--- -- - (folnmhxxs fournal. Columbu. PTebr. Consolidated with the Columbus Time April 1 law With the 1lmtte Conatr Argus January Kn'eradattte Paatoaloa,ColaHbe,Hbr.,as ;rondlaas mail matter. nun orinMoirnoi: OLeyaar.br mall, ..$LM Six no Three aoatae. .Tl WEDNESDAY. 8EPTEMBEU 21, 1910. STBOTHEK Jfc COMPANY, Proprietors. BKNKWALH Tbe data opposite jroar name on I our paper, or wrapper ahowa to what time joor subscription la paid. Thna JanOS ahowa that payment haa been reoaived op to Jan. 1,1906, reb(fitoFb.l,lMBandaoon. When payment ia made, the data, which anawara aa a receipt, anil be chanced aeoordincly. DltfCONTIMDANCES-Keepoaalble aabacrlb re will coatinae to receive thia journal nntil the pabUahara are notified by letter to dieeontinae, hen all arrearages niaat be paid. If yon do not wiah the Joaiaal oontinned for another year af ter the time paid for baa expired, yon ahonld prerioaaly notify na to diaaonttnaa it. CHANGE IN ADDREHB-Wneo. ordering a bange In the addreaa,aaiiacribera ahonld be aare 1 1 e their old a wall aa their new addraaa. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For U. S. Senator KLMKIt J. BUKKETT For Congressman, Third District JOHN F. novo For Governor C. II. ALDKICII For Lientenant-Uovcrnor M. 1L HOPEWELL For Secretary of State ADDISON WAIT For Auditor SILA8 It. BARTON For Attorney General GKANT G. MAKTIN For Land Commiesionor E. II. COWLES For Treasarer WALTEK A. GEOUGE For Superintendent Instruction J. W. CKABTHEE For Hailroad Commissioner HEMtV T. CLAHKE. jb For State Senator EDWIN 1IOAKE For State liepresentativ e FRANK SC1IRAM For County Attorney C. N. McELFKESII For Supervisor, District No. 1 C. A. PETERSON AUTOMOBILE AND HEALTH. What is the effect of automobilhig on health? The question is engaging the attention of our foremost insurance companies, which are at work obtain ing statistics from which really valua ble deductions may lie made. But it has already been taken up by individ ual doctors, and, if one may judge by what they say, the general verdict is likely to le much in the automobile's favor, though in special coses where persons are affected with certain kinds of complaints its use will be con demned. Recently Dr. James Tyson presented a paper in Philadelphia on the effect of the use of the automobile upon the heart. His conclusions' were favorable. He expressed the belief that in niauy cases of heart trouble the sufferer is materially lenefited by automobiling. It gently stimulates the circulation, affords fresh air, a moderate amount of exercise and mental diversion, things which he says have an excellent influ ence in these cases. In the Medical Record for August 20, Dr. Bryson Delavan of New York discusses the matter from another standpoint, that of the effect of automobiling upon the upper air passages. While admitting that the subject must be carefully in vestigated before an authoritative opinion may be reached, he comes to the tentative conclusion that "properly used in suitable cases, the automobile may be a valuable therapeutic agent." In acute catarrhal conditions, he says, motoring would seem to be a bad thing. But in many subacute and chronic catarrhal conditions it appears to be distinctly advantageous. And he states that iu his own experience many such cases have been benefited and more than one patient of long standing has been cured. If sudden changes in temperature and exposure to strong winds can be avoided cases of asthma and bronchitis may be ben efited by the automobile. Several cases, he says, have been reported to himj'in which bronchial asthma, vas omotor coryza, and hay fever have been markedly relieved by it." His opinion concerning the effect upon patients suffering from throat or pul monary tuberculosis appears to be less definite. Common sense will be pleased to find the doctors' opinion in agreement with itself. And who shall say that the indirect effects of automobiling may sot be even greater than the direct effects? Automobilists having at last obtained a whiff of real fresh air are building sleeping porches, are more and more oppressed by stale air and an indoor life. Is it a bad guess that the only kind of insurance companies that will be at all likely to discrimi nate against chauffeurs or others who pend a large part of their time in Automobiles will be the accident com panies? New York Commercial Advertiser. IN. OCEAN DEPTHS. As water constitutes seventy-one hundredths of the globe's surface, it is interesting to know that the infant science of oceanography is progressing with giant strides. It is only a very short time since the first attempts to investigate submarine conditions were made, and the difficulties in the path of the pioneers were such as to de mand the highest degree of ingenuity on their part at every step they took. Just a very few years ago, man's knowledge stopped a trifling distance