The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 21, 1910, Image 7

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What to Do
Before the
j Doctor Comes
There are few people who at one
time or another in their lives have
not been present when some person
was Injured, or when some emergency
case arose. It is unfortunate how few
know what to do to aid the unlucky
person until a physician can arrive.
A great amount of good can be done
by the proper emergency treatment
in Baving the strength of the patient,
lessening the duration and degree of
his suffering and, in cases where the
skin has been broken, in preventing
the injured part from becoming more
infected than it was at the time of
the accident.
Although it is very necessary to
know what to do in case of emer
gency, it is quite as important to
know what not to do. It has often oc
curred that because of some ill-advised
emergency treatment the inju
ries of the unfortunate person, which
were serious onough at first, have
been made more severe.
In Serious Cases Send for the Doctor.
Two points, which, although not a
part of the treaxnneiit itself, in all
serious cases at least should not be
overlooked, are first, don't forget to
s-end for tin- nearest physician at once
60 that he may be coming while you
are proceeding with thf treatment,
and second, don t get excited or fright
ened but keep your wits about you,
as you may do something in your
baste that may add further to the
injuries or suffering of the patient.
The seriousness of burns and scalds,
of course, depends upon their extent
and degree. Death is usually the re
sult if two-thirds of the body's sur
face Is affected by only a very slight
burn or if one-third of the surface is
affected by a burn that destroys the
tissues below the skin. Other results
of burns and scalds not fatal are de
formities caused by destruction of the
tisFuos and parts and the contraction
of the scar tissue that is formed in
healing, and infection of the part
which may go on to a general blood
Preventive Measures.
As in the treatment or all condi- '
tions we should study the preven-1
live measures first. Here are a
few points that should be men-!
toned. In all places, as labora
tories and foundries, where fire is
liable to occur, as from explosions
of apparatus or from furnaces, large
blankets made eutirely of wool should
be kept in easily accessible places to
be used to throw over any person
whoso clothes may have caught fin:.
No persons, especially little children,
should be allowed under any circum
stances to cover their garments with
The results or cold depend more
pon the emergency treatment than
do those of burns. Sudden chilling of
the body, especially when overheated,
may cause sudden death from a rapid
lessening of the amount of blood in
the brain. Death may nlso bo caused
ty the slow efiect of cold as in cases
ol freezing to death. The local effect
of cold is to lower the resistance of
tiie part and so favor inllammation
ind infection. In some cas's where
the tissues have Ivcn frozen for some
time they are so nearly killed that
paiigroue follows and the part is de
i roved
In order to prevent freezing of the
exposed parts of the body Keep the
blood circulating in them by continu
ous movement and friction by rubbing
and slapping with the hands.
The severe local effect of cold Is
known as a frost-bite. The low tem
perature depresses or slows the cir
culation in the part exposed and if this
continues until complete stoppage of
the blood has occurred, the part may
become white and freeze solid.
First Symptoms cf Freezing.
The first symptoms of freezing are
tingling and sharp stabbing pains,
usually of short duration, then numb
ness and a sense of weight and les
sened ability to movement. In the
ater stages we get less of all sensa
tion, bleaching of the part and. finally,
hardness of the tissues, and the part
feels cold to the touch.
Restoring the Vitality.
In some cases, even after the pa
has been frozen for a cousldeiab!
time, the vitality may be restored in l
by proper care and treatment, and. oi
ue other hand, cases where the pan
have not been really frozen may tei
xninate in gangrene on account r.l
home unskillful or all-advised treat
ment. The treatment of a frozen part
i?, of course, to thaw it out and re
store the circulation of the blood In
it This must be done very slowly by
gently rubbing the part with snow or
ice or dipping the part in ice water.
This should be done in a cold room,
preferably some woodshed or barn.
Turn the canoes bottom up and en
deavor to note the difference. You will
find that some are much flatter on the
bottom than others. These will be
found very safe; the others are cranky.
If of birch bark or canvas, the bottom
should be of one piece and the bark
nf v. inter growth. Never buy a canvas
tamie which is covered with two
pieces of material meeting at the
keel. That will be the first place to
look for a leak.
