The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 28, 1910, Image 6

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lAwn-nc Tilakelcy. lawyer, socs to
I'lttsburff with the forsed notes in the
Rronsnu cape to pt the deposition of
John Gllmorc. millionaire. In the lattcr'a
house he Is attracted by the picture of
n clrl whom Gllmorc explains Is his
eranl!nuKht?r. Alison West. He says
hrr luther Is a rascal and a friend of
ilie firsor. A lady requests Illakeley to
luy hrr a Pullman ticket. He slves her
liiwer eleven and retains lower ten. He
finds a man in a stupor in lower
ten nr.d rocs to bed in lower nine. He
wakens In lower seven and finds that
J'ln ban and clothes are missing. The
man In lower ten is found murdered. His
jib me. it develops, is Simon Harrington.
The man mho disappeared with Blake
Icy? riot lies is suspected. Blakeley be
comes Interested in a sirl in blue. Cir
umrtantial evidence places Blakeley un
Ir yt!.ipicIon of murder. The train is
irrecl.. i. Blakeley is rescued from the
burning car by the cirl in blue. His arm
Is broken. Together tliey ci to the Car
ter farm for breakfast. The Riri proves
to bf AiiMiii We.;t. hit- partner's sweet
heart Aliion's peculiar actions mystify
the latryr. She iliops her Kold I:ik a nil
Jtlakeley. unnoticed, puts it in his pocket.
He returns home and learns from his
landlady of stranpre happening?. Blake
!' learns that Jt follow victim of the
tweck. is in the hospital.
CHAPTER XII Continued.
And there was no one I could talk
To iiboiit it, no one to tell me how
hideously absurd it was. no one to
iw me a slap aud tell me there are
to:is of line gold chains made every
year, or to point out the long arm cf
With my one useful hand ! fum
bled the ihings back into the' bag and
thnist it deep out of sight anion;; the
pillows. Then I lay back in a cold
perspiration. What connection had
Alison Hest with this crime? Whv
had she stared so at the iiim - metalcisr -
nrette case that moraimr on rl.o train?!
What had alarmed her so at the farm
t-, . ,
house? What hail she taken back to
the gate? Why did she wish she had
not escaped from the wreck? And
last, in heaven's name, how did a part
of bei necklace become torn oil and
covered with blood?
Downstair McKnight was still at
the telephone, and amusing himself
with Mrs. Klcpton in the interval of
"Why did he come home in a gray
uit. wh'n he went away in a blue?"
he repealed. "Well, wrecks are queer
tiling.-. .Mrs. Klopton. The suit may
have turned gray with fright. Or per
haps wrecks do as queer stunts as
lightning Friend of mine once was
Ktiuck In bghtuing: he and the caddy
had taken refuge under :: tree. After
the P.:.sli. when the recocred con
HCiousuess. there was my lriend iu the
caddys clothes, and the caddy in his.
And a? my friend was a large man ;
sipu the ciddy a very small boy
Mi-Knight's story was interrupted ,
by the indignant slam of the dining I
room door. lie was obliged to waitj
MMiio time, and even his eternal cliecr-fuSiir-i-:.
was ebbing when he finally got
the hospital.
"Is Dr. Van Kirk there?" he ns-ked. j
"Not there? Well, can you tell me'
how tin patient is whom iV. Williams.
from Washington. opciMed n last
night? Well. I'm gli.l ot ttaL Is she
coiis-cioiis" I Jo you hapnen to know!
her name" Yes. Til hold the line"
Thcie was a long pause, then V:c
Knighfs voice-
"HiHu ji's. Thank you cty much. I
tloou by
He .;
se upstairs, two Meps at a
"Look h-:c." he said, bursting into
the room "there may be something
In your theory, alter all The woman's
name it may be a coincide m. hut
It's curious her name is Sullivan"
"What did 1 tell you?" I said, sitting1
tip suddenly in bed. "She's probably
aister of that scoundrel in lower
seven and she was 'afraid of what he
might do."
