The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 28, 1910, Image 5

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yB7aTBTaTaX Sf
sail II Li.
jr ' 'l
at less expense than an old-style furnace.
They're safe, too, and you ain't worrying about the
danger of escaping gas.
of a home, makes you comfortable, saves coal bills
and keeps away sickness. Call at our plumbing shop and
get our estimate.
411-413 W 13th St.
Golumbtis. Neb.
From tlio Han.
Mrs. Mary Bartunck arrived home
from a two weeks visit at Garbor, Okla.
on Thursday of last week. She went to
attend the wedding of a granddaughter
there. She Buys ehe had a splendid time,
but while there she says they had a
heavy hail storm which completely de
stroyed nearly nil the crops Peaches
are very plentiful, as they lay thick on
the ground bb they can find no sale for
them. She reports as she came through
Kansas the crops looked very poor, the
ground was so dry. There seemed to be
no good crops in the part of Kansas that
she came through.
Thursday afternoon of last week, Mre.
Vincent, living Bouth of Richland, was
before the insanity hoard nnd was nd
judged sane. The cause of the question
of her sanity was brought about through
an act committed the week before.
Some years ago ehe with her husband
owned an island in the Platte river. It
was sold and of late has become the pro
perty of Dr. Hewitt or David City. He
sent a gang of men over there to put
up the hay. Mrs. Vincent came over
with a revolver and ordered the men off
the place claiming it was her place.
The meneeized and overpowered her
and sent for the eherUT. In the senilis a
man by the name of Sheldon was shot
through the ankle. Being freed or the
insanity charge -she must now faces
charge in the district conrt. Many of
her old time noinhbors were present at
the trial and testified in her behalf.
Fromtho News.
Claud Talbot, the clerk down at Com
fort's hostlery. woke up last Friday
morning and found that he was shy a
new auit of clothes, some $lf in caBb,
and two gold rings and a bracelet. It is
known who the guilty party is, and his
wlmrAHhnuts are now being traced and
he will probably soon be located. Aside
from the seriousness of the loss of the
property, which amounts in value to
about SCO. most people who heard of the
incident were nnnblo to repress a broad
smile. None or us knew before that
Claud wore rings and bracelets, but
when unavoidable incidents like this
happens the cat always gets out.
Calvin C. Gregg of Los Angeles, a
gentleman about 70 years of age, who
has been here for some time visiting nt
the home of his son, accidentally shot
himself Saturday about noon, while out
bunting, and he died Monday morning
at 5:1B. Mr. Gregg came here from
Omaha where he visited at the home of
his daughter, Mre. Hammond. He ceme
. ... :..:. kionn RnliArt Greet!. He
waa quite wealthy, having extensive real
estate interests in California, but the
family have been spending much of their
time traveling. The accident occurred
near the home of J. II. Burgess, known
as the M. O. Stull farm, and Mr. Gregg
was taken there to be cared for and his
death occurred there. The body was
taken to L Angeles for interment, his
wife, Mrs. Calvin Gregg. sons, Robert
Gregg of this vicinity and Calviu Gregg,
jr., of Chicago, and daughter, Mrs. Ham
mond of Omaha, acoompanieu me r
They left here Tuesday evening,
HBBB"""-- "B
Gents' Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street.
from tho IiOnilcr.
Dr. II. Reed was in town yesterday
morning calling on his Genoa friends.
He reports that he is going to locate at
Oolumbus to practice his profession.
Mr. Gillett, who has held a position as
teacher at the Indian school for several
years, departed the last of the week with
his family for the northwest. He waa
recently transferred to a school out in
The Rapp Bros, didn't do a thing to
'em with their Shorthorn herd down at
the Kansas state fair last week. A To
peka paper received at this office con
taining a list of premiums show they
captured seventeen 1st premiums two
2nd, and one third. That's going some.