Having decided these points, look
carefully at the bulge of the sides and
then turn the cances over, this time
pla ir.g them on the ground on some
level spot. Now stand oer them.
raddling the gunwales, and apply
your second rule. You will notice that
loiue ol the canoes have very straight
sides and that others round in. Oc
casionally ou will find one which
rends out. Don't even consider such
u model the second time.
Summirg up, a cance with stiff ribs.
-.-Tl-placcd planking, and a smooth
-k.. will give the "stiffness" re
of the Kansas University Medical
School at Rofcdale
loose pieces of cotton or tinsel, as is
often done at Christmas and other en
tertainments, and go near burning
candles or unprotected flames of any
Home Remedies.
In slight burns the pain may be
lessened considerably by applying a
cloth wet in a saturated solution of
ordinary baking soda. Oil of any
kind, as linseed oil, may be used in a
similar manner to protect the parts
from the air. Any simple ointment
may be used, as petroleum (vaseline),
cold cream, boric ointment, etc.
Weak solutions of carbolic acid
(phenol), one part of carbolic to fifty
parts of water, or phenol sodique, one
part to eight parts of water, or a sat
urated solution of boric acid are good,
not only to relieve the pain, but are
also antiseptic, and so tend to lessen
the infection usually present.
If any blisters have formed, they
should not be broken, but the liquid
in them should be let out by punctur
ing them near the junction of the
laised portion with the level skin by
a large needle or other sharp Instru
ment that has first been heated for
a moment in a llanie and then allowed
to cool.
In extensive burns avoid applying
any strong antiseptic, as bichloride of
mercury (corrosive sublimate) or car
bolic acid (phenol), as the amount ab
sorbed may be enough to cause pois
oning. Importance of Cleanliness.
In applying any dressing do not use
dirty rags or cotton waste as they are
liable to carry germs that may infect
the injured part, and infection is one
of the conditions that we must try to
avoid. When possible use clean
cloths that have been washed and
Ironed, clean cotton, or best of all,
sterile dressings which can usually
be procured at any drug store. The
systemic effect of burns is to cause
a nervous shock and if at all severe,
the patient must be immediately giv
en stimulants. Sometimes artificial
respiration is necessary, the method
of which will be given when the treat
ment for drowning is considered
Avoid exposing the patient to cold
while removing any of his clothes or
applying dressings. Keep the body
warm by covering It with warmed
blankets or covers of any kind. Place
around him hot water bottles, any bot
tle or fruit jar filled with hot water,
or heated bricks, will do. Place these
close to the body under the covers,
but avoid having them come in too
close contact with the body, as often
severe burns have been caused by toe
close application of artificial heat bj
these means.
and under no consideration have the
patient brought into a warm room or
stand close to a fire. If the reaction
becomes too great and the part is
greatly swollen, red and hot to the
touch, it should be wrapped in cloths
wet with some rapidiy evaporating so
lution as sugar of lead water and
laudanum, or equal parts of alcohol
and water, and held in an elevated po
.sotion so as to lessen the amount ol
blood to the part.
General Effect of Cold.
The systemic or general effect ol
cold upon the body follows a very sim
ilar course to its effect upon a single
part. There is first pain and uneasi
ness, then drowsiness and numbness,
and finally unconsciousness, which
continues until death if the condition
is permitted to progress.
Treatment of the effect of cold upon
the whole body should follow the same
general principles as when only a
small part is affected. The tempera
ture of the body must be raised very
slowly and the circulation restored
cautiously. As the reaction progresses
stimulants, as black coffee or aromatic
spirits of ammonia, etc., may be given
in small quantities, but not repeated
very often. Later, small quantities ol
liquid food, as broths and hot milk
z:ay be given. Be sure to remembei
i o keep the patient out of a warm
room and away from any stove or fire
ntil reaction has been well estab
'ished. After Dinner Oratory.
"Terwilliger, the trouble with -ou is
tat you eat too fast. You didn't
oinc into that restaurant until I had
een eating for half an hour or more,
nd yet you finished as soon as I did
fou don't half masticate your victuals
Some day you'll suffer agonies from
dyspepsia, if you don't now. I make
it an invariable custom to chew my
food thoroughly, no matter how busy
I am."
