The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 28, 1910, Image 7

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Hints For
A Charming Porch Party.
This delightful affair was given on
the porch of a lovely country home,
hut it may be just as successfully car
ried out indoors and at any season of
the year. There were about 20 guests,
each asked to bring her work. The
porch was decorated entirely with gar
den flowers that are so plentiful and
brilliant at this time. After an hour
of lively chatter, with needle and
thread, crochet hook and knitting, the
hostess appeared and announced a
"so-ln" contest. Slips of paper and
small green pencils were passed with
the explanation ihat each answer be
gan "So" as the first letters. The
questions and answers follow:
A uiso man of ancient times Solomon.
Thai which one voir sings Solo.
A tn'CM'i-sary kitchen -iniou:itl Soap.
What tli twviu'i-'h wntury Hying ma--liine
should do Soar.
To stt-vp in liquid Soak.
Serious Sobor.
A nickname Sobriquet.
Church xwnitMr onjoy this sociable
unimunistn Socialism.
A mixture and an explanation Solu
tion. Popular with th summer girl Soda.
A church Hocioty Sodality.
A soat built for two r more Sofa.
To dwell for a limp -Sojourn.
A note in music Sol.
A name for the un Sol.
IVrtainlns to :i liht River- Solar.
What an article always is. if bought
Metallic eement Folder.
A man of war Sold:r.
Neare-St lhi floor Sole.
Incorrectness of lanuae Solecism.
Alone In the world- Sole.
A tlat fish Sole.
What a trump tloes at the door So
licits. A tune for an instrument Sonata.
Oivinjj forth sound Sonorous.
Painful- Sore.
Speolea. kind Sort.
Seed-sprinkler Sower.
After 20 minutes the "hey" was
road: then the hostess said: "Having
finished "Soing. there would be a
ttarden competition." and she passed
another set of papers, with these ques
tions: 1. We are n. practical family, neither
Kill nor sentimental, yet we never fail to
make everyone shed tears.
2. We uiv for our heads: if one
of our family fails to have one of jjool
shape he is regarded a of little worth.
3. We are great travelers; we wear a
green uniform and our flesh is cool ami
A. Our dress is pink, but later we
wear brown.
5. We wear purple dresses above the
ground and white below.
ft. Our leaves are crisp and curled, but
our hearts are creamy gold.
7. Sometimes large, sometimes small, a
ridd heart with a rough exterior.
LafJ a fSI li T 3 TrtW 9fA' r BBBBaa Bbbbbbbby bbbbbbu
ITTLE girl's party frock of
white batiste with hand
run tucks and Valen
ciennes lace. Sash and hair
bow oi light blue satin rJb-
mon, and slippers to match. Lingerie
Many Wcmen Keep for Years Things
That Are of Absolutely No Use
Why. oh, why. will women keep for
years impossible things, that no one
will ever want and that do nothing
but accumulate dust and microbes, for
the sheer joy of kceyng them?
Old Magazines and newspapers, bric-a-brac,
deservedly obsolete "orna
ments." clothes and parts of clothes
they all lie together in some obscure
cii f cr or closet or box, with no
purpose in life except to make still
heavier the twice-yearly houseclean
ing. One wonders sometimes if the own
ers are simply too stingy to give away
the givablc things and throw the rest
into the dust heap. But no; they are
only the victims of that procrastination
that canDot bear to do the most neces
sary thing now and lets maters slide
for years and years instead.
Storerooms were made to store pos
sessions for a season; closets to hold
clothing, boxes to conta'n the tempo
for Those Planning Seasonable
8. I am snow white ana when good to
oat don a silken plume.
9. J have many little round companions
In our narrow green house.
10. I blush red because my name Is a
term of reproach.
11. We are famed for our heads, but
they must be snow white.
12. Of shades of red and yellow: once
thought poisonous, now thought mellow.
13. Thick Is our stalk but tender our
H. Our family name !s of the past
tense, yet we are on every table of to
day. 13. Sturdy are we. yet not allowed to
live in the sunlight.
16. Some of us are crooked all around,
others only In the neck.
17. Wc live In bright red houses and
have hot tempers.
1. Onion. jo. Beet.
2. Cabbage. 11. Cauliflower.
3. Cucumber. 12. Tomatoes.
4. Potato. 13. Asparagus.
Z. Turnip. 14. Bean.
".. lA-ttuce. J3. Celery.