below the crests of the waves. Now quite a little has been discovered about matters at a depth of about twenty thousand feet The extra tem perature of the water at that depth has been ascertained. And among many curious facts established in this connection is the one that the tem perature, at that great depth, is al most the same in the North Atlantic and Indian oceans, there being a dif ference of scarcely one degree. As the pressure of the water is so great that it pulverizes gass tubes at a depth of less than nineteen thousand feet, and as ordinary steel tubes are crushed at little more than twenty thousand feet, it is easy to realize what inventive faculties were neces sary in the construction of the in strumenU required in these research es. And what of the skill shown in making contrivances that can be low ered some twenty thousand feet, only to open automatically at that depth (or any other lesser depth decided on) capture specimens of animal life found there, and bring them safely up to the exploring ship? Contrivances such as those just mentioned have rendered it possible to secure wonderfully colored speci mens of animal life at depths of not much less than 20,000 feet, some specimens a delicate pink, others a beautiful violet, others again a bright scarlet, while some were exquisitely shaped, all of the specimens blind though, sight being useless at depths where eternal obscurity reigns. At a depth of 100 feet, in water of average translucency, in cloudy weather, one can not distinguish a rock, about a cubic yard in size, at more than twenty-five to thirty feet. This naturally provoked the desire to ascertain how far down daylight pen etrates, and how long it lasts at var ious depths. Photographic plates have been used for the tests, as many as half a dozen to a dozen ingeniously constructed cameras being simultan eously lowered to various depths on one line, absolutely accurate results being invariably obtained. Fishrs require animal or plant food, and as far down as 000 feet fishes are found that feed on both animals and plants. Below that depth there are only car nivorous fishes, as plant life ceases, on account of the absence of light, at less thau 1,000 feet In some waters, at depths far below the lowest point reached by the sun's rays, luminous bacteria shed light Not long ago a hall, in which an oceanographic meeting was being held, was illuminated by means of myriads of these bacteria in water brought from the depths of the sea. The water was in very large glass bottles placed around the walls, and the effect ob tained was that of bright moonlight Not only were those present able to recognize each other, but the play of the features could be distinguished without the slightest difficulty. These bacteria, however, are not found iu all waters, possibly on account of the varying chemical contents of sea water, samples of which (obtained at many depths, in many seas) have been subjected to careful chemical analysis. Water was obtained, for instance at depths of twelve to thirteen hundred feet in the Baltic sea, not far from the coast of Sweden, and found to contain such a percentage of carbolic acid as to preclude animal life. The chemi cal analysis of sea water, by the by, has made it possible to determine where water comes from, when taken from points where ocean currents are no longer otherwise discernible, al though the water of those currents at the given points has not yet liecome mixed with the surrounding water sufficiently to lose its characteristics. To return to the luminous bacteria, it is a curious fact that many varieties lose their luminosity for a while, after being exposed to sunlight And not only are there little denizens of the deep under ordinary conditions, are constantly and involuntarily lum inous, but there are some which shed light only when they desire to do so. Some months back, a very small op lophorus grimaldil was brought up from a depth of some eighteen thou sand five hundred feet It was placed in a glass bowl in a dark cabin on board the ship, and a few drops of fresh water were then added to the salt water from the depths, whereup on the oplophorus instantly jected a small quantity of a beautiful, pale blue, luminous fluid. The experiment was repeated several times at short in tervals, and each time successfully. To give an idea of the smoothness with which the mecanism works, by means of which specially constructed cameras, boxes, bottles or other con trivances can be lowered to a great depth and raised to the surface again, it may be well to state that the ap paratus which captured the oplopho rus was lowered in forty-four minutes, and raised in forty-seven minutes. In the attempts made so far to as certain the greatest depths of the ocean, no depth greater than 32,000 feet has been found. Mount Everest, the highest mountain, is -some 29,000 