"Yes. but that's no reason, Jerolo
man. why you should chew your tooth
pick for half an hour after you've
quit eating"
a Canoe
quired. The bow and stern of a can
vas canoe should be finished with a
couple of feet of one-quarter inch
metal molding to save the canoe from
wearing through while resting on the
shore. Douglas W. Clinch in Outing.
As It Sometimes Happens.
"I see you've moved again. Didn't
you like your fiat?"
"Yes. I liked it Immensely. Best
one I over lived in."
"Was the location unhandy on ac
count of your business?"
"No; it was just right."
"Were the other renters objection
able?" "Not in the least."
"Anything wrong with the neighbor
hood?" "No."
"Yet you moved. What was the
"The trouble was with roe, 1 think.
The agent of the building eaid it was
too hard work collecriag the rent for
our apartments."
Damage Done by Causing Falltzre of Many Nuts to Germinate
Makes the Group an Important One From
Economic Standpoint.
By FRED S. BROOKS. Associate Ento
mologist. "West Virginia University Ag
ricultural Experiment Station.)
The forests of West Virginia are
rich in native nut-bearing trees and
shrubs. At least twenty-seven species
are found that bear nuts which are
used as food by man or by the animals
that are of value to man. The nut
bearing trees furnish also the bulk
of hardwood timber that is produced
in the state.
With the probable exception of the
beechnut, all the more common varie
ties of nuts, and. presumably, those
that are less common as well, are at
tacked by the larvae, or grubs, of over
a dozen different species of snout
beetles. Some of these larvae feed
on the husks and inner tissues of im
mature nuts and others on the ker
nels of nuts that are more nearly
ripe. Young walnuts and hickorynuts
are frequently attacked soon after the
blossoms fall from the trees and the
infested nuts drop to the ground be
fore they are half grown. Chestnuts,
acorns and some other varieties sus
tain the greatest iujury as they ap
proach maturity. It is not unusual
for chestnuts that arc kept a week or
two after gathering to become from 50
per cent, to 75 per cent, "wormy" and
acorns often suffer to even a greater
extent. The infested nuts are ren
dered unlit for food and in many cases
are so badly eaten that they will not
germinate when planted.
The Injury which these insects do to
a valuable article of food and their
direct detriment to natural forest de
velopment, in causing the failure of
A. It. C and D. Straight-snouted Acorn
Acorn Weevil that has lost its foothold
dead: F. Sooty Acorn Wi-evil.
many nuts to germinate. . make the
group an important one from an eco
nomic standpoint.
Nuts are attacked by a great va
riety of insects, but the most serious
injuries are done by moths and snout
beetles. The larvae of several species
of moths may be found in chestnuts,
beechnuts and acorns, particularly in
nuts that have their shells broken
so as to permit easy entrance to the
kernel by the insects. The damage
wrought by the class of insects known
as snout beetles, however. Is greatly
in excess of that done by all other
kinds combined.
The term "snout beetle" is applied
:o the adults of tho group of insects
on account of the peculiar structure
of the head, the front part of which.
Is prolonged into a snout or proboscis.
In some species this snout is short
and stout and in others it is long,
slender and wire-like. In the females
of some of the nut weevils it is longer
than the rest of the body. The mouth,
which is armed with a minute but
strong pair of jaws, is situated on the
apex of the snout and the appendage
is used for piercing or puncturing vari
ous kinds of plant tissue to obtain
The device shown In the Illustration
Is made of flooring plank, 16 feet long
(1). Place a spirit level (2) In center
of plank. Fasten a leg to each end of
the plank (3 and 4), letting one leg be
Scientists Have Been Studying- for
Years to Discover Law and
Undoubtedly It Would Be
Boon to Poultrymca.
For years the scientists have been
trying to discover the law that regu
lates sex. Undoubtedly the discovery
wjuld be a great boon to poultry
keepers. To have the farm over-run
with cockerels when early pullets are
wanted is annoying, and It is not sur
prising that any system purporting to
regulate the sex Is eagerly tried by
breeders. We have heard it claimed
that the pointed eggs batched pullets
and the round ones cockerels, and
then again the opposite is claimed.
Others claim that the location of the
air cell is the dete?minlng factor, and
cgain that it Is merely a question of
nourishment, tne stronger nounsnea j
egg? producing males. Some breed-1
crs depend upon their cattega, L?liev- J
aaBBBBBaaakw :-- fS' yv
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j 3LBa. ' r r, 5WSti y t k Bat v j!
