'.. ei-' 8 Catonta IteanmL I ,3 FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 26. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2,028. ,--"r--rv INSURE in the ROYAL or the German Fire BECHER, HOCKEHBERGER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MARKETS. Rye 00 Oats i!G Wheat H5 Corn 40 Hoga.top $7.W)to $8.10 MANY YEARS AGO Files of The Journal, October '.), 1877. An immense amount of Nebraska wheat and cattle are being shipped over the Union Pacific roatl, and the road is crowded to supply the freight rare to meet the demand. We have been requested to Crt.ll the attention of the city marshal to the fact that fast driving in the streets has been indulged in lately, "contrary to the statute in the case made and provided." The city marshal is expected to stop 'em up short. While Messrs. Gro-suieklaup, Bean and others were crossing the Loup bridge on last Friday with a large lot of cattle for Mr. Dnviri Anderson, three of the herd fell or jumped oft the unguard ed approach at the east end of the bridge, entirely disabling one, breaking a horn for auother, while the third limped a little, just as a reminder of what had happened. From Mr. Orlnndo Koso we have the particulars of bin loss of wheat by lightning on Tuasday night of last week. The lightning struck two stacks con taining about 2."U bushels of grain, this occurred about two o'clock. The lire was first seen by two of Mr. Hose's neighbors, B. Evarts and Adam Guttler, who very neighbor like came to his as sistance and helped him for n night nnd a day. The two stacks that were on tire were within eight and nine feet of other stacks, and it required the utmost vigilance and tact to keep them from catching. When the wind was favorable the burning stacks were gradually un dermined on the leeward side and tliUB all the stacks were saved except the two that were struck by lightning. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing September 28, 1910: Letters Dora Borowiak, Christ Din erkos. Prof. A.C. Eibel, Nathan Elledge, Harry Finch, Mrs. Mae George, Herman Niblack, II. A. Uodman, Harry S. Starege. Cards John Geinsman, J. II. (filbert. Miss Kittie Jenneman. Frank Pace (2), H. A. Uodman, Miss Leonora Hobs, Jack Spencer, Miss Blanche Simmons, C. P. Young Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised Oaki. Kuameu, P. M. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the friends for their many acts of kindness during the sick ness and death of our beloved mother, and also for the floral tributes. Children ok Mas. II. E. Bai.t.ou. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sip Writing a Sitcialty D. G. KAVANAUGH After a short illness Mrs. D. R. Fran cis, aged 5G year, died Sunday at the family home on the J. U. Galley farm, four miles east of this city. Mrs. Fran cis, whose maiden name was Malinda Isabell Holmes, was born at Bethany, Mo., April 13, 18-15. Here she grew to womanhood, and later moved to Iowa, where on May 8, 1873, she was married to D. R. Francis. After residing in Iowa for twelve years the family return ed to the Missouri home, remaining there until 1900, when they came to Nebraska, locating for one year at Ames and then coming to Oconee, this county. After a two years residence there the family moved to their present home, east of the city. At the age of sixteen she joined the South Methodist church, and has been a member ever since. Her husband and ten children, seven sons and three daughters survive her, the children being E. It. and R. L. Francis of Richland, A. A., David, W. L., Thur man and Homer, living east of the city, and Mrs. W. Drawbridge of North Loup, and Mildred and Edith Francis at home. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday at 10 a. m , being conducted by Rev. W. L. Dibble of the Congrega tional chnrch, and burial wbb in the ColnmbuB cemetery. Louis Meyer, who lives four miles south of Creston, was in the city Satur day, having just returned from South Dakota, and on reading the account of the disappearance of his son, says, the story is overdrawn. He lays the blame for the account on one of his neighbors, with whom he had an iltercation, and says that it is spite work. The boy, who left home early in September, went to Platte Center, and was working on a farm there. Since the story was publish ed the boy telephoned home, and made arrangements to return, which he did on Sumlay. September 25. Last Thursday afternoon Charles Malone and Miss Hattie Klug, both of this city, were married at the office of County Jndge Ratterman, Rev. Samuel Harknass of the Presbyterian church performing the ceremony. The couple are well known in this city, Mr. Malone being a clerk in the Columbus Mercan tile Go's store nnd the bride a trimmer in the millinery department of the Gray Mercantile Co. