The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 28, 1910, Image 4

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Colambna. VCaVbr.
Consolidated with the Columbus Times April
1. 1804; with the Platte County Argn January
Kataradattaa PoetoSW.Colambsa,Habr..aa
leeoad-elaat mall matter.
tbbss o v icnoumoi :
Or year, by mall, snatasj grspsM M..fLS0
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For U. 9. Senator
For Congressman, Third District
For Governor
For Lieutenant-Governor
For Secretary of State
For Auditor
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
For Treasurer
For Superintendent Instruction
For Railroad Commissioner
For State Senator
For State Representative
For County Attorney
For Supervisor, District No. 1
There ia little doubt of the result of
the coming election being favorable to
Senator Burkett if the reception
accorded him wherever he goes is to be
the judge. His very enthusiastic re
ception at the state fair grounds l the
large crowd which heard him, not
possibly of the loud applause kind, but
by the wrapt attention given speaks
volumes in his liehalf. However his
reception at the Modern Woodman
picnic at Fontanel le last week was
more of the enthusiastic line and in
fact his reception there was most
gratifying. All along the line of his
trip last week he was greeted with
good crowds and a warm reception,
which goes far toward showing that
the senator hus not lost any of his po
ularity. The ieople if Nebraska are
not going to lose the best chance they
have had for many years to step into
a position in the United States senate
which will mean much for the state.
In the return of Senator Burkett to
Washington, he will lie in a position
to receive by reasin of his service
there some of the much coveted assign
ments on committees which have For
merly been held by the old timers,
whose terms of service will expire and
who retire. This will mean that Sen
ator Burkett will be in a position to
get results. A new man will have to
work up, and while he is working up,
Nebraska takes a back seat as far as
he is concerned. Can she afford to
There is something insultingly gra
tuitous in the reiterated suggestion
that Governor Shallenberger might, if
he had so chosen, have uncovered a
whole lot of fraud in Douglas county.
If anything were needed to disprove
it, the result of the recount there
ought to be sufficient But that is not
the only evidence we have.
After having looked into the situa
tion there fully through counsel and
with the aid of his ftiends in the
metropolis, the governor himself de
clared in his statement to the public,
at the time he conceded the nomina
tion to Mayor Dahlman, that their
search of the ballot boxes had not
disclosed any material fraud. Speak
ing of the recount, he said:
It has also been a great benefit to
Mayor Dahlman and the rest of the
state ticket, in that it has satisfied my
friends and the people of Nebraska
generally that the many rumors alleg
ing frauds and unfairness in Douglas
county were untrue. While it is pos
sible that I might still hope to win the
nomination in a legal battle because
of irregularities and technicalities
shown in the recount in Douglas
county, I do not care for a victory that
is to be won in that manner, and I
think more of the welfare of the party
and of the many friends of mine, who
are candidates this year, than I do of
any personal ambition of my own, or
disappointment because of a seeming
repudiation of my administration.
, If there had been fraud in Omaha,
does anyone imagine that Governor
Shallenberger was not in the humor to
avail himself of it? When he did not
find it, it estops the mouth3 of all hon
est men from asserting it in political
discussion. Surely Omaha has enough
to bear if it answers for the faults that
are actual, as has any other commu
nity. It does Lincoln and Nebraska
no good to be constantly endeavoring
to arouse false and damaging political
impressions about the citizenship of
the metropolis. Lincoln Star.
Senator Burkett began his speech
making tour September 14, speaking
at a Modern Woodmen picnic in
Fontanel le.
The senator gave utterance to the
doctrine that good men were more
desirable and necessary than smart
men, and that the best and biggest
things that had been done were not
done by the smartest men of the time.
He referred to the great botanists,
whose names had come down to us as
the smartest men of their class, but
none of them took the seed out of the
orange. He spoke of the flying
machine, and told how all the wise
men of the ages, school teachers and
scientists, had scoffed at Darius Green
when two men unknown to scholastic
fame, just common boys, came out of
Ohio and upset the smart men of all
the ages with a "heavier than air"
flying machine. "Abraham Lincoln
was not looked upon as a great states
man before he became president, and
the smart men admitted it," said the
senator. Some of them were in
great distress of mind because the
great responsibilities of his high office
and the destinies of the republic should
be placed in so ignorant hands. But
Lincoln had ideals of eternal justice,
he walked and talked with God, and
communed with the great masses of
the people; and the greatest things
come not from the smartest men but
from the best men.