Just our blamed lack! A fellow pas
sed ud and down our streets one day the
last of the week presenting every man he
met with a plug of chewing tobacco,
and we never chawed a chew of the stuff
in our life. It seems funny to us that
no one ever comes around with samples
of chocolate drops, cigaret papers or
chewing gum, something we can use. It
is always tobacco, pills or yeast cakes,
something we have no use for. We are
never lucky.
The high water a few weeks ago having
carried out the mill dam at Fullerton,
we understand there is a movement on
foot to build a dam up the Cedar at the
month-of Timber Creek, about half way
to ltelgrade for the purpose of putting
in an electric plant to supply power for
the mill as well as power and lights for
both Fullerton nnd Belgrade. In this
manner they will escape the Hoods caus
ed by the water from Timber Creek fol
lowing heavy rains.
Our Reputation and Money arc Back
of This Offer.
We pay for all the medicine used dur
ing the trial, if our remedy fails to com
pletely relieve you of constipation. We
take all the risk. T ou arc not obligated
to us in any way whatever, if you accept
our offer. Could anything be more Tair
for youV Is there any reason why you
should hesitate to put our claims to a
practical test?
The most scientific, common-sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are
eaten like candy. They are very pro
nounced, gentle and pleasant in action,
and particularly agreeable in every way.
They do not cause diarrhoea, nausea,
ilatulence. griping or any inconvenience
whatever. Rexall Orderlies arc partic
ularly good for children, aged nnd deli
cate persons.
We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at
onr risk. Two sizes, lOo and 2Tic. Re
member, you can get Rexall Remedies in
this community only at our store the
Rexall store. Pollock .V Co., corner
13th and North streets.
Taffy For Grandmother.
There is hardly anything that flat
ters a grandmother more than telling
her you don't believe she is one. Gal
veston News.
It is a groat misfortune not to have
enough wit to speaK w! or not i:iugli
j judgment to keep " "' "
From the Uepablican.
Miss Anna Klause came up from Oo
lumbus Monday for a visit at the Lome
of her aister, Mrs. Vestal Moore.
MissM Margaret and Katie Gleaaos
accompanied by their cousin, Miasljoret
ta Gleason, were Columbus visitors on
Wm. Signa reports that the material
for his electrio light plant is here and
that he expects to have it installed with
in the next week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Erakine of Colum
bus came up Sunday afternoon, and in
the evening took part in the ohoral ser
vices at the Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Uollingshead,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dack, and Mr. and
Mrs. Neal Hollingshead returned last
Friday from their trip overland to Brown
county, and report a fine outing.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Miss Emeline Lawrence and Chat. Mo
Williams, at the home of the bride's
parents, in College View, Nebr., Wed
nesday, September 28. They will be at
home in Monroe after October 15.
Rev. C. H. Phillips of Oornwell, Eng.,
is the new Methodist pastor for Monroe,
his charge including Wattsville and
Okav. succeeding Rev. Hoover at Mon
roe. Rev. Phillips has just arrived from
England and this is his first oharge, the
conference at Fullerton last week as
signing him to Monroe.
Considerable wheat is being marketed
in Monroe the last few days, and the
quality is better than for several years,
the only complaint being made of the
gram is on account o' the excessive
qnantity of rye in it. Old corn is being
marketed freely as the new crop is
practioally out or the way of frost and
F. S. Crosbaw and family left Thurs
day for Salem, Ore., where they lived
about a year, returning here last spring.
Frank has concluded that the opportun
ities in Oregon are better than here and
expects to remain there permanently.
B. S. Thurston is also contemplating
moving to Salem, and expects to be
ready to go about the first of the year.
W, M. Talbitzer arrived Wednesday
morning from Chicago, where be has
been under the care of the chief surgeon
of the Burlington for an injury to bis
knee at Alliance several months ago.
At present they have placed his knee in
a plaster cast and he will return to
Chicago in three weeks, when he will
have an operation unless the injured
member yields to present treatment.