7. Pumpkin. 16. Squash.
K. Corn. 17. Pepper.
0. Peas.
The prizes were ihc most realistic
vegetables cabbage, corn and Irish
potatoes, which were candy boxes
filled with bon-bons in shape of corn
kernels, wee carrots, etc. The re
freshments consisted of delicious salad
in green pepper cases, cucumber sand
wiches, olives and salted nuts with
f J&
Many three-quarter sleeves, built en
tirely of puffs, are seen in out-of-door
Fine cloths in dull blue and rose
tints are in demand for dressy after
noon frocks.
Turbans are rising in height and
also showing the narrow effect at the
crown apex.
Narrow ostrich bands edge many oi
the new wraps and add an extremely
smart touch.
Heaver is to have a great season In
millinery, if early Importations count
for anything.
There are some uncertain predic
tions that the short waistline will
come in njraln.
The correct and suitable shoe for n
black satin tailor made is the black
suede or undressed kid.
coat of sheer white handkerchief linen
and line English embroidery orer a
slip of pink China silk. Hat or linen,
lace, blue ribbon and wee pink rose
buds completes costume small girl will
be proud of.
rary and the useful. By all means, I!
you are one of these unfortunate slaves
to the "keeping" habit, get rid of the
trash you have been saving and start
life aagin with a clean record and a
lightened heart..
For you will ffad that your reliefa nd
freedom from cars will mean really
that to you.
Hints fer Old Ladies.
For actual street wear some very
pretty bonnet forms are coming in. but
the preferred head covering continues
to be a close-fitting toque cr turban
of conservative height and trimming.
At the same time the darker Persian
silks and lawns are drawn upon for
many quaint shapes, over which the
figured material is draped, shirred or
molded. Hats of this sort and those
of dark shot tulle constitute the larger
part of the carriage and garden hats
which city milliners are sending to
the fashionable watering places. Usu
ally they are self-trimmed. Harper's
There is a noticeable tendency tc
?et away from the kimono sleeves and
to substitute puffed sleeves.
. . . One strange problem hitherto
My onslaught has withstood;
What kind of wood would a woodchuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If a gopher went when Tie was bid.
Though ho be wild or tame.
And the thing for which he went was
And he knew not its name.
Then what would the little gopher do?
That's what I want to know.
O, what would the gopher, go fcr then.
And where would the gopher go?
If the gopher went to whlppoorwHI,
Would the gopher go fer him
Jf he knew poor Will had a whetted bill
And was in fighting trim?
If Will wouldn't wait for the first attack
But would land a knockout blow.
O, what would the gopher go fer then
' And where would the gopher go?
Does the gopher go fer a single thing!
Would he. If he were sent.
In a hurry, come some day to bring
Us the reason why he went?
Ah. this is the question vexing- me.
And this I want to know:
O. what would the gopher go fcr thea
And where would the gopher go?
Exercise is what people talk about.
Exercise consists of a cold bath
every morning, a brisk walk of five
miles in the open air. and a session
with the clubs and the punching bag.
This forms a constant topic of con
versation. Folks who talk about It al
ways say they must take it. Exercise
is seldom taken. It is not very catch
ing. A man who Is naturally healthy,
who eats pie and welsh rabbit and all
such stuff, will look you in the eye
and swear that his perfect condi
tion is entirely due to the regular ex
ercise he takes. A man who is grow
ing fat will say that he is going to
take regular exercise and reduce. He
keeps saying this until ho grows so
big that his clothes have to be meas
ured by trigonometry.
Nobody takes exercise unless he
can wear his best clothes.
And he doesn't like to spoil them.
Percy's Circumstances.
"Yes, I have accepted Percy."
"But do you think he makes enough
money to get married?"
"Oh. dear. no. But he makes enough
to be engaged on."
"When I sec so many instances of
marital infelicity." murmurs the kit
tenish lady with the corkscrew curls.
"I shudder!"
"You do?" asks the man with the
lantern jaws.
"Yes. Oh. it seems to be such a lot
tery! One cannot tell what the future
may be. Tell me. Mr. Skidmore. do
you think I would make a mistake in
"Mistake!" echoed the lantern-jawed
Fran. "Mistake! Not at your age,
Culture In the Forest.