feet high. The difference, therefore, between the highest elevation and the greatest depression, of the earth's crust as known to man today, is some Gl,000feet Ocean depths of over 20,000 feet are, however, very rare, and few reach 20,000. But oceano graphy is no longer restricted' to the mere registering of the various depths the study of sea bottom soils has begun. There are even today a few score brilliant inventions, which enable the investigator to conduct the most vari ed forms of oceanographic research. The scores of today will be hundreds tomorrow. Money, labor, scholarship and talent have, from the outset, been lavished on this new science. Secrets that seemed destined ever to remain be yond our reach have already been re vealed, and the light of knowledge is penetrating the most hidden recesses of the mighty deep. Boston Trans cript PREACHING DISCONTENT. For the past year the preachers of discontent have been appealing to the people to go to the polls this fall and vote against every congressman who supported the Payne tariff law or the Aldrich-Cannon tariff law, as the insurgents, and democrats like Hitch cock, are pleased to term it The people of Nebraska have been told that they are being robbed by the so-called special interest measure, and a few republicans right here in Nance county believe it, and accept as the truth statements sett out to prejudice the minds of voters against any candi date who defends the Tafl administra tion. Speaker Cannon has been held up as the "bogy man" responsible for all our national ills, real and fancied. Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, has been denounced as a man who repre sents "the system" that is sucking the life blood of the nation. It is recalled, that thirty-four years ago John Sherman was the "bogy man" the democrats and insurgents set uf. to scare the people into voting for a change in the national adminis tration. Sherman lived long enough for time, to vindicate the resumption of specie payment and to see many of his traducers pass away unknown and unhonored. Sherman was as much abused then as Cannon is today; Grant was alluded to as a sot, and Blaine, Coukliug, Morton, Garfield and Logan were placed in the same class by the enemies of Grant's administration to which the enemies of Tafi have con signed every republican of prominence who defends the Payne tariff' law from unjust and ignorant criticism. Under the administration of Presi dent Taft the country was never in a more prosperous condition. Agricul tural communities never enjoyed greater prosperity. The farmers of Nance county never had as much money on deposit iu the banks as they have today. Land values are higher than at any time since the country was reclaimed from its wild state. Every thing raised on the farm brings a good price a price so high that the self styled reform politicians on the stump in the east are appealing to the people of the industrial centers to vote for insurgent-democratic candidates for congress, using the argument that flour, beef, pork and all farm products are too high; that by sending demo crats and insurgents to congress and changing the tariff' law the price of farm products will be reduced and the cost of living made cheaper. When a professional reformer goes out after votes he always indulges in cheap talk by advocating cheap prices for everything except the price of labor and the salary of the office he aspires to fill. In the west, the professional re former is bellowing about how much cheaper the things produced in the east will be when he takes his seat in congress and reforms the tariff accord ing to the Calhoun idea. But the reformer does not indulge in that kind of talk in the manufacturing districts of the east, where boots and shoes and cotton goods are made. The last statement of the banks of Nance county made the first day of the present month shows that there is on deposit more thau one million dollars. This immense amount of money is an argument in favor of prosperity that the professional reformers, and de fkmers of President Tail, have thus far failed to answer. It is hard work to convince a man who is out of debt, has money in the bank and rides in an automobile, that such men as Tail, Cannon and Aldrich are really a menace to the commercial and agri- cultural interests Genoa Times. oi me country. CANCER RESEARCH SOCIETY. There is aa orgaaization called the American Cancer Research society. Dr. L. D. Rogers of Chicago is its president, and Dr. W. A. Guild of Des Moines, its secretary, is now visiting Lincoln in its interest The purpose of the society is in particular to interest the physicians and surgeons all over the land ia the study of this disease; to get them to keep careful notes of such cases as come nader their care and report to the central officer; andto stir up such public interest in the matter