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Malone left on an evening train for Omaha, nnd will spend a short time at the home of the groom in Cort land, Nebraska. Last week Carl Schubert of this city received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. A. Olbrich of Baker City, Oregon. Mrs. Olbrich was well known to many of the older residents of Columbus, having lived here for twelve years prior to moving to their present home in Maker City. She was sixty years of age and was born in Romer stadt, Austria. Her health had been good up to a short time before her death, when she was stricken with apoplexy, which caused her death. Her htisbnnd died some time ago. Last Thursday afternoon Prince Teai Tsung, en route from China to study conditions in the army and navy of the United States, passed through this city on the Union Pucific. The prince and his party occupied two private cars at tached to the second section of No 10 and arrived in this city at 5:15, and the train Btopped hare about ten minutes. The distinguished passenger did not show himself, bat his escort included nn es cort of goveenment officials, representa tives of the presH and also a party of his own countrymen. While a westbound freight was at Silver Creek Sunday night the crown -sheet of the engine, one of the .'U)0 class, dropped and the escaping steam severely if not fatally, burned Fireman Andreas. He was brought to this city at once and taken to the hospital, and his oondition is very serious. With the exception of his arm and his breast, bis body is a mass of burns from the escaping Bteam. and it is feared that he may have inhaled some of the steam and coal gas from the fire box. Friday evening the local democrats met at the city hall nnd organized a Dnhliuun club with August Korttlcher, as president, F. J. Kersenbrork, secre tary, and Carl Rohde, treasurer, the present membership being about sixty. Saturday morning Mayor Dahlman spoke in the Maennechor hall to a good sized audience, and was in the city un til about noon, when he left to fill an engagement at Comstock, Nebr. Ray Eaton, who has been postal clerk on the Burlington between this city and Lincoln for the last nine years, has been transferred to Lincoln to the transfer department of the Lincoln post office, the change to be effective October L His new position will be more congenial, especially as to hours, as on the run from here to the capital city he was obliged to get ready for work at G a. m. and did not return until almost 10 p. m. George Bloedorn returned Sunday afternoon from Rochester. Minn , where he had his left leg amputated about a month ago. He has been able to be around for two weeks and the doctors in charge discharged him from the hospital last Saturday. 8ince the operation George has been gaining strength rapid ly and says that he feels much better, and as soon as the limb heals he expects to secure an artificial leg. Do you wait a baby? Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Try Leavy's Laxative Lozenges. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschea building. Baled bay for sale. Ernst & Brock. Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone 1G94. Try a refreshing dish of pure ice cream at Leavy's. Red Tag sale at Gipe's, 403 west Elev enth street. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Show cases for sale cheap D. H. Gipe, 4rcfllth street. Dr. C. A. Allenhurger, ofitoe in new State Bank building. Gray's Fall opening will con tinue until October 1st. Dr. L P. Garatenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and KnmmerSts. The Misses Alma and Lilly Siems of Los Angeles, Oal., are visiting their sis ter, Mrs. Henry Wilckins. Mrs. W. M. Cornelius left last Thurs day for a sojourn of several weeks with relatives in Pennsylvania. Weldin, the photographer, now locat ed on Thirteenth street, north of Fne dhof'e, is prepared to do all kinds of work. A. Heintz left Wednesday morning for Pataloma, Cat., where he will spend the winter and escape the cold of a Ne braska winter. F. Rrodfuehrer, who has been con fined to his home for the last week with a cold that has settled on his lungs, is slowly improving. During the last week County Jndge Ratterman issued but one marriage license to Ohas. Malone and Hattie Klug, both of Columbus. Seth Broun, who was firing on the night switch engine, is nursing a very sore hand as the result of a fall from a slippery tank a short time ago. Lost In railroad yards from train No. 3, Tuesday night, new black Derby hat, marked J. H. W. Please return by ex press to J. U. Whittemore, Sioux City, lows. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hart, John Ratter man and F. J. Gerharz went to Omaha Thursday to attend the Knights of Co lumbus banquet in that city the same evening. I own two good level quarters of hay and farm land near Baseett. A fine field of corn and lots of good hay, price S20 per acre. Address Owner, Box 23, Bas- sett, Nebraska. D. Menkeof Tinley Park, III., who has been visiting his nephew, D. G. Bartels. for the last three weeks, return ed home Tuesday. Mr. Menke is eighty two years old, and this is his first trip west. Among those who will serve as jurors at the October term of federal court are H. It. RobinBon and T. W. Adams, who will go to Lincoln, and C. F. Todenhoft and O. O. Gray, who have been summon ed for Omaha. Since putting into service the addition al rooms at the Meridian landlord Tod enhoft has made an advance in the prices. Now rooms with bath are at the rate of $2.50 per day, while the regular rate is now $2.00 per day. Leo Augustyn, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Augustyn, died Sunday, aged one month and thirteen days. Funeral services were held Monday at the Catholic church, and burial was in the parish cemetery. Dan Echols is the new local manager of the