"What makes that bird sin-
fiercely?" asks the tiger.
"Professor Parrot escaped from his
cage in the city and has come back
and established a school of voice cul
ture. The bird Is one of his pupils."
explains the hippopotamus.
Whereupon the hyena laughs im
moderately. The Complete Tourist.
"O. look at the beautiful mountain!"
exclaims the woman, as the train
sweeps majestically around a curve
and the towering peak is brought into
view. "Isn't it one of the most !ove
'ly things you ever saw? Let U3 take
it all in. We can't afford to miss
"Wait a minute' says the man. div
ing into his luggage.
"But lock! We must see the moun
tain. "Hold on. Wait till I find that tour
ists' guide book. I don't knoty' wheth
er this mountain is one that we should
waste any time over or not."
The I. C. of L. Again. -"Darling,"
moans the enamored
youth. "I fear we cannot be married
this year!"
"Say not so!" exclaims the fair
young thing. "What can be tho rea
son?" "Have you not read that berause of
the horrible tariff on cigarettes there
will be only eight in a box hereafter?
How can I make both ends meet?"
aaTrVSalr'af wlKKmr
I What to Do
7 L2 4V4( l" v
Doctor Gomes
The local effect of the sun's rays
striking: the unprotected portions of
the body is to cause redness and bun
ing and often blisters known as sun
burn. The exposed parts do not even
have to be In the direct sunlight be
cause son-burn can be caused by the
active rays of the sun being reflected
from some smooth, bright surface as
from water. Hot winds may also cause
a condition similar to sun-burn.
The preventive measures against
sun-burn are of course to protect the
surface of the body from the sun's
rays either direct or reflected. Don't
try to get tanned all during the first
day in the field, at camp, or at the sea
shore. The actual sunburn Itself is treated
as any other mild burn by applying
cloths wet in a saturated solution of
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or
some oil or ointment
The systemic effect of the sun's
heat or of any artificial heat as In
furnace and boiler rooms, is divided
into two classes called heat exhaustion
and heat-stroke or sun-stroke. These
two conditions, although resulting
from the same cause, are quite differ
ent and must be treated in different
Heat Exhaustion.
The more common result and also
the less serious Is sometimes errone
ously called sunstroke. It is seen
more commonly in persons working
in the direct rays of the sun, as farm
laborers, or soldiers on a march, but
may also occur from working in hot
and clsely confined spaces.
The. symptoms are dizziness, dazed
mind, not usually unconsciousness,
the skin pale with a cold clammy
sweat, respirations are shallow and
hurried, pulse Is rapid and weak, and
the body temperature Is usually below
normal. The patient may be nau
seated and sometimes vomiting oc
curs. The treatment of heat exhaustion
Is very similar to that of shock from
severe burns. Keep the body warm
by wrapping in wanned blankets and
covers of some kind, and surround it
with hot water bottles. Stimulants as
aromatic spirits of ammonia, brandy,
or strong black coffee may also be
Heat stroke sometimes occurs while
working in the open and being ex
posed to the direct rays of the sun.
but it Is probably moro often seen
where the person works In some en
closed place where the heat Is exces
sive, as boiler room-; and stokc-holds
of steamships.
The symptoms begin as dizziness,
nausea, headache, then unconscious
ness. At this stage the face is flushed,
skin dry and hot, and the bod tem
perature greatly increased sometimes
up to 108 degrees or over, (normal
98.G degrees). The respirations are
rapid and noisy and the pulse is rapid
but full and bounding.
Unless these symptoms are very
soon relieved the patient goes Into a
state of collapse and generally dies
within a few hours. The symptoms
of the stage or collapse are similar to
those of heat exhaustion but of a
more aggravated form.
To prevent this stage of collapse and
a fatal termination, the pntlent should
be put In a bath of !ce water or the
body nibbed with Ice. An Ice-cap
which can be made by placing pounded
ice in a Lag should be placed on the
head. Ail this Is to lower the tem
perature of the body and should be
kept up until it reaches about normal
(DS.6 degrees). If collapse has taken
place, it must be treated the same as
shock by keeping the body warm and
giving stimulants.
Both conditions, heat stroke and
heat exhaustion, are liable to occur in
poorly nourished and intemperate per
sons and In those doing hard physical
labor. One attack !s inclined to make
'them more susceptible to the effects
of heat so that they should always
take special care about exposing them
selves afterwards, and should change
occupation if possible.