"(.'onlound this arm." I said, paying
for rnj energy with some excruciating
firciba "There's so much to be look
ed after, and here I am. bandaged,
splintered, and generally useless. It's
beastly shame."
"Don't forget that I am here." said
M-Kiught pompously. "And another
thing, when you feel this way just re
member there are two less desirable
jiiaces were you might be. One is
jali. and the other is " He strummed
on an imaginary harp, with devotional
Gut McKnight's light-heartedness
jarred on me that morning. I lay and
frowned under my helplessness. When
by chance I touched the little gold
bag. it seemed to scorch my fingers.
Richey. finding me unresponsive, left
to keep his luncheon engagement with
Alison West. As he clattered down
the stairs, I turned my back to the
morning sunshine and abandoned my
sell to misery. By what strain on her
1 rayed nerve's was Alison West keep
ing up. I wondered?
nut -McKnight had not gone, after
nil. I heard him coming back, his
voice preceding him. and I groaned
with irritation.
"Wake up!" he called. "Somebody's
sent you a lot of flowers. Please hold
the oux, Mrs. Klopton; I'm going out
to be run down cy an automobile."
I roused to feeble interest. My
brother's wife is punctilious about
such things; all the new babies in the
family have silver rattles, and all the
sick people flowers.
McKnight pulled up an armful of
roses, and held them out to me.
"Wonder who they're from?" he
sa:d, tumbling in the box for a card.
"There-'s no name yes. heie's one."
He "held it up and rend it with ex
asperating slowness.
" 'Best wishes for an early recovery.
"Well, what do you know about
that!" he exclaimed. "That's some
thing you didn't tell me. Lollie."
"It was hardly worth mentioning,"
1 said mendaciously, with my heart
beating until I could hear it. She had
not forgotten, after all.
McKnight took a bud and fastened
it in Lis buttonhole. I'm afraid I wan
cot especially pleasant about it. They
were her roses, and anyhow, they were
meant for me. Richey left very soon,
with an irritating final grin at the
"Good-by. sir woman-hater," ho
jeered at me from the door.
So he wore one of the roses s!i!
had sent me, to luncheon with her,
and I lay back among my pillows ard
tried to remember that it was Irs
game, anyhow, and that I wasn't even
drawing cards. To remember that, an-i
to forget the broken necklace under
my head!
Faded Roses.
I was in the house for a week
Much of that time I spent in compos
ing aud destroying letters of thankv
to Miss West, and in growling at the
doctor. McKnight dropped in daily,
but he was less cheerful than usual.
Xow and then I caught him eyeing me
as if he had something to say, but
whatever it was he kept it to himself.
Once during the week he went to
Baltimore and saw the woman in the
hospital there. From the description
I had little difficulty in recognizing
the young woman who had been with
the murdered man in Pittsburg. But
she was still unconscious. An elderly
aunt iiad appeared, a gaunt person in
black, who sat around like a buzzard
on a fence, according to McKnight,
and wept, in a mixed figure, into a
damp handkerchief.
On the last day of my imprisonment
lie stopped in to thrash out a ease
that was coming up in court the next
day. and to play a game of double soli-
! taire Wllh me-
"Who won the ball game?" I asked.
"We were licked. Ask me some
thing pleasant. Oh, by the way. IJron
son's out to-day."
"I'm glad I'm not on his bond." I
"The Stains You See and
.nuu iifSMiiusucauy. no ii clear out. .
oi ne. aicnmgnt pounced on my
ace. "lie's no fool. Don't you suppose
he knows you took those notes to
Pittsburg? The papers were full of
it. And he knows you escaped with
your life and a broken arm from the
wreck. What do we do next? The
commonwealth continues the case.
A deaf man on a dark night would
know those cotes were missing."
"Don't play so fast." I remonstrated.
"1 have only one arm to your two.
Who is trailing Bronson? Did you
try to get Johnson?"
"I asked for him. but he had some
work on hand."
"The murder's evidently a dead Is
sue," I reflected. "No. I'm not Jok
ing. The wreck destroyed all the evi
dence. But I'm firmly convinced those
notes will be offered, either to us or.
to Bronson very soon. Johnson's a
blackguard, but he's a good detective.