Nebraska Telephone company in this city, being checked in last week. Mr. Echols has a wide acquaintance in the city, and has also had considerable business experience and the company made no mistake in securing him for the position. Ed Newman bas sold his 260 acre farm, ten miles north of the city, to Fred Gottschalk, the consideration be ing $21,000 This is not far from the $100 mark, and the location is quite a distance from the city, which shows that Platte county real estate is still on the advance. Geo. A. Scott, jr., returned from Kan sas City last Wednesday evening and will make Columbus his home in the future. While absent he was in the drug business and later a traveling Bales man, but since his return to Columbus he has accepted a position in the Ger man National bank. Tuesday afternoon the case of W.L Cook against W. A. Green was before Judge Ratterman. the plaintiff sueing for $36 for services as a veterinarian. A considerable portion of the afternoon was taken up and the jury finally de cided in favor of the plaintiff, but al lowed him a verdict of only $10 instead of the amount asked for. Dr. U. A. Reed, who was loaated at Genoa for several years in the practice of dentistry, has located in Columbus and formed a partnership with Dr. O. V. Campbell. Since selling his Genoa practice a few months ago, Dr. Reed has been looking for a location, and finally decided on this city. He is now located here with his family, residing on West Sixteenth street. Four Room House Good repair. Full lot, barn and shade. Looted on Washington Ave nue, near Eleventh street. Prioe $1,500 160 Acre Farm Improved, 6 miles east of Columbus $50 Per Acre Eiliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Do you want a baby? Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier. Osteopath, Barber block. Red Oxide barn and roof paint at Leavy's Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and auriet, 1215 Olive street. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. flayes were in Omaha the first of the week. Gray's Fall opening con tinues until October 1st. Dr. W. R. Nenmarker, office with Dr C. D. Evans, west side of Park. Watch for unrgains in qneensware and china at Gipe's, 403 west Eleventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bean and little daughte- go to Grand Island Thursday for nshoit visit. C. E. Davis, who has bcon visiting his father at Oakland, California, for some time, returned home last week. Beginning Sunday, October 2, the Buschman meat market will be closed every Sunday until warm weather. J. Herr has opened up a tea. coffee and grocery store in the building owned by E. Ar M"R, on Twelfth street. Jonas Welch, who was stricken several weeks ago, is improving slowly and is now able to sit up, and he is gaining strength every dsy. Rev. Fr. Marcellinus of this city rep resented the dioconate of Columbus at the reception given Canlinal Vannuetelli in Omaha last week. Editor E. A. Gerrard of the Monroe Looking Glass, who has been sojourning in New Yoik and other points in the east, will arrive home the last of this week. A. E. Vallier left the first of the week for LaBelle, Mo., where he will visit for a week or two before returning home with Mrs. Vallier, who has been there for some time. Rev. D. I. Roush of the Methodist church is making arrangements to move to hie new Geld in South Dakota, as soon as the conference of that district gives him an assignment. -The first frosts of the season, Monday and Tuesday nights, were not heavy enough to injure vegetation in fact, only the very tender plants were killed. The corn generally has been benefitted by the frosts. Rain prevented the City Band from giving their regular concert last Friday evening and it was postponed until Tues day evening of this week. The pro gram for the next concert, Friday eve ning, September 30, has not been pre pared and cannot be published this week. But two more of these concerts will be given this season. GREAT CLEMIRB SUE. On account of having my building moved into the street, I will offer my en tire stock at cnt prices. Some goods are sold at cost or even below cost. CARL FROEMEL, Eleventh Street Jeweler. ' ,9iar-. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER & SOI HARNESS AND COAL Miss Josio Belford, who is employed as stenographer in Humphrey, arrived Wednesday for a few days' visit with the home folks. Mrs. Wm. Bennett of Dsrlington, Wis. arrived last Wednesday for a visit of two weeks at the homo of her aunt, Mrs. Edgar Howard. Miss Minnie Glur of the Journal force who has been visiting for several weeks in Omaha and Council BluftV, is expect ed home the coming week. Howard McCray, who has been in Nevada for about a year, returned last week and will remain here for the pre sent in the employ of A. DuBsell & Son Rev. L. R. DcWolf, pastor of the Methodist church of this city for a number of years, has been returned to Fairmont, this state, the same charge he has had for the last year. