The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 28, 1910, Image 3

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venrion in Qutm
ITH an unpardonable
lack of tact or a grew
some attempt at a
sinister piece of hu
mor. Gen. Valeriana
Weyler. the former
Spanish captain gen
eral of Cuba, who
gained for himself
the unenviable title
of "butcher." has al
lowed the publishers
to print the title of
the sensational book
in which he attempts to defend his
onduct while the representative of
the Spanish crown on that island,
(My Command in Cuba)
in letters of gory scarlet on a pa
per of livid gray.
Whatever the motive may have
been that prompted such a choice,
that bloody "eye catcher" of a line
fitly symbolizes the man and the
work which caused so many years
of discontent in Cuba. Weyler has
been on trial before public opinion
for butchering his
enemies instead of
llghitng them; and
be Haunts in our
faces the ugly stains
that show where he
wiped oft his knife.
Captain General
of the fertile
province or Spain
(and a province
v.hich mere than
once manifested hei
intention to throw
otf tin- Hour lion
joke). be makes
iuch a case against
the country that
buyt hj; services as
no citizen ci the
Pnited States could
have -er mji'e to
Ji:tiiy Americas altitude in the Cuban nii-up
Wo lur u:i the b hau-d man in Cuba when
tiie government of hi:, nation finally recalled him.
This book will cause him to be cursed the length
and breadth of h peninsula.
"I wroU' it." lie says, "to give all the facts
about niv eou.lurt :,.s general in chief, a conduct
admired not only i army officers, high and
low. who wrote me innumerable letters, but
l'j privates, v.iio. on their leiurn to the peniu
mils, .spoke of me with an enthusiastic fer
vm tor which ' can never thank them enough.
Varinn reasons preventi-d me from doing years
ago (when 1 could not have freed my mind
trom a certain bias) a work which I can now
do in perleot peace of miml. thanks to the
time 'hat has passed, and which has soothed
the 'irritation due to the injustice I suffered at
the hands of some men
"I'urlheininre I nid not wish to sadden Sonor
Sa.".'a.'ta by rctellim: the story of our colonial
disasters; ne":ber did I fel any pleasure in cen
.surinu the illustrious Gen. Maitinex Campos, my
j:red c -sor in Cuba, however uncharitably he
acted tov.-prd me afcr hi-- return to the capital."
A perusal ol the book fails to prove that Wev
ler Kept Irs promise to treat the subject with
perfect moderation, the q nerai s blood is Mill
boiling, and with some justification, for atrocioiin
m his conduct v. as in many instances, it could
not very well be critic-ire. i m Spam by the Span
isli government.
Mad Wevler been es.dow.d'i the lil-rarv
genius of a Maii-ot i.r ;; La Cazes. Ire could have
made a nuich stioimcr case against Spain and
presented nis own actions in a much more tavor
able UgiiL llnfortunat-lv in k:owllgo of tic
writer's craft is as delUitiit i his fund ot infor
mal ion touching political economv. general hi
lory. n:t:on:.l anad internal iom.l politics is
Wy!er is not a diplomat the slippery land
of nuances and innuendo:; is to him terra incog
nita. a primitive brute, with rudimentary ethics,
thouirh unflinchingly trank and straightforward,
he nev r ventures an assertion which cannot be
siipjiorted by doei::aents: he never ji.iys any at
tent ion to hearsav but ipintcs people's Itttrs iu
A fascinating tjpe. after all. for the observer
b!e.ssed with the sense of historv ; just imagine
what a Weyler would have developed into if he
had not been born some 500 years too late; clad
iu steel, ho had been riding a caparisoned mount,
or. if he had been allowed to rauge over Europe
during the Thirty Years war!
General Weyler's style is very trying: even
his proclamations vainlv modeled after Napoleon
l.s oratorical gems, rarely sound the note that
makes a peoplo or an army vibrate. His rela
tions of the Cuban campaign with all the facts,
figures, names recorded in haphazard fashion
day by day, is well nigh unreadable.
But the documents he publishes In support of
his thesis (some of them of a confidential char
acter and which must have been secured through
"diplomatic means") make it well worth while
wading through an otherwise dull, shapeless and
indigestible piece cf writing.