He could make his fortune as a game
dog. What's he doine?"
McKnight put down his cards, and
rising, went to the window. As he
held the curtain back his customary
grin looked a little forced.
"To tell you the truth, Lollie." he
said, "for the last two days he has
been watching a well-known Washlug
ing attorney named Lawrence Blake
ley He's across the street now."
It took a moment for me to grasp j
what he meant.
Why. it's ridiculous.'
I asserted.
"What would they trail me for? Go
ever and tell Johnson to get out of
there, or I'll pot at him with my re
volver" "You can tell blm that 3'ourself."
McKnight paused and bent forward.
"Hello, here's a visitor; a little man
with string hait."
"I won't see him." I said firmly.
"I've been bothered enough by re
rorters." We listened together to Mrs. Klop
ton's expostulating tones in the lower
hall and the creak of the boards as
she came heavily up the stairs. She
Win 'is ;s9ET v m)
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jXZJf A. SiK
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had a piece of paper in her hand torn
from a pocket account-book, and on it
was the name, "Mr. Wilson Budd
Kotchklss. Important business."
"Oh, well, show him up," I said re
signedly. "You'd better put those
cards away. Richey. I fancy it's the
rector of the church around the cor
ner." But when the door opened to admit
a curiously alert little man. adjusting
his glasses with nervous fingers, my
face must have shown my dismay.
It was the amateur detective of the
I shook hands without enthusiasm.
Here was the one survivor of the
wrecked car who could do me any
amount of harm. There was no hope
that he had forgotten any of the in
criminating details. In fact, he held
in his hand the very note-book which
contained them.
His manner was restrained, but it
was evident he was highly excited. I
introduced him to McKnight, who has
the imagination I lack, and
placed him at once, mentally.
"I only learned yesterday that you
had been er saved," he said rapid
ly. "Terrible accident unspeakable.
Dream about It all night aud think
about it all day. Broken arm?"
"So. Up just wears the splint to
be different from other people." Mc
Knight drawled lazily. I glared at
him; there was nothing to be gained
j by antagonizing the little man.
"Yes, a fractured humerus, which
isn't as funny as it sounds."
"Humerus humorous! Pretty good."
hu cackled. "I must say you keep up
your spirits pretty well, considering
"You seem to have escaped Injury."
I parried. He was fumbling for some
thing in his pockets.
"Yes. I escaped." he replied ab
stractedly. "Remarkable thing, too.
I haven't a doubt 1 would have broken
my neck, but I lauded on you'll never
guess what! I landed head first on
the very pillow which was under in
spection at the time of the wreck. You
the Hole Left by the Dirk."
remember, don't you? Where did
put that package?"
He found it finally and opened it on
a table, displaying with some theatric
al isni a rectangular piece of muslin
and a similar patch of striped tick
ing. "You recognize it?" b said. "The
stains, you see, and the hole made by
the dirk. I tried to bring away the
entire pillow, but they thought I was
stealing it, and made me give it up."
Richey touched the pieces gingerly.
"By George." he said, "and you carry
that around In your pocket! What If
you should mistake it for your hand
kerchief?" But Mr. Hotchkiss was not listen
ing. He stood bent somewhat for-
ward. leaning over the table, and fixed
n'o with his ferret-like eyes.
v m ii ii i i m a am jm. v nikMhv mm wk
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I ' ' , j-r ' -'lr " -r
Position Long in Family
Members Have Been Organist In Ena-!
lish Church for More Than a
A remarkable record has been com-1
imemorated at Teignmouth. England.
J by the presentation to Mis3 Linter. or
ganist or the parish church ot St.
Michael. East Teignmouth. of an il
luminated address and a purse of 130
sovereigns, subscribed by parishioners
and others The post of organist In J
the church has remained uniiiterrtipt-;
.u: m me winter lamiiy since the
year 1S00. when Miss LInter's father
William Linter. became organist of
the church.
The pet dog show at the Royal Hor
ticultural hall. In London, drew a great
crowd, chiefly of women, and the old
familiar scenes of luxury were wit
nessed in every avenue of the nearly
1.000 pens. But all records in this
W JeSFS yMpPli H
"Have you seen the evening papers.