"The good legislation that we get
from our congress and from our state
legislature does not originate usually
with the wise men, but comes from the
Toms and Dicks and Johns and Bills,
just ordinary men as fame goes all
over the country. It is the great heart
throb of the people and not the brain
machination of great men that brings
great reforms. It is necessary there
fore to have the peoples' hearts right,
their ideals must be high, their pur
poses must be noble, their visions must
be clear and their motives pure, their
souls must not be congested with sel
fishness and greed, their outlook must
not be clouded with disappointment
and despair and disloyalty. We talk
about getting better men in public
life, but first we must have good men
in private life. Barring accidents of
our election system men in office reflect
the character of the constituency that
elect them. If we would relieve our
selves of the rascals in office we must
weed out the notions in private life
that public office is a private snap.
The man who will blackmail a mau in
public life cither for financial purposes
or because he did not get an appoint
ment should be scorned just as would
the man who would graft the public
in office. A man who will pettifog
with facts and mislead the people or
who will pretend to be what he is not
to get into office will be dishonest after
he is elected. The people ought not
to tolerate dirt practices by candi
dates for office if they do not expect to
endorse the feaine kind of methods
after such persons have lieen elected.
"These great fraternal orders are
doing a magnificent work in civic
righteousness. They are elevating the
standards of men and deserve to be
classed along with the churches and
the schools. The arc helping to weed
out the vagabonds and disreputable
men in our social and industrial life.
The Modern Woodmen of America
has become the mast stupendous thing
of its kind in all the world. It com
mands our attention because of its
immensity, but it commands our
esteem because of the good it is doing
for society. It is helping and saving
and elevating men, fur it teaches the
higher ideals and nobler purposes
of life."
Danville, 111. Speaker Joseph G.
Cannon, in accepting his twentieth
nomination for congress, said the pres
ent tariff needed no defense and de
clared agitation for its revision dan
gerous to the welfare of the country.
He said in past:
"Gentlemen: In accepting this
twentieth nomination for representa
tive, I want to express my conviction
that this is to be a campaign for the
serious consideration of one national
policy, which touches every man in the
country. That is the policy as to how
we are to raise one billion dollars a
year for the expenses of the various
functions that have been puff upon the
federal treasury.
"The minority party in congress
always indulges in talk about economy,
but they vote for the largest appro
priations. There are now in the
various committees of the house of
representatives bills, introduced by
democrats alone, which would call for
appropriations amounting to nearly
$500,000,000 more than was appro
priated. "The tariff contest today is just what
it has been for fifty years a contest
between protection and free trade.
We now have in command of the dem
ocrats in the house of representatives
a man who has never attempted to
dodge or explain away the democratic
position. The honorable Champ Clark
announced himself a free trader 'from
the sole of my feet to the crown of my
head,' as he expressed it, when he
came to congress, and he has been con
sistent in that declaration throughout
his public service.
"With Mr. Clark as the democratic
leader of those who are dissatisfied
with the Payne tariff law, there ought
be no misunderstanding as to what the
contest means. It is progressive only
toward free trade, it is reactionary as
to all the progress we have made under
protection in the last half century.
The agitation for another tariff revi
sion, or another attempted revolution
in our revenue policy, is just as dan
gerous to the welfare of the whole peo
ple as was that of 1894, when the
Wilson tariff was enacted.
"I have no defense to make of the
Payne law, for it needs none. It is
the enactment of the pledges made by
the republican national convention of
1908. It is iu keeping with the policy
of protection which the republican
party has maintained as the correct
revenue iolicy ever since the election
of Abraham Lincoln; in fact, it is in
harmony with the very first revenue
legislation of the first congress under
the administration of Washington.
That policy a to protect the American
producer from the unequal competition
of the foreign producer, in order that
we may keep our labor on a higher
plane than is the labor of Europe,
Asia aud the islands of the sea.
"The credit of a nation can be ex
hausted as is that of an individual.
While talking about conservation,
would not it lie well to see that our
credit is conserved? We must pay as
we go. Mauy talk of economy, but
they are general, not specific, in their
statements. We have got beyond the
speculative state of this question. It
is now intensely practical, ot will be
after the first of November if a con
gress is elected, commissioned to go
back to the reactionary policy of 1894,
with the business conditions of today.