First of all we are made to realize how hope
less the plight of the Spanish commanders had
become, in the island when Weyler took the situ
ation in hand; the many generals who preceded
him had been losing ground from day to la :
their cables to the Spanish government gave
information of a pessimistic character of which
the public and the press were seldom apprised;
their confidential coi respondence betrayed heart
i ending facts, more than once poor Gen. Marti
nez Campos had humbly confessed himself beat
en, while the cabinet led the Spanish nation to
believe that the war was practically over.
Weyler himself, when placed in command of
:he Cuban army, was not even siven what he was
entitled to. an honest account of the situation.
"When I landed in Cuba." he writes. "I did
not oven suspect the terrible conditions that pre
vailed in the island. 1 did not knot, anvthing
" ft 4
1 !
-. .- , ,--'v '- viwf -fiA'- :- TslI stil
1 ' TTS
iff HPMRT'k ,
l&r -' ,?'"- &
besides what
the minister of
war had o!d
me and what I
had read in the
pa pers or in
anon vmous let
ters sent by
Spaniards living
in Cuba, and I
thought that all
of them exag
g e r a 1 e il t h e
facts; I had m,
knowledge of
the secret docu
ments I have
a p p e u d e d to
this bonk. How
tortn graphically
Gen. .Martinez C
icaiized tin
gloom: the outlook wr.s is set
in a confidential lettir from
ampos to Canovas d-?l Castillo.
prime minister of Spain.
.iuiuiign from the vrry first I
gravitv of iu- sittiatinn. I refused to
'neve it; ,,:y visits in Cuba. Principe and Hoi
Sin appalled me. however, in .rd.r not to appear
pessimistic, i j, no, t x,,ross .,,, m. tiloliaIts an,i
I .lecided to visit not only the maritime cunummi
ies bat the towns in the int rior. The Tew Span
iards who live in tin- isi;.:,, ,j., .,. ,iar,. to ,m.n.
tion their crig.'n evcept in the cities. The rest
ot the iiopiakitio:. bates Spain. Wherever von pass
a farm and ask the vvoiiu n where their hesbands
;.r.. tht-y ansv.-r with nrr;rm: franlmefis: 'In
the moiPi:.-:ins with C..irf So and -o "
"Vtm oulil not - : --v.- m to cany a me-sngf
toi .-,)i'i i.ui luii) ,v,tts. i-e would b. mmged I'
be v.r.- .! ea'zubt . .
Tin i.btl.s who l:ar-c.; V!ir with v. a Hon
crueitv s. Moin reitiai'ied tlums(hc..s from aenmu
plisiiip,; der-Js cf vioenc likel.v t- i-m-r.'xe tae
tew re.'saitiiie- Miniionrr.s of tin- Hpanisa :!-. To
m.Ofe Wep ;;
"The irssuuent" did ent ie:urn in a:i w.-w ihe
emisicbial- treatment ac4 ord 1 to ihem b; t'ii:
gene-ous eomniander (.Maif.ner. (':ui.po:). At the
beginning of iHe vvai Jaiii". Gomz showed hj-u-s't
verv fair, hut Mreo. n J s!K,n j rovs- bv an
thfi-tii decu'.e'iits. crdend l.i bands to s l f..-.-to
ai fie j. agar mill- whes- iwirs were nut p:-.-ing
w.i: tnbrte. to pi; ml r and hoi the tnuntr .
to shoot mticilessly all the nuengi i-. m a
caught repairing railroad lines or bringing pro
visions into the villages. Worse yet: The insur
gent chiefs did not hesitate to kill with their own
weapons defenseless islanders, and Maximo Go
mez in his '.Memoires confesses to having shot
personally a man he had sentenced to death, a
deed which I call willful murder. And still that
Individual presumes to call me i?sass-u. "
As his authority for the foregoing statement
General Weyler not only quotes extracts !rom the
Cuban papers, but appends a proclamation of
Maceo. Gomez's lieutenant, to his bands.
"Comrades in Arms: Destroy, destroy every
thing, day and night; to blow up bridges, to derail
trains, to burn up villages and sugar mills, to
annihilate Cuba is the only way to defeat our ene
mies. We have net to account for our conduct
to anyone. Diplomacy, public opinion and history
don't matter. It would be sheer Insanity to seek
the laurels of the battlefield, to bear the fire of
the enemy's artillery and contribute to the glory
of the Spanish commanders. The essential thing
is to convince Spain that Cuba will b? but a heap
of ruins. What compensation will she receive
then for the sacrifice entailed by the campaign?