Mrs. Talbitzer arrived Tuesday morning
from Alliance and met her husband here
From the SianaL.
Hans Peter Mohlman brought to the
Platte Center market Tuesday 2G bogs,
that weighed 11,510 pounds an average
of 443 pounds per hog. Denny Roberts
paid mighty close to a thousand dollars
for the bunch.
Mrs. (J Johannes, who moved from
Platte Center to Omaha some fifteen
years ago, died in that city on the 12th
of this month. Mrs. Johannes had
reached a ripe old age, having passed
her ninety-first mile-stone.
There will be two Polish weddings in
this neighborhood soon. The first call
was made last Sunday at the Tarnov
church . One of Frank Ciolek and Miss
Katie Zaucha; the other of Peter Wo
joicchowski and Miss Anna Gdowski.
Mrs. Eli.a Gehring, widow of the late
Jacob Gehring. of Grand Prairie town-
Bhip. has purchased the lots across the
street west from Frank G. Reilly's resi
dence, and is having a cottage built on
them, which she will occupy when com
pleted. Following is an extract from an article
in the Sacramento, California. Star of
Sept. 7th. The Jack Dineen referred to
is J. U. Dineen, of Oconee, who went to
California a few weeks a&o on a visit:
4A heart-touching echo of the civil war
waa that yesterday, when Alliert Baker
of this city and Jack Dineen of Colum
bus. Neb., boyhood chums who as strip
ling warriors in the ranks of their coun
try were separated at the battle of Chick
amauga 47 years ago, met again by acci
dent on K street. The two men, griz
zled old veterans now, saw each other
at the same instant. With glad cries
they tottered toward each other and
clung in weeping embrace for many
minutes. The eyes of many byetanders
filled with tears as they caught the mean
ing of the little drama. The two men
caressed each other with meek oaths un
til the ecstaoy of the meeting had in a
measure subsided and then fell to re
miniscing and fighting again the battles
through which they had gone shoulder
to shoulder."
You Run No Risk When You Use
This Remedy.
We promise jou that, if your hair is
falling out, and you have not let it go
too far, you can repair the damage
already done by using Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic with persistency and regularity.
for a reasonable length of time. It is a
scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, germici
dal preparation, that destroys microbes,
stimulates good circulation around the
hair roots, promotes hair nourishment,
removes dandruff and restores hair
health. It is as pleasant to use as pure
water, and it is delicately perfumed. It
is a real toilet necessity.
We want you to try Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic with our promise that it will cost
you nothing unless you are perfectly
satisfied with its use. It comes in two
sizes, prices 50c and 11.00. Remember,
you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this
community only at our store the Rex
all store. Pollock & Co., corner 13th
and North streets.
Absolutely Pure
tfrmm Rovmi Qi
Ormmm of TmHmr
From tho Nonpareil.
This balmy weather is making thous
ands of bushels of corn every day. The
frost bogy has been completely bluffed
in the past two or three weeks and corn
is maturing at a Bpeed that will bring it
under the wire i easy winner. A week
more of warm weather and Merrick
county will have a corn crop that will
make the prophets of last spring look
like thirty cents.
The charge of bigamy filed against
Othello M. Evans, the Grand Ieland con
tractor, was dismissed by County Attor
ney Ross last Friday. At the hearing
for the annulment of the marriage in
Grand Island the district judge entered
a decree finding that Evans was of
unsound mind at the time he was mar
ried to Miss Gorman. This decree, to
gether with the fact that J. II. Gorman,
father of the girl, has declined to push
the case after the marriage was dissolved
prompted Mr. Ross to dismiss the suit,
as there would have been but little
chance of conviction under such circum
stances. Evans has been in jail here
since he was brought back from Ogdcn,
but he was released Friday.