Electricity Burns, Brush Bums.
The local effect of electricity Is that
of a burn and usually occurs at the
point of contact when an electric cur
rent passes through the body or a
portion of IL Death may be produced,
.however, by the shock caused and no
local manifestation be visible.
In order to prevent burns or acci
dents from electricity never take hold
of any wire while the current is turn
ed on. It is advisable not to handle
any wire that Is strung close to a line
carrying a high voltage, although It
may only have a weak current itself,
as there is always the possibility of
the wires being crossed at some othor
place and the strong current being
transferred to the line on which you
are working. If any person has been
caught in a "live wire" and rendered
unconscious, be very careful in remov
ing him so as not to get shocked your
self. If possible have the current
A Training School for Gypsies
Some years ago the French acad
emy awarded a prize and medal to
Mlic. Bonnefois, thea a woman of 73.
as a reward fcr the success of her
educational work among tho gypsies.
Mile. Bonnefois. herself a gypsy, was
the leader of the peripatetic fairs
throughout Paris and the province?.
The age of seventeen became a turn
ing point In Mile. Bonnefois career.
She had a sudden vision of the good
and the beautiful, and began teaching
the children of the fakirs, rope walk
ers and showmen to read and to live
right lives. She talked with the
rarcnts, too, and finally at Amieas. on
the last day of the fair, G3 gypsies
of all ages came through her influence
to make their first communion.
During the Franco-Prussian war
Mile. Bonnefois transformed the little
wheeled cars of her fair into ambu
lances for the wounded soldiers, and
some years later the largest of the
cars was set apart for a traveling
school. Afterward wherever the fair
went the schoolhouse followed, and at
turned off or break the wire by throw
ing some heavy object upon IL It this
cannot be done, push the wire froxr
the person, or the person from the
wire, by soma piece of dry wood or
other non-conductor. Sometimes the
person may be drawn away from the
wire by catching hold of some part of
his garments or throwing a rope over
one of his extremities. If the patient
is so tangled in the wire that he can
not be freed by these means, one may
cut the wire or free him if he wears
rubber gloves or insulates himself in
some way. Remember that wood and
rope and clothing which are fairly
good non-conductors when dry, become
good conductors when wet and are
then to be avoided.
Burns caused by electricity are to
be treated the same as any other burn,
by wrapping in cloths wet In a satu
rated solution of sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda), or oil or ointment of
some kind applied. The shock to the
system caused by a strong current
passing through the body, as a light
ning stroke, may cause death almost
instantly or it may produce a condition
similar to heat exhaustion- or a severe
burn. It Is to be treated by giving
stimulants as alcohol in some form or
aromatic spirits of ammonia, and keep
ing the body warm by applying warm
ed covers and artificial heat of some
Brush-burns, those Injuries caused
by the surface of the body coming lit
contact with a rapidly moving object,
as a moving belt or having a rope run
through the hand, are sometimes
classed as lacerations but may be con
sidered here. They are not often very
extensive but arc usually dirty and be
come badly Infected as the tissue has
been torn away as well as destroyed
by heat, and dirt has been ground Into
the wound.
Such wounds should be cleaned out
thoroughly with some weak antiseptic
solution as dilute carbolic acid (phe
nol). 1 part of carbolic acid to 20 parts
of water, and even scrubbed with hot
water and soap, if the patient can
stand stich rather severe treatment
Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide, or per
oxide of hydrogen) is a very good so
lution to use in cleaning out the
wound, but It has only a mild antisep
tic action and causes Its good results
more by the mechanical action of its
bubbles pushing out the dirt than
killing the bacteria that may be in the
wound. After the wound has been
cleaned as thoroughly as possible ap
ply some mild antiseptic ointment as
boric acid ointment (10 per cent) or
carbolated vaseline (5 per cent).
The Caspian Sea.