Mr. Blakeley?" he inquired.
1 glanced to where they lay un
opened, and shook my head.
"Then I have a disagreeable task,"
he said with evident relish. "Of
course, you had considered the mattei
of the man Harrington's death closed,
after the wreck. I did myself. As far
us I was concerned, I meant to let it
remain so. There were no other sur
vivors, at least none that I knew of.
and in spite of circumstances, there
wore a number of points in your fa
vor. "I verified your identity, for In
stance, as soon as I recovered from
the shock. Also I found on inquiring
of your tailor that you invariably wore
dark clothing."
McKnight came forward threatening
ly. "Who are you. anyhow?" he de-
nianded. "And how is this any bus!
ness of yours?" Mr. Hotchkiss was
entirely unruffled.
"I have a minor position here," he
said, reaching for a visiting card. "I
am- a very small patch on the seat of
government, sir."
McKnight muttered something about
certain offensive designs against the
said patch and retired grumbling to
the window. Our visitor was opening
the paper with a tremendous expendi
ture of energy.
"Here it is. Listen." He read rap
idly aloud:
"The Pittsburg po'ice have sent to
Baltimore two detectives who are
looking t the survivors of the ill
fated Washington Flier. It has trans
pired that Simon Harrington, the
Wood street merchant of that city.
was not killed in the wreck, but was
murdered in his berth the night pre
ceding the accident. Shortly before
the collision. John Flanders, the con
ductor of the Flier, .sent this telegram
to the chief of police:
""Body of Simon Harrington found
stubbed In his berth, lower ten. On
tario, at 0:20 this morning.
"JOHN FLANDERS. Conductor.'
"It is hoped that the survivors of
the- wrecked ear Ontario will be round,
to toll what they know of the discov
ery of the crh-te.
"Mr. John (tilmore. head of the
steel company for which Mr. Harring
ton was purchasing agent, has signified
his intention of sifting the matter to
i the bottom."
"So you see." Hotchkiss concluded,
there's trouble biewing. You and I
j are the only survivors of that unfor
tunate ear."
: did uot contradict him. but I knew
of twe others, at least: Alison West,
and th- woman we had left beside the
road that morning, babbling incoher-
i ently. her black hair tumbling over
her whit face.
' Unless we can find the man who
I occupied lower seven." I suggested.
"I have already tried and failed. To
lind him would not clear vou. of
course, unless we could establish some J
' connection between him aud the mur
dered man. It is the only thing I
see. however. I have learned this
much." Hotchkiss concluded: "Lower
sven we.-, reserved from Crcsson."
, Cresson! Where Alison Wtst aad
! Mrs. Curtis had taken the train!
McKnight came forward and sud
denly held out his hand. "Mr. Hotch-k'.-.s."
he said, "I l':n sorry ir I have
br ti oiTen.sivt. I thought when you
came in. that, like the Irishman and
the government, you were 'foruinst
us. If you will put those cheerful
relics out of sight somewhere. I should
be glad to have you dine with me at
the lucubator." (His name for hi3
bachelor apartment "Compared with
Johnson, you are the great original
The strength of this was lost oa
i Hotchkiss. but the invitation was
clear. They went out together, and
from my window I watched them get
into McKnight's car. It was raining,
and at the corner the Cannonball
skidded. Across the street my detect
ive. Johnson, looked after them with
bis crooked smile. As he turned up
his collar he saw me. and lifted his
I left the window and sat down in
the growing dusk. So the occupant cf
lower seven bad got on the car at
Cresson, probably with Alison West
and her companion. There was some
one she cared about enough to shield.
1 went irritably to the door and sum
moned Mrs. Klopton.
"You may throw nut those roses."
I said, without looking at her. "They
are quite dead."
"They have been quite dead for
three days." she retorted spitefully.
"Euphemia said you threatened to
dismiss her if she touched them."
