the dining room floor. The Chinese leopard ranges as far north as the Siberian tiger and, llko the latter, seems to grow larger the farther north it is found. The color of these northern leopards is very pale, the snots arc large and the fur is very long. The natives of all countries are unan imous in declaring that the leopard is more dangerous than the lion or tiger. They have no fear of the lion, provided they arc not hunting for it, for It will not attack unless provoked, but a leopard is never to be trusted. In Africa a number of natives were firing the reeds along a stream. One of them, a boy, being thirsty and hot; stooped down to drink. lie was imme diately seized by a leopard. The boy's brother, with an admirable aim, burled his spear at the leopard while the boy was in his jaws. The point separated the vertebrae of the neck, and the leopard fell stone dead. But the boy could not recover. The leopard's fangs had torn open his chest and injured the lungs. The latter were exposed to view through the cavity of the ribs. He died during the night. Leopards are essentially tree living and nocturnal animals. Sleeping in trees or caves by day, they are seldom disturbed. They do an incredible amount of mischief among cattle, calves, sheep and dogs, being especial ly fond of killing and eating the latter. They seize their prey by the throat and cling with their claws until they succeed in breaking the spine or in strangling the victim. They have a habit of feeding on putrid flesh. This makes wounds inflicted by their teeth or claws liable to blood poisoning. Nothing in the way of prey comes amiss to them, from a cow in the pas ture to a fowl up at roost In the great mountain ranges of cen tral Asia the beautiful snow leopard is found. It is a large creature, with thick, woolly coat and a long tail like a fur boa. The color is white, clouded with beautiful gray, like that of an Angora cat The edges of the cloud ings and spots arc marked with black or darker gray. The eyes arc very large, bluish gray or smoke colored. It lives on the wild sheep, ibex and other mountain animals. In captivity it is far the tamest and gentlest of the large carnivora. not excepUng the pu ma. Unlike the latter, it is a sleepy, quiet animal, like a domestic. The West African leopard skin is more handsome than the Asiatic, the spots being very distinct and clear, ne and she they usually go in couples arc fond of hunting cantonments and around native towns, where 'they pick up a goat and now and then a baby. One night I was camped in a native town and after I had retired the na tives, as was their custom, were sitting about a great fire asking my caravan all sorts of questions, for the African savage is the greatest gossip in the world. Suddenly a child's cry rang out, followed by a great clamor. Bush ing out to discover the cause of alarm. I was informed that a leopard had stolen from the darkness iand quick as a flash had grabbed a four-year-old child aud made off withilt The child was seated in the midst of the grown men and women. The latter could only lament their loss. They knew it was useless to try to pursue the beast into the dense bush. The leopard is so boldithat even in daylight he will wanderfabout a town or a white man's premises. It is not at all unusual to get a good shot at a leopard from a bungalow veranda or a mud hut door. PittsbnrgfDlspatch. The Deduction. "There's a proverb that fits man." every "What one fits me?' "To whom God gives ofikre, he also gives brains." "But I have no office." "Well, don't you see howfit fits?" Cleveland Leader. Mora to Coma. Maud So Helen and Jack have made up their quarrel. . have they? Ethel Yes. but only temporarily. They are going to be married soon. Boston Transcript NORTH Theatre $20 worth of prizes to be given away SATURDAY NIGHT One Coupon with each 10c admission Change of program Tues day, Thursday and Satur day. ECCENTRIC PAVING. Louia XIV. Covarad Ona Courtyard With Silvar and Gold. Many Interesting Instances of indi vidual eccentricity or extravagance in the selection of material for paving Btreets and roads may be cited, it is related that when Maximilian Eman uel succeeded to the throne of Bavaria he celebrated the event l-j causing one of the roads leading to W palace to be paved with plates of burnished cop per. This, gleaming in the sunshine, gave all the effect of the more precious metal gold. We are told also that Louis XIV. paved one of the courts at Versailles with squares of silver, each of which had recorded upon it some triumph of the French arms. In the center of the court stood a large tablet of gold in representation of the luxurious mon arch's favorite emblem, the sun. Mem oirs of the time of Louis make men tion of a lodge erected to the love of his youth, the fair Louise de la Val Here. The approach was paved with mirrors wherein was painted an alle gory setting forth the undying devo tion of the king to Louise. An eccentric nobleman of Milan con ceived the Idea of paving the court yard of his palace with slabs of mar ble, granite and other stone, each from a different land. It is said that Eu rope. America, Asia, Africa and Aus tralia all contributed materials to make up this quaint mosaic composed of more than 1,000 pieces, every one of which was suitably Inscribed with the name of the country or state whence it came. Harper's Weekly. WITTY TOASTS. Humerous Hita That Have Halpad to Enlivan Banquets. A publisher once gave the follow ing: "Woman, the fairest work iu all creation. The edition is large, and no man should be without a copy." This Is fairly seconded by a youth who, giving his distant sweetheart said, "Delectable dear, so sweet that honey would blush In her presence and treacle stand appalled." Further, in regard to the fair sex, we have: "Woman she needs no eu logy. She speaks for herself." "Wo man, the bitter half of man." In regard to matrimony some bach elor once gave. "Marriage, the gate through which the happy lover leaves his enchanted ground and returns to earth.