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food and to provide an opening in
which to deposit eggs.
Chestnuts are frequently gathered
that appear sound at first, but within
ten days or two weeks thereafter be
come excessively "wormy." Where
these "worms" come from has often
been a matter of conjecture on the
part of those who handle nuts. It is
a common belief that they originate
from the "sting" of some insect ad
ministered at the time the trees are
in bloom. As a matter of fact, they
hatch from eggs that are in the nuts
at the time the nuts are gathered.
Most of these eggs are deposited by
this chestnut weevil a short time pre
vious to the droppinc of the nuts
from the trees.
The common acorn weevil is the
largest of the weevils attacking
acorns. In size, it is similar to the
hlckorynut weevil but in color it more
nearly resembles the larger chestnut
weevil. The spots on the back are
smaller than in the latter species,
however, and are uot so bright and
conspicuous. The snout is very slen
der and is curved at the point. In
the female, it is nearly half an inch
in length, or. about a fifth longer than
the body. In the male, it is two-thirds
as long as the body. The pygidium.
or last abdominal segment, of the male
is deeply concave with the concavity
smooth and shining and surrounded by
a rim of silken hairs. This peculiar
character enables the species to be
separated very readily from all other
members of the genus.
This species seems to attack only
- y'j. .'i
ftt X JZX-i'Vi
w, a?.-3;
. v-;
Weevil preparing a pl:u-e for Its -g;?. E.
on the tiut anil hung by the snout until
the acorns of the biennial oaks and
in my collecting has always been
found more abundant on red oak than
nn nnv other tree. The fworns which
' it attacks are late In maturing and
the beetles are correspondingly late in
I appearing.
A Great Convenience.
A cistern on the farm is one of the
practical conveniences that should he
furnshed the women. Cisterns can be
made by plastering against the sides
of a hole in the ground with cement
mortar made of one part Portland ce
ment and three parts of good shart
sand. One coat can be put on in the
morning and the second toward night
In digging give enough slant to the
sides so there is no danger of caving
Bricks may be used to arch over the
Killing Ticks on Sheep.
To kill ticks on sheep feed them
sulphur In their salt, one quart of dry
sulphur to every pail of salt. Keep
where the sheep can get at it. This
will rid the flock of ticks in a very
ahort time.
an Inch longer than the other. By run
ning longer leg in front going down
hill, there will be one inch fall to the
rod. which is the correct amount of
fall to make terraces.
ing that cockerels mated with hens
will produce a preponderance of fe
males, and that a cock mated with pul
lets will produce a preponderance of
males. In spite of all the theories
that have been advanced, the law that
controls sex has yet to be discovered.
That dM
". "- r-
wun tne nrat call the heffer should
be stimulated t regularity in feeding
and milking, to keep up a rood flow nf
milk and to maintain this flow pretty
close up to the next caJtring. The ob
ject is to fix in her continuity for milk.
.Never let her get fat. though. They
keynote to success Is the cow, and the
foundation ot xtt cow is feed and
Mistakes of the Farmer.
Let the fanner review the mistakea
that he has made the past year and
see if it will not help to prevent his
repeating them again next year.
Small Litters.
Aa overworked sire means smal'
litters, and small litters don't pay.
The Maiden Dolls are tnado for 5
girls to play with. '
The Hachelor And a good many i
men marry them.
"Our baby when two months old
was suffering with terrible eczema
from bead to foot, all over her body.
The baby looked just like a skinned
rabbit. We were unable to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to be a few
mattered pimples. They would break
the skin and peel off leaving the un
derneath skin red as though it were
Fcalds. Then a few more pimples
would appear and spread all over tho
body, leaving the baby all raw without
skin from head to foot. On top of her
head there appeared a heavy scab a
quarter of an inch thick. It was aw
ful to see so small a baby look as she
did. Imagine! The doctor was afraid
to put bis hands to the child. We
tried several doctors' remedies but all
"Then we decided to try Cutlcura,
By using the Cutlcura Ointment we 1
softened the scab and it came off. Un
der this, where the real matter was,
by washing with the Cutlcura Soap
and applying the Cutlcura Ointment,
a new skin soon appeared. We also
gave baby four drops of the Cutlcura
Resolvent three times daily. After
three days you could seo the baby
gaining a little skin which would peel
off and heal underneath. Now the
baby is four months old. She is a fine
picture of a fat little baby and all
is well. We only used one cake of Cutl
cura Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Oint
ment and one bottle of Cutlcura Re
solvent. If people would know what
Cutlcura is there would be few suffer
ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss
mann. 7 St. John's Place. RIdgcwood
Heights, N.Y., Apr. 30 and May 4, '03."