., .,
direction were surpassed by the minla-
...- ii uu u.-u:ii;au. nn niaiircss.
sheets, blanket, ouilt. hangings and
i ?iii r-,.i..t!,r. ; J..-..1. .. c l I
old Pekini.M cn,ni,i ,,n'' ti
smallest deg In the show was Messrs.
Willson's miniature black-and-tan ter
rier. It weighed only two poui.ds two
ounces, and was brought to the exhi
bition In it man's coat pocket. The
lightest dog. however, was a York-
shire terrier of one nound M ounces,
with a delightfully groomed coat of
silken fleece.
"That candidate insists that he was
defeated by the trusts."
"Yes." answered Senator Sorghum,
"whenever a man gets the worst of it
he likes to console himself with the
idea that he had a mighty big antagonist."
Uncle Sam's Bug
WXSHINGTON. A hitter war oa
the house cat has been declared
by the department of agriculture. Ex
perts In the biological bureau of that
department are making exhaustive in
vestigations of the cat as a spreader
of disease. Already they have found
out enough to convince them that as
much, danger lurks In a cat as in a
rat. and rats are known to be fatal
distributors of plague.
Upon the completion or these In
vestigations efforts will be made by
the Federal authorities to have cat
license laws passed. It is much more
desirable, they say, to have a license
for cats than a license for dogs.
"We -know that cats carry disease,"
said H. W. Henshaw, chief of the bu
reau, in discussing the fight against
tabby, "but we do not know to what
extent. We are practically certain
they carry diphtheria, scarlet fever
and ringworm, and we suspect they
carry tuberculosis. AH this we want
to find out. Of course the fight to
bring about a cat license will be a
hard one. Such a suggestion will be
scoffed at. But In time people will
come to realize what a menace cats
are. That is what we hope to do
bring the people to such a realiza
tion." Dr. A. K. Fisher, of the bureau of
biology. Is at work on a bulletin oa
the house cat. He has been studying
the question fr.r years and knows the
Seneral habits of cats thoroughly.
"There are lots of fallacious the
ories regarding the usefulness of
cats," says Dr. Fisher "As a matter
When Britishers
j EH J
1 O lnb-ee
ITIMES it doe:; us good to rem-
a little bit. and this leads
us to remark that ?'.' years ago, the
iiritish forces burned the capitol.
There were about tl.000 in number
! landed from the British vessels on
I the Patuxent August -0. and on the
l'4th thej reached the capital. There
I were only about :i."00 men available
I for defense of Washington in the
j American army, and they only had 17
; pieces of artillery. So when the Brit-
ish made their raid on Washington, al
, though they were met with splendid
'. resistance, the American army was
J compelled to retreat, and the red
At t l !. t Triiimnriifit Ttv Intrt
VfcU IC4l II llllllfM-ttl. fc. MhW
Washington and began to carry out
the threat of the commanding inva
der, who said: "I will make a cow
pasture of these Yankee capitol
grounds." Just as scon as the Brit
ish got possession of the city they
War Vessels to Go
aJ en
O YOI" reireniber how pro'id we
e of our Spanish warships And
now they are all in the scrap heap.
The Boston, the Concord, the Winslow
and the Detroit have all to go. as they
are no longer tit to cope with modern
armament on the high seas. A storm
of protest has gone tip In Washington,
but it is not going to help matters a
single bit. The United States govern
ment canont afford to bang on to the
old battleships, even if they are dear
in memory. It will be remembered
that the Boston, a protected cruiser,
and the Concord, a gunboat, were in
Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manila, it
was on the deck of the Winslow dur
ing the hottest cannon fire of the war.
that Ensign Worth Bagley was killed
by an exploding shell. One of the
achievements of the Detroit was the
capture of the Catalina to the west
ward of Havana, and she took active
ii-. -U ,V'
rife.JaiiV flb far W& IJ
iCvL -KJBSia
5 tfJE
nnn i ? vcr
f teEIHZssy t
H'-n fiiaaji"
3 n MJi r
Sight of $7,000,000 on a Joy Ride
l r-'.nti!F-4
SEVEN million dollars on a joy ride
through the streets of Washington
is a s-Isht to be seen every week day
nt thn nnrlnnal canital. Ana mis,
stsnds less chance of getting hurt
through the care'ossness of the driver
of the wagon it rids in or from out
side forces than any joy rider, ani
mate or inanimate, in the country.