We must burn and mzf everything It would be
folly to fight as thr.ush we were an Europ-an
army. v liere rit'es are of
do the work.
The only way to subdue such bloodthirsty, des
perate pirates was to adopt their own tactics. The
Insurgent, of their own admission, never gave
nor accepted battle, but harassed the regulars anil
destroyed their sources of supply. "Concentra
tion" seemed to be the only solution of the prob
lem, for the wives and children of the insurgents
crave them constant aid and kept them informed
of every movement of ihe Spanish regiments.
Says General Weyler:
"Of all the measures I took the most bitterly critlsized was the
'concentration,' which saved my troops from being uselessly deci
mated and prevented the landing of arms and munitions consigned
to the enemy. I need not defend that system. Whoever has a
smattering of the history of modern wars knows that it was cop
led by the English in the Transvaal and the -Americans in the
Philippines, a fact most flattering to my pride as a general.
"If individuals were sometimes summarily shot under my gen
eralship, as it happens in the course of every war. they were
put to death in obedience to the laws and regulations, never for
the mere reason that they were insurgents. I pardoned those who
returned to the fold, and showed much clemency to all those who
came to me, however black their past may have been."
It is a matter of regret that General Weyler should not have
deemed it advisable to volunteer more information as to the
organization of the concentration camps. He says that one pound
of meat and a quarter of a pound of rice were allowed to every
Individual over fourteen, and one-half that ration to children.
which seems quite
sufficient under the
circumstances. A
few paragraphs,
however, couched in
bis blunt, soldierly
style, setting at
naught the terrible
charges preferred
against him la con
nection with that
stern system ot war
fare would have
been interesting,
but they were lack
ing. His silence
amounts to a confes
sion of guilt. He
makes a weak at
tempt at explaining
;uat the wives and
children of insur
gents were not "con
centratcd." but
obliged to betake
themselves where
the head of the fam
ily was supposed to
be found. This Is
worse yet, for one
can conceive the ap
palling abuses which
such an order ema
nating from the gen
eral in chief must
have countenanced
and justified. As the
revolutionary bands
were constantly
Bioving from east to
west and from west
to cast and could
not be located with
any certainty, what
an existence must
have been that of
families whose men were not serving in the ranks
or the regular army. Refused army ratious. com
pelled to roam from one devastated village to
a burnt down hamlet, they could uot but succumb
to hunger and exhaustion.
Had Weyler ben less brutally honest, he
would have om:tt-d such a damaging admission.
I'p to this day we have had books of many
kinds dealing with the Cuban war; pamphlets
put iiita by the insurgents and notoriously unfair
to Spain; Spanisn publications which misrepre
sented gro-slv the attitude of the United States;
articits in European newspapers almost unani
mously censuring the Americans for "robbing"
Spain of her roh.ny.
Now. hciviwr. we have the ficts presented
almost without any comments and certainly with
out mb"!lii:.:::i.:i: by a Spaniard who loves his
country and frankly detests the Americans.
On"; r ticc he registers a protest against
the .--.ate's drc&ioii concerning the recognition
cf belMenarcy c.r the campaign f defamation
directed against !iin in American paper.
if ni -i.-..;! !,v. J i. .
He complains that in March. ISl'fi. when he
bad the .situation well under control, the senate
.l the Cnited States interfered mot unfairly, for
it leeognrzcd th belligerency of the insurgents,
th-rebv giving then! new courage.
Tiii.'. is icr-i. convincing than the majority of
his arguments, for if we ompare dates we find
ietie-s in which h admits his failure to stop the
jfprcs-s rf tii.- iiiourrecticn.
His .it charge against the United States
if contained in the following paragraph, which
is too vague to be taken as seriously as some
other statements cf his:
"The United States were against everything
that would bring about a termination of the war
American citizens held several millions worth of
Cuban bonds. Issued with the provision that the
inland would pass under the domination of the
United States ten years after Cuba would have
separated herself from Spain. The Yankees saw
that vvjth the pace I set the much-longed-for inde
pendence of Cuba and its corollary, the annexa
tion thereof, was becoming a more and more re
mote possibility. Hut there was no reason why
tbe peninsula shcnld have robbed all the gossip
which originated in America."