"I am uot a Jeremiah, for I have
faith in the good sense of the people,
even when advised by those who are
peddling novelties in govern mental pol
icies, to keep abreast of this acre of pub
licity. My notion about congress is that
it should be a move forward, not a loud
noise about tbe necessity for the move
ment, and not an extravagant promise to
accelerate tbe movement of Riven con
trol of the niHchine. I have reen men
who promised to get GO miles ont of an
engine that had been making only 30
miles an hour if tbey could only get
hold of tbe lever, and I have seen some
of them in their ignorance, reverse the
engine, sending it and the whole train
"I have met the man who claimed he
conld extract gold from sea water; bnt I
have also seen John T. Raymond play
Col. Mulberry Sellers, and beard him
get off that dramatio eentence, 'There's
million's in it,' and I bave measured tbe
fieriona pretentions of tbe former with
the comedy of Raymond as he illustrated
the humor of Mark Twain. I may be a
little old-fashioned in each matters, but
I prefer a demonstration to a declaration
and our friends, tbe enemy, who demand
a tariff revision to bring into effect a
revenue tariff in place of tbe protective
tariff law, to me like reactionaries who
would reverse the engine and go back
over this phenomenal progress to tbe old
order before tbe war."
Jud Brownin, when visiting New
York, goes to hear Rubinstein and
gives the following description of his
Well, sir, he had the blaradest, big
gest, catty-cornedest pianner 'you ever
laid eyes on; somethin' like a distract
ed billiard table on three legs. The
lid was hoisted, and mighty well it
was. If it hadn't been he'd a tore the
entire inside clean out and scattered
'em to the four winds of heaven.
Played well? You bet he did; but
don't interrupt me. When he first
set down, he 'pearcd to keer mighty
little 'bout plain', and wisht he hadn't
come. He tweedie leedled a little on
die treble, and toodle-oodled some on
the base just foolin' and boxin' the
things jaws for bein' in his way. And
I says to a man aettin' next to me,
says I "What sort of fool play in' is
that?" And he says, "Hush!" But
presently his hands commence chasin
one another up and down the keys,
like a parcel of rats scamperin'
through a garret very swift. Parts of
it was sweet, though, and reminded
of a sugar squirrel turnin' the wheel
of a candy cage.
I was just about to get up and go
home, bein' tired of that foolishness,
when I heard a little bird waking up
away off in the woods, and call sleepy
like to his mate, and I looked up and
see that Ruby was beginning to take
some interest in his business, and I sit
down again. It was the peek of day.
The light came faint from the east, the
breezes blowed gentle and fresh, some
more birds waked up in the orchard,
then some more in the trees near the
house, and all begun singin' together.
People began to stir and the gal open
ed the shutters. Just then the first
beam of the sun fell upon the blossoms
a lettle more, and it techt the roses on
the bushes, and the next thing it was
brod day; the sun fairly blazed, the
birds sung like they'd split their little
throats; all the leaves was movin', and
flashin' diamonds of dew, and the
whole wide world was bright and
happy as a king. Seemed to me like
there was a good breakfast in every
house in the land and not a sick child
or woman anywhere. It was a fine
And I says to my neighbor, "That's
music, that is!"
But he glared at me like he'd like
to cut my throat.
Presently the wind turned; it be
gan to thicken up and a kind of gray
mist came over things; I got low
spirited directly. Then a silver rain
begun to fall. I could see the drops
tech the ground, some flashed up like
long pearl earrings and the rest rolled
away like round rubies. It was pretty
but melancholy. Then the pearls
gathered themselves into long strands
and necklaces, and then they melted
into thin silver streams, runnin gold
en gravels, and then the streams join
ed each other at the bottom of the hill,
and made a brook that flowed silent,
except that you could kinder see the
music, specially when the bushes on
the banks moved as the music went
along down the valley. I could smell
the flowers in the meadow. But the
sun didn't shine, nor the birds sing; it
was a foggy day but not cold.