A Fallen Idol.
"What makes you so sure the Amer
ican public is fickle?"
"Tin lYwnritfnn fi ntfjvnt- whrt n?pri
to be on the home team gets when he
comes visiting."
No evil dooms us hopelessly except j
the evil we love and desire to keep in.
and make no effort to escape from.
George Eliot.
The only certaint;- is principle; as '
new as today, and as old as the uni- '
verse. Horatio Stebbens. '
Ivi. Single Binder t-traiplit ."Jo ciptr
i mn.le to fati-fy the smoker.
The more worthy any soul is. the
larger its compassion. John Bright.
It is a sure sign of some
inward weakness -when
the appetite commences
to lag and you have that
"don't care" sort of feel
ing at meal-time. It is
something that needs im
mediate attention, for
neglect only brings on
more trouble and often a
long illness. Restore the
appetite and keep it nor
mal by the use of Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters. It
is for Poor Appetite, In
digestion, Dyspepsia,
Costiveness and Maiana
us2eVi Thtmistii'f EytWtft !
n I
Nebraska Directory
Are the Best. Ask your local dealer or
M. Spiesberger It Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
IIM Best In the West
m 1517 DHfjH St., OMAHA. NEB.
M'iTJ Reliable Dentistry at Haserata Prices. '
by mill at est price. Seed for freo cataluznn.
I3tt n
Amarloan S2.00 par day and upward
uraeaans:.0O oar day and uswardaw
fiaaaua Tatto Dodsa Stroat Car
UMNna at Union Oapot.
Co::r note sccCt trijhtjr end fttlcr caiors lhn ar.r ether tfj-. Cn 10c caeVsj? co'efs a'.l Bberj.-TJify t!c in eetd water Helter thin sbt eth ..
Ycjcar.c, YWitsfariree t3cHt-HewtoCe.C!cac!iandMUCo!ors. MCMRGE DRUG CO., Qa.'ncy, UlinciL
titf. and lav
Iiaeriacoat, bronchitis, or bkxdioi at the fangs, k will bring abovt
care in96 per cent, of all catci. It k a reawdy prepared by Dr. R.V. Pierce,
ofBooslo, N.Y., whose advice is given fre to all who wish to write hia. His
great mootse baa cone front hk wide experience and Taried practice.
Don't be wbeedkd by a penayf rabbins dealer into taking inferior obsti
tates for Dr. Pierce's media, recommended to be "fa as good." , Dr.
Pierce's nuiliria are of known composition. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots witbont alcohol. Contain no habit-.
farauag drags. World's Diipi ary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
L .LnnnnnnnnnEBannnnnnnnnnnnaBsMlwsBna f
answ s VBBI nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnMnnmsBnnn ,
m BawnmaKBsannnnl
mx JEL
Drsis Dsaiis-Wark
Desnoyers "SIX MONTHS'' Shoes
Guaranteed for Full Six Months' Wear
We send way to Switzerland and rrsnee for the hides from which we make these
shoe. Our Bwissox Soles are from Switzerland hides. The uppers are from Pari
Veals. These hides rot twice as much ss ordinary hides, but they are the toughest
sud best raw materials procurable.
Wonderful wearing qualities are added to the leather and it la made perfectly water
proof and flexible through our secret tanning process. We uae Army Duck linings that
cost twice as much as ordinary lining. The uppers are sewed together by Iocs stitch
machines, using the very highest grade silk thread.
Lightest Neatest Most Stylish
Our "Six Months Shoes" not only have wearing qualities that wiU surprise the hardest
shoe wearer on earth, but they hae a beautiful style and finish that wUl delight the taor.t
particular dresser.