But on the whole the picture his letters and
reports, as well as the letters of Martinez Cam
pos he publishes, present to our eyes of Cuba in
the ytnrs preceding the Maine incident would
have justified any nation, near or remote, in inter
vening U.r the sake or humanity; a population
unanimous in its desire 'for independence; a
bloody war which could only lead to an ephem
eral peace and at best would have left the island
a dreary wast for years to come; the rights of
foreign land owners and investors trampled un
der foot; all this horror had to be stopped.
bpain dm not lose Cuba as a consequence cf
jiii wit: t-ui.eii states; by the verv ad
m of Spain's military representatives in that
Hnry Dermcn cf Missouri Says Hi
Can provs HVa 111 Years
of Ags.
St. Louis. A few dies north ol
Mlndeo, In Barton county. Ma. lives
possibly tho oldest man In America.
Henry Dorman Is the man and als
years number 111. Uncle Henry, as
he Is called, was born January 10. 1799.
He first saw the light of day In Steu
sl 3i
K F" i niiii iirim Jill I Willi I'llllllliini
"Uncle Henry Dorman.
ben county. New York, at that time on
the western frontier. When he was
born there was not a sulphur match in
existence. Washington was still alive
and when Abraham Lincoln was born
Uncle Henry was a schoolboy of eight.
Before the first mile of railroad was
laid he was a young married man with
children about his fireside.
For years the people of southeast
Missouri looked upon Uncle Henry as
a very old man. But they were not
prepared for the announcement made
a short time ago by the old man's rel
atives that he was the oldest man in
tho nation. The relatives had conduct
ed a pretty thorough examination of
the facts on the subject and they feel
warranted In the assertion that Henry
Dorman can show records to prove a
greater age than any other man in
the Jnitcd States. Some men assert
that their years exceed those of Uncle
Henry, but they cannot show the
proofs. Host of these are negroes who
do not really know how old they are.
Uncle Henry bears the great burden
of 111 years well upon his sturdy
Ehouiders. His thick, short figure is
bent with the weight of a century, hia
hair Is thin and gray, and time has left
its indelible traces In the furrows ol
his face. His body still looks fairly
strong. His eyes still beam forth fire
from under his heavy lashes, and now
and then they show a glint or humor,
which proves that the old man. in spite
of his advanced age. gets enjoyment
out of living.
A visitor went to the Dorman home
a short time ago. The house on the
old farm is old and small, but it is
well kept up by the old man. his aged
daughter-in-law and his aged grandson.
All in the Dorman household are old,
though they represent three genera
tions. Hattie Dorman. the daughter-
in-law. welcomed the visitor, and said
that Uncle Henry was out "choreing
around" some place. In a few minutes
tho bent old man came in and extend
ed a horny and wrinkled hand. The
hand was his left.
"You'll have to take my left. he
explained, "because my right Is not fit
to be shown. I got it shot at tbe bat
tle of Yellow Tavern In Virginia, just
before .he close of the war." And the
old man showed the Injured member
from which two fingers were miss
ing. "Uncle ilenry" never took any care
Rt himself in his youth, and it was ow
ing to no design of his own that he ha3
lived to such a ripe old age.
"I guess the Lord ju?t meant me to
live long." exclaimed Uncle Henry, j
"for 1 never took any kind of f-.ire of I
myself. Xcne of my family yer lived j
long, cither, and when I wa. thirteen
I was an orphan. That nr-ant that !
had to get out and make my vv?y in
the world at an ear'y age. ml .-on:e- i
times it was might v hard. I always j
was a fanner and I always workod
mighty hard, and .oaietini-:; I 'r-'nk ,
that is the reason To- ray If n.T life.
Hard vcrk Is good fer a man -:id ft is
the only medicine tint I ever took."
AVrteblc PreparalionrorAs
s'rmilating tteFoodandRegiito-HegrhcStotaacteandBoWlsof
Promotes Dige$Kon,Cheerrul
nessand RestCon tains neier
Opwm.Morpfiine nor Mineral
Wot N ar c otic .