For the treasury has a new money
wagon, a brand new vehicle, made of
hardwood, iron and steel, with heavy
locks and bars, to bring money from
the bureau of engraving and printing,
where it Is made, to the vaults of the
treasury, where It is stored for safe
keeping. And not only is the new wagon
nearly bombproof in itself, but just to
nmk-P sure that some foolish person. I
with visions of a Jesse Jame3 hold-up j
scheme, will never succeed In accom-
zfe "S1&3
Sleuths After Cats
of fact they do almost no -good and a
great deal or harm. The difficulty in
following the question of the extent
to which they carry disease is meas
ured by the difficulty of following the
cat. And yet there is no doubt in the
world that many a child who. for no
apparent reason and from no discern
ible cause, develops a case of diph
theria or scarlet fever owes lis illness
and often Its death to the cat it has
been fondling. Moreover, cats are as
susceptible to hydrophobia as degs.
"The highly pampered pet cat of
the luxurious household never fails
to get out and roam around with the
ordinary alley cat. In many instances
the alley cat. which prowls all night
long with the pet cat. has spent the
day sleeping in some hut or hovel in
an alley where smallpox, diphtheria
or tuberculosis is hid.
"Recently there has been much at
tention paid to rats and the harm
they do. both as destroyers and as
spreaders of disease. In this connec
tion the cat has been pointed out as
a valuable aid in keeping down the
rat That is an error.
"I can state from my personal ob
servation that only about 5 per cent
of cats are really mousers. I have
seen cats that would tackle the big
gest rat going and kill him. but such
instances are rare. As a rule a cat
cares little for a conflict with a rat.
"As n matter of fact cats prefer
birds to mice. They will spend twice
as much time hunting birds. If one
keens count of a cat's quarry during
a year he will find that the birds killed
will far outnumber the mice. Little
harm would be done if the whole cat
tribe were exterminated, but there
would be too much opposition to that.
Still we think that when some of the
facts concerning cats are well known
to the public, many mothers will be
more careful about allowing their
children to play with cats."
Burned the Capitol
set fire to the capitol, the Whito
House and other public buildings. It
was at this time that Dolly Madison
cut the famous portrait of Washing
ton from Its frame, where it stood in
the great east room of the White
house, and. rolling it up, had it cart
ed away with the few effects which
she was able to remove from the
White House. Tho British descrip
tion of what went on in the capital
at that time is as follows:
"The blazing bouses, ships and
stores, the report of exploding maga
zines and the crash of falling roofs
was one of the finest sights to be con
ceived. The sky was brilliantly il
luminated by the conflagration. The
scene was as striking and sublime as
the burning of St. Sebastian's. To
ward morning a violent storm of rain,
accompanied by thunder and light
ning, came on. whose flashes seemed
to vie in brilliancy with the llames
which burst from the roofs of burning
houses, while the thunder drowned
the noise of filling walls and was
only interrupted by the occasional
roar of cannon pnd of large deposits
of gunpowder as they exploded, one
by one." But we don't look much like
a cow pasture now. don't you know.
to the Scrap Heap
part in the bombardment of San Juan.
Every man who joined in the move
ment for Cuba's freedom views with
sadness the passing of these four bat
tleships. Accompanying the condemna
tion of the four Spanish War vessels
is the passing of the old sloop-of-war
Portsmouth, forming the last chap
ter in the history of what Is believed
to be one of the most interesting
ihips iu the old navy.
launched before the beginning of
the Mexican war. the Portsmouth took
an active part in that struggle, par
ticipated in the suppression of the
African slave trade, fought in Chi
nese waters, and had a large share in
the operations in the Gulf of Mexico
during the Civil war.
The Portsmouth was built in 1843.
and after a voyage of one year and a
half arrived in San Francisco to pro
tect the American citizens. War was
declared soon afterward, and her men
took possession of San Francisco, and
hoisted the stars and stripes there for
the first time.