as shall lead to such work as is now being done for the victims of tuberculosis. Dr. Guild is now calling upon Lin coln physicians and surgeons in ad vance of the meeting of the society, which will be held in Chicago next month. Tuberculosis is no longer in curable, and thousands of its victims are nowadays saved completely, or their lives indefinitely prolonged, but cancer is still considered by most phy sicians as perfectly hopeless. Some day, God grant it will not be far dis tant, the victim of cancer may also be of good hope. Some day a physi cian may, without being charged with quackery, be able to proclaim his abil ity to save us from this loathsome and direful disease. Some day gov ernment will lend its powerful aid and philanthropists will build hospitals for this class of unfortunates, as is now being done for consumptives. A se rum or other remedy will be found that shall stop the ravages of cancer. A few consecrated physicians are devoting their lives to the problem. What they want is the help and co operation of their fellow physicians and of the public at large. Lincoln Star. VERDICT IN THE BROWNE CASE. There appears to be a remarkable degree of unanimity of feeling relative to the decision in the Lee O'Neil Browne case in Chicago. A very great number of people clearly have assumed that Browne was guilty of the crime with which he was charged, and these are intimating that the Chicago jury failed to perform its duty. There may be some slight degree of comfort in remembering that there are always two sides to everything, and that few witnesses are in a position to see all that is on both sides. Perhaps it is just possible that Lee O'Neill Browne has been the victim of a conspiracy seeing that we all believe or are beginning to lielieve in Illinois conspiracies. To go liack to the beginning in the case: There was a general and pro per feeling of repugnance when the chief witness against Browne, Charles A. White, came forward with the statement that he had been paid by Browne to vote for Lorimer. Men with a normal habitof viewing matters having to do with public morality could not quite understand the action of a man who could be persuaded to accept a bribe, and who afterward made the matter public. Perhaps no thoroughly honorable man ever has been involved in such a case, even when patriotic motives are given as a basis for the action. There seems something contemptible in the practice of fighting the devil with fire. If it is an old method, it still is not a reputable one. Moreover, the reasonable mind simply refuses to believe that the jury in the second trial of Browne, chosen with a lively realization of the fact that the first jury had been placed under suspicion, should have leen composed of a majority of unscrupul ous men. It is only fair to assume that they rendered a verdict in accor dance with the evidence and with their convictions. We refuse to believe that American manhood iu any locality has sunk so low that dishonesty along wholesale lines can be found. St. Louis Times. PRIEST OF VAN STOPPED CHOLERA. A caravan had brought cholera into the Turkish city of Van over the route traveled centuries before by Zenophon and his ten thousand. The disease spread rapidly, for its progress was greatly facilitated by the water supply that came from a near-by mountain and ran through the streets in open ducts. The population of the city was equally divided between Mohamme dans and Armenian Christians. The a missionaries knew that cholera entered the body only through the mouth and that the microbes might be destroyed by high temperature; they determined accordingly to persuade the people to boil their food and drink and sterilize their cooking utensils. The Moham medans were impervious to advice; they declared that inasmuch as Allah had written upon every man's fore head the precise moment and manner of his death, it waa both useless and blasphemous to try to thwart His will by infidel precautions. The Anne- while not equally fatalistic showed, like their contemporaries in New York, the indifference born of ignorance. It was only when people began to die by the hundred that the fear of death stirred their lethargy. Then they turned to their priest, Hovsen Vartabed, for help. Now, when the missionaries had asked Hovsen Vartabed to explain to his congregation the nature of cholera, he had replied that the lives of the people weie ia the hands of the women who prepared the food and that they were too ignorant to comprehend the difference between a germ and a moun tain lion. But the ingenious priest had resources of his own. He gathered his flock into the great Armenian church, and when they were packed as close as they could sit upon the floor he put on his flowing clerical robes, mounted the pulpit and shaking his long, bony finger, began to harangue them as follows: "Have I not told