Averted Remedy forComtlos-
lion . Sour StoiMch.Dtarrhdea,
ness and LOSS OF SLEET.
facsimile Signature e
gorlh&afa- and CMMrfMaV
The Kind You Haw
Beara the
BF a
y For Over
The Centaur CoMfnintt
guaranteed under the Fsotasj
Copy Of WhBBfSfc
Thirty Years
.aaaaaaaaaLaW bbbbbbbbbsb
"What, hasn't George proposed
"No. what can you expect of a man
who won't speed his automobile over
fifteen miles an hoar."
Crew Aboard Sloop Adrift on Atlantic
Have No Other Fcod for 13 Days.
tne w
ill-fated colony, Cuba was irretrievably lost to
Spain in 1S:7. and the few Spaniards residing in
me coast towns, the only safe abode for them
felt themselves a despissd. ostracised minority!
Caring tor Zone's Health
The United States Is Taking Paternal
Care cf the People Who Are
in Panama.
Povrn in the Panama canal zone the
Vnited States government is taking
the most paternal sort of care of the
population, and the experiment is
working well, according to informa
tion received In Washington. Whether
it would work so ,well with a popula
tion of millions scatteied over a big
continent as it does with a population
of less than 50,000. confined to the
small zone strip, is a question, but
some of the facts are of interest.
The people of the zone live under
strict supervision. Everyone knows
about the sanitary work of Colonel
Gorgas and his big corps of assistants.
They have drained swamps, killed
(mosquitoes, screened houses and
cleaned up the back yards as well as
tne streets, much to the disgust of
the natives, who thought that this was
an unnecessary, if not an unholy, prac
tise. But the supervision does not stop
there. All the food is inspected, and,
in spite of the distance from the
Slates and the troable and cost of re
frigeration and the expenses of trans
portation and loss in a tronicai cli
mate, the prices are actually lower in
most cases than they are in Washing
ton. The department of agriculture has
been called into service In connection
with the food, and, in addition to car
rying out the provisions of the pure
food and drug act that obtains In this
country. Uiere is i special Inspection
of all foodstuffs intended for the zone
with the result that the residents of
that strip come near getting what they
pay for and pay less for it than if they
were living at home in the land of the
more or less free.
Not only is marriaee .a nmht t...
it's on a very slim margin.
New York. Two days after leaving
Barbadoes the British steamship Dea
l's, In from Buenos Ayrcs. sighted a
sinking sloop flying signals of distress,
which turned out to be the little Sun
light, a wandering cj-rgo carrier be
tween the islands of Antigua and Bar
badoes. She lay helpless with her master
and her crew of five flat on the decks.
There was no water and no food In
sight. When the men had been hoist
ed aboard tho steamer and revived.
Capt J. Frank, owner of the Sun
light, said that he ran into a fog a
few hours out of Antigua, had lost
his bearings and for thirteen days he
and his crew had been living on vine
gar and sugar. How long they had
been unconscious before the Ikalis
bore down on them he did not know.
As the fog came on, the sloop began
to take water and the crew worked at
the pumps until exhausted. Distress
signals were set after a storm washed
their food and water overboard and
for nearly two weeks their sole sus
tenance was sugar saturated with
vinegar from a barrel which had been
lashed fast.
When the storm cleared it was
found that the compass had gone witfc
the provisions, and the crew pumped
and sailed recklessly until, one by one,
they were overcome by exertion and
starvation and each, in his turn
stretched himself out on the deck tc
die Captain Frank was the last mas
to give in.
When the rescued men had been re
freshed they Insisted on returning te
the Sunlight, which had been kept In
sight. Accordingly they were puj
aboard with water and provisions, but
while the Ikalis was bidding them
adieu, they called for help. The Sun
light was sinking. The Ikalia took
them off again, the Sunlight was aban
doned and the shipwrecked men were
brought to this port
Because of Its delicate, emollient,
sanative, antiseptic properties derived
from Cuticura Ointment, united with
the purest of cleansing ingredients
and most refreshing of flower odors,
Cuticura Soap is unrivaled for preserv
ing, purifying and beautifying the
skin, scalp, hair and hands, and, as
slsted by Cuticura Ointment, for dis
pelling itching irritation and in
flammation and preventing clogging
of the pores, the cause of many disfig
uring facial eruptions. All who de
light in a clear skin, soft, white hands,
a clean, wholesomo scalp and live,
glossy hair, will find that Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment realize
every expectation. Cuticura Reme
dies are sold throughout the world.