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Olarkand daugh ter, Mjss Hazel, who have been visiting during the summer at Baker City, Port land and other points in Oregon, will return home during October. Excavating for the new post office building is well under way, and will soon lie ready for the material. Several of the local contractors have been asked for estimates on portions of the work. H. A. Clarke left Wednesday for Val entine where he is having n sale of thor oughbred short horns. After the sale Mr. Clarke will return to this city for a few days, and then leave for a three weeks' sojourn in California. The Columbus Cream company have leased the old Cover bide house, on West Eleventh street, and will use it as n store house for their wooden ware and other supplies, which will give them consider able additional room in their creamery plant. George Fairchild came up from Lin coln last Friday nnd remained until Tuesday with the home folks. Mr. Fairchild has been unite busy with his duties as county treasurer examiner, but this was one of the times tbnt he had a few days to spare. The dry goods department of the Gray Mercantile Co. have changed their china to the basement and now the second floor is devoted exclusively to millinery and ladies' ready to wear cloaks and suits. The change more than doubles the capacity of their millinery depart ment, which is one of the most up to date in this section. Since the installing of the new water cranes at the Union Pacific considerable less time is required for engines to take water, and the result is much less in convenience from blocked crossings Under the new order of things there is less cans for complaint from trains de laying traffic, and the public are put to lefs inconvenience now. that tedious wails are done away with. ( Sam Ellis of Silver Creek concluded he could defeat Lester Gates of this city in a blue rock event of twenty-five targets, Gates to give him a handicap of three targets, for a purse of $50. The match was pulled off Monday of this week at Silver Creek, Gates breaking twenty four nut of twenty-five, while his oppon ent's ecore was seventeen. D. D. Bray accompanied Mr. dates to Silver Greek to umpire the shoot. While working on the roof of a houee in the western part of the city Tuesday afternoon, R. O. Boyd lost his footing and fell to the ground a distance of ten or twelve feet. The job was about completed and he was getting ready to leave the roof when the accident occur red. When he fell he went bead first and stmck on bis shoulder, badly bruis ing himself. No bones were broken, but it will be several weeks before he recovers from the accident. Last week a stranger happened into Platte Center and stopped attheCIother hotel, and during his stay passed a forged draft on Landlord Clother. When Frank discovered his loss be pro ceeded to do a little detective work on his own account, and located his man in Humphrey, where he was arrested. Frank went up from Platte Geotcr Wedaesday morning to identify him, and was deputized to bring him to Columbus on the noon train,' which be did. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The Religious Work committee have a good series of Men's Sunday af ternooa meetings arranged for extending through the winter season. The membership committee are busy at work and are securing the renewal of many of the memberships which have been allowed to lapse during the past year. A five number entertainment course has been provided for this season. The first number will come October 18th. 300 tickets have already been sold and as the seating capacity is limited the Committee are not pushing the sale of tickets further. Tickets will not be sold at reduced prices this year and those desiring them will do well to get them at once. Last Tuesdsy evening the first month ly banquet of tho Business Men's Club for this season was held. It was open to the wives of the membsrs and a good crowd was present. O. J. Garlow acted as toastmaster and gave a strong boost for Columbus and exhorted the citizens to be loyal supporters of their city ia every way. A very enjoyable program was furnished by Miss Lnri Fuller, vocalist, Miss Uedwig Jaeggi. violinist, Mrs. L. W. Snow gave several readings. CN. McElf resli delivered an address on "Political Ethics'' and J. O. Bailey, State Secretary of the Nebraska YouBg Mens Christian Associations gave a stir ring address with an earnest appeal to the men to stand by the work of the association and make it the success which Columbus wants all her projects to be. The banquet was a success in every way. Congregational Church. Every man has a social energy for in vestment. It is not strange that some men are in chnrch, some in the ealoon. some in the ball park, some in the Sun day evening Lyric. It is the social ele ment of lb soul finding investment. Even the man who finds his pleasure with books is not an exception to this rule. The question is not shall I invest or to what extent shill I invest, but rather whore shall I invest? In the ma jority of cases it is not a well thought through and wisely answered question. It is rather a matter of drift or inclina tion. No man is logically a drunkard. Few men are Sabbath breakers from conclusions drawn from well laid pro mises. The sinfulness of iio is its in difference. It invests the social energy of life with less thought than is given to the investment of dollars. Men, does it pay not to be a christian? Does it pay not to attend church? Does it pay to invest all of your social powers outride of rightouB causes? The churches of Columbus need the men. The men built them and they wonld dislike to see them go out of