- At the marriage of a deaf and dumb couple some wit wished them "un speakable bliss." At a supper given to a writer of comedies a wag said: "The writer's very good health. May he live to be as old as his jokes." From a law critic: "The bench and the bar. If it were not for the bar there would be little use for the bench." A celebrated statesman while dining with a duchess on her eightieth birth day in proposing her health said: "May you live, my lady duchess, un til you begin to grow ugly." "I thank you. sir," she said, "and may you long continue your taste for antiquities." London Tit-Bits. George Washington's Sobriquets. Washington was called by many so briquets, ne was first of all "Father of His Country." "Providence left him childless that bis country might call him father." Sigourney calls him "Pa ter Patriae;" Chief Justice Marshall, the "American Fabius." Lord Byron In his "Ode to Napoleon" calls him "the CInciiinuttis of the West." For .having a new world on his shoulders fee was called the "Atlas of America." The English soldiery entiled him by the sarcastic nickname of "Lovely Georgl us." Red Jacket, the Seneca Indian chief, called him the "Flower of the Forest." The Italian poet Vittorio Al fieri called him "Deliverer of Ameri ca." His bitter opponents sarcastically called him the "Stepfather of His Country" during his presidency. Partnership. Once when I was a little boy 1 slept out in a barn all night, and it was cold, and I shivered and couldn't sleep. But in the next yard there was a little dog. and he was cold, too, and be shivered. And I got him over in the bam. and we lay down together, and he snuggled up to me, and I snuggled up to him. And pretty soon we were both warm, and we both slept I had warmed him. and be had warmed me. And so if a fellow snuggles a little hope or a little Joy or a little desire or a little beauty close up against his ache, why, pretty soon it has warmed him. and he has warmed it He is stronger and better and the whole world of hope or joy or beauty or desire is stronger and bet ter for it Larry Ho in St Paul Dis patch. It Had an Effect "DM that sarcastic letter you wrote to the milkman requesting him to let you attend to the job of watering the milk now that Von have a new filter in the kitchen faucet have any effect?" "It did." said the lokester. "He de- I livers the bottles now only "wo-thirds full." New York Sun. KICK OFTHE KEY The Reading of Telegraph Mes sages by Sound. STORY OF THE FIRST TRIAL A Lack ef Tape Caused Atenze B. Car nail te Attempt Ititeraratatimj tha Merse Coda by Ear Tha Diacevery That Abolished the Use ef the Tape. Ezra Cornell is known in history as the father of Cornell university, as one of the men who helped to build the first telegraph line and as an ar dent organizer of telegraph systems in the early days, being instrumental in the formation of the now famous Western Union Telegraph company. His son, Alonzo B. Cornell, became ultimately vice president of the West ern Union and governor of New York state high commercial and political honors. Yet he once confessed to me that he felt he should be credited with the additional honor of having made the discovery that telegraph messages could be read by ear, and be seemed to take more pride in his part in bring? ing this about than he did in any of his other achievements. '1 was trained as a telegraph opera tor," said Mr. Cornell in telling me the story. "I suppose I took to telegraphy naturally because of my father's deep and large interests in the then new mode of communication. Anyway. I learned the Morse key easily, and I was. In fact very fond of telegraphing from both the practical and the scien tific standpoints. "One afternoon, sometime in the ear ly fifties, when I was stationed at Al bany, N. Y.. there was an unusual in rush of newspaper dispatches I was in charge of the press key and in the midst of the task of receiving them I found to my consternation that I was out of tape. Before taking my seat before the key I bad neglected to re plenish the tape reel. "There was a bountiful supply of tape in the cellar of the building, but it was a long trip there there were no elevators In those days and I knew that to go there I would waste pre cious time. And there were those anx ious newspaper men hanging over my shoulder. "Suddenly, as 1 fished about mental ly for the quickest way out of my dilemma, this thought popped into my head: 'You don't need any tape. Half the time you don't look at It when the dispatches are coming in before you write them out You trust to your ears to tell what the instrument says. Why not do so now? Instantly I de termined to see whether or not I could take the dispatches by sound alone. "I put my fingers on the key and broke in on New York, whence the dispatches were coming. 