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole pro
prietors, Boston, Mass. Send to them
for the latest Cuticura Book, an au
thority on tk best care of the skin,
scalp, hair and hands. It Is mailed
free on request.
Tribute to Hold-Up Artist.
"The train doesn't stop at Crimson
Gulch any more."
"Xo." replied Three-Finger Sam.
"I'm afraid the town doesn't get
much respect from tbe railroad."
"Respect! Why that railroad Is
clean terrified. Ever since the news
got around that Stage Coach Charley
had settled here that train jest gives
one shriek and Jumps out of sight."
son 9zoo, sz6o & sfjm
They are absolutely the
mostpepalarand best shots
for the Brie ia America.
Thev an the leaden every- ,
when because they sow
their ahase. It better.
look better and wear loa-
thaa ether Bakes..
hey Mn Bositirely the I
most economical shoes for yea te bay. W.L.
Douglas name aad the retail price an stamped
a the bottom value niaraateed.
caaaot rapplT yoa wnte for Man order Catalec.
w. i usjuinjks, B-qefcw,
af?1 Vat
sBcr SbM
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
IV jj mirth Aft -W
KxrtfeSM&Scato'ffff'frfffV MTTLE
ssW tr jyilJ I
SsaaliPOI, SsBalDee Sssall Prissj
Gems! ramtiMsi Signature
521-531 W. Adam St, Chicago
How's This?
We offr Oee nunCred Dollars Reward tor say
saw of Gttarra tbal cannot be cured by Hall's
Cattrra Cunr.
F. J. CHENF.Y CO. Toledo. O.
We. tbr t.idtnlcnctl. bare known F. J. Cbcsey
tor the Ian IS years, and bellere Mm pertccUy ftoo
orable ta all burtnrai trantartlans and BnaneUUy
able to cars? nut any obltraUcaa made by bis Eraa.
ft hoteale DrumnsM. Toledo. O.
nan'sCitarrh Cum ukrn eternally. arUag
direct! upon tbe binol and mucous surfaces of tbs
yitrm. Tnttlmnalais sent trro. Fries 73 oasts per
bottta. Sold by all Dnrecbu.
Take llatt's Family i'Uis (or coostlpsUos.
Mrs. Bonham Every time I sins; to
tbe baby be cries.
lienbam He gets bis ability as
musical critic from my side of the
Some men need to be called down
about twice a day.
Th Mtisfyine quality in Lcwh Sin
gle Binders found in no other 5c cigar.
Absence makes tbe picture post
card3 accumulate.
XgSTe s friend
te hut for cancer
"Csscarets are certainly fine.
ene when the doctor was treatise I
ot the stomach. The next morning: he passed
four pieces of a tape worm. Hethem got s box
and ia iliree lavs he passed a tam-wona 45 !
fcat. It was itr. Matt Free, of MUlersbwc
Dauphin Co.. Pa. X am quite a worker for Cases.
rets. I see them myself asd find thesa beneicial
for ssost any disease caused by fcsipure blood.'
Pleasant. Palatable. Poles. Tssts Good.
Do Good. Never Sickea.Waskaa or Gripe.
Mc.2Sc.S8c Never sold is balk. The tenu
is tablet stamped C C C. Gaatsstsedto
csjreoryooxsiossy bsfk. Sa
Choice quality; reds snd roans,
whits faces or angus bought on
orders. Teas of Thouassds to
select from. SatUfoctio Guar
anteed. Correspondence Invited.
Come snd see lor yourself.
Nsiioaal Live Slock Cora. Co.
Cty.Ms. SLJssssBwsts. .
Do you want s Land Homestead? Inform stlos
sent free. How to Gets Farm of Land. Address
sard at Trade Bsi Ml ns InsTasaaeiie. Indians
lngton.D.C Hootcnfreo. Wsh
sssteit ts work wits i
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 3-1S10.
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