Then the sun went down, it got dark
the wind moaned and wept like a lost
child for its dead mother and I could
'a' got up then and there and pretched
a belter sermon than any I ever listen
ed to. There wasn't a thing in the
world left to live for, not a blame
thing, and yet I didn't want the. music
to stop one bit It was happier to be
miserable than to be happy without
being miserable. I couldn't under
stand it. I hung my head and pulled
out my handkerchief and blowed my
nose to keep me from cryiu. My
eyes is weak, anyway; I didn't want
anybody to bea-gazin'at measnivlin
and it's nobody's business what I do
with my nose. It's mine. But some
several glared at me mad as blazes.
Then all of a sudden, old Ruben
changed his tune. He ripped out and
he raved, he tipped and he tared, he
pranced and he charged like the grand
entry at a circus. Teared to me that
all the gas in the house was turned on
at once, things got so bright, and I hilt
up my head, ready to look any man
in the face, and not afraid of nothin'.
It was a circus and a brass band, aud
a big ball all goin' on at the same
time. He lit into them keys like a
thousand of brick; he gave 'em no
rest day or night; he set every livin'
joint in me a-goin'; and not bein able
to stand it no longer, I jumped, sprang
onto my seat, and jest hollered:
"Go it, Rube!"
Every blamed man, woman and
child in the house riz on me and
shouted, "Put him out! Put him out!"
"Pnt your great-grandmother's grizzly-gray-greenish
cat into the middle
of next mouth!" I says "Tech me, if
you dare! F paid my money, aud you
just come a-uigh me!"
With that some several policemen
run up and I had to simmer down.
He had changed his tune again. He
hop-light ladies and tiptoed fine from
end to end of the keyboard. He play
ed soft and low and solemn. I heard
the church bells over the hills. The
candles of heaven was lit, one by one;
I saw the stars rise. The great organ
of eternity began to play from the
world's end to the world's end, and all
the angels went to prayers. Then the
music changed to water, full of feel
ing that couldn't be thought, and be
gan to drop drip, drop drip, drop
clear and sweet, like tears of joy fallin'
into a lake of glory. It was sweeter
than that It was as sweet as a sweet
heart sweetened with white sugar mixt
with powdered silver and seed dia
monds. It was too sweet I tell you
the audience cheered. Rubin he kind
er bowed like he wanted to say, "Much
obleeged, but I'd rather you wouldn't
interrup' me."
He stopt a moment or two to ketch
breath. Then he got mad. He run
his fingers through his hair, he shoved
up his sleeve, he opened his coattails a
little further, he drag up his stool, he
leaned over, and, sir, he just went for
that old pianaer. Heslaped her face
he boxed her jaws, he pulled her nose,
he pinched her ears, and he scratched
her cheeks until she fairly yelled. He
knockt her down, and he stampt on
her shameful. She bellowed, she
bleated like a calf she howled like a
hound, she squealed like a pig, she
shrieked like a rat and then he
wouldn't let her up. He ran a quar
ter stretch down the low grounds of
the base, till he got clean in the bowels
of the earth, and yoa heard thunder
galloping after thunder, through the
hollows and caves of perdition; and
then he fox-chased his right hand with
his left till he got way out of the tre
ble into the clouds, whar the notes
was finer that the p'ints of cambric
needles, and you couldn't hear nothin'
but the shadders of 'em. And then he
wouldn't let the old pianner go. He
for'ard two'd he crost over first gentle
man, he chassade right and left, back
to your places, he all-hands'd-aroun',
ladies to the right promenade all, in
and out, here and there, back and
forth, up and down, perpetual motion,
double twisted and turned and tacked
and tangled into forty-eleven thousand
double-bow knots.
And then he wouldn't let the old
pianner go. He fecht up his right
wing, he fecht up his left wing, he
fecht up his center, he fecht up his
reserves. He fired by file, he fired by
platoons, by company, by regiments,
and by brigades. He opened his can
non siege guns down thar, Napoleon's
here, twelve-pounders yonder big
guns, little guns, middle-sized guns
round shot, shells, shrapnels, grape,
canister, mortar, mines and magazines
every livin' battery and bomb a-go-in'
at the same time. The house trera
bled, the lights danced, the walls shuk,
the floor come up, the ceilis come
down, the sky split, the ground rokt
heavens and earth, creation, sweet po
tatoes. Moses, ninepences, glory, ten
penny nails, Samson in a 'simmon tree,
Tump Thompson iu a tumbler-cart,
roodle-oodle-oodle ruddle-uddle-ud-dle-uddle-uddle
addle riddle iddle-iddle reedle-eed-le-eedle
p-r-r-r-r-lang! Bang! ! ! lang!
perlang: p-r-r-r-rr! ! Bang! ! !