Listen ye boosters from California,
Florida and other tropical climes! Mer
rick county can raise two crops of fruit
in one year, too. For proof of this step
over to Dr. E. li. Robinson's home and
see growing there the second crop of
strawberries this year. Yesterday he
brought to this office a stem bearing
eight berries, four of which were ripe
and ready to tempt our appetite. The
berries were big and husky and compared
with the big ones raised last spring on
the same patch. Dr. Robinson was not
aware that there wore any berries there
uutil he went out to put the( plants in
shape for their winter sleep and after he
found that they were still inclined to
keep busy he decided to give them
another chance.
From the Democrat
Lightning killed two head of cattle for
John Uollatz, Thursday morning. They
were in one end of a cow shed with other
cattle and it is surprising that they were
the only ones killed.
We notice in the El Reno Democrat
(Okla.) that Miss Erma South formerly
of this place but now of El Reno is a
candidate on the republican ticket for
the office of county superintendent of
schools. Miss South was born and
brought up here. She is a graduate of
our public school nnd consequently wc
are pleated to hear of her advancement.
She comes of sound republican stock and
ought to show her opponent a merry
chase for the office, as her capability for
the office can not be questioned.
J. W. Hutchison, manager for the T.
B. Hord Grain Co., was in Humphrey
last Friday morning, and as a result of
his visit here the injunction which the
Hord people secured last week restrain
ing the town and Union PaciGc railroad
company from putting in the sidewalk
on the south side of Main street running
by their elevator, has been dismissed,
the elevator office has been moved to the
south side of the sidewalk out of the
street and workmen are now at work
moving the scales accordingly. Mr.
Hutchinson assured the town that his
company had no disposition to be con
trary or mean in the ehnnging of thrir
buildings so that the sidewalks could be
put in and the street straightened; they
simply wanted work on the sidewalks
stopped until they were able to get here
and see that the change was not going
to put them out of business.
In the
Meridian Annex
You will find us better
equipped that ever to
attend to your wants in
Electric Lighting
Electric Irons
Let us wire your house
Columbus Light,
Heat fc Power Co.
From the World. I
The farmers all feel jubilant over the
bumper corn crop we are 'going to have
all over this part of Nebraska. And
those who are cot farmers are rejoicing
A number of the farmers on this route
are cutting up corn and Jenny Bros, are
filling their silo. They say that corn is
too stalky for silage, being planted thin
it grew too tall.
Wm. Doersoh came out from Colum
bus Friday and this week he and Henry
Moeller are busy building a new hog
house. Mr. Doerach says hogs are so
valuable now that they require better
shelter than before.
One day last week hunters shot a fine
steer which belonged to S. R. Tedford
who lives on one of the Rabeler farms
north of town. The animal must have
died almost instantly as was evident
when Mr. Tedford found it shortly after.
The bullet entered the brain through
the eye and it in a deplorable fact that
hunters do not exercise more care.
Ed Gross, a farm band employed by
Fred Herman, living three miles east of
here, committed suicide yesterday after
noon at about one o'clock. Gross
brought Mr. Herman to town in the
morning and the latter boarded the
early passenger for Albion to take in the
fair. During the forenoon Gross went
to various pieces about town and settled
several small bills. He returned home
about noon, partook of a hearty dinner
and appeared in excellent spirits, even
laughing and joking more than usual.
He went out after dinner but soon re
turned to the house and took the shot
gun with him. A few minutes later he
was found dead on the platform of the
well with his face blown all to pieces.
The coroner was called but as tho evi
dence was so plain he deemed it un-
necessaiy to come up and hold an in
quest. A search revealed a note on the
young man's person which read: "Notice
to my father. You may think that I urn
a fool for doing this but I think it best.
I do not blame anybody for it." The
rest of the note was written in Bohemian
and concerned the disposal of bis horse
and $35 in money which he had coming
from Mr. Herman. Gross was about 24
years old and was engaged to be mar
ried this fall to Mrs. Emma Vasek. His
parents live on a farm southeast of
Clarkson. So far as is known there is
no apparent cause for the young man's
rash act.