The Capian sea, the largest inland
sheet of water on the earth, lies on
the border linn between the west of
Asia and the east of Europe, with Per
sia at its southern extremity. Its
longest axis stretches from north to
south, a distance of 7C0 miles, while
its width varies from 113 to 2S0 miles,
and its area covers 170.000 square
miles. The shores arc for the most
part low. flat, and sandy, but show a
cliff-like character along the face of
the Tst-Urt plateau, where the narrow
Persian coast provinces of Gilan and
Mazrnderan arc backed by the lofty
range of the Elburz. On the west,
again, the eastern extremity of the
Caucasus pushes Itself out into the
sea. Its surface lies 85 feet below the
level of the Black sea. In spite of
the fact that It receives the largest
river in Europe, the Volga, as well as
the Ural and other small rivers, tha
Caspian is slowly sinking chiefly in
consequence of the vast evaporation.
The principal seapfirts on the west
shores are Astrakhan, Petrovsk. Dcr
bent, Baku, and Lenkoran.
A Good Politician.
The good politician rolls bis logs in
public, and Is not ashamed of his job.
Ho needs the help of others, and he
knows that others need his help. When
a hundred honorable men come togeth
er, each with, a purpose of his own.
each must expect to yield something
ir he Is to gain anything. It Is likely
that more than one good measure will
be proposed, and if one Is skillful,
good measures may be made to help
one another. Here, without any sacri
fice of honor, is a wide field for good
fellowship and tolerance. The aus
tere, uncompromising patriot, whose
mind is impenetrable when it is once
made up, who Is Incapable of sympa
thizing with other men's aspirations,
and who Insists on all or nothing, is
an egotist who does great service
'.when he happens to be right Unfor
tunately It often happens that he Is
wrong, and then his private conscience
must be overcome by tho common
sense of tho crowd. Samuel McChord
Crothers. in the Atlantic
Dogs no: muzzled for the occasion
snnuid oe made to take the
each town this consecrated woman
gathered the gysy children aid during
the days or weeks of her sojourn min
istered to their mental and spiritual
needs and rndeavorcd to start them
on a rigat life. American Educational
Vacation Diversions In Maine.
Francis F. Mitchell, a Xew York
nan en a vacation in Maine, had the
surprise of his life the other day while
driving along a road a few miles from
Bangor. He was sitting back in the
seat enjoying the beautiful scenery,
when he was startled to see a fright
ened deer spring from the forest at
the roadside and leap into the car
riage, falling between the dashboard
and the horse. The latter kicked un
til the vehicle was demolished. After
both horse and deer had kicked about
for three minutes the child of the for
est managed to extricate itself and
then ran back to its retreat, appar
ently none the worse for its experience.
Dean's Kidney Pills Effect Marvetens
Mrs. If. A. JinUns, Quanah. Texas,
ays: "I was bloated almost twice
natural size. I had the best physi
cians but they all failed to help me.
For five weeks I was
as helpless as a baby.
My back throbbed as
If it would break ani
the kidney secretions
were In terrible, con
dition. The doctors
held ont no hope and
I was resigned to my
fate. At this critical
time, I began using Doan's Kidney
Pills and soon felt relief. I continued
and was cured."
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-M ilburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Saucy Soldier Shut Her Up.
Col. Robert C. Carter at a Nashville
banquet was talking about campaign
"Then there was Dash of Company
A," he said. "Dash had the reputa
tion of being the nastiest tongued man
in the regiment
"It was Private Dash, you know,
who, out foraging one evening on a
rich estate, came accidentally upon
the owner's wife, a grande dame in
evening dress.
"Dash asked her for food. She re
fused him. He asked again. But. still
refusing, she walked away.
"'No.' she said. Til give you noth
ing, trespassing like this; I'll give
you nothing. My mind is made up.'
" 'Made up. Is it? said Dash. 'Like
the rest of you. eh?' "
Taken at His Word.
"Since you are so busy today," said
the urbane journalist, "will you kindly
tell me when and where I can meet
you for an interview?"
"Go to blazes!" exclaimed the irate
"Thanks. I'll consider It an appoint
ment" Uncle Allen.
"If you're getting old and don't
know It" philosophized Uncle Allen
Sparks, "you'll find it out when you
go back to the town where you grew
up and look around for the boys you
used to play with when you were a
Nothing of the Sort.
"Have you any avuncular rela
tions?" .
"Nary one. Ain't no disease of any
kind in our family."
Constipation causes many setton diseases. It
Is thoroughly currj by Iioctor ltrrre' fleasaat
Pellets, Uses laxative, lame lor cathartic.
A heart unspotted is not easily
daunted. Shakespeare.