'Send rather slowly and very distinctly,' I asked the man at the other end of the wire. He at once began to do so not without some curiosity as to my reason, I found out later. "But I didn't think of that at the time, for I was glowing all over with the knowledge that I could write out the dispatches and write them cor rectly, for they made sense by simply listening to the sounds that the key made. "Thus I continued taking the dis patches to the very end. Then the New York operator called me. 'What are you doing up there? he asked. 'Why did you want me to send slowly and distinctly?' "I answered that I had said goodby to the telegraph tape forever and told him of the discovery I had made. He was immediately interested. 'Seed me slowly and very distinctly fifteen or twenty words, and I'll see whether or not I can do the same thing,' he re quested. "I did so, full of confidence, and a little later there came to me this mes sage: 'I've done it too. Some of the other boys say they can. I predict that within a month there won't be an inch of tape used in the New York office.' "Years later," added Mr. Cornell, "I was told that about the time that I discovered for myself -a new and revo lutionary method of receiving tele graph messages the same method was also discovered by an operator In the main office in Pittsburg. I have no doubt that this is true. Sooner or later the discovery was bound to be made not only in one. but several offices. But I have always felt that I was the first to make the discovery and should be credited with it in tele graphic history." Boston Globe. Watering tha Horse. It Is allowable when a horse Is hot to let him have three or four swallows of cool water, but no more. The few swallows will help cool him. and an other limited drink may be given every few minutes for four or five times, after which he may drink his fill with out danger. In careless or inexpe rienced bands, however, the only safe way is to let the horse stand for half an hour or more with no water until he is fairly cooled off. Country Life In America. A Prince Edward Island Legend. There is a delightful legend among the people of Point Prim to the effect that when the English attacked the French fort at that place a chain ball from one of the attacking vessels cut the steeple from the old church located on the very point. In falling it toppled over the promontory and carried the bell which it contained into the sea. Dwellers along the ixInt affirm that from time to time the sound of that bell comes over the waters at eventide and that its phantom tone is ever a warning of a fierce storm or some im minent Wanger to those who make their living by the spoils of the ocean. An Office Engagement One of Washington's gilded young men came rapidly down the steps of his bouse half an hour after noon the other day. "What's the ruahv?" asked a friend. "Ob, I've got to .hurry down to the office or I won't gen there in time to go out for lunch." i Saturday Evening Post AK-SAR-GARNIVAL AND Sept. 28th to M.4 ML I 6mi IHIterj Ummn Emy fHW YOVMCLF A TME-Yl DEATHWATCH BEETLES. I Their Tapping Stands Far Courtship and Not Far Warning. Much mental anguish could have been saved to past generations and some not so very far past If iicople had known that the mysterious tap ping of the "death watch stood for courtship and not death. A writer in the Scientific American explains that the various species of the beetle anobi am and their bigger relatlies of the genus xestoblum not only attack furni ture, but so completely riddle tin whole woodwork of old bouses by their borinpt as to render the structures un safe. Indeed, a beam that has been Iteuanted by these Insects for a num ber of years Is little better than an outer shell containing a mass of wood dust The xestoblum Is the common deatbwatcb. while the anoblum also Is In the habit of making a tapping sound. The nocturnal tappings of these in sects, distinctly audible in a room where there Is an otherwise complete absence of noise, has for many centu ries been regarded by the supersti tious as a warning of the approach of death. This uncanny interpretation of a mysterious sound fs scarcely surpris ing when It is remembered that only in recent years have naturalists dis covered its true cause. The little beetle has been found in some secluded spot, jerking its hard head at regular intervals upon the sur face of the wood beneath it So far as can be told. Its rapplngs constitute a kind of courtship ritual. Obviously they have no connection with the lat ter end of mankind. A RAIN OF FIRE. Tha Great Meteerie Shewer That Scared Folka In 1S33. In Scharfs "Chronicles of Baltimore" there Is a vivid description of the star ry hailstorm, the fiery meteoric show er, of 1833, and old files of newspapers are made luminous at that date with the Impressions of editors and contrib utors. One writer said It was the grandest and most charming sight ever presented to the vision of man. Awak ened from sleep, he sprang to the win dow, thinking the house was on fire, but when he looked out be beheld stars, or fiery bodies, descending like "torrents.'' The shed "In the adjoin ing yard to my own," he wrote, "was covered with stars, as I supposed, dur ing the whole time.'' Professor Olm stead of Yale college thought that the exhibition was the finest display of celestial fireworks that bad been wit nessed since the creation of the world, although be, too. while knowing Its character, was sufficiently imbued with the