Their Extravagance Curbed by Law at
One Time In England.
Sumptuary mourning laws wore for
merly found necessary In England
to restrict the extravagance of the no
bility and their Imitators in the mat
ter of funeral costume. At the end of
the fifteenth century it was laid down
that dukes, marquises und archbishops
should be allowed sixteen yards of
cloth for their gowns, 'sloppes"
(mourning cassocks) and mantles; earls
fourteen, viscounts twelve, barons
eight, knights six and all persons of in
ferior degree only two. Hoods were
forbidden to all except those above the
rank of esquire of the king's house
hold. In the following century Margaret,
countess of Richmond, mother of Hen
ry VIL, Issued an ordinance for the
"reformation of apparel for great es
tates of women In tyme of mourn
ings.' So it seems that men and wom
en have met in the extravagance of
Even 200 years ago London trades
men found that court mourning seri
ously affected their business. Addison
relates that at n tavern be often met a
man whom be took for an ardent and
eccentric royalist Every time this
man looked through the Gazette be ex
claimed. 'Thank God, all the reigning
families of Europe are well." Occa
sionally be would vary this formula
by making reassuring remarks respect
ing the health of British royalists. Aft
er some time Addison discovered that
this universal royalist was a colored
silk merchant, who never made a bar
gain without Inserting In the agree
ment, "All this will take place as long
as no royal personage dies in the in
terval." London Chronicle.
The State of the Mind Has a Direct
Effect Upon the Body.
A good deal is said in these days
about the effect of mind on matter In
the way of the cure of disease, but
less is heard about mental influences
an a cause of bodily ills, yet it is an
old truth that the statc"of mind has a
direct effect on the body. The gloom
nnd depression caused by worry and
anxiety create a morbid condition of
the physical system. It is impossible
to feel well physically when the mind
nnd snlrits are downcast. The blood
does not circulate properly, appetite
fails, the bead aches, and If these mor
bid conditions continue more deep
seated aliments are likely to arise, and
cancer may be one of them.
With many persons a fit of anger Is
followed br an attack of indigestion.
Excitement destroys the appetite, bad
news creates nausea, fright causes
folntness. and so on. Violent or de
pressing emotions always disturb the
equilibrium of body and mind alike.
This being the case, it Is inevitable
that when these emotions often recur
or become continuous serious physical
results will follow. The obvious les
son is, then, that mental serenity tends
to health Is, In fact, an essential
element of health and that instead of
iTCnrt'njr to mind cures" after the
health is broken It is wise to preserve
the serenity as a preventive and safe
guard against disease. lnuianapoiis
Rial Reform.
Knicker-What Is your idea of mu
nicipal government? Becker First
provide an auto and then create an
office to fill it New York Sun.
Safe Ground.
"Every big millionaire likes to tell
how he got his first thousand dollar."
Tes: he's usually on safe ground
there." Pittsburg Post. fc
Sweaters and Knit Goods
Just received a new line of the
Schmidt Knit Coats and Sweaters
Ladies' Sweater Coats
Misses' Sweater Coats
Juvenile Sweater Coats
Boys' Sweater Coats
Men's Sweater Coats
In White, Red, Dark Blue and Oxford. A complete
line of FANCY KNITTED GOODS of all descriptions
in Sweater Coats, Shawls, Toques, Skirts, etc The
Schmidt Knit Goods are the best made. They lead in
style, finish and wearing quality.
505 Eleventh Street COLUMBUS, NEB.
Nights of Wasteful Debauchery That
Wore Him Out.
"Yes. I'm dissipating too much." said
the red faced rustic us be rubbed his
bend despondently.
"Dissipating? gasod his friend.
"That's the word I used. You've
heard that expression about 'burning
life's candle at both ends? Well,
that's my case exactly. To tell the
truth. ! have been having too gay n
time. Last night 1 went down to the
Blue Moon and drank a soda. Then
some traveling man offered me a cigar.