With that bang! be lifted himself
bodily into the air and he come down
with his kceee, bis ten fingers, bia ten
toes, bis elbows, and bis nose, striking
every single, solitary key on the pian
ner at tbe same time. The thing bast
ed and went off into seventeen hundred
and lifly-seven thousand live .hundred
and forty two heme demi semiqnivers,
and I know'd no mo.
When I come to I were under ground
about twenty foot in a place tbey call
Oyster bay a-treatin a Yankee that I
never laid eyes on before, and never ex
pect to again. Day was breakin' by tbe
time I got to the St. Nicholas hotel, and
I pledge you my word I did not know
my name. Tbe man asked me tbe num
ber of my room and I told him, "Hot
roneis on the half shell for two!" (An
onymous Author.)
A Strenuous Scan That Was Not on
the Bill of the Play.
Giovanni Grasso, a Sicilian actor of
unusual dramatic energy, was playing
in Florence in one of bis fiercest parts,
where he bad to stab bis enemy with
a dagger. Suddenly, in tbe beat of
his passion, Grasso let tbe weapon slip
out of his hand. It alighted in the pit
on a man's bead, cutting it slightly.
An indignant member of the audi
ence flung tbe knife buck to tbe stage,
where it was dexterously caught by
Grasso. Raising it aloft in bis band
and as if it were accursed, Grasso
smashed it in two and then stamped
upon it
Then, with a swift bound, Grasso
was in tbe pit beside tbe injured man.
Tbe next minute be had climbed back
to tbe boards, with tbe victim in bis
After settling bim in a chair Grasso
threw himself on bis knees and began
a long entreaty for forgiveness. This
was rapidly granted by tbe much em
barrassed playgoer, who on bis side
begged to be allowed to return to bis
But this was not to be until Grasso,
weeping copiously, bad bestowed no
fewer than fifty resounding kisses on
tbe man's blushing cheeks.
Tbe action was greeted with loud
cheers, and after Grasso bad grace
fully bowed bis thanks tbe play was
resumed and successfully concluded.
London Express.
Social Distinctions.
Are we born snobs, do we achieve
snobbishness; or do we have snobbish
ness thrust upon us? If we achieve
It we sometimes do It early. The
other day 1 beard Beatrice, a little
nine-year-old. expounding to a visitor
of about her own age.
"No," said Beatrice impressively,
"we don't play with Sarah any more.
We found out that ber father has only
a first name job. Our papa, you know,
holds a mister position." Woman's
Home Companion.
An Effective Threat.
A certain Missouri editor Is ready to
take a flier in high finance. He got
his schooling bj threatening to publish
the name ot tbe young man seen with
his sweetheart's Head on bis shoulder
If he didn't come across with a dollar
on subscription. Fifty-seven young
fellows slipped In and paid a dollar.
Tbe editor says be has letters from
several others Informing blm tbey will
hand him a dollar tbe next time they
ax In town-Kansas City Star.
Losing Their Charm.
Vicar's Daughter 1 suppose tbe rain
kept you from tbe funeral last Tues
day. Mrs. Bkg? Mrs. Blogg-WdL
partly, miss; bat. to speak true, wot
with the rnemmatJz and doin away
with the 'am and the cake afterwards,
funerals ain't the Jaunts tbey used to
be for M!-&ondoa Opinion.
Five Hundred Miles Away
That distance seemed a great width of
territory a few years ago, but now it is cov
ered instantaneously because the Bell Tele
phone has satisfactorily and universally
bridged distances between twenty millions
of people all over the country.
Most men call up their families every night
when they are away, to relieve anxiety ahd de
termine how things are progressing at home.
They are enabled to do this because the Bell
Telephone has univeral connections.
Subterranean Cavss That Aro Lined
With Crystalline Ico.
There arc deep cavities and tunneled
recesses in the earth far away from
sunlight and held in the tight embrace
of rocky strata where secret hoards of
glittering ice find habitation all the
year round. Yet down In these queer
places the ice is as clear and chrys
talllne as any that nature maintains
in tbe open air. Moreover, it occurs on
a truly grand and massive scab?.