Lewis' Single Binder Rives the smoker
a rich, mellow-tasting 5c cigar.
By making use of the knowledge
you have you will gain more.
If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for
female ills had made many. remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it?
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded in
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long fqr an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful.
Hudson, Ohio." T suffered for a loner time from a weakness,
inflammation, dreadful pains each month and suppression. I
had been doctoring: and receiving only temporary relief when a
friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com
pound. I did so. and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles
of the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to oelieve I am
a well woman. I give you full permission to use my testimonial."
Mrs. Lena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. B. F. I. No. 7
St. Regis Falls, K. Y. "Two years ago I was
so bad that I had to take to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to three weeks. I
wrote to you for advice and took Lydia CPlnk-
nanrs vegetanie
happy to say that
meuicme ana gooa aavice. xon may use my
letter for the good of others. Mrs. J. H.
Breyere, St. Kcgis Falls, N. Y.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
the roots and herbs of our fields, to cure
emale diseases.
We possess
enough to convince the most
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been tho standard remedy for
female ills, Xo sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famons medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbe, and
has thousands of cores to its cretiit.
tjaflBsMrs.Pinkham invites all sick women
WF to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.
ffaT-qrean-l DO.IUTW nryT, matter fctrwharixj.t.ny to t i-f......
.-. i t ...... .
ui sue Kianrr rewi.ny.yjc
Kinfl James Version the lest ef Ail.
Says Writer in Success
We are just old-fashioned enough to
take no stock In the modernized Bibl
which Is shortly to appear, "couched
in every-day language, with obsolete
words and phrases eliminated." The
King James Bible has done more to
preserve the good old Saxon words and
style, which' are the best EngUsh lit
erature has produced, than anything
else. Instead of a movement to get
us further away from that vigorous,
simple, classic style, and In the Inter
est of establishing the finest literary
ideals possible to a people destined to
use the curious hybrid which the Eng
lish language has become, it would b
more sensible to frown upon all efforts
to Improve on the King James Bible.
It is the greatest treasure house, in
spiration and teacher of good English
that we possess. Success Magazine.
When Rubbers Become Necessary
And your shoes pinch, shake Into you
shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic
powder for the feet. Cures tired, achlnjf
feet and takes the sting out of Cons and
Bunions. Always use It for Breaking In
Net ' shoes and for dancing: parties. Sold
everywhere 25c. Sample mailed PRICK.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted. TLe Roy. X. Y.
It Would Seem So.
"Say, pa?"
"What is it?"
"Does Uncle Sam ever lose his col
lar button under the weather bureau?"
Xrs. XTlnU0W SoetMas; Syrapw
VbrcMiaren ttbliitf.9uftntbKaBtk.n-iiiernln.
fcl..iin liii.nnirnaliriilii;. 2cabuliti
If you would keep your friends don't
put them to a severe test
Oftentimes the stom
ach needs some assist
ance in its great work of
digestion and assimila
tion and an occasional
dose of Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters will give that
assistance better than
anything else you might
take. Its merit has been
proven thousands of
times in cases of Poor
Appetite, Headache, In
digestion, Dyspepsia,
Costiveness and Malarial
Disorders. Be persuaded
to try a bottle today.
Refuse substitutes.
tXII CCTITC-Mlaes Stoeks st GoTttSsll. Not.
nCAL COIHIC Twt-atory. modern stow bntMlit:.
3t by MS, lot 0 by 100 U rooms up-stairs. Print f.V .
W. J. DouaeUy, Box Hl, UoUIHsld, .
uompouna in dry rorm. x am
I am cured, thanks to your
volumes of proof of this fact,
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
I IacorporcteO
Flmk Eye. Epizootic
Shipping Fever
& Catarrhal Fever
w-.j :.:.r . r-. -w . ....
inn lit Oottle. fS and I0 a. .torni. CattMa oi't-
E?rfts;& 60SIEM. 110., U. S. A.
L.I- C -.M.HsTfc
Kraia from t b buly . Vu rt a i)I.tmrr In Eon aod Hhwp and Chtn lit
.lRrf.taHIOKlTtock retrcdy. d.r I Orlop a-mmr&naaai tSni.
u'lum.linuiin loxionisp'.irui.ou.lliooauillllllii!!' n.lTt