At present she Is with the New Jer
scy naval militia, but in a few days
will be towed from Hoboken to the
navy yard In Brooklyn to end one of
the most varied and interesting ca
reers cf the United States navy.
plishing anything of the sort, eight
neavily armed guards rido to and fro
with the seven millions.
And this extra precaution is due to
the change in the system of making
money. Until recently the money was
printed at the bureau of engraving
and printing, but sent to the treasury
minus the seal and the number, so that
it was not real money until handled
in the treasury.
Xow one machine docs all the work,
including the stamping of the seal and
number. These figures the round
seal to the right and the number to
the left of the face of a paper bill.
stamped in blue are what make bills
legal tender. Hence when the money
passes through the wonderful cutting
and stamping machine, which counts
bills out in lots of 109 after it Is
through v.-ith them, it is ready to
spend and anyone who got hold of it
would have the real thing.
"It seem3 queer to some people that
we should take such precautions to
guard the money wagon." says Direc
tor Ralph of the bureau of engraving
and printing, "but we think it neces-
sary. A stitch In time saves nine, as
we have been told from childhood."
Nothing In a long; time has awakened
more popular Interest throughout the
Middle West than the extension to
Omaha. Kansas City and Louisville of
the Telepost system of automatic tel
egraphy. This system, which is revo
lutionizing the telegraph industry of
the country with Its 3.009 words a mln
ate service an rates of from oae
quarter of a cent to one cent a word,
regardless of time or distance. Is mak
ing deep Inroads Into the business of
the older companies In St. Louis, Se
dalla. Mo.; Chicago. Springfield. 111.;
Terre Haute, and Indianapolis in the
west and ia Boston aad other cities of
New England where it is now com
mercially operating la competition
with the hand operated system of the
old companies.
Additional extensions of the system
to Detroit, Toledo. Cleveland. Colum
bus. Pittsburg and other cities In
Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, are
near completion and it is expected will
be ready to open shortly. Progress
Is being made in extending the system
in still other directions, insuring the
covering at an early dato of more than
hair of the United States with Tele
post service.
Fred I hear George and his wife
never quarrel now.
Maud No, you see they're ono now,
and ft takes two to make a quarrel.
Public Want Ads.
Wanted Several nice old gentle
men to represent us financially. Noth
ing to do but utter wise remarks and
Indorse dividend checks. Good wages,
from fifty to one hundred millions a
Wanted A financier who will guar
antee to keep us supplied with half
colleges and half-libraries while we
supply the other halves. No experi
ence required. Good rake-off.
Wanted At once. A large number
of stockholders to take charge of our
food supply and keep us from eating
too much. No regular hours. Palm
Beach in winter. Adirondack in sum
mer. Wanted A few select persons to
represent us socially and do the
things we haven't time for. No brains
needed. All expenses paid. No worry.
Beware the Cog!
A family moved from tho city to a
suburban locality and wero told that
they should get a wctchdog to guard
the premises at night. So they bought
the largest dog that was for sale in
the kennels of a neighboring dog fan
cler. who was a German. Shortly
afterward the house was entered by
burglars, who made a good haul, whilo
the big dog slept. The man went to
the dog fancier and told him about It.
"Veil, vat you need now," said the
dog merchant, "is a leedle dog to vake
up the big dog." Everybody's.
He was very bashful and she tried
to make it easy for him. They were
driving along the seashore and she
became silent for a time. "What's
the matter?" be asked.
"O, I feel blue,",she replied. "No
body loves me and my hands are
"You should not say that," was his
word of consolation, "for God loves
you. and your mother loves you. and
you can sit on your hands." Success
Carve the face within, not dress it
from without For whoever woald be
fairer. Illumination must begin m the
soul; the flee catches the glow only
from that ilde. W. G. GanneJL
Let Us
Cook Tour
with cream ornSk
and notice the pleasure
the family finds in the
appetizing crispness and
flavour of this delightful
The Memory Lingers
Justus. Cereal Co., Ltd
Uctile Creek. Mich.
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