business. Should you not be in the pew as much of a Sunday as your wife or daughter? The Congregational people extend to you a warm invitation to listen to the sermons of their pastor next Sunday, ia the morning, from thesubjeet. Christian Atonement, of the evening from the subject: The Religion of the Lord's Prayer Organic Unity of Society. William L. Dibble, Minister. Route No. 3. Gus Blessen is on the sick list this week. A new strel ceiling has been put up in the school bonne i district No. 12. Charles Drunken wns a guest at the J. W. Albers hom .Sunday evening. An eleven and one hilf pound snr arrived at the home of Mr. and Airs. Wm Reese on Monday. Henry Uobbensiefken and family of sonth of Platte Center were guests of friends on Route 11 Snnday. Ed Bakenhus returned last Saturday evening from Excelsior Springs Mo., much improved in health. Route No. 1. Lueschen was filling his Henry silo Tuesday. The carrier has not observed a single King road drag since the last rain. Ed Hollman drove his gosoline trac tion engine to Columbus Monday and traded it in on a larger engine. Mrs. Mabel Utisch and little daughter of Yutan, Nebr., arrived last Saturday for a visit at the home of Revr Mueller. Miss Kuth Pickett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pickett of Riverside, Gal., who has been on a European trip, will arrive in this city early in October and be the guest of H. B. Reed and family and other friends. Ostrich Plumes are much in demand in fall millinery. A good one will last for years if cared for while a poor one is shott lived. The ostrich is a tropical bird and,, when transplanted to any other country its plumage is much inferior, especially in durability. Onr stock is selected Afri can importations, the best we can buy H. H. STIRES. County Option Meeting. Rev. G. W. Young. D. D.. of Louis ville, Kentucky, assistant general super intendent of the National Anti-Saloon League, will speak at the North opera house, on Sunday evening, October 9. The meeting will be held auspices of the churches of He will discuss the subject option. under the Conmbus. of county Foreign , Money Orders And Travelers' specialty. Checks a We issue them on any part of the world. We also issue our own ters of credit. let- The safest way to carry money when traveling. Columbus State Bilk Capital SmrplM, Sft.OOO.OO Miss Metta Swaia of Liacola, was a guest at the home of her brother, Lloyd Swain, last week. Bricklsyers have the first story of the Levine buildisg well under way. having completed the briok work on the ment last week. Monday of next week the board of supervisors will meet ia regular session, and besides roatine business that body will complete arrangements for accept ing the Platte river bridge. Ia eoaaeo tion with this the county boards of But ler and Polk counties will have to be notified and these bodies pass on the structure before the Inal acceptance from the bridge company. Some of the best corn exhibited in the city is from the Sparkbawk farm, south of the river, now owned by David Thomas. The corn was brought ia by C. J. Carrig last week, and it was very well filled and the ears exceptionally large. This farm was always considered a good producer, and in spite of the dry weather during the summer, the yield of this field will be exceptional. Miss Emeline Lawrence and Charles McWilliams, both of Monree. were mar ried at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Morrow of College View, Neb. Mr. and Mm Mc Williams are well known ia Monroe, the bride having conducted a millinery store there for a number of years, and the groom ia at prfaent manager of J. E Erskiae's general store at that place. The bride's parents resided north of this city, ia Grand Prairie township, for a number of years. Driving the steel piling for the Platte river bridge, south of the city, was com pleted Tuesday, and the placing of the spaas is the heavy work that remains to be dono before the structure is complet ed. Foremen Uennerly exneots to have the structure ready for the grading at the ends by Saturday, October 8, aad that it will be available for crossiag by that time. The floor of the completed portion is laid, but is not nailed down solid, and this will bo done after the spans are in plaee and the bridge ready for crossing. Doing Good. To the People of Columbus: I am happy this morning, even though I am blind. I feel that a blind man can do some good in the world, if he tries. I have been trying to do good by selling meat to Columbus people at low prioes. A friend bas just been reading to me from one of the city papers an announce ment by my combined competitors, who say that they will hereafter sell meat at the low prices which I have established. That looks like I was doieg some good in Columbus, and I feel so good over the situation that I waat to thank the people for the splendid patronage they have been giving me since I made it possible for them to buy meat at low prices in Colambua. O. n Buschman. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Massing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Saits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, II aad $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for yoar in spection and ranging ia pries from 60c to $250 a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S