SnslawVifAn ISnarantOA ,f eitherthe soles orupperswearout wittu'n
VUI VW 1171 1 UUaiai I S W fuur months we agree to furnish a new pair
of shoes entireJy free of charge. If either the soles or uppers wear out durltiir tti rtfth
month wcarrce to refund t&OO in cash. If either the soles or uppers wear out durluir th. month we agree to refund 11.00 in cash. In other words, if these shoes should nut
give full Mx months wear we refund more than the proportion they fall short.
Your dealer wiH swks any rademsties accenUac to osr gsanaCss. Yos aWt have
to scad to Use factory or seal with strangers.
Send for Dealer's Name and Style Book-fjj,-
shoe, buslnesit shoe or work nhoe. you will find the beat styles and best values in a -er&
"Six Months" Shoe. Send postal for atyle book and name of our dealer in your sown.
Desnoyers Shoe Copay,
Land nles and homestead entries increasing. No relation In numbers polnjr from Cn'led
States. Wonderful opportunities remain for those tvhi Intend making Canndu their home.
Nen-districts bein? opened up for settlement. Many farmer will net. this year, 10 U 2!i per
acre from their wheat crop. All the advantages of old settled countries are there. Goot
pohools. churches, splendid markets, excellent railway facilities. See the grain exhibit at the
different State and home of the County fairs.
Tetters similar to the following are received
conditions; other districts are as favorably spoken of:
Mai&Mone. Husk.. Canada. Ann. 5th. 1913.
"My parents came here fnm Cedar tall. Iowa.
fnnr years !(. an4 were v well pleased with lh!
ronntrr trier Kent toUueurd'Alene. for me. 1 have
LaLn nnn liikmcff(1 nmpltwm ifiilnm rarfMtlv
katlsfled to stop here." Leucard Douglas. .
"Well I got up herw f rum Forest City. Iowa.
Ppring In good snap with th stock and everything.
Now, I have got two hoy back In Iown ypt.and I
am going back ttvmnow soon tugrttbetn and an
otherrarupherethl fall. What I wonld llko to
know l. If there l any chance to get a chenp rate
bark again, and when we rt-t'irn to Canada I will
callai youroSceforourcertiarate.
Tonr. truly, ll.A.Wlk.
Bralnerd. Minn.. Auk. 1st. 1910.
"I am going to Canada a week (rum today and
Intend to make my home there. My busLand ha
berntberesiz weksand Is well plcasrd with tho
country: oh want ms In come as soon as pos
sible. He Sled nn a claim near Landls. Sask and
by his description of It It ttoit be a pretty place.
Send for literature and ask the local Canadian Government Agents for Excar.doa Hates,
best districts in w hich to locate, and when to go. .
W. V. BENNETT, 801 New Ytfk
Bead postal for
Free Package
of Paxtine.
llaaM aaUacatics
Grtiimiwail iWeA;cIaaw,waiiw
gwnBfree taau aabscpticalrjr daaai
OMatk akvl tiiroatBurifica ihm fcraath
aftaramoIrJsw dispels all disogrewbl.
pcrspiratioo and body odors stuck ap
pwciatad by dainty womaa. Aqaidt
for aocw eyea ad caterra.
A Etile Psztbe powder da
solred ia a glass cf bot watex
aukes a dcllful aahwpSc so
I'jtjca, poaKuicg extraordmxrr
clrsssrsg. pcrcTrdil ocd beaC
is power, and ebo!utcly btrra
less. Try a Sample. 50c a
laree box at drugpfts or by atatL
aaaaaaa aawaj arTJB .afawBBsW aV9wB
t B aaaft Srf Rasf anl aKai SIB avS
bvobwm wHbwBbbt VLV BBaat DaaJB VaVaVI BaBaBfrlHBBl
Vtswl ILwH aWaWBl saVdal r V VLVLVA
Do You Feel This Way?
Do you feci all tired oat? Do you sosKttso
think you jut can't work away at your profes
or trade any longer? Do yo have a poor epc
awake at aifhtft unable to slccn? Arj
yoar nerves all gone, sad your stomach too ? Hs ao
bttion to forge abend ia the world left you? If so, yea
night ss well put a stop to your misery. Yoa cob do it it
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
sake you different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set things right ia your stomach, crd
vow appetite will cowac back. It will purify your blood.