you, miserable sinners, that unless you repented and were zealous in your religious duties, God would surely punish you? Be hold, He has permitted the water to swarm with little snakes, so that the people perish. Whence came these snakes? Verily, I say unto you that they are nought hut devils that God has unloosed from hell to chasten you sinners. Disguised as little snakes, they have fled to the water to cool off. Woe unto them that drink the cup of Satan, or cook in unhallowed water, for them the devils will surely seize and destroy. There is only one way of escape; make the water so hot that the imps will be glad to run back to Gehenna, whence they came. When the water boils, you may know that every bursting bubble is a devil that leaps from the pot!" This announcement was received with cries of alarm and moans of re pentence. The womeu did not wait for the benediction; they arose like startled pigeons, rushed home and be gan boiling busily. And it was fully two mouths after the last case of cholera was reported that the kettles of Van cooled down. Robert W. Bruere in Harper's Magazine. SPOILED THE PLOT. A Display of Juvanil Affaction That Saved the Mongrel. About three weeks ago there strolled into a Ridley Park house a dirty, dis reputable looking dog. lie was of no particular breed, but a general mix ture of all there are. Out of the kind ness of her heart the cook gave him a few bites to cat, and from that time on, try as they would, the family could not get rid of the canine. The small children took a great fancy to the dog and named him Bluie. Their father and mother grew tired of seeing Bluie around and secretly plotted to get him out of the way. They feared to kidnap him openly by day, for there would surely follow much protest nnd distress on the part of the children. According ly plans were made for losing Bluie some place far from Ridley Park by night. The evening that the plot was to be carried out, just after supper, father, mother and a fire-year-old boy were in the parlor. The little fellow was fondling the dog as if be were his best friend in the world. Finally be seized the dog firmly under the shoulders and, looking straight into his eyes, lisped out, "Bwooie, do you wove me?" nnd then after a moment with joy in his voice, "Bwooie woves me and the world is mine." After that touching display neither father nor mother had the heart to deprive the little fellow of "Bwooie's" company, and the little mongrel dog seems sure of a comforta ble home for life. Philadelphia Rec ord. THEY SIT AND LOOK. Women Who Wateh For Celebrities In a New York Restaurant. "I always wonder." said a New York womau who lunches out a good deal, "what satisfaction the women get out of life who flock to a certain fashion able uptown restaurant at Iuuchtimc Just to see celebrities. "They look as if they cannot afford to be there, and the truth is they do not apparently go there for food. I have watched them ordering and noted what was brought them, and al most invariably it is some such thing as cafe parfait, or an ice of some kind, or a cup of tea or of chocolate and a sandwich. "They sit and look. The moment some stage celebrity comes In there Is a craning of necks, and you hear excited whisperings, 'Oh, there's So-and-so!' mentioning an actress or a matinee idol, and the neck craning keeps on until a fresh subject for scrutiny comes In. Tou can see this sort of thing every lunchtime at this restaurant. There is a regular contingent of these rubber neckers, and they are not visitors from the far west, either." New York Sun. Perils ef the Hair Cut. "Ouch!" cried the barber and some thing besides. He stuck the end of his thumb in his mouth and began sucking It. "Cut yourself?' asked the man In the chair. "No; it's an ingrowing hair," replied the barber "an Ingrowing hair under my thumb nail." The man in the chair laughed. "Fact," said the barber. "It isn't an uncommon thing either. In giving a customer a hair cut a bit of hair often lodges under the finger nail, and if it isn't removed it is apt to fester and get sore. Sometimes we don't even know it's there until it begins to get In its fine work. It hurts like the dickens sometimes. If you don't be lieve me, ask any barber and he'll tell yon the same thing." New York Times. MODERN SHOPPING It is the wise housekeeper who has a Bell Telephone. She finds that it is as useful in the home as in her husband's place of busi ness. The time of personal shopping and long trips is past, for the Bell Telephone has taken their place. Modern methods of social and business life de mand that your telephone shall be connected with telephones all over the country. Every Bell Telephone is connected with five million others. That should convince you of the value of its service. Sp SINGS ITS DEATH SONG. A Peculiar Bird Found In the Junglee of South America. There is a queer