theological spirit of the time to believe that It was a solemn portent that carried a divine warning. One editor whose comment upon this phenomenon was probably more quoted than any other be ever made said: "We pronounce the raining fire which we saw on Wednesday morning an awful type, a forerunner, n merciful sign, of that great and dreadful day which the inhabitants of the earth will witness when the sixth seal will be opened. Many things occurring In the earth tend to convince us that we are now In the latter days." Dreama of Genius. An Interesting book might be written on the subject of the dreams of genius. Stevenson. maintained that much of lib work was only partially original. Ills collaborators were the brownies who ran riot through his brain during the hours of sleep. He Instances the case of "Dr. Jefcyll and Mr. Hyde." "1 bad long been trying to write a story on this subject." he writes, "to And a body, a vehicle for that strong sense of man's double being which must at times come in upon and overwhelm the mind of every thinking creature. For two days 1 went about racking my brains for a plot of any sort, and on the second night I dreamed the scene at the window and a scene afterward split in two. In which Hyde, pursued for some crime, took the powder and underwent the change In the presence of bis pursuers. All the rest was made awake and consciously, although 1 think I can trace in much of It the I manner of my brownies." London Chronkrle. Oppertunitiee and Limitations. . The world is full of opportunities. The world has a place for all kinds of people. If a man look no higher than pickax or hod. but be Industrious, the world can use him. The opportunities for the mau who has spent the least time in school, getting only the prac tical studies, are better and higher than come to him of the hod. but such a man soon reaches bis limit He Is on a short ladder. The one who has iald the foundation of a broad general 'education as well as a technical one has. given intelligence, Industry and loyalty, practically no limit to his ca rreer. K. U. Graduate Magazine. A Curious Kelic. A curious relic of Louis XVll. is the "game of dominos" made of pieces of the Bastille which were given to the dauphin before be and his parents left Versailles forever. It is said that when the box containing it was brought in the queen exclaimed to her bedchamber woman, Mme. Campan. "What a sinister plaything to give a I child!" The sinister plaything Is with I I outer revolutionary oojecui yrcsexvw i In Paris. Oct. Stfc, IMP T OAsUHVAL EwUY BAY ft! ty 17 1. & fcpltf Tmes. BLINDING A SHARK. A Pearl Diver's Rum by WMeh Ho seaagajBBB aseeBi a asas erapaysB)BffePe A successful diver mast posse at great courage aad nerves of steel. Such a man connected with a large wrecking compaBy was visiting some years ago the pearl fisheries in the gulf of California, where sharks . abounded. On one of his trips In quest of the pearl oyster bo bad a narrow escaiHr from a fearful death. He-bad liecn Instructed never to stir from the Ixittoni until he bad looked up ami aruiuid. FortanatelyBe heeded the advice. Harms; filled bis bag. he glanced quickly about and caught sight of a huge shovel nosed shark watch ing him. In an emergency men think fast Near the diver was a urge rock. He moved quickly to the other side of It hoping to dodge the ferocJoaa moaster. but the maneuver did not work. The shark watched every movement chang ing bis position by a slight motion of his powerful tail. Time was precious, and the diver conceived the idea of blinding the shark by stirring ap the mud. Under cover of that be might escape. He worked fr dear life and bad the wa ter thkrk with mud In less than half a minute. Slipping around the rock again, he rose to the surface, having barely strength enough to reach the side of the boat and was hauled on board just as the voracious man eater made a rush for him. Remee Nat Taken lariaualy. Juliet was only fifteen years old. but she thought she was quite grown up. One evening, says lira. It A. Pryor in "My Day." she was receiving on the moonlit veranda a young man caller. He. too. it seemed, considered himself grown up. The anxious youth was moved to seize the propitious boar and -declare himself. Juliet wished to an swer correctly and dismiss aim with out wounding blm. She assured him mamma would nev er consent A voice from withla they were sit ting beneath her mother's window settled the matter: "Accept the young man. Juliet If you want' to. I've not the least ob jection. And let blm run along home now. Be sure to bolt the door when you come in. Evidently the mother had small re spect for boy lovers and wished to go to sleep. Amiability Rules. Don't natter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates. On the con trary, the nearer you come Into rela tion with a erson the more necessary do fact and courtesy become. Holmes. Admitted. She Ob. 1 have no doubt you love me. but your love lacks the supreme touch -unselfishness. "What makes yon say that?" "You admit it You want me for yourself alone, you say." The Utopia of today is the reality of tomorrow. IrtasttM, Rlacsii a C. Otitic. EVEN the most critical college man cannot but like our two button models. They have an elegance of tailoring and smartness of style which will force the attention of anyone having any ideas about clever style. GREISEN BROS. COLUMBUS, NEB. fgHjGSBi aai laaV aaaaaV I , e l& I I 5tfv