Imagine thick underground Ice walls
and floors and craftily fissured col
umns beautiful In shape and color
streaming from roof to floor of lofty
rock chambers! And under the slow
drip, drip, drip of percolating water
this same ice learns to fashion itself
into cave adornments frozen water
drops, curling slopes, stalactites and
stalagmites of fantastic shape and
rainbow hues.
Subterranean cold waves, or "gla
ciers," as they are frequently called,
crop up In some 300 scattered localities
in Europe, Asia and America, but all,
with rare exceptions, whether true ice
caverns or grottoes and deep hollows,
are conGned to the north temperate re
gions of these continents that is, to
places where there Is a sufficiently low
temperature at some portion or tno
year to reach freezing point and render
snowfall possible. Pearson's Magazine.
Visual Proof.
She Mr. Sweetly has such polish
and such finish! Haven't you observed
them? He (savagely) No, I haven't,
more's the pity! I'd like to see his
finish. New York Press.
Mm'mfm) AJTatpV &t7i MfM MM
of the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley
are today the garden spots of the country. Several farms are
now ready to homestead, and the Government Surveyors are
laying out more new farms for new settlers who are lucky
enough to get on the ground in time to get the choice of these
new locations. Our new literature just from the press tells
how you can homestead these lands and repay the Government
the actual cost of the water right in ten yearly payments
without interest.
CAREY ACT LANDS:-Several thousand acres of Carey Act
Lands just opened to entry only thirty days residence
required. The settler buys these lands from the State and
the perpetual water right from the irrigation company.
Long time given to settlers to pay for these lands and
water rights. Join our personally conducted excursions
the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Specially pre
pared Wyoming literature just off the press. Write today.
ban) festers hrfsrwatlsw
HlUlllJffH ssffSfBBfjsfSjSBfssfffaBjfjMiWBMMiiBBsssssssss-i
Magazine Binding
I Old Books I
I Rebound I
I In fact, for anything in tbe book I
I binding line bring your work to I
I Z5fe I
I Journal Office I
I Phone 184 I
Nebraska Telephone Co.
Every Bell Telephone is a
Long Distance Station
Easier to Writs It.
In 1ST1 Klv;ird Leur was staying
with tin Kiivenmr of Bombay at Ma
babalrNhwnr. the bill station of the
Bombay presidency- 1 was there and
look a walk with blm one day. Be
asked me tbe name of some trees. 1
told blm i by were called -Jambul"
trees In India. He Immediately pro
duced his sketch hook and In his in
imitable style drew u bull looking Into
a Jam pot. He said it would help him
to remember tbe name. London Spec
tator. Hardness and Csldnssa.
Ethel-Jack really won Mand by
hardness and coldness. Elsie What
do yon nieun? Ethel Diamonds at. t
Jce cream.-Boston Transcript
Id the matter of the estate of Freeman M. Cook-
l inirlmni. ileceaited Order to show cause.
To all irone interested ia the estate of
Freeman M. fookinttbaiB. deceased1.
Thia cause came oa for heariBK upon the peti
tion of Eugenia I. Coosinghaia. administratrix
of the esUtnof Freeman M.Coohinsham. de
ceased, praying for license to sell the north half
of lota five (5) and six (It) ia block eighteen (In)
of Lockner'a second addition to the villain of
Humphrey. Nebraska, for the payment of debts
allowed against said estate and coats of adiuliii-
- . TZ ; -.-.-tM.... ..n. Ik. sw fth&f flit.
UmUOO SOU I SVVWIM ...... ...
personal property of said estate ia iasaSJcteDt to
I 1 .1 jALt. ! It at kswmfiirM
ordered that all persona interested ia aaid estate
appear before bm at the court hoaaoin Lolaa
bosT Nebraska, on the 22nd day of October. Will,
at the hour of tea o'clock a. na.. there to show
canse. if any there be. why a license should not
be granted to said administratrix to sell
much of said real eatiite aa may be necessary to
Ev said debts and expense, and that this order
published foar successive weeks ia the Co
lumbaa Journal
Dated this 3rd day of September. 1910.
Ueo. H. Thomas.
Judge of the district court of Platte county.
Nebraska. --
DEftVER. General men
1004 Farnan Street. Omaha. Nekr.