If there k any tendency iayocr family toward coaasenptien,
k will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after ccn
caamtiM has ahnoat rainrrl foothold ia the form of a
The Rsyo Lamp la a high trade lamp, soM at a low price.
Tbro ar lamps that cost mora, buttiirrels no better lampmailcatnny
price. Ubtutrnctrd of tolld brass: Blckel plated tmsUy keptclrsn;nn
ornament to snjr room In tinrbousa. Tlier Is nuthlnu known to tbr art
of lamp maktiw that can add to tbevalneottbeKA VO Lamps' a llght
gUlnte tlrrloe. Kvery dealer ererfwhere. It Dot at yours, write lor
UescrtpUve circular to the nearest agency of th
on Earth!1
500 Big Shoe Men Fighting Our Plan
We have startled the nation with our -Six Months Guaran
tee ofler on shoesl Never before have shoes been sold
under a written, money-back guarantee! JKever before
has it been fossible to make a shoe good enough to
back such a guarantee. Shoe manufacturers' enor
mous selling expenses has prevented it.
13 Our plan shatters the system that robs the pub
lic oi r ive uiiuon XJUtiara a jrar-,ww,ww "
Is being speut on hlf;b-salarled traveling meu
and their outlandish expenses.
We have done sway with thla wholesale waste
of money. We aell direct to dealers by letter,
and makeS-cent stamps do the work of sales-
en. Taetnouaandaol dollars aaYeanasneen
spent ou high irrade foreljrn leathers and other
quality materials that others can't afford.
That's why "Six Months" shoes CAN be guar
anteed. 2234 pjm St., St. Lmis, Me,
1910 CROPS
Wheat Yield in Many Districts Wiil
Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Sere
every day, testifying to satisfactory
Mrorotber-in-Iaw. Mr. Prank J. tticre
and It was ihrougb him that we decided u !ucau la
lours iruij.
Mrs. Klcnard Ilcnry Ebiszor.
Taylors Kail. Minn.. Am. 7. I51U.
-AV I shall en to CainniMK thin Kali iihmTn !.!
Yr h2sehola troods. 1 Rit a poor crop Here thla yr
""1."' ""'?'" -.'VB,i"'u,"i T?m''
want mn to come there. He formerly llrd In
Wilton. North Dakota. I am going to buy or takw
homestead when I get there, hut Ido not want to
travel two times toere. run take my brother-In-la-i's
word aboot the country, and want to en your low
rate." Tuurstrcly j
letor A. Nelvoa. J
Veata. Minn.. July 34th. 1310
! went to Canada nine vears ax and took una
r.narter section of railroad Una and a hoirmtad,
tint my bora have n-vcr token tin nnv inn.i
U11 hold the railroad land. I had to eomn l.j-k to
the via te on account of my health. Pirate let m
know at once If 1 can get the cheap rate to runuta.
Albertc" Tfonrs tmly.
Oeo. l'akTitt.
Vesta. !
Life BiiMin. Oaalra, Nebraska
Salts and Castor
A bad olaff aeer cars,
JMm only makes bowels move be
cause it irritates and sweats then
like pokingfmgermyoax eye. The beet
Bowel Medicine is Ccccarets.
Every Salts and Castor Oil user should
get a box of CASCARETS and try
them last once. You'll see. &
Cascarets Ite box week' fr-atn:enf.
All dnsiits. UirTt cl!tr in Vato
world -xaiUioa boxes a oonth.
Allrn'l lrrrsecsalvrrurrl.'ljronicLI.r.i-ei:
llcr,c',rif olon flco-. :r!ro- l'l-r-.Ir.-lolrnr
InST.MUk I.e".Fc'ecor'.stUM. .t't.i
tai:r. 2j aailMtr. JaV.Ll.EN.Ilcyt.Ai'J't.raBl.lM.n.
luKtnn.iXX. lt . v-.
eut rcereotsj ka. r4uua
l FI-TUI !S M-idlrs !.r'- ti !( Ki-1!t' In
s iint.-.. It .in". M!3i raixi is.nauijx. T!irrccii
W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 33-1910.
Keeps tJie spindle bright and
tree from grit. jTy a j.ox
Sold by dealers everyv.hcre.