Of course 1 had to take it"
"You don'fmenn It?"
"1 mean Just what 1 say. Then I
bought a ham sandwich. I ate it nnd
actually forgot myself and took an
other. On my way home 1 dropped
into the church social for a few min
utes. Some of the young ladles made
me try the penny dlp. and I drew a
-Such extravagancer
"That's exactly It Extravagance
and dissipation will kill me. It was 9
o'clock before 1 reached home."
Nino o'clockr
"Yes. 1 must be sowing my wlkl
oats. Well. I've finished now. Night
before last 1 called on my girl. She
wouldn't let me leave until I had taken
her out and bought chocolate creams.
Talk about pleasure hunting! I'm
simply worn out after these nights
of wasteful debauchery." Pearson's
rieasant rrospect.
"Yo isn't stupjKtl at di Palace hotel
hefo. is yo. bos'r" inquired the col
ored man who was piloting a just
arrived traveler from the railway sta
tion to the hostelry.
"No. But what makes you sure of
"TJhkase yo gwlne dar now. sab.
140 acres, level sandy farm land, 5
miles from Ilonier, Nebraska, 108 acres
under cultivation, balance in pasture.
Good well, six room frame hnnse, frame
barn, double corn crib nnd granary al
so bearing orchard. Price SoO.OO per
acre. Terms, ensh. or one tenth cash and
the balance divided in ten equal pay
ments bearing G per cent interest, or one
half of the crop each year until the farm
is paid for.
Nelson Cartei.
Monroe, Nebr.
- Jvv'Jaaay-laBaaaaHBtgEy4M
i (Hjl I
Low One-way Colonist
Fare of
To Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, 191
Electric Block Signals. Dustless, Perfect Track. Excellent
Dining uars
For literature and information call on or address
ELLIS O. BBOWV, Ac, Calmaava. .
A Memorable Data.
"What member of the class can i
tfou one memorable date In Roman
history?" the teacher asked.
"Antony's with Cleopatra." vests
one of the boys.-Everybody's.
What is civilization: 1 answer, tho
power ot good women. Emerson.
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oystera in season.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neb.
WKST BOUND. 8:40 am
No. 4 4:32 am
No. 12 KbTJpm 5:3ira
No. ft SHSpra
No. 18 2:1Kpm
No. 10 3:06 pm
No. 18 5:57 p la
No. 2 ....... NiJpia
No. 22 lOpni
No. 20 3lpB
No. 21 7:12 am
No. 8 tf:lpm
No. 13 1:38 am
No.1 10:2 nm
No. Si ll:am
No. 17 35 pm
No. 15 Hatpin
No. 3 (ISO Din
No. ft 1535 pm
No. 21 lHiOntn
No. 19 1120am
No. St. ....... 8if8 p m
No. 7 2:35 pni
No.77mzd. d 7:20 am
No. 29 pas ..d 7.00 pm
No. 30 pas ..a 1:10pm
No. 78 mzd..a 0:10 pm
No. 79 mxd..d S.-S9 am
No. 31 pas ..d 1:30 pm
No. 32 pan ..al230pm
No. 80 mxd.. 7:09 pm
Daily except Soadar.
Nor. 1, 2. 7 and 8 are extra fare trains.
Nos. 4. 5, IS and 14 arc local passengers.
No. 58 and 59 are local freight.
Nos. 9 and 18 are mail trains only.
No 14 due in Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No ft dn in Omaha 5:00 p.m.
c. 1. 1 f
Tim Tail
No. 22. Pass, (daily ex. Sunday) leave.... SI5 a m
To California
Oct. 1 to 15, 191
Rm f ike West
JliTHtxvji I ft
Mo. :, r rt. x ac. hi y ex. :ainruayj iv.;iw p b
No. 21, 1'aiw. (daily ox. Sunday) arrive.. 9:20 p m
No. 31. Frt. & Ae. (d'y ex. Snnday) ar. ..0:15 a m