bird iu the jungles of northern South America which Is called the "pauji" by the natives, but is known to science as the galeated curasson. It is chiefly remarkable be cause it sings its owu death song. It does not really slug, but makes a deep humming noise which sounds very much like the Spanish words "El muerto esta nqul" (the corpse lies here). "It is while uttering this lugubrious chant," said a South American travel er, "that the pauji usually meets its death, for the hunter can then easily track it to its retreat, and it falls a victim, as the Indians say, to its own death song." If the pauji gets suspicious it im mediately ceases humming, and that is a sure indication to the hunter that the bird has seen hira or scents dan ger. In such a case the only thing for i the sportsman to do is to remain per fectly still. The bird may become re assured after waiting awhile and again begin to call, "The corpse lies here." It can then be cautiously approached and killed. If It Is onlv wounded the nauii USU- ally escapes, though it cannot innot fly much j better than the ordinary domestic fowl. It is very fleet of foot and will outrun the hunter until it is lost In the dense undergrowth of the jungle. In the mating season the male pauji is the most pugnacious of birds and will fight its own kind whenever it meets them. Often the fight ends In the annihilation of both combatants. Special September Rates TO THE EAST: Yon can make an eastern trip at reduced rates any day. and for many eastern trips the limit has been extended to 60 daya instead of lit) days. TO ATLANTIC CITY AND RETURN: Special rates, September 13th to 17th for the Grand Army Reunion. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN: September 4th to 9th inclusive. Special reduced rates and train tiervics from Nebraska point9. LOW ONE WAY RATES TO THE COAST: General basis, only 425.00; August 25th to September tHh ami October 1st to 15th to California desti nations, and from Septemlier lath to Ovtoher 15 to the Northwest and Puget Sound. V CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS: General basis, only $50 00 ronnd trip, direct routes. September 1st to 7th and September 24th to 80tb; $15 00 higher includes the SJiasta Route HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS: 1st and lid Tuesdays. Irrigated lands assure a crop and values will greatly increase during the immediate future. I. F. RECTOR. Ticket AQiit Columbus. Ntbr. L. W. MfflKbLbY. Cen'l. Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nekr. .-...-.- - Magazine Binding I V1U aLPkJfIYS I Rebound I I In fact, for anything in the book I I binding line bring your work to I I Z5e I I Journal Office I I , Phone 184 I BSSSSSSBSjmaaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaBaBaaaaaasvBJj Nebraska Telephone Co. Universal telephone connections are as essential as universal postal service Lcrdly Disraeli. Disraeli umv loM a lady that two possessions which were ludispensable to other people he hud always doue without. "1 made." she said, "every kind of -mijecture. but without suc cess, ami mi my asking bliu to en lighten nil lie solemnly answered that they wen a watch and an umbrella. 'But bow do you manage I asked, if there liapjHMis to be no clock In the room and you want to know the time? 1 ring for a servant.' was the magnilo quent reply. 'Well. I continued. and what about the umbrella? What do you do. for instance. If you are in the park and are caught In a sudden show er? I take refuge. be replied, with a smile of excessive gallantry, under the umbrella of the first pretty woman mpr." IX TIIK IHSIKICT tOUUT UP PLATTE COUNTY. NEMCASKA. In the uiHttT of the rotate of Freeman M. Cook iDKlmui. tlecwwwl OnU?r to nhiw cause. To all i4rtMnt interest! iu tht estate of Fnvniao M. Cookinahan), ilrcvnswl. Thii raujHM-Jiiioon for bearintf upon the peti tion of Eugenia 1. CookimiUaiu. ilminitrHtriT of the f8t..t of Freeman M.(ookint:haui. tit reaMHl, )ra)inK for licence tosfll the north half or iotn lite (.r) and six (ill in block eighteen (Is) of ljwkuT' ttrconU addition to the villauu of llninphrey. Nebraska, for the pajmentof dhts allowed OKuinat said estate antl cool of iulmiiii-- It ration owl it apprarinK to tne court, iwk wie vay ui ,,tt and xenMm. It i'k therfliTe onleied that all person interested in aairiftHto uppeHr ueiore iu at- mei-ouri iMMra7u (.umuj tiDH. Nebraska, on tho :2nd day of October. I'UO. nt the hour of teu o'clock a. m.. there to hhonr cause, if any there be, why a license should not be unrated to said administratrix to sell so much of said real estate as may be necexsiiry to pay said debt and expense, and that this order be published four successive weeks in the t'o luinlitis Journal Dated this 3rd day of September. IttlO. Uko. H.Thomis, Juifce of the district conrt of Platte county. Nebraska, . '!- A T A y T "yer 5338?" r;